• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Legal Advice - Future Landlord Called and Said Current Tenants No Longer Want to Leave The Apartment I Leased - Georgia USA

    Legal Advice - Future Landlord Called and Said Current Tenants No Longer Want to Leave The Apartment I Leased - Georgia USA

    Future Landlord Called and Said Current Tenants No Longer Want to Leave The Apartment I Leased - Georgia USA

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    I just received a call from my future apartment complex stating that the people currently living in the unit I have signed for no longer want to vacate. They are offering me another apartment in the same complex at the same price, but they said I would have to move in April 16. The problem is my current lease goes until June 22 and I cannot afford 2 leases for 2.5 months. They said they will discuss possible solutions and call me back. I want to know what my rights are before they call back.

    I have read my contract and there is nothing stating the landlord can terminate my lease except in the usual cases (failure to pay, etc.). If at all possible, I want to move into this specific unit. It is in an especially great location in the massive complex and is super quiet.

    A full lease agreement has been signed and they have collected my security deposit. Do I have any way to fight this or is this within their rights as landlords? Thanks so much!

    Edited to add the lease does specify the exact unit I am supposed to move into as well as the price I am supposed to pay.

    submitted by /u/heycassbutt
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    Lease expires during "stay at home" order. I NEED to leave. Can I?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I have no choice but to move right now and currently live in Denver county, CO which is under a "stay at home" order. I will be camping out in the national forest with a friend (dispersed camping is still allowed) for two weeks. Although it's not necessary, we both want to make sure we're bringing anything home to our families. I will then be driving to Pennsylvania to resupply and live with family.

    How does this "stay at home" order apply to me if I don't have a home? Right now we're just hoping whichever officer runs our plates and pulls us over outside of county would understand.

    Am I protected by the Constitution here or are they going to send me to jail/a homeless shelter? There's a $999.00 fine for anyone caught not driving to the grocery store or work.

    I understand this is unprecedented but does anyone have any thoughts here before I call the sheriffs office and risk being told no?

    submitted by /u/touchedme
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    Nevada: Terminated For Talking to Newspaper with Two Other Coworkers about health and safety.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    From what I understand, this is covered under concerted protected activity. We (Coworkers and I) worked together from the onset to address the health and safety concerns of our team, first with the employer, multiple times, but they shut us down and told us to stop talking about it, we went to OSHA, and then the Las Vegas Review-Journal, who did not list our most serious concerns. The next day (today) we were fired explicitly for the information we disclosed to the LVRJ (they said that). It is confirmed they were ordered to shut down by the County Commissioner, which they are ignoring. The spokesperson told me directly they were sending people to enforce the closure.

    Given our concerns are reasonable, isn't this illegal to fire us for that?

    submitted by /u/reed79
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    Retail pharmacist forced not to wear mask, gloves or eye protection (PPE) or else no pay and removed from pharmacy

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    I am a retail pharmacist in Florida. I wore my own gloves, n95 mask and eye protection on two of my 12 hour shifts a week ago. My patients were happy that I did to protect my health and decrease the risk. My district manager called me on my day off to tell me that if I wore my mask, gloves, and eye protection to work again I will be removed from the pharmacy and given no pay, even if I had worked for multiple hours. I let her know I recorded the conversations I had with my district manager. She told me that I must speak to Human Resources. Human Resources gave me an ultimatum of take all my vacation or take unpaid time off. Human Resources stated that the company is following cdc guidelines. Unless cdc guidelines change, I cannot wear my mask or gloves. I am being forced to take no pay. What can I do legally? As a pharmacist I get coughed on in the consultation window during recommendations and I must be right up next to patients when I give immunizations. It is imperative that I protect my health at work to not infect my family at home. What can I do? Any advice would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/pharmacist39
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    Employer reducing employee paychecks if they receive government assistance

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    My employer is forcing me to sign a document that says if I get government assistance, they will payroll deduct me up to that amount. However, if I do not take it, they will not. Thoughts? They are requiring we sign a document by tomorrow .

    submitted by /u/throwaway9922119
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    Car Rental company temporarily laid me off (COVID19) but I’m the only person they laid off

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    I'm 36 weeks pregnant & my manager would write me up for anything. Drinking water at my desk while there are customers . Calling my clients from my personal cell phone etc.. since my manager found out I was pregnant she always singled me out . Micromanaging me , criticizing me for everything. She told me I don't look good in the work uniform so I should buy a black dress. After I explained to her I don't have extra money to buy uniform she ordered me a dress. I'm always on time usually 15-30 mins early. I come in on off days & I never called out. Last month i spoke to her about her behavior & how I don't appreciate working in a disorderly environment. She told me I'm experiencing these emotions because I'm pregnant & I should just get over it. I sent a follow up email to her & I cc'd her supervisor & when the next schedule came out she cut my hours. I spoke to her about it and she told me I need more time for my baby. Since this covid19 pandemic we had a meeting on Friday and she told us she had a meeting with the ceo & no one will be loosing their job. We will just have 35 hours a week. When the schedule came out I had 24 I didn't complain I was just happy I still had a job. So I was off sat-Monday and I received a call Monday afternoon with a over the phone schedule change that she wanted me to write down (which was really weird) so I came to work on Tuesday and when my shift is over she calls me to her office & hands me temporary lay off papers. She tells me she just received this email that day & says I should take my leave early & it would be better for me because I get more time. She also explains if business doesn't pick up then there is a 50/50 chance she won't call me back (this is a airport car rental we always have business) when I read the paper it said Tuesday March 24 I won't be getting paid which means she got this email the weekend before or Monday. I asked her why did she just lie to me it should say starting Wednesday March 25th I won't be getting paid. She told me she doesn't have time to print another one so I told her I'm not leaving til I get the correct paperwork. She printed it out within 5 minutes. I called HR & told them I'm taking maternity leave. HR was unaware of this "temporary lay off " HR approved my maternity leave & started my benefits . I don't know if I should get a lawyer involved but I know I'm getting discriminated against.. I live in Florida

    submitted by /u/jacejoc
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    (USA, PA) My children's daycare closed due to Governors order because of Coronavirus and collected no tuition for 2 weeks. They sent out a notice they are now charging partial tuition until they reopen and if we don't pay, then we are withdrawing our children.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Location is PA, USA. I have 2 young kids in private daycare. On Thursday Mar-12 our state governor gave an order closing our county's schools, including daycare, for 2 weeks to begin Friday Mar-13. The owner sent out a message that night saying they were closing for the 2 weeks, and parents wouldn't be charged tuition.

    Earlier this week, the Governor extended the school closures another 2 weeks. This prompted the owner of the daycare to send out this message to parents saying they had overhead costs, and had to furlough the teachers, etc, and would be charging 40% tuition until they reopened. There are a couple things that don't sit well with me here.

    1 - I have scoured the contract with the daycare and nowhere does it say anything about payment during forced extended closure, and definitely doesn't mention anything about paying a reduced 40% under any circumstances. The second message sent by the owner sounded more like a plea than reminding everyone of contract stipulations.

    2 - The owner is saying if parents don't pay, then parents are essentially withdrawing their children, and are liable for the final 2 weeks tuition.

    I'm not trying to be an asshole, I know times are tough for a lot of people right now, but are parents legally required to pay for childcare in this situation? The message seems to exclude families who receive public assistance, or ones who are in financial trouble. Again, there is absolutely no mention of what happens in this case in the agreement we signed, this just seems like the owner is asking for donations to cover costs, but wording it as if it's mandatory. I wouldn't mind paying if it were only a week, maybe 2, to hold my child's spot, but this could go on indefinitely, and we could be paying for a month or more. What are my options?

    submitted by /u/Friendly_Jackal
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    A 17 year old girl is getting abused by her dad, and it’s only gotten worse over the years. The police and CPS are no help, the police actually made it worse. Is there anything we can do, from a legal standpoint, to help her and get her out?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    First off, I don't even know if this is the correct subreddit you post this to. If not, please point me in the correct direction. Thanks!! I am 18, and a senior in high school. There is this girl who is 17, a junior in high school. I'll be honest, I'm in love with that girl, and I am doing everything I can to help her. All we talk about getting married and traveling the world after she turns 18. With that being said, something unthinkable has happen and I don't know what to do. Her dad is very abusive, hits her, chokes her, when she was little he locked her in a box for days or handcuffed her to the shower. It's truly heartbreaking. As of recently(yesterday), he choked her and kicked her, so badly she found it hard to walk. I had to help her, so I picked her up and we went straight to the emergency room. I convinced her to go, because I thought they would help her. Well they did not... The police got called and they showed up, as we expected. I was on FaceTime most of the time so I heard the entire conversation. I was not allowed to go into the hospital(with everything going on with corona). The hospital was helpful to her, even had security with her until the police arrived, just in case her dad came. The police then came, the police called her a delinquent who ran away, put her in handcuffs, and gave her back to her dad... ran away they said. I'm sorry, but I don't consider going to the doctor for help because your scared your dad is going to kill you "running away". They said that while she was begging not to be sent back, crying, saying she was scared for her life and her dad was going to beat her if she went back. When she was crying and told the cop her father choked her, I even got a video, the cop said: "there's a difference between choking out and throwing someone up against a wall for being disobedient".... both of which is illegal and abuse in of itself, regardless of everything else. The cop then asked if she had anything on her phone(I.e. filming them) and took the phone. Little did they know I heard the entire exchange. Now she has contacted child protective services, and they are really no help at all. Now I called, while this was happening, trying to make a report, as I have heard the abuse her father has done. The police station said I would receive a call back from the cop dealing with this, a call I never received from the cop. However, she informed me that the cop told her that they have my name now and will be investigating me... now I am beyond worried. If they wouldn't even help her out of an abusive household, can they pin anything illegal on me? So now she is back in an abusive home, can't text me as the police took her phone(she can ft me from her laptop), and I know right now as of writing this she is getting hurt. She FaceTimed me, and hung up quick when her dad was coming. She would always call me back, so now I know he's beating her again, exactly what she said was going to happen. Any advice on what we should both do would be greatly appreciated. Should we get a lawyer or something? Also is there also any way to request the police officers body camera, as I believe that is public record, and this is beyond unbelievable. Thank you all very much! Location: California

    submitted by /u/throwaway184717
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    (Texas) Ex-wife threatening me over lack of potential to get stimulus check

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    This hasn't escalated in any way yet.

    Background info: Our combined income in 2018 was $245,000 approximately. This was all me working. She did not work. We filed jointly for obvious reasons.

    In our divorce settlement I owe her $15,000 by the end of this year (2020). That's all it says.

    She messaged me today after the stimulus bill passed through and having read portions of it, she realized that we filed jointly in 2018, and that due to my income, we don't receive a stimulus check. She is claiming that I cost her $1500 now and telling me I owe $16,500 due to lost income and threatening to take me to court over it.

    Does she have a case? Is this going to be based off of our combined income even though we divorced mid-2019?

    submitted by /u/sushitabetekudasai
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    My mail is seemingly forwarded without my consent

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Location: Columbia, South Carolina

    I'm a student renting an apartment for university. Recently, I haven't been receiving as much mail besides things addressed to "current resident". Today I was checking the delivery status of a rather expensive package and it says that it was forwarded.

    I never updated my permanent address to this apartment because I didn't figure I was going to be here for long and I frequently went back home, but I have been shipping all my packages and mail here.

    I tried calling USPS and have been on hold with them (without even reaching an agent) for over an hour. I am going to talk with my local post office tomorrow.

    What other steps should I take? Is there any quicker way to check if someone has been forwarding all my mail? Is there anyway I can get my potentially stolen mail and packages back?

    submitted by /u/TheGeekOverlord
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    Previous employer deducted ~$600 from paycheck for “commission charge back”

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    A little back ground:

    I recently changed jobs. My previous job was in sales. The employer shorted me $594.51 on my my last paycheck. On the paystub they paid my full salary wage, then deducted the $594.51 due to "commission chargeback" under "post-tax contributions/deductions".

    Under my contact with the company, I don't get paid a commission until the "ticket" has closed and service is up and running (job in telecommunications).

    I have gone through my paystubs and there is no previous commission check to the amount of $594.51.

    The owner has blocked my number and refuses to email me back. I sent a long email requesting to see the documents regarding the "commission charge back" and a detail breakdown of customer, etc. Now he recently messaged me and told me to stop calling the office and I am harassing him. (Have called almost every other day for the past week and a half. Probably less than that really)

    Location: Alabama

    How do I need to go about this? Small claims?

    submitted by /u/Ben_Reynolds93
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    I was fired from my job as by opportunist owner citing decreased business due to COVID-19 contract question Oregon

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    I am a physician working in private practice at the same job for the last 5 years. I operate under an employment contract . The owners of the practice are two physicians working in a different state and have had little to nothing to do with the practice. I opened the practice from scratch, built patient and physician relationships and overall have made them a lot of money.

    The owners offered to let me buy into the practice about a year ago. The terms were not ideal and, ultimately, I feel their moral compass is askew. Further, I have a difficult time in the cutthroat world of private practice. I feel healthcare is a right and I absolutely hate having to ration care based on the whims of insurance.

    About 6 months ago I started looking at other jobs in the area, my contract stipulates a 12 mile, 2 year no competition covenant. I found the perfect job as an employed physician for a larger hospital system outside my non-compete radius. I gave the contract-required 90 day notice of my intention to leave.

    My last day was supposed to be 04/13/2020. However, the owners called me on Monday telling me my services are no longer needed. They told me I was required to spend the rest of my contract using previously unused PTO. They shut down my health insurance, malpractice insurance, took my keys, and told all employees I had been let go. My contract has a stipulation they must also provide 90 days notice if they let me go without cause. The contract does clearly state the terms of my PTO and that it accumulates and that I am entitled to be paid out for it after leaving.

    Interestingly, my contract also states that I was to be paid on a collections based model after a year of guaranteed salary. That never occurred. They continued to pay me a salary for 5 years but did give me a raise 2 years ago. They told me at the time the finances were commingled between businesses to the point that calculating collections based compensation would be impossible. We all agreed verbally that we were fine with the flat salary.

    The company is not only requiring me to use 3 of my accumulated 8 weeks of unused PTO rather than pay my salary for the remainder of my contract but they are also stating that they have now calculated my salary based on collections and therefore I have no PTO to pay out.

    That's a lot of writing. Sorry.

    1st question: can an employee be required to use PTO to finish the term of a contract? The owner previously acknowledged in writing that using PTO was a "preference" by them but not a "requirement."

    2nd question: despite the contract stating a productivity based compensation, does 5 years of salary based compensation overwrite what is written in the contract especially since they appear to be using it at the eleventh hour as an excuse not to pay out PTO? We had a verbal agreement on a flat salary, they have only ever paid a flat salary, and actually gave a raise to my flat salary in the process.

    3rd question: did they breach the contract by effectively firing me without cause without 90 days notice?

    Just to be clear, I have an attorney who is excellent and helping me navigate this. I am more interested in people's opinions about these points.

    submitted by /u/duderinohisdudeness
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    San Diego, CA- I have a tenant from hell.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    I've got a month-to-month tenant, we'll call him Roberto, who rents an a room (an addition to my father's house with his own entrance and bathroom). The rest of the house is rented by a family and there is a studio in the garage rented by a woman and her daughter. Back in January, Roberto was served with a 30-day notice because we need to make upgrades and repairs to the room.

    He didn't pay February so he was served a 3-day in February. After a lot of back and forth and him basically playing games, we got our eviction papers ready to file with the court... only for the courts to close due to COVID-19. Now Roberto is terrorizing the other tenants- taking photos of them, intimidating them, banging on their doors, yelling at them, texting me nonsense (honestly we have reason to believe he's on meth or something). He's hostile and now my tenants are afraid to do their laundry in the laundry room (which is located right outside his bedroom door) for fear he is going to approach them. He is careful not to do anything physical, but he is provoking the hell out of everyone. Last Friday he called the police... to tell them the tenant from the main house broke into his room to leave a blanket in there (WTF- he's paranoid) and he's told me before that someone broke into his room and tampered with his phone to delete text messages... yeah ok buddy.

    Yesterday the tenant in the main house called the police because Roberto kept barking at her while she was inside her home while watching her through the window. Police have been no help other than telling him to leave them alone and telling her to call if he keeps bugging. When the tenant called me to tell me the police were there I sped over to speak with them but unfortunately arrived right after they left. Roberto started yelling at me "you just missed the show!" And I told him "don't speak to me- you're not authorized to be over there" because he was on the side of the property that's rented by the other tenant. He yelled at me "shut the fuck up bitch" so I called the police for them to come back out. While I was waiting in my car, Roberto kept yelling at me and whistling for my attention, so I ignored him. Then he starts texting me kissy emojis and a photo of what appears to be a portion of his ceiling ripped out and along with it "I'm going to file a complaint because this fell on my head". The police never arrived and I had to leave. I'm at my wit's end and now worried that I have to send someone to fix the ceiling. What can I do? I just want my tenants to live in peace and do right by them. Please help.

    submitted by /u/sweetaileen
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    haven't paid my taxes since 2013

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    i've worked off the books most of my adult life

    the amount of money i've deposited into the bank is well below the poverty line

    can i just file for 2019 and go on my merry way?

    or do i have to file for every missed year?

    submitted by /u/dalesdeadbug56
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    My landlord is charging more than the value of security deposit for cleaning fees. Do I have to pay? (Arizona)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    My move-out statement listed cleaning fees totaling $1060. It does list specific things like 'wiped down counter-tops, scrub bathroom tile, swept out shed" etc., however its all standard things I would think a landlord would do between tenants anyway. Nothing was damaged, or needed to be replaced. The landlord alleges I did not clean the place before moving out, but I did. I left the place in decent condition, and I think the charges are excessive.

    My security deposit was $525, so they are charging me an additional $535.

    Unfortunately I do not have pictures. Is it worth it to try to dispute the charges? I am willing to forgo the security deposit, but I don't plan on paying anything extra unless court ordered.

    submitted by /u/lars1619
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    Fifth third wont answer, laid off of job due to COVID-19

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    My bank says they are offering payment deferrals for up to 90 days, but when calling any fifth third line, the answering machine says they are closed due to the virus.

    I'm now behind on payments and risking my car getting repo'ed. What are my options?

    Edit: Indiana, USA

    submitted by /u/darkness_rep
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    FL - Adopting son of ex-girlfriend

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    I'm in an odd situation where I find myself the primary parent in my son's life although I am neither biological or seeing his mother. I am perfectly happy with this. He loves me and I him. However the time has come where I need to legally establish this relationship. His mother is on board for the moment, but the birth father might challenge it. I'll provide more info below. This is a complicated situation that I've not been able to find replicated online. Is it possible? And if so, How do adoption courts view cases like this?

    So the father was never present. Him and the mother had a fling before we dated. When I found out she was pregnant I chose to stay with her. When he did, he came around briefly before she gave birth and afterwards never once contacted her in three years. I was there for my son's three month premature birth. My family drove her to the hospital. I visited the NICU along with his mother every day for three months. Sometime multiple visits a day. He came home to my apartment, and she moved in. Gradually I came to be his father. He's never called me anything but Daddy. Me and his mother haven't been together for a year. But my son has never spent a night alone with his mother. When I moved out of our new apartment to my mother's almost a year ago he moved with me. Months would pass where she visited him once if at all. I don't know the last time she's changed a diaper. I was always the one who woke up with him. Literally NEVER her. She'd be borderline neglectful in how I'd find her letting him cry. Her only solution to shove him in his playpen or crib. She's never fed him meals unless around her friends. Recently she's been better about being present. She's bought him lots of groceries, but she'll visit hours at a time one or two days a week and spend most of it on her phone. She's very unpredictable, volatile, and possibly bipolar. She's agreed to make my fatherhood official before and changed her mind. Now the biological sperm donor after three years has shown interest in seeing my son. So I want to expedite this process and would appreciate any advice on how to do so. And while it does not matter to me, I understand it may to the courts so...my son is black and I am white. Additionally I am not financially well-off and we both live in the living room of my mother's apartment, but I always support my son.

    submitted by /u/Lastchance24601
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    [IL-ME] Will my parents get ticketed for leaving IL to come to me?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:44 PM PDT


    I am in (was?) in an abusive relationship. I haven't called my parents yet. I'm staying at a friend's house, I'm okay.

    My parents live in IL, I live in ME. I need them to help me get my things and bring me home. My mom is telling me that people are getting ticketed in Chicago for being out. Will they get in trouble if they try to come get me? I need to leave. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Dogoat
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    I’m 18 and I tried to help a 17 year old get out of an abusive house, I picked her up and took her to the hospital. The police where no help and told her dad all about me, now he’s threatening me with a felony. I’m beyond scared, please help!!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    I don't even know where to start... There is this girl, she is 17 and I am 18. Admittedly, I love her. Like all we do is talk about getting married and having a family together. Her dad is beyond abusive, like Law and Order SVU type abusive, it's heartbreaking. The other day he hurt her very badly, so much so that she was having a hard time walking. So I picked her up and took her to an emergency room at the hospital. The police came and where no help, they defended her dad and said everyone gets abused by their parents. They said she was lying and just ran away(yes... ran away to a hospital) and sent her home. Those police told her dad all my information.

    He is threatening saying that he is going to press felony charges against me and the police concurred with him. All I did was take her to a hospital to get help, she told me she was in fear for her life. I promised her the hospital would help, I thought that was the best thing, we wanted the police to come. The nurses and doctors were all very helpful, and very caring, but the police where crazy.

    I'm just beyond worried, can I get in any kind of trouble for helping her? I'm seriously shaking right now and I don't know what to do... Location: California

    I made another post about this situation before her father threatened me with a felony: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/foy6j3/a_17_year_old_girl_is_getting_abused_by_her_dad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    submitted by /u/throwaway184717
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    Denied FMLA in CA

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    My husband is a diesel mechanic for large heavy equipment in CA. He is planning to take his paid family leave for our son in April, when my maternity leave ends. To my knowledge this leave can be taken anytime in the first year of life, our son is 4 months old, and the employee has to have worked 1250 hours a year back from the start date of his leave. He works 50-60 hour weeks so he has plenty of hours. His boss and HR are threatening to deny his leave if he doesn't complete the machine he has been working on in time. Is this legal? His HR department is claiming that his leave can be denied! His boss is saying HR says it can be denied if it is a burden on the company. There are 30 other mechanics that can finish this machine. Thanks for your help

    submitted by /u/333JKsarabi
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    COVID-19 Stay at home order enacted in my area in Colorado. Landlord still plans on showing my residence.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    Already called the tchd directly and was told to call the Denver 311 line. I have a copy of the order and it includes real estate TRANSACTIONS though showings of property are not specifically mentioned. Need more information before I make more calls to local government tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/Njfogle93
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    Handicap accessibility in apartment complex (Los Angeles)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Recently, I noticed my elderly neighbor has been using an electric scooter for mobility purposes.

    I noticed this because I had to help him into our gated complex as the current door opens outwards into an alley. He has no problems exiting, but upon return, the door is near impossible for him to open in his current state. The door requires a key and has a mechanism with a really stiff spring that automatically shuts it.

    Additionally, he has been having to leave his scooter outside subjecting it to the elements (we've had a couple weeks of rain in LA, crazy I know) unless someone is around to help him carry it into his unit. He lives on the first floor, but there are two steps leading up to his front door. It is safe to say he cannot lift the scooter to get it into his unit.

    I reached out to my property management group to see about getting: A) a ramp for him to ride his scooter up to his front door and into his apartment. B) a new mechanism for the gate door that would be more friendly for someone in his condition.

    I stressed the importance of this request as it is impeding an elderly man of being able to make trips to the grocery store and returning home safely.

    This is what they responded with:

    "Good afternoon; thank you for your email. I will forward your request to property owners directly to see if this is something we can plan in the near future. We are facing now a financial hardship, but I will let you know if this is approved. Please allow few months for us to review and make a decision. Really appreciate your patience during this difficult time."

    That "financial hardship" part really made me upset as they sent all tenants a notice yesterday that April rent is still expected in full (special circumstances would be reviewed) and that failure of payment would result in evictions still being filed for after LA's eviction moratorium is lifted.

    After talking with my neighbor today, I found out that the scooter's battery is no longer functioning (probably due to sitting out unsheltered in the rain) and that made me infuriated enough to want to just pour down some Quikcrete and make the ramp myself.

    What are my legal options if they don't address this in a timely manner? Can I just make him a ramp (maybe one not permanently affixed to the structure)?

    Apologies in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors, I'm on mobile and furious as to the response I just received from the property management company.

    Hope you are all staying safe and healthy in these crazy times. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/wp-ak
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    If a child center changed it’s name and location, is the original contract still valid?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    (Mobile so sorry for formatting)

    My child's preschool switched to a children's center half way through the school year. They changed their name and location during this process. We signed contracts at the beginning of the year with the original preschool name and address on the contract. We weren't informed about the school looking to transition into a children's center or changing locations until a month before it occurred. Is the contract still valid even though their new license is under a different name? The state is Vermont.

    submitted by /u/STRAMA908916
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