• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 24, 2020

    Legal Advice - Employer raised money on my behalf. Never received proceeds. Now laid off.

    Legal Advice - Employer raised money on my behalf. Never received proceeds. Now laid off.

    Employer raised money on my behalf. Never received proceeds. Now laid off.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    My employer held a fundraiser on my behalf last fall when I had a major medical issue. They solicited from a lot of my contacts, that were not aware of my condition. This forced me to disclose to people that I would not normally care to do so.

    I told my employer that I did not like the idea, but did not resist.

    I did not receive any of the proceeds, even though owner promised several times to get it to me. Also of note, the total he told me that was raised has decreased over time.

    Yesterday I was laid off. Still, no proceeds disbursed to me.

    What legal recourse can I take?

    Edit: NC, USA

    Edit 2: thank you all so much for the responses. I appreciate you taking the time to assist me.

    I shared this post with a close friend, and they said that I should include the following info:

    I notified my employer on Friday that my condition has returned. (My treatment team and insurance company are trying to figure out which risk is greater; to treat in hospital, or to wait until the current crisis subsides. ) Laid off on Monday, and found out today that a part time has been promoted to full time and is doing my former responsibilities.

    I did not have health insurance through my employer. I was one of approximately 15 - 20 employees.

    Again, thank you.

    Edit 3: not sure why locked.

    submitted by /u/03242020
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    Child of my mothers friend went into my bedroom without my permission while I wasn’t home and ate my edibles. Mother of child wants to press charges.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    I just moved back into my parents house in Maryland after getting kicked off campus because of covid. While I was walking my dog earlier today, my mother had a colleague over despite the fact we're supposed to be quarantined (this part probably isn't relevant legally, but still annoys me so I'm mentioning it anyway).

    My school is based in a legal marijuana state so I brought back edibles in the form of brownies and gummy bears, which I had in my bedroom.

    Her friend brought her fucking 6 year old child into the home and they both let him wander around... during a pandemic no less (excellent parenting right there). Kid opens the door to my bedroom and eats both brownies.

    They noticed the chocolate on his mouth, asked where he got it and he showed them. They saw the dispensary packaging and the moment I got home I was being screamed at by the parent of the year for drugging her precious son she should have been watching, while she never should have been there because we are supposed to be on fucking quarantine.

    I screamed back at her because I take no shit and she stormed out with her child saying they were going to the emergency room, followed by a police station.

    The bitch left with the empty brownie wrapper which had the dispensary logo and took a photo of the bag of gummy bears on my desk.

    My mom is telling me I should have been more responsible and if I get arrested I'm gonna have to pay for my own legal defense, which I can't afford by any means.

    So... what kind of danger am I in?

    EDIT: Worth mentioning that I was gone for an hour and I had no idea anyone, let alone a child would be coming over. Not until I walked into the front door to have Karen confront me

    submitted by /u/bpvzls
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    Wife and I received subpoena to establish paternity from 3rd party(FL)(NY)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Some details are purposefully vague

    Wife and I have been married for over 10 years. While we were living in NY, she had an affair which resulted in a child being born. This was brought to my attention and we immediately had a prenatal paternity test done. I am not the biological father of the child. I was present during the child's birth and am listed as the father of the child on the birth certificate. We are still together and have raised the child together. The 3rd party tried to sue for paternity which was thrown out by the judge(NY) since we were(still are) married at the time of the child's conception.

    5 or so years later, we now reside in FL and both, my wife and I, received lawsuit docs from the 3rd party to establish paternity, custody and everything else. Apparently, the 3rd party now resides in FL.

    We would love advice/resources on how to proceed as we have only 20 days to respond.


    submitted by /u/Needyhelpy0101
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    My friends brother is getting out of prison due to Covid-19 and is coming back to her house. He raped, and sexually and physically abused during her childhood

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    So my friend(12) was raped, sexually abused, and physically abused by her brother around the ages of 3-9 if i remember correctly. I am 13. She has ptsd, anxiety, schizophrenia, and a few other mental illnesses because of him and her family life. I want to help her, but i dont know what to do. She texts me everything that happens, and if he hurts her i am going straight to the police. Her mother and sister know what he did to her and dont care as they abuse her as well. I need some advice on what to do if she gets hurt. She has already attempted suicide, and has been a little less suicidal over the past few months. Im scared if he does something to her, she will resort to killing herself to get out of his and her families grasp. Please help. If any more info is needed, ill try and help as best i can.

    submitted by /u/wolfiehowl229
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    My friend is a suit maker for Furries and she’s having some trouble with one client.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    So my friend lives in NC, and has been having trouble with one of her clients. She's a fursuit maker for Furries and the like, so it's a good job and she makes money quite well. She has it stated in her contract and TOS that if you commission her, there will be no refunds or return available since she needs that money for gas, supplies, etc.

    Here's where the thing starts. She got a commission from a kid who only paid half of what she asked for, and he is demanding he be put in first in line in front of everyone else she was working on. She stated that this wasn't possible as she's already working on multiples people's suits and that he has to wait until her queue changes. He's not having that, and is currently having his parents and friends go at her for not making his fursuit head in time (he only paid $190usd of $330). She's now having him treat her like she's the bad guy and is trying to get a refund. She's clearly stated that her TOS states otherwise and she can't give him a refund. And of course now this kid is trying to call police and having his parents file suit for fraud.

    She's given them multiple WIP's (works in progress) photos of the suit head being made, and she is still being mocked and teased, threatened and abused online for not having this suit done for him. Is there any way she can file for a "No Contact" order against this person, and can she also file harassment charges against his family?

    Thank you guys for reading this. I'll post updates later.

    submitted by /u/WendiWendigo
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    Is Tyson Foods liable for destroying my yard/driveway with their 18-wheeler?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    This isn't the first time they've done this.

    We have about 30+ acres, and unfortunately there's a few Tyson Chicken houses adjacent to us. This piece of land USED to be attached to ours, long before we owned it. Both properties have direct access from the highway — ours has a large sign out front at the end of the driveway (1000ft drive) right on the Hwy frontage. Around the curve of the road, maybe a mile down (prob less) is the access/driveway to the chicken houses, with a standard Tyson Chicken House sign by the road.

    Like I said, they've done this before — each time it happens in the middle of the night, and we are awoken to the loud sounds of a big rig trying to turn around. One time was particularly bad because instead of crates of chickens on the trailer, this one had some portable bathrooms on it. And in the scramble of them trying to backup out of our driveway, they flung the most vile smelling shit all over our lawn.

    We complained. Someone came out and kicked over the ruts in the lawn and sprinkled some saw dust, and that was that. I thought they should've done more but we were new in town and while we're a seriously minor "competitor" of theirs (we raise chickens humanely), we didn't wanna become a target.

    This morning I was awoken, yet again, by a huge truck spinning out in our soaking wet yard/driveway. Oh yeah, it's been raining non-stop for about two weeks now.

    I go outside to see my partner trying to help this guy backup, shining lights (it's pitch black out) to direct him. I go in and make coffee, come back out and the guy is running around, shouting and cursing at my husband, calling this "a huge clusterfuck of a situation" and completely unapologetic about his role. Yelled about how there should be a sign, that the gps said he could go down this road. Eventually it was clear he wasn't getting out, so we moved all the stuff that is blocking the path that used to be functional (when the properties were still connected), unchained & opened the gate.

    I looked around at my lawn in the light of day just awhile ago and I'm just so pissed off I wanna scream. I realize people make mistakes. But when a giant, BILLION dollar corporation repeatedly makes the same mistake to some nobody like me, causing property damage in some instances but mostly just a huge disruption and inconvenience to us, at what point is enough enough?

    Maybe it's just the cabin-fever, and all the talk of another corporate bailout while the rest of us just deal with it, but I'm so sick of corporate greed and I feel I am owed something. I am not one to sue or to seek an egregious compensation. But would it be so much to ask them to fix my lawn and my driveway?? Like for real? Not just some guy in a Tyson pickup to spread grass seed on the huge muddy ruts?

    I figure I should just ask y'all what you think. Thoughts? Thank you in advance for reading this all and I hope I gave enough info.

    I also have photos of today's incident, as well as the one with all the stinky poo. Though, the pics don't really capture the smell. It was seriously repulsive.

    Edit: Thank you all for your replies — sorry I am only now getting back to you. Been a busy day, not just regarding the trouble this morning.

    I am in Arkansas, for those still interested.

    Sorry I can't say more now but I still have work to do around the farm. I just want to sincerely thank all of you for taking the time to reply. There's a part of me that feels like with what's going on around the world today, there are bigger things to be concerned about than my lawn. But it was a very human moment, to be awoken in the middle of the night to unpleasant loud sounds, having to work and solve someone else's fuck-up, no matter how easy a mistake to make — we were pissed and frustrated, and even more so when the sun came up and I could see all the damage. I don't care about my lawn, really. But I do care about big corporations paying their fair share, with taxes and with their impact on the communities they inhabit. I'm a nobody. I have nothing. It would've been so easy for them to reach out and offer to make it right, even beyond the damage they actually did. And it wouldn't make a difference in the long run for them. They have so much power over everything important than affects all of us, yet they can accidentally drive onto my property with this monstrous vehicle, tear up my driveway & my lawn, wake us all up and make us groggy all day, and they can just do nothing. If I have ANY power to assert in this situation, I wanna assert it. I'm not a greedy person, but if they're financially responsible for any of it, damnit I'm gonna hold them accountable.

    Thanks again everyone.

    submitted by /u/tyson-throwaway
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    I am supposed to move this weekend. The only gas company that services my area (rural Louisiana) cancelled my appointment to set up gas at my new apartment until the governor ends the shelter in place order. Is this legal? Who can help me?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Governer John Bel Edwards ordered a statewide shelter in place with certain exceptions like utility and moving companies. I had an appointment for tomorrow to have gas set up. I received a voicemail from the gas company stating that it was cancelled. When i called them, they stated it was due to the shelter in place. I told them that they were a necessary business, and they said only electric and water are considered necessary. I asked to speak to a supervisor, and she told me that it was out of their hands and the local government ordered them not to set up gas at new residences and if I had a problem I would need to call city officials.

    I called the cit council, the mayors office, and a third department of my city's government and they had no idea what I was talking about and said they did not make such an order.

    I called the parish president, who said the same thing. They said there was a shelter in place order but utilities are considered essential.

    I called the gas company back and explained the conversations I just had. Eventually i spoke to a supervisor who said that it wasnt a government order but a company decision.

    Where do I go from here? I have to move, evictions are not banned here and my lease is up. Is this legal? Is there someone I could call who might have authority over this situation?

    submitted by /u/skyabovethelake
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    Overstay because of the corona

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    I'm on a j1 visa and I was set to leave on Friday but due to the corona virus my country (South Africa) has declared a national down. Any flights been canceled and there's no other flights going into South Africa.

    I don't want to get in trouble for over staying- for future visa reasons.

    What can I do? Any advice?

    submitted by /u/suaxie
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    Lawyers of Reddit what are the laws for breast pumping at work? My spouse and I (18yrs both of us) work at a Sonic (Texas) together. It's small and the only "private" places for her to pump is a restroom. Is that allowed?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Wedding cancelled due to government lockdown, vendor wants to retain all monies paid

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    The UK government have cancelled all weddings - ours was happening in 2 weeks - and I spent the day contacting vendors. We have been given a new date by our venue and all vendors bar 1 can do that date. If we want to get married it needs to be that date. The vendor who has an event planned for that date has said they will not return funds already paid to them (this was the entire amount more than £1000). Advice? We can't afford to pay £1000 to anyone without service rendered.

    submitted by /u/littlebitlink
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    Company told me they would pay me a relocation bonus to move across country and then didn’t pay

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    I moved from Indiana to Texas with a promise of $2,300 for relocation (which I have in writing), but is refusing to pay, and are now cutting all of our pay. Is there anything that I can do?

    submitted by /u/Shattered620
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    Sister filed me on her taxes.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    State : Pennsylvania I'm 19 so this is the last year I'm eligible to be filed as a dependent. My mom was suppose to file me on her taxes. However my sister who is 23 and hasn't lived in the house since 2015 has filed me on her taxes as a dependent. After admitting to filing me through text, she is now not replying to my messages. I have no idea where to go from here. I fear this is going to mess with me applying for student loans as they require a tax return. Any advice on where to go from here would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/SpookierThanThou
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    [IN] My previous landlord only paid me half of my security deposit back, and is now claiming that with the Corona lock down, they are not obligated to pay me the rest of it back. What are my legal options during this time?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Hello. I moved out of my old apartment on Feburary 11th. I received a security deposit refund of only half of what the ledger claimed I was owed. I had to fight with them tooth and nail to get them to admit they shorted me, but they did finally admit they shorted me. I have emails to prove they admitted as such.

    In the state of Indiana a landlord has 45 days to refund your security deposit which in my case would be March 29th. I have been in contact with them for the time being, and they assured me that I would receive the other half of my deposit.

    However, I sent them an email yesterday asking when can I expect my other half of the deposit back because I need it to pay rent at my current place since I am currently without a job thanks to Corona. They emailed me back saying that with the current state of emergency, they are not obligated to pay me my other half until it is lifted. I cannot think that is legal since tenants are still obligated to pay rent during this time.

    What legal avenue can I pursue to ensure that I get paid the money I am rightfully owed? I have saved every email and I have in writing the property manager stating that they do in fact owe me more money. I am desperate for that cash and I genuinely believe they are just trying to screw me out of cash yet again. The amount owed is far less than what it would be worth going to small claims court over, and I believe the courts are shut down. Is there any place I can call or file a complaint to get them to fork over the cash or have them face legal consequences? They have been absolute slum lords and I'm tired of them screwing me over.

    submitted by /u/--Feminem--
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    Can my partners work require my medical records? (WA)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    I apologise if I flaired that incorrectly, hopefully this is a quick question -

    My partners work has a long history of putting him through many hoops to take a day off being sick. This time it involved me though so I was wondering if I have to show my medical records.

    I was suspected of having COVID, he called that day because he works in uniforms and they deliver to many of the hospitals. His boss still wanted him to come in the next day. HR found out and asked him a bunch of questions - he ended up calling me because they wanted to see all of my papers from when I got tested. I sent then just a small part of it that said I got tested, which I don't think I even had to. They asked again and I said no they don't need to see what meds I'm on or my vitals or any of that. They sent him home for the day until I got my results back.

    Fortunately my test came back negative (it's just viral bronchitis which still sucks but at least is manageable). He called to let them know and now they're requesting my test results too. Is this something they can do?

    My work didn't even request results or the proof of test - they shut down that day to sanitize, sent everyone I worked with home to quarentine, and asked me to keep them updated.

    Washington state is the location.

    submitted by /u/Lemoncatnipcupcake
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    Tenant quoting CA 1947.3

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Our new tenants signed a lease yesterday and paid a deposit. Their bank canceled the electronic payment in the middle of the night, and so we do not hold any of their money. Meanwhile about 22 other redflag/unusual interactions have gone on during the application process and so my husband tried to let them know it's just not going to work out. Renter (who is finishing law school) basically says, "nope, we're moving in on April 3, we'll see you with deposit and rent money that day." Do we have to honor the lease?

    *Edit: thank you, everyone, for your time and tips! Much appreciated. Stay isolated!

    submitted by /u/nickel559
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    LandLord expects me to paint...?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I Live in Monroe county Florida. I'm moving out of an apartment I've been in for 2 and 1/2 years. My lease was up and I choose not to resign a new one. The apartment is in pretty good condition and needs very little to be ready for the next renter (IMO).

    The property manager told me over the phone she expects it to be clean (of course) and painted.

    I'm under the impression that's above and beyond. I've speckled any holes I see but that's all just normal wear and tear.

    Does anyone have a good resource I can use to see what the normal expectation is ?

    submitted by /u/kwLeo
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    School threatening expulsion to Veteran students if they don't attend in-person and violate the state's social distancing order

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    My coding school is already teaching classes fully remotely. They're operating in Colorado and veterans attend using a VA education program.
    The VA program's guidelines previously stated Veteran students must attend in person, this language seems to have changed recently due to COVID-19; however the school is refusing to acknowledge this change or Colorado Public Health Order 20-23 mandating no groups larger than 10 may assemble, punishable by $1,000 fine or up to 1yr in jail.
    So the school goes remote. However myself and 15 other Veterans are being required to physically attend the school while we participate in the remote classes. This is directly contradicting the public health order and some students are additionally under a "Shelter in Place" order issued in Denver county.

    I expressed concern to the school about attending in person, citing the state's public health order and fear for my own health. They said I can choose not to attend, but that I will be removed from the student body for failing to meet 'attendance requirements'. Again citing the old VA rule saying Veterans can't attend remotely.

    I legitimately am afraid to go, for legal and safety reasons. However I also Really need this school right now and dropping out isn't a good option.
    What would my legal recourse be here? Does this qualify as veteran discrimination, or something else?

    Relevant Documents: Colorado Public Health Order 20-23 ( I tried to link but it auto-banned )

    submitted by /u/Surfer_Rick
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    Given the COVOD-19 pandemic, can a minor without a license (but holding a valid instructional permit), drive alone to get groceries because the rest of the family is quarantined and is self-isolation? [CO, USA]

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    I'm 17 and have all my hours for my permit (over 70) but I have to hold my permit until July for my driving test. (Don't ask me why it took so long to get because I am already 17, screw bureaucracy).

    I am the only child of a single mother who is currently self-isolating due to the virus. She is sick, I am not as I am high risk and have taken extensive precautions. I have been diligently monitoring my vitals and in contact with my doctor.

    Regardless, I am effectively home alone and doing all the housework. We went grocery shopping before this all started, but I need to stock up on some things. My town is rural and I don't have family who can do it for me. It's a 6 mile walk to the store and I can't carry groceries there and back. There is no public transit that runs through my town.

    My question is, would I still face legal repercussions for driving on a permit to get groceries given my lack of other avenues in the state of emergency in my county?

    We aren't totally out of food yet, but I will need to go at some point and I don't want to face repercussions.

    submitted by /u/sat-is-killing-me
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    Ohio- landlord charged me multiple fees and I feel like I’m being taken advantage of.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    I went to go pay my rent for last month and my landlord just switched payment systems and is using a new website. Well I put in my routing number/account number and it said it submitted.

    I had just gotten paid and received my tax refund so there was plenty of money but I checked my account that day and the next day and the money was never taken out. I emailed by landlord and she said that it was submitted and received. Well 4 days later she said that the payment didn't actually go through and she's charging me a "not sufficient funds" fee and a late fee.

    I talked to my bank because I had more than enough money and they said they never received the request for the funds from the site I used to pay my rent. I had to go through the payment process twice before the money was taken out of my account.

    Does anyone have experience with this? I just feel like it isn't my fault. I ALWAYS pay my bills on time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    EDIT: it's also kind of annoying too because the new site charges a 2% processing fee, which is an additional $18 every month. Even if you don't use a CC and just use your routing info.

    submitted by /u/Jillybeans11
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    $10,000 in non existent water damage

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Hello, I have quite the story to tell. Let me begin.

    2018, I signed a year lease in the state of S.D. for a small 600sqft cabin. With the pictures on their website showing it as a studio, with a small stove, bathroom, and a small dining table. When I arrived I discovered that the particular unit they rented me did not have a stove. Unlike the units pictured. It was no where mentioned in the ad. However, I signed the lease and moved in. Through the time there I had ran into several issues. At the time I was working in a nearby town. I worked from around 10am-11pm; and weekends 4:30am-11pm. With using the lights for an hour a night to read. My power bill was through the roof at $80, and was told it was because the power company was charging "Winter rates". I asked to see the power bill, and was told that they (owners) divide the bill up per unit. After voicing my concerns, the next bill was only $40. About 7 months into my lease I received a much better job in the City about 1 hour and 20 minutes away. After two months of constantly going back and forth I decided I had to move. I understand, this is where I had made a mistake.

    I talked to the property owners, and informed them of how I could no longer afford the gas back and forth to this job and needed to move closer. There was three months left on my lease. I offered to help find a new tenant and they could keep my security deposited if allowing me to break the lease. In my lease, there was no sub-letting allowed. However, they made an exception. I personally handled the listing and showing of the property. When time came to move, I did just up and leave. I deep cleaned the apartment and left.

    Background, I am a very quite person, I don't party, I was a chef. I worked, I came home, read, and slept. If I was off, and the sun was out I was out hiking. I was only at the cabin to sleep.

    I had moved into the neighboring city, and had never gotten around to updating my address. So, in March of 2019, After updating my address I received three notices of a small claims court lawsuit. The first one for $2,500. Then, another dated a month later for $5,000, and a finally one of $9,800. Turns out, that the court was attempting to contact me regarding a small claims suit they filed. Each claim that was sent out to "address on record" aka my previous landlords address, it seemed as though the amount I was being sued for grew. I contacted a family friend who is an attorney and ran over what was going on. I quickly hired a lawyer and we dove into what they were suing me for.

    The first claim was for the remainder balance of what was owed on the lease. The second introduced things such as "dirty door", "replace shower curtains", "wear on front porch steps". Then, the third one, claims I had done a total of $8,000 in water damage, and the $2,000 in rent owed. The only time there was EVER any form of "excessive" water on the floors was when I'd deep clean once a week, and I would pine sol the wood floors.

    My attorney and their attorney had gone back and forth for awhile. With no court date set. Then one day, radio silence. For months. My attorney had informed me that they had dropped their attorney. It is now coming up to almost a year since the case was filled and almost 10 months since last contact.

    If you've made it this far, here is My question. My attorney claims that if we wait an entire year from the date of the filed lawsuit (April 24th 2019), and we haven't had contact, and that there is no resolution, that we can have the court throw it out. Is this true? I have around half my retainer left, and it's been sitting idle for almost four months now with no contact from my attorney. Claiming that he will contact me on the date to save my retainer if needed.

    Thank you for any help given, and I'll answer what questions I can.

    submitted by /u/TytheJeepguy
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    COBRA retroactively doubled premium, notified me via usps to an address I wasn't at due to an out-of-state, preauthorized medical procedure. They're not accepting late payments and revoking coverage backdated to Jan. 1 which includes several medical visits and a $6k procedure. (MA/VA)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Alright so I have no idea how to simplify this, but I'll do my best.

    I have COBRA. As of Jan 1, I sent checks in the predetermined amounts they set forth when I renewed in Nov 2019. I am in Virginia, but had to go to Massachusetts for several medical procedures. The $6,000 was initially denied by the insurance company's third party (they didn't think my health issues qualified) but my doctor appealed directly to the physician of the third party and got the decision overturned. I have paperwork that shows the denial and subsequent approval.

    I had to stay in MA for the rest of the visits, which were all verified through insurance and still, even to now, show as active.

    I finally recieved an email notification about termination for nonpayment, to which they explained since they doubled the rates I hadn't been paying sufficient amounts (I had continued to send the premiums set forth in their correspondence from November) They said they do not accept late payments and will be refunding all checks from Jan.1, and that everything that had been billed and verified through insurance would now be not covered, meaning although I'd paid my copays and whatnot they were going to force all hospitals to rebill me.

    The expensive medical procedure was on Jan. 30 and the letter stating the retroactive price hike was sent Jan. 27, meaning it would have arrived at my address in VA on the day of my procedure in MA. I had no other notification nor way of knowing there was an issue with my account until they called to tell me it was terminated the final day I could have paid.

    I spoke to every supervisor I could and plan on getting a lawyer but...especially now, what the heck do I do? I was unemployed before this virus crap made job hunting even more difficult and I was taking care of multiple medical appointments that had all been unauthorized in another state...so now I'm truly lost and about to be in enormous financial trouble.

    submitted by /u/unnecessarycrapstorm
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    Someone is trying to sell a puppy with severe hip dysplasia, can I do anything?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    Basically the title, someone on craigslist is selling a puppy that I went to look at and I noticed immediately that she had severe hip dysplasia. She would barely walk, wouldnt let me touch her hips at all, and when she did walk it was terrible how wobbly and slumped she was.

    I asked her about it and she said that it's just "puppy legs" and that she will grow out of it and completely lied when I asked her directly about hip dysplasia.

    My question, is there anything I can do to help that puppy? Shes trying to sell her to unsuspecting people, and that poor puppy is probably in so much pain. I would have just brought her home if I had enough money for her veterinary needs, but unfortunately I cant do that.

    Edit, in CA

    submitted by /u/noonecaresabtu
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    My rape case was dropped by the police. What can I do next?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    My rape case was dropped because of insufficient evidence to go to trial. Besides a couple of text conversations and witnesses for directly after it happened, I had nothing but my recount of what happened. What other steps can I take to hold him accountable? I don't think it is fair he is not getting punished for what he did and I would like to look into other options for this. However, I am not sure if there are any. I live in California if that helps. Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/romeo2juliet
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    I haven't been able to talk to my soon in over 2 weeks. Who do I need to contact to resolve this matter without having to get a lawyer? TX

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    My son is currently living with my ex husband in CO. I'm in TX. For the past two weeks I've been trying to get in touch with him to talk to my 5 year old son and I haven't been able to get a hold of him. My ex keeps on ignoring all of my calls. I'm getting a little worried at this point. I'm not sure who to contact to get help. Would that be state of TX?

    submitted by /u/5555UMI
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