• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - My dogs were hit by a car yesterday while being walked across an intersection, how do I go about seeking retribution for the resulting vet costs?

    Legal Advice - My dogs were hit by a car yesterday while being walked across an intersection, how do I go about seeking retribution for the resulting vet costs?

    My dogs were hit by a car yesterday while being walked across an intersection, how do I go about seeking retribution for the resulting vet costs?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Around 12pm yesterday afternoon, my girlfriend was taking our three dogs for a walk to the park when she began to approach an intersection. She stopped and waited for the street light to alert her of when she could cross, then began to corral the dogs into the street. A motorist turning into the lane she was in struck the group, lightly injuring my girlfriend, 2 of our dogs and fatally wounding our white Schnauzer, Opal. A passerby alerted the police to the incident and the motorist who struck my girlfriend and our dogs waited beside us for the police to arrive (we are eternally grateful for his honesty and ownership of the incident). After briefly interviewing us and the motorist, the recieving officer gave us a case number and we immediately left to get our animals the medical attention they needed.

    After arriving at the veterinarians office we had our dogs examined and received word that one of our dogs would need to be euthanized due to the severity of her injuries. We then followed through with the procidure, received our bill, recollected ourselves and drove to the nearest hospital where my girlfriend could then examined for her injuries.

    How would I legally go about getting the cost of the vet bills covered by the offender? We are trying to avoid a lawyer as the lawyers fees would basically deplete any reimbursement we may be awarded.

    The total for the bill is $1,600

    Tucson, Arizona, U.S.

    Thanks for the advice. RIP Opal, we will miss you.

    submitted by /u/shart_destroyer
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    A construction team cut down a 100-year old grapevine dear to our family. Do we have any right to restitution?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    A construction team employed by the property next-door to us cut down a 100-year old grapevine located within our property lines. Prior to them cutting it, we spoke with the construction team and explained to them that the grapevine is located on our property and should not be touched. My family is under the impression that the grapevine was valuable, although we have not yet had it appraised.

    Given that the grapevine was within our property lines and was permanently damaged (most likely killed), could we have any right to sue and possibly receive restitution?

    submitted by /u/Dancingqueen5728
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    NC - Since golf course owner moved the tees my house is getting struck by golf balls constantly. There is a lot of damage (12 broken windows), multiple family members have been struck, and we can no longer sit outside safely. Can we force the owner to put up a net or move the tees?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    My family has been living on this golf course for years. Everything was fine before the owner moved the tees, as the house had only been struck very rarely, but now the house is being hit at least 10 times a day. There is a lot of damage (12 broken windows, 2 severely dented garage doors, 6 plus dents in our cars, 2 seriously dented gutters, a glass door that has been broken 9 times) and family members have been hit by golf balls on numerous occasions including several near misses. After having balls narrowly miss hitting young children we no longer feels safe sitting outside during the day. We can't even use the back half of our property during business hours at all.

    We have complained to the owner a half dozen times and he has made a lot of promises but never followed through with any of them. Other residents are very unhappy with the owner as he is very difficult and never follows through with anything he says he is going to do. All I was ever asking for was for him to find a way to prevent my house from being hit 10 or more times a day. Either put up a net to block the balls or move the tees back (or some other solution). I never even asked for any damages even though there are easily thousands of dollars worth of damage. I just want to be able to use my own home.

    Do I have any legal standing to make the owner address this situation?

    submitted by /u/GolfThrowaway888
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    My backdoor neighbors re-did their backyard, and now every time it rains my backyard is flooded. The village is unresponsive/unhelpful. Must I sue them to fix this?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    My backyard never flooded, but now it does even under light rain (ever since my neighbors redid their yard and redirected all the rainwater towards my yard).

    Here is a video of the flooding that happens weekly.

    I asked my village to do something about it, but they said they're not responsible. Do I have any legal recourse to make the village fix this issue? Should I hire a lawyer to draft a letter to my neighbors telling them to resolve the issue?

    I'm concerned that when there is actually heavy rain, my house will now flood.

    (I am in a suburb in northern Illinois)

    submitted by /u/jglanoff
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    My sister (38f) took her bearded dragon (1yr) to a reptile boarding in Southern CA and was returned nearly fried, and near death. What can we do?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    From March 9 - 24 2020, my sister boarded her bearded dragon at a reptile shop in Southern California which We found on google and had good reviews.

    When my sister dropped it off on the 9th she gave careful instructions on the dragons diet and bathing schedule. She saw that the cage was much smaller than she anticipated but didn't want to worry being that it is a "specialty" shop with high reviews.

    During her visit in Australia, we called the reptile place to request a status update and a photo. However, we never got the photos. But we didn't let this worry us as CVOID-19 was changing a lot of things and shops were closing down.

    When my sister returned back to Los Angeles, she was asked to pick up her dragon the following day March 25. On the 25th when she picked up her dragon she saw that it had its eyes closed but didn't think much of it until she got home. Her dragon was showing extreme lethargy and closed eyes. I had my sister watch it overnight to see if there were any improvements. The following day, she took the dragon to the vet which they had to provide care overnight.

    During this period I called the boarding and I told them that the dragon under their care had to be held overnight in the hospital. When I called I said "I need to know the care you provided because my sisters dragon is being hospitalized". I tried recording the conversation but my app didn't work. During this conversation the man yelled at me and said that "the vets don't know shit", "they want money", "they don't know how I care for my animals", "I fed, bathe and we sent photos" "I gave him mill worms". I knew then that my sister told them specifically not to feed it mill worms because it didn't sit well with the dragon and then I proceeded to say "I'm not calling to argue, I need to know how you cared for it so I can tell the vet, can I also get the photos you said you sent to my sister to see the time stamp" he then said he couldn't get a hold of them and said I'll need to call back.

    The vet report came back and said "gravid lethargy (suspect secondary to inappropriate husbandry while boarding)." The vet also said that it had a bacterial infection which is caused by dirty conditions. The final bill was $1295! The vet recommended for us to report it to the BBB.

    We want to take action but not sure what to do or how to do it. Do we have something here? I don't think a google review is sufficient.

    TL:DR - sister's dragon nearly died. Has a long recovery. Vet confirmed it's from poor boarding conditions.

    submitted by /u/Jennyvarela
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    Neighbor (renter) is attempting to prevent our building of a fence.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    After months of hurdles with the most hard headed neighbor I finally blew up after catching him digging holes on our property. Called him a few names which I shouldn't have but they were probably warranted (read my in depth story below). He tells me to call the cops if him being on my property bothers him so of course I say I will. He proceeds to get and stay off my property but then after the fact he sends a text to me stating if the fence builders even step on his property he'll be calling the cops. Should this worry me in any way? I'm worried the fencers won't even be able to get the job done. What should I do about the situation?

    Long story if you wanna read how much of a manipulative piece of work this dude is:

    We move in and get a survey to build a fence eventually. Come to find out a bunch of what we thought was the neighbors land is actually ours. He disagrees so we respectfully agree to go with him to the courthouse to look at the deeds even though our surveyor has confirmed and told him that he's wrong we do so just to keep everything cool. After going through 100 years of paperwork he agrees he was wrong and the land is ours. Days later we notice someone surveying his land. He texts us saying he went ahead and got a survey to get a second opinion. This is after him giving us the okay to build the fence. We wait a week for him to say again that our surveyor was right and the land is ours. A few days go by and he's still using the land like it's his having work vehicles and friends park on our property. We tell him it's fine but we need everything off the property by February. He says no problem. End of February comes and everything is off. A week goes by and things are back to normal because "we haven't built the fence yet". He asks us "are we still planning to" as if we weren't that means he can use it. We tell him we are but other things have popped up. A week goes by and he asks if we want to use the property as a "community garden" that we can pick through if he farms and also so he can park his trailer there. We say no. Next day he's digging on our property and has a truck and trailer parked on our land as well. Plus the last few days I've witnessed his friends parking on our land too. I go outside and politely as I can why the fuck he's on our property and he claims my gf told him it was okay he was building a community garden. My girlfriend said no such thing. I'm stressed to no end because he's tried everything even asked us to buy the land and just can't take the fucking hint and now wants to make our lives harder after we did everything we could to show him the land is ours. Keep in mind this dude doesn't even own the property. He's a renter.

    submitted by /u/SpecialScheme8
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    TX - A university offered me a scholarship, which I accepted per their instruction via email. They have just told me that they are reducing the scholarship. Are they legally bound to their original offer?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    As the title states: I was offered a full ride graduate level scholarship to a University of Texas school. I was offered the scholarship via an email from the department head, who attached the letter to the email. The email itself stated to email a certain other person (university office staff of some kind) with my acceptance. The letter clearly uses the word "offer" and doesn't say anything that suggests they hold the right to make later changes. I almost immediately emailed the designated staff person and in that email, I said "I am accepting the [name of award]"; so, they offered and I accepted. Today I got an email saying they are reducing the stipend part of the scholarship; so they are still covering tuition and fees but taking away about $2500 from my housing/utilities/groceries/textbooks budget. The new offer says I need to give them a signature accepting the offer, where before the instructions were to email my acceptance.

    Did we enter a contract when I agreed to the first offer? Do I have recourse?

    Thanks so much in advance for any advice or help.

    submitted by /u/dm4hirepls
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    When coming to my house, my landlord always knocks 2-3 times and then lets himself in. Is this legal?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    I've been in a townhouse part of an apartment complex for about half a year. When I signed the lease, it gave the landlord/company permission to enter. I didn't really like this, but it seemed like it was part of their standard agreement and wasn't optional, so I complied.

    Recently, I've been made very uncomfortable by the fact they don't tell me when they are coming, and they always enter on their own after knocking a few times (I usually don't have enough time to even get to the door). I never get anything in advance to indicate when/if they come.

    Everytime they've come, it was a legit reason, such as a maintenance request that I put in or a neighbor who had a bug issue and they are checking units.

    Is this legal? This is Baltimore County, Maryland.

    Exact clause in the contract: RIGHT OF ENTRY: We have the right to enter the Premises at any time by key or, if necessary, by force, to inspect the Premises, to make repairs/alterations in the Premises or elsewhere on our property, to enforce any provision of this Lease or to show the Premises to prospective future tenants or purchasers without being subjects to prosecution or damages.

    submitted by /u/Poor_And_Needy
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    My roommate used my pictures to catfish a guy for years

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    (North Carolina) My best friend/roommate catfished a guy for 5 years with my pictures and pretended to be me. Found this out a couple weeks ago. I've talked to the guy and she's sent him pics of me in my underwear. Is there any legal action I can take to make her delete my pictures/make sure she doesn't have any more/find out if she's sent them to other people? I don't think so, at least not in years, because she's being "dating" this guy. But I feel violated and I'm not sure if there's any legal action I could/should take.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA0021
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    According to lease, Landlord is responsible for pool maintenance but we are now paying high water bills due to a leak in pool. Landlord not getting pool fixed.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    EDIT: We live in Texas

    Lease management company sent out pool company to check and sure enough, there is a leak in the pool. We lose about 2 inches of water level per week. We alerted them that we suspected a leak back in July of last year (2019). They confirmed it in August. They began repairs in January but only just did a small amount, and didn't finish the repairs. We are still losing the same about of water every week. There is no improvement. And now, it is March, and they still haven't finished the job and we are still having to fill the leaking pool every week. We have tried just not filling it, but their pool service company comes out every week and fills it up themselves. But again, we pay the water bill. Is there any grounds legally to deal with this? We have reached out multiple times to the management company and they won't respond to this. They once admitted that the they were frustrated with the landlord for putting them off on this issue. We don't know what to do. And with this economic downturn due to the pandemic we are starting to feel desperate to get this figured out.

    submitted by /u/linconnuedelaseine
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    My step dad and mom claimed me as a dependent on their taxes. They say they can. I don't believe they can.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    3 questions: Can they claim me legally? Ethically should I let them claim me? Would I miss out on the stimulus money by letting them claim me?

    My 2019 income: 26,000

    Current age: 22

    Location: Indiana, USA

    I work full time, not disabled and have never been to college. I lived with my parents for most of 2019. I paid give or take about half of my expenses (I paid for all food, medical bills, car maintenance, phone they provided me a room in their home and paid utilities.) I moved into my own apartment in the last month of the year in December. I have not yet filed my taxes, but my mom and step dad said they already have and claimed me.

    submitted by /u/ShotBot
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    Attacked my dog- Not sure how to proceed

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:09 PM PDT


    Edit - Attacked BY dog*

    My dog [ 8lb chihuahua] and I were travelling in the elevator when it stopped. Doors opened and on the other side was a gentlemen with 3 large pitbulls [60 lbs]. One pitbull was not leashed and came lunging into the elevator after my dog. I tried to protect my dog and got minor lacerations (fortunately dog only had superficial abrasion as per vet). At one point the dog owner let go of the leashes holding the other two dogs and all three dogs were in the elevator. There is surveillance video and my out of pocket expenses were $180 CAD. I missed a day's work to report the incident to 311, toronto health, animal services, and trips to the doctor and vet. The pit bull was not vaccinated for rabies and does not have a dog license.

    I've asked the dog owner for $250 CAD to cover less than the bare minimum but received no response. What are my options and should I take to small claims? I have not turned over the proof to toronto animal services yet.

    My dog now has severe anxiety and I am also afraid for my life. Both pitbull owner and I live in the apartment building.

    submitted by /u/dogattack11
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    I tried to use turbotax to do my taxes. I required my AGI. I tried to call the IRS and got direct to 1 800 tax pro somehow. They filed my taxes and took over half.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Little bit more info: I was using TurboTax to prepare my taxes. I got to the last page and they requested my AGI which I couldnt find anywhere. Somehow I got directed to 1 800 tax pro. I'm usually much more thoughtful about things like this but with me being out of work because of the pandemic I was a little desperate I guess. I called them and he informed me they were an affiliate of the IRS told me his first and last name yada yada and that he could get my AGI. He just needed my state I'd and a copy of my W2 for verification. Once I sent these things he basically had me hit done on several different parts which substitutes for an signature. (Btw his name is not on any of these e forms) He and another woman I had to talk to assured me I would be getting 100% of my taxes... I noticed one of the pages I had signed said something about a 200$ invoice and i mentioned something the same day I had filed. At this point a 3rd person told me I would not have to pay and would get my full refund.Fast forward 2 weeks later, my taxes come and they are 277$ short

    I'm not looking for answers from people who went and checked tax pros rep on Google after the fact. I already read the reviews and they were disheartening to say the least. I need to talk to real people who have dealt with them or real advice from people regarding getting most of my money back. We are in the middle of a pandemic/economic slump and I'm out of work with nothing but this money to rely on for the next few months.

    Today is Friday so there was no one in the office to really talk to. I will call Monday as I genuinely pray this is a mistake they can fix. If I have to refile or amend my taxes to get my money back I will.

    submitted by /u/topshot_rome
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    Brother sold collateral I got in loan

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    A commenter told me to post here.

    So I gave my brother a loan, and he gave me his property as collateral. It's stated in the contract that the property is collateral and I have a lien as well. Which is why I'm confused as to how the sale even occured. I'm in California.

    He sold it to our cousin, who knows that the property was collateral. Now he's saying that he'll sell off his stocks and bonds to pay off the loan, but the stock market has basically crashed so there's no way he'd make enough to repay even half of the loan.

    Original post:


    submitted by /u/acollectionofcells3
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    Breaking up with my son's (7m) mom during pandemic and she is threatening to make crazy accusations. Need advice urgently.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    Live in Ontario, Canada. Relationship has been rocky for a while, but has seriously devolved during the pandemic. We've been together 3.5 years and she moved into my house 1 year ago. We have a son together who is seven months and both have kids from previous relationship. All are with us at the moment.

    A few nights ago she got frustrated after a rough day and picked a fight which went downhill quickly. She is a very volatile person and nasty in fights, but this time she got physical, which has not happened before. It was not to a degree where I felt threatened or in danger, but it happened. I didn't react too well in the situation and had a glass of water in my hand at the time and splashed some of it at her in anger. This caused her to blow her top. She loudly accuses me multiple times of throwing a cup at her. Kids are in their rooms, but undoubtedly at least a few heard our fight. The intent of what she did seemed clear to me. Things end with me sleeping on the couch.

    The next day she refuses to speak with me. Now three days later, with me remaining sleeping on the couch, she is upset I hadn't tried to make up. I am not over it and tell her I don't want to stay together. Many reasons, this was just the last thing. I am upset about what she did and very disappointed in myself for splashing water at her. I don't want to be in a relationship where those extremes are part of the package, even if they rarely happen.

    After pushing and pushing and me not budging she goes off again. Tells me she will leave ASAP, but that she wont let me see our son till the pandemic is over and by then there will be an established pattern of care and I will have to fight her in court for access. Then she tosses over two chairs and throws a wax burner at the wall. Not in a rage, but deliberately. Again the intent seems quite clear to me. In the ensuing argument I tell her I cannot have her stay and be around my kids if she is throwing and breaking things and if anything like that happened again I would call in a domestic disturbance. She then starts loudly yelling that she will call on me to and tell them I hit her and restrained her and kept our son from her. None of that is true, but she said it loudly enough that anyone awake could hear.

    I am lost. I can't have her stay here if she is making threats like that, but there is nowhere she can go. Her mom is her only local family and she is under quarantine after exposure to COVID-19 at her work.

    If she won't leave I almost feel like I have to. I will try and get in touch with a lawyer tomorrow, but with the pandemic not sure if that will happen. Need advice urgently on what my next steps should be.

    submitted by /u/throwRA-feelingfuckd
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    Quadriplegic boss won't pay my wife, fired her

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Background info:

    My wife is a CNA. She's been taking care of her boss for 3 years. For the first 2 years, things were ok-ish. He's always been verbally abusive to his family and other aides, but since my wife put him in his place the first time, it's rare that he mistreats her. He told us that he gets $10k per month from workers comp JUST to pay his aides, of which there are two who will work there (his mom takes care of the 3rd shift because newhires all last for less than a day), on top of his monthly payments for living expenses. He blows his money on prostitutes, porn (he uses a stylus in his lips to tap his phone) and food (which rots in his fridge). He's a real peach.

    The issue:

    For about a year now, he's been paying late. Sometimes weeks late. We have to beg, fight and plead to get a check, which sometimes bounces. We stuck around because he would always make it right eventually, and we weren't desperate at the time. Now with the virus quarantine, I'm out of work and we're desperate. His last check bounced, and while we were talking to him and his mom, she drops the bombshell that they can't get to the bank because they've had FEVERS and have been COUGHING. We told the other girl that works there and, in reprisal, he fired my wife. That's fine, we've had it with him anyway.

    All we want is the money he owes us, but it's going to take a threat to get it. He doesn't 1099 us, or anyone that has worked there, but says he doesn't have to because he isn't a registered business and workers comp income exempts him from having to file wages paid. We report the income every year. We live in Utah, and from my keyboard commando research sessions I think he has until Monday the 30th to pay us (last payday was Friday the 20th and the check bounced). How can I leverage this so that we get paid, and what are my legal options if he doesn't?

    submitted by /u/coaubry
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    Neighbor threatened to kill me with a baseball bat. Police only took a report.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    Ohio. Psycho neighbor from hell got mad because I wouldn't agree to his every demand about how I (legally) use my property. Today, he threatened to beat my face in with a baseball bat. As I walked into my house, he retrieved said bat and started talked towards me. I went inside and called the police.

    When they came they told me that they would take a report and that was all they could do. That I could file for a restraining order and put up cameras.

    Is that really the extent of my legal options? Isn't threatening to kill someone a major crime?

    submitted by /u/throwaway_psychon8br
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    Bank Denied Financing and Seller Won't Sign a Release Form.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Let me give you some backstory.

    I'm in NY State and am a first time home buyer. I came across a house for sale by owner, checked it out and entered a purchase agreement. I am working with an agent, an attorney, and broker and the sellers have an attorney.

    There was push-back from the get go from the owners because I am working with an agent. They tried hard to talk me out of using an agent.

    I put in a $500.00 good faith deposit that is being housed by a local bank. I received a pre-qualification from the broker. By my own choice I got a home inspection done and by the requirement of the loan, an appraisal was done. All of this was done within the agreed upon time frame.

    The bank came back and denied the loan due to fault of the property. They said that the property was "unacceptable" and they do not "grant credit to any applicant on the terms and conditions requested."

    The prucase agreement the owners and I signed has a financial contingency for this very situation. It says, "If following good faith application by purchaser, this loan cannot be obtained, (for reasons other than the appraised value of the property being conveyed), as evidenced by a lender denial letter, this contract may be terminated by either party and the deposit returned to the Purchaser, except that Purchaser agrees to pay the Seller the actual costs incurred by Seller in obtaining Abstract of Title, survey, tax searches, and Attorney fees not to exceed $500.00, which costs may be deducted from the deposit."

    The denial letter was sent to the attorney of the owners from my attorney, and a release form was sent to the owner's attorney from my agent. It was offered to them to give them the $500.00 deposit given they can provide proof of costs to them.

    The owner's attorney came back with a threat to sue me, and a request that I pay damages that exceed $500.00. They refuse to sign the release form. My attorney has reached out to them several times and the result is the same; a threat to sue.

    I was told by my agent that I cannot enter a contract with a different home until this is resolved.

    This has been going on since the end of November, 2019. As of today, no lawsuit has been filed.

    Do I need to have the seller's permission in order to terminate this contract? Is a release form the only way to terminate a purchase agreement? In my eyes, it has already been void because of the financial contingency trigger.

    This is frustrating because I have missed out on several opportunities to purchase my first home. At this point, I want to keep my $500.00 deposit and walk away.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/FinalXam
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    Unemployment, stimulus stuff, and a pandemic? Oregon.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Hey all, gonna try to keep this as brief as possible.

    I'm not sure if I qualify for unemployment, and since I'm not sure if I qualify for unemployment I am also unsure if I qualify for the stimulus check.

    I was employed at a salon (not as an independent contractor) for about a year. I left that salon in September to work as an independent contractor. Nothing about my departure was recorded on their end or mine, no two weeks notice, no exit interview or anything of that matter.

    My contractor job stopped paying me, and turns out they improperly qualified me as a contractor. I left that job to continue my education and stay afloat with my grants and scholarships, and got a work study gig through school.

    My campus has shut down for the rest of the semester, but didn't fire me and asked me to continue filling out time cards so I can continue getting paid throughout the semester. I'm not making nearly enough to support myself with that income, but I haven't been laid off.

    Do I have any options or qualify for any assistance, and am I eligible for that $1200 check I keep hearing about?

    Thanks all, it's a crazy time and I hope you're all faring well.

    submitted by /u/pm_me_wutang_memes
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    MI - Salaried employee having wages rescinded after performing work

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    I recently voluntarily left my job to pursue education, and I thought it was going to be on good terms. I had been with the company 8 years and was in a middle management salaried position. I had two direct reports.

    My job was to handle supplier relationships, order components, and monitor inventory levels for a factory. Many of the supplier relationships were international, requiring me to have conference calls at strange hours and work over weekends.

    During the time I was at the company, whenever I was on vacation I would check inventory levels, check in with my subordinates, answer any questions that popped up, and monitor my email for general emergencies. People filled in for me, but they knew I always had their back if things got really rough. They would do the same for me if they were on vacation and I filled in for them.

    I took a trip in February and this was no different. I had given notice in January, and my boss asked me to stay until they had found a replacement for me. He said there was no problem with me taking the trip. While I was gone I checked my emails, monitored inventories, etc.

    On my last day, literally minutes before the interview itself, my boss called me into his office and told me that HR informed him they would be withholding 6 days of pay from me for the trip , as I had not accrued enough PTO.

    As you can imagine, the exit interview was not fun. It's my understanding that a salaried employee must be paid their full salary for any day they work, and any amount of work is considered a full day of work.

    My boss appeared to be mad at HR. He took it up the chain and he says he couldn't get it resolved, but he has a history of not standing up when things are tough, so I don't know exactly what he tried.

    I'm waiting for my last paycheck, and if it's short I intend to file a complaint with the Department of Labor. Are there any pitfalls or anything I should watch out for? I feel like this is an obvious violation of what it means to be an exempt employee, and it's obviously just a dick move on their part.

    submitted by /u/butMuhWages
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    19 y/o brother physically assaults me, but mom coddles him. Need advice for pressing charges.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    I am 20(F) and family consists of all women besides my brother (19). He has >40 lbs and at least half a foot on each of us. He just moved home from college due to Covid-19. He has incessantly started problems, to the point where he regularly rages and hits my siblings and I because he know's we cant hurt him back. My mom has raised him without punishment for his whole life, and he gets to do whatever he wants, especially now that he's larger than us. My mom coddles him, and treats him like a little baby even though he's a full grown man. He definitely has anger management issues, and I suspect he is bipolar.

    Yesterday he attacked me (I have video evidence), and my mom didn't say a word to him. She just said that if I hadn't interfered in her fight with him that morning (she kept telling him to stop yelling at her, and I told him to cut it out), then he wouldn't have gotten mad and followed me to my room to attack me. I am past my breaking point as I know this is NOT normal family behavior.

    I am planning on telling him and my mom that unless 1) he sees a therapist, and 2) get's a psych evaluation, then I will not press charges against him for assault . My family is torn apart at this point, and I believe it's due to my mom's lack of discipline on him, and the undiagnosed mental disorder that he seems to have.

    Any tips on writing a statement that won't seem like a threat? And any other advice on how to tiptoe around this situation would be great, as my family is on it's breaking point.

    submitted by /u/Honeyy_Spice
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