• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - Found "Peeping Tom" Hole in Shower

    Legal Advice - Found "Peeping Tom" Hole in Shower

    Found "Peeping Tom" Hole in Shower

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Im currently living with my parents to save money so I can go back to school.

    Yesterday in the shower I was looking through the broken piece of the shower water knob that hadn't been fixed in months. I figure since I'm home more now, I'll fix things around the house that my Dad hasn't. When I looked through the hole to see into the pipe situation, I noticed there was a lot of light coming through. I could see straight into his bedroom where his bed was, and I could tell the sheetrock on his side had been punched in what looks like on purpose.

    I feel sick to my stomach because the hole, although barely noticeable in the shower side, is big enough to see everything in the shower on his side.

    I told my mom about it and she placed a washtowel over the hole, and confirmed she could hear movement coming from his room and him moving something to cover it. I think he knows we know now.

    I'm in Texas and I know we have peeping Tom laws, but I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm a rape survivor and this is bringing up really bad feelings all over again. Does anyone have any advice?

    Tl;Dr: Dad created Peeping Tom Hole to see into family shower. Unsure how to proceed legally.

    submitted by /u/attachmentthiery
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    Hospital Abuse of Nurses

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    Location: NYC

    Hi All! If this does not go here, I would greatly appreciate being pointed out in the right direction.

    I'm an ICU Nurse in at a major NYC hospital. I love my job and am very grateful to be doing my part in this time of need. I am going to spare you how awful it is in the hospital systems right now as that will be a post for another subreddit. What you see on TV is a very watered down version of what's really happening. However, it is getting so bad where I feel like the hospitals are pulling some illegal moves.

    Like I said, I work at a major NYC hospital that stretches across all the boroughs. Let's call it "City Hospital." I work at the Main Campus. They have "City Hospital of Brooklyn," "City Hospital of Queens," "Downtown City Hospital," etc. They are all associated with each other. As a nurse, I signed up to work in the ICU Main Campus. We are unionized. Per Union Contract, our float district consist of different units within "City Hospital Main Campus." Well today we found out that one of the affiliated hospitals outside of our borough has 30-40% of their staff out sick and now they are "floating" us to that hospital to staff them. They are not reimbursing for travel and we are getting paid the same amount. No one is happy about this. Yes, we all need to come together and help out but we literally did not sign up for this. Yes, there is a lack of PPE and this hospital has none.

    My question is: Can they legally send us to work at another hospital that is affiliated with us even though we do not have a signed contract with them? Can we demand Hazard Pay since we don't work there? I'm more concerned with the legality of sending us over pay.

    More info:

    The Union is aware and says that the hospital already told them they were going to do this and "our hands are tied."

    Each hospital has their own, separate contract with the union. No where in the contract does it say we can be floated to another hospital in the system. There is also note that you can't float a nurse with greater than 15 years of service but that rule is terminated once there's an emergency. I don't have 15 years of service.

    State of Emergency is in place so they can mandate OT now (per contract, they can't mandate OT) meaning they can force us to work beyond our 12 hour shift. At the moment, they can't force us to come in on our days off.

    The hospitals all over the city are offering travel nurses (contract nurses) outside the system to work at all these hospitals at rates like $3500-$4000/week. Unfortunately, for the hospitals, money is not motivating people to put their health at risk.

    I don't need any information/comments on lack of PPE. I am more than aware. I'm so frustrated reading "Well you signed up for this" because No, we did not. We signed up to protect and care for our patients with the proper tools needed and to be treated with dignity and respect from our employers. You don't send the military into war with water guns and t-shirts for protection, so why send us to fight this like this?

    We kept working when they told us our ICU was turning into COVID ICU. We kept working when they started to ration our PPE. We kept working when they mandated OT. We kept working when they gave us 3-4 ICU patients for a whole shift (unheard of, the ration is 1:2 across the country b/c of how sick patients are). We kept working as our own staff contracted COVID and now dropping like flies. But there is a line and it's being crossed. We need to know our workers' rights and I have no idea where to turn to. It doesn't seem right. The more of us that fall ill to this, the less HCPs there will be for the public.

    That being said, Thank you so much in advance for helping us out and any support you have given.

    submitted by /u/PopcornAndSnackReady
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    University will find drugs in my room

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    I am a student at George Washington University. Due to the pandemic, students were notified that classes would be moving online until April 2nd, a few days before spring break. During spring break, students were notified that all on-campus activities, including housing and boarding, would be terminated for the remainder of the semester and that students would not be allowed to re-enter their dorms.

    The university and a third-party moving company intend to enter my dorm, gather my belongings, and store them until fall semester.

    In spite of the already clear violation of my privacy, the university is now asking students to report any prohibited items. I have a dab pen, empty bottle of alcohol, Vyvanse, and fake IDs in a locked drawer. It is not in a container, so the persons collecting my possessions would see it. I am not sure whether I should report and what the legal implications could be if I report/don't report. I could use any advice.

    If you have been found to be in possession of similar things while you were in university I would be curious to learn of what repercussions you faced.

    tl;dr: My university kicked me out without letting me gather all my stuff. Now they intend to pack it and store it themselves and will undoubtably find banned items. Not sure if I should self-report or not.

    *posted this to r/advice and many said to consult here. Looking to see what I should do and what the possible repercussions could be for me. This would all be in Washington D.C.

    submitted by /u/preston467
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    My husband is a freelancer and wants to sue company for unpaid invoices (~40k). We live in NYC, company is headquartered in Chicago.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Over the course of 2019/20, company purchased services from my husband, and has a handful of outstanding invoices that total to just around 40k. All work was performed in NYC.

    NY has strict freelancer laws that punish behavior like this that we'd like to take advantage of, but we're wondering if we sue in NY courts, since the company is headquartered in Chicago.

    The company is a startup so it's mostly a company in name only: three employees, etc. The owners come to NYC a few times a year to take meetings and pitch investors.

    Sue in NY? Sue in IL?

    submitted by /u/-sing3r-
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    I was possibly in an MLM/pyramid scheme. Do I include the income in my taxes? Was this business legal?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    CA- In October of 2019, I was hired to a job that seemed great. The job posting listed $300-400 a week with flexible hours. It seemed like an office job, which I was excited about.

    During the interview, I was not told what I'd be doing but rather some vague information about how the pay works and how much money I could be making. After I was hired, I was informed I'd be a sales person working within a big bulk-buy chain. I would be selling products belonging to a well-known cell service as well as another well-known cable service. I was nervous about this but wanted to prove myself because they promised so much money if I kept at it.

    As a sales associate, I would only make $60 per sale, whereas my manager would make $250 for every sale I or another associate would make. Sales associates would either get an hourly pay (which was lower than the minimum wage in the area we were selling) or the money from our sales- we would get whichever was more. There was a clear order of sales associates at the bottom, then assistant managers, then managers, then corporate positions.

    We would have weekly meetings that would last about an hour and a half. The first hour would be our manager telling us how much money he makes (he said $9k a week) and how we could be like him if we kept at it. The whole first hour every week was spent on this. The last half hour would be team building activities, practicing pitches, etc. We would have monthly calls from the CEO about literally the same thing as the first hour of the meeting. The calls were mandatory but we could not clock in for them.

    We didn't have to pay any start-up fees, but we did have to buy our own wifi hotspots on our phones so we could have internet to be able to sign customers up for the service.

    Now comes the pay problem. I was only being paid about $125 every week. Nowhere near what I was promised. I also didn't get any paychecks or direct deposits til about a month into the job. Another associate, who had just quit before I was hired, wasn't paid for 6 weeks and was evicted because she couldn't pay rent. She had quit her other job for this one, hoping to make more money.

    I wound up losing money working here. I was living out of my savings and having to drive to locations they did not tell me about when I was hired, often 20-30 miles away with no compensation for gas.

    The company that hired me to their has a different company name than all of the other offices. All of the names were vague business-sounding terms. Made up example: Executive Gold Management.

    So was this an MLM? Do I include the ~$400 I made from this on my taxes? Was this business legal? I've been thinking about it a lot lately & I am at a loss.

    submitted by /u/therealboobhead
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    I can no longer afford my child support payments, but I also cant afford an attorney to get my agreement amended.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Just like it says I took a new job making about half as much as I was. My last job paid very well, but was having negative effects on my family life with extreme long hours and weeks of travel. So now I cant afford my child support, but I know if I dont pay itll hurt me when we do finally go back to court. How should I handle it?

    In California

    submitted by /u/giggle_sticks03
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    Laptop stuck in indefinitely closed pawn shop (OH)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    (Ohio) So I pawned my laptop ~60 days ago before all of the lockdowns took effect. It's on a 90 day contract (technically three 30 day contracts that automatically renew), so if I don't claim it after 90 days it is forfeit, and they are free to sell it. The problem is that they're closed indefinitely, and the way it's going it seems very likely that they will remain closed for longer than another 30 days. What do I do?

    Edit to add: also can they continue to charge finance fees, interest, storage charges, etc monthly for the time that my item is inaccessible?

    submitted by /u/SanAndreas92
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    (NY, USA) Lost Close Relative to COVID, No Executor

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    I lost someone I considered like a second mother to me to COVID-19. She was still young, under 55, no spouse, no children, and had estate but no will or executor to any family members' knowledge. Family put me in charge of handling the after-death matters (Funeral home, bills) because I'm local and I'm at a loss of how to approach it.

    She was a very private individual and we don't know what other estate she might have and how to track down all her billing, estate, debts, credit cards.

    I know I need to contact her building management to continue paying off her rent and her bills in case they cut off electricity. The building superintendent is aware of her passing. We're concerned if people will try to ransack her place, but it's not something we can help with for now. We can't go to her apartment yet, in case it's still contaminated, which means I can't go find and retrieve her paperwork for a few weeks. I myself am under self-quarantine due to exposure at the hospital to get her valuables/possession, am high risk, and am living with someone at-risk. Similarly, it's not easy securing a low-risk method of transportation at the moment.

    May I ask for how to approach all this remotely? How can we reliably track if she had a will or lawyer? Is there a checklist I can go through? We don't have any paperwork; the only thing we have is her SSN and we're waiting on her death certificate.

    My family is still in mourning because we're not even allowed to see her one last time. Became she died of COVID, it was straight from hospital to cremation service and it made us distressed because we wanted a service.

    If I can't look after her in old age, please help me look after her possessions and do what's right by her and wrap things up.

    On a personal note, please check in with your family, multiple times a day, especially if they live alone. Just because you don't have symptoms doesn't mean you're not infecting anyone else.

    Stay home. Stay safe. Practice social distancing. All it takes is one unlucky exposure and things could escalate overnight.

    submitted by /u/mxvic
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    Parents are separating, how do I help my dad separate his finances? Also is it possible for me (21f) to become my little sister's (15f) legal guardian?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Hello, my parents are immigrants and have relatively low-mid understanding of English, and during this whole Coronavirus pandemic they're also out of work and don't have the savings or general means to find a legal consultant. However, recently my parents decided to separate and my dad (60m) is worried about his finances since they file their taxes together and the money goes into my mom (47f)'s direct deposit; his bank account information is not listed on the tax papers because he still is paying off student loans.

    The issue is that my mom is highkey a crazy bitch and also addicted to gambling, and the money from the Relief Act + tax backs will go directly to her and she'll probably not send it to my dad. I'm wondering if there's anything I can do at this point to help him separate himself financially from her? Also, at the moment my little sister is living with my mom so he's worried that if he tries to take legal action, she'll use the argument that she has to provide for my little sister as a way to take the money. He still plans on paying a portion of the rent for the apartment they're living in (in addition to the rent for his own new rented room), and seeing my little sister and providing for her in whatever means he can.

    Not only this, my dad is getting pretty old and I don't trust my mom to be my little sister's sole guardian if something were to happen. Is it possible for me, a 21 year old college grad to be her legal guardian? If so what would I need to do? I live in northern California currently because of school/work, and she lives in southern California so it's like a 6 hour drive away - will that negatively affect anything?

    Sorry for the long post, and I understand there are many issues currently going in the world and in each individual's life - so I appreciate any help I can get. I don't have control over a lot of aspects in my life currently, but I hope I can actually use my position to help my family out at the moment.

    submitted by /u/sagaphung
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    Angry Neighbor trespasses and then threatens to sue.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    My parents own a second home where they spend the winter, which is where they are now and where the incident took place. They've hired a mowing company to mow and take care of the yard once a week. Last week, they were there mowing the yard, and they parked their truck and trailer in front of my parents drive. Not really blocking the road because they're able to pull into the yard enough to not block anything. My dad was in the house and looked out the window and noticed the neighbor was standing there looking at the mowing company's truck. The neighbor turned and walked onto my parents property and was visibly upset. My dad met him outside and the neighbor said he was blocked and couldn't get his truck out. My dad said that he would notify the mower and have him move it. So my dad told the mower and he said he was about finished and would move it. At some point (while my dad was talking to the mower, I think) the neighbor confronted the other guy from the mowing company and it got heated. The neighbor ripped his own shirt off and then sprayed the mowing company guy with mace. My dad called the cops. The cop came out and took everyone's story. The neighbor claimed the mowing guy kicked him in the groin. I should add, this all happened on my parents property from what I understand. The mace incident happened in front of the house near the road. In all of this, the neighbor lost his car keys and finds them in the yard (his or my parents, I'm not sure) and then leaves. My parents have a no trespassing sign in front of the house, for what it's worth.

    A day or two later, my dad and mom were in their car leaving to go somewhere and the neighbor goes out in the road and stopped them. The neighbor said he had a lawyer and is going to sue. He said he lost money that day from not being able to get to work.

    We're pretty sure the neighbor is squatting on the property. The landlord lives out of state and we're not sure if he even knows they're staying there. There are never any lights on so we don't even know if they're using any electric. Code enforcement has been by the property multiple times but we don't know why. The place is uninhabitable.

    My parents aren't sure what they should do. They would like to call the landlord but they don't want to put a target on them because if angry neighbor hears that a neighbor complained he'll know it was probably my parents. We're pretty sure the guy is on drugs so there is no telling what he might do.

    Should they call a lawyer, call the landlord? Advice is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/lak_892
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    My father was born in Germany in 1957, the original birth certificate was destroyed in a fire many decades ago, how do I prove he was a German citizen?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    To give a bit more info his father was in the military, his family moved to America in the late 60s, he enlisted in the army at 17, he also had dual citizenship since his mother was American and father was German, neither my father nor my grandparents had a copy of his birth certificate.

    submitted by /u/Dan19961996
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    OR - Ex-wife and I have shared custody of child. She is threatening to not let me see her and then her boyfriend threatens me. What can I do?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    Hi, this is my first time posting here but I thought I would try to get some info on what I should do. Also so everyone knows I'm in Oregon, USA.

    So my Ex-wife and I have had shared custody for our 6 year old daughter for a few years now and everything has been fine despite some concerning things from my daughter. We normally get along but then she started to change her demeanor when she got pregnant with her current boyfriend's child. She started being sarcastic and rude over the most basic communications. So this has led to arguments sometimes.

    The other day we got in an argument because of where she is staying the night and my ex said that she was going to take away my daughter from seeing me so that she can forget about me. I said that would be illegal so she blocked me and then had her boyfriend start talking to me instead.

    I initially was nice and tried to tell him I'd rather not involve him in any sort of coparenting issue as he isn't a parent and we should be able to handle this like adults. He starts insulting me and berating me for no reason other than to agitate me. So I tell him that I'd rather talk to my ex and if not then I have nothing to say to him. He then says some vague threat like, "If anything happens to my baby (his unborn child) and she were to miscarriage then well... you know an eye for an eye."

    I asked for clarification because it sounded like he'd do something to my daughter, and he clarified and said he would do something to me. So this went on for a day or so of him and I going back and forth and I was just tired of it so I said I was going to report my ex for contempt of court and file a restraining order for him threatening me. And then his response was, "Call the cops, I'm ready to die."

    So naturally I worry about my daughter being watched by two clearly unstable individuals and this is only amplified by all the instances of neglect over the years. Like mold in her juice, their unstable relationship, my ex asking for advice about filing for bankruptcy since she has past due bills for her car and hasn't paid car insurance in months.

    I'm really at a loss and was wondering if I have any recourse. I fear doing anything too far because I worry he'll hurt my daughter.

    submitted by /u/ThiccToad
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    My neighbor has 4 dogs and my entire apartment stinks like dog piss since she moved in a month ago. Also my landlord does not have a Certificate of occupancy at the moment.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    I have lived in my apartment, a house with 5 sub-units, for 2 years. About a month ago a woman with 4 dogs and a cat moved in. I had no idea someone moved in that apartment until it started stinking so badly of dog pee in the whole house i couldn't ignore it. I called the landlord and found out she moved in. I informed him, and about a week later the inspector came in for a routine inspection. I was informed the landlord had failed the inspection, as mine was the last apartment, and there were 13 points against him.

    The inspector also informed me that the other apartment with the dogs, the woman had the dogs caged in the bathroom and bathtub, and there was feces and urine everywhere. He deemed the apartment unlivable. That was 2 weeks ago. Just now, a dog was scratching at my door, and I walked out into the hallway to find he had peed in the hallway. I had to knock on the lady's door to let her know that her dog was out. She said she had no idea, but this is the second time. I believe she is letting her dogs out into the hallway to do their business.

    What do I do?????????????

    Edit:I currently don't have a job, and no source if income due to the virus. Pretty much my only option at this point is to stay here. Is there someone I could call about this issue if my landlord is aware and not addressing it?

    submitted by /u/ihopehellhasinternet
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    Can I get in civil trouble?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    I'm a college student who, about a year ago, came out to his (very christian, very conservative, very un-approving) parents as gay.

    So far in life, they have provided for pretty much everything (financially speaking) including college tuition & rent. When I came out, they threatened to pull me out of college and bring me home (and perhaps put me in a Christian college near home). For reference, I live in Colorado and go to school in Alabama.

    They also said that if I were to "continue the lifestyle" that they would have a moral [religious] obligation to cease giving me money entirely. Now, because I did not have $50,000 to finish my education, and wishing not to go into debt, I committed to playing their game (being a good, straight Christian boy) until college is over.

    After college (and, after getting a STEM job and being presumably financially independent) I have no qualms about telling them what/why I did what I did, should they ask. Oh, and I have continued to "live the lifestyle" if that matters (it's college and I'm a young guy, sue me). Other details include (1) I am & have been over the age of majority in both states since this happened and (2) I am claimed as a dependent on their taxes.

    So here's my question: Because I intentionally chose to lie to them, knowing I'd get college paid for, am I on the hook for $50k tortiously speaking? Of course, assuming they would sue. Further, should I look into getting legal counsel?

    submitted by /u/Thurdyry
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    Locked out of NYC apartment due to Coronavirus fears. Our landlords have gone through, moved, and “sanitized” our things. They’re now claiming damages but refusing us a walkthrough. Please help.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    TLDR: Locked out after giving 30 days notice, our landlords moved our things while we were away helping a sick family member. They're now claiming damages that I had never seen but won't allow us in despite our lease not being up. Im hesitant about calling the police due to the virus.

    Hi all, I could definitely use some advice here.

    On March 2nd, we gave our 30 day notice for our apartment in Brooklyn so that we could move back to PA and help with my sick mother over the next few months. It's a basement unit, with the landlords living in the house above. We moved most of our items out approximately three weeks ago when things got much worse with my mom - we told them we'd be back on the 30th for the rest of our items. My mom's condition grew more serious, so the apartment was the last thing on our mind over the past few weeks. We planned to get the rest of our things tomorrow.

    Last night, our landlords notified us that we would not be allowed back in the the apartment tomorrow due to the fear that we could infect them, that they had gone through and cleaned the apartment, "sanitized" our things, stored them in a "safe location", and that they'd be waiting on the porch for us tomorrow. We paid through the end of the month, so we should definitely be allowed to enter, take pictures, and pack our own things?

    They also told us that they had found a crack in the shower floor, which I hadn't noticed when we left. We had a suction shower matt down, which may have been why I didn't notice it if it was there. I was the only one using the shower, as my partner worked and showered at the gym. It's a cheaper, plastic shower so it may be covered under wear and tear, but still, I'm terrified they're going to try and stick any water damage on us. With not being allowed in the apartment (or having been in the apartment for the past three weeks), and not allowed to assess the damage for myself, I feel absolutely stuck. Im pretty sure they've been letting their son's girlfriend stay in the room since we've been out, which is why they don't want us to walk in, but I certainly can't prove that either.

    I know I could call the police tomorrow if I'm locked out, but I worry about escalating this entire situation even further. Truthfully I just want it all to go away so I can focus on my family's health. I'm also worried about interacting with NYC officials, who may potentially be carrying the virus since the place is totally infested. While I'd be fine, my mom wouldn't make it if she gets it. With housing courts closed, will this go anywhere? Thanks all.l

    submitted by /u/tesseracht
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    Bought a model home, they are not done with all the updates by the time the lease is up and won’t sign a new lease agreement, the home builder is basically a contractor not finishing the work by the agreed upon time and won’t turn the home over, what’s my recourse? BBB or small claims?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    TEXAS- bought a model home last year, the builder leased it back and paid through a specific day. That day has passed, the work has not yet been completed, and they are refusing to agree to the new terms of a lease.

    We created a list of items needing to be completed prior to handing over the home to us. The list was agreed to by both parties. They stopped using the home as a model 2 1/2 months ago. No work started on the home until a week prior to the due date. The work was simple: a new front door (not ordered), fix a broken window, clean the home, maintain HVAC system, retouch painting, etc.

    Since the date has come and gone, we have presented a continuation of the lease at a per day rate which is equal to the amount of the monthly lease / 30 days.

    The landscaping was completely ripped out, not just where the driveway was to be poured but the whole front landscaping. They agreed to put it back the way it was.

    We are 4 days beyond the original date, no driveway, no landscaping, nothing completed from our list, no lease agreement.

    What is our recourse? Do we file a BBB complaint, small claims?

    We aren't being unreasonable. If they started the work once they stopped using it as a model home then the virus stuff wouldn't be an issue. But now they are complaining they don't know when it will be done since they can't get any trades to confirm. We are fine with taking extra time as long as it is done as agreed to and the additional per day rate is paid.

    submitted by /u/justneedmyhouse
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    COVID19 has postponed our wedding, but we still want to legally marry on original date.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    We are in Arizona, but unfortunately our officiant if in lockdown in California and would not be able to come out any time soon. We would prefer to keep our original officiant (who is a good friend). Would it be legal to hold a ceremony via Facetime with us, officiant, and witnesses, and then mail the license to the parties who need to sign?

    We can't find anything online regarding if the officiant actually needs to be physically present. It just seems like we need to submit our license within 30 days which sounds very doable.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/kevkevkevkevkevkev
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    Minor Theft in GA

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    While schools were shutdown for two weeks, we were ordered to come remove everything from our college dorms. Someone living in my dorm somehow broke into my bedroom and stole a decoration off the wall, and is now bragging about it on social media. I contacted the police and they said they didn't care at all about one decoration with everything that's going on. Can he really just do this?

    submitted by /u/godawgs6969
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    Final Walk Through of New Home and Water Damage

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Link below to a little more in-depth info and photo.

    Ultimately we were set to close on a home on Friday. During the final walk through the day before, we found water damage in the basement on a wall. We luckily ran into a contractor who worked on the house (it was a flip) and he said the chimney was behind the wall and it was moisture from that. After raising this to the sellers we got a bunch of different reasons for this contrary to what the contractor said (overlooked paint job and then paint melting from heat). We said this was unacceptable and wanted the root cause found and fixed. They have a contractor coming tomorrow to look at the chimney flashing. We showed a picture to three local contractors in addition to the below post on the 'Home Improvement' forum who have overwhelmingly confirmed it is water damaged. The sellers had a contractor come back the same day we found the issue and he either replaced the dry wall or sanded and spackled the damage out so have no other proof other than the picture that was taken. This was not there during the inspection but their initial stance is that the inspector missed it (in addition to myself, significant other, and 3 family members). This is definitely not true.

    We talked about it this weekend and are no longer comfortable moving forward with the property because of the potential extent of the water damage and not wanting to deal with this if it isn't fixed properly (in addition to being lied to about it from the sellers). We spoke to our attorney about it (we are in NJ) and he said that we should get a contractor of ours on site to evaluate and we could be at risk of them bring this to a lawsuit if we back out now. We have a contractor coming on Tuesday but this seems needless when we found damage that wasn't there during the inspection. Trying to get any advice from the community here.


    submitted by /u/Downtim3
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    Family member caught stealing from the company- what now(California)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    We recently discovered that my mother in law stole from the company business that we have 40% of and in January took over to try to save when she (then the president) told us she was having health issues and could not manage. (health issues turned out to not really be the case). So we took over and found that no one had been keeping up the books or filing takes for years. We hired accountants to clean up everything and catch up tax filings and in doing do discovered that over years she took almost a million dollars for personal expenses- basically ran anything and everything through the company finances, had a secret bank account in the company name and credit cards but she used those for herself. She has 40% equity in the company. She was the president and CEO but we had her step down when we discovered it. The bank account was set up by her as well. She did a lot of other terrible things- the money she was taking she wasn't reported as income, we found out she had 2 people who she was paying under the table but from the company's money who were dealing prescription pain medicine to her which she admitted to us.

    She is obviously mentally ill, an opioid addict apparently and also a gambling addict but it's more than that she is just thoroughly dishonest and unethical. She believed and maybe still believes she had a right to all the company money even though she didn't fund it. She even took a merchant loan out at 40% interest and took the money for plastic surgery. Meanwhile, she was stiffing vendors, letting product registrations lapse, necessary tax filings were not done, she defaulted on loans in the company name…the company was funded by her mother, my husband's grandma who is in a very vulnerable position as she has Alzheimer's and elderly and his mom made herself trustee of the grandma who has another 20% which further complicates the situation and has us worried we may be powerless to stop her.

    We want to know can we demand she make restitution to the company by forfeiting her equity? Does she automatically forfeit her equity? Who are we legally required to report her embezzlement to or are we? We don't want to get in trouble for not reporting it. We honestly are disgusted. Can someone lay out the steps we should take? When we had her step down as president we did a board meeting and signed a resolution that only officers can access and manage the bank account but she has three times accessed it and made unauthorized transfers to herself. Our merchant account was tied to it and it takes time to switch to a new account so we are worried she will again and drain the account and we won't make payroll or be able to pay bills. We need to get control of the company and get it out of the hands of this person. At this point, we are struggling to try to keep the company afloat at all and don't know what to do and what steps we should take. Any advice appreciated-thanks.

    submitted by /u/rmhtvfilm
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    Bf took a video of us while having sex and I didn’t know. I’m about to break up with him but I’m also scared because of this video

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I'm from Washington state.

    When I saw he was taping it on his phone I immediately took the phone and deleted this short video that had my face in it. I deleted it from his camera roll and the trash bin on his iphone. He even showed me where it was to delete it.

    If he has google photos or another photo app its probably still on there. It was about a month ago. Idk what to do. I think I'm going to try and wait for him to break up with me because I am barely texting him back right now and hoping he just gets bored of me. The last thing I'd want to do is have him feeling 'hurt' and taking revenge and posting this video somewhere or sending it to the wrong person. I'm scared shitless he's already done it.

    I want to ask him about it, or almost stay with him until quarantine is over and then ask him if I could see his phone and check if its still there but of course its been a month and I feel like I should just just drop it. If it was still in there after I deleted it, he probably already did what he'd do with it anyway if he sent it out and if we break up, especially if I have the power and break up with him, it will probably trigger him to send it. I feel like casually texting him and asking if he has google photos to see whether I may need to stay longer in order to get his phone and delete this video before I break up with him. Idk its been a month and I was drunk when it happened so if he sent it out already idk that there is much else I can do. I definitely don't trust him thats for sure and I wanna break up with him but I also want this video gone.

    I've also heard about revenge porn laws, although idk how I'd have any proof of that. How would I have proof of whether he sent it out or not unless someone told me? Would police would even know how to handle a situation like this, or would they just say okay we'll try our best and thats it?

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/lakelid
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