Legal Advice - Update - car dealer swapped the car, found out the next day |
- Update - car dealer swapped the car, found out the next day
- Cuomo signs bill to guarantee sick leave for New Yorkers during COVID-19 outbreak
- My landlord, emailed me yesterday not to enter his property once I come back from my visit from India.
- End of year prom cancelled and money donated without us agreeing to it.
- Neighbor keeps driving over my lawn to get to his driveway...and he's a cop.
- Person buying my house trying to strong arm me due to current market (VA)
- Tenant adopted a doberman and is now claiming it's an Emotional Support Animal. Landlord insurance company is canceling policy due to agressive breed. What do I do?
- My landlord issued me a Notice to Vacate (NTV) in 12 days amid a pandemic. No real estate offices are open in the foreseeable future. What should I do?
- My landlord that I live with wants me to find a new place to stay in the next 30 days because her kids are worried that I might give her the coronavirus. What are my options?
- Tenants refuse entry for oven maintenance fix due to COVID-19 fears [USA - NC]
- Employer about to fire me now that I am using my pre-approved, medically needed FMLA for my daughter
- My lawyer quit mid case
- We have confirmed positive COVID-19 cases at my place of employment (large scale food production facility), yet the company won't suspend operations.
- I work at a restaurant in Virginia and my boss is going to take my money because the drawer has been short.
- (UT) I was taken to collections for an invalid debt. I successfully disputed it and it was dropped. Then a 2nd collection agency came after me for the same debt. I disputed it and never heard anything back and now my tax return has been levied.
- Is it legal to end my insurance without notifying me?
- Employment attorneys of reddit, any info you can share during this time of mass lay offs? (NYC)
- Landlord won't tell me how much my monthly rent will be until after I renew my lease
- My parents wanna sign me up against my will
- Do the new Coronavirus Stay-At-Home orders allow minors to travel between two houses of separate parents? [Los Angeles, CA, USA]
- "Covad Hoax" Believer Landlords Want to Stay in My Spare Room for a Couple Nights
- Rental home destroyed in storm, told to move out in 5 days
- Employer wants to start testing for COVID-19
- Can a property management company charge me for a door that was kicked in if I have the police report showing who licked it in?
- Due to a policy change effective yesterday, my layoff I got today says I won't be paid for my unused vacation time. Is that legal?
Update - car dealer swapped the car, found out the next day Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:07 PM PDT Original Post: This didn't get a lot of attention but I thought I would share because everybody said my sister was out of luck, but she prevailed. She found an attorney to work on contingency who litigates dealerships in the area, after reading the contract she signed he took the case. Once she told the dealership she retained an attorney they said we'll give you your money back and your old car, but you have to come in and sign today. She said no, send me the paperwork that you want me to sign so my attorney can review. They told her to go pound sand. The attorney called them that week and they buckled, returned the deposit and her old car. I guess they didn't disclose that the car had been sold prior as a spot delivery, but the original buyer returned the car when financing fell through. So if you're scammed by a shady dealership have an attorney read your paperwork. Her attorney was really nice to her and said he put almost no time into it and didn't charge her or get anything out of it. [link] [comments] |
Cuomo signs bill to guarantee sick leave for New Yorkers during COVID-19 outbreak Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:17 AM PDT Hey all, I have a small business with 25 employees in NYC. Governor Coumo has recently signed this law into place and it states: " Medium sized employers, which includes employers with 10 or fewer employees that have a net income of greater than $1 million and employers with between 11 and 99 employees, would receive at least five days of paid sick leave, followed by eligibility for Paid Family Leave and TDI benefits." Do to everything going on we will most likely have to shut down tomorrow. I am trying to figure out what is best to do for my employees. With this new law in effect if I do not lay them off does that mean we are required to pay them 5 days of paid sick leave or anything else? Given our industry I don't believe they would look for work anywhere else or be able to find it. Would you suggest laying everyone off and providing them info on how to file for unemployment benefits and then rehire when things calm down? I am drafting out an email to them all now so I appreciate the help. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:30 AM PDT So I went to India in January when corona virus was still not a big deal. I am returning to Virginia this Monday. Yesterday, my landlord/roommate emailed and requested me not to come to his place(where I rent), because of the threat of infection. He advised me to stay somewhere else for at at least two weeks and only move to my place if I have no symptoms after self-isolation. He said that he already changed locks while I was gone, so that I don't enter the room when he is absent. To be frank, I took many necessary steps to avoid any kind of infection, including not touching anyone, staying off from large crowds, washing my hands thoroughly etc.Of course, I completely understand I might still be carrying the virus without showing any symptoms. I am in a real bind now , due to the email. On one hand, I completely understand the concerns of my landlord. But on the other hand, I cant just stay somewhere for 2 weeks. I cant afford it. What are my options here? I know the landlord cant legally block me from entering the property where I pay rent, but I don't know any laws were changed due to corona virus? Does Virginia offer any self-isolation wards where I can stay for 2 weeks? I will be landing in Washington DC this Monday, so any kind of advice would be helpful. [link] [comments] |
End of year prom cancelled and money donated without us agreeing to it. Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:19 PM PDT So there was going to be an end of year prom for our school and most people in my year payed close to £50 for tickets. Due to the Corona virus it has been cancelled and the organisers have said there will be no refunds and the money will be donated to the school. Is this legal? We didn't agree to donate the money. [link] [comments] |
Neighbor keeps driving over my lawn to get to his driveway...and he's a cop. Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:28 PM PDT Claremore, OK, USA. Our new neighbors moved in about a month ago. A man and woman, with the man being a police officer in a neighboring city. At first, no issues. Then he started parking in front of our mailbox. Not really a huge deal, but I'm guessing the post may have left him a note, as he quit doing that fairly quickly. Now, he parks his police car at the back of his driveway, and the two personal cars in front. Obviously no big deal. Except, when he gets off shift, rather than move his cars, he pulls through my front yard to park behind them. As it's rainy season here, this is tearing up the yard pretty well. And our city has a hard on for enforcing appearance regulations. I got the official property line layouts just to be sure, and he is indeed using my property. I've tried to go next door and talk to them about it, but they don't answer. EDIT: When he got off shift today, I went out to speak with him. He drove over my lawn, and got out, made I contact with me as I approached him, calling out to him, and then went inside. I knocked on the door again, and again no answer. So, what should I do? I don't want to make any missteps considering I work in the city where he has jurisdiction. I've considered extending my fence to block his ability to do this, but I'm honestly not sure if that's legal. It's my property, and it wouldn't be blocking his driveway obviously, but it would be blocking off the side of it. Any help would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Person buying my house trying to strong arm me due to current market (VA) Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT I was contracted to close on my house tomorrow. Yesterday the buyer informed me that he wanted to change his purchase price to $25,000 less than originally contracted on to see if I would take it. He also has not locked in a mortgage rate yet. So long story short, we aren't closing tomorrow. He has $3000 in ernest and I guess I'm going to send a termination letter because he is still shopping rates. His lender and realtor are family and I feel like they're trying to strong arm me. Is what they're doing legal if we were contracted to close on Friday? Am I entitled to the ernest money if I terminate the contract because of this? We've been under contract since the beginning of February and the home appraised for over his original purchase price and he has been approved for over the purchase price. Can I take him to small claims court for wasting my time and trying to strong arm me like this? I've payed two mortgage payments on a vacant house while this has been going on and I've had other offers during this time. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:41 PM PDT Great tenant, been in the home for a while. Had previous pets and took great care of them. But now with a doberman ESA, my landlord policy is being canceled. I can't find any insurance company that will allow a doberman. What do I do? These breeds aren't rare. Does every person with a doberman just not have insurance? Home is in South Carolina. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 10:25 AM PDT Tennessee resident here. As the title says my property manager/building owner and the apartment that I've rented for the last 6 years suddenly issued a notice to vacate. This is after my lease has expired but we had made arrangements to sign a new one (haven't been able to meet in person because he was on a honeymoon trip during the virus panic). Anyway I now have 11 days to pack up everything I own and all of my animals and find a new place to live. The only problem with this is no real estate agencies are open or returning calls and even under normal circumstances background checks etc. can take weeks depending on the agents. I can't even get a lawyer on the phone to talk to about my options and all moving companies are shutdown indefinitely. On top of it all I work part time with at risk individuals who have almost entirely stopped having sessions so I have no meaningful income right now. How fucked am I, reddit? Edit: I just found out a relative has been tested for covid and is under quarantine until results come back. If they are positive then I have definitely been exposed as well. Can I even vacate a property if I'm under quarantine? Edit 2: as some have asked, the initial reason was cited as a desire to terminate month to month leases. After we discussed signing a new one to resolve this, he sent me a text that he NOW wants to move forward with ot based on dog poop being visible near the apartment. Yes I own dogs. Yes the landlord knows about them. So do other people in the building. Theres no indication it was my dogs who even did it. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:35 PM PDT I currently pay rent under the table and have never missed a payment. I rent half of a house from her with my own bathroom. I've lived here since October. Her kids are convinced that I'm going to give her the virus and her daughter is especially worried because she is due to have a baby mid April. I don't have anywhere else to stay. I'm in the Bay Area where there are a ton of cases right now and I just moved to CA in July. My family is in Michigan. I don't feel comfortable packing up my car and moving cross country at the moment. [link] [comments] |
Tenants refuse entry for oven maintenance fix due to COVID-19 fears [USA - NC] Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:40 PM PDT I am a landlord for an apartment that has tenants that do not have full vaccinations / immunizations. There is an oven appliance that needs fixed and I rented an additional oven appliance for them while the fix was in process. They are now saying they do not want the oven fixed until after corona virus fears are over due to their health. This means I will have to rent the oven for extra time at my cost and also means when a service technician is available to repair the oven I would have to delay that. The additional wrinkle is that I have a home warranty that began to fix the oven and am going to have a fight on my hands with that horrible warranty company as now 3 service technicians already failed to fix it correctly prior to corona virus and I'm sensitive to it being an inconvenience for them. My lease states 24hr notice to enter home for maintenance / etc. and no notice for emergencies. Is there any reason the tenant can refuse due to the pandemic? Should I even attempt to delay or just have someone come and take precautions / sanitize for them? Should I ask them to pay for the extended oven rental as the appliance would otherwise have been fixed? [link] [comments] |
Employer about to fire me now that I am using my pre-approved, medically needed FMLA for my daughter Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:15 PM PDT Hi Reddit. I have a 15yo daughter who has both neurological and psychological issues; dangerous and debilitating ones. She has been on treatment for going on 2 years, and has been pretty stable for several months. This week that changed for the worse, and she needs my attention. Trying to be pro-active, last September her Dr. and I set up a standing FMLA 'leave' so that I can attend to her should something suddenly arise and I needed to rush home and give her care. I live 1 mile from my worksite, so easy peasy. Thus far I have had to use it very little, probably 4 half days and a few 'hour or two' incidents over the last 6 months. However, this week has been especially bad and I have really had to dip into it, basically taking 2.5 days off so far. Since my team is understaffed, naturally it can be difficult to find a stand-in for me, but when my child's health and safety is on the line, this is clearly none of my concern. My immediate supervisor has been filling in for me. On Thursday afternoon, her supervisor called me, and said that he would like me change my position to a different building much further away, but one in which there are many more people, so the coverage isn't an issue any longer. After discussion, my family does not choose to change location, and simply remain where I am. Once my daughter is stabilized again, everything should fall right back into the usual groove. I have worked for the company for 3 yrs total, and this week is the only time issue so far. I am quite sure that when I tell them that I prefer to stay where I am, they will let me go, and my daughter's insurance as well, ofc. I feel that this is clearly an attempt to dissuade me from using my approved medical leave, harass me for being 'inconvenient', and force me out so they need not deal with it any more. When the hammer falls, is this not a serious violation of Federal protections? (ND resident) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:12 PM PDT I hired a lawyer for a custody battle. We agreed on a flat fee and the contract I signed stated he would be with me for the duration of the case. I got custody of the child in December but the case isn't quite over yet. I had a court date in March to go over things and the lawyer never showed up. I asked to get another court date for April because I did not want to proceed without the lawyer. The lawyer didn't answer my phone calls or respond to my voicemails for a few days so I went to see him. He is now claiming because I got custody, his job is over and we are done. I told him that our case isn't over yet and that our contract states he can't just quit. His exact words, "As far as I am concerned I did my job and I can't give you any more advice. My job is done, you got custody." He refuses to refund a portion of what I paid him because he claims he did his job. I reread our contract and he is suppose to represent me until the case is over and the case is definitely not over yet. Can he just quit mid case? Is there anything I can do? I'm so nervous to go back to court without a lawyer and I don't know what to do. I'm in Louisiana. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:33 AM PDT This is in Canada. I'm awaiting a confirmation email from our executive leadership team that what I've been told is in fact true, but want to prepare myself in the meantime. I work for a large scale multi-national food production company, making and distributing food to millions across the globe. I also live with a 75 year old parent. Another employee just informed me we have a confirmed positive case in one of our departments. Additionally, two other people were sent home yesterday morning as they live with a family member who was also confirmed positive. However, it's rumoured that one of those two is returning to work today. The company sent out an email earlier this week discussing the "ground breaking" measures they're taking to ensure our safety... However, upon reading a little further, you discover that all they're doing is sending people home if they present concerning symptoms. They've sourced an additional bottle of sanitizer and pack of wipes for each office, and scheduled in one extra employee to wipe down high contact surfaces (door knobs, hand rails, etc). That's it. They have not, and based on how this place functions on a normal day sans COVID-19 crisis, will not, suspend operations unless they face repercussions for not doing so. Although I know I could still be hit hard from this virus, I'm much more concerned about bringing it home to my elderly parent. My questions are as follows:
In all honesty, I'm hoping to force a shut down of the factory (while ensuring the hourly employees are still paid) because the company has a history of trying to hide some absolutely appalling issues, and as I said, it is a certainty that they will attempt the same in this instance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:27 PM PDT Is this legal? I have never stolen from him so he would not have any proof. I should also add I've been working here for 5 years but a few months ago my boss sold it to someone else and everything has been going downhill. While working under my previous boss I never had any problems with stuff like this. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:10 AM PDT I've posted about this before and received some good advice that was successful. Now it's coming back to haunt me again. In Fall of 2015 I attended school at UVU. In the middle of the semester I was put on military orders for over a month, which made being successful in my schooling very difficult. I reached out to my professors, my Dean, and Financial Aid, and together we decided to have me drop all of my classes, fill out paperwork that showed I had (up until that point) attended classes to satisfaction, and that I would take incomplete grades, but NOT be responsible for any tuition costs due to the events. I followed their instructions to the letter and thought all was well until about 2 years ago. After a credit report check I discovered I had been sent to collections for half of my tuition costs from that semester. I posted about it here, gathered the appropriate paperwork and with the advice given, successfully disputed the debt. It was removed from my credit report and again I thought all was well. About 4 months ago I get a call from a 2nd collection agency asking about the same exact debt. I tell them the same exact story, tell them I'd already successfully disputed it and asked them to validate the debt. They never did send me any paperwork either physical or digital, because of course they could not, and I thought that was the end of it. that didn't stop them from calling of course and every time I answered I replied with " this debt is not valid, you could not validate it in the appropriate time frame, please stop calling me." Now I just received a letter from the Utah tax commission saying my return had been levied due to the same debt. I'm furious. My main questions are: 1) why does this debt keep getting sent to collections and how do I stop it from happening? 2)how is this legal if it's already been disputed successfully the first time, and the second time they could not verify the debt in the first place? 3) how am I supposed to fight this levy? Who do I contact about getting my money back? [link] [comments] |
Is it legal to end my insurance without notifying me? Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:38 PM PDT Hello all, I could use some help. I live in California, USA. I am 19 years old, and my insurance up until this point was through my Mom and her job/income. I was on the phone for two hours waiting to speak to someone to confirm the cost of a medication, when I finally am talking to someone and they tell me I am not listed with insurance. So I am transferred to Member Services, where I wait 30 minutes before being told my insurance ended Jan 1, 2020. This made no sense as I was never notified nor was my Mom notified of this change. So the person looks through their records and the address was the address of a place we last lived 7 years ago. This was the address that they have been sending bills and updates to. My Mom and I have repeatedly tried to update this address when interacting with the hospital, but I was told that since I was still a child and not "head of the plan", I could not change anything. My Mom was told that they would update it promptly. They did not, clearly. So on the phone today I was trying to remain calm and ask ok how could this be fixed? We didn't do this, so what was to happen next? The person on the phone says that since the period to update the plan has passed with no payment the best course of action would be to reinstate with Medical or something through the state, depending on my income and benefits. I was confused since we received no notice of the change I thought this was on them to fix. I asked my Mom for her input and she said that she was told I was covered until I am 26. The man on the phone clarifies that I am not covered until 26 because of the county that we reside in. (Clarifying: the 26 applies to three counties on our general area, we live in Alameda county if it helps.) We were repeatedly lied to last year, told that I was covered until 26 and now they tell us otherwise after the period to renew that insurance has passed. Mom is insisting that since they have the correct address on file that this was not our mistake to fix, especially since we repeatedly fixed it in the phone and on the paperwork we filled out in person anytime we came in for a check-up. The person on the phone agrees that in ONE area of their filing that it is labelled as our address, which is up to date, but not the other. We had no way to access this change. We have no way to delete it in their system. They say that my insurance ended because I turned 19 and it was continued through the end of that year until the 1st of the next year. Their system apparently tried to auto-update me to an individual plan, that did not go through due to "lack of payment". I never received the invoice for that payment because they admit to sending it to the wrong address! I ask how to be insured again. Their advice was file through Medical or the state for a reduced price based on my income. I have no income. I have no job. I am a student. I need that medication. I can't pay the uninsured price for it. I can't pay the insurance cost per month they quoted at anywhere from 200 to 400 dollars a month. Is this legal? They sent information to the wrong address despite us repeatedly trying to change it, they canceled my insurance due to "lack of payment" when we never received anything, and then say it's too late for me to continue my plan because their time for it has passed. I'm still crying. Please help. I can answer any questions. Update: My Mom says that the hospital refused her payment twice, and claimed she had reached her 'cap' on how much she could pay for her kids. She has tried to pay but the hospital refused to accept it. (Once with a refund check issued to her and once with an immediate payment denied through her auto-pay system with her bank.) Also, she clarified this was an insurance plan not through her job, it was through her but not through her plan? We are not under her insurance, we were a package deal because as she explains it, she was above MediCal or MediCare, but too low to afford the average health insurance cost. She had control over it, but it wasn't linked to her insurance directly. [link] [comments] |
Employment attorneys of reddit, any info you can share during this time of mass lay offs? (NYC) Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:36 PM PDT Just got laid off yesterday was told my last day would be Saturday. I got the call while I was off so tomorrow I will be speaking with HR and my boss in further detail. They sent me a letter via email that basically states they have no intention of letting me go permanently and will be calling me back as soon as the business is good financially. Can they legally fire me during my lay off period? By law do they have to give me a time frame for how long the lay off will be? In the letter it also states they understand we may look for full time work elsewhere in the meantime and if we find it we must notify HR immediately and that would be considered our resignation can they legally do that? Thank you all so much in advance and sending positive thoughts to everyone out there facing the same situation in this already scary uncertain time! [link] [comments] |
Landlord won't tell me how much my monthly rent will be until after I renew my lease Posted: 19 Mar 2020 10:38 AM PDT Hi all. So, my lease automatically renews: > Upon the expiration of the original term of this Lease, the term of this Lease shall automatically be extended for successive additional terms of one (1) year each... until either party shall elect to terminate this Lease by giving written notice thereof to the other not less than sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of any such additional term. My landlord told me they are not willing to say how much next year's rent will be until about 1 month before the new lease term starts. That is, after I am already past the 60 day notice window and locked into a new lease. They said to anticipate an increase of about 3%. However, my lease also states: > at the Landlord's discretion, the new rate shall be at either the then prevailing market rate, or at a rate with a minimum three percent (3%) increase over the previous rate The part that concerns me is the "minimum 3%". I think that means they can increase it by much more than 3% if they want to. Since they won't say until after I commit to renewing, it would be too late for me to back out if my rent was increased by some crazy amount. I wanted to get an opinion on if this arrangement struck anyone as unusual, or if this is fairly typical. State is Ohio. [link] [comments] |
My parents wanna sign me up against my will Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:04 AM PDT I live in the Netherlands and my parents want to sign me up for a clinic called "Yes We Can". It's the last resort for young people with serious problems. My parents are threatening me that they are going to sign me up there for failing to do simple tasks. Tasks that I might have forgotten to do (I have bad memory and all the info I get from my parents is screamed to me I do not save it). Their expectations need to be met and no amount of apology and explanation can keep them from hurting me. Ever since I was 8 years old, my parents would send me to clinics and psychologists without getting any results and always having the assumption that there is something wrong with me. I also get abused by them mentally and physically. Although, one time I asked help from a parenting clinic, they wouldn't believe me and asked me to contact them again only after my parents physically hurt me again. Most of the time, my parents would lie to their friends about the actual situation in our household. I'm very helpless about it. I would like to know what my options are. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:42 PM PDT Hopefully simple question: Do the new Coronavirus Stay-At-Home orders in California and Los Angeles allow for kids to travel between different homes, when their parents don't live together? There's explicit exceptions for "childcare" travel, but I don't know if that is quite applicable. [link] [comments] |
"Covad Hoax" Believer Landlords Want to Stay in My Spare Room for a Couple Nights Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:18 PM PDT PLEASE NOTE: politics are NOT part of the issue here, I only include that information because it seems necessary to explain the situation clearly. i rent a 3-bedroom house, (1 bedroom, 1 home office, 1 spare room) in Los Angeles. My landlords ("This virus is a Democratic hoax") have been traveling around Texas the last couple of weeks freely, on vacation, ignoring official's warnings against non-essential travel. They just notified me that they want to stop in this coming Sunday and stay a couple nights in the spare room on their way back home up north. They do that from time to time, I usually have no problem with it, we're friendly, and i live here alone, but considering the current situation, I don't feel comfortable with them being here. Apparently I can't ask for legal advice on this sub, but any advice at all that IS permitted would be greatly appreciated. Edit: this is in Los Angeles [link] [comments] |
Rental home destroyed in storm, told to move out in 5 days Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:29 PM PDT This past Friday night(the 13th/14th) a massive wind storm knocked over four trees onto the property I had been renting for the past two+ years. Two hit the home and one hit the my car/carport totalling my car. I was informed on the 17th that the structural integrity of the building was compromised and that I will need to sign an early lease termination and have all of my belongings out of the home by the 22nd. This was after I was led to believe I would have a place to stay or that I could possibly continue to stay in the home while repairs were made. My renters insurance is pretty much worthless. It doesn't cover vehicles and I didn't realize I had a $2500 deductible. So the $3000 loss of use doesn't kick in until the costs reach the deductible. The actual property owner was nice enough to put me in a hotel for the week but the property managers have been absolutely soulless. There is nothing available in my town that I can afford. I can't move out of town because I don't have a vehicle. I am just wondering if there is anything I can do? Is it legal for them to kick me out 5 days after this incident with no place to go? Is it possible the property owners insurance may cover loss of use? Edit: location is Idaho [link] [comments] |
Employer wants to start testing for COVID-19 Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:25 AM PDT I work in a very small lab in Indiana. We do genetic testing and occasional work with infectious "bugs", but nothing as virulent as COVID-19. Now the CEO wants to start testing for it, and is moving ahead with his plans without asking the people who will actually be handling the virus! I am 53 and I have asthma. My coworker has an immunocompromised husband. Yet, we are expected to do the testing without complaint. I want to know if I have any rights in this matter. I will of course let him know that I am absolutely unwilling to work with this virus. I think he is an unbelievable douchebag for even considering this. We are not set up to deal with such a virus. We are not even a BL3 level lab; only BL2. I will sue his ass for all he's got if anything happens to me or my loved ones and I can't even sleep at night thinking about this. Do I have any recourse? One that will allow me to stay employed? Though, I really don't want to work for this person anymore, but at my age I don't think I could easily find another job. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:42 PM PDT In Oregon. I, and those in my condo, rent from a property management company. Someone who was formerly on the lease came and tried to assault me, and kicked my door in. The police came, but I'm not sure if the person was formally charged. The property management company made me file a claim with my renter's insurance to cover the damages of the door, which was denied. They are now charging us $800 to replace the door. Is this legal? Are there any steps I/we can take to avoid this heinous charge? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:13 PM PDT I just got laid off today. One sentence reads exactly this.
This seems weird to me that they can just change policies like this without any notice, before a layoff wave. [link] [comments] |
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