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    Wednesday, March 18, 2020

    Legal Advice - Quick bullet points on Families First Coronavirus Response Act

    Legal Advice - Quick bullet points on Families First Coronavirus Response Act

    Quick bullet points on Families First Coronavirus Response Act

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Many thanks to /u/robbeary_homoside for writing this up!

    Full House summary here.

    • The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children (WIC): $500 million to provide access to nutritious foods to low-income pregnant women or mothers with young children who lose their jobs or are laid off due to the COVID-19 emergency.

    • The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP): $400 million to assist local food banks to meet increased demand for low-income Americans during the emergency. Of the total, $300 million is for the purchase of nutritious foods and $100 million is to support the storage and distribution of the foods.

    • Free Testing - Coverage of Testing for the COVID-19 through the Department of Defense – Includes $82 million for the Department of Defense to cover the costs of COVID-19 diagnostic testing for beneficiaries receiving care through the Defense Health Program.

      o Reimbursement for Diagnostic Testing and Services for COVID-19 in Uninsured Individuals -- Includes $1 billion for the National Disaster Medical System to reimburse the costs of COVID-19 diagnostic testing and services provided to individuals without health insurance.

      o Coverage of Testing for COVID-19 through the Veterans Health Administration – Includes $60 million for the Department of Veterans Affairs to cover the costs of COVID-19 diagnostic testing for veterans receiving care through Medical Services or through Medical CommunityCare.

    • Implementation of Tax Credits – includes $15 million for the Internal Revenue Service to implement tax credits for paid sick and paid family and medical leave.

    • Senior Nutrition Program -- includes $250 million for the Senior Nutrition program in the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to provide approximately 25 million additional home-delivered and pre-packaged meals to low-income seniors who depend on the Senior Nutrition programs in their communities.

    • Amendments to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. This section provides employees of employers with fewer than 500 employees and government employers, who have been on the job for at least 30 days, with the right take up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act to be used for any of the following reasons:

      o To adhere to a requirement or recommendation to quarantine due to exposure to or symptoms of COVID-19;

      o To care for an at-risk family member who is adhering to a requirement or recommendation to quarantine due to exposure to or symptoms of COVID-19; and

      o To care for a child of an employee if the child's school or place of care has been closed, or the child-care provider is unavailable, due to COVID-19.

      o After the two weeks of paid leave, employees will receive a benefit from their employers that will be no less than two-thirds of the employee's usual pay.

    • The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act. This section requires employers with fewer than 500 employees and government employers to provide employees two weeks of paid sick leave, paid at the employee's regular rate, to quarantine or seek a diagnosis or preventive care for COVID-19; or paid at two-thirds the employee's regular rate to care for a family member for such purposes or to care for a child whose school has closed, or child care provider is unavailable, due to COVID-19.

      o Full-time employees are entitled to 2 weeks (80 hours) and part-time employees are entitled to the typical number of hours that they work in a typical two-week period.

      o The bill ensures employees who work under a multiemployer collective bargaining agreement and whose employers pay into a multiemployer plan are provided with leave.

    There are other provisions regarding Medicare, school lunches, and grants for unemployment compensation to states; please see the link above for the full summary.

    We are not taking questions at this time as we really have no way to answer. Specific implementation details will need to come from the relevant agencies and departments. We hope this helps in the meantime.

    submitted by /u/UsuallySunny
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    [Michigan] I've seen several people camped out in parking lots of grocery stores selling things like toilet paper and Lysol wipes at ridiculous prices. Can I call the cops on them for price gouging?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    I saw one lady trying to sell a package of 10 toilet paper rolls for $60. Another person was selling a package of three cans of Lysol wipes for $100. This shit pisses me off and I know that price gouging is illegal but should I even bother to call the cops on people doing this in parking lots?

    submitted by /u/_generic_white_male
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    The CEO of the charity I volunteer at is exploiting workers, moonlighting as a slumlord, and is acting as if OSHA and the FSLA don't apply to charities.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    I'd like to apologize ahead of time for the whole lot there is to read here, and that there are a bunch of questions/issues all packed in together. I tried to put them as nicely together as I could.

    This is happening in PA.

    For years now I have volunteered with an organization that does a lot of good. It is a registered charity, and almost everyone who works there is a volunteer. However there are several paid positions, most notably the vet, and the clinic manager, who I believe are being exploited.

    I will just lay it all out, because I suspect some of this has to be illegal/reportable, but I'm not sure which bits. The two girls could also really use any cash they could get from back pay as well, but I don't want to get their hopes up and suggest they see someone without some sort of confirmation they'd have a chance.

    I have watched several wonderful people come to work for this organization, filled with a desire to do good, only to be exploited and broken down by the demands of the person at the top, who owns the charity.

    About a year ago our last clinic manager quit, because the job was destroying her mental, emotional, and physical health. We went 4-6 months with no clinic manager, and it was a mess. Finally, the "CEO" of the org found a new clinic manager, a 19-year-old who was in a shitty situation. The CEO installed this girl as our new clinic manager and rented the apartment above our clinic to her and her then 17-year-old sister who was fleeing parental abuse.

    It's a long story, so I'll stick to the things I think might be violations.

    Specific to the two girls:

    • The 19 year old was told she was classified as an "Independent Contractor", which seems to be a misclassification according to the stuff I read online since she was on constant call, and her position was the very definition of the clinics day to day work.

    • She was told she would be working for free for her first week, as a "trial".

    • There doesn't seem to be any paperwork involved in a lot of this.

    • When the 19 yo was offered the job, she was promised a lease and a work contract, neither of which was ever provided.

    • The 17 yo signed a typical volunteer form, and there is one printed out record of a payment 2 months after they started with rent cut out, but that's it for paperwork either of them ever saw/signed.

    • The clinic manager was told from the beginning that it would be a 50 hours per week job, and that she would be paid 40 hours a week after the 60 day trial period if she was able to keep up. In the meantime, she would be paid 20 hours a week.

    • In actuality, she worked about 60-80 hours each week, in addition to being constantly on call- including the frequent "well since you live right above the clinic go down and do this for me".

    • Her then 17 yo sister would also work these long hours next to her. Not being paid, just not wanting her sister to have to do the massive workload alone, and also having a love of rescue.

    • They were never given an actual lease, which meant the 17 yo(recently18) has not been able to establish residency and therefore can't get on any sort of social services.

    Some background on that- The 17 year old fled her abusive mother from another state, who threatened to call the cops claiming she was kidnapped if she established residency, but would allow her to stay with her sister otherwise. I'm guessing for tax reasons.

    • At one point the girls were told to leave the apartment for a day and make it look unlived in while an inspector came by.

    • There was an emergency exit stairs recently built, which has a board nailed over it from the inside.

    • The stairs going up to the apartment have clearly sunk half an inch away from where they started on the wall, leading to you feeling like you are running downhill when you walk down them.

    Here are pictures I took

    • The apartment has no laundry, originally the girls were told they would just use the clinic downstairs laundry. Once the CEO fired the older girl, all the volunteers were very upset, and the CEO told the girls they were no longer allowed in the clinic because "They are making her look like a monster". At that point, the girls had no way to do laundry for a bit over a month until they moved out.

    • Payment for the apartment was taken directly out of one of the TWO paychecks the 19 year old got.

    • When the CEO fired the older girl, she "offered" that she could still work off the cost of the apartment. When the 19 yo said no thanks, the CEO then upped the rent by an extra 100.

    Generally for the clinic:

    • There are no OSHA or FSLA posters anywhere in the clinic.

    • There is no eyewash station, and I feel like there should be one. We deal with all sorts of stuff that would be bad to get in your eyes.

    • There are no fire extinguishers. Again, I don't know for sure but I feel like we should have a few. The place is made of wood, and we use oxygen tanks.

    • Tons of hazards, Very little to zero training on them. Or anything.

    • There is no breaks. I, as a volunteer, commonly work 8-10 hours with no break, but that is a choice I make as no one really takes breaks. The Vet gets no breaks and gets yelled at over taking 1 one minute bathroom break over this time period. I always have to force the vet to stop 30 seconds to eat or drink once or twice a day, cause she gets hangry, but is afraid the moment she chooses to eat is the moment the CEO will walk in screaming at her.

    • The tables for surgery are the wrong height for the vet, and nonadjustable.

    • The CEO often goes against the vets advice, even on things such as bite protocols, or when animals come in with "wounds of unknown origin". The vet says they need to be quarantined and watched, the CEO puts them right back out.

    • The CEO takes money out of the vets paycheck for things she did not consent to, and things that didn't happen.

    There is more I'll probably think of later, but that's all for now.

    I can elaborate on any of the points you have questions on.

    Now the CEO also treats volunteers like shit, and over the last year I have watched as almost everyone that was there when I started has left one by one, 100% from the treatment of the CEO. I understand none of this is legally actionable, but I will say I am sick and tired of watching this abuse. Our organization does a lot of good, and on the one hand, I hate the idea of causing it bad press that could influence the number of donations we get- but that's one for a moral sub, not a legal sub.

    Main bits I'd like advice on:

    Is anything I have listed something that is somehow legally actionable, or reportable, and if so what do I do about it.

    Is there anything I could recommend the vet(who recently quit), or the (now fired)clinic manager do?

    Could the clinic manager be entitled to back pay? I think so from what I read up on it, but I'd like a more qualified opinion.

    I'd really, really love any advice or place to start on how to get the now 18 yo onto some sort of social services. She is currently living with my mom in Delaware, but her last documented residence was Florida and there is no lease since my mom is letting them stay for free until they can find a place. So nothing to show the DMV. She also doesn't have her driver's license, GED or high school diploma, and I want to somehow get her on track for that as well.

    I should add that the CEO created and owns the org, is very well known within the org for being massively spiteful, and has "fuck you" levels of money. I don't want to suggest anything to anyone that will end up hurting them.

    Honestly, I'm not really sure what to do but would really appreciate some advice.

    submitted by /u/leavethosegirlsalone
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    COVID-19: My county has issued a shelter in place order, but my employer is still telling us to come into work. Can they do that? [CA]

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    From what I've read, only essential businesses are allowed to stay open, and defying the order is a misdemeanor violation of the California Health and Safety Code, punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both, as it is considered "an imminent threat to public health." We are a chemical lab that tests geothermal fluids, so I don't believe we are an essential business exempt from the order. Can they legally make us go to work? Can I get in trouble for going to work? Can my employer get in trouble? Can I be fired for not going to work? Should I report this to the non emergency authorities?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/OfficialOverlord
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    [Update] Can my mom stop paying child support because I don't want to go to her place?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Many people were worrying about me so here's an update. I'm safe at my dad's place. My dad just talked to a lawyer on the phone about custody. The lawyer told him to file for emergency custody. He said it shouldn't be difficult to get full custody in these circumstances and since I'm 16 I can be heard if I say that's what I want. So I'll be safe they can't make me go to my mom's and she can't stop paying child support. My mom also texted me that finally she believed me. That usually doesn't happen, I'm glad she did this time. I'm surprised that she did actually. She confronted her bf and he said he talked to me about porn but he wasn't aware that would be a problem. She pretends he's apologizing. I'm not sure of that tbh. Anyway she won't kick him out for the time being so I won't be going to her place. I'm tired of her drama anyway. My aunt made me promise I will talk to the school counselor when the school reopens. She says what happened is not normal and I need to talk to someone and that will do me good anyway. I'm not sure I want to do that but I promised so I will. This was a difficult moment for me I was very worried but you people helped about custody and child support and all and that made it easier so a big thank you. Actually I showed my posts to my dad this morning and that was easier than telling him certain things. Before he was saying that reddit is a waste of time now maybe he'll change his mind!

    submitted by /u/Tylershotwheels
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    Mother passed way, left autistic nephew with no legal guardian.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    My (25 F) mother passed away about 2 weeks ago. She was the only legal guardian to my autistic nephew (15 M). His mother can't care for him and I don't want him to go into the foster care system since he technically has no guardian. My mom has had him since he was 6 months old. My husband (28) and I just want to keep them together and care for them as best as we can. I'm waiting to pursue guardianship until I get her death certificate. I called social security to inform them of her passing, hoping to get some information to apply for my little sister's (14) survivor benefits. My nephew gets SSI for disability, but my mom was the payee. When his money comes on his government issued prepaid card, if I spend it will they want it back? If the payments themselves stop, will he get a retro check? Any advice would be great. Las Vegas, Nevada.

    submitted by /u/dizzyexplorer22
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    Credit report shows child support/alimony. Have no kids. Never been married.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    As the title says, I was checking my credit today and noticed that in the span of about 3 months, records were changed to say I owe 2k+ over 3 items. One being child support/alimony and 2 others being "personal loan".

    I've never been married. I have no biological children, and I've never taken out a loan on anything.

    Not sure where to start in regard to figuring how this happened or who did it. I have an idea about someone with the loans(was letting someone stay with me. Room was not how I left it a few times after getting off work). No real idea with the child support stuff.

    Any insight here?

    submitted by /u/Bamantha64
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    My cousins (17 and 19) are working full time 38 hour week and getting their pay, paid in to their father's account(who works with them) whilst he gives them an 'allowance' of 200.00aud a fortnight is this even legal??

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    First off all my cousin's work full-time, my uncle is their boss and they earning roughly 34-35k a year. Their dad is literally getting their pay, paid into his own account whilst he gives them an 'allowance' of 200aud every two weeks. They are both working extremely hard and my suspicion is this is not even legal let alone it's definitely not right..

    submitted by /u/tatted_cat
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    [TX] Have quit a job at which I was a notary public, boss wants stamp back

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    I was a notary at the UPS Store for a few years. Every so often, my book would have records not filled in by me, but rather the boss's husband. According to the area rep, I should be taking them home.

    Now I've quit because my boss doesn't give a single fuck about the health of her employees or the public ("I don't care about CDC guidelines!" open cough) and was toxic in general.

    She wants me to bring my notarial stamp back. It has my name on it, no indication that it's property of the store. She says she wants to destroy it as she doesn't want me using it elsewhere, but I was under the impression that as long as I follow Texas notarial procedures, that's my stamp and I can do whatever the hell I want with it until it expires, that the stamp is my property, not the store's property, and my notarial jurisdiction isn't limited by the building I'm in, as long as it's state of Texas.

    submitted by /u/Deastrumquodvicis
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    [TX]"Customer" on bond for child porn is violating bond. Can I report him?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    I am a nurse. I work in a place that monetarily compensates people for time. We do not provide healthcare.

    One of these people was in today, and as part of the intake process, I inquired about some fancy ankle-wear that he was sporting. He gave me an acceptable story regarding said fashion accessory, but something about him didn't sit right. After he left, I looked him up in the county's public records, and it turns out that he lied about the true reason for the anklet, and is currently on bond for possession of child pornography and solicitation of a minor.

    As a condition of his bond, he is not to be within 1000 feet of any childcare facility; our building houses such a facility, though it is currently closed due to the pandemic. Additionally, he is not supposed to be in possession of any device capable of accessing the internet. He had a smartphone on him the entire time, and he used it to access the internet. I actually assisted him with a couple of items in that regard.

    I don't believe that I have a duty to report from the standpoint of my nursing license, because I have no reason to believe that he is actively abusing anyone currently. If that were the case, there wouldn't be any question. But I do want to somehow report him to the court for violating his bond, because screw that guy.

    We have a standing policy to ban from the premises anyone who has been convicted of crimes against a child due to the childcare, but management (who I made aware of the situation) said that since he hadn't been convicted yet, we should simply "monitor the situation" until the charges are resolved.

    How would one go about reporting someone anonymously? Would there be any legal reasons why I should not do so? I am aware that being a right to work state, I could be fired for literally anything, but what sort of repercussions could I potentially see from work? Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Shoudl
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    Can’t work due to COVID-19 (Oregon); do I need to pay alimony this month?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    I work in Oregon as a licensed tattoo artist. In order to maintain the state's suggested COVID-19 social distancing and general safety/wellbeing of other humans, I am unable to give my ex-wife her alimony this month. Without getting into too much detail, psychological abuse has limited my communication to email only. We have a legal agreement of three years. I'm going to offer to add on an extra month to fulfill the agreement. How does the legal system approach alimony and financial agreements when it comes to a pandemic?

    TL;DR: Close human-contact career. I can't pay my alimony this month (will add a month to our agreement) due to social distancing considerations; legal? If the social distancing becomes state mandated, is this more supported?

    submitted by /u/CurvyToeNails
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    My tenants are refusing to pay rent during this pandemic. (Not what you think!)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    I am a 26-year-old girl who is a graduate student. I own a condo in what has now become a large downtown city. My mother bought it for me because, at the time I was in college, purchasing the condo equaled five years of paying rent around campus.

    It is a beautiful space I spent a long time renovating (two years) by myself. I have really put in a lot of love, time, my money, and care into making it beautiful. Got into graduate school out of the state, go.

    This academic year (my final year at graduate), I decided to rent my beautiful condo out to two people who looked great on paper. They earn a total of 400k a year together, send me all of these resume points, etc. Husband has a stable job at the university right here.

    this academic year (my final year at graduate), I decided to rent it out to two people who looked great on paper. They earn a total of 400k a year together, send me all of these resume points, etc. Husband has a stable job at the university right here.

    Well, these people turn out to be fucking psycho. It turns out the woman had an affair with the man (before, he had been married to his ex-wife for 42 years), and she regularly Tweets things TO the ex-wife, despite the fact that she has never instigated anything. They rented out my condo furnished, and they both demand I go back and forth to bring different things back and to the condo.

    For example, a pink ottoman. I take it out because they say they don't want it. The wife says she wants it. I go all the way to my storage unit with the truck of a guy I'm seeing and bring it back. The wife says she doesn't want it at all. I take it back.

    There are lots of things like that, but it got really bad when the wife tried to ban my mom from entering the condo (she thought my mom was romantically interested in her husband, as my mom wanted to give them wine and stuff as a welcoming gift.) She sent my mom harassing text messages from three phones.

    After we have spent a lot of money doing everything they want (spent $2000 on cleaning and $1000 in total on moving, and they have caused a repair in my condo), the wife sends me this terrible e-mail demanding all of her money back, including the full security deposit, and that I buy all of the things she bought for the condo.

    I said no, they could exit the lease the normal way (per contract, paying me two times rent as an exit fee). They try to demand I talk to the wife on her phone. (By the way, these people have left a full e-mail paper trail of all of their psycho demands, attempts to not pay rent, et cetera.) I refuse.

    Anyway, I don't hear from them for a while.

    Get an e-mail from them today saying that because of the coronavirus, they don't want to pay rent.

    I have also not broken even on them renting the place, 7 months later. I'm only going to make $100ish total in profit, which is fine, learning experience.

    He has a salaried job at the university (his pay is not getting garnished) and she is a music producer. They gave me their bank statements and pay stubs (I didn't ask for that.) They make a total of $400k a year.

    I'm very upset. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/balletaurelie
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    Management doubled goals during WFH - tells us to work all hours of day or night or get fired

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 07:55 AM PDT


    Management at our company creates daily target "goals" that employees must hit (number of calls made, number of new customers acquired, etc.) These goals are set based on our normal 9-5 working schedule. They use these goals as indicators to tell whether employees have been making an effort.

    We are now working from home for the foreseeable future. Today, our managers decided to double our goals, threatening to fire anyone who did not meet their new target goals. These goal expectations are much higher than what anyone could expect to do in a normal workday. They told us that we are expected to work way past our normal hours because we now have the luxury of working at home. One manager said that we should be working around the clock if we want to keep our jobs.

    I want to know - is this legal? Without outright saying that they are extending our hours because we are working from home, can an employer set metrics that would require much longer work hours, with the threat of termination for anyone not hitting these metrics? We do not get any overtime pay (fixed annual salary), but we do make a commission from sales.

    submitted by /u/SIUC4556
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    I'm an idiot and destroyed property at my apartment complex while drunk, they are trying to collet an exorbitant amount. Can I request an itemized invoice?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    This is California. San Francisco.

    So, let me make this brief. I got shitfaced, like a fucking moron, and destroyed a very expensive piece of equipment at my apartment complex. The police were called, I was booked and a police report was made, but my criminal case was dismissed.

    Today, I received a 3 day notice to perform covenant or quit, which includes as a requirement to make a payment for the total of .. let's say, $7,000, exactly.

    I am owning up to this mistake and had already sent an email apologizing, as this is clearly my fault. I'm also pretty sure there's video footage. Anyway, I have doubts that the total of the damage caused/repair was actually the value they gave. Do I have any recourse to ask for an itemized invoice/breakdown of the costs, without putting myself in hot water for failure to comply with the covenant requested? I don't want to get evicted. I'd ideally like to keep living here.

    I plan to contact an attorney in the morning, but would like to hear advice on how and if I can request a breakdown of the damage and the amount they are requesting, and contest it. I imagine the actual cost is maybe half of what they are asking, but not sure how to go about validating this.

    Once again, yes, I am an idiot. This is about to be a very expensive and disturbing lesson learned. Go me.

    Thanks mucho.

    submitted by /u/throwlegal1234
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    Father no longer supporting me and no mother

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    A little background on my situation. I live in Utah, USA. My mother died in may of 2015 when I was 12 leaving me with only my dad and my sister. I will be turning 17 in around 15 days. A few months ago I left for my own safety and trying to focus on my education instead of losing any ability to participate in college enrollment while I'm still completing highschool. I was threatened with law involvement and personally directed threats for 9 days until I returned as I had someone working with me to attempt to diffuse the situation a little bit. I stayed for about a month and was told to find somewhere else to live in the next 2 days with no way to contact anybody and loss of access to my vehicle. Luckily, my mom's best friend is a teacher at my school, so I went to her for help. After being cleared by the board, she let me stay with her and I have been here for close to a month now. I am still being threatened with forceful removal from school in which I am passing all of my classes with almost perfect grades and being threatened with legal consequences every week. My father is still collecting survivor benefits on my behalf even though he is not supporting me in any way. He is also holding a vehicle that has no connection to him what so ever, not even the title. I have talked to many different officers and gotten different story's about how to go about retrieving my belongings and do not know what to do at this point. I have considered reporting my vehicle stolen or selling it out from under him if necessary as it is just a game to him at this point. If he does not win, then nobody does is his mindset. I know that this may not be easy to help with, but I'm just so lost at this point that I'm almost giving up.

    submitted by /u/TheDuckMasterTV
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    Employer would like to offset pay if relief payments go through

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    I'm a 1099 contractor working for an employer where most of the work can be done from home. I get paid with a check at the beginning of each month for that months work. Most if not all that we do can be done from home.

    Today my boss mentioned that, should we be forced to close due to quarantine, we would be required to work from home and our pay for the upcoming month would be reduced by however much the government would provide for relief. So for example say I would normally get paid $3000 per month before taxes, and the government provides a $1000 check to help ease not being able to work, he would reduce my pay to $2000 and still require me to work from home.

    Would this be legal? The way I see it, the government providing relief is totally separate from my wages. I provide X work for Y payment from my employer. The relief package, should it pass, is for additional support to those who may need it. Personally it would go a long way to cushion inevitable bills that will come due. Can my boss use it to reduce my wages (though my total income would be the same)?

    Edit: This is in Florida

    submitted by /u/nasaldecongestant
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    My child is sick but doesn't "qualify" for testing despite being symptomatic of Covid-19. Do I I quarantine or send her to her dad's? (SLC UT)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Salt Lake City, Utah

    We have a court order in place. 50/50, week on week off. Exchanges are Mondays.

    Here's the situation:

    I asked my ex (second husband, 2 children)during his week last week multiple times what precautions he was taking against Covid-19. He refused to tell me anything except he was taking "proper pecautions."

    I let him know that there are several people in my life that are immunocompromised and immunodeficiency. People like my parents, who are immobile and relying on me to get supplies they desperately need that I have been trying to get for them for two weeks. I have to deliver it to them. They are hardly mobile, both over 65. My father has an illness that makes him immunodeficient and my mother is on immunosuppressants because of an organ transplant years ago. They are at high risk of death if they catch this. They have no one else to help them be taken are of.

    Also, the same goes for my first husband who I have a child with who is on the same schedule. I was supposed to get her Monday. Her father and a roommate of his are both immunodeficient.

    Again. I asked my ex (second husband, 2 children)during his week last week several times (via email) what precautions he was taking against Covid-19. He refused to tell me anything except he was taking "proper pecautions."

    Turns out, he had the kids go to softball all last week. Then, he also had my two girls go to a sleepover (two nights actually) birthday party Friday-Sunday the 15th. He lives in West Valley. My children went to a sleepover with children that go to a school where there have been multiple CONFIRMED cases and even more PROBABLY POSITIVE because people there sent their children to school when symptomatic. He told them that's it's okay and perfectly safe they won't get sick or spread it because they sanitized their hands when they got home.

    Because of this, I was unable to make my oldest daughter for my parent time this week. Risking her getting what may be Corona and spreading it is too great a risk when her father and his roommates' lives are on the line.

    I also cannot go see and help my parents and should be quarantined for 14 days.

    My youngest was not feeling well yesterday. Flu like symptoms- cough, diarrhea, runny nose, trouble breathing.

    I got sick last night. My immune system is terrible, so I am much worse off. Fever, cough, chills, runny nose, diarrhea and vomiting. I was awake all night and when the earthquake happened this morning.

    I'm not sure what to do. The father of the two girls I have lives with multiple people over the age of 70. Obviously he cannot take proper precautions and flat out told me he would have them go play with friends and go to parks and playgrounds and soon as he got them back ("being social is important during this time")

    Wtf do I do? Do I break my court order by quarantining my children? He is supposed to get them back Monday.

    submitted by /u/BitterRealizations
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    Company asking us to take PTO for two weeks starting Monday. Asking us to still work during this time. Is this legal?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Just like the title says, our company is asking us (exempt, salaried employees) to take two weeks off PTO to alleviate some business issues related to the pandemic. They've mentioned that they are doing this to avoid unpaid furloughs and are also mentioning that we need to keep working during this time. I don't know if this legal and I can't really locate anything that would tell me if doing this in the state I live in (IL) allows this.

    If it's not legal, it's certainly awful. Just thought I'd ask to see if there are any rules/laws around this.

    I love, as well, that being "exempt" makes it sound like they could all but tie me to a fence and it would be OK because I'm called exempt. ;)

    submitted by /u/retirementlatestart
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    After declining/refusing to clean myself with cleaning spray or bleach wipes, management put cleaning chemicals in the hand sanitizer container without our knowledge, resulting in us using it without being aware it contained toxic chemicals.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    A few days ago I posted here regarding the order to "bathe ourselves" with chemical cleaning spray or bleach wipes. I spoke with my boss regarding the order, who said that he was unaware the client gave us the order. I requested a substitute like washing hands with soap or using hand sanitizer, and he said he would get back to me. He didn't. That's typical.

    Today, I went to use the hand sanitizer and it wasn't sanitizer. It caused a burning sensation immediately, and made my hands very sticky. I immediately went downstairs to wash them, and soap and water did nothing, it couldn't wash the liquid off. My skin is peeling and in serious pain.

    I put gloves on and the gloves are being discolored from the chemicals on my skin. I'm not sure what the chemicals are. It's orange liquid in the container, it fizzes out white, and returns to liquid as clear. It burns my skin after application. After smelling, the fumes went into my eyes and caused my eyes to start tearing and burning. I put some into a bag to bring to a doctor.

    I work in law enforcement, I cannot leave the sight until someone is here to relieve me. I've texted my boss and am waiting to hear back but it's currently almost 2am. I'm waiting on hold with poison control, I was on hold for 20 minutes and they hung up, now I'm on hold a second time.

    What do I do now?

    submitted by /u/reallylikepenguins
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    Remove name from joint timeshare

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    A friend of mine bought a timeshare with an ex girlfriend. Both names are on the mortgage and title. Currently he is the only one paying for the loan and time share and he hasn't had any luck selling it. If he were to pay off the loan could he just turn over the time share completely to the ex? How would this work? Is there a better option?

    He doesn't want the timeshare and never actually uses it so just paying it off and turning it over puts him ahead since he no longer has to pay the maintenance fees.

    He lives in GA, the timeshare is in Fl, lien holder is in NY, and the ex lives in MO.


    submitted by /u/shade34321
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    Did I forfeit my US citizenship during adoption?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    TL;DR I was born in the US but adopted in Canada and as a minor I believe that I may have renounced my dual citizenship status during adoption. Not sure.

    So I was born in the United States down in Florida but was moved to Canada as a baby. There was a long custody battle but in my mid-teens I was successfully adopted by my Canadian parents. Please note that it has been a few years so my details might not be perfect. During this I obtained my Canadian citizenship papers and Birth Certificate from the Canadian Government. I was a minor during all of this but I do believe that there was talk about cutting my Dual-Citizenship which I supposedly had in order to make the process easier. I think I might have agreed to this. I am now an adult (AOM) and am looking at moving to the States from Canada where I have lived almost all of my life. In order to make the process easier I was wondering if there was any way my birth in the United States would still hold? Does a renouncing of citizenship hold water if it was agreed by a minor? I apologize if this is silly I just don't know.

    EDIT: My legal last name was changed as well.

    submitted by /u/Zarfa
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    New property management company took over; added a page of random fees to our lease (image attached)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    EDIT: location is CO if that helps

    TL; DR: New property management took over the house we're renting. Raised rent and added a page regarding fees that we think are excessive. Sent us a very mean email.

    We've been renting this house for 2 years now. We started off living with another person, and when we renewed our lease, she signed a roommate release agreement.

    Fast forward to late 2019- we were informed that a new property management company will be taking over. During the transition period, they sent me basically a turnover document. I reached out to them and asked if this means they are raising the rent (which doesn't really matter, we just wanted to know) I should also point out that we've never missed paying our rent and we always pay it on time. Anyway, they assured me that this document is just to confirm that we have a new property manager.

    Recently- They sent us a new lease agreement since our lease is up at the end of May. They had raised our rent (+$100). As I was looking over the lengthy document there was a page that was titled: ALL TENANTS AGREE TO PAY THE FOLLOWING FEES CHARGED BY BROKER. And in that page there were fees like: $90 administrative fee, $400 lease amendment fee, $90 move out administrative fee, etc.

    Page from lease agreement

    When we asked about these and as to whether the landlord/owner is aware of this, we didn't get any response. However, they would send us emails twice a day reminding us to sign the new lease. They also reached out to us and asked for our old roommate's contact info since apparently she had to sign (ANOTHER) lease addendum agreement (which is $400 accdg to their doc)

    On top of that, when we logged into our property mgmt portal, in the documents page, the original roommate release agreement was right there. So we reached out and sent that to her plus asking as to why she hasnt addressed any of our concerns and questions about whether the landlord was aware of this lease document, this was her response

    We don't know how to proceed. Should we personally reach out to the landlord/owner? Our neighbors know the owner and they said this doesn't seem like something they would agree on doing. What are our options here? We just don't wanna be tied to those fees since I've never seen those in previous leases I've signed before.

    Sorry for the length. Thank you for the patience. (Please let me know if this is the wrong subreddit for this or if there's another subreddit I should be crossposting this to)

    submitted by /u/verniedee
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    My work is giving us a choice to: 1. Reduce our work to 20 hrs without unemployment benefits or 2. Not work and need to go through the rehiring process after virus situation, losing all benefits and vacation time. Is this legal?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    To expand a bit, we were told we cannot apply for unemployment benefits with the reduced hours. We wouldn't be guaranteed our jobs if we choose #2. It's a local business with a few locations in the area. Just 2 owners and woefully under skilled management, no HR.

    Edit: forgot to say this is in US

    submitted by /u/ElGalan01
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    Shed built in my backyard (Oregon)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    Approximately 3 years ago, my ex-girlfriend's mom, and her mom's boyfriend built a shed in my backyard. About 2 years ago, we broke up and she (ex-gf) moved out.

    I haven't spoken to her since. About 2 or 3 weeks ago, her mom's boyfriend has been calling me, texting me, leaving me voicemails, writing down notes and placing them at my front door, and under my windshield wiper... He's wanting to dismantle the shed and remove it. I am the home owner, outright with no mortgage.

    Do I have any legal recourse to prevent him from contacting me further?

    If I want to keep the shed, do I legally have a right to?

    submitted by /u/ignorantandlearning
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