• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 15, 2020

    Legal Advice - Is my mom exposing me(15F) to corona illigal?

    Legal Advice - Is my mom exposing me(15F) to corona illigal?

    Is my mom exposing me(15F) to corona illigal?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Mom says that if a family member gets covid19 that i will have to (in person) visit them and pray for them. I have respiratory infections nearly every 2 weeks and covid19 would be absolutely devastating to me. Is this legal?

    EDIT: This is in FL

    submitted by /u/blairenyaa
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    Required to pay a fee on rent due to covoid-19

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    I looked at the mega thread and couldn't find answers to this one.

    Currently my apartment building is forcing us to pay only online. No checks or money orders due to covoid-19. But in order to pay online, you have to pay a 30 dollar fee. I checked and they aren't waiving it for this. I live in Ohio so schools are closed, all events are closed, and now restaurants are closed. My boyfriend and I work in a restaurant so right now, 30 extra dollars for rent is a lot. Ohio is slowly moving towards quarantine and I feel like something isn't completely legal about us not being able to send checks via mail at all and making us pay online which adds an extra 30 dollars.

    If this is completely legal, let me know so I can suck it up. If not, let me know what actions I can take.

    Also side note, this is a huge company that owns multiple complexes in the Midwest, not just a single landlord.

    submitted by /u/GrungeBomb
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    A family member is threatening to take me to court because I “owe him money”.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    So back in August of 2016, my husband and I signed a lease on an apartment with my cousin and our then roommate. The lease was set to end in July of 2017, and my cousin decided we'll before then that he no longer wanted to live with us when the lease ended. None of us were ever really super enthusiastic about living together, but we needed roommates for financial reasons. So we found someone to take his bedroom and his half of the rent payment from him when he planned to leave in July, and we went to our leasing office to renew our without my cousin's name on it. No problem. July rolls around, cousin, husband, and I all go together to have the water and power switched out of my cousin's name and into my husband's name, lease ends, cousin's name is no longer on the new lease, he leaves, new guy moves in.

    Now the next few months in that apartment sucked. Our air conditioning broke, our ceiling started to cave in outside our roommate's bedroom door, new neighbors moved in and brought bedbugs with them which began spreading into our apartment. Our property management group barely responded to the issues, much less handled them in a timely manner, and we, sick and tired of being snacked on by bedbugs every night, walked out on the remainder of the lease.

    They billed my husband and I for the rest of the rent money and for an extermination fee almost immediately after we left and several more times periodically over the next several months/years. Our names were the only two names ever on the bill because our names were the only two on the lease when we left. (We never officially added our second roommate's name to the lease after we took my cousin's off. We just kinda let him stay, knowing he'd be good for his half of the rent.)

    Suddenly, years after all this has happened, they've billed us again, this time (for the first time) with my cousin's name on the bill. He now works for the military and upon seeing this several-year-old bill for an apartment lease he knows his name was not on, he immediately payed it without even attempting to contact us to see what was up because he can't have any sort of debt like that in the military. He told us AFTER he payed that he expects the money back. For a bill we were never intending to pay, that he paid without contacting us about first even though he had to have known was wrongly billed to him. We've told him twice that we will not be paying him back for his idiotic mistake, but now he is threatening to take us to court. I know almost nothing about how any of this will look in a legal setting. Any advice or insight into what could potentially happen here would be helpful. This all happened in Georgia, US.

    Tl;dr family member/old roommate paid one of our bills we were purposefully avoiding for us without contacting us beforehand and is now threatening to take us to court if we don't pay him back.

    Edit: My husband found this post, and disagrees with my telling. To clarify: we never intended to just ignore the debt forever. We were actively arguing over the bills sent by them and the validity of the charges. Presumably at some point during our arguments over the bill they contacted the former lessor to seek the money.

    submitted by /u/ComprehensiveSwan7
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    My Uncle left Me $40,000 My cousin has cut off contact and won’t produce the will. I live in FL My uncle and cousin were/are residents of GA

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    My uncle died back in 2006. My cousin told me that my uncle left my brother and I $40,000 each that we would receive at age 28 providing we didn't use illegal drugs and finished school. I'm 29 now and my cousin has cut off all contact with me.

    I want to see the will and I want the money I'm just not sure how to go about it. Any advice is welcomed.

    submitted by /u/mhortonable
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    The restaurant I work at makes me (a server) pay the cooks to make food for my tables.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    So I work for this pretty popular restaurant chain, I'll call 'peppers'. When I first started working there it was great. The work environment is great, my co-workers are all really cool, and we're a pretty tight knit little team. I was making some really good money and was really happy and that's when everything changed. When I started working there, the cooks were paid about $20/hr and the rest of us (besides management) make minimum wage plus tips. Servers would tip out 4% total to food runners, expo, and bartenders. At the beginning of the year, 'Peppers' corporation decided they needed to save money. they were going to pay the cooks minimum wage now and have us tip out over 4% to just the cooks. I now in total tip out to back of house over 6% of my total sales. So here's where it gets kind of choppy and questionable legally. I tip them out on my total sales, which includes things that had to be comped and re-made. So if the cooks make my food wrong and it gets sent out, my manager has to comp it and they have to make another one, which in turn my sales go up and I tip out the cooks more. Tips are also not mandatory. We have no policy making it mandatory for anyone to tip, even a party of 25 people. Which means if a table runs up a bill to 100-200$ or more and tips me absolutely nothing, i have to still pay the cooks 6% of the total sales I made on that table. So basically tips I made from my other tables are now being used to pay the cooks to make the food for my table who tipped me nothing, and I also make nothing from that. So basically I am paying the cooks with the money I made to make the food for a table who doesn't tip me anything. This isn't just an issue when people tip nothing, people will tip 5%-10% very often, which the cooks still make more money off of that table than I do. I hope this isn't too complicated or all over the place but I'm just concerned about how legal this is? What loopholes they jumped through? I'm making significantly less money more than 500$ a month less- which is a whole lot. I really do love and enjoy my job but I have no other choice but to leave. Before I do though, I want to raise hell about this and figure out if there's anything I can do.

    Edit for information: I'm in California.

    submitted by /u/ooooohok
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    People driving in my yard to dodge a speed bump - hit the fence. Am I liable if I put something in my yard like a rock or a log to keep people off it and they hit it? -WV

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Theres a speedbump in the road in front of our house. People have been dodging it for years but recently have been coming all the way into the yard and someone managed to tear the yard up and hit the fence. If I put something out there like some cinderblocks, logs or something as a border on the property line and they hit it, am I liable for any damages since they are the ones driving into my yard and out of the road?

    The road is supposed to be 10 feet wide. And I measured and where I would put the borders would be at the 12 foot mark about a foot into my yard.

    Location - WV

    submitted by /u/soyboy98
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    Landlord refused to take my rent money, and then evicts us for "Defaulting". Help!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    I am staying at an rv park and paid the first month up front. 2 days before the last paid day, I went in to pay for the next month. He then told me to wait as we had a full time resident application pending. I went to the office 3 times to pay in person, and now have gotten an eviction notice for Defaulting and not paying rent. I attempted to pay 3 times and he kept telling me to wait.

    Is it legal for him to file that as defaulting? If I have proof we attempted to pay 3 times and he did not take it?

    This will now be on my record. I have never missed a payment and I'm extremely upset. We are very quiet, never had any complaints and got along with our landlord well. If he wanted us to leave for any reason he could have just been honest, and not claim we are defaulting. It's mind boggling to me that he would not accept my money and then turn around and evict us over it. Please help. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

    TLDR: Landlord refused to take my monthly rent 3 times, and decides to evict us for defaulting/ not paying rent. Is this legal?

    Edit: This is in Sacramento, CA.

    submitted by /u/Delightfully_Curious
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    Presumptive positive for COVID-19 and work is harassing/threatening over testing. (NJ)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    This is actually for my mother - not myself. We are in New Jersey, for reference.

    My mother went into urgent care today (Sunday) and was tested for the flu which came back negative. Based on her symptoms, she was told that she is a presumptive positive for COVID-19. In our region, there are no testing kits available. She was told to self quarantine at home and to go to the emergency room if her symptoms get worse as far as her shortness of breath.

    Due to symptoms, my mom is having trouble talking on the phone. I called her boss and sent her a picture of my mom's doctor's note and offered to bring one in from my mom's primary care doctor after my mom follows up, telephonically, with her doctor in the AM. Mom's boss was demanding my mother get tested. I explained the situation (no tests) and she hung up, only to call back later and state that the doctor for my mom's company called the local hospital, and they want me mom to go in and they will immediately test her. Ok. I have my mom go and test and it turns out all of that was not true. No testing available unless you present to the ER in severe respiratory distress, and even then, you are only tested after a battery of tests and only at the doctor's discretion.

    I relayed this information to my mother's boss who then told me she doesn't care, my mother needs to be tested or she will not be paid for time off. My mother is also worried she is going to face disciplinary action when she does return to work. Is this legal? Is there anything I can have my mother do or someone she could call? Can work demand she be tested? Is having a doctor give her a presumptive positive not enough? We are under a state of emergency in my state, if that helps at all. My mom is terrified and I'm trying desperately hard to calm her down. Any information anyone has would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Tugboats_and_Arson
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    Neighbor refusing to clean up pile of trash and threatening to call police if we continue to contact him

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    For the past year or so, we've dealt with some really crappy renters living next door to us. The lots are very close, they partied pretty often and always made a lot of noise. At one point they parked a camper inches away from our home with someone living in it. We contacted the landlord numerous times over these issues and more, including overgrown blackberry bushes protruding through our fence. Overall he's probably annoyed with us and I get it. But the landlord and tenants' blatant disrespect for our property is incredibly frustrating, too.

    There has been a pile of trash accumulating in their yard for some time now. We assume their trash service was disconnected. A couple of weeks ago, the house caught on fire and tenants moved out. The pile of trash is still there and has grown larger. There is trash strewn about the yard. Since the fire happened recently we assume the landlord is dealing with it, but to be honest we're disgusted by the trash and concerned about the possibility of rats. We're a young family with a kid and we're reasonable people. We just want to live in a clean area and their trash is so close to our home.

    My husband reached out to the landlord again today who told us that his hands are tied due to insurance and he can't do anything about the trash right now. Mind you, the trash was there before the fire. He told us to contact his attorney and threatened to call police if we continue to contact him. The city said it's a civil issue. I checked city ordinances and it says that trash must be stored in containers and specifically "An accumulation of perishable garbage is not allowed to become offensive or attract rodents." This trash pile is obscene and you can see it from the street.

    I have a coworker with connections to the city so I am going to talk to her tomorrow to see if she knows who I should contact because the people we've spoken with don't care. I'm more concerned that this guy is threatening us when we're just asking for him to clean up trash. Should we go ahead and retain an attorney? Do we have any rights here? This is in Oregon btw. Can provide city and more details if needed.

    TLDR: tenants trashed property and house burned down, landlord can't clean up an obscene pile of trash right now and is threatening to call the police if we keep contacting him. The city said it's not their problem. What can we do?

    submitted by /u/modestmal
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    Moved into a house owned by my landlord, who also happens to live there. Gave me access to entirety of house with some restrictions. Is he allowed to restrict access to a shower?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Obligatory, this is in Chesapeake, Virginia, for local and state laws purposes.

    At the beginning of the month, I was moved into this townhouse owned by my landlord, who also happens to live there as well. When I moved in, he said I would have unrestricted access to the entire house, minus 2 rooms: his room, and his dogs bedroom. I, of course, had no problem with that, and said that is fine.

    Now, there is only 2 bathrooms in the house. 1 bathroom is a full bathroom that is shared by all 3 bedrooms upstairs, but is also directly connected to my landlords/roommate room, and the other bathroom is just a half bath. I can only use the full bathroom to take a shower when my landlord/roommate is there, and awake, because he locks the upstairs bathroom.

    His reason for locking the upstairs bathroom is this: because the door that is leading to his room from the bathroom is broken (which can be easily fixed with a hook and eye until the doorjamb can be fixed),the door to the bathroom will be locked in order to prevent me from "potentially" going into his room and robbing him blind. (His words, not mine)

    He is an older black guy, who also happens to be gay, so I can understand his worry about a house that he and his late husband built together. But, neither of us is on the same work schedule. I am up at 3 to 430 in the morning, and he is usually up anywhere from 6 to 11 in the morning.

    Is he allowed to restrict access to the shower during certain times just because his door is broken, and is there anything that I can do in order to stop it from happening?

    submitted by /u/ugaphoenix
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    *urgent* My landlord says we owe him almost $600 in electric bills since September after he took our name off of the bill without consent and expects it on Tuesday.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    In September, my roommate and I thought we would be moving to another house by November, so we let him know in advance that we may be moving. Our landlord decided to take our names off of the gas and electric bill without telling us. Our new house situation flopped, so we stayed here. a couple months pass and he emails us telling us to put utilities back in our names, (which we do). We then start to get our normal DTE bill every month. Then today, we get an email saying he has been paying our electric bill since September and that we have only been paying gas. Although we have always only had one bill. Can we be held accountable for this? Would it not be his responsibility to inform us immediately if this is true? He is requesting this money less than 48 hours from now and I don't even know what to say. For reference we live in Michigan. Any advice would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/Carmine-Ambrose
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    A coworker possibly exposed to COVID-19 is telling me not to mention his name to anyone and is trying to continue working despite exposure.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    This is in Ohio, USA.

    I developed COVID-19-like symptoms and have been instructed by a doctor to self-quarantine for 14 days as of yesterday/very early this morning. I haven't been tested and have no idea if I actually have the disease, though my symptoms are eerily similar and the timeline roughly matches with the first possible exposure I could have had.

    I work at a retail chain, and would have been infectious/asymptomatic during at least two shifts, both of which were worked with one other coworker, a shift manager (as opposed to store manager). Now that I've made it known to management that I'm self-quarantining for 14 days, this shift manager is telling me to not mention his name to anyone to avoid also being quarantined, strongly indicating he intends to continue working despite exposure.

    What do I do? What am I obligated to do? What am I liable for? On the one hand, I have no idea what his financial situation is like - if I say something and force him to be quarantined, it might sink him entirely, which is what it sounds like he's worried about. On the other hand, if I do turn out to be infected, meaning he is as well, it's putting people at risk for him to continue working. He hasn't taken any information on COVID-19 seriously and has been spinning wild tales of the gov't stoking mass hysteria for profit and similar BS. He's firmly in the "It's just a cold" crowd and is pulling fictitious statistics and anecdotes out of his rear to back up what he says.

    I don't even remotely have the money to retain any kind of legal counsel, and I need to hoard every cent in case this is COVID-19 and I develop severe symptoms (I have chronic lung issues).

    submitted by /u/IAmTheThrowaway40
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    [MI] Father passed away last year, step mom won't share his will

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Hey folks,

    Throwaway from Michigan here. My father passed away mid-last year after a brief battle with cancer. He had remarried a few years ago after separating from my mom a good while back. Stepmom hasn't provided any information on what his will entails, nor has she made any copies of his will available to myself or my siblings. During his last few months, my father and I spoke about it every once in a while so I'm sure it exists, was up to date, and was properly assembled by an attorney (not sure which one though).

    Our entire family has a terrible relationship with the new wife. Probably a different conversation, but in short, she's a little far out there and we all thought she was taking advantage of him.

    I'm wondering a couple of things.

    • Is there's a something I can do to receive a copy?
    • Is there a time frame where the will must be executed?
    • Is there a time frame for when I would need to take legal action to ensure the will is executed?

    Feel free to ask any follow up questions. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/throwawayyyyyy3031
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    Someone has been using my Felyx account for an exceptional amount of money I cannot afford right now.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:04 PM PDT


    In the Netherlands we have an app called 'Felyx', where you can shortrent scooters in a few of the larger cities, and pay per minute or kilometer, when you are done you can just park the scooter where you are currently at, and the app will bill you according to your usage. While I wasn't even in one of the cities that support this app (I can sort of proof this because Google timeline is enabled on my phone), someone has broken into my account and has been using a scooter for literally all day, and now I have been sent a bill of almost 300 euros, an amount I really cannot afford because I'm just a student. I haven't had a chance to call their customer service because they are closed in the weekends and this all happened last Friday, but if they don't believe my story or they tell me its my problem and not theirs or something, what can I do?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Oskar2705
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    [California] Employer Forcing Me to Work “In the Field” Due to Opportunities Arising from Coronavirus

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    I have a office based sales job in LA county where I manage various liquor accounts across LA and Orange County. Late last week my employer sent out an email regarding COVID-19. Instead of it saying that we should work from home, it insister that all sales reps:

    Get into the field and engage in sales opportunities with restaurant owners because it is likely that they will have downtime and because our competitors are not likely to be in the field soliciting to businesses.

    I am very stressed out that my employer wants to put the employees out in the field even though every gov agency is trying to restrict public interaction.

    Is this in any way illegal or is it just purely unethical and immoral?

    submitted by /u/anonacct900
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    I'm an Amazon delivery driver in London, Notting Hill. I was at a stop, left the keys in the van while doing the delivery and got robbed. My insurance doesn't want to cover the value of Amazon goods. Please HELP

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    The value of Amazon goods is £5,500. My van, £5,600.

    I know it was such a stupid thing to do and I should've never done it but it becomes a habit when you have 260 parcels to deliver in 8 hrs. Speed becomes the main focus and every second counts. I have definitely learnt my lesson

    With my insurance, it clearly states in the contract that it will not cover the cost of the vehicle if theft happened while the keys are inside. I accept this bit but where it talks about the goods in transit, it gets confusing with all the jargon and wordplay. here's a copy pastea of the Goods section:

    Section 4- Goods in transit (freightliability)

    Special definitions


    The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage

    of Goods by Road as enacted into English law by the Carriage

    of Goods by Road Act 1965.

    Costs and expenses

    1. claimants' costs and expenses which you become legally

    liable to pay

    1. costs incurred with our written consent in defending any



    Physical loss, destruction or damage.

    Excluded goods

    1. living creatures

    2. money, securities for money, negotiable instruments,

    saving stamps, unused postage stamps and anything of a

    similar nature

    1. fine arts, bullion, precious metal or stones or articles

    made of or containing precious metal or stones.

    Full responsibility

    Any contract for carriage of goods (other than a contract which

    is subject to CMR) where you:

    1. Do not use contract conditions and do not restrict your

    liability for loss or damage to common law or

    1. use contract conditions but do not to wish to restrict our

    liability for loss or damage by application of their terms.

    Other conditions

    Liability under any conditions of contract approved by us in

    writing prior to use.

    Thief attractive goods

    1. Alcoholic beverages, processed tobacco or tobacco


    1. clothing or footwear

    2. non ferrous metals

    3. domestic audio visual equipment or accessories

    4. computer hardware or software

    5. mobile phones or other portable communication devices

    6. microchips, microprocessors, central processing units,

    system boards, memory boards, memory, sound or video

    cards or hi-tech components of a similar nature designed

    to be used in or in connection with computers or other

    electronic devices but not when they are fitted in such a



    We will indemnify you in respect of all sums which you may

    become legally liable to pay as road carrier or bailee in respect

    of accidental damage to goods carried:

    1. under the contract terms stated in the schedule. Limit of

    indemnity as stated in the schedule

    **2. where liability is determined under common law due to

    a court of law setting aside the contract conditions that

    goods were carried under. Limit of indemnity £500,000

    any one occurrence within the territorial limits.

    In addition to any limit of indemnity we will pay costs and


    Additional cover extensions applicable to Section 4 –Goods in transit (freight liability)

    Cross liabilities

    Where there is more than one insured person named in your

    schedule, each one will be covered as if they are the only

    insured person covered under this policy provided that nothing

    in this extension will increase our liability beyond the amount

    for which we would have been liable had this extension not


    We will not provide indemnity where liability is owed by one

    party named on your schedule to another party named on your


    It has a section about theft attractive goods but doesn't say anything anywhere in relation to it. It just points out what they are. Why?

    Under damage, it says physical loss. Shouldn't theft be a physical loss?

    If you have any knowledge of the Goods By Road Act 1965 please fill me in if I'm covered

    submitted by /u/r3flex_MMA
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    My abusive ex-boyfriend and the co-singer, his brother, want to take me to court over breaking our apartment lease, but I have a protective order against him. They keep asking to meet, and I don't feel safe doing so. My first court hearing is tomorrow, and I have no idea what to do about this.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    I broke up with a physically and emotionally abusive man and left the apartment we rented together, due to me not feeling safe there. I had to get a protective order because he and his brother, the co-signer, won't stop contacting me. They are asking me to pay more than just half of the money owed for breaking the lease. I have my first court hearing tomorrow, and I'm not sure what evidence I need to bring. I don't have any medical records, so I don't know how to prove the abuse.

    Additionally, he bought a car and had to temporarily register it in my name and put my name on the title, until he could switch his Virginia license to a Maryland one, because the car has MD tags and we both live in Maryland. So, of course, he got a speeding ticket (for $100!) in the car he drives, yet I legally own, so the ticket is in my name and was mailed to me. Is there a way I can get out of this?

    Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm really panicking about this.

    submitted by /u/sendhelpandpancakes
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    My boss, who is also my landlord and housemate, has been abusive toward myself and another live-in.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    I started a job in AB, Canada roughly 2 weeks ago after moving across the country. In the first couple nights of settling in, I began to notice that my Manager (and only other employee of my workplace) is a full-blown alcoholic. He is a lonely middle-aged man that always insists myself and our other live-in (we'll call him Gary) accompany him, he can get aggressive about this.

    Once I noticed how severely drunk he gets I began recording our conversations and his actions. I have videos of him touching both myself and Gary inappropriately, as well as saying vile things (eg. "let's go upstairs and rape Gary"). I have videos of him being violent toward myself and different pieces of furniture in the house. I have more evidence of him verbally asking Gary to touch his private, and over 40 minutes of other inappropriate activity.

    Gary has since spoken to the owner of our company regarding this situation. Our owner has contacted me, suggesting I hand over my evidence to him so he can speak to our manager. He basically told me that he wants to "stop" the activity, but there is no sign of him firing my manager.

    I feel uncomfortable in this situation, like I'm stuck. If I get my manager fired, I am out of my job, which means I can not live in the town that I reside in. I love everything else about my current situation. At the same time, I want justice for this man's actions. He has caused serious distress in both myself and Gary.

    Is there any chance I can find a way to start a settlement? My manager is not a wealthy man particularly, but I know our owner is extremely wealthy. I am not a man of greed, but money in this type of situation can really open up my options for my next steps in life.

    submitted by /u/TITKICKER
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    Uni canceled study abroad programs with only 6 days notice to be back in the states. What do I do?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    I don't know if this is the right place to post, but I don't know what to do. I'm currently abroad in Japan and was supposed to be here until August. I've already taken many classes and paid for them, but by returning to the states, almost all of those classes are useless and can't be transferred back without completing this upcoming semester. Also, I'm not allowed to enroll in ongoing spring classes once I return, so they are forcing me to take off a semester. All in all, this will set me back an entire year for graduation. Japan right now is multitudes safer than America right now. In the past week, Japan's number of infections has increased by about 150. America's number of infections are increasing by the thousands per day now!! They are putting me at risk by forcing me to come home. Especially with the overly crowded airports right now jam packed full of half sick people panic returning to the states. On another note, they just sent this order and says we have 6 days max to return! March 22 at the latest! This is so urgent and plane tickets are ridiculously expensive right now and I really cannot afford to purchase one so suddenly. This all makes no sense for our safety and I dont know what to do. Some help is appreciated.

    Edit: My visa is still active, would I really need to return by that date if I had somewhere to stay?

    submitted by /u/WartleTV
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    A bank has mistakenly tanked my credit score twice, now. What recourse do I have?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Several months ago a national bank, from whom I had gotten a personal line of credit, reported to the credit bureaus that I was 30 days past due on my payment and that I had left an outstanding balance. Both of these claims were untrue. Their mistake made it so that I could not be preapproved for a home loan and I was unable to make an offer on a house that is now off the market.

    The resolutions team for the bank did an investigation, realized their mistake, and sorted it out. I have a letter from the bank's legal department admitting fault.

    However, they have now done the EXACT same thing, tanking my credit, again.

    What can I do to: 1) remedy the situation 2) ensure it doesn't happen a third time 3) get something for the lost opportunities and embarrassment they've caused. This normally isn't my style, but I'm pissed. I want them to remember this error this time. (Edit: I'm soft on this one. It's cool if the answer is "nothing." I really care about the other two, though.)

    I am in Texas, USA.

    submitted by /u/themrogers
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    NY - The Governor has mandated a gathering ban of 500 or more OR less than 500 a reduction of legal capacity by 50%. I own a gym, does that mean we have to reduce our building volume to 50% what our capacity is?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Hi all. The statement was very vague and I could not tell if it was just for planned events our buildings in general. Any clarification would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/Rorako
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    I confessed sexual abuse to a mandated reporter and they did not report.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I was a teen and I told my therapist my stepfather was sexually abusing me. I was 15 at the time. I was scared and told her to please not tell anyone. She told basically blamed me and told me if he was doing these things I should just stay in my room and not come out. She told me she wouldn't tell and she didn't. Because I was all alone it became too much to handle. I confessed to my mother and she didn't believe me. I told her I confessed months ago to my therapist. She asked the therapist and the woman said that I was clearly out of touch with reality. She had the police called and I was baker acted as a threat to my stepfather because of these things. I am now 21 and I got proper help eventually. Unfortunately even though my caseworkers believed me they said there wasn't enough to build a case against him because I kept everything so secret. I was wondering if there is anything I can do legally against that therapist. She shouldn't have certifications whatsoever. It's been a long time though and I never did have enough evidence against my stepfather to have him legally apprehended. This is in Florida.

    submitted by /u/extra-3554
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    Advice on surname change [CO]

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    This may seem a little odd to some, but I'm interested in getting my surname changed.

    Currently, I have my dad's surname - who was abusive to me for the majority of my childhood and whom I have not spoken to in many years. My parents divorced when I was young and my mom went through the process to get her name changed back to her maiden name.

    Is it legally possible for me to get my surname changed to my mother's maiden name? I know it sounds silly, but I have no connection to my father's side of the family and I have realized recently that my last name just brings up bad memories. I also find that the practice of taking your father's surname is a little antiquated.

    I know it's typically possible in a divorce to get your child's surname changed or hyphenated when you are in custody court, but would it be possible for me now? I live in Colorado and I'm not sure what the process would be.

    submitted by /u/ormr_kin
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