• Breaking News

    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - do I have to pay the scrapyard for my stolen car?

    Legal Advice - do I have to pay the scrapyard for my stolen car?

    do I have to pay the scrapyard for my stolen car?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:18 AM PST

    So my car got broken into and the ignition switch was removed (someone tried to hotwire the car, but the car is unable to be hotwired). I had a friend (my girlfriends cousin actually) who offered to fix the car for free, I just had to buy the parts. I bought an ignition switch and key and towed the car to where he wanted (his parents house, outside the garage). After almost a week he said it needed one more part, which I purchased and gave to him. Another week goes by, with him making up excuses like it being cold so he didn't wanna work on the car. Finally on Fri I tell him he has taken too long and I wish to pickup my car now and I don't want him to fix it anymore. He tells me my car isn't where I left it and refuses to tell me where my car is. I call the police and a few hours after making a report the cop calls me and tells me he (my gf's cousin) had my car towed to a scrapyard and then sold it to the scrapyard simply by saying he owned it, had lost the title and was getting a duplicate one made. The cop also said what my gf's cousin did didn't constitute theft of my vehicle and the only thing I can do is sue him in civil court. However my question is this, was it legal for the scrapyard to purchase my vehicle from someone who was not the owner considering he had 0 documents proving he was the owner of the car. Basically are scrapyards required by law to verify car ownership before purchasing a vehicle? and if that is the case, will that absolve me from having to pay the scrapyard $175 to get my car back? ($125 for the money given for scraping it and $50 tow fee). This is in Berea KY usa.

    submitted by /u/WhiteKnight314
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    UPDATE: 2 Children ran into my car in my neighborhood and mother sued me (California)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:20 PM PST

    I had the hearing a few weeks ago. I don't know how to link the original post unfortunately.

    The results are quite anticlimactic. I am off scotch free, as I should be. A shop repaired my car and I didn't have to pay out of pocket.

    The mother was found guilty of negligence or something along that sort. I have to go towards the neighbor's house to check my mail, and I'm looked at adversarially when I pass by. I haven't seen them this past week how every.

    My car is as beautiful as ever and I don't think the kids have anything against me, as they were no part of the idiocy their mom initiated.

    I don't know if I missed anything. I'm just writing an update because the original post got some traction and I think I recall a few people asking for an update.

    If you guys have any other questions, I'll respond eventually :)

    submitted by /u/Niktam-Air
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    Virginia - Went out of town for 3 weeks, came home to a new roof that I did not ask for - Roofer asking for money because "the roof needed replacing anyway"

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PST

    Northern Virginia

    For sake of not giving my exact location away, I will give a fake address - I live at 123 S. Broad Street. A "neighbor" lives at 123 N. Broad Street.

    I was on travel for business for 3 weeks. Two weeks ago, I came home to a brand new roof.

    Turns out the roofing supplier company delivered the roofing materials to my house, not the house like 6 blocks away. The roofing crew ended up ripping off my existing roof, then replacing with a very nice new roof.

    Yes, I am quite happy with the end result.

    The roofing company messed up. They owned up to it and are now asking that I "at a bare minimum pay for the materials" which is about $2,500. The owner of the company stopped by this weekend first off apologizing, then asking for money. They are a well known, high quality roofing company. I trust their workmanship.

    The money for me is not the issue, it is the principle of the matter. Not only did they trespass, but they replaced my roof without my consent. What would of happened if one of the guys fell off the roof during the install process?

    Is this a case where I get my homeowners insurance involved? Do I hire my own lawyer?

    I do not know what to do here.

    I mean, I am not exactly mad per se, I concur that my roof likely needed replacing in the next couple of years, but I would have liked to do this on my own terms, not via a fuck up of this guy's employees who cannot read a goddamn map.

    submitted by /u/Optimal-Fudge
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    Insurance is dropping me because I'm gay (idaho)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:22 PM PST

    http://imgur.com/gallery/U0hdPZf Here is the letter I've received. is this even legal? it's a franchise and I know they own all the local ones and few in neighboring states I believe but the company themselves are nationwide. I'm worried about losing my insurance! we are legally married, have children, and located in idaho.

    submitted by /u/anon9111991
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    Charged $250 smoking fee for hotel stay, but we didn't smoke

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Location: USA, Date: 2/29/20-3/1/20

    We woke up this morning to a $250 smoking fee for our hotel stay over the weekend. Neither of us smoke in any form and most certainly did not smoke this weekend. We called the hotel to see what was going on and ended up speaking with the manager who said she herself confirmed our room smelled strongly of marijuana. The smell must have occurred after we checked out, for we did not smell any marijuana smell when we did check out early around 10 am. They said they came up for cleaning around 11 am and that was when they noticed the smell.

    The manager said she would not reverse the charges and over-all was not willing to discuss anything further. We asked why no one called us or informed us (we only found out due to the final bill sent the next day) and she said it was because we had already checked out. They also said they had no physical proof other than the potent smell in our room.

    I read online I can try to dispute this with my credit card (Discover) which I intend to do, but they mentioned they can't do anything while the charge is pending and that we'd have to wait for it to clear.

    The part that makes me nervous is that we actually were staying at this hotel due to our wedding. The hotel hosted our wedding block and we put down a $1,000 deposit for damages outside the guest rooms (such as sound disturbance, damage to property, etc), but that guests were still responsible for their individual room damages. The group manager let us know this deposit would be returned within a couple weeks after our wedding weekend.

    I guess I'm just nervous to dispute the charge while they are still holding $1,000 from us. However, I don't want to sit on the charge either.

    Has anything dealt with this? What is the best course of action? Do we ask for written proof from the hotel? Should we back off until we get our $1,000 deposit back and then fight, or do we fight right away?

    I have to admit, I'm trying to stay positive and not let this get to me, but I've never been blatantly told I'm a liar before and it was a pretty upsetting thing to wake up to on the first day of our honeymoon!

    TLDR; Charged $250 for smoking fee in hotel. We don't smoke, but manager is not refunding us our money. Do we wait until we received back our deposit, or do we dispute the charge as soon as possible?

    submitted by /u/cloverdemeter
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    Man child trying to mature, all my bank accounts are under my mom's name, signed a power of attorney with my mom and she won't remove it. What do I do?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Title. Aspergers, man child. I want to become more mature, start saving, invest in the stock market, find avenues of growth, and move out of this godforsaken basement so I can get a life of my own. The problem with this is that my mom owns my account or my accounts are under her name. I receive SSI and I was told I don't have access to my savings because she's the beneficiary or something. What makes me suspicious is the lying. I've asked her on several occasions to remove the power of attorney and each time she says "Poof! It's gone" as if that's all it takes, except I caught her on one occasion in a lie and that the power of attorney was still infact in play. Now when I ask she tells me the lawyer is out of town. Seems fucking suspicious, and an attempt at stifling me and keeping me babied and under her and delaying my growth. Makes the whole, "wherever you go I'll be there." seem ominous. I just want to leave the nest, self assured and ready for life. If her parenting won't let me be ready for life, then let me at least leave the nest at least self assured and confident in myself.

    how do I get the power of attorney removed?

    submitted by /u/juhnairicusername
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    The police won’t help me and I’m flat broke. My ex destroyed my only transportation.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:17 AM PST

    A few days ago I broke up with my ex. She's my upstairs neighbor. She came to my unit the night I broke up with her and threatened to break my motorcycle, was banging on my door and I got this all on video. That was wed, 5 days later I come outside and my motorcycle is TRASHED. She broke the ignition coil by hitting the handlebars while the handle bars were locked so the motorcycle will not start. She dented the gas tank, tipped my bike over and broke my clutch and shift lever. The bike isn't worth much and in my state anything over 60% of the value of the vehicle in damage makes a vehicle totaled. I called the cops this morning and told them I had her threatening to break my bike on video and they said without an eye witness or video there's nothing I can do. The officer said I could not take her to small claims court because it's a criminal case. I do not have renters insurance OR full coverage on my bike so I have no recourse to get my money back. Please help me I have no other transportation and I'm struggling financially. Please upvote this so someone with legal know how can help.

    Las Vegas NV

    submitted by /u/Lectivus76
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    [UPDATE] Found out my ex-husband was charged with Child indecency by sexual contact- PLEASE HELP

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PST

    Original Post

    In Dallas, TX

    So I was able to file for a temporary restraining order and emergency full custody of my children.

    But we aren't able to find him to serve him the papers. We tried his house, he hasn't been home all weekend. We tried his work place, that also didn't work.

    What happens if I am not able to serve him his papers?

    submitted by /u/Bloodyrocket
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    Roommate moved out before lease expired. Now she’s trying to sue for 6 months of rent

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Hi, first time posting and I'm anxious out of my mind.

    Live in Columbus Ohio and I moved in with a friend from college back in April of 2019 and things were great until she wanted to move in with her boyfriend that she met two months prior in February. She got approval from our leasing office that it was okay and that she would have to find someone to take her place on the lease with my consent. Well she waited until the month before she moved out to start looking for roommates and the first guy she wanted to move in had two pets which is against our lease. Despite this, she still offered him the place without asking me. I then sat down with her and told her that I would like to find my own roommate (since she obviously wasn't going to take the same amount of care in finding one that I would) and that she would pay her half of the rent in the meantime. I even paid her half of the utilities and the rest of the bills so she wouldn't be out so much money. This was around September 2019.

    Over time things turned sour because she felt I was dragging my feet finding one but it was hard finding one in the middle of the semester on top of working and putting myself through school. But she came around when I found a roommate in January 2020. The new roommate moves in and a day later she texted me asking him to send her 600 dollars to reimburse her for her deposit on the place. I told her no because we had signed a one party release addendum that stated that she acknowledged her deposit would stay on the account for the apartment. Three days later I get a court summons where she is trying to claim that I acted in bad faith by not allowing her to find a roommate and mitigate her damages. She is sueing me for 2,730 or 6 months of rent, claiming that she moved out in august. But she "moved out" September 22nd (I have texts confirming) and only paid 4 months of rent ($1820, which I have Venmo requests to show) between then and January and was still on the lease. She also still had keys and and left a futon, and some boxes full of stuff in the apartment and was still coming in and out to collect mail.

    Is it enough of a defense to argue that she was still on the lease? I don't have any experience with small claims court and I don't have anyone to turn to. 2730 is more than my current savings and I'm just anxious about the whole thing. Any advice is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Golden_Boii
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    College student getting wrongfully charged for party

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:58 AM PST

    I (M21) go to school at a big party school in Delaware. I rent a house that is connected to about 8 other houses in a long row with a massive backyard behind all of them with no fence dividing them, so this is a prime spot for day drinks. This past weekend there was a particularly big day drink happening (I'd say around 500 people). I was inside my house playing video games with my friends not participating in the day drink when someone told me that a cop was out front. I went out to talk with him because I did not want to seem suspicious by not going out and ignoring him and he said he was there to break up the day drink and took my ID. He had mentioned to someone else outside that it was all probably going to be just a warning, and I was not participating in the party so I assumed that it would be fine and didn't argue when he took the ID. When he went to the backyard he saw someone peeing in the way back on my property. We got everyone out of the back and he said he couldn't return my ID and that I had to come with him to his car. I was confused and my friends and I had a 10 minute rant with him explaining we were not the house hosting the day drink. We were not playing any music or supplying alcohol. We asked if he could go to one of the other houses and he basically told me that "it is what it is" and that "this is what's happening" so I was arrested. I am being hit with a disorderly on premises charge, and the summons says that I was playing loud music, there was litter on my property, and people were publicly urinating. I was not playing music in the backyard, and I cannot control when people at a massive party like that throw their trash wherever and pee on what happens to be my property. I am also very concerned because I just was offered an internship for this summer, and I am worried this will affect it, as well as how this could affect my standing as a student.

    What should I do about the charges? Should I contact my employer and explain the situation or just let it play out?

    TL;DR: college student, people in my backyard during day drink that I did not participate in, I am getting charged for it, worried this could affect summer internship

    submitted by /u/jfksheadjustdidthat1
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    I think someone took out student loans in my name.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:48 PM PST

    Tax season was looking good this year. After I finished filing, my return was quickly accepted. The estimated date to get my refund back was around the 20th of Feb. But I still hadn't seen it a week after that. Confused and worried, I went back to the IRS website, where my 'adjusted' refund was 0. Very lame but whatever, life goes on. And life did go on. Checking the mail today, I found a letter from the Department of Education. Kinda weird since I haven't been to school for a couple years. I had defaulted on nearly 6000 in student loans. Now when I was in school, I took out about 1200, but paid it off the next quarter. What should I expect/say when I call Department?

    EDIT: I am in Washington state

    submitted by /u/ZamboniDriveby
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    Co-Tenant’s Death in House

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:35 PM PST

    My boyfriend rents a room in a house that is also rented out to other people he doesn't know. Recently we found out that one of the other co-tenants died in the house in her room and her body has been in the room for probably quite some time. The body was removed from the house and the room is now sealed off by the public administrator of the county. He's pretty freaked out about the whole thing and concerned about potential health hazards. Are there any legal rights that he has in this regard as a tenant? For example is the landlord required to provide alternative housing options until the room has been properly sanitized? He lives in New York State.

    P.S the landlord only knew about her death when he broke into her room after my boyfriend complained to him about the smell. It's been smelling bad for more than a month.

    submitted by /u/Common_Butterscotch
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    What should I do about this issue I'm having with Best buy?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:51 AM PST

    A few months ago I purchase a 77" OLED TV from Best buy, which cost me around $6K, and I returned the TV because of a defective HDMI port. Now, the TV I exchanged it for arrived with a ton of dead pixels, so naturally I attempt to return it. The manager says that due to me making two high value returns so close together, that they will have to send someone out to verify my TV is truly defective. The geek squad guy comes out and confirms that my TV is actually defective, he calls the manufacturer and shows them pictures, and they issued him a return authorization number. I go back to the store with the RA# and ask for the manager( who is the only one with the authority to fix this issue), and I'm told that he no longer works at Best buy, and that they don't have a new manager yet, and they can't do anything to help me, even though I did exactly as they as they told me. I also ordered another TV for my mom that they were unable to deliver because it went out of stock after I had ordered it. I went to the store and tried to cancel it, but they say they can't do that. They can't deliver it because they don't have it, and for whatever reason they can't or won't cancel it. They charged me for a TV that they can't deliver, and they won't refund me. The defective TV I tired to get the manufacturer to replace, but they say that since they issued a return authorization# that it is Best buy's responsibility, who won't do anything. What is my best course of action here? I'm in the U.S

    submitted by /u/Mth2376
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    A co-workers sister(17) and brother (15)were just kicked out of their home, and are homeless. Advice and suggestions needed asap. (WI, USA)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:16 PM PST

    So there are a lot of questions I need answered for a friend.

    What can she do legally here?

    What can she do to find support while still going to high school?

    Her mother & father are still claiming her on taxes and EBT forms which is fraud, how do we go about that fraud stuff?

    What are some supports she should look into?

    Should CPS be involved? ( she, the mother, recently threw out her 15yo son, a brother to the 17yo that just got streeted)

    She has 2 other kids, 12 and 9.

    Wisconsin, USA

    submitted by /u/Disposable-Account69
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    What does it mean when we say Volvo opened up their patent to the three point seatbelt to other car manufacturers?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Does it mean that they gave up the patent? What process did they go through to make it open that you regularly wouldn't do? Is this process open to all parents? What's the point of a patent if it's going to be open?

    submitted by /u/DumbGenious451
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    St Paul, MN. Soon to be ex-wife trying to prevent me from using my funds to support my aging mother - plans were made prior to the divorce filing.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:31 AM PST

    My wife of 13 months filed for divorce 3 months ago. I learned at that time that she had been seeing someone else, and she was leaving me for him.

    We have a joint bank account which my payroll is deposited into. She does not work. My lawyer advised me to not make any sudden changes to our financial process or my expenses, which I have abided by.

    Meanwhile, almost a year ago my mother began to have problems living alone. After much pushing she agreed to go into assisted living. We found a place and would have moved her in 5 months ago, but she broke a hip and ended up being in a skilled nursing facility for several months while recovering, after which she was cleared to go to assisted living. I finally got her moved in there a month ago. She has some income from my late father's social security and pension, but it does not fully cover the cost of her facility - there is a deficit of about $1100/month, which I can afford and am glad to pay for her to have a safe place where she is happy.

    My lawyer and I spoke about the plans for this with respect to the "sudden change in financial habits" matter and he said since plans were in place for this long before she filed for divorce, it would be a non-issue.

    However, my wife is now taking issue with it (even though she was fully involved in this process prior to filing). They have sent me two cease and desist letters saying that I need to immediately stop excessive spending over $1000/month for new expenses I have chosen to incur since her divorce filing as these expenses are "draining" our account, until our financial situation is finalized in the divorce. I did not stop (just went straight to my lawyer who has not been helpful) and now have a hearing set with a judge next week.

    My lawyer is being generally unhelpful. I have called, emailed and gone to his office and he has given answers that he needs to do some research, that he is going to consult with his colleague - but has given me no clear idea what to expect here and I am getting increasingly terrified. I can't have my mother thrown out of her care facility when I have more than enough money and income to keep her there.

    I had a meeting with a new lawyer Wednesday, which she has now moved to Friday, and I am panicking.

    Has anyone seen a case like this before? Inklings on how it will go?

    submitted by /u/swifferswickerupper
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    Tennessee; Let go from a job a day after the manager found out about an appointment with a medical specialist.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:25 PM PST

    My mother in law works for a medical conglomerate as a a receptionist. She is less than two years away from retirement. She had an episode where she collapsed, the doctors thought it was a reaction to motion sickness medications. Shortly afterwards we noticed things at home weren't right, she was having difficulty remembering simple things and things that should have been memorable. We eventually called her manager to see if she had noticed any issues. She let us know that she was unable to complete tasks that my mother in law had trained her manager to do.
    On Wednesday , my wife let her manager know that she was scheduled for an MRI to look for signs of a stroke or a vascular abnormality. 48 hours later, she was furloughed and we believe that she will not be allowed to return. I realize that we are a right to work state. I also realize that her condition is not allowing her to provide the level of work that is expected of her.
    I'm not sure if her employer has violated any rules, but the timing seems inappropriate. Any ideas or opinions?

    submitted by /u/numerouspuns
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    Large broker transferred some of my stock to unknown client

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:06 PM PST

    I am transferring stock to one of my adult children. It never arrived. Turns out the US broker (California) sent to somebody else. And since this other client no longer has the shares, "it'll take awhile to unwind". This is day 5. Shares are down 8% (including after today's runup...3-2-2020). Should they transfer same $ value in shares as the day that shares should have appeared in my childs account?

    submitted by /u/kornfarmer2000
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    My wife reported a RN and the nursing home is blaming her and other nurses are trying for revenge.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:06 AM PST

    My wife is a CNA at a nursing home in Arkansas. While taking care of a resident one of the nurses asked for 15 minute check ups on the resident. Protocol is to have the resident in line of site during this time. My wife and her partner moved the resident to the nurses station so that the nurse who ordered this could watch him while they continued to care for their other residents. As my wife is pushing the resident's wheelchair into position a male nurse told her to get the resident away from him and if he tried to hit him he would hit him back and end him. This is a big no no in the healthcare world, so my wife reported him. In Arkansas employers are not allowed to tell employees who reported them. This is to avoid revenge seeking and other harmful behaviors. My wife's employer told the nurse who reported him anyway, and he incited the other nurses to treat my wife like shit and get revenge( this was overheard by my wife's partner as the nurses was talking about what they would do). Then my wife's employer called her on her day off and berated her for reporting him saying it's a waste of time, he is a registered nurse and would never do anything like that, why are you making this up, you are just jealous and trying to waste time because you misheard him, and so on until I hung the phone up on them for her because she was in tears. How are they able to do this? What can we do to combat this? They didn't report the incident to the state board as they are supposed to, can we do anything? Is there any legal actions here?

    TLDR; My wife reported a nurse. It got swept under the rug and she got called a liar. Now the nurses are after her for revenge. What can we do?

    submitted by /u/shiroek95
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    $250 life insurance claim

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:46 PM PST

    I'm not sure if you all can help me, but here's my issue: in 2018 my wife gave birth to twins at 28 weeks on October 11th. Our son spent 3 months in NICU. Our daughter was gone by Thanksgiving. NICU finally released our son on 12/30/2019. We had him home one day. During the early morning my wife took him out of his bassinet to nurse and fell asleep. We lost him on New Year's Day. It's taken until last week for us to be able to get the ME report and file our life insurance claim which I have been paying for through my employer. His death was investigated and ruled an accident/possible SIDS.

    I signed up for a family plan with $25,000 coverage for my children. Today the insurance company denied the $25,000 and said my group plan only pays $250 for children under 6 months. I have never seen this policy. I am absolutely devastated. I feel this is an insult to my family's grief after the hell we've been through. What can I do?

    Edit: I live in Oklahoma. My employer is based in Texas. The insurance company is Sun Life.

    submitted by /u/Jacobsen_oak
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    Do traffic tickets expire?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:40 PM PST

    I've been living outside the US for about 7 years, before I left, I got a traffic ticket in a really small town in New York state. It was a seatbelt ticket for like $75. I lost the ticket and stupidly forgot about it until 2 years ago. In the time that this occurred my DL expired. I have recently tried contacting the place where the ticket was issued but I haven't been able to reach a person- no matter when I call. The office is only open like 4-8 hours a week. My emails have not yielded any response either.

    So, do tickets ever expire? Or do I need to pay money to drag my ass to butt fuck New York to get this resolved? I am returning to the US this year and want to be able to drive. It would be really inconvenient because my family lives in Colorado and Florida, which is where I plan to live upon my return.

    submitted by /u/konbanwitt
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    Partner was arrested today for domestic violence. I’m not sure if significant charges will be filed, but wondering if additional evidence will change things.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:29 PM PST

    This happened in Michigan.

    I was told the charges may get more specific prior to the arraignment and I have recorded evidence of some things I did not include as part of the initial report. I already told the police about my partner striking me, threatening to kill my dogs, throwing a wine bottle at me, and breaking glass at my feet multiple times at my feet. They also took a picture of blood on my forehead from a remote being thrown at me.

    Will any of the following audio recorded evidence strengthen the case or potentially up the charges?

    1. Saying "I'm going to beat your ass" multiple times. Then me saying, "just like you have before." To which they respond, "yes." Followed by audible strikes and saying out loud "I'm hitting you because you're a bitch.

    2. Threatening to kill my dogs if I call the police and acknowledging that they let my dog out the front door (no fence, close to busy street) while I was sleeping. —I'm really wondering about this one because I saw on a website that threatening pets alone in my state may not be a crime, but if it's to control or terrorize someone it is. Also wondering if letting her outside is abandonment or something.

    3. Admitting to doing coke the night before the assault.

    4. Me pleading with them to stop as they broke drinking glasses on the floor at my feet and them saying "no, I'm gonna have a little fun if you're gonna call the police."

    5. Attempting to push me down the stairs, but I caught myself and said "really? You're gonna push me down the stairs?" And them saying "yeah cause you're a bitch."

    I know this sucks and sounds completely crazy, I'm really not looking for any consolation or anything like that, just legal advice. Thanks for taking the time to read.

    submitted by /u/TemporarilyChickens
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    NJ - Was rear ended and now being told I am responsible for the storage fees ($1500) on the car that is totaled, because the other guy's insurance company took forever to look at the car since the person who hit me didn't report the accident.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:19 AM PST

    About 3 weeks ago I was stopped at a red light and a distracted driver rammed into the back of me and totaled my car.

    After waiting and waiting for his insurance company to come look at the car, I decided to go and buy my car out of the tow yard and have it towed to my house just so it wasn't accruing interest. I was told I have to wait until his insurance company comes and looks at it before I can take it. They came 10 days after the accident because they only found out he was in the accident when they got the call from the tow yard and then called him to question him.

    His insurance company now is stating that we must have the car moved from the yard before they take it, but now i can't afford to take it back because they waited too long.

    I just don't know what to do, my whole life has been suddenly flipped upside down, i'm injured and out of work and now without a car just because someone decided to not pay attention behind the wheel, and I feel like I am the one being screwed over in this situation.

    submitted by /u/AnonAccidentVictim
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    I got a notification for a arrest warrant for someone else in my mail.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:21 PM PST

    Just like it sounds. apparently the person who lived here before me had some trouble with texas speeding laws. broke it and the address wasnt updated. ive lived in these dorms for about 2 years. (Onbase florida) I recall seeing mail addressed to that person about 2 years ago. i figured it was junk mail. so i tossed it. Is there any risk of me getting in trouble or how would i go about notifying texas i aint this person. or should i just keep ignoring this? the person never got this mail i believe

    submitted by /u/Immaneedhalp
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