• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - School found USB killer drive, plugged it in, now say I’m responsible for damage?? [AL]

    Legal Advice - School found USB killer drive, plugged it in, now say I’m responsible for damage?? [AL]

    School found USB killer drive, plugged it in, now say I’m responsible for damage?? [AL]

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:33 AM PST

    My school recently started searching bags and pockets when you come in each morning because someone got caught with pot

    Last Thursday when they searched me I forgot that I had a USB killer (thumb drive that electrocuted anything you plug it into). They asked me what it was and I said it was a thumb drive. Then they asked me what was on it and I was honest and said it would break computer that you plug it into.

    They took it away and apparently they didn't believe me and plugged it in. Now they're telling me that I'm responsible for paying for the two school laptops and if I don't pay them $3000 they're calling the police!

    Is this legal for them to force me to pay after I warned them that it would break any computer they plugged it into? What happens if I don't pay? Can they suspend me?

    I don't have money and if I tell my parents what happened they're going to sell everything I own

    submitted by /u/tazer-throwaway
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    My study abroad program is canceled due to the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy and my school won’t reimburse us for the 2 months of rent we can’t use.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:56 PM PST

    I'm studying abroad in Rome through the university of California extension abroad program (UCEAP), and today they announced that the program is canceled because Italy reached a level 3 travel advisory warning from the CDC and the state department. All rent and fees were payed at the beginning of the program for the entire program.

    Currently we are required to leave rome and return to the US if we are to receive reimbursement for our flight home, however when we asked about how we will get the money back for the two months of housing we already payed for, we were told that there will be no partial refund because that payment has already been made, and we don't have the option to stay and live in them if we wanted to.

    Is there any rights that we have as it comes to getting back the thousands of dollars that we each individually payed for something we don't have any ability to use?

    submitted by /u/PRKRE
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    [URGENT] Parents [60] have no plans in place when they die for my brother [30] who legally has no capacity

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Quick background: My brother has Aspergers, Dyspraxia and servere OCD. He lives with my parents (who are his appointed guardians). He has no outside contact with anyone exsept from me (sister 29) and my partner. He relies 100% on other people (parents, me) as he is not well. He has not left the property for over 2 years.

    Situation: I have desperately been asking my parents to show/tell me my brothers information or the plan they have for him for when they die. However for years they kept telling me to 'dont worry about it, we have it sorted'.... Untill tonight where my mum let slip that they have literally no plans in place for my brother.

    What the hell do I do? I love my brother, and have said to both of them that I will support my brother but I do need a plan. So that I can set stuff up and that when the worse happens, I know exactly what to do for him and where to go. To not only make it easier for me but more fucking importantly my brother can still have what is best for him.

    Any advice or any thing I can do legally so there can be somthing in place for him. Edit: We live in the UK

    submitted by /u/JuilenJane
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    My Father passed away and left me heirlooms but my step mother/will executor told me she gave away the items or they broke and she threw them away. Not sure how to proceed.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Hello Everyone,

    First time poster here. I should have made this post a long time ago but death has a way of clouding your mind. I know a lot of time has passed buy I owed it to myself to try to pursue this and I am only now feeling like its something I can deal with, so here it goes:

    My Backstory: In 2017 I moved across the USA to a new job after graduating from college. I spent all of my savings to do so. I am currently on the east coast and my step mom and the items are in California.

    My Stepmoms backstory: She met my dad when she was young and he was older, he had money she did not. She has a history of lying and deceiving. She broke into my moms house and destroyed her birth certificate and passport and a bunch of heirlooms years ago. There was also a bunch of shady stuff when he was in the nursing home before he died, my father told me she would yell at him and since he had Alzheimer couldn't remember why but she wouldn't tell him, cancelled his credit cards, he even told me he was thinking of divorcing her, had planned to go to the lawyers but couldnt because his card was cancelled and I was looking into contacting lawyers about elder abuse. I spoke to him multiple times a week and you could barely tell he had Alzheimer, it was usually just small things.

    My father passed away in the summer of 2018, days after trying to get to a lawyer. My step mom was the executor of the will and I was contacted by the Lawyers with his will. I emailed and texted to contacted her in 2018 but didnt hear back from her until early 2019 when I contacted her again.

    She told me I have 30 days to pick up the remaining items from the will. There were specific things layed out in the will, paintings, a grandfather clock, some statues, stuff like that which all stated should go to me. I am not sure on their monetary value but they are important to me because they are passed down from my family.

    When she responded and said I had 30 days to pick up the remaining items or she would get rid of them, she said things like, I threw away the clock because it broke, or that she gave a painting away to a neighbor because my dad really liked that guy. Maybe 5 out of 30 items were still left. On top of this, I live across the country and had no money, or means of just shipping painting or statues.

    When my father was alive, we had multiple discussions(i know legally it doesnt matter) that she would help to fly me out or help to pay for shipping(they have the money to do so). At the time I told my dad he needs to put that in his will because I didn't trust her. He did so he never did it.

    I responded to her 30 day deadline reminding her of the above information that she said she would help to get those items to me or help me to fly out but she never responded to that and a few other attempts to contact her.

    So here I am a year and a half later. The last time I reached out was a few months ago. I have no family and still dont have much money to sue, not that I know how much legal fees would be for something like this. I just want to get the stuff my dad wanted me to hang on to keep for our family.

    Thank you all for any help!

    submitted by /u/Notsurebutkinda2
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    Landlord selling house, lease term is over, wants 60 days notice [VA]

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:16 PM PST

    Our landlord told us January 29 that he is planning on selling our house that we have been in for seven years. The last lease ended in 2015 and we have been month to month since then. Originally our landlord told us he was looking to put the house on the market in about six months, but his realtor has now contacted us and done a walk through. She has told us it's a shorter time frame and asked us several times when we plan to vacate. We have found a new place that is ready April 1. We emailed the landlord our notice today and he is now saying we need to give 60 day notice, but he also needs the house "show ready" and with limited clutter and furniture. Our last lease does say that once the term of it was over, it was a 60 day notice for when we'd be vacating, but does this change any with his notice of selling? We've never had any problems with the landlord, but we can't realistically pay two rents in April and we can't lose the great place we've found.

    submitted by /u/krisphoto
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    Legal gaurdian refuses to pay for schooling and is trying to keep me out of education (CANADA)

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:53 PM PST

    My Legal guardian recently has had a fit of rage about me and is obssessing over me socializing with my friends instead of the family who's constantly harassing me. They now have refused to take me to school for the past week and now are refusing to pay for school funds, they now are denying me from entering public school. Is there a way i can free my self from them and continue my education?

    submitted by /u/jimbotamberene
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    Can these people intentionally park their cars on the road to make people slow down?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:10 PM PST

    So there is this family that lives across the street from where we (my family) keep out horses. Ever since they arrived they've been complaining that people drive too fast, (It's a decent sized stretch of road where the limit is 40 MPH) but they keep insisting that people are going WAY over. At first they tried placing sticks in the road so that people would slow down and go around them, I would pick them up and throw them off the road when I'd go to feed out horses. Now they've resorted to parking their cars and trucks so that they are slightly in the road, so now if two cars are headed towards each other in front of their house, one of them is forced to stop so that they don't hit the parked cars. Is it illegal to do this in Washington State?

    submitted by /u/Spacemonkey5002
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    I am subletting in Arizona and I was just given a one day notice of eviction, I don't know what to do.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:52 PM PST

    As the title states, I've been living in the apartment since September, the state is Arizona.

    Today the tenant who i am subletting from told me they put their notice in weeks ago and that I need to be out tomorrow as his lease is terminated.

    What do i do who do i contact? I don't want to live out of my car.

    Thank you for any advice you can give.

    submitted by /u/Wild-Dependent
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    NCP asking me to give him half of CS payment that our son is about to receive

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    I have a question regarding a situation that I've been dealing with since this morning. My sons father called me numerous times to ask me how much I just received in CS. For some background, he owes 26k already, and only made 4 payments at the end of 2019 and I haven't received anything since. I know he's working but I don't know his hours, and quite frankly it's none of my business. CS submits a Federal Offset Program referral every 6 months to my knowledge, and was very quick to mail his employer once he was on the books for employment. I do not harass him for it because that is not my place nor my job to do so.

    I checked for him, told him nothing was there, and he tells me that the IRS is giving CS his entire return ( about 10k) and that it's not fair because he only received that amount due to claiming his other two sons. So he asked me to give him half of it.

    I refused. I told him he should take it up with the IRS and CS and have them correct it if this payment was incorrect. But I would not directly give him any money.

    According to him, if they find any discrepancy I would have to pay it all back anyway ( don't ask me how; it's why I'm asking for advice here). I told him to do what he needed to do and contact who he needed to contact.

    What are my legal options here? Am I doing anything illegal by telling him no? Does the IRS actually separate funds in that manner, where it would go based on tax credits being received due to dependents that were claimed?

    Edit: I live in NJ. I forget that CS laws differ by state.

    submitted by /u/angieschmangy
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    Abusive minor....

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:09 AM PST

    My step child (12 years old) has anger and behavioral issues. He has recently become physically violent with his mother and she has had to stop him from coming after me with a knife. Police were called in both situations. Nothing was done and the system is broken. My question is this, in the state of Illinois, is it possible to get an order of protection against a minor step child living in your household?

    submitted by /u/Caladarr
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    [MA] Awful roommate gave us and landlord written notice he'd be out before March 1. We found someone new to fill the room. The lease has been updated and signed. Now the awful roommate is claiming his new housing fell through and he's going to need to stay an extra month.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:23 PM PST

    I live in a 4bedroom house with several other people. We're technically all on a lease from 9/1-8/31, but the landlord has historically allowed individual folks to move out any time as long as we communicate, find someone to fill the empty room, and update the lease accordingly. Our most recent housemate moved in about a month and a half into our current lease. He seemed normal, friendly, and responsible at first, but this turned out to be an act we all unfortunately fell for.

    This person has been aggressive, rude, dismissive of complaints, consistently(i.e. *every* month) 14-30 days late on rent, and ignored our landlords attempts at communicating. He claimed there were issues with his checking account, so when he eventually paid rent each month he did so by giving one of us a money order for his share to have us deposit it and pay rent for him, claiming the landlord told him to do so (our landlord confirmed this was a lie).

    Thankfully, the rest of us are on great terms with our landlord, who has been insanely supportive through all of this. We all pay our portions of rent separately, but are collectively responsible for the total sum. I'm sure many other landlords would have at the very least made us pay this asshole's portion of rent when it was late every month.

    We finally confronted him and he eventually agreed to move out. A few weeks ago, he gave us verbal confirmation that he was leaving by the end of the month (February 29th), and gave our landlord written notice of the same. As soon as he gave official notice, we started looking to fill the room and managed to find someone to take his place starting in March. The lease was updated with the new tenant's name, and he paid all the pre-move in costs. Yesterday (Feb 28) our current awful roommate let us know his housing situation didn't work out, so he'd need to stay through March. Our landlord reached out and told him he recommended finding temporary housing, because he gave his notice and a new tenant was already signed to the lease. Our awful roommate responded claiming he wouldn't be homeless for our convenience.

    This guy is very mentally unstable, and we're all suspicious he never planned to leave in the first place and lied about finding a place before. I feel like eviction might be the only legal way to get him to move out, but I've heard it's extremely difficult to evict in Mass, and am unsure if all of us being on the lease together means we'd all have to be evicted. Everything I've read about housing law in my state has been confusing and seemingly geared more towards singular tenants vs shared housing situations.

    Since he signed on after the start of our lease, was he technically on a sublease? If so, does that matter? Can he legally insist on staying past the last day in his written notice even though he hasn't paid rent and another tenant signed on? Is there anything we can do, or are we just stuck until this guy manages to leave on his own, since all our names were on a lease?

    Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/BKTS12345
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    My husband was accused of sexual child abuse by my daughter

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:55 PM PST

    Please help! This is devastating. I had ABSOLUTELY no idea and am still trying to reconcile the man I know with the man my daughter is describing. She's a young teen and says this happened from about the age of 9-12ish.

    My husband is denying it completely. At first, I was hoping my daughter was just misinterpreting him because he is very affectionate, but after hearing her, I do believe her. This is very recent so I'm still processing everything and trying to figure out how we will live financially. I work PT so we really did solely rely on his salary.

    Since CPS isn't finished their investigation, I guess I'm wondering how this all plays out. As much as I'm angry and disgusted with my husband, I'd rather see him get counseling then go to jail. Do families ever reunify? Is it for sure that he will be arrested? He will be fired if that happens and then I don't know what we will do.

    Please, any advice is appreciated.

    BTW, my daughter is in therapy and has been. I have just found myself a therapist. I need to also worry about my teenage son, who is devastated as well. I'm lost and don't know what to do!!!

    Also, we are in Maryland.

    submitted by /u/LoveforAll2
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    Advice on an order of protection from my crazy dad. Involves fake bomb threat

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:21 PM PST

    So next Thursday March 5th, I have to go before a judge regarding an order of protection. I'm a 24F and live in Tennessee. This order is against my father. My grandmother (father's mother) passed away almost 2 months ago. In her will she left me as sole beneficiary of her estate as well as the executrix. She left me a significant amount of land and the house I lived in with her. We were extremely close. She specifically left my dad (her only child) out and this has made him incredibly angry. We have been estranged from him since 2013 when he remarried his new wife. He has mental problems (PTSD from being in the military). He is even drawing a disability check from the military because he's been deemed mentally incompetent. He showed up to the house banging on the doors and harassing me one day. I called the cops and he was simply asked to leave. A few days after I had called the cops he came back (when he knew I was gone from the property). He took some belongings that are his in an old shop, it also has an old car that I inherited. He cut off a lock I had on the shop. When I went to check and make sure he hadn't taken the car I found a note on the door. In black sharpie (in his own handwriting) he had written on the door "To whom it may concern, opening this door may result in possible death, protected by claymore, do not open". The bomb squad, ATF, and FBI all came to my property to check and see if it was indeed a bomb. It was not. Just a wire tired to an old piece of iron. But it was still very scary for me. He was arrested after this but made bond quickly. I filed for an order of protection the day after he came to my house harassing me. He was finally served the day he was arrested. He lives in another county. I only have a temporary order at the moment. I'm wondering how I make sure I keep it in place when I go before the judge? Or what to expect? This sort of thing is all new to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/throwawaybombscare
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    Mechanic has had my truck for 16 weeks and lied over and over, I intend to take it back but am worried he will try to charge me

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:54 PM PST

    As I said, I dropped my car off at my mechanic 16 weeks ago to get a few things fixed, he said it should only take a few days. Since then I have corresponded almost every day and most frequently what happens is that I talk to mechanic A who does not work on my car and he claims mechanic B is not in the shop but will call me when he returns, he has never once called me. The straw broke when I went their this morning and he claimed he would be done with my car today, the shop usually only works a half day on Saturdays but he said they would be there till around 6 and I could come get my car when it was ready. I got there around 3:30 and they had left for the day and locked up. I am beyond furious at all of the lying and bullshit, they keep ignoring my vehicle and avoiding me, I intend to go in on monday and take my car back, they claim they have already installed a few parts and the total will be around $300 but I just cant justify paying them anything after all the bullshit, lying, and ultimately the fact that it has taken 16 weeks and I still dont have a vehicle. Am i legally obligated to pay if they can prove they installed those parts? What are my best courses of action?

    submitted by /u/ChanoMeetGW
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    My 65 year old mother was unreasonably dragged out of a restaurant by force. What can I do? (AZ)

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:45 PM PST

    So as the title reads, my mom went to a restaurant from 5:30-8:45PM on Friday night in Arizona (I'm not sharing all details at this time) . She was having dinner and enjoyed 1 glass of wine and 1 cocktail (so legally not drunk by any means). It's a generally open air restaurant, but noticed people smoking cigarettes right next to their table. She generally doesn't care if people smoke in public, but they were trying to enjoy a nice dinner and smokers were surrounding them, so she asked an employee what their smoking policy is, which he said "concrete no smoking, dirt smoking" (yes just like that). As the tables are on concrete, but surrounded by dirt, she asked them to clarify and a security guard promptly grabbed her by her shoulder and started to drag her out. She told him to "not touch her" which at that point he picked her up, which she went limp and did not fight back. He proceeded to dragged her at least 200ft to the point that her pants fell down to her ankles and she was bare ass and fully exposed. As you can imagine I am LIVID after hearing this, and she told me she spoke to some girlfriends about the incident and they told her that it's a common experience at this local.

    So I just need to know what I can do. I am PISSED. She was able to capture a clear picture of the bouncer that dragged her out, and very unstable video, and I'm positive this restaurant has multiple security cameras (it's well established).

    What steps can I take?

    submitted by /u/leggybrewski
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    Ex wife claimed Child Tax credit in contradiction to divorce order

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Backstory; my ex wife has claimed our son on the child tax credit in contradiction to the signed divorce order. My CPA found the discrepancy on Thursday and told me that we would have to file a paper return and a dispute with the IRS which I asked him to do immediately.

    My fiancée and I share 50/50 with her and in the agreement she would claim him on even years and I would claim him on odd years.

    When I confronted my ex about it she said she did not realize what she did but her answers were very invasive on whether or not she actually got the money. (We expect she got it already and probably spent most of it) When I told her she would have to file an amended return she said that she was going to have to speak to a CPA "to protect her bests interests". I told her that we were filing the dispute immediately and she said she deserved the right to fix it.

    She also was trying to convince us to let her take this year and we take the next two straight which we said absolutely not.

    My CPA told me that filing the dispute with the IRS will open the inquiry and once it has been opened I can show them the divorce paperwork.

    That being said I wish I was surprised my ex would try this shit as she is a known scam artist and notorious liar.

    I am confident that once the IRS gets the dispute they will hold her accountable for the money but I wasn't sure what would be the best recourse.

    Has anyone ever dealt with a situation like this before?

    submitted by /u/godbullseye
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    Questions about a will

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:30 PM PST

    My father passed away a few months ago and I'm not sure if he left a will. My stepmother is in charge of the estate and she will not even talk to me. I did contact their lawyer and he said he can't give any information only my stepmother can. What can I do to find out if there was a will or if I'm a beneficiary? I was told years ago he had a life insurance policy split between my stepmom, my brother and myself. It's frustrating not knowing anything. Thanks in advance for your advice. Edit they are in Washington state and I'm in Texas.

    submitted by /u/amychm2000
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    Neightbor Wants to Run Swim School from Our Pool

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:13 PM PST

    Southern California. We moved into our house last summer, and it came with an in-ground pool (3 feet shallow, 8 feet deep end). It needs a little work-- much like other landscaping on the property-- but it functions fine. We enjoyed it last summer and plan to enjoy this year, too.

    New neighbor moved in a couple weeks ago, and they have left letters in our mailbox requesting to use our pool for a "swim school" during the summer (~March-July). Along with this request, they say they will pay for professional cleaning, maintenance, and associated utility costs. They say they also carry a million dollar insurance policy. The neighbor stopped by to introduce themselves today since we were in the yard doing some work. They said they've been running this school for decades with much success, and once again repeated their request.

    I am against this proposal. I am naturally very risk-averse In most cases, and this? The idea of a virtual stranger coming onto our property with people who are learning to swim using our pool gives me hives. My partner disagrees, and is inclined to accept the offer. ("We'll save money on maintenance, they have insurance, etc."). If I'm going overboard on caution here, I'd like to know. If not, I would really appreciate some solid reasons to share with my partner at to why this is a hare-brained plan. I maintain that we will still incur liability if something goes wrong since the pool is on our property.

    submitted by /u/shacklackety
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    Taking guardianship over sibling.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:24 PM PST

    Hello! I'm going to try and keep this vague for privacy reasons but feel free to ask me anything in addition. I was told in confidentiality that my brother is in an unsafe household. His moms boyfriend has grown increasingly abusive. Never touched my brother but has hurt his mom an occasion of times and is continually growing more violent. My brother does not want to speak up about this, however, as a sister I feel obligated to do something. I was wondering how hard/ difficult it would be to get custody of my younger brother. His mom and dad would fight it. Our dad, however, is in a difficult situation as well but I don't think the courts would recognize it as it's not abusive/ technically harmful to my brother. I was wondering what steps I would need to take and how they would look. I also want to know your guys opinion on that. I feel awful breaking someone's trust by acting on what they told me in private but I can't sit by knowing that this could possibly Escalade to my brother being harmed. If his mom were to the leave the man I would 100% give custody back to her but as of now I don't believe him to be in a safe environment. My brother has also been holding back telling anybody because he loves his mom and doesn't want any sort of harm/ negative feelings to come out of this. Is it right of me to consider trying to get custody? I'm in a difficult situation. I'm sorry if this is scattered I'm very emotional at the moment and unsure of what to do. Edit: Washington State, USA

    submitted by /u/Noxisall
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    Boyfriends parents kicking me out of house (DE)

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:59 AM PST

    I have been living at a cottage with my boyfriend that his parents own since October. In November, he relapsed (he's an alcoholic) and he was sent into a 30 day program. I stayed in the house by myself. He got back mid December but was sent back again in January. I spent early January until mid February alone again in the house. My boyfriend got back in mid February and immediately started drinking again. This time when he was found out, he started blaming me. He told his parents I stole things out of the house (untrue), I do drugs (untrue) and I'm mean to him and the dog (sooo untrue, I love that dog with all my heart). I had no idea he was demonizing next until a couple days ago when I told his dad about how bad his drinking was. His dad said I should move out. I told him I don't have anywhere to go but I'd try to find a place soon. That was earlier this week. Today (Saturday) his dad told me I had to move out by tomorrow at 4pm . So that means by Sunday night, I'm homeless. So I have any rights? I feel completely blindsided because I have tried to be my boyfriends biggest cheerleader but now I'm being punished for his addiction. I just need to know if I have any rights such as a 30 day notice. I have changed my address to this house for some things but only have one piece of mail so far.

    submitted by /u/fistpump
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    I was hit by a car today. I am pissed, confused and not sure what to do.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:46 PM PST

    First off, I'm ok. Today has been so weird. Here's the story.

    Today was a beautiful day in Denver, CO. I took my dog for a walk (yes, he's ok too! Thank god!) down our typical path. A portion of the trail is closed right due to a flooded river so pedestrians and cyclists are forced to cross a fairly busy intersection. But this is a normal occurrence and anyone who drives through the area knows there are always people recreating outside. I get to the corner, hit the button and wait for my turn to walk across the street. As I am waiting I take account that there are two cars directly across the street, one going straight and a white one making a left turn, which would be towards me. When we all finally get a green light and my pedestrian walk sign goes off, I start to cross. I notice that white car starting to inch into the road preparing to make its turn. The next thing I know the car is accelerating right at me as I am in the middle of their path. I see I flash of the white hood and then I am on the road, looking at the car speeding away from me. I check my dog who, thankfully, is ok. I try and comprehend what just happens and another car swerved around me and drives off. I was so confused and questioning my reality.

    I get up and head back to the sidewalk. A few good samaritans stop and make sure I'm ok. Another witness is already on the phone with 911. Before I know it, an ambulance pulls up and shortly behind it the police come. I start to explain what happened and all of a sudden another man approaches saying his wife needs help, she was in a domestic abuse situation and gestures towards me. At this point I realize he was one of the people in the car that hit me. He tries to tell the paramedics to come with him to his wife. I am even more confused. The paramedics ignore him and take me into the truck, do their thing and ask if I want to go to the ER. I decline since I think I'm OK just super rattled, feeling numb and high off adrenaline but know that my foot really hurts.

    I call my partner and he arrives just as I exit the ambulance. As he arrives, I see the police escorting over the woman that hit me. I can see she has two black eyes. The police come over and ask me to fill out a statement and give me a case number. The ambulance drives off with the driver inside, presumably to a hospital. The husband at one point approaches me and apologizes. The police let me know that they will contact me later to follow up. My partner and I check our dog, drop him at home and head to the ER.

    I get an X-ray and confirm nothing is broken but I am pretty banged up. I can't put pressure on my foot, my thigh is sore from hitting the car, my knee is jacked up from landing on it (I think??) and now that I'm in bed and trying to sleep my foot, thigh, shoulders, back and neck are hurting and I can't get comfortable. I know a lot of this discomfort it to be expected (I got hit by a freaking car!!!) but I'm really torn about what to do next. When the officer called this evening to follow up and I ask about the driver. The officer confirm she had the "shit beat out of her" earlier this week, probably had a skull fracture and her brain is most likely swelling. The officer also said that the driver had sun in her eyes and had a weird shakey hesitation (according to her) and a "mental malfunction", said she was sorry and owned the mistake. I asked the officer if she had insurance and thankfully she does. Also asked if she was intoxicated, she wasn't. She was given an citation for reckless driving. (Only a citation??? She hit me with her car and initially just drove off, quickly!!!)

    Here's the thing, the driver mostly likely saw me before I started to cross at the crosswalk. We both were waiting at the same light for at least a minute. I was wearing a yellow jacket, it was in the middle of the day. Plus I am a human sized human crossing the road with a dog. She started to enter her turn slowly as if she was waiting for me and accelerated a few feet away from me. I really can fathom wtf was going on with her. Is it possible her mental facilities escaped her for a moment? Sure. But she should not have been driving!

    So what do I do? I was hit by a fucking car by someone who shouldn't have been driving. I fully understand and empathized that as bad as my day was, her week sounds worse. But I'm pissed! I don't want to pay this hospital bill or any other medical expenses due to this. (I feel like I might need to see a chiropractor.) I am on my feet, walking around for hours at work and I will have to miss a number of days until I can walk again. I don't want to be a person that sues but this whole situation is so weird and borderline fishy sounding...

    Please advise!

    TL;DR: a driver that shouldn't have been driving hit me at a pedestrian crosswalk, drives away only to come back later. I'm ok but pretty banged up. Will insurance cover all costs or do I sue?

    submitted by /u/atomtomt0m
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    My bedroom ceiling fell and no immediate action is being taken.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:32 PM PST

    I live in Los Angeles and today the ceiling drywall fell all over the room. Only the edges (around a foot) of drywall are left. Is there any legal action I can take?

    I have a two year old and a 4 year old that were in the room but I luckily took them out seconds before everything fell. I have already reached out to the county for an inspection to take place.

    submitted by /u/mariotc05
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    Had my wedding today.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Had my wedding today. Everything was nearly perfect. After the wedding, my mother was attempting to walk from the reception area to the violinist because she still needed to pay him the second half of his money. As she was walking from the reception area, she tripped and fell down an unmarked handicapped ramp with no guard rails or indication of a slope. She ended up breaking her arm and pelvis in two spots. I took photos of the area just in case. I'm not interested in a "big payday" for my mother, I'm worried about just the hospital bills and such. Should we attain a lawyer or would we be wasting our time?

    submitted by /u/treyami14
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    Roommate kicking down my door at 2AM

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:55 AM PST

    Last night my roommate was drinking and snorting Ritalin, all was good for a while until I told him not to blast music at 2:00 AM because I wanted to go to sleep and it would be rude to our neighbors (we live in a townhouse). Shortly after this he tried kicking my door in and screamed he wanted to kill me. He didn't get in but he caused significant damage to my door and I'm worried he's going to do it again. I guess my questions are 1. What can I do to get him to pay for the damages he caused to my room? And 2. If he does this again what can I do to defend myself if the police can't come in time? I rent in Virginia but do not own a firearm.

    submitted by /u/Pat2121
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