• Breaking News

    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - Campus effectively removed all Men's restrooms, Administration is dragging its feet acknowledging there is a problem

    Legal Advice - Campus effectively removed all Men's restrooms, Administration is dragging its feet acknowledging there is a problem

    Campus effectively removed all Men's restrooms, Administration is dragging its feet acknowledging there is a problem

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:25 PM PST

    New York State, United States

    So essentially with few exceptions, every male restroom on my campus has been converted into an "All-Gender" restroom. This sort of makes sense given that they are the only existing restrooms which contain both stalls and urinals. The problem herein lies that in addition to new signs on the doors, the primary door to the restroom has been equipped with a vacancy/occupied lock which locks from the inside. Essentially allowing a single individual (if they choose) to lock a bathroom with facilities accommodating up to 8 people at one time, reducing it to a single use restroom. On numerous occasions men have had to leave lecture halls and travel to other buildings with the hope that the All-Gender restroom in that building has not been locked also.

    I've brought this issue to our school's department of diversity and equity where after 3 weeks of obfuscation I've managed to meet with with the department head and have a conversation with her, where I've essentially been told to shove it.

    Is there any sort of Federal or NYS legislation with which I can bring to their attention and try to instigate real change?

    Edit: In less than an hour I've found the solution I've been looking for. Thanks Reddit, you beautiful Oyster

    submitted by /u/Pickle9775
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    Lady tried to serve papers to my brother (never lived with at the address) came back when I wasn't home and taped them to my door. Can I stop it? USA NY

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:47 PM PST

    So my brother owes some money from college loans and he basically has told the college to F off. I know it's not the best route to go but he won't listen to reason. He is pretty broke, but does have his own shared apt and does lots of under the table work. Definitely not enough to pay back the loans and eat.

    I get letters about once a month to my address (he has never lived at) and I either give them to him when I see him at family get togethers or shred them if he asks me to. I used to send them back as a return he doesn't live here, but they ignore it.

    Last night a lady came asking if he lived there. Told her nope, he never has and I don't know his address (I really don't, I have a general idea but don't know it). I gave her my name and that I am related but he owes me money so I'm collecting from him before anyone else does.

    She seemed ok with that, left and then sometime today while at work someone stopped by and taped what look like the same paperwork she had in her hands to my door, a court summons.

    Is there any way I can get them to stop bothering me without giving them my brothers info? I don't like getting off the couch at 8pm or finding stuff taped to my door and my experience with my drug addict dad who shares the same name is they only get worse (finally stopped getting harassed from his debts because he's I believe in jail).

    submitted by /u/waldo06
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    Swiss Assisted Suicide

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:19 PM PST

    I have been approved for VAD services in Switzerland, which will take place in May or June. Part of the requirement is that I must have someone identify me to the authorities after my death.

    A good friend is willing to travel with me for this task; however I am concerned, albeit weakly, that they might be investigated for "assisting a suicide" simply for traveling with me and handling admin tasks after my death.

    Am in the US, in MA. Could this potentially be considered "assisting" a suicide? There is no law on the books re this, recent court cases demonstrate a willingness to prosecute a manslaughter charge if the assistance "caused" the death of the suicide; for instance in the Michelle Carter case she was found guilty of manslaughter based on her language towards the suicide which was deemed threatening.

    submitted by /u/mollydodds
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    My bosses have banned bringing food from home and are only offering a discount on food we serve, is this illegal?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Most of the staff have to bring lunch boxes, and now that that is banned, a lot of us are curious if this was something that isn't allowed. I live in texas and work for a big name entertainment industry, and also very curious.

    submitted by /u/jjynxx_
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    Therapist told my mom something I never wanted her to know

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:35 AM PST

    Yesterday I got a call from my mom who wanted to ask me a question about something. For a few months last year I used her therapist as she had wanted to pay for me to have extra therapy sessions. I told my therapist some details about something that had happened to me as a young adult which I have only mentioned in therapy until this week, when I told my boyfriend.

    Mom said she was having a hard time and was crying in therapy about some things she had done and not done with me, and that her (my) therapist had mentioned to her that I had been raped. This is something I never wanted my mom (or anyone, really) to know. She called me to ask what the story was and who had done it. I felt cornered and I did tell her the truth about it.

    My question is, can the therapist even do that? Is she allowed to tell my mom things that I say, since my mom paid for the service? Telling my boyfriend a few days ago was already difficult for me and as I mentioned I never wanted either of my parents to know this about me. I felt obligated to tell my mom because her mind was running away with her thinking it was someone she knew and she was concerned about that. I still never wanted her to know about it.

    Do I have any case for legal action in this? I've never once mentioned to my mom that this had happened, and now I know that soon enough my entire family will know because she has a loud mouth. I am in Indiana, USA.

    submitted by /u/AthanasiaStygian
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    Won in small claims court when defended didn't show up - PA

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:58 AM PST

    Purchased a newly constructed house (in Philadelphia) and the basement flooded after a strong rain storm. Reached out to the builder and they wouldn't fix the problem. Decided to go forward and fix the repairs (hired a company to dig up section of basement and put in sump pump / french drain system in, total cost $5000). Filed a lawsuit to cover costs of the repairs in small claims court and won after defendant didn't even show up. The judge gave builder 30 days to pay me for the repairs but that time frame is just about up and still no word from the builder.

    My questions is: How do I get the builder to pay me after the 30 day time frame has expired? He is not answering phone calls or responding. It also looks like he closed down his company. I have all his information but not sure if there is a way to enforce the judges ruling for him to pay me. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/PhillyPickles
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    How to deal with another child's parents - legally. A case of slander or bullying?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:48 PM PST

    Background first and thanks to anyone willing to read through all of this! We live in Southern California. Riverside County.

    So my daughter has been friends with another girl (both 10 years old) since last year when this girl moved to our area. Everything was fine and normal until recently. The friend's Mom called us up one night and informed us our daughter body slammed her daughter at school. We were shocked but after discussing it with our daughter we decided this must be a misunderstanding. First of all this supposedly happened during school yet no one notified us of any problems and second of all our daughter has never done anything like this and has loads of friends. She is very friendly and makes friends easily. Our daughter explained that they were goofing around and she tried to tickle her and they both tripped with my daughter falling on top of her. She said sorry and helped her up. This sounds more like an accident and not a body slamming to me. Anyways, things go back to normal, that same Mom calls us up and asks if my daughter can go to the mall with them. I said yes and dropped her off. So we thought everything was OK.

    Fast forward about 2 weeks and we get a call from another parent we know telling us that this lady that they have never met just calls them up and starts questioning them about our daughter. You guessed it, it is the same mom that that says our daughter body slammed hers. She proceeds to tell them they think our daughter is bisexual and our daughter wants their daughter to be her girlfriend and a load of other inappropriate things. She then asks this parent not to tell my wife. Little does she know that this parent and my wife are good friends. Our daughters have known each other for years. She tells us everything. We are mad but unsure how to handle this.

    We told our daughter what is being said and that she shouldn't trust this girl any more because obviously there is some strange stuff going on. Our daughter agrees and tell this girl the next day that she does not want to be friends any more. The girl denies telling her parents all of this stuff but our daughter tells her she doesn't believe her and not to talk to her any more.

    The rest of that day goes by with the old friend telling everyone not to be friends with our daughter, and those kids telling my daughter that they don't care and will remain her friends. (typical kid drama right?) I tell my daughter not to worry about it. True friends will remain true friends. We tell her to ignore this girl and to not talk poorly of her. Basically do not stoop to her level.

    The next day comes and her old friend comes to school with a letter from her Mom stating that my daughter arrived at their house the night before and choked her and beat up their daughter. This is a bit insane. My daughter is 10 years old and was home with both myself and my wife all night.

    The old friend proceeds to hand this letter into the school and then tell everyone my daughter beat her up. My daughter gets into an argument with her about it and they both wind up in the office.

    This is where we are at now. I refuse to go to her parents to discuss this because after the letter I am worried they will say I attacked them. if they show up around me I will record everything to protect myself and our family.

    We have never dealt with anything like this before. Should I make a Police report? Speak to a lawyer? Go to the school? All of the above? I don't know if I can go to the Police for this sort of thing. I'm at a loss. We know many of the parents of the children my daughter goes to school with and we have never had any issues with anyone and no one has had any issues with us. This is so totally strange. This is crazy.

    The Mother and Father are both slandering our child's name and it seems like something a bully would do. I do not want to stoop to their level even though I'd love to have a chat with the father.

    Any advice is most welcome!!

    submitted by /u/Snicks72
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    Rule change in condo to kick me out

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    (IL, USA) I live in a 6 family unit condo where we all collectively own 1/6th of the building, as in there is no overseeing management company or anything like that.

    Our condo association rules says you can have animals up to 30lbs. 2 of the 5 neighbors dislike the fact that we have a dog and have threatened to vote to make it a non pet-friendly building.

    If there was a majority vote the bylaws would be changed. Would there be any legal right for them to attempt to give us an ultimatum? I reviewed the bylaws and there isn't any mention of being grandfathered into new rules like that.

    I would appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/dericksteinard
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    Neighbor with green pool generating swarms of mosquitoes

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:37 AM PST

    The house right next to mine is a multi-family unit, probably owned by a company (at least that's what I could find online). They have an unused pool that is chronically dirty, generating a huge amount of mosquitoes and god knows what else. I've already contacted the city and the county, and while they did come by, they said they couldn't do anything because they weren't allowed into the property. I also tried talking to the neighbor, but they never answer the door.

    I'm starting to get worried about this, specially since the kids are always outside and repellent is not being effective anymore. What are my options, given that the city and county can't help?


    submitted by /u/bbmario
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    Employee found grossly misusing credit card

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I'm not sure if this is the right sub to post this but I'd figured I'd give it a shot. I've recently been helping my husband with his company (former accountant here). through scouring and trying to keep things in check, I've found one of the employees have been SERIOUSLY misusing their company credit card. Last month alone they've spent 450 on extravagant dinners. I dug even deeper and found that they spent about 6000 dollars LAST YEAR alone on things like: parking their car at the airport for two weeks. Upgrades on plane seats that aren't approved, etc.

    My husband has not been checking the credit card statements( I know, I know) and so this went by for what I'm assuming has been four years since the employee has joined the company.

    Although this may not be a huge sum to many, I'm sure many small businesses like me can understand the pain. I don't know how to handle this employee. Our company is in Florida. Am unsure what actions to take, or what can be done, or what to go from here. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/shaolinworldwide
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    [DE] Roommate suicide and future rent payments already paid

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:53 AM PST

    This is a real tough situation and I'm not really sure where to find the answer to this. My roommate went missing a week and some ago and ended up finding out he committed suicide, which has been really hard on us. We found out shortly after he had already made rent payment for march and april which seems he intended to look out for us to help us while we find someone as he hadn't previously done that. Now my landlord is telling me he's returning the payments he has already received and we owe that amount now the beginning of march. We are located in Delaware. Is he allowed to do that or is this something I should bring to small claims court?

    submitted by /u/nickd009
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    I am going to die. Need advice - Florida.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:32 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I hope this is the correct place to get my questions answered.

    To begin with, I am going to die and rather soon. I am in the middle of a divorce and I fear that I will pass before the divorce is finalized. I own a house and I have a 401K that my ex will be inheriting when I pass, which I do not want to happen. I have two young children under the age of 6 and wish they receive everything when they turn 18. I wrote down a last will and testament on paper stating what I want done with my assets when I pass, however, I fear that will not be enough. I have no money to hire a lawyer. How can I assure that my 50% of our homes sale goes directly to my two children instead of the ex? Also, since we are still married my 401k goes directly to her, which again I do not want to happen.

    I want her to get nothing of my half of the house or my 401k. I want any and all of my assets to be split between my two children and safely kept until they turn 18.

    Is this possible without spending a bunch of money or getting a lawyer involved as again, I have no more money.

    Thank you for your help in advance! SouthernFL

    submitted by /u/SouthernFL
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    How do I get my 8 year old brother out of an abusive household?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Hopefully this is place to post this but yesterday I received a call from my younger brother (8M) who informed me of what was going on in his household which includes him, my mother (44F) and her fiancé (39M) who is my brother's biological father. [Background info]: They live in Hawaii and I live in Ohio. I keep in contact with my brother frequently, the people he lives with are very toxic. They decided to move out to Hawaii in the summer of 2016 because my stepfather's brother had committed crimes back in Ohio which in return tarnished the family's name. I was lucky enough to have a different last name so when they moved I stayed here. I hated living with them. My step father was verbally abusive to me and my mother. I had always thought he was physically abusive towards her but had no evidence. He is severely controlling and manipulative person, we could not go anywhere or do anything without his consent. When my mother would go to the store, or anywhere, he would call her multiple times to make sure she was still there but of course he did more than just that but I don't think that info is necessary.

    INCIDENT: My brother called me yesterday while on his way home from school, he was in the car with my mother. He started out by telling me that his father is mean and swears all the time to which I replied he has always been like that. He then goes on to tell me "Dad pushes Mom and chokes her, he did it last night". My mom then intervenes and tells my brother to stay quiet. He tells her that I'm his sister and he can tell me what ever he wants to. We stay on the phone for a few more minutes but I then tell him I need to call him back because I was in the middle of writing a paper for school that was due in a few hours. (I did call him back later in the night but I did not ask him anymore questions about the incident because both my mother and father were around. I did not want to put him into a dangerous situation) My mother had thought I hung up so she proceeds to tell him to not talk about the incident he mentioned to me. My brother then tells her that he wasn't lying to which she replies she knows that he wasn't, but it's just not something he needs to talk about or tell me or any one. Once my brother looked down and realized I was on the other end still listening I immediately ended the call. My question is what do I do to get my brother out of situation? Do I call CPS? What will they do? Will they look into it because I live in different state? What will happen to my little brother if they do take him away? I'm scared that if they show up our parents will know it was me who called and force him to cut contact with me.

    submitted by /u/candyslut18
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    My boss gives us our checks in bulk and refuses to give them regularly. Is this legal?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:34 PM PST

    I work at an ice cream store that is part of a major chain (won't say which but they are everywhere in my state, Florida). My manager has a very strange policy where even though she is required to have our checks weekly, she only gives them to us at certain times. I've worked here for 4 weeks, about 14 hours a week (I'm still in college), and haven't gotten a check or any form of payment. She says that she doesn't like to open the check envelope because then everyone will ask for all of their checks. Some other employees say they've gotten as many as 6 checks at a time due to how reluctant she is to hand them out!

    Part of my question is what is the gain? I'm not a manager so I dont get this nonsense... is she scamming labor or something? Everything at this chain is graded so maybe she is inflating her stats for the location somehow by doing this... but I have no clue. The actual owner isnt ever here, he owns three of these locations and she is expected to run this specific one. I'm not sure why if it isnt her money she would be so reluctant to hand it out; except if what I mentioned above with the labor grade somehow relates. Also, the true question...is this legal? It seems like there would be laws against withholding wages and checks. I've requested my checks several times and the last one she told me to grab it on friday from her (today) then I realized I dont even work today and checking the schedule neither does she!

    (I know I need a new job. I'll have my AA in 2 weeks so hopefully that can boost me to better employment opportunities while I finish up my last 2 years in college!)

    submitted by /u/LowSaint98
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    Something is filled and my daughter's father is keeping me from seeing her.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:20 PM PST

    Location: South Texas

    Things have not been good on momma's end. This past Monday I went over to his house to try to talk it all out like adults and I didn't leave with my daughter. I still haven't received anything and I have spoken with a lawyer about our next steps.

    Is it legal for him to keep her away from me for this long?

    submitted by /u/throwaway51617091
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    Can my employer force me to self quarantine unpaid (New York)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:52 AM PST

    My employer is instituting self-quarantine for people who have traveled recently, even if not to an area recognized as exposed to the coronavirus.

    Though I have paid time off and personal days, they are refusing to allow me to use them and are instead requiring that I take unpaid time off. I am not even leaving the US.

    I don't think this is legal, but would like someone with more expertise in this to let me know.

    EDIT: I also thought to mention that there were previously two other employees who traveled to China, and they were allowed to work from home with pay.

    submitted by /u/hurry-up-and-wait
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    Deceased sisters missing belongings.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    A little bit of a back story, my sister passed away suddenly on Feb 3rd of this year of a pulmonary embolism in Kansas City, MO. She was rushed to the hospital and passed away shortly after arriving. She was 7 months pregnant, they performed an emergency c-section and successfully delivered my nephew but unfortunately he passed away a week later due to the lack of oxygen before he was delivered. My sister has 2 daughters and neither of their fathers are in their lives. My legal question stems from the hospital saying they lost my sister's belongings including her wedding ring. We would love to recover her wedding ring to pass down to her daughters. Is there anything legally I can do to help facilitate this or make them actually just do a more thorough search for her belongings. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/whileimatwork1319
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    Told a personal story on a popular podcast and was contacted by director in LA. I live in NYC. Now the director is in the process of selling the story to a major streaming company and I have no legal representation or idea what to do next to protect myself. Thanks for the help!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:40 PM PST

    Ok I don't know if this is the right sub to reach out for advice and I have no clue if anyone here can help but I thought I have nothing to lose at this point. So here goes. I told a deeply personal story on a popular storytelling podcast a few years ago. I had developed the story on my own outside of the podcast and pitched it to them after writing/performing it in a class. I was regularly performing at the time and thought it would be cool to be on this show I was a fan of. Flash forward almost 3 years and I get contacted by the podcast saying "good news! A director at Amblin wants to make a movie from your story can you give us the ok to move forward". I was really caught off guard and I wasn't super happy that the podcast was just notifying me to say they want me to just say yes to this film moving forward about a very difficult time in my life without consulting me further or me having proper info. After that I got in contact with the director on me own and really liked what he had to say and after meeting several times and giving him further information about my life/story I decided to let him move forward with the project and pitch it to different production companies and studies. Well I got an email today informing me that my film is now attached to a well known production company and that a streaming service is in the talks to buy it. He told me that his representatives are "my team is coordinating with (popular podcast name) agents and someone will be getting in touch with you as well either from my team or (popular podcast team) But I wanted you to hear the positive update from me first."

    I have no representation at this point and have no idea about the film industry. I want to make smart choices regarding my life rights to this story. The story is incredibly personal. Should I reach out to an entertainment lawyer or an agent? What questions should I ask? Also why does the podcast I recorded on have so much to do with this process since I wrote the story and have life rights. I can provide more information on request but would love some advice.

    submitted by /u/mackeever
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    [IL] I won a lawsuit, but the defendant never gave me the money. Now my lawyer wants to sue me for unpaid fees that were going to be paid by the lawsuit.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:08 PM PST

    This is for my father since he doesn't use reddit and isn't sure what to do. If anyone needs more info that I can't answer I'll ask him when he wakes up. We're also in Cook County if that makes a difference.

    My dad won a case in mid-2019. It was decided that the defendant would have to pay around 100K (I'm not sure of the exact amount). Since then we have not seen any of the money. Our lawyer (ex-lawyer now I guess) told my dad that he'd try to collect the money so we could pay his fees (61K), but has either not tried or failed. The lawyer is now saying he will sue us for our fees and we're not sure what we can do from here since we can't afford to pay him.

    I'm looking for any advice here. From how to collect the money owed to how we can avoid another lawsuit.

    submitted by /u/DrunkRevolverOcelot
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    Sketchy Landlord looking to wrongly evict almost ALL tenants in complex

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST

    I've never really posted to reddit before but I'm unsure on where else to ask about this.

    Warning: Lengthy post

    My landlord (Property Manager if being technical) has been serving up eviction papers left and right to all my neighbors for sketchy made-up reasons.

    Background: I have lived in this apartment complex for just 6 months. We have had a hell of a time having things repaired by maintenance, even if the repairs pose a risk to us as tenants.

    I.e. Hard water. Extremely drafty windows. Mold. Bugs. Mice. Large leaks. Doors not locking or closing properly in dangerous area.

    Management of the property has an online portal that we can pay rent and report maintenance issues to and to keep messages between PM and tenants.

    Well, ALL tenants have had issues getting major repairs done. Maintenance has made sexist and inappropriate comments with some tenants. They have violated parking regulation. They have told husbands in some units to fix things themselves (which is prohibited via our lease)

    Some people have gone as far as having to get a letter from the health department to force the PM to take action or to allow them to fix it themselves and have the cost discounted from rent. That, or repairs won't be made until a child is injured from whatever has gone unrepaired.

    Mysteriously, reports of people's most costly maintenance issues have disappeared from the portal. The PM now claims that she has the right to charge tenants for the repairs (some up to $4500) or serve evictions as our lease requires us to "report issues in a timely manner".

    PM claims that the emails we get when we make requests on portal can be easily faked and not real proof.

    To date, PM has evicted a total of at least 6 families over the last two months for all the same reasons.

    Also note: ALL tenants being evicted have had children ranging from age 4-10. Some with little notice. She has even had the audacity to give people "permission" to come back and clean the units the day after they are supposed to vacate the property.

    The majority of these families have kept up on their bills and rent and reported these issues MULTIPLE TIMES in a course of weeks and months.

    Everyone believes that she's doing this so she can switch to Section 8 housing. The rent currently is $625-675, but she could charge over $800 on Section 8.

    We're worried that we will eventually be targeted. We're a low income family with an infant and two disabled adults. Only two other adults work. We cannot afford to up and move on a whim. We plan to leave but it will take several months to save. We're scared to even keep reporting our issues since maintenance is making up lies about us.

    They claimed that the last time they entered the unit that our litterbox was "unkept and overflowing" when we had cleaned and changed it not even 30 minutes before his arrival.


    I'm sorry this was so long and if certain details were unneeded. There's just a lot that's happened in a short time and I'm not sure what is relevant.

    What can I do as someone in central Kentucky?

    Edit: I should also mention that per our lease, management is supposed to resolve an issue within 5 business days. We're lucky if they even show up within the month.

    submitted by /u/Lyricmonster_96
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    [MN] 2 arrest warrants in my name, I want to turn myself in

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:53 PM PST

    I know that I've been a complete idiot about this whole situation, but I just want to face the music and try to move on with my life. These are both bench warrants i believe, this all happened in Minnesota.

    The first warrant happened sometime in 2016, I was stopped by an officer running my plates and came back that my license was suspended, I knew this but was too stupid/ high to remember to renew. Got a ticket and a court date but again was too stupid and high to remember to go (this is a theme).

    The second came about 2 years later in a different county, was pulled over after cruising around smoking weed, the officer said there was a report of a suspicious vehicle matching mine's description. The smell was obvious and my brother (the driver, and a minor at the time) and I were asked to step out and I was immediately detained. The officer asked if I knew I had a warrant in another county and I said yes. After explaining that everything in the car was mine the officers told me that if I take full responsibility they would let my brother take my car and go. Well I did and after a few minutes they opened the squad door and uncuffed me telling me my honesty got us off with a possession of a small amount of marijuana ticket and thats it. So i was confused but obviously relieved I didn't have to go to jail that night. I skipped the court date once again.

    So 2 years have gone by, no tickets, not been pulled over and this is hanging over my head eating away at me. I have been sober and trying to put my life back together since October 2018. In recovery I have wanted to take care of this but I have managed to stay comfortable without dealing with this. I want to get my own place and a job but this crap is preventing me, is turning myself in the best way forward? If so what can i expect.

    submitted by /u/greenblobmelon
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    College Closing Down All Female Identified Living Space Without Warning. Living Space Is Filled With Health and Safety Hazards.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:21 PM PST

    Location: Kingston, Rhode Island


    I am a college student who is currently living in an all women's living space and our housing department basically told us they were getting rid of the place without warning Wednesday due to "lack of funds." They told us they were converting it to honors or talent development housing. Housing has neglected this building for years and because of this black mold is growing from the ceiling in certain places (some girls are allergic), we have no director nor resources available, dryers have almost caught on fire, we have no furniture in the multipurpose room or rec room, the elevator does not work (which is a major safety hazard for students with disabilities), plumbing is non existent due to toilets getting clogged constantly, the roofing is falling apart, and we have decorative columns holding up the house rotting away. If they completely get rid of this place, there will be no safe community for female identified students. I let student senate know what has been going on and they are fighting to keep the living space and having it fixed up. Is there anything else I can do? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/DNAMellieCase
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    Neighbor waived gun and chased teenagers in the middle of the night and now I feel very unsafe

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:23 PM PST

    (GA, USA) I was having a small get together with a fire pit at my house. It was as around 9pm and a group of 10ish teenage boys ran down our street. We live on a very quiet street in the city and it's very rare to have any activity like that.

    The neighbor across the street ran out of his house waving a gun at the kids and shouting racial slurs at them. I do not know if the kids were on his property at all - I can only see part of his yard.

    Are there any legal repercussions? I'm concerned about the situation. It could have escalated quickly and I do not feel safe it's a neighbor so close who quickly results in him threatening harm to kids.

    submitted by /u/Partyoftwo
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    Nudes from when I was a minor going around

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:57 PM PST

    Hey really need help here! One of my ex boyfriends from over 4 years ago still has my nudes from when we dated when I was 16! He was 17 at the time, he never pressured me into sending them or anything like that though, but I never sent them with the intent that he'd keep them and share them around still to this day! Hearing from multiple people that he still has the pictures in a photo album and is showing them around like trophies. He is 21 and I am 20 now. I also hear from other women he has theirs too from when they were minors in high school, and is showing them as well. The pics definitely have my face in them, but I have no real proof of when they were sent or how old I was in them. Anything I can do!? Thanks! (Kentucky)

    submitted by /u/Mr2945gc
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