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    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

    Legal Advice - [ UPDATE ] - Amazon Delivered My Expensive Product Without Honoring Signature Delivery And It Got Stolen

    Legal Advice - [ UPDATE ] - Amazon Delivered My Expensive Product Without Honoring Signature Delivery And It Got Stolen

    [ UPDATE ] - Amazon Delivered My Expensive Product Without Honoring Signature Delivery And It Got Stolen

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Original Post

    ( TEXAS )

    I went straight to the police station once I could and was able to file a police report and made sure to get a copy of everything.

    I proceeded to call Amazon this time rather than chat and make sure to explain everything to them in detail and also include the fact that I had filed a police report and was able to get them to refund my money.

    I just want to thank everyone who commented especially those who advised me to file a police report and to call rather than chat with them ( I feel it really made a big difference ).

    Thank you so much for all the advice and I wish you all a Happy New Year!

    submitted by /u/PSinbad
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    Movers pissed all over my things and intentionally delayed my move so I had to pay overtime

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:04 PM PST

    No this is not a joke post. Title is the Tl:dr- more details below.I was going to just let it go but the fact I need to get a professional cleaner and I've been ill due to this makes me think I should seek legal help. Advice on what I should do? Is this something a lawyer could help me with? I'm from Chicago, IL, USA (as laws usually depend on the area you are from).

    A couple months ago I moved to a new apartment a little less than half an hour away so I hired movers as I don't have a vehicle nor the physical strength to move everything on my own. Despite the name, which I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say, they actually send out three guys even if you don't have that much to move (I was moving my one bedroom from a shared apartment to a small studio apartment, the only big thing I have is my bed. Pretty much everything else even I, a scrawny girl, can carry).

    When the guys get there they start trying to take things from the living room and I stop them because those are my room mate's things. One guy seems to be in charge of the other two and immediately starts talking down to me which is difficult to deal with. I already have everything planned out and ready to go, and tell him the best way to save time is to get two guys disassembling the bed, and by the time they're done with that all the other things I have me and the other guy will have loaded. They only half listen, one guy is disassembling the bed and the other two loading up things. Eventually second guy joins first guy and I hear one of them muttering curse words in spanish like "puta" (bitch/whore), "pinche" (fucking). It was super unprofessional, but I let it go figuring he was probably just cursing at the bed that was difficult to manage, in context swear words like that were understandable I suppose and I just wanted to get this all done and over with as fast as possible. But then I heard him say "gordita". Gordita isn't a regular curse word, it means fat. I am not obese, but I do have a pear shape I'm self conscious about, and I'd heard enough to know he was talking abusively about me thinking I didn't understand. I didn't want to continue being abused and told him to stop it and I knew what he was saying.

    He was frozen in shock at first, realizing I understood him, but not knowing how much he got in my face asked me what I thought I heard. I told him I heard gordita enough times to know what it meant. He continued being abusive to me, saying he was talking about food and had I tried one? Maybe if I tried it I'd like it. No one is talking about food saying, "Fucking fat bitch." He continued to jeer at me repeatedly saying, "Maybe if you tried it you'd like it! Maybe if you tried it you'd like it!" Should I have just taken the abuse? I just wanted him to stop and this was going to absolute hell. They were almost ready to go with my things to my apartment, soon it would just be me and these three men alone in my new place where I knew no one. It was kind of scary. I tried to de-escalate the situation and asked they please just not talk about food anymore while we moved. So they leave for the new apartment with my things. I am having problems with my Uber app and after about ten minutes of frustration and worry I'm going to go over my time not being able to meet them when they get there I call a cab instead. The cab gets there in half an hour, it's a pretty straight shot to my new place.

    So I get there, and they're not there. Twenty minutes later, still no movers. I'm not sure if they got the wrong address, I left well after they did and was there before they were, so I called up the company who said they didn't know and they probably took a different route. Well over an hour after they left, and now with no way to make my original predicted time/price they show up. There's no reason they should have taken so long, the only thing I can imagine is they intentionally delayed so they'd get paid more and stiff me for more money, really what could I do in this situation. Everything got unpacked and I tipped them- I shouldn't have. I had planned to do it before they came, and in my mind was arguing I was being petty and maybe there was a legitimate reason I didn't know and intentionally only tipping two of the three seemed mean. In hindsight I shouldn't have as this whole situation was abusive, I was trying to be good and the bigger person but I was stupid in doing that.

    It wasn't until the next day I smelled it. All of my things smelled like piss. I had carefully washed nearly all my things before I moved as some of them were dusty and I wanted to move into my new apartment with nice clean things, so I know it happened after the things left my place. There is no other way the piss could have got there. I cleaned all my things, but the piss smell still remains. The second day after I came down with a lung infection I had to go to the doctor for and was very ill for weeks. I keep trying to find what I missed, I have cleaned with bleach and fabrise and everything but my apartment smells like piss because of what these men did to me. I had to go buy expensive medicine again for another lung infection, two prescription to treat it which weren't cheap. I'm going to need to get a professional cleaning service or just start throwing out my things which is also going to be expensive.

    Is there anything legally I can do to offset the costs? I tried contacting the company but they won't respond. I don't know if they think it's a joke or am hoping if they don't respond I'll go away. I don't have much evidence other than what I was originally quoted and my bank card being charged much more, along with one drawer that I recently found dried urine pooled on the underside of (there's more stink but it isn't visible like it is on my white drawer), and two doctor visits for my lung infections I got only after the move.

    submitted by /u/AvidLebon
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    Employer put wrong salary on my contract, now they want to lower it have me PAY BACK what they overpaid me?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:46 AM PST

    In the summer I applied for a lab assistant job for Public Health England after graduating, advertised as £18,879. I got the job, and soon later had my conditional job offer later. This stated my salary as a basal salary of £18,879, with a Market Pay Supplement (MPS) of £3,021, boosting my total salary to £21,900. Obviously I was very happy with this salary, and wasn't totally expecting it. But a quick google told me that Public Health England often uses MPSs to bump up the pay of employees without changing their pay band grade. And lets face it... if you get offered a job for a few thousand a year extra wouldn't you just take it!?

    Soon after that my unconditional job offer and contract arrived for me to sign, again, with the total salary stated as £21,900.

    (I also started around the same time as a few others, and we discussed the MPS and they too (same job as myself) received it and were on the same salary as me, so I assumed it was the norm.)

    Fast forward 4 months and the big boss calls me into his office. He explains that they made a mistake and have been paying me, along with a few others, the salary of an associate practitioner (band above my job). My actual salary should be around 18k. I reluctantly said they could change my salary, knowing fully well that they would literally fire me in a heartbeat and have me replaced within a few days if i argued it! But straight off the bat I told him that I didn't see how legally I owe Public Health England ANY money because they were simply paying me the amount stated on my contract. . You can change my contract to lower my salary, but you have no right to make me pay back additional money on top of taking a pay cut for a mistake that you made. Not to mention I moved to a new city for this job, rented a house etc and planned financially around the salary stated in my offer letters.

    He seemed to be on my side when I said I don't intend to pay anything back, and put me in a email chain with someone from payroll and HR, prompting them to email me with relevant policies that would explain why/why not I would need to pay back anything. He also said I should receive a formal letter stating what has happened, how much I supposedly owe them, and offering ways to pay it back.

    Fast forward a few weeks, no one emailed me. I received no letters or anything. We get paid a couple days early for Christmas (fab timings right?), and I check my paycheck to find that they deduced £200 from it! They removed the 'Market pay supplement' part of my paycheck and put an 'Gross Overpayment' bit in of like £1,200. But my stated salary, pay band etc was all the same. So my contract hasn't changed, they just literally took money away. So I absolutely kicked off and sent a very angry email to the chain my boss put me in basically saying:

    - I never agreed to paying back any money

    - you didn't contact me offering me a way to a) even pay it back or b) how to pay it back

    - If you want to deduce my salary, send me a new contract THAT I CAN AGREE TO AND SIGN

    - Again, I'm not paying for a mistake that you made by writing my contract incorrectly.

    To this I get an email back from someone else in HR, briefly saying sorry you weren't contacted and attaching the relevant policies. The attached document is 'Public Health England: Overpayments and Underpayments of salary to PHE employees'. Straight away, it says 'The definition of an overpayment is where an employee is paid an amount in excess of contractual entitlement.' and then proceeds to give examples of overpayment cases, not remotely similar to mine, because according to this definition I HAVEN'T BEEN OVERPAID and therefore don't owe them any money back, because they were indeed paying me according to contractual entitlement.

    Also, it also stated 'PHE always will work, in the first instance, with an employee to negotiate a reasonable period of repayment.' which they clearly did not do, do don't even appear to follow these rules themselves.

    Sorry for the long post, but I would really appreciate some advice here! Am I in the right here? Did they have a right to reduce my pay for the month without telling me? I return to work tomorrow, so I will email back stating that the policies sent to me aren't even relevant, so please again explain to me why I should be paying you anything.

    If it escalates I can't afford a lawyer, but would I have a case? Any free services out there that might help? (I intend on finding my union rep tomorrow!)

    IN SUMMARY: My employer hired me on a contract of £21,900. They said they made a mistake and I should be getting paid £18,500. They want me to pay back what they have overpaid me in the past few months since starting, even though they were simply paying me the amount stated in my contract. This paycheck, they deducted £200 without telling me (no changed signed contract, no contacting me to agree to this). Am in in the right here? HELP!

    submitted by /u/assilem_gh
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    Neighbors are starting water pipe repair which runs through my property - without proper permits or assessments of the area.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:37 AM PST

    This is in Arizona, United States.

    Neighbors had a water line burst around Christmas. They are around the corner from us, our house is on a shared lot with a shared driveway. Water line is on their side of the meter so neighbors are responsible for handling the repair, not the city.

    Their pipes run from their house, through another neighbor's backyard, through our shared driveway, and into another yard where the meter is located.

    They have hired a person who seems less-than-qualified. He came into our driveway and marked the area that will need to be trenched, taking our driveway away from us for an unspecified amount of time. Additionally, they said they are not working with the city at all. This means no permits, no assurance that our foundation or piping will be safe, and nothing in writing in regards to our driveway or permits for street parking during construction.

    I am not sure who to contact in regards to guaranteeing the safety of our property, or what I need to do to make sure the neighbors handle this through proper, qualified channels. What are the laws regarding this type of work and how do I solidify our property safety and financial safety in case they mess something of ours up?

    submitted by /u/magmiller
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    Seller of car reported it stolen

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:14 PM PST

    So I drove to Baltimore and bought a car last month from Virginia. The seller signed the title and the odometer and the amount of the sale, 1000.00. I have not been able to get the title in my name because there is a co-signer (his father) who did not sign, and there was a lein on the car. I will admit that I should have realized these things upon signing the title but it's to late. The car still has tags on it from md, because I wasn't able to register it in va. I sent the title back to the seller to fix via mail. He's refusing to fix it and reported it stolen. I only have that car. I'm scared I'm going to end up in jail.

    submitted by /u/Mabe666
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    Working as a caregiver. Have been abandoned at work due to the holiday. What can I do?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:14 AM PST


    Ive already decided I'm putting in my two weeks as soon as literally anyone gets here. Other events have lead to this but this is the final straw.

    My coworker never showed up to work at 11pm. I texted my boss. She said she would text our other boss to come in. And then nothing.

    It's been an hour. I missed fucking New Years. And my boss finally responded to my texts again now that the festivities are over. Saying she's not available and our boss has a headache.

    What can I do? I can't leave. That's illegal a la elder abandonment.

    submitted by /u/CapiTurtleDoesOllies
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    [WA] I'm working 50 hours a week with no overtime due to a loophole.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST

    I'm a cook for a high end retirement home. I've been with the company for 4 months. They have 3 different buildings all within a few miles of each other, and each with a kitchen.

    3 days a week I work in one building for 10 hours a day and two days a week I work in another building for 10 hours a day.

    I get paid out of different accounts for each building, but my boss is the same guy no matter where I work and the CEO is the CEO no matter where I work.

    Is this illegal? They won't let ANYONE work overtime, but we don't have enough staff for all three buildings so several of us float like this and don't get overtime for it.

    Edit: We have all been told each building is a different buisness so it's legal.

    submitted by /u/nefarious
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    Old employer direct deposited cash in bank account, haven't worked for them for over 5 years

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:25 PM PST

    Found an $8 direct deposit in my account from an employer I left over 5 years ago.

    After laughing about the incompetence, I started thinking about my responsibility to them and their responsibility.

    I feel like I should call them and inform them of the mistake. I don't want their 8 bucks.

    Also, I want to know what liability they face for maintaining my direct deposit information for over 5 1/2 years. As soon as I was gone, I feel that information should have been destroyed.

    What regulatory board can I report this to?

    What other trouble should they face for this?

    Company located in DC. I live in NY.

    submitted by /u/bravefacedude
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    [PA] My roommate moved out while I was away and intentionally made a massive mess as "revenge"

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:52 AM PST

    I (and my neighbors) have had a lot of conflict with this roommate, and it ended with them nearly being evicted but agreeing to peacefully move out instead. I left for the holidays on the 10th, and came back last night to a disgusting mess. Much of it is definitely intentionally, but I'm not sure how to prove it.

    Basically, they left about 8 extra large trashbags (a few containing food waste and leaking), their room has about 2 litter boxes' worth of dirty cat litter, and a bunch of loose scattered trash. They also raided everything I had left in the pantry.

    Worst part: they covered the toilet seat, lid, and floor in excrement and intentionally clogged it (lots of paper in there).

    Since it's NYD, maintenance won't come until tomorrow to scope it out. I think the maintenance crew should clean this and charge the roommate for the cleanup, and the on-call maintenance person seemed to agree but wasn't sure what the policy was.

    Is there legal action I can personally take against them here? Should I call the police? I documented everything, and haven't cleaned anything yet.

    submitted by /u/mysteriata
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    My child came home from visitation with his non custodial parent with pornography. TX.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:15 PM PST

    My child came home from visitation with his non custodial parent today. He is on the spectrum and doesn't usually do things unless prompted. When he returned home, he handed me a USB. It doesn't belong to us. When I checked what was on the USB it was a homemade sex video my childs father and I made many years ago. Please don't judge. I thought the only copy of this was destroyed years ago when the relationship ended. When I asked my child where he got it, he said it was in the pocket of the pants his father gave him. I'm still very shaken by all this. What can I do? Do I call the police? Do I report this to the attorney general? I'm lost. Please help.

    submitted by /u/throwaway285493
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    Error in my favor on tax assessed value for home

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:27 PM PST

    Valuations were updated for 2019 Real Estate this week (Lancaster County in Nebraska) and taxes are calculated based on this amount. My property value is very low for the second year is a row and consequently saving me thousands in taxes. If the county catches this error, are they able to back charge me for their error? Deciding if I need to be putting away more money each month just in case.


    New home construction completed October 2018

    Purchase/moved in October 2018 - Purchase price $240,000

    2018 Tax Value - $88,000 - assuming since it was in construction

    2019 Tax Value - $95,300

    submitted by /u/unsir_kitty
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    Neighbor tore down back fence, parking in their front yard and moved a huge RV into backyard

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:37 AM PST

    We just had a new neighbor move in and they immediately covered the windows with newspapers, started parking in their yard, filling their trash so full that when the truck picks it up trash goes everywhere and it's all over the street, all kinds of stuff. I've never seen the same person going in this house, always different people. The other day while my roommate was showering someone came in our house, then immediately left. (Our Ring battery was being charged so we didn't see who it was) I assumed it was someone that meant to go next door but got confused. I went over there that night to ask them about it and the smell of weed hit me before I got to the patio. I'm not against weed, but holy hell it was strong. They didn't speak English well and didn't really understand my question about the person coming into our house so I just let it go. But yesterday. They tore down the back fence, they've parked cars back there and now have a HUGE RV parked right next to our fence. I don't wanna come off as a Karen here but we just did a ton of work on the backyard, just to have to see this huge, old, dirty RV as a direct focal point. We're in Texas if that helps. I just worry a bit about my roommate being here alone, and some sort of retaliation if we do take action here. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/HunterHotTicket
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    (NYC) Apartment complex terminated my lease before my move in - I'm owed my deposit/first month's rent back, right? (They won't return my calls/emails about that)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Basically I was signed up last month (signed lease etc) to move into a new apartment here in NYC tomorrow. A coliving space, 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms etc. Big coliving company, they own complexes worldwide.

    I knew it was a no pets apartment before signing lease but before I've had no problems with that as I have my ESA paperwork etc. (Though I'd never tried that in a space with roommates.) Well I turned in the ESA paperwork to them after I signed all the lease, paid a full month's deposit and first month's rent. They said the only reasonable accomodation' they could give me was the option to live in one of their private rooms instead. (Not for a discount or anything, just the normal price- 3x the rent i'd be paying for the one I signed up for) I couldn't just have the ESA pet as I hadn't let them know before signing lease and they can't make the other roommates live with my cat/ask the roommates because allergies/phobias etc.

    I accepted that/the one lawyer I asked about it (my brother in law, though disability law isn't his specialty) said that yes that's correct, they can't be forced to accept an ESA into an apartment with roommates.

    So they terminated my lease, I started apartment hunting again. But...I'm owed that deposit/first month's rent back, right? Since I never even got the chance to move in/my lease was terminated?

    They (the complex) are ignoring all my emails and calls about this. I don't know what to do. If I don't get the money back it won't be the end of the world but it is putting me in a frustrating/tight spot right now financially and I'm just so pissed off and upset at myself and them.

    The total is around $3400 (plus $600 in fees which I'm not sure I'm owed back/could get back) which isn't small change for me- that money would be really helpful. I'm just not sure what to do at this point. My BIL said the main option would be small claims court but I can nowhere near afford that.

    submitted by /u/thehappycapybara
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    Ex-girlfriend sold things out of storage unit in my name

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:47 PM PST

    I am located in Tennessee. Pretty confused on the legal recourse for this, or if there is any at all, so I just thought I would explain it on here and see what you guys have to say.

    About 6 months ago, my girlfriend and I broke up rather amicably. That does not justify the stupid decision I am about to tell you about, but does put some of it into perspective. I broke the apartment lease, under the terms in the contract, that I had been paying for that we both stayed in and in order to pay the least amount of money to my former landlord, we had to be out relatively quick. This led me to agree to rent a storage unit right up the road. The unit had things in it that I or my family had purchased, things that she had purchased, and things that we had purchased jointly. All of the paperwork for the unit was filled out under my name and I was responsible for it. My ex-girlfriend got a key to the padlock and I told her the gate code used to get in the complex.

    We split rent in the unit for months, until our friendly relationship kind of turned and we had a falling out. At times both of us in haste had said things along the line of "you can just have everything in the unit" or "I don't even want any of it". She decided she was not going to pay anymore and I decided I no longer wanted to pay rent for the unit by myself so I told her that at the end of December that I would be closing the account and moving everything out. I let her know that she would need to get all of her stuff out by then or it would be left in the unit when the account was closed. This culminated in us being at the unit at the same time, while I was just looking to see what was inside, she got very physical with me even attempting to pull the storage unit cover down on my head. I have never gotten physical with her, just a young dumb relationship that was abusive and I couldn't bring myself to get out of. The entire complex is under surveillance so that incident would be on video as well as anything she had sold out of there. This incident is not directly related to her selling the things, just feel like it could be partial to my potential case.

    Anyways, I went to the unit a couple days ago and almost all of her stuff was gone, but so was the couch we bought jointly, the coffee table/end tables we bought jointly, as well as various things like a Christmas tree, nightstand, and other tables that belonged to me and were purchased by me and my family. I called her on it and she admitted to selling it and that she wouldn't be giving me any of the money or any of the items back. She then blocked me. I have been perfectly civil with this whole thing but its at least $500 worth of things that she essentially took from me or sold and took all of the money for, including my first Christmas tree given to me by my aunt. I was just going to cut my losses but she has stolen things before with no consequences and it just seems like I would have some legal president in small claims court. My aunt (that bought me the tree) is a licensed attorney that would represent me pro bono, but I do not want to bother her with it until I know if the case has any chance. Any information at all would be helpful. I can answer any questions you have.

    TL;DR: My ex-girlfriend sold or stole around $500 worth of my or jointly bought things that were in a storage unit in my name without telling me, after I told her that she could not do that, and is refusing to pay me any of the money back and blocked my number.

    submitted by /u/elijahwaun
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    A Death In The Family

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:18 PM PST

    My wife died on 12.24.19. I'm a homeowner in the state of WI. I'm going through the finances, and finding that the wife took out several high interest loans. None against the house, just what appears to be high interest internet loans. Was not aware of, or co-signed for any of these. There appears to be seven loans (that I have found so far) ranging from $100.00 to $1000.00 What am I on the hook for?

    submitted by /u/TruckinUncleEdd
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    California. My brother commited suicide while out on bail. Will my parents be able to get the bail money back?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:30 AM PST

    I don't want to go into details at all, but it was a $30,000 bail.

    He committed suicide earlier this week. It was my families savings. Will they be able to get the money back or will the court keep it?

    submitted by /u/Queef5
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    Small claims court question. Defendant has access to my receipts totaling 3.5k and I don't

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:44 PM PST


    Long story short, my girlfriend and I broke up early November and she finally moved out of our apartment Dec 27-28. I agreed to stay away the weekend. We had discussed who would keep what and everything was civil. I returned to the apartment Dec 30th and EVERYTHING except for my clothes was taken. I am taking her to small claims court for everything I do have receipts for totaling roughly $4,000.00 not including Amazon purchases

    We shared an amazon account that was under her email. When she moved out, she changed the password and I no longer have access to any receipts on there. I went through my statements and calculated purchases totaling roughly $3,500.00 under that account. This was for things mostly in the apartment as I have a separate amazon account I used for my own purchases. I have all bank statements showing these purchases, the problem is I don't know exactly what the items in the apartment the charges were for without seeing the purchase history on her account.

    Would small claims make her show proof of what was purchased under that amazon account if I don't know the exact item it was for? She is in complete denial and has claimed she purchased everything in that apartment, which I already have proof is not true

    submitted by /u/bozzeroni
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    Oregon. I work a compressed week of Thurs, Fri, Sat, 12 hour shifts. My employer wants me to keep Sundays free for over time if required.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:42 PM PST

    They've started a new attendance policy where not coming in on a Sunday is an unexcused absence. Legal?

    submitted by /u/podcastman
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    My roommate has been letting people stay in my room while I’m gone. I have a camera in the room.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:35 PM PST

    I am in NYC. I have a camera in the room I am renting. My roommate has let two people (on two different occasions) whom I don't know stay in my room without my consent. I have been gone for two weeks and will be gone for two more. What can I legally do?

    If the camera is illegal I'll talk to her about it and not tell her how I know and just tell her to not be a shit bird when I'm gone.

    If it's legal, I'll show her the footage and tell her I'm not paying that months rent. My biggest concern is the one month security deposit she is holding.

    Additionally, there are a few times where the guest is changing in front of the camera. Please keep in mind this is my room that I pay rent for that she has no permission from me to be in.

    I am a sub renter, she is the lease signer. I am not acquainted with the owner. I appreciate any advice.

    submitted by /u/Johnwayne714
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    Friend borrowed $7000, not answering after contracted time

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:56 AM PST

    I lent my friend $7000 in return of $8000 in one month. I really trusted her and she seemed like she could sincerely use the money. It's been a month and she won't return my text messages or phone calls. I do have text messages on my phone saying that I wire transferred the money and she texted back saying "okay, I will give you the money back asap". Verbally we agreed on one month.

    Since she and I work at the same place, I will run into her at some point next week. Is it possible for me to record our verbal conversation on my phone if I am the one talking to her? I live in Virginia and she lives in Maryland. I know that it's legal in Virginia but not in Maryland. Because she lives in Maryland, I would have to go to small claim court in Maryland and I don't want them to deem my recording as illegal even when it's legal in Virginia. Our place of employment is Virginia.

    To make it simple: I reside in Virginia (recording legal), we work in Virginia, she lives in Maryland (recording requires consent from all parties), need to go to small claims court in Maryland.

    Also, I keep saying I'm gonna go to small claims court but does this circumstance qualify for that ?

    I am so upset. I just got married, my dog unexpectedly died and now I have so many huge vet bills, and my grandmother is on the verge of dying and I need the finances for her funeral. This all happened within a month. I don't even want the friggen interest. I just want the original $7000 back.

    Please advise me. I really appreciate in advance.

    submitted by /u/nomnomswedishfish
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    [VA] Lease end date conflicts with both term length and total rent owed

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:05 PM PST

    I'm planning on moving out of my apartment after my lease expires, but upon review of my lease, I noticed that the end date is actually two months later than I expected. However:

    1) The lease states that the rental period is "12 months" long.
    2) The lease spells out both my monthly rent and the total amount of rent owed for the lease period, which adds up exactly to monthly x 12 = total.
    3) This was a lease renewal agreement, and previous one-year leases all ended on the expected month + day.
    4) There is plenty of email correspondence between me and the landlord from the time spelling out my intentions to renew for "one year".

    To me, common sense dictates that the end date was a simple mistake. However, my landlord seems to be insistent on treating the written end date as the deciding factor. Am I obligated to remain in the unit until that end date, or is there a chance I can move out when I expected to?

    Edits: Word count reduction

    submitted by /u/dolemedo
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    Someone Did Doughnuts in My Yard. Its a Rental Property and I am Responsible for Lawncare. What should I do?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:17 PM PST

    So I rent a house in Florida. I just got home from work and to discover someone decided to use my front yard to practice doughnuts. Its rained the past three days here so the ground was super soft and is very torn up. In my lease agreement it explicitly states that I am responisble for lawncare. I DO have renter's insurance. What should I do?

    Mainly, I am worried about issues with getting my deposit back when I leave. The grass is completely torn up and sod will need to be put down.

    Is this something I should go through renters insurance for? Should I get a police report? Should I just call my landlord and see what they want me to do? I won't be able to contact my landlord until morning.

    submitted by /u/CaptainLarryLobster
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    Im afraid of losing my car or other things because of my mom

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:05 PM PST

    I plan on moving out and unfortunately my mom has a practice/tradition of forcing her children out of the house with nothing, taking most of their stuff and making them go off thereselves, however Im not sure where I stand to retain my belongings, mainly a 2013 ford focus which I paid into $1400 of $3000 the car was bought for, not sure where I stand to get compensation or anything for the car, if you could help me go forward on this the best way I can it would be a big help to me Ps. I have just turned 18 a couple days before the new year and I'm already getting move out ultimatums and I'd rather move out than to be pressured into every thing they want with their extremely old school, do what I say or leave mentality which I've seen happen to a few siblings before me, my plans for moving out are already thought of on a general scale but where I live walking or even a bus isn't a very good option so a car would be something that matters very much to me, however if there's anything else I should know it would also be appreciated... Location: Northeast Ohio

    submitted by /u/kommieKarl
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    Pennsylvania, USA - A moderator of one of the local subreddits has multiple credible accusations of inappropriate conduct at subreddit meet-ups. They are using their position to silence complaints and discussions about the problem and the rest of the mod team is ignoring it.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:30 AM PST

    As victims of this person have come forward, more and more incidents are coming to light. Specifically lots of unwelcome touching and a couple of incidents that rise to assault.

    This moderator has used their position in the subreddit to silence complaints and discussions about this problem and in at least one instance directly threatened to ban a victim from the subreddit and meet-ups if they did not remain silent about the assault.

    The police were contacted about one incident, but they said that while charges could be pressed, without direct evidence or witnesses there's little chance of much coming from it. Their opinion was that the issue would be better addressed within the subreddit and meetup group.

    Since then the moderator team of the subreddit has been contacted by multiple people regarding their unpleasant experiences with the person in question. The mod team response has amounted to, "this person does the bulk of the subreddit moderation so we're not going to address their behavior."

    At this point, over half a dozen victims have come forward.

    The question is, if all of the victims went to the police and pressed charges together would that make for a stronger case? Also, are the other moderators or the site itself potentially liable for leaving this person in a position to victimize others as they use the subreddit and meet-ups to find victims?

    submitted by /u/TheTattedspyder
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    [GA] Roof manufacturer promised and quoted 25-year warranty. After the $18k job is completed, the manufacturer tells me they only warranty commercial jobs – my job is residential so I’m out of luck.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:38 PM PST

    Questions are at the bottom.


    I have a townhome and needed to replace the flat roofing. I have a rooftop patio, so the roof covering isn't shingles - it's a flexible plastic material called TPO. This is commonly used on flat-roof commercial buildings – the sheets of plastic are melted together at the seams to be water-tight.

    After speaking with about 20 contractors that do such work, I chose a roofer highly-recommended by a neighbor. The roofer is a one-man shop – but the risk of a small roofer possibly going out of business later didn't matter to me since I was planning to purchase a long-term "total system warranty" from the manufacturer, which covers all labor and materials to fix any future roof leaks during the warranty. I've had roof leaks before, and this long-term total warranty was a very important factor in my choice of roofer and manufacturer.

    Before beginning the job, the roofer arranged to have the roofing manufacturer's sales rep (the roofer's supplier and authorized representative of the manufacturer) meet us at the job site – my townhome. We stood on the rooftop area and discussed the "total system warranty" I would be purchasing at length, and the manufacturer's sales rep extolled the benefits of the warranty and gave me a packet of sales literature about both the roof material and the warranty.

    Before purchasing the job, I also requested a copy of the actual warranty agreement document from the rep for review, which he provided. I read a lot of contracts for my job and wanted to make sure that I understood the terms correctly.

    I purchased the job from the roofer and the roofer completed the job. The final step was for the roofer to have the manufacturer inspect and certify that the work was completed to spec and satisfies the manufacturer's requirements. After the inspection, the sales rep told me that the manufacturer declined the warranty on the basis that my job is residential, and they only offer the "total system warranty" for commercial jobs. This condition for warranty eligibility was never mentioned to me by the sale rep, and it wasn't stated in the sales literature nor the warranty agreement. I had no way of knowing their internal warranty policy that was not disclosed. Other flat roofing manufacturers that I had received quotes from offer a similar warranty and I've since confirmed that they do, in fact, warranty residential jobs. I would have certainly gone with another manufacturer had I known this was an issue before the job. Now, I'm out $18k on a roof that will have no warranty.

    I've escalated both within the manufacturer's rep company and the manufacturer, and all have said there's "nothing they can do".

    I plan on suing in small claims court for the cost of the roof, as in order to get the 25-year warranty I'll need to have it redone. The small-claims limit in GA is $15k, but the difference isn't enough to justify hiring an attorney for "regular court".


    Question 1: What should be the basis of my suit: Misrepresentation? Breach of contract? Is it negligent or fraudulent?

    Question 2: Whom should I sue?

    A) The roofer - I purchased the job from the roofer, but he's my star witness and agrees with me that the manufacturer's rep gave us both bad info. He was blindsided too. And he's a one-man shop with no real assets.

    B) The roofing manufacturer's rep – he came on site and saw that it was a residence, yet told me I would have a warranty. He apparently didn't know what he was doing. This is a separate company authorized by the manufacturer to represent their products – it's a 3-man shop, but they have enough assets to cover the damages.

    C) The roofing manufacturer – I've escalated the situation to the regional manager level asking to resolve and have been shut down. They have plenty of assets, but I assume they would also put up a stronger defense.

    Question 3: What are the pros/cons of suing both B & C at once? If I sue only B or C, could I still decide to sue the other later (i.e. if I lose)?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/SirBuzzKillingtonVI
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