• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - 17 Year-Old Sister With Eating Disorder Needs Immediate Medical Attention But Refuses to Go to Hospital

    Legal Advice - 17 Year-Old Sister With Eating Disorder Needs Immediate Medical Attention But Refuses to Go to Hospital

    17 Year-Old Sister With Eating Disorder Needs Immediate Medical Attention But Refuses to Go to Hospital

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Throwaway account. Location is Ontario, Canada.

    My younger sister has had anorexia for 2 years. She went to the hospital previously in September - November of 2018. Came out, hated my parents for putting her there. Still suffers from the illness, is now medically unstable and has trouble walking up and downstairs and all of her body hurts. No longer in school. I think her organs are starting to shut down. Parents can't convince her to go to the hospital. They're scared to push her to go because a close friend of hers committed suicide recently and they don't want to lose her the same way.

    My understanding is she can't be forced to go to the hospital (i.e. through police or ambulance) without proof of her condition and that she can deny her condition if we call 9-1-1. I go back to university in 3 days. I need to see her in the hospital before that. Any information on how I can get her there before any more damage is done would be great.

    submitted by /u/throwaway192345674
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    My ex has a restraining order against me and now lives in the same apartment complex

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:56 AM PST

    My Ex Wife and I had a rocky marriage, my alcoholism didn't help. She pushed for a divorce. We lived together during this divorce and one day I found out she was dating another man. I snapped and hit her, pretty hard. I was charged with assault, spent 3 months in jail, went to anger management and I was also issued a 3 yr restraining order.

    This was 2 yrs ago. I have since sobered up, met a wonderful woman and moved to a completely different apartment complex in a completely different part of the city and never had any further contact with my Ex Wife. I admit what I did was wrong, I paid the price, I've seen re-established myself. My current woman who I've been in a relationship with for 2 yrs is aware of this back ground story (which makes things slightly easier)

    Well unknown to me my ex moved into my apartment complex about 5 months ago with her now new husband (who had always lived here, I did not know this) I saw her in the lobby just before new years. She greeted me, I turned shocked and said hello. She asked me what I was doing in the lobby I said I was just coming in from work she told me that the restraining order is still in effect and I need to move out.

    I tried to reason with her and told her I'd be happy to steer clear of her, I know we don't live on the same floor (I don't even know what floor she lives on, I don't care to know) I told her if I saw her on an elevator I wouldn't get in and just wait for the next one. She told me she was going enforce the restraining order against me.

    My partner and I literally just signed a brand new 2 yr lease 6 months ago. We love the place we live in, and wouldn't want to move. And it feels unjust having to move/incur financial hardship because the person I had a restraining order against moved into my apartment complex.

    The reason why I'm bringing this up is cause last night building management was informed of the restraining order and told us we need to figure this out.

    Would she really be able to force me out of my home even though I lived here before her? As long as I do my best to avoid any contact with her (which I'm perfectly fine doing) shouldn't that be sufficient? I work a really early schedule and the fact is she was dating this guy and coming over to this apartment complex for the entire time I've been here, and we ran crossed paths, and she's been living here full time for 5 months and just recently crossed paths. Not sure what to do.

    FYI this is New York City

    submitted by /u/imabetterman
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    Can my "Step mom" legally marry my dad while he is "unconscious/incapacitated"?- California

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Background 1: Ive posted a lot about this before. Dad had a stroke, he should be recovering but its going to be slow. We dont know to what point of recovery he will reach etc etc. Right now basically hes a zombie in a hospital bed due to lack of better words =.

    Background 2: Dad and "step mom" were religiously married in India, but not legally in India or in the USA.

    Went to a conservator-ship attorney today and my step mom insisted on coming along. Initially when the stroke happened (5 days ago) she was telling me not to call any lawyers and in any case she doesn't want anything regardless of what happens to my dad. Today she started asking that she wants to be on the conservator-ship. Luckily the attorney recommended since the marriage is not legal I be the sole conservator (temporary 3 month)- this is great. Then my step mom asked if there is any way for her to legalize this marriage while my father is not cognizant. Our attorney did not know, and suggested she look into it.

    I am starting to get spine chills here. I dont like the way this is going. Especially because with discussions with her (my dad has been an abusive person), she is still deciding what she wants to do in the outcome of this stroke. Leaving him has been mentioned. She has mentioned, see his status and then potentially leave him (is he back to normal, is he close to normal, is he mentally incapacitated, is he a vegetable).

    Additional fact: Right now. I was told the lion's share will be going to me because I am listed as the beneficiary on his accounts. She did mention the house which is worth quite a bit would be split if the marriage is legal

    I know so far I am only looking into conservatorship which is primarily maintaining dads finances, but her money hungriness + her discussion of potentially leaving + her asking if she can legalize the marriage without him, leaves me to this major question:

    Can my "Step mom" legally marry my dad while he is "unconscious/incapacitated"?

    I dont want her to some how get "in", get control of a major set of the assets, and then jump back out.

    *** I had a brainfart and wrote step dad. He is my biological father

    submitted by /u/atlantaoonana
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    2 days out from moving in to grandparents house was told I (20m, IL)can no longer move in.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:27 PM PST

    My grandparents died fairly close in time around early may 2019. They had a fairly simple will stating their possessions (eg, the family farm) were to be shared in a trust between my father (the executor) and my aunt(MO) and uncle(IL). After the funeral I was told that I could stay in the house free of charge (except bills and general upkeep). I initially said I decline because I had a decent housing situation.

    Now my housing situation has changed and I asked my father and uncle if it would still be on the table if I could move in by the third. My uncle was a little dumbfounded when I asked but eventually agreed.

    So for about the last week my immediate family and I had been cleaning out the first floor of my grandparents 2 story farm house so I could move in.

    Today my uncle stops by and him and my father talk away from the rest of us to talk about what I assume I was going to cover for bills. I reassured I could pay the bills of the house and he said alright and shook my hand and left. 2 hours later my father gets a text from my uncle saying that I could no longer stay at the house and just because my father was the executor he had no power in a 2 vs 1 decision, I should also mention that the trust has not yet been started as our lawyer is slow(I assume)

    My question is do I have any rights in a non-written verbal agreement and does my father having 1/3 claim to the estate give us any rights to the house to stay in and live?

    submitted by /u/D4NnYb0i
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    I'm a nurse in America and my company wants to discharge a Pt because they don't "make enoughn money" off of the patient. Is this legal?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:27 AM PST

    I'm a home health nurse and for a while my boss has been wanting to discharge one of my patients because they aren't making money off of the patient. The type of insurance my patient has, my company has to supply the supplies for the wound and for a while my boss has made comments about getting rid of him because of the price of his supplies. For example one small box of his supplies costs around $600. And my boss says he is not worth keeping as a patient because they have to spend too much money on him and they aren't making any money off of him. She told me that at the start of the year she was going to work hard to get rid of him. I don't think this is right at all and am thinking of recording her the next time I go to get some of my patients supplies just in case. Is this legal for them to do? What can I or the patient do if they actually discharge him because of this?

    Edit: Location in Texas

    submitted by /u/thrrrowawayylady
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    Got a ticket for not providing proof of financial responsibility for vehicle, after I tried to give the officer proof of registration and insurance.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:04 AM PST

    I got pulled over in Kansas City, Missouri for having expired tags. I'm a college student so my permanent residence is in Georgia, and I just neglected to get my tags extended for this time around. One officer asked for my license and proof on insurance so I gave my Georgia license and a card my USAA auto insurance had given me, unfortunately I think it was just a roadside support card but I was frazzled and hardly get pulled over. However, I'm covered by USAA, purchased my policy on 12/13/19. After a while another cop came up and stated they needed something with the vehicle information on it. I stated that insurance card was all I had, but then remembered that I had my USAA official proof of insurance and vehicle registration on my email and offered to pull that up for him on my phone. He DECLINED and wrote down my vehicle information, make, and model himself. Came back and stated he was giving me two tickets, one for the tags and one for failing to provide proof of insurance. I argued with him and said that I offered to pull it up, and he had declined. He said, "No, you offered to show me your registration." I had everything pulled up, proof of insurance and my vehicle registration which is through my USAA insurance, and showed it to him on my phone. Again, he refused to look at it. He told me that I have to go to the hearing to dispute the ticket. I tried arguing and he wouldn't budge, and kept telling me that I didn't offer to show him the correct thing, even though when I offered to show him the documentation, he didn't even bother to look at it. I'm going to go to the hearing and show I have proof of insurance and financial responsibility for the car, but the ticket says "Did fail to provide proof of financial responsibility for the vehicle they are operating upon demand of the police officer." Do I somehow have to prove that I offered to show this documentation and the officer refused in order to get the ticket excused or will providing my proof of insurance/financial responsibility in court be enough?

    submitted by /u/killamobillax
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    My neighbor didn't complete a title transfer on a vehicle I gave him 1 yr ago and wants me to sign a bill of sale now.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:37 PM PST

    I gave my neighbor a vehicle 1 year ago. I completed all the proper forms and submitted the bottom of the title to the Missouri DMV informing them I was giving up the title.

    Last week he told me he never transferred the title and wants me to notarize a bill of sale to his sister for $100.

    I think he has legal issues he didn't tell me about which is why he doesn't want to have the vehicle in his name.

    If I get involved and fill out a bill of sale to a third party after previously submitting that I was gifting the same vehicle, am I committing a crime?

    - I submitted a notice of sale 1 year ago

    - The vehicle is not registered to me

    - The vehicle no longer appears on my local personal property tax

    I don't want to get wrapped up in mail fraud charges or something.

    submitted by /u/Geschirrspulmaschine
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    Someone is making fake suicide alerts about my family and me (US—SC and GA)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:46 AM PST

    Sunday night I was fast asleep when cops started banging on my door (around 11:30pm). When I answered the door, the cops asked me what was going on. After a little back and forth, they said someone had texted a veteran's crisis line (I'm not a veteran) and said I was threatening to burn myself. The cops could quickly see there was no crisis situation. They asked me if I knew anyone in (my hometown). I let them know I grew up there. They then radioed headquarters and the woman confirmed the number associated with the text. Here's where it gets crazy—it was the phone number my mom used for years before she and my dad divorced and she moved away and changed her number. I love in SC and grew up in GA.

    Then on Tuesday morning, something very similar happened to my brother. He was at my dad's house for 20 minutes or so when the cops came and said someone had contacted a veteran's crisis line saying he was going to hurt himself. My bro showed the texts between us about what had happened to me. He didn't get more information about originating number or anything. My bro's legal address is my dad's since he lives in hotels for his job, but he was only there 20 minutes when the cops came (he was staying in a hotel while in town for the holidays). Coincidence that he was at my dad's or was someone watching??

    I have three more siblings, they've not had anything happen.

    Lots of information about us comes up when you google my mom's old phone number. You could easily figure out where I live and where my dad lives.

    So my legal question....should I do something? If so, what?? Cops, lawyer?? One friend said that the person is probably going through a veteran's crisis line to avoid filing a false police report?

    Should I be worried? Is there anything my other siblings should do to protect themselves from some nut job calling authorities with fake suicide alerts?

    I'd appreciate any advice you guys have. My family is stumped as to why this is happening and what to do about it.


    submitted by /u/pburydoughgirl
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    Wife won money now she wants a divorce

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:01 PM PST

    My wife won a good chunk of money in a competition and immediately wants a divorce. Am I entitled to any of that money since we are married? We live in Canada.

    submitted by /u/nrhjk
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    Got kicked out of my own shop after putting 35K in, what are my possible recourses?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:31 PM PST

    I had started a shop with 3 partners. 1 of the partners turned out to be a real pain, and he didn't want to work with us either. We will refer to this person as T.

    The investment put into the shop by me and my partner exceeded 35K$. T put in 5K$. This money went into part of the business purchase, rent, salary for 5 employees, buying expensive new tools, etc.

    Due to not having all the funds at hand (20K for taking over the lease), we paid around half the money, and the other half was due today. I was the point person for everything, including making the deals, arranging the money, creating business connects, etc.

    Because of not having all the money at once, a couple of payments to the prev leasees were delayed by 24-48 hrs.

    The whole month of December, T is unable to pull up with any cash other than that 5K$.

    T goes behind our backs to the prev leasees and tells them that I'm the reason they aren't getting paid, and he has the whole money for the shop for them, they just need to kick us out.

    And that's what they do. Today while I had the last payment for them, and was ready to have them sign the lease takeover (with the landlord fully in the know), they came in with the police and said they have the paperwork for this shop and that we have to go.

    What do we do now? We have the entire paper trail, how everything came out of my personal bank account, or through it, how me and my partner were toiling 18 hours a day in the shop to make everything run, text messages and recordings that prove that it was me who owns the business or is the main owner of the business.

    Even if the prev. Leasees don't let us keep the shop (can they do that?), don't they still have to pay money back for renovations, repairs, business expenses, salaries, all back to us?

    submitted by /u/wintergoon_7
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    Someone stole a graphic design of mine that I copyrighted and is making thousands of dollars. I need advice?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Hello... needing some legal advice from anyone out there. In a sticky situation. I will keep it vague.

    I designed a logo for a friend of mine a couple years ago who was an Internet personality on YouTube. He used the logo to put on merch to sell to fans. I never asked for money. I gave it for free because they were a very close friend of mine.

    They passed away 6 months ago, and he was signed to a label/production label for his content. So his estate is owned by his production label. It turns out they stole the design I emailed him and are selling merch with my designs without my permission and making thousands of dollars. Literally selling TONS of these shirts. I copyrighted this logo design on 2/11/2019 and I just checked the copyright search database and it is still up, it is filed as Visual Material as 2-D Artwork, with my name, address, citizenship all attached to the copyright. It also has the original name of the graphic design that I named it. I have documented on my computer proof that I made this design in 2015, as well as email conversations with my best friend regarding him using it and proof that I helped him print them at a print shop. All time stamped.

    I want to reach out to his estate and ask them to take down all of my designs and am thinking of taking legal action to get money. They are mass profiting off my design that I made, which is completely wrong, and they didn't even think to ask me... it's as if I wouldn't notice. And they are making THOUSANDS of dollars. I personally believe I am obligated to be compensated for my design that they illegally used to sell merchandise.

    How do I go about this? Should I look into Copyright Lawyers? Should I reach out to his estate? How do I get my copyright forms official and documented so I know 100% I am covered and legally safe with my design. I want to know I 100% copyrighted my design correctly and it is completely legally under my ownership.

    Any advice or info helps TONS! Thank you so much

    submitted by /u/hellbentb0y
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    My roommate has a warrant and the police keep loudly knocking. Can I invite the police in to serve the warrant?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:42 PM PST

    New tobacco age law: my son (19) works at a smoke shop. He has a medical marijuana card but the shop where he works doesn't sell marijuana products. Under the new law, does he have to be 21 to cashier there? ARIZONA

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:31 PM PST

    I already hate the new law but he and every other employee under 21 have been put "on call" to work as little as possible to minimize risk of breaking the new law. Nobody knows if you have to be 21 to sell tobacco, but it's a safe assumption, given the fact that you have to be 21 to sell alcohol.

    submitted by /u/P15T0L_WH1PP3D
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    Bed Bugs found on my son at School, school is threatening to remove him (Wisconsin)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:24 AM PST

    This is happening in Wisconsin.

    Last fall, my 10 year old child was found to have a bed bug on his shirt at school. About the same time or shortly after, bugs were found on several other kids in the school. The principal and district staff immediately began measures to prevent bugs from entering the school, which includes having these kids change their clothes in the health room every day. No backpacks are allowed. Also all family members are not allowed to enter or exist the school building property. They claim these are precautions until they become confident the infestation problem has been resolved.

    On my end, I have hired a state licensed pest control company who has made three visits to my house since the infestation was reported. They performed chemical treatments in all rooms of the house each time. We have thrown out mattresses, pillows, bedding, etc. I have done everything I can in due diligence to resolve the issue. Yet somehow these damn bugs still appear now and then when the school inspects the kids in the morning.

    Today I received a letter from the school indicating that if bed bugs are continued to be found on my kid after holiday break, that they will no longer be allowed inside of the school. As they put it, they will later determine a new learning environment that will be used to educate him. Which is vague.

    I am looking for good advice on how to deal with the school on this. My son has a learning disability and I want to be sure he received the appropriate education. I also do not want him to be banned from school for something outside of his control. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Graeve
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    Friend's property management office is telling her they will contact their attorney if she tells anyone about her apartment having bedbugs - is this legal?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:01 PM PST

    My friend lives in PA and found bed bugs in her apartment. She moved in 2 months ago and on her leasing contract it said that if she found bed bugs in her unit within 48 hours of moving in, they would cover the extermination fees, however she did not find any in that time period and unfortunately will be responsible for the fees which will be around $2,000. They challenged her to contact a lawyer if she wanted them to pay the fee. They did however admit that this incident had occurred before with a other resident.

    I told her that she should print out a general sheet of paper saying that bed bugs had been discovered in some people's residences and to contact the management office for more information, which I helped her write. My coworker and I told her to go down to the management office and tell them she would hand out these memos and slide it under people's doors if the management office would not cover the cost of the exterminator, and to let them know she would wait to hear from them before she began spreading the word.

    She texted me today and showed me an email where they said any attempts to defame their character would force them to contact an attorney. She said they called it 'incite'and that if they heard from any other residents that she had handed out the memo, they would work with an attorney to force her to move out or just sue her in general. They are demanding that she not speak to any residents about this.

    Is this legal? Would they have grounds to sue her if she spread the word about this? Isn't it just freedom of speech?

    submitted by /u/floppydiskgal
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    (Virginia) False advertising / Bait and Switch at the car lot. Did they break any laws and if so, who do I report it to?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:13 AM PST

    My story I'm sure is not unique, but it's not something I've personally dealt with before.

    I was shopping for a used car this weekend. I found a good deal online on a "Certified Pre-Owned 2017 Kia Sportage". This is in quotes because this is exactly the description on the dealer's website as well as several third-party sites. Certified. In the headline and in several places in the description of the vehicle. There was even a flag on the vehicle when I got there: "Kia Certified Pre-Owned"

    The salesman and I negotiated a deal I was very happy with.

    I got to the finance guy's office and started signing papers. Just as I was signing the title, the finance guy says offhand "They did tell you it's not certified, right?"

    Record scratch. "No - it's Certified" - I pulled up the car on the dealer's website and showed the finance guy. He showed me a sales slip or something that had NO CERT in bold letters that had been hand written with a black sharpie. "No one said anything about it not being certified. See the website says certified and there's a flag on the car that says certified".

    "Oh it's probably just a mistake let me call the salesman and he can get it straightened out".

    Salesman comes into the office and tells me I'll have to pay an additional $900 if I want the certification. "No I will not pay that. The description of the vehicle says it is certified. Not that I can pay extra to have it certified. That's false advertising!"

    "Let me get my sales manager"

    Sales manager comes in. "When it says certified it means that it is able to be certified but you have to pay for that".

    "I won't pay for it. We had a deal. It says certified, we agreed on a price, there was no mention of an extra fee to have it certified. Because it says it's already certified".

    We went back and forth for a few minutes (truthfully I went full Karen on him) but it ended with me walking out without the car.

    Is it legal for them to describe a vehicle as "Certified" at the price listed, then tell me it's not certified unless I pay more? If it is illegal, who can I report them to?

    TLDR: Car dealer refuses to sell me vehicle as it's advertised unless I pay $900 more.

    EDITED TO ADD: I had signed the sales contract by this time. The only thing not yet signed was the title and my check for payment.

    submitted by /u/c00kiemomster
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    Landlord is falsely accusing me of smoking weed in apartment.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:31 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I moved into my apartment about 4 months ago, all has been good until about a month ago when I got an email stating that the neighbors were complaining about the smell of weed coming from my apartment, this is a smoke free complex and this is my first warning.

    I emailed back saying I do not smoke and I've smelled weed in the hallway once but that was it, my apartment does not smell anything like weed, and I'd be willing to let them come inspect if they'd like.

    Last week the entire building got an email saying they still are getting complaints and that they will be performing inspections with no further notice.

    Today while I was at work I got an email saying they entered my apartment and the bathroom smells like weed, this is my final warning and if complaints continue I will be evicted with 30 days notice.

    I am going to talk to them in person today, what is my best course of action?

    I do not smoke weed and never have, I know my apartment doesn't smell like weed and everyone that I've had over confirms this as well. I think it is either one of the other neighbors and they are trying to pin it on me, as the new tenant, or rent has gone up $100 since I moved in and they're trying to chase me out to get in a tenant paying the new price.

    Every other interaction I've had with them has been great, but this is getting annoying and now looks serious. Any help is much appreciated.

    EDIT: This is in St Louis, MO.

    submitted by /u/toastdispatch
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    (WA) Happy New Year's! I was served a 20 day "Notice to terminate tenancy" and have not done anything wrong (as far as I know)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:15 PM PST

    Hello, I returned home to my apartment today to find a 20 day notice to terminate my tenancy. I haven't done anything wrong as far as I know, my landlord has never said anything to me before in terms of formal complaints, I always thought we were in good terms so this is coming as a shock to me. 20 days isn't nearly enough time for me to find a place to stay especially since I'm just going back to work after the holidays. Is there any way I can even at least delay the process of eviction without getting into legal trouble? Thank you in advanced.

    submitted by /u/Bockser
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    Looking to start a food business but I’m confused on what licensing I’ll be needing.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:03 PM PST

    Howdy, Florida Man here (lol).

    Im trying to start up a food business that does not qualify as a cottage food business here in Florida. I've been searching through various YouTube videos, and even searching government websites to find a clear answer on what licensing or permits I'd need, but I keep coming up short.

    Is there anybody out there familiar with the process who can help?

    submitted by /u/Smoke_Big_Fish
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    [Missouri] I didn’t get a survey on my property when I bought my house, and now I have a 53 year old woman harassing me.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:16 PM PST

    In October of 2018 I bought my first home with my boyfriend. We went though a real estate agent we hang out with. He told us, since our home was listed as a double lot, and we had a fence around the entire perimeter, that a survey wasn't very important, maybe a few feet different but nothing to worry about. We saved our money for the closing cost, and unknowingly made the biggest mistake we've ever made.

    This started with an empty lot bordering our fence. We wanted to purchase the lot to reduce the mosquitoes in our back yard and have a place for a greenhouse, the empty lot was terribly unkept and was truly an eyesore to everyone on our little dead end road. We called the assessors office, they gave us the name of the owner of the lot next to our address. After some googling, we had a woman's phone number and we called her the next day. She wasn't aware she owned the lot, and told us she had lost it in bankruptcy. Turns out, the woman we contacted lived in our home in 2012, and was the last person to own it as a double lot, she thought the bank took it during her bankruptcy when they took the house. The lot we thought we bought was half of the actual property we owned. And being dumb first time home buyers, we never thought to look at the measurements in our title. The man that sold it to us bought the house out of bankruptcy, fixed it up a bit and sold it, thinking he purchased a double lot like it appears. Anyone that looks at the house would think it's a double lot, our walkway to our door leads to the other lot, and our entire driveway is on the other lot. We contacted this woman on October 20th, and by October 30th she was a nightmare. We agreed to pay her $5,000 for the lot, she went to pay her taxes the next day and found out the assessed value was $40,000. I still don't understand that price, because larger lots in better areas are not assessed that high. Once she got this information and payed the taxes, she decided she's going to build a house on what was originally our side yard. Which, for the record is a 35 foot wide lot. A few weeks pass and we talked to everyone involved in the selling of our home. Everyone pointed fingers to other people, or blamed us for not getting a survey. She had a survey done a few days before thanksgiving, and her property is one foot from the edge of our home. The sidewalk leading to my back yard (which is the only entrance to the entire back of my property) is hers. I own one foot of concrete by my home, one foot of concrete on a two car driveway that my walkway leads to. On December 24th, she removed the front part of my privacy fence and put up galvanized chicken wire "fencing" to separate the lots, as well as private property signs. I've never been so embarrassed in my life. Today she came by and said she was going to cut my sidewalk so our concrete wouldn't be on her property. She's sent us text, left voicemails and even showed up at our house unexpectedly, she seems to know when I'm off work and always drops by when I'm home alone. I'm not a big person, I get intimidated easily and she's really doing a number on me. Anytime I hear a car door close I have to look out the window to make sure it's not her or her family members. Her sister decided to try to introduce herself on Christmas Eve, but we weren't home. When my neighbor asked her what she needed she was incredibly rude to him and kept asking him "do you live here?" "Do you own this house?"

    I don't know what to do. I've tried everything to be nice to her, but I truly believe she is crazy and hoping to build a two story, 23 foot wide house, 6 feet from what I thought was my dream house, the start to my life. Is there anything I can do to stop her, or to get out of my house so I never have to deal with her again? Or did I just spend all of my savings to be in the most embarrassing situation I've ever dealt with? Reddit you're my last hope.

    submitted by /u/Veil-of-osiris
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    Is yelp scamming small businesses or is it legal?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    I recently started a small catering company in los angeles and signed it up on Yelp. I was offered freed as for a month, I tried it and was charged. I was upset, and immediately ended it. A month later I received calls from Yelp. Saying that they were sorry for the inconvenience and that they were going to help me. I made it clear I didnt have money and did not want to pay anymore for anything else. The guy assured me he would update my page and call me within 3 days and that nothing would be charged. Two weeks later I still hadn't heard back, and my page didnt have anything new, matter of fact he added a few lines, which I removed. I was so upset. But then I saw my account had been charged, now, over $1,000! Now I was furious. I didnt even know there was a card on file. I called yelp and they are acting stupid. They said that only I can approve and make those changes he made. I never approved anything to be charged and they refuse to issue a refund and that guy will not respond to any point of contact. Is this legal. The guy straight misled me, he lied to me, then he posted lies on my site and yelp is refusing to issue a refund. Also I received 0 business for during this time,~1.5 months. Is this legal or scam? Can this be a class action suite? I've read multiple reviews of similar experiences. Who should I speak to if there is something to be done? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/thinkvalley
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    My girlfriend was raped at a party at gunpoint a year ago in Switzerland and she resides in France. She recently opened up to me about this trauma and she wants to see her legal options.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:46 AM PST

    There were eye witnesses to the man threatening people to leave the room at gunpoint and an apology he later sent referencing the incident to his friend of which she has a copy of. What is the best way for her to pursue such a matter?

    submitted by /u/Requires-citation
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    Not sure what to do about this or if there is a legal course of action but I’ve been wronged by a Chevy car dealership

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:36 PM PST

    For the past 3 and a half years I have owned this Chevy Cruze bought from a partnered dealership, the car has had problems every since it was purchased and kept getting worse, every time I took it in and paid a service fee it felt like they were doing the bare minimum, once the warranty was up I was told I was SOL and would have to pay for all parts and service fees as I'm no longer covered, but I suspected something was wrong when I would have to bring the car in for a recurring problem once a month.

    Just about 2 weeks ago, the engine was making a weird noise (louder than usual) and I took it back into the shop and had to pay a 1100 service fee for parts and labor, the car continued to make a weird noise and when I called the Chevy mechanic he said I had nothing to worry about, which I was skeptical, so I took the car in for a second opinion to a friend who's also a mechanic, and he told me he could not believe what he was seeing under the hood, someone used the wrong screw and cracked the engine, the oil gasket was also cracked and he said that brakes and other parts weren't properly changed for what looked like a long time. Well I was driving the oil gasket actually blew up (not a big fiery explosion) and the car smelled like something was burning and would hardly run drive at this point, I had to get the car towed. When I got into the Chevy dealership they insisted that they did nothing wrong and I was probably accountable for any damages. (Never been in a accident or crash) but they were insistent on refunding some service charges and relocating me to a different Chevy dealership. My car has been there since and more and more problems keep resurfacing from what they tell me. I've spent over 19,000$ on payments and service charges which is something I can hardly afford, and now they are telling me the car is worth only 1500$ trade in value but 5000$ is still owed on the car.

    My question is do I have any sort of legal claim against the Chevrolet dealership or a legal action I can take, I have documents and pictures of recurring service charges, and where they put the wrong screw in and cracked the engine, someone please help

    submitted by /u/CrushPus
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