• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 31, 2019

    Legal Advice - Drunk driver drove through my friends house, almost killing her. 6 months later she has no compensation and is struggling to afford to live.

    Legal Advice - Drunk driver drove through my friends house, almost killing her. 6 months later she has no compensation and is struggling to afford to live.

    Drunk driver drove through my friends house, almost killing her. 6 months later she has no compensation and is struggling to afford to live.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:56 AM PST

    As the title says, 6 months ago it was 3am in British Columbia Canada and my friend was asleep in bed in her house she owns. A 19 year old drunk driver plowed into her house. The car went through the ground floor and she is lucky to be alive (the car demolished her bed side table, missing her bed by inches). The car couldn't be moved for almost a month because the house may have fallen down due to how much damage it caused. My friend shared the house with her brother and disabled mother, who she is a full time career to, on top of working as a teacher.

    6 months later, my friend has had no compensation. She has spent all of her life savings dealing with the repercussions. She is still paying the mortgage on her place which is completely unliveable, as well as rent on a temporary 2 bedroom place for her an her mother to live. She is having to pay contractors herself to fix the house. All of this is incredibly expensive in Vancouver Canada. She is a single salary teacher and is now having to borrow money from me in order to get by. If she didn't have friends to support her, it's very feasible her and her mother could be made homeless from this. The financial burden as well as the mental stress from nearly dying and then being displaced whilst having to look after her wheelchair bound mother is monumental.

    The kid who drove the car is lawyered up to the eyeballs. The insurance company (ICBC) is being incredibly unhelpful, due to it being a drunk driving incident. The insurance company sent a representative to meet with my friend (I was present) and the rep admitted that, had the kid not been drunk, they would have paid out compensation quickly. Because it's a drunk driving case they are saying the kids insurance is invalid and aren't willing to pay out quickly to my friend.

    My friend has met with a couple of lawyers (I wasn't present) and in her words, they said she has a clear case but didn't think they should take the case as they would charge 30% fee and they may not be necessary. This is the bit I'm unsure of, as 6 months down the line she has only been offered menial amounts by the insurance company (a couple of $1500 cheque's, she hasn't cashed) and her and her wheelchair bound mother are struggling to make ends meet.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. I feel like this case is pretty specific to ICBC, (a particularly poorly run insurance company with a monopoly in British Columbia. Recently ICBC tried to wrongly blame the death of a police officer that was killed by a drunk driver, on the the dead police officer... just to give you a taste of how they operate)

    submitted by /u/chimpster36
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    My (31M) stepdaughter (12F) was sexually assaulted by her bio-father. He admitted to it in the police report and the DA refuses to press charges. He was also just awarded custody.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    In Oklahoma

    The day after Christmas 2017 my stepdaughter was sexually abused by her biological father. She informed my wife and I and we filed an emergency protective order and emergency custody order.

    The police were notified and a Sheriff's Deputy (read Offender's Drinking Buddy) took a statement from the offender which basically states that he was drunk and didn't remember doing anything. He did say, "My daughter doesn't lie, so if that is what she says happened then that is what happened."

    My stepdaughter's story has never changed from police report, to DHS, to therapy... Same. Every time. His story has changed several times.

    My wife and I are given full custody and we started the process to press charges. The County didn't turn over the information to the DA for a year. Citing their workload as the problem. The DA then informed us on a recorded phone call that they "weren't going to press charges, because we don't want to ruin his life."

    He already ruined hers.

    Throughout the two years since the assault we have had 16 unsubstantiated claims from DHS because they keep reporting us for things they are just guessing. My wife submitted for two nail panel drug tests that came back negative. She had to cart my stepdaughter to therapy twice a week in the middle of workdays so she lost her job. After one failed attempt at getting custody after another, by the father, we were buried in legal debt. Our lawyer removed herself. The offenders legal team then came at us harder. Their war of attrition worked.

    On the 26th of December we were sent images of a custody order that we quickly verified that gave him full custody of our daughter. The judge had decided that we were in default and because we didn't show up to a court date he automatically wins.

    The catch is... We were not subpoenaed, the offenders legal team had not filed an entry of appearance, and THERE WAS NOTHING ABOUT US ON THE DOCKET.

    So he has full legal custody and we have not turned her over. If I go to jail protecting her then I go to jail protecting her (preferably not).

    We have reached out to the county Victim's Advocate, DHS, the Court, The County Sheriff, OSBI, and the Tribe my stepdaughter is a member of. Nothing. She is 12 and nobody even asked her about where she wants to be.

    We are now almost homeless because of fighting this fight. I can't begin to afford an attorney. I have no idea what to do to protect this little girl.

    If there is anyone out there that can help, I can't put this little girl back into the hands of her abuser.

    EDIT: typo

    EDIT 2: It is worth noting that we won a judgement for the offender to pay a lot of our legal fees because of his constant swings that didn't land.

    EDIT 3: Any advice for where to get legal aid in Tulsa, Oklahoma is welcome.

    submitted by /u/DucksHave2Legs
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    Front neighbor put up antiloitering sound alarm and it’s making my husband an I sick. Is there anything we can do?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST

    We live in Texas to start out with. So recently my neighbor has put up an anti-loitering sound alarm (mosquito alarm). It emits a very high decibel sound at an extremely high frequency that can supposedly only be heard by people under 25 and animals. But unfortunately my husband and I despite being in our 30s can still hear that noise! And it is excruciating!

    We live in a duplex with one house in the front and one in the back instead of being side by side, we still share a wall. Our terrible neighbor owns the front and we own the back. We have an HOA but it is very limited and really only states that if something happens to the house both sides are liable.

    That being said we can't do anything out front without hearing the noise, checking mail, taking out the trash, just leaving the house in general! It is horrible! My husband finds it annoying but can tolerate it for a couple of minutes before starting to get a headache. But I recently suffered a bad traumatic brain injury so I am still extremely sensitive to light and loud noises! So for me when I hear it I get an instantaneous splitting headache and become extremely nauseated. I almost vomited today after checking the mail! I feel like I can't leave my house for fear of trigger the sound!

    Also we have cats and I am worried about the effect it has on them! We have two outside cats that came with the house and are part of a trap and release program, they are great cause not only do they keep pests away but they also keep unfixed cats out of our area but I digress. But at the end of the day they have become our pets and we love them dearly! These poor cats have no way of getting away from the noise and everything seems to triggers that stupid alarm! It's almost constantly going off! I can tell they can hear it and I think it bothers them cause every time it goes off they hunker down and press their ears flat against their heads! I'm worried it is going to scare them away or worse permanently hurt their hearing! I also have indoor outdoor cats that now refuse to leave the house cause of the noise.

    We asked her to take it down but she won't and won't even tell us why she has it in the first place. I suspect it is to deter our cats from going onto her side of the house, she has mentioned more than once that she doesn't like our cats (even our indoor pets). Is there anything we can do to get her to take it down?

    submitted by /u/neuronerd88
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    Can I get in trouble for speaking English in my workplace? (Quebec)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    I work in a small, entirely francophone hotel in a town in Quebec. My native language is English and I learnt French through FSL in Alberta. Another one of my coworkers is also from an anglophone province so when there's no clients around we speak English together, never in front of francophone clients though.

    Today, due to stress and being repeatedly insulted by a client, I accidentally spoke in English to my coworker because I couldn't think of a way to say it in French. She asked me where his keys were and I replied: Right in front of you.

    He (the client) started yelling at me telling me that he was gonna make a complaint because I was breaking the "Francisation" law and that I should expect a very hefty fine coming my way. He also complained to my GM and I got reprimanded and had a disciplinary note put in my file.

    Can I actually get in trouble for accidentally speaking English in my workplace? Note that the disciplinary actions were taken specifically because I spoke English, not because of anything else.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Nessie2212
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    Might have purchased a home that legally the seller didn't own

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 02:58 PM PST

    Hi all, Throwaway for reasons. I bought a house back in December of 2018. Things have changed in my life and I have decided to sell the home in the coming spring. Getting things in order and came across an unusual part of my deed. On my county's assessor's page, the original home owner and builder's name is still on the deed, Mr. Seller (fake). My name is also on the deed. I called my lawyer's office, the one used during closing to find out why. They had told me Mr. Seller's ownership of the home never transferred to his wife, Mrs. Seller, when he passed. The house was sold to me through the executor of Mrs. Seller's estate. My lawyer's office claimed this would just be a matter of paper work and would be done in 2 weeks time back in March 2019. I spoke to my county auditor and he claims my name is the only name on the abstract for the home and assures me there is nothing to worry about, however I haven't seen my abstract and I believe it is currently at my lawyer's office. Also not sure of the significance of the abstract. [IOWA]

    I have 2 primary concerns with this situation.

    Did I legally buy my home?

    Can I legally sell my home?

    Thank you in advance for all the help!

    submitted by /u/LegalAdviceTA9000
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    Truck driving and aspergers syndrome

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST

    I am an older fellow who has been a long haul truck driver for over 20 years. A few years ago I first became aware of aspergers syndrome. I thought at the time that it sounded a lot like me but went on with my life. Recently I have been working a lot on self improvement and got to wondering about aspergers. The more I read on it the more it sounded like me. A few days ago I found an online test for it and I scored quite high on the "you have aspergers" scale, but I question the accuracy of the test.

    I would like to peruse this further and see what type of therapy would be available to me that might help me overcome some of my problems. But I worry about losing my job and my CDL licensce if I got a diagnosis of aspergers or any other mental problems.

    My life before becoming a truck driver was hell and I am very happy with what I do now. The thought of returning to a regular work environment scares me a lot. So for now I have been keeping this to myself. For now, if asked about mental diagnosis I can truthfully say "I have never been diagnosed with anything".

    What exactly would be the legal ramifications of getting such a diagnosis? Would it play a part, if I was ever in a serious accident? Can I lose my CDL? Can I be fired?

    Location is United States and Canada,since I am all over the lower 48 states and might occasionally cross over into Canada. The company I work for isn't even in the same state that I live in.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway-br549
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    My dog bit someone and the victim filed for reimbursement of medical bills in small claims court. Does paying the claim release me from any future liability related to this incident?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:31 PM PST

    I was hiking in Oregon back in May and my dog bit someone on the trail (he was leashed, but trail was tight and he lunged at them).

    I immediately took responsibility, provided my contact info to the family, and offered to pay the victim's medical bills for the incident.

    I communicated with the father of the victim, who sent me copies of the bills for the initial round of treatment (about $3k). I agreed to pay the full amount on the condition that we sign a legal document saying I fulfilled my obligations, releasing me from any future liability in court.

    He refused this offer, saying that there would be follow up visits and he wanted me to pay for those as well. At this point I gave him two options:

    1. Take the 3k up front and sign a release of liability.
    2. Wait until he was billed for follow-up visits, provide copies of invoices for all medical expenses, which I would pay in full once the treatment schedule was completed.

    In short, I am fine paying in full either way, but told him that I need to see copies of the bills in writing so I know the charges are legitimate, and that once payment was provided, we would need to sign a legal document saying that I have honored my liability for incident in full, so that I wouldn't have to worry about a future court case or surprise charges popping up later.

    At this point he refused those conditions and told me he would be pursuing legal action. Now he has filed against me in small claims court for the initial treatment amount ($3k + filing fees).

    He is only filing for the initial visit, this claim does not include payment for any future medical bills, which he was initially pursuing.

    My question is this. If I agree to pay the amount he filed for in small claims, does that fulfill my obligations and release me from future liability? My impression is that I can't be sued for the same incident twice, however IANAL and am looking for a professional's advice on this.

    If that's true, does paying the claim produce a judgment in the case? Or, does the case have to proceed to a hearing (or other stage) to produce an official ruling that would legally clear me of future liability related this incident?

    Just want to put this thing behind me, and want to make sure I am not prolonging this case by agreeing to pay the small claims amount. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/DogBiteCaseOR
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    Have to give up all rights to our band's songs before we can play them on a radio show?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:40 PM PST

    There's an opportunity to play on a big FM radio show (in the US) that my band really wants to take, but their release form is scary. I've included the part below that's the most intimidating. If we sign, do they essentially own our songs? We'd like to be able to make money off our songs in the future and retain ownership over our own intellectual property.

    "We agree that Company shall be the exclusive owner of all copyright and other rights in and to the Works and will be able to use them forever and throughout the world, and to license others to use them, in any manner you wish and in any and all media now known or hereafter discovered or developed."

    submitted by /u/anonmusicyperson
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    How do I divorce a person who is in a military prison?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:58 PM PST

    I have been married for 3 years, but my spouse went to military prison over a year ago. I NEED a divorce asap. I went to see a lawyer today and was told that he didn't know how (or if) he could serve papers to an inmate on a military base in the prison.

    So basically my question is, can I even divorce him before he is released? If I can, how do I go about making it happen? Any and all ideas and recommendations are welcome.

    submitted by /u/idiotscumbag
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    (Illinois, Lake County) My heroin addict brother is turning my feeble/elderly parents' home into a trap house, anything I can do to end this that doesn't result in criminal charges for him/repossession of their home by authorities?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:17 PM PST

    Hi there Legal Advice, long time lurker, first time poster here.

    The title is a pretty good summary of the situation, but let me elaborate further in the post. My questions are in bullet form at the bottom.

    My 32 year old brother is in the depths of a pretty bad opioid addiction which really went off the rails about two years ago. He and his fellow addict girlfriend were evicted from their apartment and were allowed to live with my parents until they both overdosed in April. She left the situation and got sober, but my brother has followed the typical junkie life trajectory since then; lost his job, does weird shit for money and lost some teeth. He and his rotating cast of junkie friends hang out in the basement of my parent's home, using and selling him drugs. The house has fallen into a state of disrepair that would probably lead any code enforcement officer to condemn it if they saw the interior portions.

    My parents are older and are not in good health mentally or physically. My 80 year old father is probably in the last six months of life with end stage congestive heart failure and my 64 year old mother has never been fully able to take charge of things, due to her own struggles with mental illness. She works in a low paying job for the health insurance benefits. Her income combined with my father's Social Security benefits are the only income supporting the house. But generally speaking, my brother makes bad decisions, and my father sanctions them and also makes some bad ones of his own; my mom silently consents to whatever either of them say. I bail them out financially with increasing regularity, although that is the limit of the assistance they are willing to accept from me.

    I have begged and pleaded with them to get their shit together since I was 19, and I will admit that by the time I turned 30, I simply withdrew myself from trying to assist with their precarious living situation, only intervening during emergencies. These include an overdose my brother had in April and two recent hospitalizations for my dad to try to prolong his life with endstage CHF. He is very ill at the moment, in the hospital delirious and suffering from a lung infection which I believe to be partially related to the squalor they live in. He is threatening to sign himself out of the hospital against medical advice, which is another matter...

    Anyway, today I visited the house for the first time since April and it is a scene straight out of some horrible intersection of Hoarders and Intervention. I encountered some of my brothers "friends" at the house, while he was out, shuffling around trying to clean up the place with needles falling out of their pockets. One guy arrived looking for his missing pack of cigarettes (seemed like a codeword for his drugs), while another fellow went out to hand off something to a guy in a parked car. Needless to say, I think they are using and selling controlled substances out of my parents home. I can't imagine anybody who was not on drugs wanting to spend any kind of extended time in that hovel. I don't think it is healthy or safe for my parents to continue to live there under any circumstances if my father survives this latest health setback. Also these heroin addicts are strife generators and I kinda want to see them rot in jail for the next five years.

    Here are my legal questions:

    • I want to know how bad of an idea it would be to alert the local law enforcement about what I think is going on here. That house is probably all of the remaining assets my parents have currently, and as I understand it could be seized as the proceeds of illegal activity. I really want them to keep some of that equity to live off of. To be clear, my parents do not benefit in anyway from the heroin den in their basement, but I think they would have a hard time convincing a court that they had no idea what was going on there if the house was raided.
    • Can I expect the police tip off code enforcement to condemn the place if nothing else? Or alert Adult Protective Services of the situation?
    • Should I cut out the middle man and call APS on them myself? Will they help end or just further complicate this shitshow? I'd love to have this be out of my hands.
    • Can this situation be salvaged by getting some sort of guardianship over my father with the assistance of an attorney? Do I need an attorney to attempt that or can I reasonably file that motion on my own?

    It would be a huge burden to me to have my brother get a felony charge over all of this, as I would be expected to help him recover some sort of constructive existence afterwards. I also understand that he has gotten many more chances than the average junkie to dodge the legal consequences of his addiction, so if that is the only way, so be it.

    Thanks in advance for any legal insights, and Happy New Year.

    submitted by /u/ThotNSourSoup
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    Landlord issues 90 day notice to vacate for substantial renovation. Has begun renovation already on the exterior of the house, so I have any rights to pay less rent since they are drilling and banging hammers outside of my apartment all day?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:16 AM PST

    Sorry first time asking a question here. I'm located in Seattle.

    submitted by /u/seanpatrick8888
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    Got a cease and desist letter for a very small podcast for slander what's our next move?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:52 PM PST

    I'm out of California and I have a very small podcast none of our episodes get more than 40 listens. On one of our latest podcast I was interviewing my childhood friend on a series I call "who hurt you" we did our best to not mention any names on the podcast but be did let her name slip out while telling the story of how he cheated. I haven't seen the letter yet since it was addressed to my friend but I am included on it also since it's my podcast.

    Is this really consider slander? Do I have to take the episode down?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/mythrowawaysilly
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    HOA will only accept credit card or eCheck (with fees) for dues

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:29 AM PST

    I asked my HOA where I could mail payment to avoid the $5 fee for electronic check and $5 fee plus 2.95% fee for paying dues by credit card. They replied that those were the only two options.

    Is this legal? South Carolina

    submitted by /u/Swodi
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    [CA, United States] SO got laid off. He signed a severance agreement under the condition he not pursue legal action for wrongful termination against the company. They never mailed his last check. Can he take legal action to get the check?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:25 AM PST

    He doesn't want any trouble, he just wants his final check. However, he would've pursued wrongful termination (like his colleagues are doing, half the company shut down for shady illegal reasons) were it not for the fact we needed the severance money to get by as unemployment is not enough to cover needs. Is there anything we can do about it, ideally at minimal cost or few fees?

    submitted by /u/disabilityopenhouse
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    Estranged father died, will I inherit his debts? (Michigan/NJ)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:43 PM PST

    My estranged father died in Michigan a few days ago. His partner has arranged his funeral. I have not had contact with him in 15 years and I believe I might be legal next of kin. I don't know his partner, if he had a will and I live in NJ. He didn't likely own any property or assets but more than likely has debt. My father has/had two living brothers that still reside in MI. Is it possible that I would inherit his debt?

    submitted by /u/Bodidiva
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    Caught with BB Guns without permit (NJ)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:35 PM PST

    I am a 19 year old married male and am a full time, 2nd year, math student a Rutgers University. I have no criminal record of any sort, never have ever gotten in trouble before in my life.

    So, during this winter break from school, I went to NYC and while driving back from the train station I was low on gas. I will note that it was 2 AM and there were no cars on the street. Initially I thought I could make it home without gas but then I decided I really needed gas (I was very low). I took an exit and a cop car, without my knowledge, started following me. I was speeding, ticket claims I was going 35 in a 25. My wife had a GPS open and I was driving to the gas station down the street, turned into it without a blinker and realized it was closed. So I turned out of it. It was dark and my headlights were off in an attempt to save gas so I drove off a very low sidewalk at which point I got pulled over.

    I didn't think this was a big deal to get pulled over as I had an explanation and everything and I've never gotten a ticket in my life. It was my second time ever being pulled over. Two state policemen came out to each side of the car and I gave one my license. I opened my glove compartment and that's where things escalated.

    I, a few months earlier, let my friend borrow my 2 BB pistols that I bought online because he goes to an Airsoft range where they use them. They were very easy to purchase and required no verification so I didn't even know they required a permit. I know that's not a valid defense. They look realistic and can shoot metal BBs, of which I don't have any, but are made of cheap plastic. You can break them in half if you tried. After he returned them to me I put them in my glove compartment to put back in my house which is admittedly dumb as hell. Due to my stupidity and forgetfulness, I forgot to take them out and I forgot about them.

    When I opened it, I was as surprised as they were. The one cop on the passenger side immediately reached in and grabbed them and questioned me. I stayed calm and told him everything I said above. They were yelling but they eventually started to seem like they understood. They told me I need a permit and said they would arrest me and drive me to the station while my wife would take my car, get gas, and go home. Before she left, they searched my car and I made sure to tell them that I had a flare gun and machete inside the trunk beforehand. I explained to them that it was for personal protection. Again, those two items were bought very cheap from a WalMart. I walked into the Walmart and simply bought them and walked out. Again, I didn't think I needed a permit for those since I just walked in amar bought them.

    At the station they locked me in a jail cell. This was a very weird experience and I had never been in one like it. They booked me and everything.

    After about two hours they released me and gave me my charges and traffic tickets. The 4 tickets were very excessive but out of panic and extreme stress about what to do, I just went online and paid them off which I now regret. I firstly want to know if there's any way I can "unpay" the tickets and argue them in court.

    My charges were 2C:39-5B for the 2 BB pistols and 2C:39-5D for the flare gun and machete.

    I want to know if I can avoid severe punishment for these and what punishment would look like. I have nothing to hide, I can offer drug tests and they can look into my school grades which are good, I'm a manager at McDonald's, I have never done anything bad in my past. I'm just so scared this is gonna ruin my life and career aspirations. I can even offer an alibi, the friend who I let borrow they guns. I don't have much money, I save the money I get for college. I don't know if I can afford a lawyer and I'm unsure if a public attorney can clear my name. I really don't want this on my record and my family and I don't have much money to pay a hefty fine or even a good lawyer.

    I appreciate any and all help as I am deep state of stress and depression because i don't know what to do. Sorry for the essay.

    submitted by /u/soul0902
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    Hit and run victim, I have license plate number and witness and police report, culprit's insurance is denying liability

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Hi, this happened in Atlanta, GA and the accident happened about a month ago. I was the victim in a hit and run situation. The damages to my car are around $600-800 but the dealership said it would take about 2 weeks to fix and I do not have rental coverage on my insurance. I cannot afford to be without my car for 2 weeks. Since my deductible on my insurance is $1000, my insurance company is not paying anything so they suggested I directly go through the culprit's insurance. Not only would I not have to pay anything out of pocket, but the culprit's insurance can provide a rental car as well while my car is being fixed.

    I have the license plate number and witness and police report as well. I even have a dashcam video but I haven't told anyone about it since I wan't sure if dashcam video is allowed as evidence. The culprit's insurance policy just declined saying there isn't enough evidence and that the culprit is not responding to their contact attempts. Hit and run I believe is a criminal offense so I don't understand how the culprit not responding is even a valid excuse for denying my case. Also what do they mean by not enough evidence, what more can a person do in a hit and run other than getting the licence plate number, police report and witness?

    Should I go with a lawyer for this? I feel like I have already invested a lot of time on this? Is it worth fighting this?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    submitted by /u/Remote-Stick
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    Divorcing, ex refused payout and now i might lose my house! Help!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:39 PM PST

    Im located in CA- Backstory: I and my soon to be Ex-husband decided to divorce a year ago, he cheated. We went to court and his lawyer created the divorce decree. He got a payout of over 200k. Kept all the savings and basically got the better end of the deal. Fine, i just wanted things to be over. We agreed i would refinance the house and pay him out. I did the entire process and once it came to wiring him the money he refused it because he wanted MORE money. He claimed i owed him interest and extra 45k. I had to take him to court, on our ex-parte hearing he asked for an extension to get a lawyer, which was bullshit and he just wanted my loan to fall through. At the next hearing the judge said that he had no grounds and that he had to accept my offer. At this point my loan couldnt be extended and i needed to re-apply all over again. I waited maybe 3 weeks and then began the process. The issue is that since all the paperwork was done and i had a new mortgage company for some reason the payment never made it to the original mortgagee so now i have a 30 day late and they wont help me remove it. On top of that my credit took a huge hit and now even if i do qualify i get a shitty rate. I have court coming up on the 6th and the judge asked me to go back and present the money, which now seems like i cant do. I dont want to lose the house, what can i do? Is there any way i can explain to the judge because im trying to comply. Is there any way i can penalize my ex and have him wait the recommended time of 6 months so i can qualify?

    submitted by /u/kikroxx888
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    During interview, owner offered me lower hourly in exchange for a certain amount of overtime every week; I’ve come to find that “overtime,” means working more hours at a different location but the owner writes a separate paycheck rather than giving time and a half

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:15 AM PST

    NJ. My boss hired me under the pretense and agreement that id be given 15 hours a week of overtime in order for me to justify accepting a lower hourly wage than I desired.

    Not only have I not been given overtime, my hours are around 30 a week. My boss offered to let me work at another location, but I was told and shown paystubs by employees who receive two separate checks for the same work week by the same company. When asked my manager said the owner doesn't believe in overtime but will allow someone to essentially work their second job at the other location for the same hourly rate without the legally required time and half arrangement.

    I'm aware that this is illegal, I'm just wondering if I have any options? I left my better paying job for this, and now I'm making way less than we originally agreed on. I know NJ unemployment is after 10 weeks. Is that the date of hire or the first date of the first pay period? Like if my first day was Jan. 1 but the pay period was from December 16th - Jan 1st, would my first day technically be dec 16th?


    submitted by /u/I-am-the-Cosmos
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    Arrested for tiny amount of legally bought weed in Texas, I'm out of state and work on the opposite side of the country. No idea when I'll get a court date. What are my options?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:24 PM PST

    For background, I work seasonal jobs with things like Conservation Corps and the National Park Service. I had finished a six month job in Colorado and was driving through Texas to get home to Louisiana and visit my parents for the holidays. When leaving a gas station outside of San Antonio, I got pulled over because my "license plate light was out". The cop asked to search my car because I "looked nervous". I (probably stupidly) allowed him to search my car. There was less than an ounce of weed in a labelled bag from a dispensary in Colorado that I didn't think to get rid of.

    I spent the night in jail and miraculously was able to find a bondsmen willing to take an out of state person for an extra $100. The bondsmen gave me a ride back to my car and said they'll probably end up dismissing it in court, but to still stay on top of things because missing the court date can land me back in jail with a $10,000 bond. The guard who checked me out said it could be awhile before I got a court date. It's been about 8 weeks since then, I called the county clerk and asked about a court date and she said nothing's been filed. I asked my bondsmen and he said it can take months to get a date. And then the actual date could another 6 months.

    If I was staying in Louisiana it wouldn't be a big deal, but I have a park service job in Oregon that starts in May, and I was going to get a temp ski resort job in Colorado to fill in the gap. NPS jobs are hard to get and the hiring process takes months, I really don't want to mess up this opportunity. If my court date ends up being while I'm in Oregon, can I reschedule? I've heard so many horror stories of people trying to reschedule court dates and ending up with bench warrants.

    submitted by /u/Primary-Alarm
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    My boyfriends 4y/o ALWAYS comes back from his mothers house unshowered & wreaking of drugs

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:01 AM PST

    My boyfriends son is almost 5 years old, I have known his mother for the past couple years and from what I'd seen, she was a great mother! Everything has went downhill in the past year and its starting to make me fear the worst. His mother is now pregnant again by another man, and she has told my boyfriend that she will not have time to see their son once the new baby comes.

    4y/o came over last night, WREAKING of foul body odor and smelling faintly of meth. I only know this smell because my father was a user.. I immediately knew what it was. He told us that he cant remember the last time he took a bath or a shower when we asked, but it has to be the days leading up to Christmas. He last bathed him when we had him on the 22nd, so we believe that was the last time he had showered. My boyfriend & I are extremely worried. She has him thousands in child support debt despite him and his family being sole care givers. This is why he has missed payments, he's already been caring for him full time and paying for any of his needs (Dr visits, New clothing, Food, Etc) His mother doesnt bring him over with anything, only the shirt off his back which is ALWAYS tattered missmatched PJs. We never see any of the clothes we buy him again, but we cant send him home naked!! We think she is returning his new clothes and getting money for them, or taking them to a second hand shop where they can purchase used clothing. My boyfriend is speaking to the court house about reassessing his situation upon paying child support next. She is neglecting this wonderful little boy that I absolutely would love to take care of myself. What can he do? What can I do?

    submitted by /u/TwoFruit
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    I want a divorce, but husband won’t cooperate [AZ]

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:10 PM PST

    We've been separated for a year and have two preschool-aged children. He sees them 5-6 days a month but has not provided any financial support. We also owe taxes for 2017-2018 but haven't filed because he "lost" his W2s and refuses to get copies. (I'm a dumbass, I know.)

    I talked to a paralegal in March who told me that I need to take care of the taxes before filing for divorce.

    I've tried to get his W2s my own. I've requested them from the IRS—they sent them to an old address. Our employer (same company) doesn't offer them online or through any tax prep services. I talked to a friend in HR who told me that he has to do it—they won't release them to me.

    I've tried to negotiate, not going after CS arrears, not going after debt that is technically joint, not bringing up the fact that he cashed out his retirement as soon as we split (not sure if that one matters, tbh, but I'm desperate).

    I don't have money for a lawyer right now. Is there something I could do on my own to force him to give me his W2s?

    submitted by /u/blcsandwich
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