• Breaking News

    Friday, January 17, 2020

    Legal Advice - The owner at a retail shop I just started working at told me I don’t have to declare taxes and he doesn’t take taxes out of our pay.

    Legal Advice - The owner at a retail shop I just started working at told me I don’t have to declare taxes and he doesn’t take taxes out of our pay.

    The owner at a retail shop I just started working at told me I don’t have to declare taxes and he doesn’t take taxes out of our pay.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Hello!!!! I recently moved from California to Utah. To keep things short and not have a giant wall of text: I've had a very hard time finding a job since I moved here two months ago. I had an office job for 2 years in CA and have had no such luck with work here in Utah. Finally I found something at a retail shop. I did training last week and today was my first full shift alone. My boss(the owner) came in with a contract for me to sign that had alll the rules of confidentiality and whatnot. There was a section that said he is not going to take taxes out. I pointed it out and he said "oh yeah. I don't report it. So you don't have to take taxes out and I don't take taxes out. Don't worry about it".... now, correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not a felony?? I'm literally. Getting two shifts a week at this job and minimum wage is $7.50. I'm working 12 hours a week. That's NO money. The coworkers shit talk each other. Taxes aren't taken out. Is this place bad news? What the hell do i do I'm kind of freaking out and have a shift scheduled tomorrow morning but feel like I should quit this shady AF business.

    EDIT. Whoever is downvoting me: I wish I knew why. I have done nothing wrong here except maybe be a little naive to a shady business. Im scared. I'm young. I have no freaking clue what is going on right now. But thank you for making me feel like I am in the wrong downvoting every single thing of mine.

    EDIT EDIT: okay. Disregard the above. This has completely blown up I'm in shock. I'll answer a few questions that I saw but really cannot keep up. Thank you for all the messages as well. The support is unbelievable. Seriously, I'm kind of at a loss for words here folks. As I said above, I'm young and scared and completely naive to legalities of employment. This thread taught me a LOT. and I've definitely learned my lesson not to sign something without getting a copy.
    I'm not comfortable saying specifically where in UT I am, but it's close to the city. I've been applying to jobs daily. Jobs that would fit with my skill set especially (I've worked in marketing for two years. It's what I'm good at and have experience in) with no such luck for even an interview. This place was the first to interview me let alone hire me. All the red flags seemed to blow up at once and that was today during my first shift. During the interview and training everyone was nothing but awesome and I honestly loved it. Today was when my heart dropped about it all. But I wish I saw it sooner. To everyone wishing me luck on the job hunt: thank you. Your kind words help more than you may realize. I had a rough night having to quit a job I thought I could and would enjoy and felt gutted to have to leave. I will be reporting him. I don't care about any compensation. I just want to do what is right. Thank you tons.

    submitted by /u/lazyhoneydew
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    Can a cab driver legally drive me to the bank without my consent?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:26 AM PST

    Alright, so I took a cab this morning to get to work. I didn't have any cash on me, only cards, but taxis in my city take cards. When I got to my workplace, he realized his machine wasn't working, so he asked me if there was an ATM in the hotel. There isn't, cause we take cards?!?! So he said: well guess we're going to the bank and took off without me agreeing.

    The bank he got to was not mine, so I had to pay a $4 fee on top of pulling out a $20. I was so rushed because I was gonna be late for work that I dropped one of my very expensive gloves on the ground. He ended up driving me back to work, blaming me for the whole thing.

    Can they actually force me to do that? He didn't have a gun to my head or anything but threatened to call the cops and having the cops show up at my work place would be really bad for me. Can they just drive off without your consent? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Nessie2212
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    My mom passed away and now the group home she was living at is holding her possessions including personal effects until I pay what they claim she owed in rent. (TX)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:24 PM PST

    Some details:

    This group home moved my mom from a retirement community to their location. They put almost all her possessions in storage at this time. I don't care so much about the stuff. I just want family photos and any important documents that may be there.

    Mom passed over a month ago. Her personal effects - mainly her purse I'm concerned about - were not sent with her body when the funeral home picked her up. Instead I've been told they were put in storage with the rest of her stuff.

    I have been asking for her signed contract with the group home and other paperwork showing what she owes for several weeks now. I finally met someone at their office today and they produced 1 bill with 4 line items that showed 2 months of rent and 2 months of storage. I was also able to keep 1 of the paid receipts from the storage company. They say a copy of the contract she signed with them is "probably" in storage with her personal effects. They claim to not have a copy of the contract.

    The receipt from storage shows the unit being in an individual's name (not my mom's) instead of the business name like they implied.

    Without going into detail, there were some very shady practices going on at the group home that makes me reluctant to trust anyone there for anything. The social worker for mom was getting ready to file an APS report before she passed.

    They refuse to go with me to the storage unit so I can simply look inside before paying. I'm afraid to give them any money (and they are asking for cash or money order) before I see proof that I'm not receiving an empty storage unit. Now we are at an impasse where neither side will give.

    My questions:

    1. According to the police, I have no recourse to file a report because there is not any documentation of items that were taken from me or my possession / property. However I understand personal effects fall under a different umbrella from her other possessions. Is this true? Can I file a theft report or demand somehow to receive her purse?
    2. I have been told I can request from the Constable to have a civil assist when dealing with these people. What is their responsibility in this case? Would I be able to hand money over to the police who would then come with us to the storage unit and give the money to the company's rep once I see there is at least something in the unit?
    3. If this place is legit, is there some kind of requirement for them to be able to produce a signed copy of her contract? Are they not required to keep something like that on file?
    4. Is any of what they are doing legal? Is this extortion? If they were above-board I would not have a problem giving them what is owed.
    submitted by /u/Lenaiya
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    Current employer call my new potential job and yelled at them!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:36 PM PST


    I had a situation happen to me a few months back and I was wondering if any could let me know if it is legal or not.

    I had applied for a job doing the same thing at a different place of business. My current employer had found out about it from a second hand source (not me or possible employer). Instead of discussing things with me, he called them and verbal assaulted them about hiring me. After his blow up the potential employer called me a day later and advised me they could not hire me or even remain in contact with me because of this incident.

    Morally I feel like my boss was in the wrong by making decisions about my life with out discussing anything with me first. Would this be something that could up hold in court as a wrongful act against a worker?

    submitted by /u/Costumepoet
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    Fired the same day I hurt myself at work. (MI, USA)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Posting on behalf of a friend, this will all be from her perspective.

    I've been working at a doggy daycare since November 2019, I work 24 hours a week. My boss mentioned to me this morning when I broke up a dog fight that I was doing a good job. Then, later in the day, I tripped and twisted my ankle. I sat down for a few minutes to see how badly I was hurt and to ice it, then got right back up and did my job. After I got home, I got these texts from my boss. http://imgur.com/a/yxk06ef

    I know Michigan is an at-will state, but is there anything I can do here? Everything was going just fine with my employment until I got hurt. These are messages she sent me when I told her I was going to urgent care. http://imgur.com/a/KfbPdrR

    This is the only information I got on my responsibilities as a dog handler. Thanks in advance for any help. http://imgur.com/a/8YJsrsB

    Medical report: http://imgur.com/a/UZXUic8

    submitted by /u/definitelynotahunter
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    My aunt was hit, driver at fault was “underinsured by choice”

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Alabama, USA: My aunt in her modest CR-V and "Individual B" in a large SUV met in an intersection after Individual B blew a stop sign while turning right. My aunt's CR-V turned 180 in the road and rolled onto the drivers side.

    The police wouldn't give any identifying information about Individual B for more than a week after the accident. My aunt required 5 nights inpatient stay for surgery due to internal bleeding. She's at home now but we just found out that Individual B is "underinsured" by choice, which means their insurance contribution will max out at $10k. I'm worried that won't be enough to cover hospital and the totaled car.

    Is it legal to be underinsured? Does my aunt have grounds to sue? What is the right course of action if her expenses aren't covered by Individual B's insurance?

    Thank you, Reddit.

    submitted by /u/pardusdomus00
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    Random packages such as ATV and vacuum being shipped to me. What type of scam is this?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Dear Reddit,

    I have had two packages dropped off on my porch (Tennessee, United States) by Fedex using a 'call tag' or a Return to Sender label. So far I have received a mini-ATV and a Shark vacuum. They seem like legitimate items.

    1. When I look up the shipping labels, they are shipped to an address then are 'returned' to my address using a call tag. The first box has my company name which I operated several years ago while the second box has a random company name on it that I haven't heard of. They have my shipping address on them, and there is no variation of the address which would lead to delivery to a commercial address or someone else.
    2. I have not noticed any fraudulent charges on my credit cards.
    3. I don't life in an affluent neighborhood, and I have not had major problems with package theft. These packages were taken in when they arrived, and it seems like a very roundabout way to scam/steal a package given the package was shipped then 'returned to sender'.
    4. I have called FedEx which said someone would call me to discuss, but no one ever did. The representative had no idea about a similar type of scam.
    5. I called the local PD, which said they could record it as found property and confiscate it. However, they did not provide any ideas to what is going on.
    6. Today is the second day that I have received a package. I am creeped out.

    I have Googled this for hours, and I cannot find a similar type of scam. I am at a loss, and therefore I am asking the hivemind of Reddit to help me figure out what is going on.

    Thank you,

    A guy stuck in a /u/packagescam

    Below are pictures of the packages and contents:





    submitted by /u/packagescam
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    Father falsely accused 13 yr old of raping 8yr old brother

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:35 PM PST

    I work at a after school day care (we are attached to the school) in Washington State.

    We will just call the father Don, the 13yr old Albert and the 8yr old Pete

    So Albert is the eldest of three half siblings (all have the same mom all have different dad's) Don wanted full custody of Pete, but lost. He still has partial custody, and honestly ever since Pete started spending more time with his dad, he has gotten progressively more violent/angry. That's beside this particular point though...

    So Don's grand slam idea was to accuse Albert of sexually abusing Pete, and got a restraining order in Pete's behalf against Albert.

    (How on Earth you're allowed to do something like that without proof is beyond me... But again.. beside the point)

    Anyways Don quickly admitted to lying about Albert's actions, however CPS and the police are still launching a full investigation against Albert (They said it would take about 3 months to officially clear everything, and until then the restraining order is still in effect)

    So this poor kid (Albert) can't go to school, or do any of his extra curricular activities And I'm sure being accused of sexually abusing your little brother will be hell at school once he gets back

    I guess my question is- is there anything we (at the school and daycare) can do to help this investigation go by faster? All three kids have a perfectly normal seeming relationship with each other (fight with each other, play with each other, protect each other.. all seems very normal. No one seems overly intimidated, or upset with each other) We are just so worried about the effect this will have in the children. Don just ripped away Pete's siblings and mother in an exceptionally cruel way (the mom had full custody of the other two children, she technically can see Pete, but to have him stay with her she would have to leave Albert with someone else, and that didn't seem to be the best move for Albert's sake)

    Also, is Don at risk for going to jail? I know if you lie about someone attacking you, and the police find out, or you admit it, you go to jail, and or a fine or something.

    Honestly any advice you have would be fantastic This is all so weird, and such a shock we're not really sure what we can do to help protect these kids

    submitted by /u/Fudge_pirate
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    Employer automatically subtracts a half hour of pay daily.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:38 PM PST

    My current employer takes 30 minutes of pay away from me every day I work. He goes in and enters a 30 minute meal break. Taking it from a full 12 hours to of course 11.5. The strange thing about it is we are not required to take a lunch and none of us ever do, it's the kind of job if you're hungry, you could just have something at your desk quickly and continue. It's happening after some recent budget crisis they've had. But I don't think shorting everyone is the proper plan or attack.

    Edit. Located in Texas.

    submitted by /u/tampygordon
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    [AZ] Apartment announcing inspection to look for unlawful items

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:42 PM PST

    Reside in a fairly large complex of apartments in Arizona. Received the quoted email below from our management today and was just wondering if there were any tenant rights that might be violated. I tried googling for some answers but couldn't find anything specific about searching for "unlawful items".

    I have no issues with an inspection for conditions, but am curious about if they have any right to inspect for "unlawful items". Seems to me that are wanting to look through personal belongings which does not seem appropriate.

    Not as big of a deal, but we do have 2 animals, 1 cat and 1 dog. If my wife and I are gone during they day, can they ask us to have them removed or restrained for 4 straight days? I don't mind trying to figure out a solution for a small time frame, but to just do it for 4 whole days seems unreasonable.

    "Dear Residents -

    We will be completing mandatory quarterly unit inspections to review the condition of your apartment and will also be checking for any unlawful items. The inspections will take place during the dates of January 28th-January 31st between the hours of 9AM-6PM.

    If you have an animal we ask that you remove the animal during the specified dates or restrain the animal in a closed area such as a kennel.

    ​If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. "

    Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    EDIT: To clarify this was sent to all residents in the complex, not just my wife and I

    submitted by /u/Existenchiladas
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    “Security cameras” inside of our firehouse

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:04 PM PST

    Please excuse my formatting I'm on mobile.

    I'm a firefighter in Utah, who works a 48 on 96 off schedule. For 2 days in a row I live at the firehouse. My reason for this post is our fire chief, and secretary(who is his wife) have access to cctv cameras inside of our firehouse, and also have a 24/7 live feed of the firehouse interior even while they are at home. These cameras overlook the private and common areas of the firehouse.

    These cameras, to the fire staff, feel invasive as they overlook the entrances to the bathrooms, and entrances to the bedrooms. These cameras can even see inside these bedrooms if the doors are open. I understand we are a public building, but we(the fire staff) feel the cameras on the inside are not required, especially if they have access to the feed even when not on duty. We have a female firefighter on our crew as well. When we approached our fire chief about this matter he said "if you don't like them we will put in more"

    no other firehouses in our area have cameras on the interior.

    We have cameras on the outside which we understand for safety of the building. We feel being watched in staff only areas of the firehouse after business hours doesn't build trust between the command staff and the fire suppression staff.

    Do we have a case? or at least a reason to have these cameras removed or suspended? Thank you

    submitted by /u/spicysnackmix
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    My boyfriend’s tenant’s dog mauled me. I want to sue her for my medical expenses, but she’s broke and her every expense is paid by the government.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:40 PM PST

    My boyfriend's tenant owns a very large pit bull dog. It has shown signs of aggression in the past, not only to me but to others, and though my boyfriend has asked repeatedly for her to remove the dog from her unit she has not complied due to the fact that there is no rule against pets in the lease. This dog is theoretically not hers; she insists that it belongs to her son, but it has been in her care for over a year and is unlicensed (a license is required to own a dog in our city).

    This morning, as I was walking out of my boyfriend's apartment with him and another friend of ours, the tenant was standing outside with the dog. The leash she was holding it on was clearly intended for a dog half its size; it almost immediately broke off the leash and began to attack me. The tenant did nothing to restrain or calm the dog, and in fact stood laughing while the attack continued for several minutes. During the attack, I sustained a mild concussion and received over 10 deep bites to the hand and arm. My boyfriend also was bitten several times. Had our friend not eventually tackled the dog, I have no doubt that it would have tried to kill me and may have succeeded, as I am not a physically large or strong person.

    Upon culmination of the attack, I underwent evaluation at an urgent care, including cleaning of the wound and x-rays of my hand and arm. I will also be receiving therapy as I had an existing fear of dogs that has been significantly exacerbated by this event. Additionally, depending on the recommendation by animal control, I may need to receive rabies shots. Since I live in the United States, I suspect that my medical costs will significantly exceed $1,000, and as a college student I cannot afford this expense. I want to sue the tenant for improperly restraining her vicious dog (she always claimed it "didn't bite," but I have personally seen it bite several other individuals before the attack today), but she is living in my boyfriend's building under Section 8 and accepts welfare and food stamps. Even if I were to win the case, she could not compensate me for the damages her dog has caused. What recourse do I have to ensure that I don't have to pay for an unprovoked attack by someone else's dog—or, at the very least, that the dog is removed from the building and no longer a threat to me?

    submitted by /u/xdxl
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    My gf is saying she is filing domestic abuse

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:39 PM PST

    This is a long story and I'm not sure where to start so I will do my best to keep it in order.

    My gf (25f) and I (29m) found out a few months ago that she was pregnant and we decided to keep it. A bit after that she came out and told me that she had cheated but the baby was mine. We took a blood dna test and apparently it is but these are sometimes inaccurate. Move forward a couple of months and things continue to get worse. We argue all the time. She has sometimes physically hit me but I have never touched her back. The arguments have gotten to the point that I have told her to leave that I think it's best we arent together.

    She periodically has a nurse come to ask about the baby and teach us how to care for it. Today they had a talk alone downstairs and she told me she told her I verbally abuse her. I freaked out and told her I dont think we can even talk after this. She ended up leaving and blocking me. She sent one message explaining she is filing domestic abuse. Yes we argue but I'm not sitting there berating her we are both arguing about issues we have.

    I am unsure what to do from here.

    edit: I am located in nyc

    submitted by /u/anonymous8972
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    Previous Home Owner's Mail Solution

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:57 AM PST

    I have moved in to my new house for a year now. The house was flipped, so the owner before the house is flip is the one still having mails to this address. I have put "Return To Sender" "No Longer lives here" on the outside envelope and put it back in the mailbox, only to see it there again the next day. I even went to the post office and hand it to them and explaining this individual no longer lives here. 2-3 days later I see it again in the mail box.

    I have no contact with this individual. The incoming mails are important tax documents, bank documents, 401k documents, healthcare documents, etc, not just junk mail.

    What is the right thing to do here? I have a box full of their mails for the last year.

    I know I cannot open the mails to hopefully find a contact number nor can I destroy mails that aren't in my names. So what can I do?

    submitted by /u/Summoner322
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    I need some help with what to say and do in traffic court

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:56 PM PST

    I live in Salt Lake City Utah, I'm 17 I was driving without a license, I never got one or learner's permit. my mom let me drive the car home from school, my house was not too far away. on the way home we were pulled over. we had a license plate extension the expired 2 days prior, along with that we didn't have insurance on our car but I was unaware of this, I was charged with driving without insurance, driving without registration, and driving without ever obtaining a license. I have a court date to go to so I was wondering if you had any advice on what to say or do to prepare me? and also driving without insurance is a misdemeanor, is there any way that I can get that waived? I'm completely aware that I shouldn't have been driving but I didn't realize the license plate was expired I also had no clue that my mom never put insurance on our car. if you could help that would mean a lot thank you. I have never had any prior tickets

    submitted by /u/KaelyxS
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    [AL] The apartment next door hosts frequent loud, cocaine-fueled parties. We've complained to landlord multiple times. Can we break the lease?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:40 PM PST

    My wife and I moved into a new apartment last September. It's a two-story building, two units on each floor, with no interior hallway: the entire length of our apartment shares a wall with the unit next door. Almost immediately after we moved in, we discovered some unfortunate facts about this situation:

    1. This shared wall is just a single layer of stud framing with a single layer of drywall on each side, with no soundproofing insulation
    2. The neighbor in the adjacent unit is obnoxiously loud

    For the first few months, the neighbor was having multiple people over a couple times a week, so we'd hear loud music and yelling well past midnight, very frequently. We spoke to him on friendly terms to let him know it was a problem and to ask him to keep it down, and he seemed nice enough about it, but the noise continued just the same. Eventually we complained in writing to the landlord, who told us he'd ask the neighbor to keep it down. Nothing changed then, either, so we complained to the landlord again. The landlord assured us he was taking "the next legal steps" with the neighbor.

    After that second complaint to the landlord, things quieted down for a while: the neighbors still made a lot of obnoxious noise by normal standards, but they at least turned their music off after 10pm most of the time. But a couple months have passed since then, and we're starting to hear more frequent noise again. It really drives me crazy.

    Key detail: the neighbor and his friends sometimes snort cocaine while they're making all this noise. I know this because they talk very loudly and plainly about their love of cocaine, and the insulation between units is such that I can hear these conversations (along with the sound of snorting) pretty plainly as well. I don't care what drugs people use in the privacy of their own homes, but this presents a challenge for me: I understand that cocaine doesn't encourage neighborly tendencies, and I don't feel like it'd be wise for me to confront a group of several drunk, coked-up idiots in person, especially when they're already disregarding polite requests from me and legal warnings from the landlord. (Oh, and I've also heard him showing a couple of girls his firearm collection.)

    I've thought about trying to find a replacement tenant so I could more easily break the lease, but I feel constrained by the situation I'm in. I couldn't in good conscience try to get someone to move into this apartment while willfully omitting the details about the disruption from the neighboring unit.

    I haven't mentioned the cocaine to the landlord in previous complaints, because as long as the neighbor is being respectful about noise, I don't consider their drug use relevant, and making that an issue seems like it would only escalate the situation. I'm particularly wary because it's a small building: if somehow the neighbor were to be evicted or otherwise reprimanded on account of his drug habits, there'd be no question in his mind about who snitched on him.

    Here's the thing: I really don't care to live here any longer than I have to. Even in a perfect world where the neighbor could be evicted (or reformed) immediately, I dread the idea of staying here. I just want to get out of my lease.

    I was thinking of approaching the landlord to communicate the following:

    • The neighbor is still making a lot of noise, in violation of the "disturbing noises" clause in the lease, and in a way that significantly impacts our enjoyment of the property
    • Hey just casually, off-the-record, and not in a way that would impel you to take some sort of action, they're definitely doing a lot of coke over there
    • This guy clearly has shown that he's not going to change and we can't live with this; we intend to break the lease
    • We'd be glad to give you the required 60 days notice, rounded up to the first of the next month (so ~72 days notice), but we'd like our deposit back
    • We like you and we're flexible, but seriously, we're done: let's figure out what we can work out amicably

    Is that the best approach for me to take? Should I be more forceful? Should I consult an attorney before raising the issue with the landlord?

    Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MeaslySlowBird
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    My SO has a vehicle in her name, but the loan is being payed off by an old friend. We can't sell it if it has a lean on it, and he won't take it back. Help me.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:39 PM PST

    He offered to help her get a car when she was younger. I assume he loved her or something. He was supposed to be a co-signer but ended up being the sole loan holder, yet the vehicle is in her name. She has contacted him a few times over the past couple years to tell him that he should take it. She feels guilty about the whole thing but he is kinda shady and always has a reason to not take it (he lives in an apartment downtown with expensive parking, he's too busy to try to sell it, blah blah blah...). We offered to arrange to sell it for him and have had people interested but then he takes too long to respond and people lose interest. The vehicle is just sitting in our driveway uninsured. Help us!!

    TL/DR: car in my SO's name, but the loan is in an ex's (for all intents and purposes) name. How do we ditch this vehicle?

    Edit: how can she even be the registered owner if he is the lienholder?

    submitted by /u/Merrrk
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    Office Manager has Stolen my Personal Property. [MA]

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:53 AM PST

    I'm in sort of a bind and hopefully can get some help here. I work for a small firm (nine attorneys, two paralegals and a receptionist.) Since day one, the firm administrator has not liked me. She has routinely gone through my personal belongings at her leisure including moving things on my desk from one drawer to another, moving my boots and high heels and just generally rifling through things I bring in.

    She also is in my email every single day. Which I don't mind. My email is company property but the first time it happened, some critical client emails were deleted. When I asked her, she denied doing it and blamed a glitch. I know this is false and her just further adds to her demonstrated lack of integrity.

    Today when I arrived to work, my boots weren't just moved they were missing along with a reusable bag. I did my due diligence and searched but was unable to locate my property. It should be noted that every one of our attorneys has both boots and heels under their desks the same as mine. The difference being, theirs are Gucci, Coach and Tom Ford and mine are $30 well worn target boots. Our office is located in a business park with about 110 other companies. I can safely rule out the cleaning crew as it's been the same lady for years with no previous thefts and no other thefts have been reported in the building.

    When I left last night my boots were there. My coworker forgot her cell phone and when she went back in to the office my boots and bag were there. The last person to leave was this office manager. I asked her this morning about the missing boots and she said "oh that's weird" and that's it. I let her know I would be filing a police report as this was theft. She turned white and immediately got up from her desk to help me look for the boots. After they didn't magically appear (of course) I let her know I'd be calling the police department. She told me "I don't think we should call the police. We should call the building manager first."

    I went back to my desk, called the police who sent two officers over to take my report. They agreed theft is theft and $40 is treated the same as $10,000. I expressed my concern about the office manager and they said they would talk to her but concerned about retaliation I said no. At least the report is on file. Since then the manager has been frantically calling the attorneys in to her office and whispering. Fairly abnormal behavior. The other paralegal and I (also a paralegal) believe that a) she is absolutely responsible for my missing boots and b) they will try to fire me.

    Do I have any recourse here if I am fired between the bullying and theft? Would wrongful termination be able to be used? What kind of attorney would I need? Should I have not filed a police report?

    If it's relevant I am actively looking for a new job as is the other paralegal and the receptionist. I've just never been fired and can't believe somebody would steal from me.

    Thank you for any help.

    submitted by /u/biglittlewaves
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    URGET:Call Center Advice

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:18 PM PST

    So my girlfriend is under fire and might potentially loose her job. She works based in Texas for Sprint customer service through a contracting company named Asurion. Shes simply recruited for customer service for Sprint HOWEVER they began pushing her to sell Insurance and mobile plans among other products. She was NOT properly trained for this in addition to simple dumping it onto her with no warning or option to do so with no extra pay either. Now shes under threat of losing her job not even counting even the top sellers of the company also being in danger of being released. Is there anything she can do to save herself? We're in a long distance relationship and this is all i can do to support her.

    submitted by /u/Solrath360
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    Online story destroyed my life

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:39 PM PST

    I'm seeking some advice as I've been dogged by an online article now for 12 years.

    A person claimed I had sent her so many text messages that her phone shutdown. She made a complaint to police and I was arrested for telephony harassment. However I knew that it was totally untrue - and I knew that my cellphone records would prove as much. Once I obtained the call record and provided them to my attorney and the DA within days my charges were dropped, my case expunged with prejudice (I understand that's the best kind of expungement?) and the case sealed by the court.

    However it took 5 months to do so, and during that time a popular local newspaper (owned by something of a newspaper magnate) in our city printed an article about the issue both in their online and print editions.

    The reporter assured me she would not use my real name and I had made that a condition of speaking with her as I was sensitive to how it could impact my newfound career which I had worked very hard to achieve. I asked that I only be identified with an alias because of that.

    The reporter also characterized my relationship with this woman as that of boyfriend/girlfriend which is something we definitely were not - and I made that clear to the reporter: We were acquaintances and friends and while we did have a few romantic encounters during the months we knew each other, I never considered anything more than a friend and acquaintance. Never did the word "girlfriend" ever appear in my dialogue with anyone or even in my own thinking.

    I have twice asked the newspaper to please remove the article or at the least, remove my real name from it as that was the original condition under which I spoke with the reporter. Their first response was pretty cold hearted... and they still have not responded to my second attempt to request that at least my real name be removed.

    When that article came out, I lost my job within days (I was on contract to hire for that job and they had just a week or so before assured me they were going to move me into a full-time position at contract's end as they were pleased with my work). Eventually in due time I lost my apartment, my car, and eventually had to move back home. I lost an entire set of friends as well.

    Its been devastating to me emotionally, physically, socially and financially... and it's affected every area of my life. Its' been very hard on my family as well.

    I've been working so hard to rebuild my life from scratch since then.

    I've only earned a small fraction of what I could have during all these past years - nothing even close to what I could have made had I not had to deal with this.

    The stress has been incredible.

    In these past 12 years though I have not been able to move beyond anything more than working as a contractor. For some reason, no matter how stellar of a job I do - no matter how big the hero I am on the job site (and believe me, because of that article I've had to work harder at what I do) it just never seems to happen. I've been assured by past managers, department heads at various points in my career that they would bring me on fulltime but for some reason it just never happens when the time comes and the turnabout is always filled with the sound of silence.

    I can't help but feel this is unjust and all out of proportion.

    I'm upset the reporter used my real name against my request.

    I'm upset that she characterized this as a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship when I stated it clearly was not.

    I'm upset that I can't build any financial security for my own life... it has been devastating.

    **To fill out the picture on the above incident:**I had issue with this person toward the end of our friendship. The breaking point for me was when she showed up in the middle of a rainy night, intoxicated, with no ride - even though she knew I had to be up early for work. Feeling sorry for her, I let her in in order to help her get a cab. However she then disrobed and refused to leave to the point I had to call police to have her removed. They asked me if I wanted to file charges and out of compassion and pity I opted not to. I then stopped communicating with her altogether after that.

    It was then that she began to, in effect, stalk me, following me from one local hangout to the next. After I quit going to place where we had initially met she'd then turn up at my new spot and would immediately being spreading untruths and gossip about me. I'd stop going there and she'd turn up at the next spot.

    It got the point after a couple of months of this where I felt compelled to finally communicate with her and make it known that I did not appreciate this at all and asked her to please stop doing that. It was at this point that she claimed to police I had sent her so many text messages that her phone broke down when in fact I had absolutely nothing of the sort.

    - I feel helpless, I don't know what if any recourse I have. I wish the newspaper would just drop my name from this as the article implies so many negative things that are simply not true or distorted.

    The impact on my life of that article has just been beyond all measure.

    12 years and still no full time job, no matter how awesome my work is.

    It seems unfair - I am blocked from achieving all that I can for myself and my family.

    I'm worried about my future and ability to survive.

    All the money I could have earned... I could have owned a house by now.

    What can I do??

    I sincerely thank you for any help or insight you can provide.

    submitted by /u/DatawulfX
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    Can an employer legally refuse to send my paycheck?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:57 PM PST

    This question is being asked from Arkansas. My employer has failed to mail my paycheck to me for the past two weeks. When I asked what the problem was, I was told that they are holding all pay until they receive some documents they had requested (which to me means they are holding my pay as a punishment).

    The documents require a lot of writing and it's taking me a little longer than I expected. That's another issue, they are having me do this off the clock, after work while at home (with no compensation). I requested that they stop putting me on the schedule to work (until their documents are complete) instead of me spending gas on the two hour drive everyday.

    They stopped replying after I mentioned that I was pretty sure it was illegal to refuse to pay for services that I provided per duty sheets. Sorry I'm just rambling now. So reddit is my employer breaking some kind of labor law? TIA

    submitted by /u/gigidotsitcom
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    Firearms for felons with conviction out of state

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:19 PM PST

    About 8 years ago, I was convicted of several felony's in Virginia, where I was attending college. I'm a Florida resident and have since moved down back home, continued to live life, opened a small business and really just stopped committing crimes in general. I've literally just become a productive member of society.

    I understand that I lost my rights in the process of the felony conviction, and I've served my sentence and paid everything imposed on me, probation and all.

    My question is how can I get my rights restored so I can possess and use a gun in the state of Florida? I understand that there's a minimum amount of time I need to wait to elapse before I can try to get my civil rights restored (which is a different thing all together from having firearm authority), but I'm researching it further, and I'm not certain I understand what specifically applies to me.

    Basically, The state of Virginia, apparently did a mass-restoration for civil rights for 200,000 people in 2016, of which I was one. I've confirmed this on their website.

    Does this impact the restoration of my rights in Florida? By having had it lost due to a felony conviction in Virginia and then having Virginia restore it, am I effectively now "made whole" as far as my civil rights in Florida are concerned?

    If so, how would that impact my ability to possess a firearm in the state of Florida? Do I need to go to the Governor of Florida/Clemancy board for the restoration of my firearm authority? (They clearly say they don't consider applications for out-of-state convictions). I've read into this and the best answer I've found out is that I need to get permission of the circuit court where I reside to be able to possess a firearm. Can anyone confirm that or am I overlooking something here?

    FL statute 790.23 (2)(a) pretty clearly says that if my civil rights and firearm authority have been restored, that the statute concerning Convicted Felons possessing firearms do not apply to me.

    submitted by /u/lyne1220
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    I’m (19) losing money by working??

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:29 PM PST

    I originally added this to r/advice and someone told me to come here but ive been told that a lot of people are told that sooo I'm really sorry if this is bugging anyone but I'm really stressed. I've been working as a hostess for the past two DAYS with absolutely no experience. Today my register came up 80 dollars short so my boss took my tips ($29) with the indication that I would be paying for the rest with what I make from tips from now on. (Which might be normal idk I've never been a hostess before) He said he couldn't find where the money went so I must have handed out false change or counted the drawer wrong. Fair enough however there was no interview before the I got the job. Told him I had zero experience during the dinner shift bc he had me work a double on my first day. And honestly it's a friggin gamble whether I'll make the same pricy mistake in the future or not because I have so few skills and knowledge. I have 30 dollars to my name at the moment and I'm really figuring that I cannot afford to work there in fear that I'll make a bigger and more expensive error. I don't want to end up working to pay off a debt. Idk if this is useful info but he pays me $7.50 an hour but I haven't clocked in yet bc he hasn't set it up yet?? I'm a little confused on that. and I'm just wondering what the people of reddit think about this situation. I'm honestly thinking about just throwing in the towel anyways because if I know myself, I'm very fond of making mistakes. And not by choice. And I might just be a big cry baby boohoo.

    Any advice is helpful, even if it's just to tell me that everything is normal and legal. I'm probably going to quit anyways.

    submitted by /u/campwhoa
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    Being told you cannot clock in?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:21 PM PST

    I am a 100% disabled veteran and I was harassed by my supervisor and then told by HR that I can no longer clock in. I have been promoted, never been admonished and I am at my wits end to understand how to deal with a company that continues like this. I was singled out and I have not been allowed to clock in for seven months and the company put me on unpaid leave without my consent to avoid firing me. Do I have any options?

    submitted by /u/GCEhasnointegrity
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