• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 18, 2020

    Legal Advice - Dealership forged cosigner for a car. Car and owner now missing.

    Legal Advice - Dealership forged cosigner for a car. Car and owner now missing.

    Dealership forged cosigner for a car. Car and owner now missing.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Upstate New York. An older family friend of mine has a daughter who has basically lost her mind. In our small town there is a used car dealership. My family friend and her daughters have always bought their cars their (3-4 cars over the last 10 years).

    Unfortunately one daughter is having a mental break and went to the dealership to purchase a car but her credit wasn't good enough, so she said her mother agreed to cosign/purchase instead. The dealership, thinking they know the mother so well due to her history there, just put her on the loan with out actually notifying her or getting any sort of signature.

    The family friend found out when she received loan information in the mail.

    The car and daughter are now missing and she is now being asked to pay the loan. She contacted the police but they have been ignoring her (I told her she needs to go there personally and get a report, but she is hesitant). The dealership knew they fucked up but they won't return the money to the bank . The bank won't do anything without a police report.

    I am looking to see if there is agency that might help with this.

    If she pays the bill to keep her credit good, will this be an issue with trying to get the loan reversed?

    The irony is that she works for a lawyer but she doesn't want to disclose these issues to him. She is the type of person to try to ignore issues in her life and hope they just fix themselves. It's infuriating.

    Thank you.

    Edit: Thank you for everyone who replied. I am definitely letting her know not to pay the loan and to get more aggressive (which is difficult) .

    I got more info from her: the daughter did forge the signature, picked up the car and skipped town. The dealership knew what was happening though because they tried 3 different combos of owner / co-owner untill the loan went though (her credit got hit 3 times). The dealership told her " I know your family so I thought it was fine".

    The registration was stopped so the car is still registered to the used car dealership. The dealership is still holding onto the money though and not returning it to the bank.

    I will make sure she gets a lawyer involed.

    submitted by /u/sweetwine888
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    My roommate hit me and was arrested, do I still have to live with him?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Madison, WI. I am female, roommate is male. We are both on the lease. Last night he became belligerent off his meds and hard booze. He abused and threatened me verbally, then flipped over the tv trays with the dinner dishes on them, started throwing the dishes at my head, threw full drinks over me, open-palm smacked my face, punched me in the ribcage, twice grabbed my phone out of my hands and threw it across the room, and hurled me into a chair. I filmed parts of the abuse on my phone. Eventually I escaped to the bathroom and locked myself in and dialed 911. My roommate continued to scream at me for the first half of the phone call and then went outside to "take off" in his truck, which was covered in snow. As he shoveled his way out, officers approached him and arrested him for battery, disorderly conduct, and criminal damage to property.

    What steps should I expect to take at this point? I want him out of my life for good, but I can't start any processes until Tuesday because it's a holiday weekend. I want to be as prepared as possible.

    submitted by /u/BurgerThyme
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    My dad passed away last year, my family encouraged me to put his truck in my name so I did and now I found out his girlfriend put a lien on the truck.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 07:13 PM PST

    Hey, my dad passed away suddenly 9 months ago, he was living with a new girlfriend and had moved all his stuff into her house. My mom, my sister and I went to visit his girlfriend after he passed and there was a confrontation, things spiraled out from there to where basically she became our mortal enemy. I'm the last one in the family willing to deal with her and so I'm stuck in this nasty battle over his belongings. She doesn't want to give us anything so I've had to give up on getting any of his old photographs or clothing items or anything of any sentimental value, unfortunately. The only thing I feel we have a chance of retrieving at this point is his truck since it has a legal paper trail so my family encouraged me to put it in my name which I did. Through conversations on the phone, the girlfriend has told me she doesn't think I deserve the truck because they used it together and it was their truck. She's never given me permission to get the truck and whenever I talk to her it takes a large emotional toll on me so I try to avoid it if at all possible. Anyways fast forward to today (about 8 months after putting the truck in my name), I get a DMV notice of an imminent lien sale on the truck. It says I need to reply within 10 days if I want to dispute it. It states that I owe her $3,000 in storage fees for it being parked on her property since I put the truck in my name. I have so many questions but the first one I'd like to ask is how can she legally say I owe her this much money if I never once heard from her personally or got any type of legal notice letting me know that she was going to charge me for storage? She never gave me permission to get the truck and she never stated she wanted it gone, shes always maintained she felt she should keep the truck. I went to her house today to try to pick up the truck and she refused to let me on the property until I pay her. I think my last option is to dispute the lien and take her to court, I'm wondering if any of you have any advice for me. This is all taking place in Southern California by the way. Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/DadsPsychoGirlfriend
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    Bought my first home and it’s now ruined

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:53 PM PST

    I closed on my first home in mid November. It's a more costly home for my area, but I wanted something move in ready so I put the money into it. We had an inspection done before buying and there was some minor water damage that I asked about. The seller said that they had flushed baby wipes and it cause a clogged, but it had since been resolved. I have this documented in a email he sent my realtor. Well, a week after we moved in our downstairs bathroom flooded everywhere. Through the bathroom walls, into my laundry room, into my garage, down my driveway, dripping off of my garage door. Feces was everywhere. We called an emergency plumber that was not covered by our home warranty and he resolved the problem. We have in writing that he removed more baby wipes. However, about two weeks later the same thing happened and my husband rented an eel and removed more baby wipes and some tampons. Everything had flooded through the walls for a second time. Last night, it happened again. More backed up sewage leaked everywhere. We have pictures and videos, the entire plumbing system should be clear now so my FIL believes it's something wrong with the plumbing and that it will continue doing this. I have pictures and all documentation of everything. My new home is destroyed, if I run water in anyway I never know if it will leak everywhere. Do I have some ability to sue the sellers for knowing about this and not disclosing it?

    submitted by /u/ThatICUNurse
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    Are my glasses with my prescription legally mine if they were bought under my parents' insurance? [AR, USA]

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 01:45 PM PST

    I'm putting this under healthcare law because this is the closest I can think of that applies.

    I know the answer to this is probably they're not my property, but I just wanted to make sure.

    So, my parents took 4 pairs of my glasses. 3 pairs were old ones, one was a new pair. I'm no longer under their insurance anymore. They are my back up glasses in case the ones I'm currently wearing break. I have very bad eyes and need a very strong prescription of glasses. I cannot read, drive, or function very well without glasses.

    Are the glasses legally mine, or do they belong to my parents, because they were bought under my parent's insurance?

    Edit: I'm 26, if that helps anything.

    Edit 2: To the people PMing me and saying "you're an adult, move out/get away from them," I am trying. No hate to those who have said such. It's a much more complex situation that I feel like getting into, and it's a slow process that I am working on.

    submitted by /u/SetMySoulFree
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    How do I legally kick my non-contributing brother out of my house?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 03:31 PM PST

    Please excuse formatting, I am writing this post on mobile.

    I am a 19 year old female in college. I also work while attending school. I've lived with my grandmother and my brother (21 M) in our apartment in New York City for 12 years. My brother is attending community college. My grandmother is retired.

    I help my grandmother pay the bills (rent, electricity, tv/internet/phone, food) every month by sending her money. My brother refuses to contribute. Every time we've asked him to get a part time job (so it doesn't interfere with his studies), he says he will, but he never does. Our neighbor even offered him a job at Home Depot- he wouldn't even have to attend an interview, all he had to do was go to training. My brother never finished the paperwork they asked him to do, and never went to training. All he does whenever he's not at college is play video games and watch YouTube and Twitch.

    Recently, we (my grandmother and me) decided enough is enough. He eats up all the food and wastes electricity, and we cannot afford to keep living in our apartment without his contribution. We have explained this to him, and he still won't even look for a job. I changed the wifi password and locked the router in a box so he couldn't factory reset it. We told him he would get wifi privileges back if he got a job. He blew up at us and threatened me and my grandma with a large kitchen knife, and broke open the box I locked the router in. I called the police, and they took him away to be psychologically evaluated. The doctor who questioned him called and told us that they were releasing him because nothing seemed wrong with him.

    My grandma and I filed for restraining orders because we're scared he might retaliate. The judge denied our request- he didn't believe we were in any real danger. We legally cannot lock him out of the house because of squatter's rights. And now I'm heading back upstate for college, leaving my grandma alone. I'm scared he might come and attack her when I'm away.

    What can I do to kick him out legally? Our landlord knows us personally and says he will help us in anyway possible, so we have his support.

    submitted by /u/Scared_Sister12
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    Prisoner in my apartment

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:34 PM PST

    I recently had the major life even of landing in a wheel chair. I knew it was coming from surgery, and planned accordingly. I moved to a first floor apartment where there wasn't wheelchair accessibility. I'm not an idiot. Before doining the lease, i filed out papers for accommodations, including a wheel chair ramp, which i was told would be done by the first of the year, after my surgery and that's okay. Now I've received a letter from their attorney stating i can pay my own accommodations for 6 weeks then pay to restore the property. I'm not getting better! I have a left lower talus fusion in 8 weeks, and a hip replacement immediately after. I'm at 44 surgeries with 5 replacements and a fusion currently at 36 years old. Also, my physician did left then know I'm at best going to walk around my apartment when this is over, and they take that as i can in 6 weeks hopefully climb stairs and walk to the parking lot occasionally for 2 weeks between that point and the next surgeries, they don't believe they need to make the alterations I was promised before signing. Aurora, co. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Kagato311
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    Renters next door allowing oil to seep into my yard.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 07:51 AM PST

    Idaho - Live in a new development where I own a house. Recently new neighbors have moved in and you can imagine it's going to crap. They are renters and at least 5-6 dudes live there in their early 20s. I'm pretty easy going and have talked with them a few times about the issue. They just blow me off. The HOA is useless and I haven't been able to track down who actually manages the house.

    They have 8 vehicles parked in the garage and outside and one pile that leaks oil into my yard see picture. Can I get any advice on what I should do to correct this. The house has gone down hill since they moved in and it's becoming a real eye sore but most importantly my grass is getting soaked with oil! Thanks for any guidance.


    submitted by /u/Bry279972
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    Lawyer included his retainer fee as part of a plea deal? [TX]

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:52 AM PST

    My god mothers son is in prison. When he first got arrested it was kind of big news in our town and the first time he got off with a sweetheart deal it was even bigger news. Well he got busted for the same thing a few months ago and as soon as it came out in the papers his mother started getting calls from an attorney who said he could get him off, but needed a $5000 retainer. She rejected him but he was later appointed by the court as his attorney.

    Since then he presented a 5-40 year plea agreement that included incorrect information and, and an agreement to turn over his financial records to the attorney and pay the attorney $5,000. As well he has mentioned that he would have been able to get a better deal if he had been retained when he had first solicited them.

    Is it just me or is that sketchy

    submitted by /u/eugenedebsghost
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    Pedophile's Family Keeps Sending Harassing Texts

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:09 PM PST

    We're in the US. About ten years ago my sister was "groomed" by a pedophile in a position of power over her. My family found out and reported this to the police, and he was placed on parole and lost his job. He was added to the sex offender registry as a level 2 offender. Since then, various members of my family have received harassing text messages clearly written by someone close to this pedophile. These long screeds reference each of my family members by name and usually contain some piece of private information about them. The pedophile was recently taken off parole. None of us are sure whether or not we're in any real danger, but we're getting these intimidating text messages once every few months or so. The family members receiving the texts have tried getting new phone numbers, but the texts persist.

    We tried contacting the ACLU and RAINN - two organizations I believed might have some interest in dealing with a vengeful pedophile. Neither of them seemed interested in helping, and while the police detective assigned to our sister's case is sympathetic the police don't seem to believe they can do anything about this. The phone number used to text us is different each time, and apparently untraceable for the police.

    Do we have any options? Are you aware of any organizations that exist for situations like this? Is there anything we can do other than sit around and wait for this person to potentially become violent? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Silver-Reaction
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    Advice please: I live in FL and I’m wondering what happens when someone doesn’t have any family to take care of them and are needing it more and more.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 03:27 PM PST

    First off, I'm asking about almost 90 year old neighbors I have. I don't want to take any legal responsibility for them, I'm only asking how I can help. The wife is starting to get forgetful and her husband already is extremely forgetful. They have no family close, never had kids, and his sister lives about 165 miles away- I don't know where that is but he said it 3 times when I asked them who they had to help take care of them. They showed me their Trust documents from 2001 and each of them are their own Durable Power of Attorney and everything goes to the church after they pass. I don't see them ever have any visitors and they seem to be taking care of themselves and their home but I worry because they've gotten progressively worse over the last few years.

    If something happens to one of them the other won't be able to function- so my question is, without family to help them is there a way the county or state of FL can make them go to assisted living? I've driven them to the store and helped them with some minor things around the yard but I feel like they are starting to rely on me more and more and as nice as they are I have my own wife and kids to worry about.

    Also, we have been neighbors for almost 10 years now and I don't want to see anything bad happen to them. If there's nothing the county or state can do is there anything I need to do? Can I protect myself somehow in case I'm doing something for them and they fall or something? I really don't want to be held liable for an accident that happens when I'm there and I get screwed somehow for being a nice guy... I know that doesn't sound good but I don't know how else to say it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/FLhardcore
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    Does a Continuous Glucose Sensor count as a prescription drug?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 03:53 PM PST

    {Washington State}

    My girlfriend (with diabetes) just recently got new insurance. They refused to cover any supplies from ordering directly from Medtronic like she has her entire life. They require their third party supplier to fulfill the supplies for her.

    They sent the wrong type of sensor, one that does not work with her prescribed continuous glucose monitoring system. The third party supplier sent a claim to her insurance for her 90 day supply of Continuous Glucose Sensor as Misc. Supplies/Equipment, nothing specifically addressing the different types of sensors.

    Gf called Medtronic. Medtronic said that she had to speak to her insurance / third party supplier to get the correct CGS. Gf called the third party supplier and was told that no CGS can be returned and all sales are final after being sent (even though she never opened the box or broke any seals). When my gf tried to get the third party supplier to order the correct CGS, she was told that her current 90 day supply had been ordered and fulfilled and she would have to wait another 90 days to reorder. We had to order the correct 90 day supply and pay out of pocket (over a grand).

    There are Federal Laws stating that it is illegal to sell prescription drugs unless you are licensed and only to those with a Dr.'s prescription. These sensors are medical equipment, and not drugs.

    Would it be legal for us to sell the unopened 90 day supply of CGS to help to recoup some of the losses incurred by having to buy the correct CGS out of pocket?

    TL;DR New insurance sent gf wrong CGS and will not take it back. We had to pay for the correct CGS out of pocket. Is it legal for us to sell incorrectly prescribed medical equipment under current laws?

    submitted by /u/ForeignBet
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    Can my wife do this?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:42 PM PST

    I came home and told my wife I needed to get help with drinking. I quit my job and checked into rehab. I just got out (after 45 days). While I was gone she has: Moved all money out of our accounts and closed them (both joint and personal) Canceled my debit / credit cards Changed all of my logins to banks Sold my car at a loss Changed the locks on the house (told me I was not to come home) Put all of my belongings in storage and canceled the card used to bill.

    She did all of this with a Durable Power of Attorney that I signed in case of emergency while I was gone (since I would have no outside contact)

    I am literally penniless and now homeless. I don't even know where to begin. Not that it matters, but there has never been any fighting or legal ramifications of my drinking.


    submitted by /u/charlie_on_the_mta
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    Have Jury Duty but I work overnights

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 07:20 PM PST

    I was scheduled for Jury Duty in late February. However, my only issue that I'm having is that I work overnights (10:30PM to 7:00AM). I currently reside in South Carolina. I just started with my current job in August but they're kind of a pain when it comes to needing time off if you just started work less then a year ago with them. Any advice on how to go about this?

    submitted by /u/_tumblrfeminist
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    PA - Are landlord’s new terms on new lease legal?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 04:06 AM PST

    Back story -
    My mom and I have lived in this townhome for 9 years now - and let me say I've never met a more CHEAP landlord, he half asses EVERYTHING. To the point where the house is semi dangerous. The 4th step from the top of the staircase now sags badly and the R tread side is about an inch LONGER than the L. Imagine thinking you have a whole inch of step depth just to be deceived.
    Then there's the attic stairs, the circled piece was never replaced, so the entire staircase is very unsteady to use and it doesn't close flush with the ceiling, causing a bad draft, bugs (especially recurring wasps) to enter the home freely.

    So, the landlord mailed a new lease to be signed. In the 'included amenities' section, it reads "Landlord to repair amenities in 3-5 days minimum. Tenant to pay the first $100 of repairs." We think this stemmed from us getting very angry that we went without a hot water heater for almost a week over the summer.

    Is this new term legal? He doesn't specify if that applies to emergency repairs as well? He also didn't check off that the dishwasher is his responsibility this term 🙄It's not like he'd fix something causing the house to be uninhabitable within 2 days anyway.

    submitted by /u/happilyunpleasant
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    Need legal advice! Ex Bf keeps making fake accounts of me and uses photos of me as a minor

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:53 AM PST

    I need some advice on whether there is anything I can do with this mess of a situation.

    CA resident.

    So an ex bf of mine from high school (10 years ago) has been making fake accounts of me using old photos of me from my old facebook as well as some personal photos I sent him back when I was a minor for about 2 years now. He started off with making fake accounts with random names and random photos to stalk me and my friends and family on instagram (the only social media I have now), and one day sent me a photo that I sent him when I was 14 from a random account asking if it was me. I panicked and blocked the account, and from then on I started getting messages from friends and strangers telling me they found my account on tinder, bumble, okcupid, etc. and that there were more revealing photos. He even tricked an old classmate of mine into thinking it was me and the guy ended up swapping his nudes for mine, not realizing it was my ex he was sending them to. He has linked my number and insta to these accounts, which would lead to me getting nasty messages from strangers about sexual favors, etc.

    My ex would start this up, then stop and I wouldn't hear much about it for a few months, then start up again. Eventually he started making fake accounts of me on instagram, but was pretending to be me as a 14 year old high school student and was friend requesting current kids from our old high school. Thankfully I got all of those accounts deleted as well.

    For the longest time I didn't know for sure if it was him, just a hunch since those photos I sent were only given to him. Then I found out that this was happening to another girl who I went to school with, the EXACT SAME thing, and the only friend we had in common was my ex (They made out in HS once, but that was the extent of their relationship). We got confirmation it was the same person doing this to both of us when he used a fake account of me to send her a video of him masterbating to photos of her on a fake PlentyofFish profile he made. He doesn't actually have any nudes of her fortunately, but he uses photos from her insta account and writes disgusting and degrading captions on them. So I reached out to her and for the last year we have been keeping screenshots of everything we can, pictures of fake accounts, screenshots of conversations with people telling us about the fake accounts they found.

    The only other direct evidence we have that proves its him is an old facebook that used to be his in highschool had been changed to MY name (I got that account deleted but I kept the email that shows facebook confirming the account violated their terms/policies and was removed), and the account he initially used to stalk me with that I blocked, he recently just posted a story that included a photo of him as well as his email.

    Also he is a very sneaky person, he has no social media in his name, only fake accounts with a bunch of random names that he constantly switches out. I don't know his cell number, but I now have his email, where he works (or at least used to work), and potentially his address (if he still lives there).

    Its all a big mess and I am just wondering if there is anything I can do legally? Every account we get removed, he just make a new one. He has given out my phone number and insta, and he even listed my friends place of work on one of the accounts which makes her scared someone might show up. Not to mention the photos he is using are of me as a minor which is considered the possession and distribution of child pornography.

    Thank you for any advice you may have!

    submitted by /u/grizzly0206
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    Deceased parent help

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:09 PM PST

    My father just died a few hours ago. I've already gotten a few calls from the morgue and the hospital asking me questions and talking about money. I'm only 18 in college right now and I don't have any other family. Does anyone here know what kind of steps I need to take to make arrangements. I also need to get my college fund money and how will his insurance cover everything?

    submitted by /u/BiggetsGay
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    What is the adoption process for being adopted as an adult?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 04:51 PM PST

    (United States, Louisiana) I'm not sure if this post belongs here, but I wasn't sure where else was more appropriate. I'm 23 and my stepdad has mentioned wanting to adopt me. My own father is an alcoholic and emotionally abusive and has been my whole life. My stepdad and my mom got married when I was 16. I want to surprise my stepdad with adoption papers and add his last name onto my name. I have no idea what this process is or what to do. Any help is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bubaroni_pizza
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    One of my girlfriend's parent is committing fraud with her name.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:44 AM PST

    My girlfriend receives social security because her dad was disabled and she was in school. When she dropped out of school she should have stopped receiving social security. Her dad claims he called them to tell the SSA that she dropped out so they'd stop getting checks. However she got a form from SSA today claiming she received 6 months of checks last year and no one told he or gave her anything from it. Her dad physically gets the checks but is supposed to give them to her. Her dad claims he gave them to her mom but haven't heard anything from the mom either.

    We are pretty sure the culprit is her dad but we can't be sure since neither of them will admit to anything. We don't want to face the repercussions for this. We've been living paycheck to paycheck and have barely any free money. I have no clue how we could afford a lawyer. What are our possible solutions to this issue?

    If anymore information is needed we will try and answer our questions as best we can. Location is South Carolina USA

    submitted by /u/KryogeneSW
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    We bought a house and my husband put locks on doors to certain rooms and won't give me a key. I know this sounds way messed up and it is. Is it legal for him to do that? Is it legal if I remove the entire door/handle? I would think so but just thought I'd check.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:18 PM PST

    How much evidence do you need to report a guardian to CPS?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 07:19 PM PST

    My girlfriend's parents are abusive, they constantly call her a whore/slut, spit on her, threaten to hit her, and occasionally do hit her. Today her mom threatened to kill her, and we're both genuinely afraid for her safety in that house at this point. The issue is that most of the abuse is verbal, or only slightly physical, not enough to really get proof of. She has no way to record any audio, they don't let her have a phone or anything. She's open to reporting them, but is terrified that nothing will happen and she'll have to keep living there, and things would be so much worse after that.

    submitted by /u/throwaway293828
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    HOA redirected association dues to fines, this legal?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:15 PM PST


    First ever post on reddit after lurking for 15 years, but I need some advice. I live in a condo complex and have association fees of $225 per month (numbers made even for convenience) which is taken automatically out of my bank account each month. I was fined $25 for leaving my garage door open to long, I told them to show me documentation for the date and they never returned the call and nothing happened so I had a $25 fine sitting on my account for almost 2 years. They switched management companies and during the switch they took the last month's payment before the switch and said ok you have a credit of $225 - $25 going forward so you paid $200 that month. So you owe $25 for association dues. Oh, and by the way, there is a $25 a month late fee on association dues. So then four months later it's a $125 fine for not paying my association dues. Is this legal? I feel like they went and took my association dues and assigned them to something else and I feel like that should be wrong, right? It both breaks the norm and also seems shady. I asked them to fix it and they cited me a section saying that there was a $25 a month fine on not paying dues. It said nothing about fines, multiple emails and they've refused to fix it, in fact today they said their decision was final and they would not discuss this further so either I'm going to pay it or take it to small claims?

    Thanks for the consideration to any responders, since I'm asking for something and have not previously had anything to add.

    submitted by /u/Dskreet2020
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    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:26 PM PST

    a while ago, on the campus of a major university, a man, who was not a student, walked naked into my dorm room and laid in bed with me and sexually assaulted me. can i sue the university for failing to secure the dorm residences ? I have been traumatized by this incident, and was unable to finish my coursework, and had to seek counseling since.

    submitted by /u/throwinjuryaside1
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    Can I (16m) change my signature when I finally get my drivers license? So far I've only used my signature on my client card for rbc and my learners permit card, but it kinda sucka and it's easy to replicate.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Basically title. My signature sucks, and I'm just wondering if it's possible to change it once I get my drivers license. Then I will also use the new signature to sign my debit or credit card(once I finally get it)

    Edit: I'm in Alberta, Canada.

    submitted by /u/WinglessBone69
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