• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    Legal Advice - Girls assaulted nephew by kicking genitals. He’s in Emergancy surgery

    Legal Advice - Girls assaulted nephew by kicking genitals. He’s in Emergancy surgery

    Girls assaulted nephew by kicking genitals. He’s in Emergancy surgery

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:11 PM PST

    This afternoon I found out girls have been kicking my nephew in the crotch at school. He's 12 years old and I imagine they're close to his age. He told his grandmother he had bad pain and they went to the ER. The doc said 1 testicle is most likely dead and they're trying to save it and check on the other in surgery. How can we move forward with this legally? He will very likely lose a testicle and may have serious health issues because of it. I can't find much online except there is a class 3 felony of malicious castration, but I don't know what that really means. I'm very angry and want justice for this child. Any advice on how we could move forward is helpful. I want them to pursue criminal charges and hold these people and their parents (or the school!) responsible for this life altering violent crime.

    submitted by /u/Mastermad
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    Ex who cant come within 500 ft of me is wanting to move in like 150 ft from me.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:04 AM PST

    So whatever comes after an epo, I forgot what is called but she cant come within 500 ft of me and vice versa. Her baby daddy's mom is giving them a trailer that you can literally look into my kitchen window from. Since I know shes been over there via my mom, cps has come to my house 3 times all checking out well. The office that is in charge of my neighborhood has reached out to me about incorrect noise complaints and lots of people coming in and out of my house all the time. Basically my ex is trying to get me off the lot but the lot manager lady has told me as long as i fallow the rules shes not gonna treat me any different than anyone else. What should i do if i see her there regardless of the 500ft rule?

    submitted by /u/trollparadoxalt
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    TP prank by my daughter’s bullies. Mom was involved.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:24 PM PST

    Hi LA,

    We're an immigrant family living here for the last 10 years. We have 3 kids, 13, 5 and 2 years old. Around 3:30am this morning my baby daughter woke up crying and my wife went to check her out. As she was doing that she heard noises in front of our home. There was 4 teenagers throwing toilet paper and lots of trash in our driveway, porch and garden.

    Again, we're immigrants. We've never been exposed to this bully culture here in America. My home has cameras everywhere and we could easily see that the perpetrators attend my teenager daughter's school and they are bullies that keep making her feel bad about herself all the time.

    After cleaning the mess (at 4am), I checked the footage again and I could see the mother of one of the kids there giving instructions. Her car is clearly visible also. We don't actually know her and never invited her to our home. We never had any issues with her, besides the feud our daughters are having. We never complained to the school or anything like that.

    My wife became extremely agitated (what if this is because we're immigrants and whatnot) and kinda destroyed our night.

    We pay our taxes, we follow the law. We're citizens now. We never got into issues with anyone, including neighbors, and this feels extremely violating.

    What can we do? What should we do? Confront? Call the police and show the footage?

    I appreciate any insights. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/fatfireincognito
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    Medical Marijuana Employee Informed My Employees I Was On Site

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:01 PM PST

    First I would like to say I am the Manager of multiple restaurants in Maryland, and so my face is seen by lots of people on a daily basis.

    I had been trying for months to get medical marijuana to address physical ailments which have effected me my entire life.

    I finally get my medical card, and enter my first dispensary. I did not recongnize anyone in the establishment, and after filling out paperwork and being intrigued how this was going to go down scanned the room pretty well. A lady calls me up and I share with her my medical issues, she in turn recommends some products, I thank her and walk out.

    A day or two later an employee, whom I'm friends with, comes to me and says "hey I heard you were at ABC Dispensary". At first I was shocked. I admitted to it, at this point how could I refuse, and acted cool about it. He said that his exgf sold me it, then promptly said to him to not tell me that she told him because she could get in trouble. We're friends, so I'm sure he thought I would shrug it off, but I was discussing medical issues with this person. Its not a "customer" that saw me and informed a staff member, it was one of their own certified employees.

    I called the store and the manager offered me points as a reward for their "lack of privacy". I asked him if this was a HIPPA violation, and he didn't know. I told them I would not be returning ever again, and now I have to drive 30min+ to pickup in the future.

    Can the mmcc licensed dispensary reveal their patients to non employees?

    submitted by /u/NuckoLBurn
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    I need to know if my rights are being violated by the bathroom rule at work.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:39 PM PST

    I (m34) recently started working at a job in Mooresville North Carolina and they make us Punch-Out of work to use the bathroom and we can't punch back in for 20 minutes is this legal because i dont want to loose money for something like this.

    submitted by /u/Myblock_Bezi
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    Scholarships requesting my father's financial information, but he is homeless and we have little to no contact [British Columbia, Canada]

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:12 PM PST

    I am a grade 12 student intending to go to university in September, and I am in the process of applying for scholarships. A lot of the need-based ones request your parents' financial information. My father had partial custody of myself and my brother, but had a relapse with drug addiction last year and has lost his home and is currently living in his car. I see him maybe once a month, during which time he mostly cries and is pretty out of it. He hasn't filed taxes in several years, and before he got evicted he was making most of his money by selling pot. I have no idea if he has any income right now, and if he does I am sure that it is shady and under the table. He has borrowed quite a lot of cash from me, my mom, and took some without asking from my little brother's savings before my mom moved them. Unfortunately, I don't really trust him to give any truthful or reliable information.

    Other potentially relevant information:

    • I turn 18 next month (but the age of majority here is 19)
    • Technically he still has custody of us; my mom is trying to get a new custody agreement sorted out with a lawyer, but I'm not sure if it will include me or not since I am so close to moving out
    • He didn't pay child support previously and obviously hasn't since his eviction

    I don't want to get into legal trouble for misrepresenting my financial situation if I simply exclude my father from these applications. What is the right way to approach this so I don't get in trouble?

    submitted by /u/scholarshipissues
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    Boyfriend fell at work; managers are distributing the security video to make fun of him (MA)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:09 PM PST

    My boyfriend works for a popular big box store. This particular one is part of a larger shopping mall. Last night, we got snow in Massachusetts. He fell on a patch of ice in the non-salted parking lot at work and fractured his knee. A manager who is friendly with helped him out by telling him which hospital he needed to go to in order to begin the process of filing for compensation.

    He was checked out last night, which is when he was made aware of the fracture. The swelling was too bad to tell how serious the fracture is, so he is to make an appointment to go back in a few days.

    The friendly manager took him off the schedule for the time being so he wouldn't have to worry about that aspect of this mess.

    Just now, a coworker texted him to tell him a manager or managers were distributing and showing the video to other employees for a laugh. Another employee that he is not close with texted him and said "I heard you're giving ice skating lessons."

    Considering the seriousness of his injury, we find this to be incredibly inappropriate and vile. My boyfriend is considering going to HR with this, but is there anything we should know that might help? Is it legal to distribute this security footage of him receiving the injury?

    submitted by /u/sylvanwhisper
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    (TX) Woman is coming to my house today with a police escort and charging my wife and I with theft, what do I do or say?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:09 AM PST

    Good morning all, thank you in advance for your time.

    Seven months ago a friend of my wife's asked us to watch her dog until she got a place of her own, the people she was moving in with already had three dogs and would not allow her to bring hers.

    We agreed under the condition she paid for the expenses of the dog. There was no written agreement made.

    She paid the pet deposit on our apartment ($375) within the first two weeks and provided the remainder of the food she had for the dog at the time of turning her over to us (~1/2 bag)

    The dog had pending veterinary appointments due to medical issues related to severe allergies. The friend said she would provide transportation to and from and cover all expenses related.

    The day before the first appointment she called to inform us she had canceled all upcoming appointments because she wouldn't be able to pay for them. We urged her of the severity numerous times through texts/calls that she never responded to.

    We met with the friend around this same time (~1 mo. after taking dog) for a unrelated matter (borrowing a vacuum) and we requested she come by to check in with the dog. Hoping this would let her see the severity and encourage her to get the dog vet assistance. She came by and checked in with the dog for 5 mins and left. This was the first, last, and only time she ever came in the past seven months to see the dog.

    A day or two after when we realized she had no intention of trying to get the dog the help it needed my wife reached out to her through text to acquire the vets info so we could just take her. She didn't respond, we tried again, no response. We reached out to the shelter she had adopted her from to see if they had vet records on file, we were able to get the vets name and reached out to their practice only to be told they had no file on the dog under the friend's name or any other.

    Given the necessity and urgency of the needed care (the dog was balding in spots due to severe itching) and complete lack of contact from the friend, we felt had no choice but to take her to the vet ourselves to get her the medicines and treatment she needed. Upon doing so we found out she was behind on all her shots and they could not provide treatment without us catching her up, so we got her up to date on shots and began a treatment regimen, all at our expense.

    Shortly after this my wife attended a get together at the house our friend was staying at where she intended on confronting the friend about not having paid for a single expense beyond the pet deposit, at the potential cost of the dogs well being regarding her making no effort to provide vet service/food/anything to the dog. About 5 mins into the get together, the husband of the family our friend was staying with got frustrated with their dogs for jumping and kicked one of them very hard in the ribs. My wife became irate and told the friend this was not acceptable for people to treat their dogs like this and that she was deeply disappointed in her (as a side note this is likely exactly what she said and not a watering down as my wife does not use profanity or believe in insulting people personally) After this my wife immediately left the gathering.

    For the next three months we had absolutely no contact with the friend whatsoever, no attempts to contact us in any way, nothing.

    We doubted we'd ever hear from her again.

    About 2 months ago she called my wife acting like everything was normal and asked why she hasn't heard from us and that she misses us and we need to meet up because so much has been going on with her and her kids, we should go to her daughters play etc. she never asked about the dog. My wife was clearly very upset with her and told her so directly, friend apologized (regarding her friendship with wife, dog was once again never mentioned) . The friend told my wife that they should be friends again, my wife told her that's not going to happen. The conversation ends reasonably but not friendly.

    Later that day she texts "How is [Mothra]?" we don't reply. A week or so later she texts us about going to the daughter's play, once again we send no reply.

    For the next couple months we hear nothing again. This brings us to this past Thursday (two days ago) she texts my wife saying " im ready for Mothra back, let me know what day works for me to come pick her up" she says she give us a call Friday.

    She calls Friday and my wife very cordially explains to her that she is not getting the dog back, to which the friend replies we are being selfish and not letting the dog return to its real family. The friend descends into yelling over my wife repeatedly that we need to give her a day in the next 2 days when she can come pick her up or else she's going to take it to the 'next level' my wife simply replies I can't do that.

    Saturday night at 10pm she calls my wife who missed the phone call, and left a voicemail saying "since you did not give me a time when I can come pick up Mothra, I will be at your house at 4pm Sunday with the police and if you don't return my dog to me I'm pressing theft charges"

    It's Sunday morning now and I'm just not sure how to handle the situation if she shows up with police. I don't want to say/do anything to make the situation worse but it's simply not right for her to think she can just use us to provide free care for the dog for the past seven months and then return when it's convenient for her to claim it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ShamanGamble
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    My landlord moved in with me!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:20 PM PST

    So last month my landlord knocked on my door asking if he could crash while his house was under renovations for a couple weeks, wanting to get a break on rent for the month me and my roommate/brother accepted. Come rent time we asked what the rent situation would look like and he said that since we added another tenant without filing the proper paperwork we owe him $300 more than usual... what do I do Edit. I live in Texas

    submitted by /u/hidingbobcat
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    [NY] My workplace is printing seating charts on the back of filled-out employment applications

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:54 PM PST

    So I work at a restaurant as a hostess, which requires me to fill out a seating chart of our tables every day. During the first few months of my employment, I noticed that the seating charts (which are available to all hostesses and generally anyone who opens the drawer at our host stand) were being printed on the back of other documents or used paper, most likely so that the company had to buy less paper.

    I didn't think much of this until I noticed that some of the seating charts were being printed on the back of original copies of employment applications, which contain employees' full names, addresses, and social security numbers. Again, these are essentially available to anyone, and are just tossed in the trash at the end of the day. This was also definitely intentional, as someone in the management office (where the seating charts are printed) needed to load these applications into the printer to use as extra paper.

    Does this violate any employee confidentiality law? The only one that I know of is the NYS SSN Protection Law that says that SSNs cannot be made available to the general public. If this is a violation, can/should I do anything about this or report it to anyone? It seems like a huge violation of privacy and could easily lead to identity theft.

    submitted by /u/splashylaryn
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    Family is threatening me if I file taxes on my own for 2019

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:32 PM PST

    I was thrown out of my parents house at 17 (December 2018) for being transgender. CPS placed me with my grandma who is also abusive and refused to help beyond that, not even giving her custody so she could let me start medical procedures. I turned 18 in October and am still living with my grandma. I had a summer job in 2019 and want to file taxes independently, but my parents claim they still paid medical expenses for me and I will owe them money if I file taxes on my own.

    If I need to provide additional information, I will gladly do so. Thank you.

    EDIT: I am in San Bernardino County, California

    submitted by /u/lostkitten404
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    Can I be held accountable for illegal actions from a P2P VPN

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:40 PM PST

    So I was using a VPN and I was using the P2P feature. I myself was not doing anything illegal but if some illegal traffic was going through my network, can I be held accountable? I'm in Florida.

    submitted by /u/reddit_browser_weird
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    I lost my job and clearance for possessing an empty pack of HEMP cigarettes.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:55 PM PST

    I work for a very strict federal agency whose job is security. A couple agents spotted me with an empty package of PURE HEMP cigarettes. They reported me, not knowing the difference between hemp and marijuana. The security clearance division of the agency now is telling me that in addition to losing my job, my clearance is revoked and that I will have to appeal this decision.

    Things to keep in mind:

    1. This is an agency clearance. While I have a DoD clearance as well, I don't believe they're threatening to go through the process of taking away my DoD clearance.
    2. The agency drug policy for applicants does not mention anything about hemp. It obviously bars marijuana usage (and further defines marijuana as cannabis), but nothing is black and white on text regarding hemp usage. Also, this policy was put in place in almost 1.5 years before Hemp became federally legal.
    3. I have not admitted to using the hemp products, and have only admitted to having the package as the agents didn't see inside the package to know that it was empty.
    4. I am a contractor to this agency, not directly hired.

    My appeals process is basically me putting together a slide deck to discuss what happened, outline that hemp is legal both federally and locally, there is no policy that was violated by having only packaging and to also state that regardless, I am disabled legally due to a car wreck and have had multiple doctors recommend me CBD/Hemp based products. This is not me admitting to using it, but stating that its usage is recommended to me by a doctor.

    I would like for this to go away and for me to keep working, but am not sure how I go about that. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/clearancelegalhelp
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    15 Minutes Per Days Adds Up, Unpaid Wages

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:04 PM PST

    Illinois Hey Reddit, I work at a Vape Shop four days a week. After I was hired, I was told by a manager to always arrive at least 15 minutes early to each shift in order to check things out, get familiar with new items, open the store up, turn on lights/music/heater, ect (depending on if it's an opening shift or closing). These 15 minutes are not be added to the time sheet because it makes up for the "down time" we have when there are no customers. I am the only employee not on salary pay. I'm making $11 per hour. I do notice some of the managers sit down and do personal things such as crochet, watch podcasts, and shows when the store is empty....However, I NEVER sit still. I'm always looking for small tasks to do to make the time go by fast. I'm naturally an on the move type of person. I work the whole time!

    When working a closing shift (3PM - 8PM), often I'm at the shop until 8:20 or even 8:30 because counting down the drawers takes a bit of time.

    We are also not paid for the monthly mandatory meetings (always less than 24 hour notice) lasting two hours. Most of the time the meetings consist of us getting yelled at for "sitting down on the job" and not staying busy when customers are not in store.

    I've now worked here 2.5 months and in that time, I have an estimated 9 hours of unpaid wages. (15 minutes per day on opening shift—30-40 minutes on closing shift not paid) Is this legal? What should I do?

    Another sketchy thing... Ever since we switched over to our new register system (Clover System) in January, we are able to add a 3.99% Customer Service Fee to customers paying with a card....Then days later, my boss instructed that we slap EVERYONE with the fee regardless of cash/card. I know convenience fees are legal for businesses to charge to credit card users however I have not been able to find anything on charging a convenience fees for CASH.

    submitted by /u/paigesrerl11
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    FL - I'm writing a 2-page contract between me and someone who I do not trust. Since we each get an original copy with both of our signatures on page 2, how do I insure that he doesn't later just change the verbiage on the first page and claim it was a different set of terms?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:26 AM PST

    My parents are sitting on top of a MASSIVE iron deposit but we dont have the mineral rights (Bastrop TX, U.S)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:32 PM PST

    So basically my parents live on an absolutely fucking massive iron deposit. As in when I come back in the house my boots are red with iron ore on them from the mud sucking me into the ground and the water is yellow. But someone from hundreds of years ago owns the mineral rights. I'm under 18 but is there something I could do? My parents are apathetic about it.

    submitted by /u/TheChinkiller
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    Ex-boyfriend hacked my E-Mail

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:18 AM PST

    yesterday my ex-boyfriend went crazy for no apparent reason and hacked my email and emailed 12 of the colleges I got accepted into and declined them all but accepted the college that he attends so that I would end up at the same college as him. I did not give him permission to do this nor did I even want to go to his shitty college . I have tried to E-mail all of my colleges advisors back but I lost my spot on the list of a majority of people that got accepted into the early admissions program. He also lost me a $40,000 scholarship to Northwestern where I got accepted into an early admissions program that barely anyone gets into. He also lost me the admission into an art camp at NYU that I lost my $50 deductible for and now I have to re-apply.

    Is there anything I can pursue legally towards him even if I can't get my scholarships back. Anything helps thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/anonymous198927
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    I was lied to about being on the lease, have been illegally subletting. Legality of packing up and leaving deposit as final rent?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:19 AM PST

    Throwaway because of first detail in post. There's a ton of toxicity here aside from what I'll share, but the important part…I wouldn't trust these people with $5 and need to figure what to do about my deposit and notice on move out.

    I met my roommates on a reddit, a couple. Everything seemed nice at first. I came by to look at the place and it checked out, a small open room in a 2br in the bay.

    I stressed that being on the lease/legal was important to me because I had not established residence in CA yet and wanted to do it all by the books. I was told the landlord would be contacted and paper work available on move in day (I know, dumb, I was eager to a get a place locked down)

    When I showed up with all my stuff and nowhere else to go I was told the paperwork wasn't ready yet (I know, red flag, poor and nowhere else to go)

    I paid the deposit and rent to the couple, still optimistic, they seemed functional and i wasn't worried yet. We agreed on month to month for now.

    A few draining weeks later I finally got the answer, they had not told the landlord and were refusing to. I didn't have money to move so I stayed for the time being.

    Now, I am moving. 3/1 at the latest but have a spot that, if approved, can move asap


    Am I legally clear to move asap, leave deposit as February rent, and leave a line open for any damages (it's a ~100 sq ft room, there are no damages, but i would throw a couple hundred at the situation if it would pacify things and bring them to an end). This is the option I'm leaning towards because I genuinely don't trust these people and don't want my stuff around them when I'm away once I tell them I'm moving. I work full time, they both have anger issues, it seems bad.


    Do I owe them the 30 days notice (so let them know and pay February)? If so, there's no way I get the the deposit (that it turns out they pocketed back), right? Small claims court aside.

    Since the landlord was never contacted we never did a proper walk through, and I'm confident these people are going to try to take money from me for scratched wood floor that was there long before me.


    As a follow up the summary the plan given the advice...

    Pay February and give notice asap, move into new spot asap

    Once out get in touch requesting full deposit back, citing that the lease agreement was never fulfilled, I was never given what we agreed I would pay for, and was also never given a chance to go through damages with actual landlord.

    Allow 30 day legal time limit and be optimistic it's all squared by then. If not, follow up seeking claim and stating that if they disagree with the claim we can proceed court, get proper records on file, and settle there.

    Gonna eat a lot of costs but luckily work has been solid the past 6 months.

    submitted by /u/getmetfouttahere420
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    (OR) School district has treated my son (whom has an IEP) terribly for years, it has escalated at this point to an entirely new level at his current school.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:38 PM PST

    The short of it is that no administration has willingly complied with my son's IEP. I have pressed this while also having outside professionals that work with my son come in to assist.

    In the past I have been threatened with social services because I was "far too invested in the school's mistakes, so there must be something at home."

    I have had an admin member approach in while I was out in the neighboring city in the past and stop me in a pedestrian crosswalk while trying to question me about my son.

    I have had school staff drive by my home during weekends and late at night.

    This was all prior to this year. I made multiple calls to district, and they were less than helpful before.

    This year has been a nightmare. The school staff have treated my son so badly he has been diagnosed as having beginning stages of PTSD in relation to school.

    On more than one occasion, myself, his counselor, or both have heard staff verbally abusing him and attempting to goad him into an outburst. We have attempted to involve the principal but have yet to receive a response.

    He has been physically assaulted by other students, coming home with bruises, but I have never received communication from the school about these incidents until I ask them why they didn't tell me. In every instance they have informed me that they knew about it as he did what he should have, but they didn't see a need to inform me.

    Beyond the above, they have lied directly to me about him (I have email evidence of this as well as witness accounts). They have cut him from field trips without prior warning after saying he would be find to attend without a parent present, and then reversing the decision as the rest of the class is loading onto the bus.

    The list truly goes on.

    I had been attempting to have a meeting with the school all year about his IEP, to ensure that it was up to date. I wanted his counselor there, and the school initially told myself and the counselor that this wasn't possible without a release of information. We had sent one from the counselor's office before the year started. They refused it, multiple times. When they demanded I fill out one from their end I requested they send me one of their to fill out, they sent me one already filled out barring my signature. When I looked over it the release had nothing to do with my son's psyche health (pertinent to his IEP). I double checked this with outside professionals as well as the state board of education.

    I called and requested a blank one, which they begrudgingly sent, and filled it out with his counselor's help to ensure accuracy and appropriate permissions. At that point I was finally able to get an appropriate meeting.

    I was informed this was an IEP meeting by all school staff present, this is important for later.

    During that meeting assertions were made that my son must not be getting "appropriate attention at home". His counselor, repeatedly, stepped in and argued against it as I am very, very active in his situation and home life. I help him with his homework, make sure he keeps up on his own chores, the house is kept clean and safe, and he has regular visits and outside hours calls with his counselor to ensure he has the best possible circumstances for him. Not to mention I have regular meetings with his counselor to ensure I am doing the right things for him and handling things as they should be. This is all beyond the basic necessities such as appropriate housing and food etc.

    That meeting was directly before the holiday break. Directly after the holiday break, the following has happened:

    1. Immediately following the holiday break, the assistant principal began bringing my son regularly into her office and questioning him about the home, in particular my personal romantic life.

    2. Other staff began doing the same.

    3. A social worker showed up to our house after someone attempted to tip them off to a "neglectful home". The accusation was determined on the spot to be unfounded after a complete inspection of the home and interviewing my children.

    4. The school has since re-framed the meeting as a non-IEP meeting. I have emails proving it was an IEP meeting and has since been determined to simply be an "action plan" meeting with zero input from myself or his mother.

    5. We have now been forced, past mid year out of fear for my son's safety to find a school to transfer to. Due to circumstances the only available one is a private school which has a large price tag connected to it.

    6. The district is refusing to meet with me in regards to the situation without the school's principal present. I would be required to meet with the middle school coordinator and the principal, the latter I have attempted to reach out to and been met with silence, although he is privy to the entire situation through an email chain meant to support my son that he is directly involved with. Due to the fact I have tried to contact him already, and he is privy to what has been happening and seemingly condoning it, I fear for retaliation. I also know due to the middle school coordinator mentioning it during an earlier in the year call that she is friends with this particular principal, so i do not trust her to be unbiased.

    All in all, there has been long term harm to my son and family, active defiance of the IEP, as well as at this point financial damages to my family. The most egregious of those issues will take a long, long time to fix at this point.

    What are my options? What type of lawyer should I seek if I do seek one?

    submitted by /u/Sepherchorde
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    Recently left a stable position to accept a job that was offered under false pretenses. If I quit, would I be eligible for unemployment?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:34 PM PST

    In my previous position, I was working as a cancer researcher, and recently, an opportunity to teach middle school math became available at a charter school. Advancement in my previous position was unlikely, and teaching was something that I had an interest in. Upon applying for the position, I was told the following: "Currently, we are hiring for a Middle School Math Teacher starting in January to backfill for a teacher who is relocating with her husband out of state"; however, this was a lie. The previous teacher was actually suspended for a physical altercation with a student during a fight. Had I been informed of this, I would never have taken this position. The previous teacher has left me with an extremely defiant and aggressive classroom environment that I, as a first year teacher with zero experience or formal teaching education, am not equipped to handle. I have received no training in deescalating situations between students, and I often worry that someone could get hurt in my classroom.

    Furthermore, I was led to believe that the position was for a math teacher and would therefore ensure employment into the next year. This was also not true. The position is for a "cumulative review" math teacher. The class was developed to raise their test scores, and will not exist next year, and therefore, I will be let go. The students already have a math teacher. I am simply an additional temporary math teacher. If I had been told the position wasn't permanent, I would not have taken the position.

    I was wondering if I were to quit voluntarily whether or not I would be eligible for unemployment benefits? This is in the state of Missouri, and the Department of Labor website states that a person is eligible if they "quit for good cause related to the work or the employer."

    I appreciate any input. Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/throwaway324330
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    My boyfriend threatens to take custody of our son

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:05 PM PST

    In Virginia, USA. My boyfriend and I usually have a good relationship, but we have one problem. He loves to get drunk. I hate when he gets drunk because he speaks nonsense and accuses me of cheating on him (I'm not) and then says paranoid things about stuff being out of place. When he speaks nonsense I tell him to calm down because he's drank too much. When he starts getting paranoid and accusing me I tell him to stop. He doesn't listen but it always causes an argument where he says I'm provoking him and I should just leave him alone. Ive gotten to the point where, when he starts his drunk rambling I just start recording him so I can save myself from all the yelling.

    Every time we argue though, he'll say stuff like "you're fucking crazy, you're never going to see our son again" and tells me he'll use the fact that I was forced to go to a behavioral health inpatient due to a suicide attempt when I was 17 against me to gain full custody.

    I am currently 20 years old and a stay at home mom, so I care for our son 24/7 at the time.

    Anyways, In all my efforts to record him, I think I've finally got some damning evidence. I have plenty of video of him yelling at me while I don't say anything to him or tell him to leave me alone. I have video evidence of him telling our son to "take a picture because you'll never see that bitch again." I have video evidence of him arguing on the phone with someone he was beefing with, threatening to have him killed, mentioning being in a gang, and then telling the guy to pull up.Where his little son and I were trying to sleep. But today was the day. I got video of him saying he plans to beat our son if he starts acting up, and then threatening to "punish" me if I cheat on him.

    Unlike him, I would never pursue 100% custody. I want my son to always have his father in his life. That being said, I don't feel comfortable with unsupervised visits at the time, do to the fact that he drinks almost every day. I'm sure the courts would make him go through some AA thing if they ruled him to have a drinking problem. But I'm scared of his father. He has money, and he has killers. He could hire my boyfriend a good lawyer, (or worse) but I'm not sure what case he would have other than my inpatient stay, which I don't know if he could use against me, as I was a minor. He might get a few people to testify against me, like his cousin, who has charges in like 5 different counties, he claims could testify I "tried to stab" him (I didn't) his mom (a druggie, but I can't prove that, as she has many prescriptions) might testify so as well, and his father, a felon that served 20 years, could testify against my character,though I'm not sure what he would say, I'm sure he'd have no problem lying. And I'm not sure if I could use these things to prove they're unreliable character witnesses.

    I also don't know if the evidence I have at the moment is damning enough. I don't want to leave him ahead of time if I don't have enough evidence, and I don't drive, so I don't want to make the move to talk to a lawyer unless I think I have a good case. I'm just wondering if it sounds like I have a case against him to get supervised visits ?

    submitted by /u/biggiemama3636
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