• Breaking News

    Monday, January 20, 2020

    Legal Advice - I told Delta I wanted to opt out of facial recognition scans, and then they scanned my face anyway

    Legal Advice - I told Delta I wanted to opt out of facial recognition scans, and then they scanned my face anyway

    I told Delta I wanted to opt out of facial recognition scans, and then they scanned my face anyway

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    I flew recently on a flight out of ATL, one of the airports where Delta airlines has been rolling out "biometric boarding". Basically, the way it seemed to work is there's a facial scanner at the gate that scans your face (presumably against an external database) before you scan your boarding pass.

    There was no advance warning of this that I saw when I booked my ticket (I haven't combed through all the fine print yet, though). There was a sign with a short policy blurb, which did say passengers could opt out. I told the person at the desk that I wanted to opt out, and they told me that I needed to just tell the person scanning the passes and checking IDs. When I told that person I was opting out, they said "What?? What is that?", and the automated camera took my picture. I'm not sure what the legal standing of facial recognition scanning is, but it seems like following the opt out procedure should result in opting out, rather than having personal data recorded and shared without consent.

    So, I think my questions are the following: 1) can they really collect personally-identifying details without advance warning and implicit consent? 2) what options would I have for challenging the policy? 3) is data recorded and shared despite trying to opt out grounds to sue?

    EDIT: thanks for the input and info, folks. I've written to customer service and I guess I'll see what they have to say.

    submitted by /u/OptOutplz
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    Drunk driver drove through our living room wall, killing my grandma and injuring my parents

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Last night a drunk driver crashed into our living room wall, through the room and through the next wall. They struck my grandma, mom, and dad. My grandma didn't make it, and both of my parents are now in the hospital with various levels of injury.

    The man that was driving has been arrested. We are trying to figure out what type of lawyer we need to hire and what exactly we need to do to pursue damages.

    submitted by /u/GeniusIComeAnon
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    Update to arrested while leaving work. Ontario

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:47 AM PST

    So quick Update, I talked to the legal clinic at school and they said because I have no real damages it's not worth it to do anything. I did go to the police station and talked to someone higher up, can't remember exact title, they said the guys are suspended without pay. He didn't say for how long and I didn't think to ask. I let them know that I would be working Sundays until April and they said if they got a call they'd have to come check it out but it wouldn't happen again and that my record is clean.

    I worked Sunday and a cop showed up and said they got a call again. She said that the neighbour had been calling about weird stuff all week (she didn't elaborate) and they were going to doing a wellness check and they may not be mentally sound enough to live alone anymore. She said to give them a call if we had any trouble with the neighbour while they look into it.

    To everyone asking if I'm a minority, I am trans but they didn't seem to know that when I was being arrested. I've been on hormones for 5 years, I pretty well pass now. I highly doubt it had anything to do with it.

    submitted by /u/jfchelp
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    My new car was stolen from the dealership

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:10 PM PST

    9 months ago I bought a car from a well know dealership near me (in Michigan). Bought it certified pre-owned with a three year warranty and then put new tires on it a month ago. Brought it in for a repair on a Friday and they left the keys in the ignition with the doors unlocked in the public lot for the whole weekend (they admitted this on the police report).

    Monday I have the cops call me to inform me my car was stolen, used in an armed robbery, and then in a high speed pursuit for over an hour. It is recovered but completely totaled. The dealership didn't even know it got stolen Saturday until I called them Monday evening. I had person items stolen out of my car including my house key (on the Keychain with car key) and my registration so they have my address. One suspect escaped for 24+ hours with those and could have made copies.

    The dealership has been jerking me around, trying to sell me cars with lower features and needing repairs to cover my lost car. They are only offering me the value of the loan (thanks to gap) and have strung this out two weeks already. Help?


    Loan is roughly 1.4x the value of the car. So gap coverage saved me there. The dealership's insurance is handling the claim.

    submitted by /u/AcceptableChampion7
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    Landlord had contractors install low-flow valves on my shower and it’s terrible

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST

    I am in San Francisco, CA.

    I received an email from the leasing office telling me that "Water-efficient shower-heads flow valves" were being installed in my unit during a specified date.

    To quote the email specifically:

    "These installations will not affect the current pressure of water delivery you are receiving from your apartment's water fixtures. They will however reduce the amount of water exiting the water fixtures at any given moment. Additionally, the installations will reduce your unit's total gas consumption, as gas is what propels water through your water fixtures. These measures are being undertaken as the State of California continues to transition into a more environmentally conscious future."

    It easily takes four times as long to rinse my hair and finish getting clean now when I use the shower.

    I feel like I've been cheated here given I'm in the middle of my lease contract and was denied to opt-out of the installation.

    When requesting to opt-out and the reasoning for the installation, the leasing office told me no regulation required the change and that it was mandated by the building owner.

    Sure enough, I received alerts from my security system while I was away during the install time slot and assumed the valve was placed while I was away.

    To confirm this, I asked the building manager in our email thread... I was told they didn't give the contractors the keys at all and that I should share the security footage (I do not have cameras, just door sensors). This was two days ago and the last contact I have had with the manager while I figure out my next move.

    When I came back home yesterday, the valve was placed unfortunately despite the manager's comment.

    I am trying to move next month for an unrelated reason using the buy-out addendum in the lease (2mo of rent to part ways), but was curious if I could use this situation to avoid paying 2mo of expensive SF rent to get out of here.

    Any ideas what I can do?

    Edit: I pay for metered water and water heating from the building. It's not included in the rent.

    Edit 2: I've had water flow issues occasionally since I moved in. Maybe they're trying to cover up a maintenance issue by lowing overall demand on the water system?

    submitted by /u/tcosfrfs
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    Federally funded private school not paying state min wage

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST


    I am currently working at and attending a private school which is Federally funded which is paying 8.25 an hour however the state recently raised the minimum to 9.25 an hour. The school is saying they can and will pay 8.25 due to it being federally funded but this just does not sound right. So my question is, is this right can they pay student workers 8.25 instead of 9.25? Should note the school is located in Illinois.

    Thank you!

    Edit: added location

    submitted by /u/nickb201
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    Foster child being put back with father that let her drown :(

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:02 AM PST

    This is long and I'm sorry but lots of info. My dear friend is an incredible person that fosters children. One of the little ones has been with her over 2 years. She was removed from home because she drown in the tub while bios were partying and after resuscitation alcohol was found in her baby bottle.

    Bios are no longer together...Mom has a felony and misdemeanor for child sex assault (to my knowledge not this baby) but has NEVER had to go through counseling or therapy for it but they let her have visitation with this one and bd (bio dad) leaves her with bm when he has visitation.

    BD has failed or refused numerous ua's (he's a meth addict) and the last time told the judge someone broke in and drugged him!?! and they said ok, since no more ua's. He has no steady work and has yet to turn in paystubs showing he's consistent. Misses pickups/drop offs, she has diaper rashes and bruises, dirty clothes on return, not taken to her medical therapy appointments, his roommate has called DHS and said that he is neglectful when he does have visitation, caseworkers aren't investigating and told my friend if she thinks baby is abused to call the hotline. He told the caseworker last week the reason he didn't answer his phone when she wasn't picked up was because his phone was destroyed when he was in the mountains, they bought it (never ask for proof).

    But the judge and caseworker keep pushing to reunite the family. I wish I had my thoughts straight to explain all the ways he's not fit to parent. Those involved, DA, caseworker, etc have even told my friend that the baby will likely be back in the system. Why would they put her in that situation then??? The move to transition her to BD is supposed to happen in the next 30 days.

    Foster mom has a great job, very stable, other kids, very loving.

    Is there anything that can be done to keep that from happening? I am so worried about her being hurt but it doesn't feel like the system gives a rats ass as long as they reunite the family. Sometimes that isn't whats best for a child.

    submitted by /u/medako
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    Is an employer required to pay once an employee clocks in?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:39 AM PST

    I live in South Carolina, US. My work starts at 9, but I usually clock in about 850 to 855. My employer says he likes to see us clock in early bc it shows initiative. I agree with this and have always been one to show up a few mins early

    However, he says we can clock in early, but our pay doesn't start until 9. I was under the impression that an employer has to start your pay once you clock in, but he says that jobs don't work like that.

    Any input?

    EDIT: I cannot respond to everyone, but I just want to say to everybody: Thanks so much for commenting and for all the advice!

    submitted by /u/scarcityflow
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    Swim instructor developed chemical burns

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:08 AM PST

    I am wondering if there is any legal action that I can take for my current situation described below.

    I work as a swim instructor in the state of New Jersey. This past summer, I started developing chemical burns on my feet. At first, they weren't too bad, so I continued working as normal. However, they have now worsened to the point that they impede my ability to work. It even hurts to walk at times. I went to see a doctor and was advised not to go into the water until my wounds heal completely. I filed an incident report with my company and made my managers aware of the situation.

    I politely asked if they would be able to let me do another job that doesn't involve getting into the water while I recover. They told me the only position they could offer me is at another site roughly an hour's drive from my house which I cannot do.

    All I got was a text message from my managers wishing me a speedy recovery. In the meantime, they actively looking to hire someone else to fill my position. So, now I am in a situation in which they have not fired me, but I also do not have any hours.

    Just a little background, I have worked as a lifeguard and swim coach at several other pools and have never had any health-related issues. At this pool, however, two other employees experience similar problems. Employee A developed chemical burns on his hands. He still works through the pain and has not filed a report. Employee B has a much more serious situation. She developed burns all over her body. She also didn't file a report, however, the company allowed her to work a different position, so she currently still works there. Interestingly, her burns went away over time. However, since the company needed someone to temporarily cover my position, they asked Employee B to do it and she developed a new rash after just one day of being in the pool again.

    Seeing as this is my primary job, I am wondering if there is any legal action I can take to compensate me for the income I am missing out on.

    submitted by /u/TwiggyWarrior
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    Magazine staffed entirely by unpaid interns

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:55 PM PST

    I am currently a graphic design intern at a magazine company. I am unpaid and the merchandise I design is becoming the 2nd form of income for the company. I currently work under an intern who reports to the CEO and there are roughly 20 other unpaid interns who are designers, writers, and editors.

    We are told the company hasn't been profitable yet but there is money coming in from my merchandise and magazine subscriptions. We also are cross promoting the CEOs 1on1 mentor sessions that cost a lot of money.

    Just wondering if this is a legal situation or not. I saw online that if the intern is the primary beneficiary of the internship it could be legal but most of these people aren't getting college credit or learning much they didn't learn or know before.

    I live in Minnesota but all of us are spread across the US

    submitted by /u/smilebro_
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    Found out both my little brothers were continuously molested

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:09 AM PST

    As the title says, this past weekend my brother disclosed to me that growing up, our cousin molested both he and my other younger brother around the same age several times. Obviously, I am broken by this news and want to take action. Is there anything that can be done about this now? We are all adults, my brothers are 18 and 19. They've suffered greatly with this. One of my brothers has severe anxiety and depression, trouble with relationships, etc. The one who opened up to me has talked about how this has pushed him to the point of nearly committing suicidal several times. I am furious and hurt and I want justice.

    submitted by /u/eieignxmaiirn
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    Moms position at work no longer exists and they are telling her she lost her stock and her bonus even though she was not fired

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:20 PM PST

    My mom recently lost her job in corporate. We live in California and they are saying she will no longer has her stock options and on top of that she was never paid the bonus she was suppose to receive while she was an employee.

    Both of these things seem sketchy to me as she has worked there for almost a decade I believe. Just wanted to know if they can actually do these things as it really fucks over my while as we relied on our mother for finical support.

    submitted by /u/momfiredsadface
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    I paid $2,500 for dental work...then my dentist died!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:46 AM PST

    I'm trying to help my mother sort through a very unfortunate scenario: she paid $2,500 for a dental bridge and then her dentist passed away suddenly before she could have the work done or even retrieve the product to have another dentist complete the job. It was a small practice that pretty much closed up shop immediately once this happened. Phone number was disconnected within a week. Where do we even start? He would have had to have practice insurance, right? Is that where we start, and if so, how do we find out what insurance company it was with? Go after the practice itself by suing?

    I should add that this was a family friend and getting the money back, while important, is tied in priority with keeping it civil if at all possible.

    submitted by /u/ValPak33
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    Employer using my credentials

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:14 PM PST

    I work in a skilled trade and hold a credential that puts me at the highest level of this trade. Contractors who bid on certain projects are often required to employ X number of individuals with this credential. Jurisdictions often require shop drawings to be "stamped" by and "approved" by an individual with this credential prior to submission for plan review / permitting process. I am the only employee who holds the credential.

    If I were to leave the company, is there any way I could guarantee that the company could no longer stamp their projects with my credential? Would I have recourse if I found they continued to use it after I'd left?

    Located in Oregon.

    submitted by /u/dr_raymond_k_hessel
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    Former employee requested employee file through an attorney. Now is coming in daily to request original directly, says he never hired an attorney.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:20 PM PST

    Location: San Francisco, CA

    Somewhat urgent, so I am hoping I can get some advice soon. I purchased an existing business in October of last year. The employee in question started showing some erratic behavior in November. In short, the business is a doggie daycare, and he was convinced that an unknown staff member was pooping in the dog rooms that he was cleaning. This in no way happened, as we have reviewed the camera footage in the room area and questioned the staff, plus we have a perfectly working bathroom on site. The employee outwardly accepted that he was mistaken, but then put in his 2 weeks notice before quitting early, on Thanksgiving.

    He was advised that, because he quit voluntarily before his notice, we have 72 hours to produce his final check. He then showed up the next morning demanding his final check, which we did not have available at that time because of the holiday the day before. He left the building, but not before having a minor breakdown in our lobby, yelling at the manager on duty and upturning our trash and recycling cans on his way out. He was told that he was unwelcome back into the building and he would either be express mailed his final check, or could meet a neutral location (a local police station) to be given the check in person. Instead he showed up on-site the following morning. Fortunately, he took his final check without incident and left.

    12/20, we received a notice from a law firm requesting all pertinent information related to the employee from his file, time sheets, and payroll information. However, the request was sent attention of the old corporation and owner who we bought the business from in October. I attempted to contact the firm several times to request clarification, but never heard back from them. My attorney advised what to send and to send it to the firm anyway with a notice to them that they had the incorrect information. That package was sent last week.

    Finally today: He showed up to the building asking for his employee file as "he didn't trust us to have it." When he was informed that he was sent a copy of his employee file through his attorney he claims he never hired an attorney. I have the documentation from the law firm including a DocuSign signature of his requesting the information. In addition, I believe we have to keep the employee information on file by law. When he was told this, he said he would return in the morning.

    I don't want this guy anywhere near my building. Given his previous behavior, I am concerned for the safety of my staff, the dogs in our care, and the building itself if he returns. My questions are:

    1) How should I inform him that he is no longer welcome in the building? How can I enforce that if he decides to ignore that ban?

    2) Is he allowed to request the original copy of his employee file? If so, do we still need to keep a copy of his documents on file? Can I provide him with a digital copy of his file instead?

    3) How can I determine if the request for his information from the attorney is legitimate? My own attorney seemed to think it was, and advised to send the information to them. How would the firm (based hundreds of miles away in southern California) have submitted a request for his records without his consent?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/schrankenstein
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    How to disprove parental alienation when there is child abuse?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:41 PM PST

    Parents divorced in 2012. Custody battle has been going on since 2012. This occurs in Texas.

    My bio mother has serially physically, sexually and emotionally abused me and my younger brother for years.

    Last year, I turned 18 and no longer have to deal with going in her custody any more. However, my younger brother still has several years to go.

    Shortly after the court proceedings began, me and brother began coming forward with all the accounts of the abuse. After multiple police reports and reports to Child Protective Services, nothing was done.

    When we would call the police, bio mother would meet them at the door, put on her sweet act, and tell the police that our dad had told us we were being hit by her. This has been common in this case, where people don't believe we've been abused because how could our "sweet, innocent mother do that to us", and, "our dad has made us believe that we've been abused". Unfortunately I'm not joking.

    Bio mother started throwing around the term "parental alienation" because my dad didn't support us going and spending time with her (because we were being abused). She became a manager of the local parental alienation group. She was going to rallies and doing interviews.

    Around a year ago she moved away but she is now seeking custody again. I have filed multiple affidavits about the abuse in the court file.

    How do you disprove the parental alienation claim?

    I know the usual answer is simply "have the child spend equal time with both parents, talk on the phone equally, etc"; however, in this case that is impossible.

    Thank you to those who take the time to read this. Please comment below if you have any questions.

    TLDR: How to disprove parental alienation when the other parent is abusive?

    submitted by /u/77gt
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    Children in a Dog Park?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:26 PM PST

    This topic came up today at the dog park. I bring my dog almost every day to the dog park. There is a sign that states the rules of the dog park. One rule is no children in the dog park. This rule (among others) is frequently violated.

    Today a mom came in with two kids and the kids both had food. Several dogs went over to see what the kids had. The kids ran, fell, got stepped on by some dogs. Mom sat there laughing.

    It really irritated me. My dog is unsure about kids so I watch her very close when someone brings kids in.

    But the topic of who would be at fault if the kid got hurt came up. The dog and the dogs owner or the parents?

    Would it matter if the child was hurt accidentally? Cause some dogs just see kids and want to lick them or big dogs get to running around and don't look where they are going. Versus actually attacking a child.

    I'm located in South Carolina, US.

    This is all just for curiosity. The kids got some scratches but they were ok.

    submitted by /u/scmossy
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    What legal protections exist to prevent firing of employees who make expensive health insurance claims?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:04 AM PST

    I live in South Carolina, USA

    I've got a chronic disease and my doctor is considering putting me on a drug that will cost my employer/health_insurer tens of thousands of dollars every year.

    I'm afraid my employer is going to put me at the top of a list of People To Lay Off First When the Economy Crashes. Is there any law preventing them from doing this? Is it common for employers to do this even if it is illegal?

    Is there anything I should do to protect myself from this?

    submitted by /u/gvsteve
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    Wife’s traffic court date scheduled for MLK Day but the courthouse is closed.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:50 PM PST

    My wife got a ticket for checking her phone GPS at a red light a few months back in Atlanta, GA (Fulton County). When she called the courthouse a few days later to ask about paying the ticket, she was told that she could either go ahead and pay the $50 fine and get a point on her license or purchase a hands-free phone phone mount for her car and bring the receipt into the courthouse on the day of her scheduled appearance to have the ticket/points dropped altogether.

    She ended up deciding to purchase the phone mount with the intention of bringing her receipt into the courthouse to have the ticket dropped, operating under the assumption that having a phone mount would make a her a safer driver and that it made more sense to spend $15 on a useful device than to throwaway $50 on a ticket plus any bumps in car insurance premium that might arise from the additional license point.

    Fast forward a few months to this past weekend. As my wife and I are discussing her upcoming court appearance, we realize that the day of her hearing, Monday, January 20th, also happens to be Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We found it odd that the Municpal Court of Atlanta would schedule hearings for a federal holiday, but assumed that at the very least some sort of office must be open to deal with traffic violations considering that was when the ticket told her to appear.

    When my wife arrived at the courthouse this afternoon as instructed on her ticket, however, she found that the entire building was closed for the holiday, and that dozens of other people were also standing outside equally confused as to why their hearings had been set for a day the courts were closed.

    That said, I was wondering if anyone here had any advice on how my wife should deal with the situation. She had someone take a few pictures of her in front of the courthouse in case she needs proof that she attempted to attend her hearing and she plans to call the courthouse first thing in the morning to work everything out, but having personally experienced the convoluted and at times asinine inner-workings of the Fulton County court system firsthand, I'm worried that she might still get into trouble for "failure to appear" at a court hearing that was physically impossible to attend in the first place.

    Will calling the court in the morning to sort out the confusion be enough to avoid having a bench warrant issued for her? Should she show up again tomorrow and attend court at the same time and place her ticket told her to attend today? Is this something she can even take care of on her own, or would she be better off having a lawyer to contact the courts tomorrow and clear everything up?

    I advised her to go ahead and pay the $50 fine today on the court system's website as an added precaution and a showing of good faith, but I want to make sure we've covered all of our bases and can tackle this as seamlessly as possible.

    Thanks for the assistance!

    EDIT: My wife went to pay her fine using the court system's online services portal and saw an "event notification" informing her that her court date had been rescheduled at some point for a new date in February, which takes care of our issue entirely. Thanks for the help thus far, though!

    submitted by /u/Throwaway54321678
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    My Landlord wants to let people move in before we move out! (Canada, Alberta)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:51 PM PST

    We are moving out of our place on the 25th of this month, we are also having the carpets cleaned the 26th and the house professionally cleaned the 27th so we can meet the conditions to get our full deposit back. According to our lease we don't HAVE to be out until the last day of the month at noon.

    My Landlord is saying the new tenant needs to move on the 24th...but we are moving out on the 25th. We were very clear that on the 27th we would hand over the keys and be done after the house was cleaned and the carpets washed, as he asked us to do to get our deposit back. We said we'd be happy to cancel the maid service and carpet cleaner so they could move in evening of the 25th if he returned our full deposit. He said no, it needs to be cleaned...but he still wants us to let the new tenant move in at least some of their stuff before we move out ours. I told him no, but he just said "Okay okay, just a few things on the 24-25th something like that, okay?"

    We have a 2 year old, having a stranger move into our basement, especially when we are already stressed and very busy, AND liable for the condition of the house, is a absolute NO. I have a very bad feeling though that on the 24th the new tenant is going to pull up to our place with a full moving truck even though we very clearly told the landlord no. I'm not sure what we should do in this situation, just lock the door? Call the police non emergency line? I feel bad for the new tenant but I'm just not doing it.

    He has also completely ignored the law that he must give 24hrs notice before he enters our home even though we have repeatedly asked him to follow it.

    TLDR: Our Landlord wants to let the new tenant move in the day BEFORE we move out and still wants us to have the place professionally cleaned to get our security deposit back. We said they couldn't move in before we leave but he acted like he didn't hear us.

    submitted by /u/Just_A_Little_Squid
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    Grandma left us a heritage house that was exempt from Zoning rules, city is now making us renovate it to match current rules at a very short notice.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:30 PM PST

    Dear Redditors, My family is in a bit of a situation with the city regarding my grandma's house. So my grandma passed in July last year and her will was declared invalid by the court for some reason. My dad was the only child so he was supposed to inherit everything. Now the will was declared invalid in the end of December just before the Christmas break, after the holidays we received a notice that we need to renovate a property of hers up to the rules of the city for the location as of date.

    The rules were imposed around 20 years ago to keep all the houses in a radius single family residential properties with a particular set of criteria. Also as property has a curb cut, so we had to have a minimum parking arrangements for 2 cars inside the property.

    The property was bought about 70 years ago and has stayed in the family ever since with the last set of Reno's just before the rules were imposed. We were never told by the city to have any particular set parking space. Although we can easily park 3 cars inside the property, the width of the space is a bit small to fit bigger cars and going by the rules of the city we only have 1 proper parking space.

    So we have been given until June to finish the Reno and after that we can transfer the property on my dad's name. That isn't enough time to complete the renovation and also we have pending approvals from the historic committee and the HOA. Widening the parking space is a tough job as it kind of is a full renovation of the place with rooms needing to be relocated.

    Not really legal advice but Another option is to sell the property to a developer who has acquired almost every property on the block lest 4 houses. (One next to us is owned by my grandma's sister and her sons wanna sell too) but we kind of want to keep the property as it's a family heirloom and a lot of memories are associated with it. Is there any way to contest the city about the timeframe of the renovation?

    The city claims we only have to widen the parking space which is not that hard but it renders the rooms next to it obsolete as they would be very narrow, so we'd need to relocate them and also resupport the floor above which is a lot longer of a job. Can we contest the city to give us longer time to perform the renovation to make the property actually usable for us rather than just following the rules for parking? We have tried making an argument about a sudden cost but a friend who is an attorney has said we probably won't have any chance as we have a pretty good income that could easily cover Reno costs.

    submitted by /u/NycLondonLA
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    Incapacitated and hospitalized after a moped accident , the police didn't get any of the at fault driver's information.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:56 AM PST

    Hi r/legaladvice, long time listener first time caller based in Austin, Texas

    So around Christmas I was involved in an accident on my Vespa. I was going south on South Congress Avenue around 8pm around 30 mph when a car facing south parallel parked on the right side of the street pulled across all lanes of traffic to do a u-turn to head north. This caused me to brake, lose control of my bike, and crash. I didn't hit his car and he didn't hit me, but his actions caused me to crash.

    I was unable to move because I landed hard on my leg and couldn't even crawl. The driver stopped and apologized and stood with another witness who stayed with me while they called the police. Less than 5 minutes later, the EMT and police and fire department were there and I was taken away in an ambulance on a stretcher. The police took my driver's license and got my information. They also parked my bike on the side of the road and told me where it was.

    When I got to the hospital an officer came in and told me that they actually impounded my bike and since there was no collision, didn't make a report. My insurance company was unable to even find the name of the other driver. So now I'm stuck with the bill for an accident that wasn't my fault.

    A friend suggested I contact a personal injury lawyer. Do I have a case? Thanks so much.

    submitted by /u/yeezyreupholstered
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    Seller Claims I have Attempted Friendly Fraud

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:37 PM PST

    I tried buying two tickets from a certain website, but didn't receive them. I then sent an email to the seller to explain the issue but didn't get a reply. I contacted the bank to try and block the credit card payment, the employee explained to me that tech support at their company might have certain working hours, and I should contact them first, but if they don't reply file a fraud claim. Fast forward the next day, and I receive an email from the company that claims I made a fraud complaint on them. The email says that I have attempted to seek compensation after using the tickets. They want me to sign a proof of purchase PDF within 24 hours, or threaten to follow up with the FBI cyber crime division and my scholarship. I have sent another email to them explaining that I have not received my tickets, and requested a refund. Should I sign the PDF that was sent to me? What other things I might do to get out of this situation?

    Edit: I live in California.

    submitted by /u/baqer4v2
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    [CA] Late husband was supporting a child I am not involved in. Can the mother come after me for child support?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    My late husband fathered a child some years ago before we were together. After we married, he continued to support her by court order. I have never met the child nor been involved in her life. Aside from child support payments, my husband has also not been involved in her life. My husband passed away last month from a terminal illness, and although it's been a drastic change, we both saw this coming so we had time to grieve. He was self-employed and died with no life insurance (was denied coverage from everywhere after we had to disclose his condition).

    The two issues I'm concerned about are:

    1. He paid child support out of our joint bank account, so had I acted as a parental figure?
    2. We own a condo shared under both our names, and his will stated it was entrusted to me. He had no other major assets. Will I lose this condo?
    submitted by /u/gaffepinRshH
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