• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    Legal Advice - 2019 Taxes - IRS Free File program now open

    Legal Advice - 2019 Taxes - IRS Free File program now open

    2019 Taxes - IRS Free File program now open

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Hey folks, "tax season" is upon us, I wanted to quickly let people know that if your Adjusted Gross Income is less than $69,000 last year you are eligible to use free tax software as a part of a partnership between the IRS and a number of professional tax preparer companies.

    Keep in mind that an AGI of $69,000 means that you could have made a decent amount more than that. The standard deduction for 2019 is $12,200 meaning that even if you didn't have other pretax deductions such as insurance, 401k, etc... a single person could have made as much as $81,200 and a married couple could have made as much as $93,400. With those other pre-tax deductions it might be more. So don't think that just because your salary is over $69k that the program isn't worth looking into.

    If you qualify you won't just be getting the "free" lite version of the software that is advertised on TV, where if you have certain types of income or certain deductions you will have to pay more, you get the full versions of the software for free.

    The specific criteria for each vendor varies, but if your AGI is under $69,000 you will qualify for one of them.

    The IRS landing page for the program is here.

    Edit - some types and more info

    submitted by /u/ops-name-checks-out
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    UPDATE: my old babysitters won’t leave me and my child alone!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:02 AM PST

    original post

    So, it's been awhile but I really wanted to update since a lot people on the original post were concerned! Also sorry for shitty format, I usually just comment on posts and don't post a lot so I'm clueless!

    Anyway, so I had contacted a lawyer about the potential kidnappers (because that's what they are, not really babysitters) and I found out they lied to me for a year or 2 about having guardianship of my son. This was explain in the original post, but brief rundown about it was they requested guardianship to be able to take him to the hospital for treatment if anything happened in their care, being young and dumb I agreed. Apparently, the courts never pushed it through because they didn't contact my son's biological father after being told they needed to do that. I didn't know any of this until about a month ago after the lawyer had dug up a bunch of stuff. They lied about having guardianship and held it over my head in order for me not to come pick my son up from their care and so they could take him out of the county/ state without my consent.

    Anyway, they're currently going through court for potentially trying to kidnap someone else's kid after being paid to watch the second child. Apparently, they filed for emergency custody of the second child after not allowing the mother to come pick up their child. Since it's an on going case, I can't give too many details about it, but I'm being called in as a witness for their obsessive behavior and manipulation tactics.

    They are no longer allowed to contact me, my child or any family members about myself and my child.

    Located MD

    submitted by /u/sammisupreme
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    Wife's wedding ring stolen from gym staff. Found at pawn shop. Should we press charges?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:09 PM PST

    My wife's ring was stolen from her locker while we were at the gym a week ago. Turns out it was a staff member who stole it. Staff member took the ring to a pawn shop and sold it. We gave the local detective a great photo of the ring and the gemstone information. The detective sent out this info to all of the local pawn shops. A pawn shop had the ring and the detective went to the pawn shop. The detective also previously visited the gym asking about the ring. The staff member must have been nervous and wanted to get the ring off the market, so she went to the pawn shop and bought it back. Unfortunately for her, the detective was present when this happened. She was questioned and claimed someone turned it in to the front desk and we never came back to get it, so she took it to the pawn shop. She said she was in financial trouble, so she did it. We obviously checked in every day with the gym staff to see if anyone turned it in. We got the ring back which is the most important thing. However, the detective asked us if we wanted to press charges. What would you do in this situation? The ring is worth almost $6k, so I think that might play a role in the severity of charges if we do press. What happens if we do decide to press charges?

    submitted by /u/squidward_dab
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    I was just left alone at the scene of an accident by my Uber driver.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:10 PM PST

    This just happened 10 minutes ago, My Uber was sitting at a traffic light when we were rear ended. The two drivers have a conversation while I'm left on the sidewalk. My Uber driver tells me he canceled our ride and to get another one. He said the driver agreed to give him $600 cash. They both just abruptly got into the Uber I was just in and drove away.

    I was able to get both of their plate numbers before they left. I suspect the guy who rear ended us didn't have insurance.

    I'm left here with some pain in my back and a lot of questions. What should my next move be here?

    This happened in New York City.

    submitted by /u/Chrismercy
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    Large portion of lunch break spent walking to break area. (TN)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 03:47 PM PST


    I am currently working construction in Tennessee. Recently my employer has begun enforcing a strict 30 minute lunch break. This means my break starts the second I put down my tools, and stops the second I pick my tools back up.

    Normally, although not ideal, I'd be fine with it. However, on this particular job site we are not allowed to eat inside the building and the designated break area is a 7-8 minute walk from my work area. This leaves me around 15 minutes of actual break time.

    Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/Upvotepartycrasher
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    [MI] My next door neighbors are powering their house off of an old van and filling my property with fumes

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:58 AM PST

    I live in the city of Detroit. It's not what you might be picturing; it's a full block of occupied homes, in a nice, well maintained neighborhood. The only bad apples on the street happen to be the renters that live next to me. They apparently don't have the electricity turned on in the home, because they have an old van in the backyard that sits at idle, with jumper cables running into the house through a window. They must have some sort of inverter and battery inside, but it can only run a couple of light bulbs in the kitchen and one back room. There are never any lights on in any other parts of the house.



    The van isn't some modern thing with clean emissions. It's a 20+year old work van. It makes my yard smell, it builds up in my garage to the point that I have to stop doing work in there, and a couple of times it has set off the warning chirp for the carbon monoxide alarm in my house.

    I have had the neighborhood's assigned police officer over. They said the only thing that was illegal was that the van was on grass, not pavement. So they moved the van. I asked her why they can't be cited, since if they were being loud all the time they could have a noise citation or the like. She had no good answer and told me she couldn't do anything else.

    Then I had the energy company come out, twice, but since the meter is shut down it 'doesn't concern them.'

    I've called the city inspectors and asked them to come look at it (along with a bunch of piled up mattresses, couches, etc in the back of the property. Where we are things like that cause big rat infestations) and they have done nothing.

    The local firefighters told me to just seal up my windows better, or vacate MY property when the van is running. It's always running! Why do I have to leave if they're the ones being crappy?

    By this point you may be wondering what the landlord is doing. The answer is absolutely nothing. The first time I called him he said he'd check it out in a couple of weeks. Then he said that the tenants told him it wasn't them, it was another neighbor. So he didn't come check. I sent him videos and pictures affirming that yes, it is HIS property. So a week later he drove by, but says he didn't see anything. He apparently didn't walk into the backyard. He hasn't even stepped onto the property, let alone gone inside, in the nearly three years they've lived there. When I pressed him on that, he said the tenants maintain that they aren't doing anything illegal. Wait, a week ago they said they weren't doing it at all!

    To the point. I'm at my wits end. I have tried and tried to get help from police, firemen, landlords, the energy company, and the city. No one seems to think that it's an issue for my neighbor to be putting my health at risk. I would really like to know what sort of legal paths are available, or who I should specifically talk to for getting this matter sorted. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Zorbick
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    Daughter and boyfriend accused of having sex under the age of consent by anonymous tip called in to human services

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:48 PM PST

    This just happened today. Police came to school to talk to my daughter. Human services received a call that accused my 17 year old daughter of having sex with her 17 year old boyfriend. Age of consent in our state is 18. Both denied it. My daughter was also accused of having sex with her best friend who is also 17 and a girl. Police questioned my daughter and the boyfriend, but not the best friend. No one was charged. It's all B.S. anyway. But, now kids at school have seen the cop walking out of a conference room with my daughter, so tongues are going to wag. So that will suck for my daughter.

    So, they couldn't(wouldn't) tell me who called it in. Why didn't they question the best friend? They wanted to establish consent, so wouldn't they have to question her? I am concerned if whoever called this in keeps doing so, and we keep going through this. Someone obviously has a bone to pick with my family. This is harassment via police. Is there anything I can do to put an end to this? The police say they have to follow up on every report. It possibly could be my foster daughter's mom(who is coincidentally the best friend), but police won't confirm or deny. Human services won't either. I need to protect my daughter. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/suchtacosiwillgive
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    (Oklahoma) Landlord is frequently showing our property to the point of major inconvenience, is there any way to tell him he needs to limit his visits, or is he within his rights?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Title basically sums it up. He is giving 24 hours notice, but he has been doing multiple showings a week, and our lease is up is 6 months. It's normal in a college town for people to start shopping for a new place this early since properties are in such high demand and almost all leases begin and end in June.

    The issues are that we have pets that we need to remove from the house (for the sake of the pets, landlord is not demanding that), and one of us wants to be home during the showings, as it's not uncommon to have small belongings stolen by prospective tenants.

    The scan is people will come in a group, and while the property manager is distracted by one person in one room, the other two or three people looking will snatch stuff.

    Between the inconvenience of the pets, and having to be home to protect our stuff, this obviously is messing with our schedules, as we've had to trade shifts at work around so we can be home, and even if the showings fall between school and our scheduled shifts, we can't run errands or take a nap or something.

    We're worried this is going to go on for weeks or even months, and we're wondering if there's any law I can quote him that limits how frequently a landlord can enter the property. We would want to tell him something like "you can only show the property on mondays and Wednesday's between 3-4" or something like that.

    What are our options?

    submitted by /u/ajabails
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    No more dogs in the grocery store.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:05 PM PST

    So. I work in a grocery store. And I'm getting really sick of people bringing their dogs in all the time. There's no way this is in compliance with health laws. How do I go about reporting stuff like this so the store has to stop allowing non-service dogs in the store?

    The grocery store is in Wisconsin.

    submitted by /u/dogsruineverything
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    Facing divorce - spouse trying to force a postnup beforehand

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 12:30 PM PST

    I am a SAHW - I have no income and feel financially trapped - my spouse wants me to focus on school instead of work which I agree but if we fight house, keys, car keys, credit card etc are taken away and phone shut off etc. so I'd prefer to have my own income but it's strongly discouraged. We are facing a potential divorce and though I offered and filled out a prenup they never sent it in and even though I don't really want anything when I go I fear I'm being naive in giving up my rights at this point - though I am in a controlling situation I do not want to be in and will suffer daily consequences if I refuse but I deal with that regardless. CA married one year, no surprise they're 20 years my senior. (Don't believe people who offer to save you! Save yourself!)

    Should I just sign it? They're threatening to sue me for every expense I've incurred over the last year (all gifted at the time never an expectation of repayment) and accuse me daily of using them for a free ride (not true).

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/porcelainepidermis
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    [TX] Apartment complex wants to force smart locks on us

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 03:11 PM PST

    Apartment just sent out an email saying that they're going to go around installing smart locks on all the doors. The value add for me is nil as I've ditched smartphones, and I'm deeply concerned about the privacy and security implications of something like this.

    I'm attempting to opt out, but based on the kind of shit they've pulled before, I'm not confident. What are my rights here?

    Edit: I know locks can be picked. I've picked locks. I'm concerned about remote access, driveby attacks, remote RFID duplication, availability of the IoT service, and all other sorts of fuckery that comes from the increased surface area of an IoT lock.

    submitted by /u/indyfrance
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    Ex-GF father co-signed car

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:12 AM PST

    So around this time last last year my now ex girlfriend and I were car shopping. I ended up finding a really nice car in the 20k range(I had about 15k saved up.) I had horrible credit at the time but her father was willing to help me out since I already was able to pay for so much of the car. Literally 1 month later my ex is moved in with ex boyfriend in our house and I am obviously moved out. They stole so much of my furniture, baby books, etc. her father is a lawyer what is my best option? He is trying to tell me that I have to accept my 15k loss and give the car back to him. What happens if I just keep paying my payments? What happens if I stop? Can he repossess my car as a co signer? This is a Fucking mess and I'm so tired of stressing about it.

    submitted by /u/SadSlur
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    IUD ripped through uterus and lodged into pelvis [HELP ME]

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    So, super long story and I apologize in advance - I'm on mobile and obviously writing isn't a skill I posses.

    June 2018 I decided to get an IUD because I suffer from severe cramps when I have my period and I was on year 3 of the depo shot - not recommended to take it for that long as it messes with your bone density. I live in Ottawa and don't drive so I try to go to doctor's close by, this was mistake number one. I chose AppleTree Medical centre because they're literally everywhere so why not! I was assigned a female doctor - We'll call her Dr. Bitch.

    First time meeting Dr. Bitch she looks at me and says I need to do something about my acne because it's disgusting...uhmm, excuse me? First off, I had just gotten off my period AND worked at McDonald's so I had a small breakout, I absolutely would not call it disgusting but thanks for making my insecurities worse lady. Anyways, she then quickly writes up the prescription for the IUD and all but kicks me out the door while telling the nurse to book my next appointment.

    About 3 weeks later I go in for my 2pm appointment and she doesn't call me in until almost 3, once she finally comes into the room she doesn't even say hi she just tells me to take my clothes off and get on the table. She then leaves while I do just that. Once she's back in the room she shows me the tool used for the insertion and then with little to no warning, shoves the IUD inside me. It hurt so bad I thought I was going to pass out and she literally just says "the pain will pass, we're done here" alright then. The pain did not pass,I was in excruciating pain for 2 weeks so I made an appointment to see her.

    Once I'm in the office waiting for her to come in to explain why I feel like an alien is ripping through me, I hear her yelling at the nurse how my follow up isn't for another 2 weeks and how she has no time for this. Once she comes into the office she asks what my issue is, after I explain how it hurts to walk or move and I've been in endless pain which caused me to miss a lot of work , she then looks me in the eye and says "Dear, IUD's do NOT cause pain. It's all in your head." WHAT. THE. FUCK. I am not imagining this, am I? There is no way this crippling pain at 24 years old is anything but that IUD. I decided I'd wait it out, the pain would go away.

    Two weeks later I go in for the follow up to make sure the IUD is in place. Dr. Bitch checks with her fingers to find the string that I told her I was never able to find. "Maybe you're not looking in the right place" yep, totally it. She can't find it. Slight panic crosses her face as she says, "you must have peed it out." She orders me an ultrasound and sends me on my way.

    Surprise, surprise, ultrasound tech can not find it - I did not know at that point that most of the time you will not see an IUD on an ultrasound. At least you can't get pregnant if you aren't having sex - I tried and the pain was so unbearable that I cried. Yay. I waited about two more weeks for AppleTree to call me to book another appointment to discuss the results, Dr. Bitch ended up scheduling a video chat appointment which was much more convenient for both of us. She goes on to tell me that the IUD is gone and I need to have a new one put in... I argue that there is no way it's gone and demand an xray against her will. She eventually agrees to refer me for an xray but also writes a prescription for a new IUD because she's %100 sure she's right.

    Xray shows IUD lodged in my pelvis, in the exact spot I was telling her the pain was for almost 3 months. She takes a few days to contact me with the news - she was unaware I already knew (xray techs aren't supposed to show you the xray before the doctor sees it). When she video chats me this time she keeps it short and tells me I need surgery to remove it and a specialist will contact me.

    I waited until October 27th for the IUD removal surgery and ended up quitting McDonald's because I couldn't keep up with the managerial duties when moving made me want to die. Luckily I was able to find an office job. The pain got more intense and I actually thought it was going to kill me, it got to the point where I would throw up every time I ate.

    The surgery went well. I was in and out in one day and they put me to sleep while they cut my stomach open to remove the IUD. It took about two weeks to recover and I was so glad to be in less pain.

    Fast forward to October 2019, I went to my family doctor about an hour from my home just to make sure everything was fine there. My ultrasound results show that my right ovary is gone, we assume that the IUD somehow killed it while traveling to the pelvis. I still experience the odd pain on my right side but it's nowhere near as bad.

    How do I go about suing her for malpractice? Do I have a case? I don't want to spend a fortune but I also want to make sure she never does this to anyone else. You cannot just brush someone off when they are trying to tell you how much pain they're in! This could have been much worse than me just losing an ovary.

    TL;DR : Dr.Bitch shoves IUD right through uterus and makes me think I'm crazy. Surgery to remove it and immense pain. Lost ovary. How do I go about suing for malpractice?

    submitted by /u/Building_Confidence
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    [VA] New building owner installed cameras in office space without notice or permission.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:27 PM PST

    We rent office space in a building that was just bought out a little over a month ago. The new owner has given us until the end of January to decide if we want to renew the contract or vacate. He has been very unpleasant to work with. Our space is on the entire second floor with businesses below us (auto shop, pastry shop, mechanic). We recently found out that the owner has installed cameras inside of our office space in direct view of what we do. He also has installed another camera pointing down the hallway that goes to the bathrooms. No one from the outside has access to these areas unless we have our doors unlocked. We also caught his people in our finance room and in the owner's office without notice. Are we in our right to tell him to take the cameras down and give us notice before entering our office space?

    submitted by /u/Zelazong
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    (AZ) My grandmother died and now extended family is planning to take me to court for what they feel is owed to them.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:31 PM PST

    My grandmother passed away May 2019. Her only daughter (my mother) passed away in 1989 and her husband passed away in 2009. She had no other children and I am the only grandchild. The closest relative to her other than me would be a few nieces and nephews. My grandparents were quite weathly and own a multitude of properties in both Arizona and Arkansas. Her will was very clear, everything went to me and one trailer went to her great nephew. Other than that it was pretty simple and straightforward. I went through probate, became her personal representative and did everything I was supposed to. I even honored some of her verbal requests she had asked me prior to her death and gave some money and property to specific family members. Before she was buried,extended family members were asking for things. When I asked them to give me two weeks before asking, they immediately went on the defensive and was told I could talk to their lawyer then. They began spreading rumors that I was being 'Shady' and requested the will from the Court. I would of gladly showed them if they asked, but they didn't. They all wanted a reading of the Will, but with only my name and one other, I didnt feel it was necessary. I decided to cut almost all of them from my life since they were being toxic. It is now 8 months later and I am hearing they are grouping together to take me to court.

    Should I lawyer up? I'm terrified. Other than a down payment on our house, we have put the money into savings and college fund for our young children. My youngest is severely disabled and my grandmother's pride and joy. She always told me he would forever be taken care of, and her estate helps that tremendously so we made sure to start an ABLE account for him. We have not abused her money in any way, but I am terrified they will sue me for it all.

    Side note: They were FURIOUS my cousin showed me where she hid the will. They wanted to hide it from me so they could get a portion on her estate through a court. I was told this point blank from one of her nieces. She said she just wanted what was 'owed' her.

    submitted by /u/SmokeyLorraine
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    Bought a car and was sold on a wheel and tire protection package, had wheel and tire damage which should have been covered. Found out I was actually given a different warranty than I originally signed for [IL]

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:17 PM PST

    I already typed this once but it was deleted in error so I am going to be concise. If I miss anything or you need more info let me know and I will be responsive.

    I bought a car from a dealership in Chicago's suburbs. I purchased multiple extended warranties at the time of sale directly from the dealership. One of these warranties was a tire and wheel damage warranty.

    A couple of days after the purchase the dealership called me stating that there were a couple of mistakes and that they needed me to sign a form and send it back to them. They emailed it to me, I reviewed briefly what appeared to be a contract from a tire and wheel warranty company for the same period and duration that I had agreed to in the finance office. I didn't think much of it and signed the contract and emailed it back.

    A couple days ago I started to get a warning for low air pressure. I called the warranty company with which I have a signed warranty contract for tire and wheel coverage. They informed me I had no coverage. This is when I remembered the email contract a couple of days after purchasing the vehicle. I turns out this second company is who I actually received a warranty from. The tire shop I went to sent a claim to them. It was at this point that I realized the warranty I received was not equivalent to what I had been sold in the finance office. The tire shop informed me that nothing would be covered (neither a unrepairable wheel replacement nor either of the two damaged tires), and that the warranty I had was largely worthless because it was so restrictive.

    I am now stuck with a bill for $1,600 of wheel and tire damage that would have been covered under the warranty for which I have a fully executed agreement. Unfortunately, because the dealership decided to switch out the warranties, nothing is covered.

    Am I screwed because I signed the other warranty contract via email? Is the dealership liable for the cost of the repairs because of their shady warranty switch? I reviewed my purchase contract and there is an arbitration agreement, does this change how I might approach this? I tried calling the dealership to speak with a manager and still have not heard back from anyone to try to work things out amicably.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    submitted by /u/st_kevin
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    Wife got in a wreck while separated

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:57 PM PST

    My wife and I separated two weeks ago but we still have a shared insurance account through State Farm. She has had multiple wrecks previously that were not her fault. This morning she got into a wreck with a stationary object. Will this impact my future insurance rates if she makes a claim?

    submitted by /u/divvythrowaway
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    Grandmother passed away and aunt is refusing to show my parent the trust documents because she “doesn’t have to”

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Title pretty much describes it. My grandma passed away and when my mom asked what is happening with the trust she was told that her name is not in the trust and she will not be receiving anything.

    My aunt is the executor of the trust and won't give a copy of the documents to my mom and is not planning on giving her or any of her kids any of the inheritance. How do we get a copy of the documents to see what they say? Also, can she cut my mom out of everything? My mom was not estranged from her mother, she just lived on the other side of the country so was less involved.

    submitted by /u/fuzzybunnybaldeagle
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    Mail scammers are using my business address

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 01:37 PM PST

    I started receiving letters at my business address that were marked by USPS "Return to Sender." And my address is the return address. I did not send these letters. I opened an envelope and inside is a check for $2,000 and a letter. The letter basically says congrats we chose you as a secret shopper, cash this check and buy some gift cards- I think you guys know where this is going. I called the bank that issued the check and right away they knew what it was- they are aware of the issue and tell me it is a fake check.

    I submitted a complain to USPS Inspection services a month ago. The inspector general told me it is not an issue they deal with. I told our post man about it.

    Still receiving 10 or so letters a day, and these are just the ones that fail to get to the intended victims (envelopes are marked "vacant," "insufficient address" or "unable to forward"). Another problem is that some people get the letter and google the return address, and my business info pops up. We get calls every day from people wanting more info on how to participate in the secret shopper program. Of course I tell them "it's a scam, shred it all and report to the USPS Inspection Services." Hoping that if they get more complaints they'll try to do something about it. There aren't stamps on the envelopes- they are prepaid shipping labels so I feel like they could trace them if they wanted to...

    What else can I do to make these letters and calls stop?

    EDIT: sorry location bot! Nevada.

    submitted by /u/qualitylamps
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    I was passenger in a company vehicle heading to a job and got in a bad car accident, now they are saying I wasn't a employee at the time

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:30 PM PST

    So here is my situation, I was working for a contractor in California and we just finished a job that morning, the that afternoon we were going to be driving to a different state to work on my bosses personal home we were building. As we just passed state line myself and another worker got in a bad accident in the company work truck. We were sent to the hospital and I was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury and was off of work for a few months. Workman's comp kept trying to get a hold of me and put me back to work same with my boss. I ended up quitting my job while on workman's comp and getting a lawyer and once I did that my boss and workman's comp said that I was not working for the company at the time, I was going out there as a friend, since my boss was wanting to pay me cash instead of payroll. This whole thing has been going on for over half a year now and my lawyer rarely communicates with me anymore. Do you think I still have a case or what should my next steps be?

    submitted by /u/tj20-20
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    I got 2 separate jury summons for the same day

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:12 PM PST

    I received two summons for jury duty. One at the state court in Colorado and one for the county I live in. They just so happen to fall on the exact same day. What do I do about this? There is no way I can make it to both, they are 200 miles apart.

    submitted by /u/allthethings234
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    Falsely accused of Cheating During final exams (Might end up with an F if not resolved)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:57 PM PST

    Two days from posting this is when I had my AP Government final exam. I left feeling relatively confident about my score and hoped I would at least keep my A- in the class. However, yesterday night my parents received an email from my teacher stating that I had gotten into my computer bag, looked at a sheet of paper and proceded to write down an answer. Not only that, but two students are also accusing me of looking at their answers when taking the test. It further went on to state that since this was my second incident in the class (I cheated on a test sometime early first semester) that I would automatically fail and be put into regular civics. That being said, I have done nothing of this sort and took my test with 100% honest effort. I had no papers in my bag relating to the test at the time and was not at any point looking at another person's answers so I could cheat.

    Unfortunately, thanks to my previous history of cheating, the principal and teacher don't seem to believe me in the slightest when me and my parents went in to talk with them. However, they are going to do more investigation and talk to the two people who said I was looking at their papers and give a call back about their final decision tomorrow. Right now I am scared as all hell as to what is going to happen and I am doubtful that they are going to drop it. I am 100% going to appeal the decision to the school board if it has to come to that.

    All this being said, is there a way to prove my innocence in this case? I know it doesn't look particularly good for me with my previous history of cheating, but surely just because I did something in that past it doesn't mean I did it again. So please if anyone can provide the slightest shred of hope and advice that would be much appreciated.

    Other important information:

    • I am a Wisconsin resident
    • The teacher, case manager, principal, or other staff contacted me about this during or after the incident took place. The only form of communication that was sent about this issue was through an email to my parents yesterday morning (didn't read it until late in the evening)
    • At no point did the teacher confront me about this in any way and didn't search my belongings for anything that might be used as a cheat sheet. All he knows is that he saw me get into my bag and proceded to write an answer down.
    • The reason I got into my computer bag was to grab a replacement pencil because the one I was using didn't have an eraser.
    • On the test itself, we were allowed a term sheet from the study guide to assist during the test. With that same study guide were short answer questions that needed to be turned in before the test started and part of the accusation was that I was looking at this portion during the test. However, there was some mix-up and apparently we can't confirm if I turned it in before or after the test. (I do remember that I did it before)
    • Not 100% if this will help but my father searched my belongings after he received the email and is willing to vouch that he saw nothing relating to AP gov or the test I was taking. He also believes that I am telling the truth during this situation. (My father is very intimidating and knows when I'm lying majority of the time, or at the very least scares me into telling it)
    • I am diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and as such, I do not have normal behavior. Often I wander around, get anxious, zone out, and just in general can't keep still in stressful or uncomfortable situations. (I believe this is where the two other students though I was looking at their test when I was just looking around casually/zoning out)
    • I got 51/55 points on the final exam and my other tests have a similar score so there is nothing unusual about the grade

    Anything that can help in my defense would be very much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Son0fBlackstaff
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    Received parking ticket front of my house that we moved in 1 month ago.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 12:27 PM PST

    So this morning, i received parking violation for parking on the street during "No parking street sweeping" time zone.

    We just moved in a month ago and completely unaware because there is no sign.

    I asked my neighbor and told me there is a sign at the end of the street. I live one end of street(not cul de sac) and the sign, only one sign on one side of the street, was at the other end of the street, which was about 1/4mile away.

    Can I dispute this situation? If so, how?

    submitted by /u/chesstutor
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    Can I get arrested accomplice to prostitution for being a bodyguard for a friend who getting paid to piss on a guy?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:08 PM PST

    So here is the story. There is a friend of mine who met a guy on tinder that is going to pay her 2000 dollars to piss on the him but not have sex with him and she said if I'm just in the appartment to make sure she doesn't get like kidnapped or something she will give me 500 dollars. Is this in the arena of prostitution and can I get in trouble with this? Also I live in Washington state.

    Edit: sorry for the bad grammar

    submitted by /u/deubel52
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