• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    Legal Advice - My Brother used my name in a traffic stop

    Legal Advice - My Brother used my name in a traffic stop

    My Brother used my name in a traffic stop

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Location: Vermont

    My wife and I received our auto insurance renewal and noticed a huge increase in our premiums. I saw the word "citation" next to my name in the insurance paperwork. I haven't had a speeding ticket in over 10 years.

    After calling insurance, DMV, and the Judicial Bureau I was able to get a copy of the ticket that was issued back in July. The ticket was for a 52mph in a 35mph zone in the next town over from where I live. The ticket was contested and the defendant never showed up to court. It turned a 100 dollar ticket into a 250 ticket.

    Turns out my Brother, who hasn't had a license in over 10 years, was driving my parents car and gave my name to the officer when he got stopped. This isn't the first time this has happened and I honestly don't know how he can get away with it.

    I'm currently at risk for losing my license for the unpaid ticket and am now paying hundreds more for insurance.

    What is my next step? The issuing officer no longer works for that police department and I want to press charges and get reimbursement if possible.


    submitted by /u/xCyberiumX
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    I bought a car for $30,000 in cash (cashiers check) and the dealership lost it

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Hey y'all,

    So I bought a new car in November in cash for about $30,000 with a cashiers check. I have the title to the car with no loan on it since I paid it outright. I signed the paperwork and left the dealership as the sole owner of my car. However the dealership has been calling me lately saying they haven't received the funds from my bank (because they lost the check). The funds are out of my account, however the check has not been cashed yet.

    What are my options here? Anything I should do to stay out of legal trouble? If the money never re appears in my account again am I held to anything? Also if it does re appear, are they going to take legal action against me?

    Edit: This occurred in Maryland.

    submitted by /u/iiaustin
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    Chase's Ultimate Rewards travel portal gave me an incorrect itinerary - caused my husband and I to miss our flight home and cost us over $1,200. How can I fix this?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:31 PM PST

    TL;DR Chase gave me an incorrect itinerary (with proof) that made me miss my flight, then told me I'd have to buy same-day tickets home at my own cost, no refunds. How can I get them to own this?

    Location was Maryland (where I departed from) and California (where I was returning from to go back home to Maryland)

    My original plan was to visit my family for the MLK holiday weekend and fly out Monday. I bought the tickets in September through Chase's travel portal. There were some flight cancellation/updates in October, which I called Chase to handle (or so I thought!).

    In the beginning of January I requested an itinerary from Chase and shared it with my family. In Chase's email, the itinerary said my return flight was Monday night at 9:40pm, which was the flight I had thought I confirmed during the October phone call. So everything looked good to me.

    On Monday, January 20th, when I tried to check-in for my flight home, the airline (Alaska Airline) said there was a problem. When I called them, they said the flight was actually for January 19th! We had missed the flight.

    After speaking with Alaska, I called Chase's travel support line to request assistance. Twice, Chase called the airline on my behalf and attempted to get the tickets reissued for the proper day. However, Alaska refused to reissue the tickets and marked us as "no shows" for the day before.

    Chase rolled over for them.

    Chase tried to defend itself by arguing that in my October phone call I was unclear in my preferences regarding the flight changes. Whatever they thought I said, I thought I had picked the 20th, but their system "shows no record of a decision." Regardless, up until the week before our trip, the itinerary issued through Chase's travel portal showed the flight home on the 20th. Sounds pretty decisive to me! Well. it turns out the itinerary they produced was wrong. Alaska rescheduled us to fly home on January 19th and Chase never updated the itinerary to reflect it.

    Chase informed us that they weren't going to do anything for us. No new tickets, no refunded money, not even refunded points. We would have to buy new flights home at current prices. We were trapped. To get home, we would have to shell out almost $1,250 and, after 4 hours of back and forth (with the travel window closing), that is what we had to do.

    We feel robbed. It's bullshit that Chase wants to put this on us. Their system kept telling us that we were booked and good to go and I have the emails that show it! I bought these tickets with the Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card and the Ultimate Rewards, thinking I'd have protections in case something like this happened. Indeed, something did go wrong the very first time I used it, and they shrugged their shoulders.

    Is there any recourse for us?

    TL;DR Chase gave me an incorrect itinerary (with proof) that made me miss my flight, then told me I'd have to buy same-day tickets home at my own cost, no refunds. How can I get them to own this?

    submitted by /u/Oangusa
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    My husband has a chronic illness. He has expressed a desire to forgo life saving treatment. Is this legally considered suicide (Georgia, USA)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:26 PM PST

    My husband is in renal failure and his quality of life has quickly deteriorated over the last few months. He has been told that he will likely need to be put into a nursing home within the "next month or so". Things have reached a point where I am almost unable to help him. We cannot afford a caregiver or a nursing home. Our family and friends are all either unable or unwilling to help us.

    My husband has expressed a desire to end treatment because he does not want to live this way. He is in his mid-forties, unable to walk or stand unassisted, and has incontinence issues that embarrass him. We have been told that these issues are likely permanent and will not improve even if my husband is able to receive an organ transplant to correct his renal failure.

    Can he legally choose to forgo dialysis? Can he seek pain relief, if needed, from a hospital or will they force him to receive dialysis?

    submitted by /u/ItsKaragan
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    Neighbors towed my car for parking in front of their driveway,but there is a permanent fence blocking the driveway and is no longer "driveway".

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Their fence is 7 foot tall permanent wooden fence at the beginning of their driveway. They do have a "No Parking Driveway" sign that I'm now seeing but is that even legally a driveway at this point?

    Edit: This happened in Louisiana, USA. Orleans Parish

    submitted by /u/jacquetheripper
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    My doctor committed insurance fraud and then closed up shop. How can I get my records fixed?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:26 PM PST

    I was seeing a doctor for about a year and a half, and then they were arrested for insurance fraud and their practice of multiple offices across the state were shut down. I was scheduled to have an Outpatient procedure done with this doctor 3 business days after they were raided by the inspector General, and it never happened due to this. There are multiple errors in my medical records, incorrect diagnoses, prescriptions that are not mine as well as it saying I have Medicare when I don't. There are also numerous claims on my insurance for things I didn't have done. Ihad met my oop for the year when my procedure was scheduled in October, and could not see a new doctor for this until this January, so I now have to pay for the procedure in full at a new doctor's office. I tried to file a complaint with the AGs office here in PA but they said they can't do anything to help bc they went out of business. What is my best option at this point to get my records fixed and possibly reclaim the money I should not be spending on the procedure?

    submitted by /u/briebop
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    I was told I’m being sued by the girl who hit me??

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:06 PM PST

    Hi everyone, my name is brandy and I'm a 22 year old independent nursing student in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I recently got into an accident on January 11th while on my way home, my friend was the passenger. Both us had seatbelts and fortunately no one was injured including the other driver, a girl about my age who we'll call sam. The scene is a T intersection. I was going down the hill, I had a stopsign (which I properly stopped at as always) . There was a street to the right of me, which also had a stop sign. I came to my stop and noticed no one coming up the hill and noticed a red truck coming down the street to my right towards the intersection. He didn't stop at the stop sign even after I had already started moving so I slam on my breaks he goes around me (I'm almost mid intersection already) and he makes his turn safely but improperly. I let go of my break and less then 5 seconds later I get hit by sam while she was coming up the same hill I'm on and making a left turn where the red truck just came from. She did not have the stopsign but she did not yield or have a turn signal. Unfortunately I had no collision coverage on my vehicle because it is out of my small budget. My insurance company tells me that they determined that sam is at fault, sams insurance company says I am at fault. I was informed that sam got an attorney. (At the scene she mentions that her mom is a lawyer) I was also told what sam claims what happened at the scene which is inaccurate with my experience. Her attorney requested my pictures and I denied. They threatened to subpoena them and file a suit I was told my my insurance agent. (Just yesterday.) my vehicle is a 2008 Toyota Corolla, hers is a 2016 Ford Fusion. Unfortunately mine is totaled (I still drive it no lights or anything) but the bumper, grille, and hood is destroyed and so is the frame. Her vehicle has a small dent in her front grille. I'm posting this because I need any legal advice. Do I lawyer up now or wait till I receive the subpoena? Where can I find a lawyer? (My insurance can't rep me) I don't have like any money, barley enough to pay my bills. what if she wins and I can't pay her? How long does this process take? Should I sue her for my damages? Will court costs cost more than it's worth? I'm not to knowledgeable about this process but it's not fun and very stressful. If anyone can offer me any advice I would be so so appreciative. Rip to the Toyota, thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/xobrandyx
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    Ex husband is trying to force me to sign away his arrears.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:45 AM PST

    Houston, Texas

    Recently my ex husband has contacted to ask if I would sign away the $13,000 in arrears that he owes for not paying his child support for several years.

    He had his girlfriend contact me through Facebook to inform me that I will not be receiving any extra child support from his income taxes due to him claiming his other child on his W-2, but not on his tax return.

    He stated himself that he did this in order to prevent the child support office from claiming his income tax return and now owes $2,000 to the IRS.

    I had previously contacted him via his girlfriend due to his phone being turned off, to inform them that I would like to have my daughter for the month of June during her summer vacation so we can take a family trip to Rocky mountain national Park.

    He is now saying that unless I sign away the arrears that he is going to take her for the entire summer so we can't take our family trip.

    If anyone can give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Quanahnator
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    How can I get my son out of my house?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:04 PM PST

    My son is 24 and has been living with us his whole life. He has several tantrums every week to where it becomes a screaming match between my wife and I. It usually ends in him saying he's gonna kill me. I have 2 younger kids and I hate that they have to go through this.

    Yesterday was the last straw. He woke up and started complaining that the coffee maker was too small and then after that, he got pissed off that the oven was u plugged and my wife told him to figure it out himself. He was the one who unplugged it. He started yelling and calling us all assholes for his problems. My wife, the kids and I all agreed and told him we are done with his shit and it is time to move out. He refuses to move out and says he'll live here till he dies or goes to jail and gets revenge on us (don't know what for).

    He does not pay rent, he has pulled a knife on me and my wife before. One time when my wife and I were out, I told my younger son to load the dishwasher which he did, but later my older son woke up and got all pissed off that he did it wrong and said he'd kill him and slit his throat in his sleep. He ran at him and tackled him to the ground but stopped once my daughter said she was calling the cops. Cops have never been called on him.

    I don't think he is crazy enough to hurt anyone of us but I'm starting to have doubt and I'm tired of dealing with this. We live in California so to evict him, it would take 30-60 days and I don't think I can bear him that much longer, I don't want my kids to witness anymore of this. So what are my best options?

    submitted by /u/strawana
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    Uhaul towed and took our truck back when we moved it during a snow storm to a parking lot with permission saying we abandoned it. (Breech of contract) They are requiring $500 to get it back or else we lose everything. Any advice would help!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Any advice is appreciated, I have all proof of this happening and I am so lost. We just got approved for section 8, and are moving into a home but Uhaul is requiring $500 to get our things back out of the truck. I don't know what to do or where to turn to. I have never used Reddit before and was told you guys have great advice. I have contacted St Vincent De Paul, Salvation Army and a lawyer. I have my grandfathers ashes in there, baby books, wedding dress and photos, my kids beds clothes everything. Uhaul won't even make a payment plan with me they said in order to be able to get the truck and drive it to the new home with section 8 I Need to pay $500 and then obviously the gas and mileage. We have $125 to our names right now and I am just in a state of panic. If anyone has any advice or has gone through something like this please let me know what I should do! Thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/taylortaybaybay
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    I don’t know what legal path to take with my rapist

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:08 PM PST

    In November I (21f) was sexually assaulted by a mutual friend (m24). I went out with a group and after taking a sip of a drink he handed me blacked out and then later was violently puking all night. I gave my friend some of this same drink as well and she swears it was drugged, as that's also her last memory and she's never blacked out before. He was sober and volunteered to drive me home. It's a very detailed story, but to simplify the evidence I have is text messages from this man where he states how drunk I was that night and that he was sober and then admits he had sex with me until I "couldn't handle it anymore" and passed out. He then went on to ask me if I remembered it happening and when I said "no" he said he wasn't surprised since I was so drunk. There's also video evidence from my apartment building of me hardly being able to walk and him taking me to my unit.

    I've filed a police report since and the detective has sent the case to the DA, who I'm waiting to hear from. I've gotten mixed messages from law enforcement on whether I have a strong case or not. The detective believes what he did is wrong but warned me that she's seen many men get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to cases where the person doesn't remember it happening. I went in to the court house to file a temporary restraining order against him today since I've not heard anything from the DA in weeks and scheduled a hearing for next week.

    I spoke with a case worker from the DAs office and she told me that his lawyer would put me on the stand and try to find inconsistencies in my story during the hearing for the restraining order and that from what she knows he's a very tough defense attorney. She warned me that his defense could use this against me in the sexual assault trial. She also mentioned that the judge is pretty tough and biased on cases like this. Since I'm not even sure if the DA is taking the case I really want the restraining order to have some sort of protection from him.

    Should I hire my own attorney and continue with my restraining order hearing next week or is it a bad idea? This person is dangerous and has a criminal history of physically hurting other women in the past. Also he has threatened to sue me for "distress or something" after this is all over. Is he able to do that?

    submitted by /u/pinklemon78
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    My employer lowered my pay without informing me

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:52 PM PST

    Posting on a throwaway because this post would make my main completely identifiable.

    I am in California.

    TLDR: Pay was supposed to be 240/day. Then it was changed to 185/day. Then it was changed to minimum wage. Nobody bothered to contact me and my pay is a month delay so I didn't find out until it was too late to do anything about it

    For some background: I work as a sub for a local school district and I have done so for the past couple years, usually without any issues. However, because of the way they process payroll for subs, we are paid once a month, an entire month delayed from when we do the work (i.e. October 1 - 31 is paid on Nov 30). Pay is structured where if an assignment is only 1 day then we are paid a flat $185 per day, then after you reach a certain amount of days in the same assignment it goes up to 200, and then again to 240 after reaching another higher number of days. The entire assignment is paid to the highest rate that you reach so once you reach 240 you are paid $240 starting from the first day.

    The problem: At the beginning of the current school year one of the schools that I worked for a lot last year contacted me to work a long-term assignment covering for someone who was going to be on a long leave. The agreement I had with the school was that even though I am a classroom sub they would have me work a non-classroom position because they really needed the position filled. So they entered me into the system as a "roving sub" (essentially as a roving sub, I'm not bound to any one teacher and they could put me wherever I was needed that day).

    This went fine for the first month (Sep) and I passed the third rate so they PAID me the 240/day rate for the entire month of September (paid on Oct 31). Great. The problem is now that, at some point, Human Resources for the district (not the school) decided that it wasn't okay that I was getting paid the Sub rate to do a non-sub job. Fine, okay, that's their choice. BUT nobody contacted me to say they weren't okay with it and on Dec 31, I received my paycheck for the work I did in November and they had only paid me an hourly rate that comes to, essentially, minimum wage when the hours are averaged out.

    When I called in January to point out what I thought was just a clerical error I was informed that because I was working a non-classroom position I was not entitled to the classroom rate. (Again, that's their prerogative but I never received a call, text, or email letting me know they were changing my rate). So without informing me (or even admin at the school) they retroactively changed the pay I was supposed to receive for November (something they did in December and I didn't find out about until January). I also noticed as a part of going through this that at the end of November they paid me for my work in October at the 185/day rate instead of the 240.

    I immediately stopped working the job and admin at the school contacted them to try to get them to fix it so I got the rate I was expecting to get when I was doing the work but the decision they have come to so far is that they will retro-pay me to get the lowest day rate (185 instead of 240) for the month of Novembers work but that everything after that will be paid the hourly rate. This is work I have ALREADY done and will be getting paid for at that rate until the end of February so this is really messing with my finances. All in all, I've done the math and SO FAR I've lost out on over 3k.

    Besides any general advice that people might have, I'm specifically wondering If I can take this to the state(CA) as part of a wage theft claim or if they have some right to do this.

    I have a meeting tomorrow with the assistant superintendent to discuss this but I know that the school admin already discussed it with him and from what the payroll office told me the current decision about my pay came FROM him so I'm not expecting him to be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/throwuhweigh19-5
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    I’m being blackmailed

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:45 PM PST

    A little under 2 years ago I got into a car accident and there was a passenger. The passenger went to the doctor after and had to pay 500 dollars. Since then they have been threatening to file it with my insurance if I don't comply with everything they want me to . They keep threatening that my insurance will go up and other things, I have been doing some research and it says In the state of Louisiana the limitation to file Is a year does this mean I am safe or do u still have to worry?

    submitted by /u/godzilla223456
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    [CA/AZ] Is liking a Tweet with public information illegal?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Some background information:

    I'm in California and being stalked by a girl from Tuscon, Arizona on Twitter. Sadly, it's really not as simple as just deleting my account and moving on.

    The last thing I ever said to this girl was on October 22nd, 2019 where I told her to leave me alone. I thought the entire thing was dead and buried until a series of Tweets began to pop with my display name and my Twitter handle defaming me and excusing me of some wild and insane things. In this, I also received hate mail. Whatever. No big deal. Report. Block. Move on. Except, it is no longer relenting. I have not spoken to her. At all.

    In a moment of agitation, I found a Twitter post from another user that had her name, where she goes to college and the city she lives in. I know it was her because almost a year prior, she told me this exact same information. Her Twitter handle wasn't tagged in this post. I didn't tag her in the post and merely mentioned that I, too, was being stalked by this very same girl. That is it.

    I'm now being accused of doxxing her information despite the fact that I have her blocked (and her 13 other Twitter accounts blocked) meaning she went looking for this information. She's claiming I am "sending people after her" when, in reality, I wanted a sympathetic ear from someone who had dealt with her the year prior. I did not retweet this silly tweet.

    Is what I did considered illegal? I did not post her information on this Tweet (which has been around for over a year), did not retweet it, I didn't even like it. I'm not using the information for anything malicious (but I may be using the information to contact her local authorities).

    submitted by /u/SalemsWitches
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    Alaska - Can an employer charge you to return personal items after a layoff?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:49 PM PST

    I have a fried in Alaska who was just part of a large layoff. The company wouldn't let them go clean out their desk ( common ) and said their personal items would be shipped to them. True to their word a moving company showed up with a box of their personal items and a $160 bill for the moving service. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/Polar_Ted
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    Is it legal to take this money out?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:06 PM PST

    I'm a hobbyist game developer on Roblox. I've been making games even before I moved to the United States while accumulating virtual funds. These funds can be converted into taxable income at any time desired.

    My original plan was to wait until I've acquired my green card before converting my virtual money into USD, thinking that it would be fine since I would've technically only made money on that date. However, now that I've finally acquired my green card, I'm now having second thoughts on the legality of this. Is it legal to convert this money into USD when I started earning virtual currency long before I got my green card?


    - Converting the virtual currency into USD will yield over $35,000

    - I'm 16 so I don't really know anything

    - New York

    - I earned all of my virtual currency through selling in-game purchases

    submitted by /u/Bubbly-Flow
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    Landlord told me he lost security deposit after my lease expired, do I have to re-issue it?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    I live in Brooklyn, New York. Moved into my apartment in February 2018. Signed a 1-year lease, for which I paid a security deposit equal to 1x rent via certified check (so the money was immediately removed from my account by the bank).

    Before my lease expired in February 2019 I communicated my intention to re-sign via text and landlord said he'd send a lease renewal. He didn't actually send it to me until November 2019 (so 8+ months after my lease had expired). By that time I had told him I was planning to move out in March 2020.

    Also in November 2019 he told me he lost the security deposit check and asked me to re-pay it ASAP. I explained that I had to work it out with my bank, because the funds were removed from my account back in February 2018 and I am not familiar with the protocol for re-issuing a certified check. When I discussed this with him on the phone he was basically begging me to get him the money ASAP, he even asked if I could wire it if the bank was going to take a while to re-issue the check. The conversation (which I recorded) raised some serious alarm bells for me.

    I did get the check re-issued by my bank (who warned me how sketchy and unusual this situation is) however I haven't mailed it to him yet. I am moving out March 31. I'm worried he will try to withhold the security deposit (and/or spend it) because it seems so silly to send it to him now, just so he can give it back to me 2 months later. I know the law requires he return it (assuming no damage) but I've known too many people who had to spend months chasing down their landlord over it. My neighbor also warned me that he is known for trying to find ways to keep the deposit.

    I asked if he could just use the re-issued check for last months rent and said he is welcome to inspect the apartment whenever he wants in order to confirm there's no damage. He rejected this offer.

    I have been an excellent tenant - never late on rent, no damage or other issues, he's been inside the apartment several times in the past couple years and knows it's in good shape.

    I'm definitely not re-signing the retroactive lease renewal (I have no idea why he still even wants it), but my question here is: can I also just not send him the re-issued check? Am I even required to re-issue it, considering I have proof of payment tendered, proof he received the physical check, and proof that he didn't even tell me he lost it until months after my lease had expired?

    EDIT 1: my bank did confirm the certified check was never cashed by my landlord (or anyone).

    EDIT 2: I didn't include this in my original summary because I assume it's not legally relevant but just to give a sense of who I'm dealing with, in November he originally said the check had expired and he was mailing it back to me. I never received it in the mail and he said maybe it was sent to the wrong address. Then in December I called him to clarify something about the lease renewal (he'd written the security deposit amount as 2x rent instead of 1x rent) which he said was an error. During that phone call is when he admitted to actually losing the check, not simply neglecting to cash it. I recorded the call so I have proof of all of this but I can't imagine it's legally relevant. Just sketchy.

    submitted by /u/LegalAdv16382
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    Is there a way to sell my house, yet put in a stipulation that they do not evict the opossum living in the little house next to the garage?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:03 PM PST

    I mean, that basically sums it up. We want to move, but we're concerned about the opossum tenant living next to the garage in a tiny condo. I'm sure he would rather not be relocated. I bought a little two story, insulated house for the feral cats, and an opossum moved in. Is it possible to force the new owners to allow him to live there? He literally doesn't do anything but come up on the porch and eat cat food in the evening.

    submitted by /u/Myshkinia
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    I want a Divorce after 15yrs. of not speaking to wife.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:22 PM PST

    I'm in Ontario, Canada. I'm still legally married to a woman. We had a relationship for six years, married for two. Literally haven't spoken to her in almost 15 yrs. I figure I need her signature at some point. I'm worried that she might try to get alimony or a portion of my assets. There are no children involved. I'm doing better financially than she is. She's not hurting either.

    submitted by /u/SportsnetSteve
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    Is it legal to make me pay to quit my job?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:37 AM PST

    I work for a consulting firm and am paid salary. My firm has a busy season from Dec to April. They recently announced a rule change that if anyone leaves during this time they most pay the firm the equivalent of 2 months salary. I'm in Massachusetts. Is this legal? It feels like it's not but I can't find anything online.

    submitted by /u/Poo_Panther
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    Was served. I owe the debt. But can't pay.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:16 PM PST

    So I have twenty days to respond. My yearly income is less than $10,000. My debts are $7,000.

    This particular debt is $3600. I owe a credit card which was charged off. A collection agency is suing me. I cannot afford to make the payments. I cannot afford to have them garnish my social security. I don't even have the money for the filing fee.

    I owe the IRS money and they are taking my entire tax return this year.

    I owe for an overpayment from Social Security. I owe yet another credit card at a different bank of just over $600.

    I owe an overpayment to Medicaid and Medicare.

    I am 62, in poor health. I work about 15 hours a month at a local grocery store. I need cataract surgery, dental surgery, and suffer from psoriasis and IBS-D.

    My car is paid off but needs servicing. I don't have student loans. I get SNAP of $99 a month.

    I have a section 8 certificate so my rent is low. If I did not have it I would be homeless.

    I will file a reply and gather records to support my claim of poverty. Is there anything else I need to do?

    Location Washington State 98610

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/mountainsunset123
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    When I die all my assets go to my spouse. If she remarries before passing, can I ensure that my remaining assets go to my children and not to her new spouse?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:33 AM PST

    HOA fallen tree in neighbor's yard and they moved into my yard

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    So here goes, want to see what my options are.

    So I live in a neighborhood where about 30% are rentals and rest are occupied by owners. My neighbor's are renting, we don't really talk, they're an odd couple and they're not home much and make no effort to even cut they're grass.

    So about a week ago after a night of strong winds a tree on the property line snapped in half and fell on their driveway almost hitting, probably clipped, their cars. They fixed this by moving the 15' piece of tree on top of an electrical box/transformer on our property line where it sat for the last week.

    Yesterday I got an email from our HOA stating that a tree had fallen on my yard, false, and they had received complaints about it not being cleaned up and that I had till a certain date to clean up or face fines.

    I simply replied that the tree in fact fell in my neighbors driveway, they are renters, and that they simply moved it to the property line. I said that unless I was mistaken it was they're, or that property owners responsibility to clean it up and not simply move it to where they did. I asked the HOA representative to let me know if I was mistaken or of they agreed, I have yet to receive a reply.

    I'm working out of town and my wife isn't home, lucky I installed a doorbell camera this weekend and I now have video of whom I believe is the property owner moving the tree completely onto my property.

    I've never been in a situation like this and would like to know how I should proceed so they HOA and neighbors know I'm not gonna be pushed around.


    Edit: I'm in NC if that helps

    submitted by /u/Siazul
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    I'm not actually being paid a salary. What is my next step?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Ok, so I live in Colorado, if that makes a difference. I started working for a company and agreed to work for a salary. Worked 50+hours a week for a while and then shorter days after that, and then had days off here and there. I am not being paid for the days that they called me off. What are the next steps I should take in order to get paid for the days they called me off and ensure I get paid my full salary from now on?

    submitted by /u/drunk-munchkin
    [link] [comments]

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