• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Legal Advice - Let roommate take care of my new puppy while I had to leave the state for 5 days - while I was gone he surrendered the dog to a shelter. Shelter is now refusing to give her back. WA State.

    Legal Advice - Let roommate take care of my new puppy while I had to leave the state for 5 days - while I was gone he surrendered the dog to a shelter. Shelter is now refusing to give her back. WA State.

    Let roommate take care of my new puppy while I had to leave the state for 5 days - while I was gone he surrendered the dog to a shelter. Shelter is now refusing to give her back. WA State.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Three months ago I adopted a pure bred Golden Retriever female puppy. I went to a respected adoption agency who sourced the puppy and I was able to adopt an adorable little girl who I love dearly. She came with everything up to date - records of her shots/healthcare/authenticity/birth lineage the whole 9. I was excited as I finally was debt free and kinda on my own and wanted a companion. Three months into doggo ownership I was called out of state to help my father who was having a medical emergency. My roommate was a guy I knew since college and said that he would take care of the dog while I was gone. I thought that was perfect and told him I would pay him when I got back for whatever he had to do.

    Four days into my trip I get a message from my friend group chat with a screencap of a local animal shelters ad for a dog that looked exactly like mine. Lo and behold when I called they were able to confirm everything about her and verify that she was mine - first I was furious but the shelter had no idea that the actual owner was out of state and that the scumbag roommate surrendered her while I was gone. Luckily the shelter has a policy for surrendered animals that within 72 hours the owner can come back and pick up their animal. I called under the 24 hour mark and explained the situation and to tell them Im flying out on the next flight to come back and claim my dog and to not do anything to her. The clerk on the phone confirmed the policy and knew I called within 24 hours and said that she couldn't process the release, only the supervisor could. Cool. Supervisor is coming in tomorrow morning (still under 48 hours now) and I could talk to her.

    My flight lands and I book it over there to pick her up. On my drive over, Im an hour away and the shelter closes in an hour and a half - I call to talk with the supervisor and she tells me that my girl has been spayed... freaking spayed without my permission. They also clipped her nails, gave her some "updated" shots and treated her skin with a "prescribed" cream. The supervisor also said that they would not be giving her back to me and that they already have a home picked out for her. Im distraught at this point. I zoom to the shelter and bust inside looking for the supervisor and finally speak with her and she is not having anything I have to say - I pull up the adoption records with my name on it, the microchip with my name on it and all the photos I have on my phone. She tells me that since I was not the one who surrendered her that I couldnt pick her up. She is my property, she was surrendered without my consent and my roommate is ghosting me after a million phone calls and texts.

    At this point with 30 min until closing I call the police as my last resort. They unfortunately dont show until 15 min after closing. Officers show up and I explain the situation but at this point the staff is gone, Im soaking wet from sitting in the rain and they tell me they will come back in the morning with me.

    I go home and my roommate and his things are all moved out. He isn't answering my calls or friends calls. I print out all the info I can of my girl and pass out until the next morning.

    I get to the shelter (at the 60 hour mark now) early and confirm that the cops are showing up. They come, we all go in and the shelter/supervisor is still adamant that they are not going to give my dog back - blah, blah, blah policy, Im not the right person, family is lined up and they are coming tomorrow blah blah. I brown out and the cops say they cant force my dog back to me, but take a report and leave. I go home and start to compile everything I can and write everything down that has happened and start calling attorneys. No one has gotten back to me and tomorrow she will be going home with another family.

    I need to know what I can do to firstly stop them from adopting her to someone else. Get her back. And what I can do about how they handled the whole process and by giving her medical treatment without my consent.

    submitted by /u/RarePupperHalp
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    GF's sister has our address on her driver's licence to evade police

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:04 AM PST

    I live in Oregon with my GF and her little sister in a 2b apartment. My GF's older sister has never lived with us, and is always in legal trouble (theft, drugs). Lately the local Sheriff's department has been coming by our place looking for her. We have told them that she doesn't and never has lived here and that we are not in contact with her. The Sheriff told us that our address is the address listed on her driver's licence. I called the local city police department about it as maybe false identity or something and they said that the only thing we can do is call the DMV and talk to them about it. But when calling the DMV they say that that is private information and can't discuss it with us. That they only discuss it with the older sister, who won't change it as she is obviously using it to evade the police. Is there anything else we can do to get this taken off her driver's licence? It's incredibly annoying hearing a knock on the door and wondering if its the police looking for her. Also I am concerned if she can use our address to steal our mail or other things as she has also been arrested many times for Identity Theft.

    submitted by /u/KalZod
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    My wife and I have been raising our nephews for 14 years. MIL has custody and lives with us. MOL has taken oldest and moved out and is threatening to take the other. OHIO

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    My wife an I have been raising our nephews (17 and 13), one since he was 3 and the other since birth (my SILs children) My MIL has lived with us the whole time. She obtained custody and has promised to let us adopt them. We have tried several times to adopt but she has made sure that it fell through. Last week we had a falling out over the older child's SSI money (he is autistic and receives funds every month) she had just had a stroke and was still in the hospital, she asked us to drive her to the bank but refused to pay us the agreed upon budget, instead only wanting to give us 3 days at a time (food gas ect). There was other factors to her moving out but that was the last one. After the argument she moved out (very close to the oldest sons school) and started picking him up after school. I would pick him up from her place after my classes. I helped her move all of her belongings into her new place, and tonight she called and told us that he would be staying there from now on and we could see him on weekends and school breaks. And that if we fight it she will take our other son as well. We where already in talks with a new lawyer about adoption but he wants nothing to do with us now as it would cost too much. She is a two time stroke survivor who lives on social security only (and his funds) and is in her mid 70s. He is autistic (high level functioning) and his 18th birthday is in 6 months. What options do we have to get him back?

    [Edit] he does not want to live with her and his brother doesn't either.

    submitted by /u/zapv01
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    Wife was paid the wrong salary all year. Can her company demand the money back?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:28 PM PST

    I was looking at my wife's W-2 and her wages seemed higher than they should have been. I had her show me a pay stub and it turns out she was paid 20% more than she thought she was making.

    She started this job this year after having our second child. She works four days a week. The email chain she has with her boss negotiating her salary shows them agreeing to a set salary and vacation amount prorated to four days per week. However, the official offer letter from her company (signed by my wife) shows her full salary and says she will work four days per week, but does not mention prorating the salary.

    It's mind boggling to me that her company sent her an incorrect offer letter and never noticed they were paying her too much (and that my wife never looked at her pay stubs). Can her company demand the money back, even though her signed offer letter reflects the salary she was paid? We live in New Jersey and she works in New York.

    submitted by /u/ibathedaily
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    My aunt drove under the influence and caused a horrific accident where she and the other driver were both critically injured. Will she still go to jail even if she doesn’t fully recover?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:09 PM PST

    I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this question, if anyone knows where else I should post instead, please let me know!

    My aunt is a terrible person. She very rarely faces consequences for her actions and this time, she MAJORLY fucked up. She caused a head-on collision while driving drunk or high or both and critically injured herself and the other driver.

    She has many bad injuries but I think most importantly, she had a TBI and required surgery for it. She now has some amnesia, doesn't remember the accident, can't really take care of herself, etc...

    She is supposed to be released into some rehab facility soon, and the family lawyer can't (or won't?) tell us what happens if she doesn't fully recover. Is there anyone who can shed some light on what happens to people in a situation like this? Will she go to jail?

    The young man she hit will likely never fully recover. His family deserves justice. Thank you in advance. Edit: formatting Edit edit: forgot to mention, this is in Indiana, USA.

    submitted by /u/Schwarz0rz
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    My less than minimum wage job told me that I owe them money for training me if I quit

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:16 PM PST

    The culture is toxic, the hours promised are not what I got, the shifts are irregular and they expect you to cover within a moments notice (like 5 minutes notice). I also believe that they were dishonest in their Scheduling since I ended up being forced to work hours and days that I never applied for. Supposed to be 40 hours but I tend to work 21 hours, 15 hours 31 hours etc. you get it, wildly variable hours so I can barely make ends meet. They do not pay us for administrative work which ends up taking over 30 minutes per session. If a client is late, we do not get paid for any of that time. Our managers get these little tantrums when we cannot cover shifts for people within the drop of a hat, change our schedules and rarely respect schedule changes.

    The training is mandatory within a given time period upon hiring, I completed mine quite quickly. I never once saw repayment terms in the hiring contract.

    I should have seen the red flags. I have a better opportunity that is more stable, pays more and I get to work from home so I really want to leave.

    I do not plan on seeking employment within the similar field plus they are using an average amount of hours to claim back the money for training if I quit. And that amount is what I usually make in two weeks of working with them.

    I want out but they are holding me hostage with this absurd amount of money they pulled out of the thin air. I don't get paid enough to care.

    On a different note, they were sued for fraudulent insurance claims and had to pay a settlement. They claim they did not do it but I have proof that they go against ethical standards set by the agency that oversees this particular field.

    submitted by /u/pewpewthrowawayinfin
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    Maintenance worker stomped my dad's Chichiuaua to death. Dad was not home at the time.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:59 PM PST

    My dad has...well...had a teacup Chichiuaua named Reece. She's lived in his apartment for the past 5 years. She is registered to the apartment and he pays extra for her to live there. Today, my dad was washing his cloths in the onsite apartment buildings laundry room. One of the maintenance guys was in the laundry room as well. My dad told the maintenance worker that he has been meaning to put in a maintence order because his furnace has not been working properly. The maintenance worker told him he would go check it out soon. According to my dad, the furnace is located outside of the apartment and in home maintenance cannot be done without a work order in place.

    About an hour later, my dad receives a phone call from his apartment's main office. They stated that the maintenance worker entered the home and was attacked by the dog. He claims that she bit him so, he pushed her off. The office was calling to let my dad know that Reece was not moving.

    [GRAPHIC details] My dad said the kitchen (where the maintenance worker entered) looked like a crime scene when he returned home. There was blood on the walls, the flood, the stove and the refrigerator. Reece was laying in a puddle of blood and her neck was clearly broken.

    He called the police to file a report. They took pictures.

    My questions: Do you think he has a case? Also, the apartment complex is through the local housing authority, would this have any legal impact.

    We are not sure what steps to take. Hseee would like to seek legal counsel but is low on funds. We are not sure which direction to take. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: I am located in NC.

    Edit 2+: To correct spelling. I was working when i posted this and was typing quickly.

    submitted by /u/ladymsmaim
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    My mom is antivax but I want to be vaccinated. What can I do?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:46 PM PST

    I live in Utah state and I haven't been vaccinated once. Can anyone offer advice specifically for this state? I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/sock-fetish
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    Tenant keeps delaying eviction and new home owner can't move in

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:04 PM PST

    This is a throw away account just in case.

    We are landlords to a tenant and his family living in a home (Toronto, ON) that we've now sold to another owner. We haven't had good relations with this tenant and were relieved when we got an eviction order to allow the new owner to take the property. However, the tenant complained about the judge's handling of the hearing for the eviction, saying he didn't receive proper evidence of the sale (which he did) and wasn't allowed to cross-examine us and got an appeal, so the order was stayed and a new hearing had to take place after 3 months. The new owner had already sold his previous home and we've had to pay rent for him and his family to live somewhere while we deal with this issue.

    Come the new hearing, even the judge was surprised as to why this has been pushed so far and dismissed the tenant's claims and appeal and was ordered to move out immediately, saying he's had plenty of time to consider relocation and find a new place. One day before we were to get the sheriff to evict him, we received papers in the mail directly from him about another appeal to the superior court for a new hearing in 6 more months! The reasoning listed was for the same reasons as the previous appeal which is bs honestly. This man is clearly taking advantage of the system to keep delaying things and causing both my family and the new owner's family a lot of distress. We cannot continue to pay rent for the new owners and need this dealt with ASAP.

    From our experience and what we've read online, being a landlord in Ontario is awful as it usually favours tenants and cases can drag on like this leaving only the landlord losing a ton of money while the tenant can live care free for years at a time. It's sad to know that when he finally gets kicked out, he won't be punished in any way. There has to be some sort of justice right?

    EDIT: Just realized that the superior court appeal paper we got was just the tenant's application and the 6 months date was his suggested date for the next hearing. Do we still have power to evict him or move to get his application denied?

    submitted by /u/realbob2323
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    My former apprentice is saying I illegally logged into his Facebook. He left it open and the open messages revealed my business partner (LLC) and apprentice's nefarious plan to give me the boot... or "feed me to the pigs" as their messages said.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:24 AM PST

    I co own a piercing and tattoo shop in Ohio. Today was my day off and my daughter (who's a piercer) was working the shift. She went to make a post on Facebook on the shop owned computer. The (now former) apprentice had left his Facebook logged in and on the messages page. The conversation open was a group chat and she saw my name and the suggestion that the best way to get rid of me was to "feed me to the pigs".

    Concerned (and since it was on the company computer) she read the entire message exchange. Seems my business partner is sick of piercings making the lions share of the business (I make all the piercing profits, he makes all of the tattoo profits - the last 6 months of 2019 piercings were stellar). He wants the piercing side of the business back. My apprentice is unhappy with the contract he signed and wants more money. (Mind you, his contract is up the end of this month and he would have gotten a significant raise). So my business partner has been stirring the pot and telling lies to the apprentice and his girlfriend (who is the other tattoo artist besides the owner) and now they want rid of me to reboot the shop and keep my piercing clients that I've built up over the 4 years I've been there.

    She took photos of the messages and called me at home. She was the only one there (my business partner has been scarce here lately). She read me the messages from the screen shots while I drove to the shop. Is her reading the messages and taking screen shots on a company owned computer illegal?

    Here's the gyst of the conversation:

    I'm a bitch, a thief, greedy, unfair, a gypsy with a grift (I'm racially a Romani and Romanichal), other racially charged pejoratives...

    Plan A is to feed me to the pigs: my business partner often talks about ways he would dispose of a body. I doubt it's a serious threat, but who knows these days. Should I report this to the police?

    Plan B is what he's started to implement. Get a new EIN. Dissolve the LLC behind my back, keep my stuff, convince my daughter to stay (but somehow that would make her homeless), and once everything is lined up, give me the boot. We have an LLC with a buy out clause and both parties must agree to dissolve it clause. Can he legally squeeze me out? Don't we have to "liquidate"?

    I got to the shop and my business partner was at the desk eating his lunch. When I walked in, he was shocked to see me. He asked me why I was there. I told him that the apprentice hadn't learned to log off Facebook on the shop computer, that I knew everything, and the apprentice was fired immediately.

    He tried to say he'd tried to talk to me about things not working. Then he tried to say that no one could stand me in the shop. Then he complained that I bought a house and a car last year (not sure what that has to do with anything). Then he whined about not having enough tattoo artists and how it was all my fault. He complained that I only work 3 days a week (my daughter works the other 3) and how he's been in this industry for 25 years and he still works 5 days a week to make ends meet and how I just wanna sit back and collect my money and only show up part time. He also says he's already contacted our landlord to sign a lease only in his name. Can he do that if we have a lease (all be it month to month) under an LLC? Can he sign a new lease with another LLC name but keep all the other property that the other LLC owns?

    Let me digress a bit. He broke up with his live in and she moved out around September, but he was unhappy for most of the year last year. To ease his suffering, he started buying things... a lot of things... on credit. He even refinanced his car as collateral for a personal loan. Then she moved out and he is stuck paying all the bills at his house plus his part at the shop. He's been sporadic about coming in and often reschedules or cancels his appointments. Because of this, I've paid all the shop bills for November, December, and January with the agreement that he'll make it up to me when tax season hits.

    The beginning of this month, when I was reconciling our bills for the shop I found money transferred from the business accounts and into his account after he'd already been paid. I also found that he drained the account that our sales taxes were in. He was in charge of paying those because his mom is a book keeper. He also wrote his rent check from his house on the business account. Is this legal? Is this embezzling? What happens with the unpaid sales taxes?

    His plan was to keep saying he was broke and have me pay all the bills and him pay none and then fuck me over. He left and I reconnected the cameras (that he'd turned off yesterday... they'd discussed it in the messages so I couldn't see them doing things on Sundays.

    I've called an attorney and left a message. Hoping to get an appointment later today. I also went to the bank and they're looking into the transfers for me. I copied all of our financial paperwork since I started there in 2016. I copied our LLC paperwork. I called the landlord and left a message.

    Answers to my questions, suggestions on questions to ask the attorney, and any other advice is much appreciated.

    Edited to remove apprentice's name.

    Edited to add that I just discovered he's taken out two loans in the shop's name.

    TLDR: Read the title and add partner might be embezzling and not paying sales taxes. Upset that I make more than him and wants me out.

    submitted by /u/GypsyWriterChick
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    Landlord went to jail. How will this affect me as a tenant?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:23 PM PST

    I rent a unit that is part of a triplex. The owner has around 20 rental properties in my area. Last night I saw on the local news that he had been arrested on forgery and fraud charges. Additionally, the news story mentioned that he currently has at least four lawsuits pending against him for non-payment of sub-contractors.

    He pays a Property Manager to run his rental properties for him, so I have someone to contact and pay while he's in jail. However, I'm wondering if he could end up having his properties seized due to his legal troubles. If that were to happen, how would that affect me as a tenant with an active lease agreement?

    By the way, I'm in Texas. I know laws concerning rentals and tenant's rights can vary widely throughout the country.

    submitted by /u/BeastleyTV
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    Doctor mixed up medication for me and another patient - Washington, D.C.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:20 PM PST

    This morning I went to my allergist's office. They had previously tested for my allergies, mixed up my vials, and had begun the twice-weekly injections. I go into the waiting room, and while sitting there another patient (roughly my same age, build, height, etc.) is called back to see the doctor. Previous patient returns a few moments later with both sleeves rolled up, and sits back down in the reception area. A few moments later I hear my name called, and I am sent back into the office to see the doctor. Doctor asks me to sit down and asks me to roll up my sleeve for the injection. While doing so, I ask what the dosage is. Doc tells me that it is X dosage, which surprised me because I had remembered a higher dosage at my appointment several days prior. Doc tells me that it's normal, and administers an injection. I then roll up the sleeve for my other arm, and Doc tells me that there is no second injection. I tell Doc that in the previous sessions, I got two injections (one in each arm) and ask what the reason for the change is. Doc tells me that I get only one injection, and shows me the vile from which the injection came. It has a different set of allergens than the one I had seen previously, and upon closer inspection it had a name listed that is not mine. Doc says "this is your vile, yes?" to which I reply "no, that is not my name" and she gets upset and begins apologizing profusely. Doc then calls the previous patient into the office, asks previous patient to wait in an adjoining room, and gives me the additional (correct) injections. I then think back to the full interaction with Doc, and recall that she did not verify my name, DOB, or any other personal information before administering the medication. The rest of the day I have been at a loss for how to feel, and what steps to take next.

    Any advice regarding medical malpractice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Laocoon69
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    (Brussels,Belgium) Somebody sent me private and topless photos of my wife from our last vacation and asks for money. I am shocked and do not know what to do.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:13 AM PST

    Hello everyone. I got a throwaway account because i just can not post it with my original account. Me(41M) and my wife(40F) were in Mykonos,Greece on vacation last summer.. We are both people who are in business world and living a luxurious life,i guess this is the reason why we were the target. We stayed in a nice resort during this vacation. Yesterday,an anonymous instagram account sent me some photos of my wife,sunbathing topless on the beach,with her face clearly visible with me next to her,with other photos taken while she was getting a massage in the resort,which were the most shocking ones. The person who sent me the photos wrote me that we were very interesting and they couldn't resist doing it and "they" had a huge crush on my wife.I did not reply them. Then they sent me their videos masturbating to the pictures they sent. Later, they asked for money for not posting the photos online.I have no idea what they are up to,whether they are just looking for fun or something serious. Before contacting with the authorities,i wanted to ask for advices, i am kind of shocked and can not think what to do at the moment. I have not talked to my wife yet and feel like shit.

    submitted by /u/SwimmingNecessary2
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    Restaurant I was working at closed and the owners said they were filing for bankruptcy. What can I do?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Location: TX

    I was working at a restaurant that closed their doors on a Monday. Our payday was that Tuesday. They are a part of a franchise (not large). The owners are separate from the franchise so corporate is basically saying "we can't help you out kid". The owners also stated they are filing for bankruptcy.

    As of this week, no one is answering our calls. I've been getting conflicting advice from everyone, so why not ask the internet.

    Basically I want to know if it would be worth it to hire a lawyer. This was a minimum wage job and I personally don't want to front the money for something like this, especially if all it will do is cause unnecessary stress on everyone for no actual payout.

    Let me know if I need to include more information.

    submitted by /u/xomelissamaexo
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    Stepmother changed joint will with my father 5 months before her death

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:09 PM PST

    My father died over ten years ago. When he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he told me, his oldest daughter, that he was leaving "everything" to his wife—but that when she passed, he had a stipulation in his will that my brother, sister, and I would receive a portion of whatever was left. He gave me instructions to contact my stepmother's oldest daughter—the executor of the will—when my stepmother died.

    My siblings and I have come to find out that once my stepmother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, (five months before her death), she went before a judge and had her younger daughter bear witness to her altering the will to remove my siblings and I entirely from the will and transfer our share to her grandchildren.

    Is this allowed? We live in New York State.

    submitted by /u/IATGOW825
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    [Los Angeles, CA] tenant paid me with Zelle and the name doesn't remotely resemble theirs

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:48 PM PST

    I posted this on r/RBI, and it was suggested that I post here also. I'm reproducing my original post:

    I just got new tenants through a management agency. Everything checked out--great credit scores for mom and dad who moved in from another state and live with a kid, acceptable bank reserve, deposit and first month's rent done via cashier's check, one-year lease signed.

    They just paid their second month's rent with Zelle, and I received an automated email. The amount is right, but the sender's name on the Zelle payment doesn't remotely match the tenants'. It's not even a derivative. Management company reached out to tenant to check, and tenant said yes, that's correct, and confirmed the name on the originating bank account and said he sent it.

    I called my bank, and they have no information to provide except for the confirmation of the sender's name on the Zelle payment. They cannot tell me the originating phone number or email address associated with the sender's Zelle account.

    A quick google search reveals the Zelle sender's name seems like a real person living in the same county as the rental property, but there certainly isn't any clear connection between the name and the renter.

    My legal question is: am I obligated to investigate the discrepancy between the Zelle sender name and the tenants' names further, or do I accept the payment at face value? Furthermore, could it be construed as an undue invasion of privacy if I do request an explanation for the discrepancy?

    submitted by /u/DefiantLettuce
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    I just found out someone died at my gym

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:30 PM PST

    Someone just died at my gym. I'm on the way to the scene. Cops and ems are there. I haven't gotten insurance or city permits yet. Please advise thanks! My location is CA 94530

    submitted by /u/WombatFool
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    Broke someones MacBook Pro by knocking a cup of tea over.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:44 AM PST

    Hi Reddit, this is my first post ever. Please tell me if there is anything wrong with my formating etc.

    By the way english is not my first language.

    Like the title already says, I knocked over a cup of tea in my studygroup. The tea went all over the place and a MacBook Pro got wet. The girl it belongs to dried it and pushed the button to turn it on. Nothing happened. She took it home, continued drying it und tried to turn it on again this morning. Still nothing. She told me that she went to a repairservice. There they said they couldn't to anything since the MacBook is from 2013.

    I don't think I have insurance since I already finished education and have a job as a child care worker that I do eleven hours a week while also studying at university. Through quick internet research i found out that where i live you are only insured with your parents insurance while you are still in your first education. I already finished that. I did not take care of an own insurance since I need all of the money I make just to live and eat.

    What should I do now? What would it cost to give her the money out of my own pocket? The MacBook Pro was purchased in 2013. It looked like it was in very good conditions but it was still used for six to seven years. It can't cost that much, can it? I couldn't find out anything about the value of a used 2013 MacBook Pro in the internet. What should i Do? Can you help me?

    Thank you for your time.

    Edit:I live in Germany.

    submitted by /u/monaanom
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    Received material from AliExpress I didn't order, and am now the supposed intended recipient is threatening to sue if I do not ship the material to him.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:50 AM PST

    So last week I received an additional package that was not part of my original order. Here is another post I made with more info https://www.reddit.com/r/Aliexpress/comments/eq8clg/ordered_a_single_keycap_from_aliexpress_recieved

    Yesterday I received a voicemail and text from someone who is stating they were the intended recipient of the package and asked me to ship the package to them. I replied(probably a mistake) stating that the package is considered a gift and that he should take up the issue with AliExpress/the seller. He then sent me several messages stating that he would be contacting the police and will be placing a lawsuit.

    If AliExpress or the seller had reached out to me I would have considered returning the package. But now it seems the seller passed on my name, phone number, and possibly my address to this other customer and I feel like my privacy has been breached.

    Am I under any legal obligation to deal with the intended customer?

    submitted by /u/DirtyGing
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    There is a child pornography ring at my school, what are my options?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:30 PM PST

    The location is the state of California. LA to be exact.

    Some people will call this "snitching" and I really don't care. There is a large group of students at my school that possess and distribute child pornography. They get it by dating a girl and getting inappropriate pictures of her and then sharing it around. This can lead to blackmail and even suicide if it gets out of hand.

    I'm thinking of making a PDF document with all necessary info and sending it to the police but I need your advice. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/throwaway_7744
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    Landlord’s son told us gas leak was fixed, it wasn’t, we are living at a hotel and need HELP

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:46 PM PST

    We smelled gas in our rental house last Friday. The gas company came out and said it was the heater and shut off the gas to the unit (not the whole house although the only other gas appliance is the dryer). HVAC company came Friday (diagnosed the issue but said every place for parts was closed so we had to wait for Monday for the part), Monday they said they couldn't get the part after all and they wouldn't have it until Wednesday/Thursday. Finally on Wednesday night they said it was fixed. I came home and immediately smelled gas. I called the gas company and they came out and said yes there was still a leak. I have texts from my landlord's son saying the HVAC company fixed it and tested for leaks all was good and safe to return. All parties (tenants (us), landlords son, HVAC company and gas company) were there. The HVAC company argued with the gas company, but in the end there was a leak and the gas company couldn't let us keep the heater on. Landlord's son said he will have a new heater installed today, but then this afternoon he says it will be installed tomorrow. At this point I feel like he is lying and stringing us along. He manages to "miss" my calls and then texts me after I've checked out of the hotel with the news that we can't return.

    He's offered to set up 8 space heaters in the house (built in the 20s) and tells me it's safe to run them all night. I disagree.

    We are still out of the house on day 7. The landlords son has promised us almost every day it would be taken care of.... not that it matters but we have a special needs child (autism) and a dog (limits hotels available to us) and we have had to check out and back in multiple times because he says it will be fixed and so we are dragging our son all over the place in freezing weather.

    In Pennsylvania - it's been 20 degrees at night Added difficult issue: we don't ever deal with the owner/landlord ... we only deal with her son and his name isn't on anything - not even our lease.

    Is there is anything we can do aside from wait?

    submitted by /u/grandma-shark
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    Upper Management Threatened to Fire One of my Workers for Discussing Wages

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:01 PM PST

    I'm the General Manager at a theatre in Iowa, recently one of my employees spoke to the property manager (who acts as a middleman for the owner) about an increase in pay as he'd been with us for 2 years and a recently hired employee is already making more than him. He brought up the newly hired employee's wage specifically to the property manager and she responded by telling him that he could be terminated for talking about wages. After this conversation he talked to me and said he was fed up with being treated this way and put in his two week notice. Should he pursue legal action and if so does he have a case? If possible he has my full support as we were hired at the same time and our owner is generally scummy. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/dr6unx
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    Landlord texts saying sent rent increase 7 months ago and only now noticed new amount wasn't being paid. I never received anything - neither the rent increase nor any notice that my monthly rent checks weren't accurate. Only now I'm moving out, sends this text wanting back-payment.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:57 PM PST

    Any advice?

    After having a year lease, then going month to month after, I'm moving out next month. Today, my landlord texts me a picture of a rent increase doc (piece of paper on a table). The document says it goes into effect March 2019, but isn't dated until June 1, 2019, and the landlord's text reads "This was send out in june 1 my account just saw that u been paying the old rent." Legally, do I have to back pay this? I have no idea if it was even ever sent to me, as I never received it in the mail, via email, text, or got a phone call - not about the increase initially nor in the months since when I wasn't paying the apparent new rent amount. A friend who is a lawyer said there should have been acknowledgment of receipt for it to go into affect. My landlord has always been a difficult landlord, owns a lot of properties, and has a very bad reputation in this city (San Francisco). If I weren't to pay the difference, assuming she'd deduct it from my deposit. I've already left messages with SF Tenants Rights, Housing Boards, and a couple lawyers. Any advise on how to reply to her? I'm already covering rent for my new and current apartment next month - plus it's the principle. All feels very wrong.

    submitted by /u/SFtenant1234
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    My girlfriends parents have legal custody over me and are splitting up

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:11 AM PST

    The breakup is nasty and the mom kicked me out but I moved in with the dad. They got guardianship over me months ago but things are getting way out of hand. When the mom kicked me out she forced me to stay in a run down house alone with almost no food and I have pictures. The night it all happened she had one of her kids beat me up while she pinned me down and I have pictures of a black eye I had gotten. I want her guardianship to be taken away but I'm worried I'll have to go back into the foster care system. Im currently living with the father. I'm happy where I'm at and don't wanna leave.

    submitted by /u/logman130
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