• Breaking News

    Friday, January 24, 2020

    Legal Advice - Brother is profound special needs, hospital has accused Mother of raping son while he was in their care. Please help.

    Legal Advice - Brother is profound special needs, hospital has accused Mother of raping son while he was in their care. Please help.

    Brother is profound special needs, hospital has accused Mother of raping son while he was in their care. Please help.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    My girlfriend's brother is 22 years old and is considered profound special needs. He has mitochondrial disease and a few other severe health issues and is completely reliant on his mother and caregivers to live. He eats through a feeding tube, cannot speak, and has been completely bed ridden (except when lifted into his specialized wheelchair) his entire life.

    Last week he came down with the flu and was taken to the hospital because any kind of sickness is extremely dangerous to him, especially the flu. While he was sick he developed a yeast infection on his testicles and the nurses were doing an extremely poor job of taking care of him. His mother, who is his primary caregiver, came to visit and noticed he was extremely uncomfortable. He often gets his testicles stuck underneath him and is stuck sitting/laying on them for long periods of time. She took it upon herself to adjust him and to apply medicine prescribed to him for when he gets these kinds of infections. While she was applying the medicine, a nurse saw her and immediately accused her of fondling her son. The hospital is now pressing charges against his mother and Adult Protection Services are getting involved.

    His mother is now limited to two 15 minute supervised visits with her son each day. He is no longer ill with the flu and should have been released by now. Him being in the hospital like this is extremely dangerous to his health, not to mention he is alone and absolutely terrified. Any time his mom comes to visit he bursts into tears and just seems completely miserable to be without her. His mom has not received any type of court order or information as to what happens next.

    We fear that he is soon to be moved to a state healthcare facility where the level of care is far from what his mother and private caregivers can provide and removed from custody of his mother.

    There are dozens of family members, caregivers, friends, etc. that will attest that his mother would never sexually molest her son. These accusations are disgusting and they are ripping a special needs child from his mother and tearing the family apart. My question for LA is what the heck do we do? What kind of lawyer and agency do we seek? This entire situation is disgusting and is a reprehensible act by the hospital. Any advice is immensely appreciated as this situation is getting dire.

    Update: We have hired a lawyer who stated that this hospital has a history of overstepping family law so hopefully things pan out.

    submitted by /u/Lubranzz
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    [NC] My License is being suspended indefinitely

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:44 AM PST

    I got a letter from the DOT stating that in March, "you NC driving privilege is scheduled for an indefinite suspension in accordance with general statute 20-24.1 for failure to appear as follows..." Then it shows the last citation I received. The thing is, I hired and paid a lawyer to show up. It was for speeding and he got it down to a no seat belt charge. I paid him and the courts. I have the letter from the lawyer saying that it was settled as well as the receipt for the money order to pay the courts. It might be worth mentioning that my lawyer had to reschedule due to conflict of schedule.

    Should I contact my lawyer or just comply and call the courts?

    Edit: Issue seems that my money order was never cashed. I asked my lawyer if I should send another or if I should contact the courts. Awaiting a response. Thanks for all the help!

    submitted by /u/AsashinDaka
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    I feel sexually harassed by my boss at work. Yesterday, he tried to kiss me in an elevator. Help.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:38 AM PST

    So yesterday my boss tried to kiss me when we were alone in an elevator. To give some background info; I've worked for a small company (~15 people) in Nova Scotia, Canada for 5 years now and how my boss behaves towards me has gotten progressively more inappropriate. He's always given me a creepy vibe (like tried to offer me a cash envelope, always tells me I'm beautiful and that he loves me like a sister) but I've done my best to brush it off because I otherwise love my job. He's married with a daughter and I'm close to their family as well. Anyway, yesterday he asked me to go downstairs for a coffee. It's not out of the norm, but I always dread being alone with him, because it creeps me out. So once we get into the elevator he leans in and kisses my cheek. I was visibly thrown off, but just kind of laughed awkwardly and changed the subject. We got our coffee, and I was dreading going back in the elevator because I felt like he was going to do it again. This time, he leans in and tries to kiss my mouth. I immediately retreated and said no and he stopped. I was in shock. I was shaking. He asked me into his office and he started saying how he meant it as a joke, and that he was sorry. I told him how uncomfortable it made me and made it clear that it was not welcomed or appropriate. Today, I emailed him saying I was working from home. So far, he has called me 7 times, emailed me a GIF of flowers, told me not to 'overthink' what happened, and that it is the intention not the action that mattered, and his intention was 'just a joke'. He keeps trying to downplay what happened, but I told him it didn't change how I felt. I have absolutely zero feelings towards him, other than disgust. I really don't know what to do because not only is it a small/ intimate company, he's the president. Our HR consultant works remotely and reports to him so I don't feel like I can go to her. I love my job, but it's no longer worth the constant discomfort and fear I feel at work. I know he will not want me leaving the company, let alone for this reason, and will worry about what I could say about him. I also feel trapped by the fact that he is my only reference for future work (this is my first job out of college). If anyone has any advice on what I should, or shouldn't, do I would appreciate it so much. Thanks for reading.

    TL;DR: I have been sexually harassed by my boss and have no one to turn to. I am going to have to quit my (otherwise great) job because of it. Looking for advice.

    submitted by /u/needadvice5677
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    [CA] Mom bought property in my name when I was 18 and collects rent on it. Won't agree to transfer ownership to herself.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:14 PM PST

    Hello, first time posting. Sorry if this seems like a very basic or obvious problem (not sure if something like this is posted elsewhere).

    My mom bought investment properties in my name when I was 18 against my wishes. They are not particularly lucrative, but she has been collecting rent on them for my entire adult life (over 10 years). I have never seen these houses in person (five hours from where I live), and I have also never met the tenants. I am also not the one who receives the rent checks. But I do include the houses in my tax returns.

    She and I have a very bad relationship; I am mostly resentful over having this particular tie to her. I have asked her to transfer the ownership to her name many times over the past 10 years, but she flat out refuses, and usually ends up threatening me or using other manipulation tactics when I bring it up.

    I would like to sever this financial tie between us as a way to cut contact with her once and for all. I don't care about the money. I just want her out of my life.

    What is the best way for me to proceed in this situation? I'm thinking the most obvious thing to do would be to sell the properties and give her the cash from the sale. I'm sure she will put up a fight, so I am wondering what I need to do in order to protect myself legally. I am also really worried about the possibility of me having helped her commit tax fraud over the years.

    Thanks in advance for your advice.

    submitted by /u/_betteronpaper
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    [New York City] Can my landlord evict me prematurely? Written notice given on Jan 1st to move out within 60 days - They changed their mind and want me out by Feb 1st instead.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:15 AM PST

    BROOKLYN- Hello, I live in a small studio apartment in brooklyn. Signed a 3 month lease on August 1st that extended the term to month to month and I've been living that way since.

    On January 1st my landlord gave me a 60 day written notice to be out by March 1st. Ever since then, they have been acting very weird around me and questioning my whereabouts when i'm not home (I travel often for work). However today they called up and wanted me gone by February 1st instead. That's in a week. I am not ready to move out yet based on the original 60 day notice.

    Is this legal? I understand technically they could've just given me 30 days since that's the minimum, but I already have a written notice for 60. Can she legally evict me in a week? What are my options?

    submitted by /u/DoodoaX
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    I have political signs up on a private commercial property that I own, and the same man has come by twice to vandalize the them. Police are not responding [Texas]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:09 PM PST

    I'm a candidate for public office and put up some signs at a restaurant owned by me and my family. This older man has come by twice now and pulled the signs out, throwing some of them into the dumpster. He even said to the employees that he would come back and do it again if we put the signs back, as he was offended by my political affiliation. When he did it again today, the employees took a picture of him and his license plate. I also think he took at least one of the signs with him. They called the police but unfortunately they never showed up. I have this man's name, license plate, and picture. Is the next best move to just go down to the station and implore them to do something about it? This guy is clearly out of his mind and I worry he'll escalate things.

    submitted by /u/RishFromTexas
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    Lost safe deposit box

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:44 AM PST

    A relative of mine, Jane, was recently widowed and I'm trying to help sort out her financial affairs. Jane is elderly and has memory problems. Jane claims she has had a safe deposit box for several decades. She has a key for it that is labeled with a box number, but she cannot find any bank statements or other financial records that mention it. She says it was originally part of her bank's promotional package deal with new accounts in which a safe deposit box was included with no additional charge, so there have never been any payments for it (nor records of payments for it). We went to Jane's bank and they say they do not have any record of her currently having a box. A manager said they would conduct a more thorough investigation and then days later reported to us that they are confident that she does not have a safe deposit box with them.

    The bank went through several mergers, acquisitions, changes of names, etc. over the decades that Jane has been banking with them. I am speculating at this point that through these business reorganizations, the free safe deposit box deal expired (or was forgotten) and records of it are no longer accessible; and then the box was never paid for, and then it was considered abandoned. I am also considering that Jane has simply misremembered which bank/branch the box is physically located in and has forgotten other locations where she may have banked over the years.

    She is located in Pennsylvania as are all the potential bank branches involved. I have checked the Pennsylvania Treasury's Unclaimed Property website but a search on her name there turns up nothing. I don't know where to go from here.

    My questions are:

    1. If the box were considered abandoned, legally could the fate of its contents be anywhere other than turned over to the state government?
    2. Would there be any other government record of it beyond the Pennsylvania Treasury's Unclaimed Property website?
    3. If the box is still in existence and we just don't know where, is there any way of finding out where it is?
    4. Would a lawyer be able to help, and if so what type of lawyer? (The financial and sentimental value of the items in the box may be substantial, so we are willing to spend the money on a lawyer if it will help.)
    submitted by /u/anita12gerry
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    Father Stole My Student Loans

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:36 AM PST

    Instead of going into a long story about years of abuse (mental emotional and physical) and financial manipulation let me just start with the meat of the story. And i'm pretty sure there is nothing I can do now as its been 10 years since i first got the loans, but it can't hurt to ask.

    My father had made it clear to me over the 4 years i was in high school that I should never take out student loans and instead work my way through school. Avoid putting myself in debt.

    instead in my senior year of hs, his disability came up for review and his monthly amount was adjusted and he was receiving less money. He has an addiction to spending money on useless stuff that ends up hoarded and unopened. He decided then to push me into getting student loans. He manipulated me, which he is extremely good at, even knowing your being manipulated you will end up doing what he wants - always. So i got student loans in my name under my credit, and not the kind your parents co-sign on because he had just filed bankruptcy.

    As my student loan checks came every semester, he would put the checks into his own bank account, saying that he was going to help me manage the money and spend it responsibly (which made no sense since i was only going to spend on classes and books). instead he got me a credit card (in my name only) and had me use that to pay for my classes and books. My student loan money slowly disappeared without me using any of it and him continually buying things they should have had no money to afford. I'm now in $40,000 debt and struggling to pay interest. My credit card would get maxed and I could not pay it off cause i was not given any of the student loan money to cover it. i eventually had to drop out as I could not afford any more classes.

    I did get a job but he stole that money as well. when i moved out i was so financially in the hole that i've been struggling to get it fixed ever since.

    Even though this started 10 years ago (and he blew through the money in less than 2 years) is there anything I can do now?

    submitted by /u/naturalgumby
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    I sold a Honda Civic to some kid about 8 months ago. I’ve sold many cars and my protocol immediately right after is to go to the dmv website and do a online release of liability with his name and address on it. 8 months later I’m getting a citation ticket for a modified exhaust. What do I do????

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:39 AM PST

    (WA) Apartment charged me $1,200 to renew carpet due to “animal urine”

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST

    I lived in my apartment for one year. I did have a cat but the cat was not in the home during the inspection. The carpet was not new when I moved in and was covered in stains; I have video proof during move-in. I shampooed my carpets during move-out and they were cleaner than when I moved in. I just received the deposit refund letter and they're charging me $1,200 for replacing the carpet. I'm just curious, can they charge me for replacing the carpet if it wasn't replaced when I moved in? If so, can they charge the full cost of replacing the carpet? Especially since it was already stained, how would they know the "animal urine" stains weren't there before me? Do I need to get a lawyer and take the landlord to court?

    submitted by /u/kelseybabyy
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    Helping sell estranged mother's house. Am I going to get sued?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:08 PM PST

    I'm helping my estranged mother sell her hoard house in Texas as she has moved into an assisted living facility. The house is in poor condition and I have finally found an investor crazy enough to buy it for a more than fair price. He emailed me the contract and it it very standard (had realtor friend review). After review and some negotiating I forwarded the final doc to my mother to sign via DocuSign (investor set it up), and she did. I later found out that she had put the house into the name of her living trust and I have been trying to get the trust docs from her to provide to the title company. She seems to be intentionally ignoring this request and being weird about it. Closing is in a week so I'm a bit panicked. I went back to the contract to make sure that there was nothing further she needed to provide when I noticed all the signatures on the contract showed my name. This looks like a DocuSign issue, not intentional on my mom's part. My questions are: if the sale doesn't go through because she's not providing the required docs do I have any legal liability? If the sale does go through (I do not plan on being at closing) and she decides she didn't want to sell, do I have any legal liability?

    If you want more details why I'm asking this keep reading. My mother has mental health issues (formal diagnosis is bat shit crazy and looking for something to be mad about). We are estranged because no one's needs that kind of negativity in their life. My father, her ex-husband (divorced for 30+ years, died last year and I have found out she contacted several lawyers over several months looking for one that would help her get part of his estate...things that were left to HER children. I found out she tried to get money from her sisters estate by claiming she was actually her daughter not sister. She scammed a charitable organization getting them to do free work on her house (she has money). She short paid an electrician who did work on her house and threatened to sue him for something he didn't do if he didn't walk away. She has 5 children and each of us has cut ties with her. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg, just the crap she's pulled in the past year.

    submitted by /u/TheSecondCWasAGift
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    NY sent watch to repairman in MD, he ceased all communication

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:51 AM PST

    In May 2018 my mom (NY) sent an antique watch to a specialist in MD for repair. He ceased all communication, returned all letters unsent, and seemingly vanished. Mom hired a P.I. who confirmed that yes, he is still in MD. The watch was given to her by her father, and while it is likely been pawned at this point, the value was roughly $1000. What legal course of action can she take?

    submitted by /u/YourMothersButtox
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    [MA] Condo Seller changed Master Deed with other unit owners, removing clause pertaining to my property, then sold the property to me [Buyer] with a different version of docs.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:29 PM PST

    So, this is an odd one...My wife and I bought our first family home (one unit of a 3-unit house) under the understanding that the Master deed (condo docs) allowed for the possibility of us developing a parking space in our common yard area. This was a big deal for us, as parking spaces are worth $20-40K in our neighborhood. This was also clearly articulated in the Master Deed.

    A few years later, my wife and I broached the parking space subject with the other owners. They showed us a photo of the same Master Deed with that specific paragraph crossed out. It had all of the owners' (including our units former owner's) initials and the word "remove." This was dated a few days after our offer was accepted but before closing.

    That said, there is a clause in the Master Deed that states:

    Amendment*. This Master Deed may be amended by an instrument in writing (a) signed by all the owners of Units and (b) signed and acknowledged by all of the Trustees of the [address] Condominium Trust and (c) duly recorded with [our county] Registry of Deeds, PROVIDED HOWEVER that:*

    (a) The date on which any such instrument is signed by a Unit Owner shall be indicated thereon as the date thereof and no such instrument shall be of any force or effect unless the same has been recorded within (6) months after such date;

    (b) No instrument or amendment affecting any Unit upon which there is a first mortgage of record held by a bank or insurance company shall be of any force or effect unless the same has been assented to by the holder of such mortgage; and

    (c) No instrument of amendment which alters the Master Deed in any manner which would render it contrary or inconsistent with any requirements or provisions of Chapter 183A shall be of any force or effect.

    I can understand why the other unit owners might not have wanted that clause in there, but it seems deeply unethical for the Seller to do this. Is this legal and binding? A lawsuit? Something we can ignore?

    Thank you for any advice!

    submitted by /u/Temporary-Change
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    Wage change to "hourly sensitive salary"

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:04 PM PST

    I have a friend who's boss just changed how she is paid without informing her first. She is an exempt employee who was previously making $31,200 per year. Her employer just altered her status to "hourly sensitive". This was explained by the company accountant as "you make salary if you work at least 40 hours per week, if you work less than 40 hours per week, you will be paid $15 per hour worked."

    This can't be legal, right? Both not paying overtime but paying hourly if your are under hours and changing her status with no notification? She only found out when she received her last paycheck and I believe the change was applied retroactively.

    This is Oklahoma.

    submitted by /u/HystericalUterus
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    Enrolled without my knowledge by a parent into a full term of college courses, and now the school is sending me a bill.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:35 PM PST

    I was enrolled by a parent into a full term of college courses without my knowledge. Because of this, the school now has a bill for a full term around $4,200 and incurring interest. I have emailed financial aid, billing, and registration. All of them have told me that the other department has already given my the answer and to refer to that email. I don't know what to do, and am wondering if I need to take legal steps before this goes to a collection agency.

    Edit: Oregon is my location

    submitted by /u/dickhummer
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    neighbor has a shed on my property

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    We just moved in a few months ago and I noticed a small canvas type shed that is on my land. The paperwork from the sale stated that " no neighbor's property was on this parcel" or verbage to that effect. The neighbor is a nice guy and he probably had permission from the previous owner but what is the best course of action here? I want to get along with all my neighbors and the location of the shed doesn't bother me but worried about the long term legal exposure. Located in massachusetts

    submitted by /u/the-tinman
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    My dad made me sign for a house 5 years ago and it is now biting me in the ass

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:11 PM PST

    5 years ago at the age of 20, my mom told me out of the blue that I would be signing for a house in a few days. Back then I thought nothing of it. I went to the real estate office with my parents and they made me sign. I know now that I shouldnt have went and signed for the house but in my eyes I didnt have a choice back then and I didnt know of any of the possible consequences. My father once forced my brother to enroll in ITT tech and he got a degree he never used or even wanted and he now has student loans from Sallie Mae... So as you can see my parents pretty much have a lot of control over us and are no strangers to destroying our financial well being.

    There were 0 issues with the house until fall 2018 when I received the first notice. My father had been fixing up the house for at least 2 years before they sent a letter saying I (but actually he) needed a building permit to be making repairs/renovations. They sent several notices threatening to charge me egregious fees (up to thousands a day I believe it was) if I do not comply with the notice by either ceasing work on the house altogether, getting a permit, or hiring a licensed contractor to do the work. All the while I had absolutely NOTHING to do with the house. In fact I have never even stepped foot in it before. As you can imagine this gave me a lot of stress. I am legally blind and unemployed and have no money or income. I couldnt do anything about the fines if I would get any. After running back and forth to downtown the notices seemed to stop coming. I think my dad got the building permit without me (idk how cuz I was the one who was supposed to get one).

    Since then I was able check out all the different code violations associated with the house online and there seems to have been a lot in the past couple of years. I hadnt received any fines of any kind from the first incident or any of the ones after until this past December. They said there was litter around the house in November and that we owed the city 50 dollars. My sister found the unopened letter on the date the money was due. They sent another notice 2 weeks ago with a late fee of $25, so now I owe the city $75. My father said he is not gonna pay them cuz there was no trash in front of the house.

    I am constantly worried about being sued by the city or this showing up on my credit (not that it is any good anyway but not their fault). I am completely innocent and I hate that my dad is ruining my name. I dont know what to do and I dont know how to get the house off my name. I have told my mother several times that I want the house off of my name but it has not happened yet and I dont know if it ever will unless he sells it. I have no clue what to do. How do I get my dad to pay the fee? How do I get the house off of my name? Should I just use their debit cards or a check to pay it myself without their permission? There is an option to go to a hearing but in all honesty I want NOTHING to do with this bs. I just want it to be over. Because the house is in my name and the notices are addressed to me, I think I would have to be the one that appears. (Also the money is due tomorrow.)

    Edit: Was asked to add the location and I am not sure how specific I should be. I live in Pennsylvania.

    TLDR: 5 years ago my parents had me sign for a house and the past 2 years have been nothing but stressful. My dad is repairing and renovating the home and has been committing several code violations according to the city and it all falls on me. Because the house is in my name I get the notices and I get fined for things I have nothing to do with. My dad is refusing to pay a $75 fine that will grow and I dont know how get out of this mess. I fear legal consequences in the future.

    Edit 2: A few people are telling me to sell the house. Even tho I legally could do that it would only cause big problems. I live with both of my parents. Doing something like that would be kinda fcked up and I am sure yall know that. Of course this whole situation sucks, but I couldnt do that in good conscience. I would like a peaceful solution to the matter if possible. Also I believe there was no loan taken out for the house and if so, the house has already been paid in full by now so it doesnt matter.

    submitted by /u/SugarPie89
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    Phone service provider I left in November still charging me monthly

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:05 PM PST

    I switched from one phone service provider to another in November, and I'm still getting charged every month because I was on auto pay. I went to the phone company that I left to tell them what was going on and they said since they can't access my account because it was shut down, they can't cancel the auto pay. They then gave me a website to go to, I went to the website and all I saw was a phone number. I called the number and they said they weren't even associated with the company and couldn't do anything about it. I went back to the phone company and they gave me a different number to call, and the person that answered said they couldn't do anything about it and my only option is to talk to my bank. I don't really want to go through the trouble of trying to get my money back or take any legal action such as sue, I just want them to stop charging me. What are my options here?

    Edit: since the bot requires it, I live in Alaska, USA

    submitted by /u/Flaccid_Toenail
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    [MA] I am a salaried employee, my boss gave me almost 100 hours of training to do at home before March.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:11 PM PST

    I've read before that salary workers in MA still can get overtime pay, which makes sense to me. If they ask me to work an extra day at my job they pay for an extra day.

    At the start of 2020, my boss said we would have to do some training at home on the computer before March. Usually we do these at work but I didn't think much of it. When I checked there is almost 100 hours worth of training to do, by the website's own estimates.

    Would I be entitled to pay or overtime pay for the 100ish hours of training?

    submitted by /u/SalaryPayThrowAway
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    [TX] Can I prevent someone from accessing my property to access theirs?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:24 PM PST

    It has recently come to my attention, as in this afternoon, that my neighbor believes part of my courtyard and yard are actually his. Now, I plan on confirming this ASAP to get it cleared up but as of right now the only way to access this area (easily anyways) would be to go through what is my property. Essentially you'd have to either go through the back gate and walk through to get to it or go through the front gate to my courtyard to get to it. Can I prevent him from accessing it via these methods e.g. locking the gates?

    submitted by /u/penekr
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    I was summoned for jury duty, but I forgot to return the questionnaire before the required date.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:40 PM PST

    The questionnaire was to be returned by the 17th. The court date is the 27th. I am only 21 and I have never had to deal with jury duty. What do I do? Do I just bring the completed questionnaire with me? I'm pretty sure the office will be closed all weekend, so I can't call and ask. I'm in Ruston, Louisiana, mind you.

    submitted by /u/BigManPatrol
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    My father voted for me

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:13 AM PST

    My father filled out and submitted a ballot in my name without my permission. I am 20 and live in a different county (same state, WA) to attend school. I'm registered in the county where my parents live so my mail goes to their home address and not my apartment. My father and I have completely different political views and I would never vote the way he does. I know for a fact that he votes for my mother as well. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/usernotprofound
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    Cremation "service" will not tell me where my fathers body is, I would like to change funeral homes. Have not signed any legal documents with them yet other than for the pick up of his body.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:40 AM PST

    So I went through a so called cremation service that is now charging me out the ass and will not tell me which funeral home in Colorado they took my father to. His remains are already in a high state of decay as he was missing for over a month. I would like to get him back but these scam artists are not responding. The area he lived in was very rural and had no funeral homes of its own so the coroner had suggested them. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/distantdreams-0
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