• Breaking News

    Friday, December 6, 2019

    Legal Advice - I bought a casino and have been finding money hidden in odd places

    Legal Advice - I bought a casino and have been finding money hidden in odd places

    I bought a casino and have been finding money hidden in odd places

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:54 PM PST

    The owner has no interest in any of it says I can have it but is there any way he could fuck me over and claim he never said this? Disclaimer the casino is not currently open.

    While exploring the main office I found about 200 decks of cards nothing suspicious but some where incredibly heavy after inspection they where cut out with filled early 20th century gold and Morgan dollar, the decks are not that old. Pulled the drawers out of the desk and found over 5grand in gold certificates, is all this mine?

    submitted by /u/goldgoldgoldddd
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    Final update: Private driveway being used as public roadway and im being accessed for its upkeep

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:33 PM PST

    sold a 60 foot wide stretch of my property to the county, they will be installing a 2 lane road along it this spring.

    The county has repaired the damage to my land caused by the vehicles driving over it by grading and sodding around my house in the worst areas and installing a paved drive across where my old gravel drive was.

    i now have a ditch across the edge of my property along both roadways with guardrails installed by the county and rather large I-beam mounted motorized industrial gates on both ends of the driveway.

    county has promised in writing to install a ditch and guardrail along the border of the new road when it is installed.

    I still get people attempting to enter the gates and cross the property from time to time but much less often now, the vast majority of them being commuter vehicles, no commercial trucks.

    USPS no longer attempts to cross here but i have still seen amazon trucks drive up, stop and then move on down the road without attempting to enter the property.

    i am no longer on google maps as a public roadway, had a suggestion via PM to check waze and openstreetmap, apparently google got their info from one of them and assumed it was correct.

    all in all i am satisfied with the outcome.

    submitted by /u/LA_throwaway134567
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    I don’t know where to post this. My mom hasn’t come home and i don’t know what to do

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:49 AM PST

    (In South Carolina) This may sound like an overreaction but i don't know what else to do. my mom went out at 7 last night and said she'd be home by 11pm. it's 6:45 am now and her car is not here. me and my little brother go to school at 8. i don't know where she is, she's not picking up her phone because it's so early, and we have no family to call. I know someone isn't missing unless they've been gone 24 hours and if my mom is ok i don't want the police on her case, but i'm worried and afraid.

    EDIT: UPDATE!! My mom finally got back to me after 4 hours of not knowing where she was. Thank you to everyone who gave me the courage to go to the police. Turns out she was staying at a friends house after her car broke down, which she did not tell me at all. I'm honestly pretty pissed off, but she is safe, thank you again to everyone who helped.

    submitted by /u/whotookallmyju1ce
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    Hospital legally abducted my husband?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:19 PM PST

    This whole situation is so ludicrous I can't quite believe it even happened. We need help. We're in Virginia.

    My husband is a veteran. On Nov 15th he had a scheduled check up at our local Veterans Affairs clinic (it was an appointment to check blood pressure that sort of thing). Right before he was to leave the house to go that appointment, he had a spasm and fell over. After that he was very weak/sore on his left side. He insisted he could make it to his check-up.

    The local VA clinic doctor thought it was possible that my husband had had a mini-stroke. Dr. X put in an electronic order to the nearest hospital for a CT scan.

    My husband came home and told me what the doctor had said and that he was going onto the local hospital to get checked out. He told me he was fine to get there and I should stay home with the kids.

    Several hours later I get a phone call from my husband saying that the local hospital is institutionalizing him. I ask him "WTF" He tells me they haven't listened to a word he has said. He went into the emergency room department and had explained to them that he had been sent for a CT scan and why. Somehow it escalated into them institutionalizing him. When I spoke to them (local hospital) I reiterated to them that he was supposed to be getting a CT scan. They told me part of the reason they were institutionalizing him was that he had been there twice that day (absolutely under no conditions was he actually there twice that day- they later back pedaled on this point) and that he was clearly very agitated.

    Nov 16 The local hospital ships him off to another hospital that had a bed for him- almost 5 hours away. I meanwhile called the local Veterans Affairs clinic where my husband had the appointment and recommendation to get the CT scan from and left a lengthy message basically demanding "WTF" in polite terms.

    I explain to the second hospital he was only supposed to have gotten a CT scan from the local hospital and that I pretty much have no idea why they're doing what they're doing. I explain about the spasm and the falling over and his weakness.

    Nov 17 the second hospital gives him the CT scan finally. However they don't give him the results until late Nov 18th. The results did not show a mini-stroke thankfully. They believe he pinched the nerves that got messed up when he was hit by a car bomb in Iraq and the nerve getting pinched caused him to fall.

    NOV 18 The second hospital holds some sort of court hearing where they tell my husband they are keeping him involuntarily for 30 days. The judge at that hearing also states my husband can no longer buy guns in the state of virginia.

    NOV 19- We are assuming Veterans Affairs called the second hospital and got them to release him. He called me and I had to drive almost ten hours there and back to pick him up.

    The bill from the local hospital arrived yesterday and it's over $1700. We can only imagine what the bill from the second hospital is going to be. Please help they legally abducted him and now they're charging us for the privilege.

    submitted by /u/abductedhusband
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    My(20F) male roommate(22M) keeps invading my privacy in our apartment. (WI, USA)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:33 AM PST

    Note: some small unimportant details are changed to protect my privacy because I fear retaliation if this post is discovered.

    Some quick backstory. Myself, my roommate (let's call him Mike), and our third roommate have lived together for a while now and from the start Mike has had a very annoying habit of going into my room when I'm not home to turn off my electronics (my fan, lights, computer, etc.). This has progressed to entering my room while I'm in it without my permission. I was naked in my bed (thankfully covered by a blanket) when he entered my room. Apparently (according to Mike) he knocked but I had my headphones on.

    I work third shift so I'm home and sleeping most of the time during the day and I'm now very worried about being unconcious in my own room.

    So I guess here are my questions: 1. Am I legally entitled to privacy in my own room from my roommates? Could there be any legal repercussions for them if they come into my bedroom uninvited. 2. Is my landlord allowed to prohibit me from installing a lock on the door if I am in fear of my personal privacy and possessions being tampered with? 3. Is this something I could use to break lease early and get away from this creep?

    submitted by /u/APrettyLittleLemon
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    Health insurance forces patient to use their TERRIBLE pharmacy only.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:45 AM PST

    My husband has a serious medical condition which requires him to order from a specialty pharmacy. When he was first out of the hospital we were able to chose our pharmacy and everything was fine. Then we got a letter from our health insurance saying we can only use the specialty pharmacy they own. The medication is required to be kept within a certain temperature range and in hot summer months we told the customer service representatives it needed to be sent in ice. Every month they sent it incorrectly, we spend hours on the phone talking to their pharmacists, customer service and managers to try to correct the issue. The pharmacy required us to send the ruined medication back by leaving it in a box on our front step, which they said would be picked up by UPS Pick Up that same day. No one picked it up for over a week. We had to call about that multiple times as well. This is a privacy concern, we would not want someone to steal the package and have access to my husband's medical information and other personal information required in the box.

    This medication is $6,000 a month so we obviously can't afford to pay that without insurance. My husband is not alone; the company has almost all 1-star reviews with similar complaints on google.

    I thought the problem would eventually go away but now I am desperate to fix this. My husband gets so stressed every month having to deal with them. This month they messed up the order and said they couldn't do anything about it and he should call again at the end of the day (he already called back several times and no one will help him), so he won't have his medicine in time. How is this fair or legal? I just contacted my congressman. What else can I do? I just want us to be able to order the medicine from a reliable pharmacy so I don't have to panic every month about if he will get his medicine or not.

    Location: OH,USA

    Edit: my husband has already called our health insurance company and said he wants to use a different pharmacy due to these issues and they said no.

    submitted by /u/theawesomecatlady
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    Mother in law vs Widow

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:39 AM PST

    My husband passed away when he was at his cousins house in Maryland. His mother got the call before me and left her home in Delaware to drive to Maryland. She took everything that he had. Leaving out children with nothing to hold on to of his. I live in New Jersey. Our youngest had purchased (she picked out and I paid) a watch for him for Father's day about 6 years ago. His mother took it and denied she had it. Come to find it she gave it to another family member who lives in Philadelphia as payment for moving a washing machine. What can I do to get this watch back to my daughter. All his things should come back but all we really want and are prepared to fight for is the watch.

    What can I do? The family is resisting returning it and I don't care about burning bridges. By any legal means necessary. My kid is devastated.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/PsillyHerbalist22
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    Apartment complex undergoing seismic retrofit work. Landlord not offering temporary housing accommodations.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:59 PM PST

    Hello everyone I'll try to include as much info as possible to make this easy.

    My apartment complex is planning to undergo seismic renovations to the buildings beginning on 1/1/20 ending 5/1/2020. They declined to offer relocation since construction will be from working hours 8 am - 5pm mon-fri. I work the graveyard shift and I am home and asleep during those times. This will directly impact my ability to live within the unit during these months. It is stated that they can do construction that may cut off utilities like water and electrical during work hours as long as they are fully operational during anytime outside of work hours (8am-5pm).

    .They served a notice of a Tenant Hability Plan for a seismic retro fit of the building. It was accepted on 12/02/19 and I received the notice just today, 12/06/19.

    Scope of work: installation of cantilever columns, moment Frame and grade beam at parking area.

    Attached is an appeal of tenant habitability plan (pursuant to the alps Angeles Municipal code section 152.03.D.6.)

    I'm wondering if there are other grounds for appeal in the decision not to offer relocation options where my situation would work. So far everything I see is just that I'm not exposed to lead or asbestos and utilities are working during outside work hours.

    Thank you all in advance

    submitted by /u/thenorthplace48
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    Personal Trainer/Gym Contract - She has missed 29 out of 96 sessions [Missouri]

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    I signed a contract with gym for personal training for 12 months/96 sessions at 2 sessions a week. That contract ends this month. She has missed 29 of the 96 sessions we scheduled. I asked the director at the gym where she's employed what is going to happen to those unused sessions as I get charged the same amount monthly. The director said the sessions would continue until they are used. The issue is, she cancels constantly and has even no call/no show'ed to our scheduled sessions. I have no intention of signing another contract.

    I've read through the contract. It says that sessions are non-refundable and non-transferable; however, it says that packages of 48 sessions or more must be used at 2 per week, but that there are no refunds for sessions not used within the required period described above.

    I'm 99% sure I'm just going to have to suck it up and let her stretch 29 sessions out over next year so that I'm not out any money, but does anyone here have any advice?

    Update: The gym is not going to issue a refund for the unused sessions, but they did offer to put me with a different trainer to finish out my sessions. I took them up on this and picked a trainer that I've taken group classes with who is more consistent. The gym director was really professional and understanding about the whole thing. Thank you all for the advice. I really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/CherryMoonPrincess
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    AZ - Is it legal for companies to sell personal info of job applicants?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:41 AM PST

    I applied, and interviewed, for a position last month, just the one because I'm seriously looking but it looked too good to pass up.

    I'm now getting junk mail, looks like it is fake benefits info (car insurance) associated with this organization.

    The junk mail uses my middle initial, which I don't use on anything but it is on my resume/typical application stuff.

    Company uses Hirebridge as its application portal, but Hirebridge's TOS explicity says that the client owns applicant data.

    So either Hirebridge is lying, or the company I applied to sold my data.

    I've been in the workforce for over twenty years now, easily hundreds of job applications sent, never had any inkling of my data having been sold. Is this legal to do so? If not, what recourse would be available?

    submitted by /u/Mister_E_Phister
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    Required permission to move my daughter to Europe

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:22 AM PST

    Note: I'm asking about the law on the US side only.

    My 11 yr old daughter's mother has abandoned her and I'm currently living and working in Europe.

    I have full legal custody in the state of Arizona but I have been told that's not enough to move the child overseas and that doing so without permission could be considered kidnapping.

    For now, the mother has agreed to sign and notarize whatever is necessary to facilitate this. I'm concerned the mother will change her mind and demand that my daughter move back to the US at a later time.

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I have only a few weeks while I'm in the US to figure all of this out.

    submitted by /u/Mental-Structure
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    Scammed $12,000 CAD (Sneaker Scam)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:43 PM PST

    Hey, not sure where else to go with this. Just to precursor this, I have already filed a police report, and am waiting to see how that goes.

    So, I run a sneaker reselling page. I am constantly buying / selling rare / hype sneakers that are hard to come by, and high in demand. Along with this hustle comes the underlying risk of fakes / replica sneakers. A local seller messaged me with a stock list, and we got straight to running numbers. Had dealt with the guy very briefly in the past, and had no reason to think he wasn't genuine. He had pretty standard prices, nothing crazy, but we eventually negotiated down to a price we were both happy with. Seller guaranteed all shoes are authentic, and showed me "receipts" (turned out to be fake as well

    Fast forward a week, I drive 6 hours from Toronto to Montreal to complete the deal. The seller took me inside what appeared to be his home, and allowed me to look over the products before handing over any cash. This is where blame falls on me. Being the overly excited guy I am, I quickly ran through the pairs, double checked a few key ways to legit check, then brought him outside to count out the $12,000 cash without really thinking twice. I mean SURELY this guy isn't scamming me right? He brought me in his house! Let me pet his cat!.... WRONG

    On the way back home, had some car troubles and had to be towed and spent the night at a hotel. This is when I first had some concerns about the authenticity of them. I immediately messaged the seller, and he quickly responded, reassuring me that all was well, and that I had nothing to worry about. He urged me to go to a consignment store and pay for legit checks, which i ended up doing (later on in story). So, I went to bed, woke up the next morning, and made my way back home in Toronto.

    Upon getting home, I posted the pairs on some facebook groups to get some more opinions and at first, I got no replies. Then slowly, but surely, the "Fake, because..." and "Replica because..." comments started rolling in. FURTHERMORE, upon disclosing WHO i bought the pairs off of, it turns out he is a known scammer, and is a classic story of "Good guy, gone bad" Again, more blame on me, I know I should have done this prior to meetup, but hindsight is always 20/20.

    The very next day, I took the pairs to a consignment shop to get some official, paid-for legit checks that I made sure to record live. Comes back that all of the shoes are indeed high quality replicas, and WERE NOT the authentics that I was promised, and under the impression of buying. So, with my knowledge of the seller being a previous scammer, and having recorded evidence the shoes being fake, I filed a police report with the local Montreal police. I was told I would be contacted within 7-10 days.

    So there I was, trunk full of fake shoes, -$12,000, heavy heart and stirring anger / sadness. Today I decided to reach out to the seller and give him one last chance to be a decent guy, and avoid the hassle that is surely coming his way. He is insisting the pairs, and that me and the consignment store are both "f*cked in the head". Lovely.

    Long story short , I have evidence of:

    The meetup happening, the amount, the shoes being fake, him "guaranteeing" authenticity, etc.

    I have info of:

    The address he met me at (supposed home), his name, phone number, place of work, face, and social medias, names of owner of property, family names etc.

    I realistically want to know what I can do legally in this position. If you read this far, thank you. Have never been this stressed / down due to financial reasons EVER in my life, and really looking for some guidance. Willing to go the route of small claims, but curious to know if you guys have any other advice. Thanks reddit.

    P.S. this is NOT an isolated incident. The seller has scammed people for amounts between $3,000 - $5,000 in the past, none of which are really large enough for proper legal action. I have been in touch with the victims of those scams and collecting as much info as possible.

    submitted by /u/gta_soles
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    Seller walked from the settlement table over appliances and said deal is off.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:05 PM PST

    He signed the contract with appliances included. Turns out the current tenants purchased the appliances themselves and are going to take them when they vacate.

    I found the cheapest like appliances which came to $1,800. I told him he needs to credit the 1,800 or come up with another solution. He told me he would give me 800 which is what he sold the current appliances to the tenants for initially (odd I know).

    He also said he has some "similar" appliances in another house of his that he could give us.

    My argument is that we like the current appliances and I want the credit to cover the cost of replacing what's there.

    At this point he's in breech of contract and we are prepared to force the sale.

    It got to a point where he screamed at me and stormed off. Also he was going to hold the loan back for us and has also stated that now he is going to pull the financing (out of spite or as a way out).

    Any advice on the best way to proceed?


    submitted by /u/SlimTidy
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    Best buy gave a me a refund of a product I received

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:40 PM PST

    So I ordered 2 things separately from best buy. When I when to pick them up, I thought nothing of it. however, I received an email that the more expensive item has not been picked up yet (roughly $700). I think this might have been a miscommunication between the staff when picking up my products because it was black friday... I received several emails to come pick up the more expensive item, but I didn't because I'm across the country right now and I thought it was just an internal mistake. However, today, I just a refund of the expensive product on my credit card. What am I legally obligated to do? Am I obligated to tell best buy? I'm not going back to where I bought it from for another month, so by then, it would have been a really long time. I feel kind of bad about this. Any advice, legally and morally?

    submitted by /u/RatinSweet
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    Video of me being assaulted

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:10 AM PST

    A "friend" of mine posted a video of me being assaulted while passed out one night. It is super embarrassing and I tell him to stop posting it and to delete the video. Recently he sent me the video again and I told him to delete it to which he replied no. Can I sue him to get the video deleted?


    I was sexually assaulted while asleep with a hotdog, they shoved it down my throat while i was asleep in a bedroom visiting a college in my state of illinois.

    submitted by /u/nbahoops00
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    How can a family member get access to their deceased father’s will if the executor won’t show it?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:35 PM PST

    Hello everyone, this is my first time posting here. I really hope you are all doing well and appreciate you taking the time to view and even respond to my inquiry below.

    I recently started trying to help a friend, who's father passed away several months ago, to get access to their father's will. As of now, my friend believes she knows who the executor is, which would be her stepmom (as her father remarried). After approaching her stepmom about seeing the will, she basically received a "No" to this request.

    I have done some digging into what legal rights she has and/or steps she can take from here. One article said that direct family members, by law, have the right to see the will, while another article said this is not always the case. Probate court and going through lawyers and the courts were also mentioned but I don't know what to believe as the right course of action.

    I am looking for some more concrete information as to what the law says about my friends rights regarding seeing the will and what steps she can take to get a copy of the will (or even just see it ), preferably in the least expensive and quickest way, but open to other options as well.

    Here is some more info that may be helpful:

    • My friend (the deceased's daughter) is an adult and was an adult when her father passed away earlier this year.
    • My friend and her father both live in British Columbia, Canada, but in different cities.
    • The deceased told his daughter about there being something for her after he died.
    • The deceased possibly had a fair amount of assets/money.
    • Supposedly, not even the stepmom's actual daughter has seen the will.
    • It has been a while since the father passed on. I believe between 5 or more months now.

    If you need any further information, please let me know.

    Thanks again!

    submitted by /u/ScottyBoy777
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    Contractor walked away halfway through contract, demanding more money

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:27 PM PST

    Hi guys, not sure where else to turn to so here's my shot.

    Location: VA

    My parents hired a contractor to remodel 4 bathrooms and 2 rooms' drywall, and garage drywall. The contractor has breached the contract several times and has billed us for services that were not rendered.

    The contractor's workers were not competent and did not do their jobs properly, which led us to hover around their work and explain how we wanted things done. This obviously did not go well, but whenever they screwed up they were not willing to go back and fix it.

    Additionally, the contract states things like "the installation of dust barriers" etc and has a price next to it. He is BILLING US for barriers that were not even installed during the work.

    The final straw: They started remodeling a bathroom (we're adding a full bath in the powder room) WITHOUT a permit. They have already put up some dry wall on it. We have constantly been after our contractor to apply for the permit and he lied to us multiple times saying he will file it, he has already filed, etc etc. Now the county inspector says the workers may have demolished a weight bearing wall and we just remove some of the dry wall so they can even inspect it. When we wanted a licensed plumber, the contractor said "you really gonna pay $1k JUST because xyz has a license?!!!" and WALKED OUT OF THE HOUSE.

    THEY said they had enough of US because we want our house to be remodeled properly according to county code, and they were cutting every possible corner.

    They emailed us saying that we have to pay them $4k more until they can even come in to do more work/finish the job.

    We're obviously at a loss here and don't know what to do. Can we file a report or anything? My mother needs a bathroom on the main floor as she cant climb the stairs 10x a day.

    TLDR; Contractor walked out on us for bathroom/house remodeling halfway thru the contract, we paid them about 35% already. Now they want us to pay up to 60% to finish the house, but a lot of these services were NOT rendered, and this is NOT an advance, they state they've done it.

    Sorry if the post was wordy, my head's a mess. (and so is the house)

    submitted by /u/sunelt13
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    Moved states to escape stalker, now they are resurfacing after several years of no contact and a no contact order

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:32 PM PST

    My friend moved from CO to OR a few years ago to escape a stalker. While in CO she successfully obtained a no contact order against the person, but the stalker persisted through the no contact order, showing up at her door, harassing and even attempting to break into her apartment (did break into the building she lived in). There was a great deal of well documented evidence condemning the offender. Recently she just began receiving numerous calls and text messages from the person after several years of silence. The stalkers messages imply intent to find/see my friend again, and state they checked and found the contact order doesn't exist anymore.

    Questions: Will no contact orders automatically end without notifying either or both parties? What can my friend do to protect herself/obtain a permanent contact order? Is this repeat harassment enough to result in more serious punishment of the offender? What should my friend do, and is is there anything I can do to help?

    submitted by /u/Rorschach_Gomer
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    Drug testing

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    First time posting and on mobile

    We live in jhonson county Indiana

    So this is my mom not me but we are wondering if this is illegal or crossing the line. My mom is a contractor and does pee test regularly for he job. Today tho the first one she didnt pee enough so she waited drank some water but during the second one the lady stood in the room with her telling her to spread both her legs and her vagina because she need to see the pee coming out. My mom has had some past trama with sexual abuse so she ended up having a bad panic attack and dropped her pee on her. The lady breted her telling her to wash up and when her manger or supervisor, mom said what the lady told her, she denied it. Am i right that that is going way to far? My mom has been doing drug test for years at the same place and always passing. She said this is the first time that had ever happen. She is going to file a complaint to the facility but would like some advice and some clarity. Thank you reddit.

    submitted by /u/shadowcat3204
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    Got used/scammed cause I’m a moron. Any advice on how to go about this?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:09 AM PST

    Not sure what I need to put this under tag wise.

    I was jobless and looking for jobs on Indeed when I came across a Front Desk assistant at a software company for phones, computers, etc. I looked up the website for the company, place where it's located, everything looked fine.

    Indeed sent me a message from someone working at the company saying send our HR person an email to get a specific time and day for an interview, so I did.

    Emailed me a day later saying the position has been filled, but we have a Senior Project Manager ( SPM going forward ) moving from this state to our state who needs a personal assistant for errands he needs to run, would you like me to forward your resume to him, I said yes.

    SPM emails me explaining what I would need to do, information about his life, etc. I accept job.

    Now this was all sounding great like, too great to be true but I'm pretty young and naive so, I went with it with the help of my parents guiding me as safely as possible.

    SPM sends me a check for 3,248 dollars in the mail, says I need to deposit it in my bank account and send him the deposit slip. My dad says I should open a separate account not tied to my personal finances. I go to bank, explain situation, they do it.

    First task is to send a "client" of his 200 dollars. Done. Second task is to send 3000 dollars to another "client". Done. Next he said he was going to send me an email for appointments for multiple clients he was meeting when he moved here. That's fine.

    Thursday comes, when he was supposed to send me the emails, never did. I text him asking what's up, no response. I check my bank account as a curiosity, and the check bounced.

    I am now 3,248 dollars in debt, screwed, and no idea what to do next.

    I called my bank and they basically said I have 45 days to pay the 3,248 dollars or it gets sent to collections.

    I'm most likely going to the police with all the emails, receipts, whatever they need to possibly do something, but I wanted to ask here first. I'm assuming I'm most likely screwed but..

    TL;DR: accepted a job from a dude that was linked to me from a business from indeed, dude sent me check for 3k, check bounced, -3k in my bank account, bank says I have to pay, any options

    submitted by /u/1manidiot
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    Employer reimbursement issues causing fiscal hardship.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:54 PM PST

    I work for a software company that requires travel. I have been here for 5 years. At first I excitedly got a credit card for travel and only travel. I was naive. The company would require travel at the drop of a hat. I would get a call on sunday that I was needed in LA for the week. I would book travel, hotel, rental car etc. I was traveling for 3 weeks a month. a week on site and then home for the weekend. It was costing 2600 to 3200 a trip. the company was taking 3-6 weeks to cut reimbursement checks. In my naivety, I didn't think about the interest I was carrying. Soon the car was maxed out and waiting on checks but travel was being demanded.

    So I started billing everything through the company. I have been doing this for 2 years now and am still paying off the interest on the credit card. The company just announced they will no longer allow travel to be booked through the company credit card. All employees must book all travel on their personal cards and submit reimbursement. My position REQUIRES travel. The company in the email says they cut checks every week. I am currently waiting on 2 food per diem reimbursements for 4 weeks and have another trip scheduled next week.

    Is there a required time limit the employer must reimburse an employee and can are they liable for interest incurred while waiting for their reimbursement?
    Do I have options?

    If my employer requires travel do they have to provide a different option than me loaning them the money and waiting for a reimbursement?

    Headquarters is in Utah on paper but operates out of California.


    Employer now requiring all travel expenses be paid by employee and reimbursement checks will be cut weekly. Employer is taking 3-6 weeks to cut checks and not covering interest on credit cards

    submitted by /u/kaarno
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    My roommates packed up, moved out of the state, didn’t pay rent, and now I might have to sue them (AL)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:04 PM PST

    My boyfriend and I moved into a two bedroom apartment with our two friends on October 30th, 2019.

    Everything seemed to go great at first, but then one of our roommates stared to become easily upset by small things. They went from having their own place to living with us so we assumed he was having trouble adjusting to not having as much space or privacy.

    We ended finding out from our landlord they had tried speaking to her about removing us from the lease. He wanted to make us occupants and himself the primary lease holder so that he could evict us.

    Our landlord said no, and said he seemed upset but that he understood. My boyfriend ended up going out of town for a funeral, and I was busy with work. That night I come home to them packing their stuff.

    I tried to talk to them but their parents were there and their dad wouldn't let me speak to them.

    I find out from their coworkers that they both up and quit their jobs with 24 hour notice. Our maintenance guy came by the next morning and said they turned their keys in.

    Im now freaking out because rent was due by that day, and our landlord said they hadn't paid.

    My landlord was very kind about the whole situation and advised me on what to do. She had me sign a promissory stating that I would pay the rent, the late fee for the rent, and the fee to break the lease in the next three months. All together it's around 1600.

    As long as this is paid on time and in full, none of this will go to collections or on our credit.

    The problem is we don't know if our ex roommates will help us pay this. They've blocked us both on everything. My boyfriend has tried but not been able to get in touch with them at all.

    Our landlord said once we pay everything off and if they haven't helped us pay anything, we could take them to small claims court and sue them.

    We both have absolutely no idea how we would even go about suing them if it comes down to that. I just want to be prepared in case it happens.

    Our landlord gave me a copy of our lease agreement, a copy of the promissory, and said she will give us receipts for every payment we make.

    To summarize everything, in case we end up suing, how does small claims court work, and what do we need to do?

    submitted by /u/geeeand-my-bby
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    I hired a freelancer and they never did the work. I noticed tonight they wrote a sneaky loophole in their contract as well, preventing me from getting money in a lawsuit. Does any of that fall under gross negligence or willful misconduct?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

    Btw I'm in college so I'd really like the money back…I completely understand though that it's my fault, and I should have realized what the contract was really saying, I just got lost in all the legal wording and didn't realize I was actually reading a loophole.

    submitted by /u/HelloWorld1234512345
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    Shelter I was working in wouldn’t treat bed bugs- now I have them at home and am facing eviction TX.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:34 AM PST

    I was working in a drug recovery home where we have a large population of homeless people coming in and out. As a mental health tech, my job was very hands on going through their beds looking for contraband and touching their clothing. I was never made aware of the risks or previous infestations the home had dealt with. One day recently the clients began reporting bed bug sightings and bites. The CEO who runs the organization was alerted several times by our maintenance manager that they needed to fumigate immediately, the CEO said it wasn't that big of a deal and told everyone to just wash their clothes. Me and the other employees became distressed as the problem got worse and the CEO was cutting as many corners as possible to avoid the cost of fumigation. I took every precaution I could to stay away from bedding and clothing, and to keep off the floors where they slept. I asked several times if they could help me pay for mattress covers and preventative chemicals, things i could not afford making $11 an hour. They did not. One day, they showed up in our apartment. I had to immediately quit my job. Our lease has an addendum that if we introduced bed bugs to the complex we could be evicted. So we called in the maintenance manager from the home i was working in and he came over and told us everything we had to do. We did everything. Absolutely everything. Two weeks later, the bugs are back and even worse. They are even inside of my car. We have already thrown away so much. We have already lost so much time and money, and the problem is only looming. We further found out that the complex states if we attempted to treat the problem ourselves we would be evicted no question. The cost to treat this is growing and we are in very real danger of losing everything, including our home AND having our first eviction on record. The repercussions are unimaginable. We need to help to know what legal protection we have, what the organization I was working for could be responsible for, should we contact a lawyer or would that lawyer alert the complex?

    Very terrified right now. Any advice would help.

    submitted by /u/stormwal
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