• Breaking News

    Friday, November 29, 2019

    Legal Advice - Landlord claiming she needs to move back into the house i’m renting from her

    Legal Advice - Landlord claiming she needs to move back into the house i’m renting from her

    Landlord claiming she needs to move back into the house i’m renting from her

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:30 AM PST

    Hey, all!! This is in Oklahoma.

    I'm two months into a 6-month rental agreement with a family friend. We have a semi-formal written agreement that includes how long the lease is, rent amount, and the people living in the house. It's signed by both of us. I have the only copy.

    This morning, she texted saying that she needs to move back home because she can't afford the place she's living in anymore.

    If it's worth anything, she's a fugitive from the law so I don't think she'd go to the courthouse and actually file an eviction notice, but I can't be sure. Can she send someone on her behalf?

    Any and all advice would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/learninginok
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    Parents put $11,000 on credit in my name.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:12 AM PST

    SECOND UPDATE: I tried to take some of y'all's advice with looking up my credit info. Unfortunately it looks like they didn't use my social security or birthdate. Does this change anything? I'll be using Equifax and sending the info to my boyfriends house. As for what happens next I'll still be looking for insurance, working on refinancing my car, and creating a new account for my phone. I dread going home tonight.

    UPDATE: I've told my parents that I know this is fraud. They immediately called the credit card company and cancelled the card. Which I guess I'm relieved? I've never dealt with credit cards because my parents have never let me use it. So what happens now? My parents are currently threatening to take me off of their insurance or to find another one and to remove themselves from my car loan. I have no clue what to do.

    I'm currently 21, this credit card was opened in 2015. My parents had originally told me that they would help build my score which I had no clue what that meant at the time, so I let it be. Times gone by and I've joined credit tracking apps to keep an eye on my score. My parents have a credit card in my name which I've never really thought as odd until now.

    Recently I've been getting emails about the debt on that card. I've told my parents about it but they've just swept it under the rug. Today I decided to take a look into Credit Karma and had found that the debt on the card has doubled and my credit score has dropped 38 points. I'm completely blown.

    I've tried talking to my mother but that's ended in a screaming fight. I don't know what to do. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Cori_Fox
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    Is my landlord required to provide heat if I'm leasing a room?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:16 AM PST

    I'm currently leasing a room in San Mateo, CA and my landlord doesn't provide heat. There's a heater, but neither I nor other housemates are allowed to use it. It regularly drops to 45 degrees in the house. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/genuineQthrowaway
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    With or without prejudice? Husband installed spy-software on my computer, went to prostitutes, got an STD and passed it to me, hid all our assets, emptied our accounts, cancelled my insurance. I need help.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PST

    I met my husband about five years ago. We started dating and got married after three years (in a country far away). I gave up my path in life to support his (he had a career going, and I was only studying).

    His job required us to move around, and for us to be together, I had to take a position where I had no experience. Thus low paying, but it enabled us to be together, and him to focus on his career.

    Since the day we met, we have been very clear that we have an open relationship. Meaning that we are allowed to have other relationships apart from the one we are in together.

    Fast forward to the beginning of this year. My husband and I talked, and he had suddenly decided that he no longer want our relationship to be open. I told him that I did not want to change this. He then presented me with a "relationship contract" where he had defined exactly how any ex-marital relationships should be. How long they could last, precisely what they could include and how they should be terminated.

    I told him that I did not want to change our initial agreement and that the whole purpose of being free was not to have to define everything. He took a few days to think of it and told me that he agrees with me and that his "relationship contract" was a mistake and that we should stick to our initial agreement.

    This is where I thought we were on the same page. He became sweeter and more romantic than ever, flowers, poems, love notes, honeymoons etc. Although in reality, he was simply using all of that as tactics to put his real plan in order: "To destroy me" (yes, in his own words) and he started planning his exit from our marriage.

    • He installed a spy-software on my computer and recorded everything I did and typed.
    • He emptied our joint account.
    • He emptied our safe deposit box
    • We had bought some gems as an investment, he told me he had a buyer for these and took them, but just gave them to his sister.
    • He hired prostitutes, got an STD and passed it to me
    • He emptied all his US accounts and moved all assets abroad.

    About six months ago I got served, he had filed for divorce, without even talking to me about it. He filed for divorce in a state where neither of us is a resident. He had however lied on the documents stating his P.O. box as his residential address. He also has this same P.O. box address as his residential address on his driver's license from that State.

    I hired a lawyer who helped me respond to his petition and asked my husband for financial disclosure. Suddenly my husband got scared and filed a voluntary dismissal of the original petition on the grounds of "lack of jurisdiction", he did not want to disclose his financial activities. I believe that he has set up a bunch of companies to avoid paying taxes in the US (he is a green card holder).

    I had to pay my lawyer, who's retainer is non-refundable, for nothing. I only hired him to respond to my husband's original petition for the dissolution of the marriage.

    Now I have no money, will not even get divorced form this person, and I created an unnecessary debt to myself by hiring a lawyer who had their hands tied up because the case got dismissed. So, of course, I decided to take it to court to get my attorney fees back from my spouse.

    I was ready to go to court. But my spouse offered to pay half of the money I paid my lawyer in exchange for me to "voluntarily dismiss my counter-petition (as the respondent) WITH prejudice". I declined the offer, knowing very well my chances to get the money back from a trial are very slim.

    I still find it odd. Why would he voluntarily dismiss his petition for divorce WITHOUT prejudice while asking me to voluntary dismiss my counter-petition WITH prejudice?

    Against my lawyer's strong advice to accept this in exchange for 50% of the fees I paid my attorney, I declined the offer. A couple of hours later, I received notice that my spouse would pay the full amount, so long as I agree NOT to file for divorce in New York (He has a lease on an apartment, and I have been living in it for a year, he has not been home since June 2019).

    Once I knew we were getting a divorce, I started looking for attorneys here in NYC, and in the country where we got married. But then I was surprised when I got a petition from a different State.

    I am perplexed now. Does anyone have any idea why my spouse is so eager to have me to file for divorce in NY? Besides the fact that I have no jurisdiction to get divorced in any other State, and the country where we did get married will not permit divorce until we fulfil the required separation year apart.

    I currently live off savings, and I'm running out of money. My husband has a five-figure monthly salary.

    Reddit, can you help me? I need to understand why he is so scared that I will file for divorce in NY. Does anyone here know a good lawyer, or can you direct me to one? I don't even know how to afford a lawyer at this point, all my money went to the first lawyer I hired, and the retainer was non-refundable. I'm not a citizen, and I cannot take a bank loan here. All suggestions are welcome. Maybe there is someone here who is a lawyer and has some helpful information.

    submitted by /u/TokuMeiKa
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    Someone is planning to buy a parking space that I'm using

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:40 AM PST

    Canada, Ontario: I currently rent out a parking spot from the builder of the condo I live in. They informed me that someone is planning to buy the parking spot and want to use it themselves. Are they free to just "kick me out" whenever they want after they buy the parking spot? Do I have any legal protections?

    submitted by /u/PwnCatie
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    Amazon delivered me an empty Nintendo Switch game case and won't refund me.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    Hi everyone. I need some advice in regards to an Amazon order. Last week, a package that contained 3 items was delivered to me. I signed for it, took it inside and opened the box. 2 of the times were fine and as described. However, one of the items was a Nintendo Switch game. The game case was not sealed and the actual game cartridge had been removed before shipped to me. So I basically spent $80 on a piece of useless plastic. I'm assuming someone brought the game, returned it empty and Amazon re-sold it.

    I immediately contacted Amazon customer service and they flatly refused to help me in any way whatsoever. I tried contacting the distributor and they are yet to respond. It's been over 1 week now and still no response.

    What am I supposed to do? (Hong Kong) - Expat from Australia living in HK.

    submitted by /u/SingleChain
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    Can my "mother" file for visitation rights of my daughter?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:55 PM PST

    On mobile so sorry for any format issues... Im trying, super stressed out so please be easy.

    Alright, so i have ALWAYS had issues with my biological mother. my siblings and I were actually taken away from her because of her mental conditions and her abuse of us. We were raised by our biological grandmother.

    Shes one of those crazy egotistical people that makes everything about her. For example, MY baby shower became her party. She screamed at me for my suggestions on where to host it, who i wanted there.. Etc... I had to be scheduled for induction with my daughter, and the night before i was supposed to have my daughter she calls me and screams at me to the point of causing a mental breakdown. My fiancee had to take the phone from me i was shaking and crying so bad. She also had to be escorted out of the hospital because she tried to walk out of the room with my daughter RIGHT AFTER SHE WAS BORN.

    I have been trying to slowly cut all ties with her because of the mental issues she has caused me. I have to go to a therapist now because she has screamed about how im a useless mother etc.. Im gonna kill my daughter apparently, and shes gonna call CPS on my fiancee? Now today her husband sent me a ranting message about how if they don't get to see my daughter that they'll go to court over visitation.

    I do live in ohio, and I've tried researching it.. There's so many sources saying so many different things.. I despise her at this point, i don't want her to be around my daughter as i don't trust her at all. Please help or at least give me some sort of advice on how to defuse the situation. I may be overreacting, i don't know at this point. I just want an idea of what to do or what she could do i guess.

    If it helps any my daughter is two months old as of today, we am in a stable house, with a stable income. She is 100% healthy and has no issues.

    submitted by /u/Potatochicka
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    If someone is suing me for something in my distant past, what information do they have to provide me when I speak with them over the phone? ("2430 inc." is suing me, serving me, and knows me info for something less than $300 from a decade ago? Is this actually a scam?)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:25 AM PST

    *I am in gilbert, arizona, and the call is coming from delaware NY.

    I cannot find anything online about this company other than BBB ratings of "F." The address associated with this aggressive, rude, mean lady who calls and answers the phone is linked to a book club. The phone number is associated with "2430 inc/services." They said they are suing me for $1300 for a magazine subscription from 2008, when I lived in a different state. I am 1099, and she said she is going to garnish my wages. She doesn't have my current address, or she will not confirm/say it, only my different state, previous address. How much legitimacy is in this? To make this applicable to others, what information do people calling me about money (debt collectors/law offices) have to provide, and what are the rules they have to play by.

    submitted by /u/NicoleASUstudent
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    Comcast, dirty, rotten, liars....

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:46 AM PST

    I'm in Arkansas and Comcast is trying to pull a fast one. On September 27th, I called to cancel my service. The lady told me to disable automatic billing and wait for the final, adjusted bill to show up. my next bill was due on October 9th, and should only have 7 days on it because of when I canceled. I also disconnected my cable modem at this time. I had no equipment from Comcast. I was using my own.

    So, a few days later I get the next month's bill, and I'm like, OK, they haven't adjusted it yet, I'll wait until they do. So life goes on, and when I receive another bill, for another month, I realize, wait, something's wrong. So I call back. The lady told me I had called on NOV 12 to cancel on DEC 12. I'm like, NO, it should have canceled right away, and I'm pretty sure I called before that. She promises to update the cancellation.

    I looked through my phone records. There was no call on NOV 12, the last call was on SEP 27. I also notice I had turned my auto-pay off for the bill due on OCT 9, so I new the NOV 12 was a lie. So I call back.

    After the lady who barely spoke English transferred me, the next lady told me there was a note on SEP 27 that I canceled, but it was never processed. In fact, the lady I had talked to a couple days before had not actually canceled me. IT TOOK THREE CALLS TO GET CANCELED! She assured me she had to send the information to others who could adjust my bill, but because of the note on my account, and the fact I had disconnected my modem it should not be a problem and that my final bill should be $10. She did say the amount.

    That night, I finally get an email confirmation that I had canceled, and the next day, I get an email that one month was credited on my bill, even though it should have been 2 months and 23 days, plus late fees.

    So here's my question to you all. What's my options? I want to just pay the $10 I really owe them, and then just ignore them. My credit score is almost 800, so I am not worried about a ding there. If I go this route, does anybody know what is likely to happen?

    I could call them again and complain, but honestly, they lie straight to your face...um... voice, and they probably really don't care..

    FYI, this is not the first thing something like this happened. A few years ago a technician visited after a storm to fix the downed wire. Then a $10/month fee started getting added to my bill for renting their equipment, though I was still using mine. 6mos later, when I noticed it, they would only refund $20, because I took to long. I abandoned them for a year, but was suckered back. Never again. They seem to have some pretty dirty practices to get extra money out of people.

    submitted by /u/silorme
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    My manager might fire me for speaking to him about his inappropriate behavior

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:12 PM PST

    This is in Pennsylvania. I am an assistant manager at a well-known fast food restaurant. About 6 months ago we had an opening for a job as a line cook, so I referred my younger sister (she's 15) and our general manager hired her. After about a month, myself and some of the other employees began to get concerned with our GM's behavior towards her. For example, he would offer her rides home, tell her she's beautiful, get close to her, text and Facetime with her all the time, took screenshots of her in bathing suit on Snapchat, etc. He's almost 40. After a while one of the other managers and I talked to him about it in private and told him we thought his behavior was inappropriate. He got very defensive and said he didn't mean to be inappropriate.

    The next day, he called my sister and told her he didn't mean to be inappropriate but wanted to be a "father figure" to her and he had no good excuse for screenshotting a picture of her except that she was "very beautiful" and admitted that he "thought she liked him". Again, she's 15. Then, a few days later, one of the other employees said he heard our GM speaking to a higher-up and telling them he was looking to find a replacement for me and fire me. He has since spoken to me about my job performance and said I don't move quickly enough, am not dedicated to the company, etc. (he's never spoken to me about my performance before - I've worked there for 4 years and got promoted after 2).

    At this point, I don't know what to do. I work here full-time and don't want to get fired, and I also want to protect my younger sister since I feel like this is grooming. A coworker mentioned calling HR about it, but I don't know what they can do, if anything. Is there any argument for retaliation if I do get fired? Is there anything I can do about him harassing my sister?

    submitted by /u/OkTrade5
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    My girlfriend's mother basically stole her and her brothers whole inheritance money that was left to them by their father.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:02 AM PST

    Location: Europe, could specify if it is very important

    My girlfriend's father passed away like a decade ago. She and her brother were both inherited quite a lofty amount in euros. When she was in high school, she was always told that she would get the inheritance money once she turns 18, then she was told once she turns 21 then she is told that once she graduates from University.

    Turns out, the inheritance money was in the bank for a long time. They were only allowed to remove certain amount with the presence of my girlfriend and could only spend it on stuff that were school related for instance (had to prove it) However due to changes in constitution, children's presence/sign was not mandatory anymore and her mother / new stepfather removed both her and her brother's inheritance money from the bank and they keep it for themselves.

    They basically spend it on new cars, they bough a flat in the downtown where nor my girlfriend neither her brother is allowed to move in. They literally don't share a single penny with them claiming that they don't deserve that money they inherited. My girlfriend is a university student with excellent grades as well as outstanding work ethic and mind. In addition, she works as a part time babysitter - so the claims are insane to say the least. She is 22 now by the way and we are talking about life changing amount of money. She could live stress free through University as well as make her dreams come through and we could move to the Netherlands to MA where we both want to go.

    Her mother claims that there is an unspecified amount of money left but she told my girlfriend that she should not count on ever getting that money. Her mother and her new partner do not really work, they basically live of that money.

    My main question is:

    • Would it even worth a shot to take legal actions? Is there even a possibility?
    • Does it worth the hassle? Would it actually cost shit tons of money to even take legal actions?
    • Any personal advice is welcome, whether it is legal or not.

    Thank you.


    In addition, my girlfriend is kind of shy and would rather leave things as they are in order to avoid conflict with her family and mom. She did not want to step up and bring up this conversation but I have been encouraging her for months. She was also extremely angry about the whole fiasco and I felt like I needed to push her out of her comfort zone. I do not think she will do anything against the current circumstances however. What I want is to have a clear picture with options that I can present to her. In case a clearer picture becomes potentially favorable, I would consider encouraging her to take further legal actions.

    Apparently my girlfriend claims there is no will since the money presumably comes from inherited houses having been sold. I am not 100% sure certain information, neither she is. This is due to the fact that she does not really know what her mother really lied about. (Legit source of the money and etc) So the whole situation is sort of gloomy as of now. I assume the houses were on the kids' name. Otherwise I am not sure how the money landed in the bank, from where only the kids could pull it out. Unfortunately I am not very experienced in the given topic.

    Moreover, I got a comment or pm that I am only trying to force my girlfriend into this due to the fact that I want their money. Despite not feeling the needs to justify myself, I want to make a some things clear. I was brought up by a strict father who values honesty, laws and family. I have been taught to protect those who I love and love me back, no matter what it takes. The current situation regarding my girlfriend's inheritance honestly makes my blood boil. Thankfully, I can say that I was very very lucky with the parents I was given and I have to say they set me a very great example of how to be more than just a decent humankind. I have no intentions of telling my girlfriend: "Just leave it, does not worth the hassle." Sorry, I am not that kind. I fight for every inch that belongs to me and I am going to encourage her to do the same. I see that she is suffering due the conflicts going on and I know that she is very much hurt considering one of the supposedly most stable point in her life has collapsed. I cannot put into words how much the whole situation angers me. I honestly have no idea how can someone blindly assume that I just want to have the money for myself.

    submitted by /u/tvr_god
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    my ex boyfriends mom is trying to get grandparents rights to my child. I don't think the advice we got was sound. (NY)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    I'm going to try to prevent this from being a million pages long.

    I am a teenage (17&9 months) mother to a baby girl born end of September. She was born 15 weeks early but is doing great and is expected to be released from the hospital in as little as two weeks time.

    The father of the baby broke up with me and cut ties with me shortly before she was born. He never visited the NICU, has never called to see how she was doing, and has only ever used her as a pawn to further a pro life agenda by posting a photo of her claiming i wanted to abort her and that she was born because of a failed abortion.

    His parents seemed supportive of me at the outset. I let them come visit her whenever they wanted and they really seemed to be on my side but that ended up where it could not have been further from the truth.

    I had a limited list of people who were allowed to visit baby when i am not there. It was my parents (mom & stepfather), her paternal grandparents, my twin, and my current boyfriend (also my best friend--he has been the one who supported us).

    At some point i guess what happened was that my ex's mother happened to arrive at the hospital to visit when my boyfriend was there and she got into a verbal altercation with him. The nurses made the decision to remove her from the visit list because she initiated the issue. (Imagine being a 40something woman and starting a fight with a teenage boy?)

    When i was filled in on the situation i agreed with the nurses assessment because i don't want any trouble and i reached out to her and said, in effect: I'm really sorry you were upset that BF was there with Baby. I totally understand, but i had to agree with the nurses decision to remove you from the list. However, i would be okay with you coming to visit when i am there.

    At this point, she went nuclear and made it out like i was preventing her from seeing her grandchild and making me out as the bad guy and a person who didn't take care of the child, insinuating that she was one of the only people who visited her.

    It's been very rare that i haven't been with baby and I've always made sure someone was there with her during visiting hours. If i had an exam to write, was sick and not able to go, or just needed time alone to pump more breast milk, these are examples, otherwise I've been there with her.

    She decided that she was going to petition for court ordered custody under a law in our state that says grandparents can when the parents have interfered with their ability to have a relationship. She intends as it seems to bring baby home from the hospital with her.

    To bolster her claim, she somehow tracked down my biological father. He is still my legal father for all intents and purposes but has not seen me since i was six years old. She had him sign an affidavit stating that he believed that to the best of his knowledge i was not able to provide the necessities of life to a child.

    My parents (mom&stepdad) and myself sought out legal counsel, but the lawyer we saw suggested that i turn legal rights over to my parents to "cover my ass" until she drops the case, which seems like a) weird, unsound advice and b) more headaches down the line.

    So i am turning to you LA:

    1) is my hunch that this lawyer gave us bad advice accurate? 2) what can i do, as a mother, to protect my child? 3) anything else you might find helpful.

    submitted by /u/2sophiajoy2
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    A sex offender’s mother sent him pictures of his victims while he is in prison.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:42 PM PST

    I was under the knowledge that this mother has been in touch with her son in prison, who is a sex offender of an underage daughter, for 10 years.

    Little backstory, this man sexually abused his stepdaughter and was convicted of sex with a 15 year old. He has a biological daughter as well as another stepdaughter.

    His mom has been sending him pictures of all the three girls throughout the 10 years without knowledge of the girls.

    I have no legal grounds to prove this without endangering myself legally. We shared the online prison email at the beginning of the 10 years and she has never update her security after I created my own account. I've seen some things that seems to violate the privacy of the victims and I'm extremely concerned about the materials of the emails which seems to show collusion to "reconcile" the victims and ex wife of the said prisoner. I'm mostly concerned about the girls and the possible consequences that they would suffer again once he finishes his sentence.

    What's the best course of action can I take in order to protect the victims while taking legal actions against the mother of the prisoner?

    This is in Michigan.

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    Sisters car was spotted being driven around 3 days after being repossessed

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:29 PM PST

    Location: New Jersey

    3 days ago, my sisters car was repoed after some kind of paperwork issue. Her lease was up but her new car is not ready yet. Sisters husband filled out paperwork to extend the lease a few more months and already made the next payment. I do not know where/how the issue occurred but the car was repoed from our driveway on Tuesday morning.

    Today I was driving and noticed the same make and model of her car driving on the other side of the road. I glanced at the license plate and was shocked to see that it was actually her car - same license plate numbers and everything (we had always joked about how easy it is to recognize her car due to the license plate containing a real word). I also have a dash cam which captured the car being driven but unfortunately the license plate is not fully readable and the video needs to be edited/enhanced which we are working on.

    I wasn't able to turn around and follow the car but I immediately called my sister who asked me to go to the repo lot and see if the car would be there or not. When I arrived at the repo lot it seemed to be closed with a locked gate and nobody there to let me in.

    My questions are- is it legal for her car (with her license plate still on it) to be driven around town after being repoed?

    If it's not legal, what should we do about this? We are worried about what is potentially being done with the car while still registered to her.

    Does she need a lawyer? Should we make a police report? Should we try reaching the repo lot again when they open on Monday? The car is supposed to be sent back to Lexus eventually, should we contact them?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/grace5477
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    Police came yesterday and told landlady she can’t go in my room and take my things. Today I turned my webcam on while in the shower and she went in my room and looked around

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:23 PM PST

    Yesterday my landlady was upset about her electric bill. Instead of just asking me to pay the difference she came in my room in a fit of rage and took a couple electronic devices. I recorded all of this, called the police and showed them the video. They basically said I'm 100% in the right (it's California) and she can't go in my room, take my things etc.

    Today I had a sneaking suspicion she would go in my room while I was in the shower so I turned the webcam on and hit record, and I was right. Called police again, they said keep the video and have the time logs of my calls so I'm good there.

    But I'm wondering what legal repercussions is she likely to face? Do I sue for harassment? She is also sending subtly threatening texts. Is there any chance she would pay me a sum of money as a fine or would she just get some kind of mark on her record?

    Edit: Police asked me to call back tomorrow since it's thanksgiving.

    submitted by /u/Anonymustard1
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    Airline Bankruptcy Issues

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Ontario, CA


    Early this year, my partner and I booked tickets to Europe through a Travel Agency with an airline called Jet Airways. Jet Airways proceeded to go bankrupt months before our flight - but still charged us. I wanted to go dispute payment immediately, but was told by the Travel Agent not to due to documents received.

    Eventually, I was told to proceed with a dispute. I sent in emails the month we were due to leave, but some error resulted in my itinerary not attaching to the email. My bank never contacted me about this. I called them back a month later after I returned, and they stated they could no longer help me and I had to recover the money from elsewhere.

    The flight never occurred. Services were not rendered. It's getting very frustrating being told that I need to pay for something that didn't occur. Is there any action I can take here?

    submitted by /u/Tyco_994
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    Neighbor takes unwanted photos. Is this grounds for a HRO?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:54 AM PST

    I recently moved into a new neighborhood (Hennepin county, Minnesota) about 7 months ago. In this time my neighbor has repeatedly taken pictures of me (my partner and my family) while in my garage, leaving my home (in my car), and on a walk. Yesterday, the neighbor took pictures of my family while they were entering my home. I have seen the neighbor take pictures on about a dozen occasions. I spoke to her husband after the first 2 incidents, he noted that he would ask her to stop. After the 4th time, I contacted the police to record the time/date/incident information. They noted that what she is doing isn't technically illegal, but started a case to document the information. The police also noted that this individual has had several police interactions due to unwanted picture taking with other neighbors. After about 8 times, I was able to talk to the neighbor taking pictures. I requested that she stop and received no confirmation that that would happen. This behavior has been ongoing throughout the 7 months I've lived here. My family is hesitant to visit due to her picture taking. My partner doesn't want to live here anymore. Is this behavior grounds for a Harassment Restraining Order?

    submitted by /u/poptartsmycat
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    New Quebec landlord cut water and heating yesterday, today the electricity. We are set to move on the 1st, after being "reno-victed"

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Like this is illegal right?

    September my apartment block got bought by a new owner. New owner pressures me into signing contract kicking us out on the first, literally asked me to sign for my boyfriend (I did) so they can start tearing down the walls and ceiling and floors to make new condos in our low income neighbourhood.

    We got no compensation because apparently i said something about possibly moving in 2020.

    They didn't warn us about the power/water/hydro cuts, found out we couldn't flush, then found the water basins on the front yard.

    Is this legal? Do i have grounds to fight?

    submitted by /u/Melkly
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    (NJ) Are 17year olds able to make doctors appointments on their own?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:16 AM PST

    I want to know if I can make my own appointments because my family takes a long time to make the appointments and they are really important. I also need to make personal appointments and they don't need to know bout it.

    submitted by /u/Eemani
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    Collection agency wants money

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:01 AM PST

    A few weeks ago I ordered some stuff from a Chinese website. The package was seized by customs and it turns out that 2 items were fake products. The customs destroyed them and I thought everything was fine. A few days later I recieve a letter from a collection agency saying that I did something wrong and they want 250 euros to arrange it and the name and adress of the seller or they would sue me. Is there any way this could be solved or am I better off just paying? I'm located in Belgium.

    submitted by /u/ninei1004
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    Force Tree removal issues by city

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:49 AM PST

    So I live in Minneapolis and received a notice to remove a nuisance tree for EAB infection. I know I'll need to get this taken care of but there are some issues with the enforcement I wanted advice on.

    Here is the relevant ordinance cited in the notice: https://library.municode.com/mn/minneapolis/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PAREBOCOOR_CH10TRVE_ARTIICOINSPTRPE

    1. The city inspector went straight into my fenced backyard without even attempting make contact at the front door first, the yard is posted no trespassing. Beyond politeness is there any legal issue here?
    2. The ordinance seems to require scientific testing. "Appropriate specimens or samples shall be taken" and " Within five (5) days of receipt of the diagnosis, the owner of the property from which the specimen was obtained shall be notified of the result by personal delivery or first class mail." Emphasis added. The notice makes no mention of any testing being done, I have never been sent any results, and I have a backyard ring camera and I've never seen anyone take a sample.

    If the steps in ordinance PB10-23 are not followed, can ordinance PB10-25 be enforced?

    Assuming there are legal issues above what would the next steps be?

    submitted by /u/mo_treez_mo_problemz
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    Mother on drugs wanting to give up custody to son of other children

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 11:28 AM PST

    So this is a long story but I'll try to shorten it and be as accurate as possible. I'm 22 y/o M I work at a decent job making good money while also going to school atm living In Illinois. I live one state away from where my mother and rest of my family live where this is all taking place (Missouri). My mother and dad have both been in and out of prison on and off drugs in fact my dad gets out tomorrow. My mother has been hiding the fact she's relapsed again (meth) for months now and has decided she no longer wants the responsibility of my brothers and wants to take her daughter (from a separate marriage and different father.) and run off to another state with her tweak boyfriend. My brothers are 12 and 13 years old. My mother has always been an addict since I could remember it's the reason I left initially. I love my brothers and would love to take them but I want nothing to do with her, I just want to know how to go about getting them as she's willing to give them up to me. Some friends I've talked to have stated she can sign over guardianship and get it notarized but to my understanding that would keep her legal custody. I'd truly appreciate any advice and to know any options. If I left out any important details please ask and I'll openly and gladly respond. Also important to mention I myself and all my siblings have been in and out of foster care in the past due to her negligence. Thanks in advance everyone.

    submitted by /u/OsherWon
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    I was almost charged with an assault with a weapon but now I’m scared (Alberta, Canada)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:28 PM PST

    So I'll skip the to meat of things, me and my roommate got into a pretty huge fight and I ended up throwing something in their face (not with intention to hurt them just to shut them up). Anyway they ended up getting super angry and called the police on me. The police arrived and they talked to us separately and we explained that we were both overreacting, my roommate said they didn't want me charged and the officer said I'll almost certainly be charged but he spoke with his supervisor and was able to let me off with a warning.

    That's great and since then my roommate and I have had a serious talk, and things have been worked out. Now however I'm terrified that I'm going to get a court summons in the mail, so my questions are:

    Are the Police the final decision on this (I read that the crown prosecutor decides wether or not I'm charged and I'm scared they'll decide to charge me)?

    Are all police reports sent to the crown prosecutors or only the ones that police decide to charge you?

    Should I be afraid that I'm randomly going to be taken away in handcuffs?

    The officer said that if I got an assault with a weapon charge it would make it really hard for me to go on vacation, is that true?

    submitted by /u/Ineedsomehelpquick
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    Signed to rent a flat for a year on the basis of having 1 on road parking permit, due to move in on the 2nd December and have just been told by the council that the property isn’t eligible

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:12 AM PST

    Title says it all. Me and my partner signed to rent a two bed flat for a year, in conversations at the viewing and in the process of signing we discussed needing the permit (so we can both park, one spot comes with the flat) and they assured us each time that would be fine we could apply for street parking.

    We have email chains discussing parking and requesting the info needed to apply for a permit (including a response from the council with the council tax ref needed for the permit) and at no point until I applied was it discovered that the building was not eligible.

    We're due to move in next week and I have no idea what to do as we are town centre with no unrestricted parking anywhere. In my opinion the estate agents are responsible for miss-selling us the property but I don't know if we have any legal recourse. Advice would be very much appreciated! Thank you in advance

    Forgot to add location info, Berkshire UK

    submitted by /u/ketsucurry
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