• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Legal Advice - City removed all plants from our Hillside in the backyard promising to replant them 4 months ago (which they didn't) and it stormed causing our house to flood and destroyed our backyard.

    Legal Advice - City removed all plants from our Hillside in the backyard promising to replant them 4 months ago (which they didn't) and it stormed causing our house to flood and destroyed our backyard.

    City removed all plants from our Hillside in the backyard promising to replant them 4 months ago (which they didn't) and it stormed causing our house to flood and destroyed our backyard.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:03 AM PST

    My City of San Clemente, California decided to remove all plants from our hillside in the Summer "due to fire concerns" which resulted in our House getting incredibly dirty from all the dust which was rampant without all the plants. We reached out to the city many times with letters urging them to right the wrong and they promised to replant in the Fall. It is now almost December and a storm came today that has completely flooded our backyard and is doing property damage to our house.

    This could never have happened if they left all the plants on the hill. Is there anything we can do for compensation to pay for the damages caused by their lack of action and failure to uphold their promise in the letter they wrote us? All help is greatly appreciated since we cannot afford to take care of these damages.

    Edit: Not sure if this is important but the hillside is maintained by our HOA of the community we live in and was a joint decision by the city and HOA to remove the plants.

    submitted by /u/Alpha-Haus
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    A chemical plant exploded by my house and my job and they took money out of my paycheck and want me to come to work during a mandatory evacuation.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:42 PM PST

    So I'll start off by saying I work on a per job basis. Everyday that we are on call, we get a daily bonus. If you miss one job, you lose that daily bonus HOWEVER if you miss 2 jobs in the ENTIRE pay period, you lose all the daily bonuses you have accrued and can't get any more bonuses for the rest of the pay period.

    A chemical plant exploded by my house and my job. A judge signed a 10 day evacuation notice and made us leave the city and evacuate.

    I told my job and they argued with me that there was no evacuation. They said I missed 2 jobs and that I lost all of my bonuses.

    Is there any legal action I can take?

    submitted by /u/phycomichael
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    76 yo [ F ] being forced out of employers insurance , possibly let-go . Help

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:16 AM PST

    My friend has worked at this privately owned accounting firm over 20 employees in Ga. The pressure started a couple years ago when the insurance company sent in a rep to have a meeting about why friend should get off the company insurance and use Medicare. Every year now they call a meeting to remind her that she is costing the company extra money. They won't even give her the forms this year. Time is running out to sign up. She's so defeated right now. She was going to fold and just look at the dental and vision and a partner wouldn't give the forms to her . She told him this is discrimination and he laughed in her face and walked away. This is a guy she has known for twenty years. She's probably worked there 30. Her caseload has been lightened over the past couple weeks . She believes they are going to fire her for this under some other guise. She is understandably scared. Any options or insight would be helpful. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Gypsy_Mind_Trik
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    Airline lost my carseat and made me fly with my daughter on lap despite purchasing her a seat.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:33 PM PST

    just want to preface I'm not a 'karen' and I didn't want other people to miss their flights but it's not fair the pressure was on me because the airline overbooked

    I purchased 2 seats with this airline, one for me and one for my daughter who would be in her car seat. I checked in online 20hrs before my flight and had assigned seat numbers for both of us.

    Trying to lug a toddler, car seat, diaper bag and my small bag through security to the gate was a nightmare. I felt relief as my daughter was tired out and was certain she'd fall asleep in her car seat.

    My name was called while we waited for boarding time. The lady at the gate told me the flight was overbooked and I would have to give up my daughters seat and have her on my lap. They told me they would put my car seat in the carriage with the bigger luggage, so it would be there when I landed. I tried to argue but was told it was either that or we wouldn't be flying. They assured me I'd be compensated and just needed to call the airline afterwards.

    I had a very awful flight where the passengers next to me complained every 30 min that my daughter was too loud (the cabin lady was nice about it) and she did not rest the whole time.

    When I landed, I found her car seat was no where to be found (apparently didn't even check in as luggage) and after waiting on hold for nearly 2 hrs, the airline at most could compensate 10% of her ticket cost because "she was on the flight, at least".

    I have no idea what the laws are on this kind of thing. I have had to purchase a new car seat (300$) and also the whole experience of being insulted and glared at by passengers for a situation I didn't cause made this whole experience really traumatic and I am dreading flying back.

    What are my rights? Is what they did even legal?

    submitted by /u/grumpyairmama
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    Blew two tires after running over a spike strip layed out by an parking lot adjacent to my place of work. Should they reimburse me?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:56 AM PST

    I work at a place that shares a driveway with a pay parking lot. My place of work has three employee parking spots that hug our building and are just shy of the paybooth at the end of our shared driveway that allows entry into a pay lot. Because our spots are so tight we don't reverse out but instead drive forward into the pay lot and turn around to leave. This has never been a problem until today. Unbeknownst to our staff, the owners of the parking lot put out spike strips to keep people from parking there over the holiday. All three of our employees, including myself, blew tires out running over the strips to turn around. Couple things... The driveway has two narrow lanes, an in and an out, There were no posted signs about the strips, There was no way to see the strips buried under inches of snow. My question is... Is it reasonable to seek reimbursement from the owners of the parking lot as employees of the business that shares the driveway?

    submitted by /u/part_time_monster
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    Neighbor’s severely autistic son keeps entering my home. Filed CPS report and called police multiple times with nothing done. What are my options?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:35 PM PST

    Located in Indiana.

    My neighbors have a severely autistic son (about 10-11yo) who continuously trespasses my property and enters my home. I've called the police about this multiple times and have filed a CPS report (because it's blatant neglect, walks in the winter time in shorts/underwear with no shoes). So far nothing has been done. Cops will come, escort him back to his house, talk to the parents, and then leave. I'm tired of this happening because every time it happens it causes stress in my house.

    What can I do about this? How do I get law enforcement to start taking me seriously?

    submitted by /u/Motion_ambient
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    (OR) I’m refusing cancer treatment and my family is threatening to make me a ward of the state and force me into treatment. Can they?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:02 AM PST

    I'm 23 and recently found out I have 4 stage cancer. It's not quite yet terminal, but I've been told that if left untreated, it will be terminal within 6 months, most likely less. It's an aggressive form of cancer and has already metastasized.

    I'm choosing to leave it untreated for many reasons. Mainly, it's because cancer treatment is awful and quite the battle. I've been told that I would have to get maintenance chemotherapy about once a month or so following remission to prevent it from coming back for the rest of my life. I already have a death wish, I'm not willing to go through intense treatments and spend so much money on treatment when I'm not even a fan of life. And yes, I do have (professionally diagnosed) major depression disorder among some other mental disorders. I also have a lot of student debt from college... I just graduated this year. I can also tolerate physical illnesses. Once it's terminal and I have less than 6 months to live, I plan on seeking physician assisted death (which is legal in Oregon).

    My family did notice that I am sick, so I told them. They know about my depression (I was once in the mental hospital as a minor). However, I no longer talk to them about it. Nor have I since I moved out at the age of 18.

    Now they're threatening to deem me as mentally incompetent to make my decisions due to my depression, make me a ward of the state, and force me into treatment. They're also going to fight against me having the right to physician assisted suicide once I end up terminally ill (if they aren't able to force me into treatment first).

    Do they have a legal basis? Are they able to force me into treatment because of my depression? If so, how do I fight back? How do I make sure that, at 23, a grown adult, I have autonomy over my body?

    submitted by /u/slipperdomination
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    Surgeon refuses biopsy and turns out it’s cancer now I had to have much more invasive surgery.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:39 AM PST

    Last summer I found a little bump in my legs for then in the following November I found out that it was a tumor. I went through several scans but the last one was an MRI and the notes that came along with it were biopsy was recommended because there was something different about it. I get referred to a general surgeon and he tells me " oh I've seen these before we're not going to do a biopsy I do thousands of these it's no big deal" So I get the surgery done, and by law they have to do a pathology report on the tumor anyways. They got the pathology report back and the doctor end up being shocked because I'm in the room whenever he finds out to that it is cancer. I get referred to an oncologist at a cancer center we do more scans and other MRI. We found out that the previous surgeon didn't even meet the markers for the tumor. As a result of that it now means that we have to do a more invasive surgery and a skin graft on top of that. I was out for four months. Not getting paid from my job of anything. It was really tough.

    People keep mentioning that I should look up a lawyer for this because I've had to pay for both of these surgeries. So I'm just asking for advise.

    TLDR: Surgeon went in to do surgery refusing to do biopsy and turns out it's cancer now I had a bigger surgery as a result of that.

    submitted by /u/CassiWho
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    Therapist was “in-network” when I started going over two years ago. Some time last year they didn’t renew the contract and they fell out of network. I now owe over $800 for several sessions with an out of network provider.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:55 PM PST

    I live in Virginia. My therapist works in an office that is a subset of a large hospital/university. I sought treatment from this therapist because they were covered on my insurance's website. I went in understanding that I had to cover a $300 deductible per year and then it's $15 copays per visit. Well some time last year, my therapist didn't renew her contract and fell out of network (according to my insurance). I still continued paying my copays with every visit (every two weeks) and didn't think anything was wrong. Well I just got a bill from the hospital/university stating that my insurance only partially covered all of my visits dating back to May and I owe the hospital over 800 dollars. No one told me my therapist was no longer in network. My therapist didn't know and said she doesn't deal with the insurance side of things. The hospital billing department says the insurance company should have told me after the first out of network session. My insurance says the hospital/therapist should have told me when they failed to renew for the network contract. Who is at fault? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Sneakas
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    wheelchair bound father-in-law and taxi cab shenanigans.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:06 PM PST

    Ohio, throwaway.

    My father-in-law is 87 years old and wheelchair bound. We planned out a visit for today in which he would arrive at 4:30pm, and leave at 7pm. His nursing home is 1.5 miles away. Cab company picked him up just fine and he was here on time. When it came time for him to leave, we called an hour in advance to make sure that someone could still be here by around 7. Called at 7:15, someone is on their way. 7:45, someone is on their way and should be there by 8:30. Called another company who was about to close and could have had someone there by 8:30. Decided to wait for Yellow Cab since they were already en route.

    8:30 p.m. This time they tell me nobody is on the way because there are no wheelchair accessible taxis in our area and that nobody has accepted the call to come to us. At this point, there is literally no other wheelchair accessible transport services available, they are all closed except for Yellow Cab. I tell the operator I will give the driver, any driver, an extra $50-$75 to come out. Again, iterating that he he has to get to his nursing home for his medication, oxygen refill, etc. I don't mention at this point that he has soiled himself (he does wear adult depends when he goes out). They find someone who agrees, but he has to drop off his current passenger and is about 45 minutes away.

    At 9pm, I get antsy, and call the local police, see if they have anyway of helping us transport him. They direct me to the local fire department. Local Fire department chastises me for calling emergency service. I ask them if they know of any options I might be able to use, their answer is google.

    9:30 p.m. Call cabs again, New dispatcher. No one in our area. The person that was dropping-off and coming to us? Turns out they are picking up in town an hour away not dropping someone off. At this point, I say fuck it and my wife and I try to get him into the front seat of our car. He is 200 pounds and has no use of his legs. That fails terribly and we are lucky I can get him back into his wheelchair.

    I call the police again, they get me over to the Fire Station. Speak to the same guy and this time I am out of breath and sound like shit explaining that soon, it very well might be an honest emergency trip if we can't get him to his nursing home and the care he needs. He calls his chief and they finally agree to come out and transport him after I explain the situation a couple more times.

    Could we have planned better, yes, but short of us going out and spending 20k+ for a wheelchair accessible van (which we can not), we are dependent on the transportation options available to us that we can afford.

    My question is, is there absolutely any legal action I can take against the cab company that failed to show up and strung us along for 2 and a half hours in regards to transporting a handicapped (wheelchair bound) individual? (btw, at time of writing this, I haven't called them back to cancel the cab.... midnight.) This has been an absolute joke.

    submitted by /u/tossme2night
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    (Georgia) Grandfather, 87, has been kicked out and dropped off at a hotel, about to be homeless

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Hey all, hope this is the right place to post about this. I am essentially seeking advice on legal responsibility for this grandfather who is about to be homeless and resources I could use to improve his situation. We are in the Metro-Atlanta area.

    My grandfather (87 years old) has basically been abandoned by all of his family: his ex-wife who has been taking care of him has been fed up with him (she lives in South Carolina, his doctors are in Georgia where she has to take him every other month) and his daughters - my mom and aunt - are sick of hosting him as they now have 2 jobs each and can no longer deal with his constant doctor appointments here in Georgia, in addition to providing groceries, helping with occasional wound care, etc. Basically, he has too many needs and no one is willing and/or able to assist with him. I am in medical school in another city and have no bandwidth to assist with this situation.

    His ex-wife is now done with him and last week checked him into a hotel 5 minutes away from my mom's house and paid for a week stay, assuming that my mom/aunt will basically pick up the "hot potato" that is my grandfather. They do not have the capacity to do deal with him- mom works 12-14 hours a day and aunt is busy with her own kids and jobs. So, as of tomorrow, he will essentially be homeless. His needs are greater than just "let him crash on the couch." He has needs as far as getting to doctors appointments to receive blood thinners, pain medications, and wound care.

    So- what can I do to help my grandfather? Family is not an option. What legal/social resources might be here to assist? In 24 hours or so he will be kicked out of this hotel and have no where to go. Worried about what might happen to him as he's 87 years old. Obviously bad timing as it's thanksgiving, but that shows you how willing ex-wife was to get rid of him.

    submitted by /u/helpoutinaweirdtime
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    If parents refused to get help for their suicidal child, would it be considered child endangerment?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    I (16F) have a sister (14F) who recently told me that she has been cutting and that she has been suicidal. She seems to be recovering but is still not in great shape. I am worried about her and want to get her outside help, like a therapist. But our parents are really strict and religious and would probably deny her any help, saying she just needs to read the bible and pray. They don't know and she doesn't want me to tell them but she needs help. We are in Kansas.

    submitted by /u/Brexa101
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    Subpoenaed to testify in court while on active military orders? [Colorado]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:00 AM PST

    Should probably start with the back story on this one.

    I'm a drill status guardsmen in Colorado, and worked loss prevention full time when not drilling. While working in the position, my boss and I went to apprehend a shoplifter, but were ultimately unsuccessful. We filed a report with the local police who ended up arresting him later the same day.

    I was informed his case, due to the high dollar amount, would be going to a jury trial, and was subpoenaed to testify on behalf of the people of Colorado. Unfortunately, two months before the trial, I was shipped out to my tech school, out of state. I have tried reaching out to the district attorney, but he has not returned any of my or my former boss's calls.

    What steps should I take so a warrant isn't created for my arrest for failure to appear in court?

    submitted by /u/MrDeadlyHitman
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    I’m begging you to read... Sexual Abuse Case in Florida from June 2007

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:36 PM PST

    So... I got a hold of records from my sexual abuse case. Long story short, I'm livid. My father signed a "desire to not prosecute" form because he "didn't want to see the boy's life ruined." verbatim. I was 8, he was 16.

    I live in Florida and it's only been 12 years. I am horrified from finding this out (happy thanksgiving), enraged, I feel betrayed.... I need justice for closure. Something. Anything. Please help me. I'm going to lose my mind. What can I do.

    submitted by /u/raynazyn
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    Employer has charged my wife all non-tobacco credits provided within the past year

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:54 AM PST

    On her most recent paycheck, she was charged a "retro difference" amount that was then verified by HR to be a charge nullifying the incentives she had received for being a non-tobacco employee. This was a large cut from her paycheck and the issue has yet to be resolved. HR wasn't able to confirm why this happened because her non-tobacco status was never changed on their system. Because this is a corporation, HR is housed in another city and she is only able to communicate by phone. Is this grounds for seeking legal counsel?

    Edit: TEXAS

    submitted by /u/_B2W_
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    Ex employer wants my personal accounts.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:28 PM PST

    Long story short I was an employee at a company in arizona that was I believe misclassified as a private contractor. Upon leaving I have given no guff or grief. One night I was called in and asked for help with the security cameras, I showed up, tried to help by resetting the system password because nobody knew it. While trying to do so I was told to leave that I was 86d from the property. This was before resetting the password. I realized the owner was using my personal account for the cameras, that I had informed him months ago he needed to change as I never wanted him using it to begin with. I have even offered to help set up a new account for him. He is now threatening legal action if I do not give him my personal account details to use, and I have offered help, is this legal?

    submitted by /u/kjriot
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    Dealership ran my credit without my social security number or permission.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:56 AM PST

    I decided to purchase a vehicle a few days ago, and I did so through a smaller dealership. I already had financing in place, through my bank, so I arrived with my letter of funding. We finished the process pretty quickly, I signed the necessary documents, and I was out in under 2 hours. At no point in this process did I ever provide my social security number or sign a request for financing through the dealership. A long time ago, I set up an alert system with my credit card company, to notify me if there's ever any activity with my social security number. I woke up the next morning to an alert, telling me that the dealership had run my credit. I immediately called them and asked why they'd done so, only to be told that it must have been a glitch in their system, and that they never requested a credit run. As of now, my credit score hasn't changed, but that may be different in the next month.

    As far as I know, the only way to run a person's credit is with a social security number. The explanation of a glitch is nowhere near satisfactory, nor does it pacify me. I'm still left dumbfounded as to how my social security number was ever entered into their system in order to run a report, which was supposedly a glitch. I am 100% certain that I never provided a social, and even the dealer admits this. So, my question is, how? Did they get my social through illegal means? Was it truly an anomaly? And do I remain satisfied with just a dispute of the report, or do I need to take it any further?

    Edit - Arizona resident.

    submitted by /u/quinciebee
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    Scared of being home because of roommate, need advice

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:35 PM PST

    So just as some back story, one of my roommates is awful, doesn't ever help out with cleaning, eats other people's food, has some kind of personality disorder that makes him really angry at times, etc, won't go on meds bc he wants to keep smoking weed, just really stressful to live with. My other roommates occasionally will go into his room when he's not there to make sure his fish are alive, & take inventory of missing tupperware/bowls/silverware that we can't find in the kitchen but belongs to one of us. No drawers are ever opened, nothing personal is looked into, nothing is touched or moved, just a glance over to check that our own stuff still exists basically. Our stuff isn't even taken back after seeing it, we just want to make sure it's accounted for. Now I know entering the room at all is like morally iffy, but is there anything legally wrong with this if that specific room isn't being paid for by the bad roommate? We all split rent evenly and rooms had been decided before move in but two people decided to switch last minute so the room he pays for isn't the one he stays in technically.

    On top of that, the last time my roommates went into his room there was a note that said something along the lines of 'if you come in here again I'll fucking murder you, and you're being watched.' Now obviously living with the fact that he's threatened our lives isn't great, but theoretically that wouldn't have been seen if the room wasn't entered. We already didn't feel quite safe to begin with because of outbursts and blow ups so we slept with our bedroom doors locked anyway, but now knowing that he actually thinks about killing us is deeply disturbing because it means we weren't just being paranoid. Need advice on how to navigate this situation please :(

    Tl/dr: roommates did something morally questionable but maybe/maybe not illegal(?) and last roommate threatened to kill us all because of it

    submitted by /u/ser45dctfvyf68d5etcu
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    Can my dad sue the police dept for causing extensive damage caused during a raid of his home for a suspect who doesnt live there?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:50 PM PST

    On Halloween morning the local Police Dept (Florida) raided my dad's house. They busted out windows and kicked in doors. The raid was in search of my sister's friend. Sister lives with dad, the friend does not and never has.

    They took my sister away in handcuffs and at the police station they let her know the warrant was obtained due to a search for her friend. The friend had actually left town about a week earlier. The car he drove was in my dad's drive way and according to the Police, that car is the reason they thought he was staying with my dad.

    However, the car is in my dads name. The friend had been in the process of purchasing the car from my dad and then didnt pay in full so it was left at my dads and never transferred out of dads name.

    Was that search legal? The suspect doesnt amd never had lived in that house and the car was never registered to him either. By all accounts, they broke into my dads house for no reason.

    According to the estimate, the window and door damage was $30,000 in replacements needed.

    So could my dad sue the city or police dept to get this paid for?

    submitted by /u/littleflamingo48
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    I "failed" my drivers test for something that was legal. (Right on red, Ontario)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

    Getting right into things... Today I took my drivers test for my G (I am from Ontario, this is the equivalent to getting your full license). The test was going well, until I came up to a red light, which I was to turn right on. I approached the white stopping line, and came to a complete stop BEFORE it. At this time, my light was red, and the perpendicular traffic light was yellow. One driver went though the light, and the rest behind him stopped as the light turned red. During the time both lights were red, I checked my "blind spots" and mirrors, and verbally stated "There are no bikers, and no traffic in the intersection, so I am safe to turn." I waited a second, saw there was no advancing cars, then started to complete my turn, but as I was half way over the "crossing line" the instructor told me to stop. Confused, I hit my immediately brakes to slow and look around. There was nothing. My light then turned green as I slowed, so I just continued my turn. THERE WERE NO CARS ENTERING OR EXITING THE INTERSECTION DURING THE TIME I WAS ATTEMPTING TO TURN, AND STILL NONE WHEN I ACTUALLY COMPLETED MY TURN ON THE GREEN LIGHT AFTER BEING INFORMED TO STOP. I asked the instructor why he told me to stop, as there was no traffic in the intersection, as well as there were no posted "no right turn on red" signs. He said he could not answer until after the test. For this, I was flagged on my test for "traffic violation, stopped over white line, and rolling stop".

    After the test, he started off by saying "You know there's no law saying that you HAVE to turn right on a red." I replied "I know this, however I have also been taught that unless otherwise stated, it is fully legal to turn right on a red in Ontario as long as there are no pedestrians and cars entering or exiting the intersection. He replied by saying that I should read the drivers handbook and review myself on the rules of the road. He then asked if I had any other questions. I asked him how the rest of the test went, and he said "Look on your printed report inside", then immediately exited the vehicle and left. He did not let me know how the rest of the test went, I was not informed where in the building / what counter to go to, nor did I even get a chance to get his name. He just left. (He was not behind scheduled, I arrived and started my test early...)

    P.S. This was guy was your stereo typical grumpy older man. He never greeted me back when I greeted him. He was bigger, and sounded very much like a Russian "Mike" from breaking bad. He has 0 enthusiasm in his voice, and he got very annoyed when I asked him to repeat directions once, even though he stuttered the first time reading hem. The test was at 9:30 AM so I doubt he was having a "long" day, maybe just a bad one.

    Anyways, I talked to one of the people at the desk, and after looking at my sheet and hearing what I said, they gave me a form and said assuming what I said was correct, I should have passed. I told them I never got the guys instructors name, and they responded by saying "I know who your talking about..." They said this in a way that implied this man gets a lot of complaints. They gave me a complaint form for their manager and said I would get a call from them today. The place closes in an hour and I have not received any calls. How do I go about this, or am I screwed in the "my word against his word" sense?

    submitted by /u/RedLightRight
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    Competitor asking freelancers to copy my website

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    Today I've noticed that my competitor (referred to as he) has put a job on freelancer and guru. He stated in the job description that he wants to redesign his website and want a user interface very similar to my website (he actually put a link to my website). He also added more detailed information where he basically summed up a lot of unique features my website does including the design. He offered a freelancer to do this job for him (preferably within a month) for up to 5000 dollars (I kind of take this as a compliment).

    I have launched my website 3 months ago and it has been received well. My competitor has been online for slightly over a year and has a very basic user interface. We are just starting to get on the first page of Google for an increasing number of keywords. I suspect that this is the reason for him to be worried and ask someone to copy my website. However, he is still the top result in Google. If he copies my website, then I'll have a big disadvantage.

    I have screenshots of my website being mentioned and that his website has to be very similar to my website. I also have a print screen where you can see that it is, in fact, my competitor (his name) asking for this. I am now wondering, can he just ask someone (legally) to copy my website. Moreover, can I do something to prevent this?

    By the way, I am from Europe and my competitor is from the United States. Furthermore, I am a student and don't have the financial means to get someone to represent me.

    submitted by /u/castalix
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    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:06 PM PST

    I work as a pizza boy at a dominos in Australia age 17. recently a "person" who works there also drove the company car around doing burn outs and wore the tires down to metal now my boss has said that he is deducting all employees pay unless the person who did the burnouts pays for it all not to mention as I was messaging my boss he also claimed he knew who it was (I do to) this scheme can't be legal for sure

    submitted by /u/prawns12456
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    [Australia] Right to invite guests to property jointly owned as tenants in common

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:45 PM PST

    I co-own a property with another person as tenants in common with equal shares.

    My co-owner is insisting that any guests I invite to that property must be approved by them. And that if any guest of mine comes onto the property without her permission, that person is trespassing.

    The property is not a shared residential property - we are never both there at the same time, so any guests of mine have no interaction with the co-owner.

    All of my research suggests this is wild fiction, and that as tenants in common I can do pretty much whatever I like with my share, including selling and leasing it, without consent. I also understand that as a tenant in common I have the right to proper enjoyment of the property, which should include inviting guests?

    Am I right? And if so does anybody have any case law or legislation references that clarify?


    submitted by /u/here_we_go_beep_boop
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    Online course bundle charged me 20x the price I agreed to when filling out the form – is there any action I can take?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:09 PM PST

    Not sure if location is relevant but I'm in the UK.

    Some Instagram marketing guy is running ads offering a Black Friday bundle of about 7 courses for $1. I don't normally buy these things but thought the topics were interesting and for $1, it's not a big deal if I don't get anything out of it.

    I checked the sales page for any catches (as there often are) but nope. $1. Filled out the form, confirming the price and my details. Got charged $19.95. I know it still isn't a lot of money but it's the principle of the matter. I feel scammed and pissed off honestly. I would not have purchased this bundle at that price.

    I emailed immediately with screenshots and request for a refund, as well as commented on the ads warning others – but I was just wondering if there is anything I can do legally to stop this from happening to anyone else? It's really not okay to be doing this and why I almost never buy these online products. TIA.

    submitted by /u/vanilla-ghost
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