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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Legal Advice - I wasn’t notified I was in my uncle’s will

    Legal Advice - I wasn’t notified I was in my uncle’s will

    I wasn’t notified I was in my uncle’s will

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:43 AM PST

    My uncle passed away this past January and his Will was probated on January 31st. My mom had jury duty in May and just to see, requested a copy of his will at court, since we hadn't heard anything. That's when we found out I was in the will and my uncle had left me his house. As far as I know, the executor has 3 months to notify all beneficiaries that they are in the will and I wasn't told anything until I got a hold of the executor. He's a lawyer and he had me come to his office and he gave me a key to the house over the summer. I have not heard anything from him since. The property taxes should've been paid already but they haven't. I can't get a hold of him and he won't call me back. What should I do? I am a New Jersey resident.

    Just to add to this, my uncle's girlfriend (also in the will) told my sister when they ran into each other that she saw he took a bag of coins and threw them in the trunk of his car. When I met with him about the house I also asked about the coin collection I was left on top of the house. He seemed flustered and mumbled something about remembering seeing "some coins". This seemed off to me like he was taken aback.

    submitted by /u/Basiclobster
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    My manager will not close our restaurant despite having no functional toilets for a week.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:34 AM PST

    I work as a supervisor in a chain restaurant in the UK, recently due to rain and poor drainage systems in my area all our toilets have entirely out of action and we cannot get them fixed for 3 or 4 days... (we requested a portable toilet, which was denied.)

    Our operations manager is refusing to allow us to close despite this, and wants us to just simply let customers know about the problem before dining with us.

    My main concern however is the staff, we often do 10-12 hour shifts, and we are all having to go to supermarkets or other bars/restaurants in order to use the toilets... this not only seems highly illegal but it is also not fair at all, yesterday some of our staff we not drinking any water so that they didn't need to go to the bathroom.

    Is there any action we can take here?


    Edit 1: comments have been locked for some reason, but thanks to all those with useful advice!! I have contacted my areas council as well as filing a complaint through the health department. Will update if anything comes of it.

    submitted by /u/Ryudolancer
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    My roommate took my rent money meant for our apartment’s sum check and spent it on herself for two months

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:30 AM PST

    My landlord has a stupid policy in the lease requiring that the tenants of my apartment (3 of us total) submit our rent to him in one large check. I asked him to change this policy when I moved in but he did not budge. Two nights ago I received an email from him stating that our October check bounced and he hadn't received November yet. He then stated that if we didn't submit any rent to him by 12 pm the next day he would be taking further action. This was the first time I had heard of any late rent whatsoever - I submitted mine to my roommate on time electronically each month. Apparently he sent the reminders to her alone for some reason. The story has evolved since then, the roommate has not submitted any money to landlord (she lied and told us all she had), and she has moved out of the apartment, deleted all of her social media profiles, and potentially has changed her phone number. Last night I tried to speak with her and she wouldn't engage with me, saying she had a "payment plan" in place with the landlord - another lie. This also ignores the fact that she spent over 3,000 of my and my other roommates money. After hearing her packing, I called the police last night and made a report with them with our names and what was going on. The landlord is somewhat incompetent and. I don't know what his plans are. The issue between him and the thief roommate is one of rent, but between me and the roommate is different. She took money meant for rent, and spent it on herself. Obviously this is all complicated by the fact that I sent it to her willingly, but this requirement is in our lease, and it was not meant for her personal use. Do I have any standing here? Is this criminal? Help!! I'm afraid she's trying to get away with it.

    submitted by /u/MonotheisticScup
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    My Amazon Package Was Delivered To My Neighbor, but They have not opened the Door after I knocked the Day it was Delivered and the Following Day

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:17 PM PST

    So recently I ordered a few items on Amazon, which was delivered by their services. The package was delivered to the wrong address, but it was only a few houses away so I went to there to ask if they could give it back. With the doorstep being the exact same as the picture that Amazon sent me, I proceeded to ring the doorbell with the house having lights on. No response, so I waited until the next day[today] to ring again to see if they would be home. I am very frustrated with Amazon's delivery service since the driver cannot even take some time to just look at the house number to make sure the package was delivered correctly. Now, I am contemplating filing a police report for theft if the neighbors do not return my items by November 30th. I wrote a letter asking them to return my items to my house or I may consider taking them to court for theft if they contents are opened and they do not comply with returning the items. I contacted Amazon customer service already, so they have a recording of the conversation where the person helped me pinpoint the exact house it was delivered to as well as the photo of the package on their doorstep. Am I allowed to file this police report as theft? I paid for these items with my own money and it was fairly expensive and I really needed those items ASAP. I live in Southern California, United States.

    Edit: Thank you for those that gave me advice. I wrote this post out of frustration and did not think about the alternatives too much since I knew where the items where. I'm grateful for the advice and I will take that into account. I just really want my product that I paid for.

    submitted by /u/antomiozhao
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    OHIO. CPS and questions.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:16 PM PST

    I have a disabled child. He can be violent and very disruptive. The school is tired of dealing with him, everytime there are issues like clockwork I get a call to cps.

    In the past 10 months there have been roughly 12 calls made about my family. Every case was closed and unsubstantiated and unwarranted.

    The case worker is getting tired of coming out over bs calls as well. She has asked if I would sign a voluntary thing to keep an open case for potential services ect.

    I have declined as this feels extremely invasive at this point especially considering how many cases have been opened and closed as unfounded. I have cooperated fully with these people until today. I have taken drug tests which came back clean as has my partner. We have complied with everything asked as far as doctors stuff for them. I have allowed them into my home. Every case was closed.

    The case worker has asked twice more and is becoming bullying in nature about it. Stating well if I dont want to sign a paper stating I am willing to keep an open voluntary case her supervisor will probably take me to court. This is after I declined a third time.

    The moment those words were said I wished her a great day, that I would no longer be cooperating and would be consulting a lawyer and to please leave my property.

    I feel if they could get an order they likely would have tried. As I said every report has been found as unfounded and services not needed.

    I am honestly tired to the bones of all of this. My question I suppose is.. being that there is no court orders in place ect is there anything simply preventing me from moving counties/states? And if I do so what should I expect?

    I'm tired of dealing with this, I'm tired of wait lists to get my child into a school equipped to deal with him properly.

    Please advise. I will be consulting an attorney next week but as my income is limited I need to wait for legal aid to open after the holidays.

    submitted by /u/Seductiveness
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    Asked to work for free....PERMANENTLY, is that even legal????

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:44 PM PST

    Yesterday, I went to an interview with a Real Estate Broker about being his videographer. He wasn't just looking for someone to make videos of properties, but also making videos for his youtube channel and whatever else. He said he could help me build my videography business by also giving me referrals, but all work for him directly would not be paid. He just would give me referrals as "payment" but even then, he wants 50% of the project! So like if I had a $1000 project, he wanted 500. How, am I suppose to make any money from this and is it even legal to ask someone to work for you without paying them anything, ever?!?! He said sorry no salary. And right after he said he has had one of his best years yet at 2 million commission, he's the broker, making tons of money and yet can't pay a person a fair wage for their time, energy, and effort. But I want to know is this even legal?!?! Location: Miami, FL, USA

    submitted by /u/TypicalEmoji
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    An officer showed up to my house wanting to know if I wanted to press charges on my father.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:12 AM PST


    Back in july, I was doing a small job for my Grandma on my dad's side. Like cleaning up straw from the goats pen and putting straw back and putting food out for chickens. After I was done doing that job, I was told to go take a shower.

    While in the shower, my father came in and told me to step out of the shower and started to clean my back. During this time i was very uncomfortable and couldn't say anything due to the fact that I was taught at a young age not to,"Backtalk" to my dad and had an irrational fear of my father or anybody hurting me.

    After this had happened, I had told my boyfriend and his grandma, who then called CPS. They showed up at my grandma's house, and my father looked pissed. When I talked to the Case Worker, my grandma decided to come out and try and gaslight me by saying that he did not go into the bathroom. She got angry, extremely angry.

    Now, it is November and the Officer showed up asking me if I wanted to press charges.

    Edit: I live in WA state

    How much is this going to cost?

    submitted by /u/LilBitchCake78
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    Previous landlord of property cashing government checks

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:22 PM PST

    I purchased a property dec. '18 in NYC. It has two tenants that that receive benefits from a programs called FEPS. This program subsidizes the partial rent on behalf of the tenant and it goes directly to the landlord. When I purchased the house, the previous landlord was supposed to switch all the information over to me but he never did. All the while until now I've been trying to track down information on how to switch the information so that I would get the rent checks which finally happened but the landlord, up until now was cashing all the rent checks which by now has grown up to $16,319.00. When I called the government program they said they do not reissue checks. I've reached out to my attorney that helped me close the deal on the house and he's reaching out to the sellers attorney. The seller will not take any of my calls. I feel powerless while someone stole a lot of money from me and I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/Smurfballers
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    Husband wants an annulment on the grounds of disability - HIS erectile dysfunction .

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:03 PM PST

    We were married for just under 3 years. My husband told me in late September in front of our marriage counselor he wanted a divorce. I agreed and moved out in October. My husband told me he would initiate divorce paperwork in the week after I moved out. I got a lawyer and, based on my husband's past behavior not getting things done, told him to file the divorce petition. The lawyer spent a month trying to catch my husband to serve him papers with no avail.

    Then my husband sent his bff to collect my wedding ring and house keys - my husband seems to believe they belong to him. I told him to speak to my lawyer.

    A week later, my husband suddenly has a lawyer! But my husband wants an annulment. His grounds are that he finds me deeply unattractive, has never been physically attracted to me and thus he has erectile dysfunction severe enough that our marriage was never consummated.

    I'm aware this is all nonsense from a legal standpoint - he can't unilaterally declare that his lack of a boner means our marriage was never valid. (The sex was bad y'all but it wasn't non existent.) But my lawyer pointed out that because our marriage was so brief I'm unlikely to get much alimony from a divorce. Furthermore my husband kept my name off the condo mortgage and didn't adopt my son as he originally promised to do so I have no child support and no claim on the condo we shared. We do own a small vacation property together that would have to be split.

    Bottom line, it might be better for me financially to cut my losses and agree to the annulment rather than risk letting him drag me through court for the next two years running up legal bills.

    TLDR My husband claims his ED is my fault and is grounds for annulment. Should I just give in so I don't have to fight him in court over a divorce settlement?

    submitted by /u/Cuthberga
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    My Grandparents Put the Wrong Name on Legal Documents - how difficult is my life going to be?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:39 PM PST

    Recently my grandparents filed notarized paperwork to make me the executor of their estate. They filed the paperwork with my name as Firstname Husband'sLastName, when in reality I never took my husband's last name. We never talked about it so I think they just assumed I did because they are in their 80s and that is what people of their generation did. I'm seriously considering a name change rather than explaining that I didn't change my name because I think it would cause issues. They are very old fashioned and would probably be really frustrated to have the papers redrawn, it's also a sensitive family situation so anything I can do to not upset the balance is ideal.

    Will I have any legal trouble carrying out the legal end of life tasks that an executor does because the name on the documentation does not match my legal name? I am in California which has interesting name laws such as the usage law which allows the name you use in all aspects of life to be legally acceptable in most circumstances. I thought about changing my name to have two last names but it is $400.

    I really like my maiden name, I don't want to legally change it and I certainly don't want to use a new name at work. It's important that the end of life stuff for my grandparents goes well because they have an extensive estate and I have a wild family and things could possibly get really ugly.

    Thanks for any advice you can offer!

    submitted by /u/ThatWasJustTheWarmUp
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    (CA) I won in a small claims case against the defendant. The settled agreement was that they would pay $400 a month for two months. I haven’t received the last payment and it’s past due, what’re my next steps for collecting?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    Is it illegal for a school to not report my daughter's bullying incident to me?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:12 PM PST

    Here's some general information before I get into the story: I live in Indiana, my daughter is 14 and in middle school, and the boy who harassed her is also 14.

    For the past few weeks, one of my daughter's friends has been making extremely inappropriate moves towards her in class. He has been grabbing her in her personal areas, making sexual comments, and occasionally hitting her. She has told him to stop multiple times, making it clear that it is not okay for him to be doing that, but he persisted. She confided in her close friend, and it turns out he was doing the same thing to her. Then, my daughter told me what was happening, and that she planned to go to the office the next day. She and her friend went to the office to report him, and he just got suspended for 10 days.

    The one thing is, the office never contacted me about this, so if my daughter hadn't told me, I would never have known. This seems like a huge issue because, as her parent, I should be aware of these things - especially since her safety was at risk. This makes me nervous because it makes me wonder - how many other students are going through the same thing and how many other parents are left out of the know?

    Is it legal that I was never notified of this?

    submitted by /u/altybalty2
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    [FL] As a part of lease renewal, the landlord is requiring us to sign for forced renovations and a $120-$200 Mid-Lease rent increase. [UPDATE]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:48 AM PST

    Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/dbs5ja/fl_as_a_part_of_lease_renewal_the_landlord_is/

    Well, after I had made the post my landlord had made an appointment for myself, the assistant manager, and maintenance manager to meet together to discuss my lease and issues that I had previously reported. I wasn't rude but I was stern with my displeasure on my stay at the complex and the lease renewal documents. I had recorded the entire conversation and discussed how they should have notified all of the details of a new lease renewal 60-days prior to lease expiration. The conversation got heated and they verbally stated several illegal things that they do as a company; none of which I could have used in court because it wasn't until afterwards that I was notified that Florida is a 2-party consent state for voice recording.

    At the end of the meeting I had given a 30-day notice to vacate and they stated that I would owe an extreme amount of fees after I left. I did not care, I just wanted to be done with the company. We deep-cleaned the entire apartment and even shampooed the carpets 3 times and moved into the new house. I made sure to get an inspection with the landlord and got consent from them to record that entire thing. They stated that they don't see anything that they could charge me for in the apartment. Now, today almost a month after move-out, I receive a check in the mail from the company with my $900 deposit returned to me!

    submitted by /u/TornadoTigerWolf
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    (Colorado) "Friend" of mine gave me an edible without my knowledge or consent shortly before class, now I have been kicked out of the program

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:22 PM PST

    I live in Colorado and was in a health science program (I will not mention which kind for privacy reasons). I was supposed to graduate in May.

    A friend of mine had asked, around a year ago, if I wanted to do marijuana with him. I told him I cannot. I am about to start clinicals, and those sites may sometimes drug test you. If you test positive for marijuana, you are kicked out of the program, and you are never allowed to re-apply again. This is true even for medical marijuana.

    That was the only time he brought it up. Recently, he offered me a brownie as a "pick me up." I appreciated it. I had no idea it was actually an edible - and that he had added THC to it.

    He also gave it to me just before I went off to my class.

    The edible kicked in during the middle of a lecture. This was my first time consuming marijuana. I had no idea what was going on and was terrified. My instructor and classmates got suspicious, I got drug tested, it came back for marijuana, and now I'm kicked out of the program. Permanently. I can never re-apply to this particular one. I'm not sure whether or not I can apply to others in the state. I'll have to move or find a place to stay, I'll have to get a new job, etc.

    I'm also furious because I was so close to graduation. I had 6 months left.

    My "friend" did mention (over text) that he did put THC in the brownies and gave them to me to make me high.

    He is no longer my friend.

    Is there anything I can do to get him in legal trouble? I want him to be held accountable. And would it be possible to get back into the program if I can prove that it wasn't an intentional high, but rather, my friend caused it on purpose without my knowledge or consent?

    submitted by /u/Sad-Trick
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    Can my girlfriend's parents sue the nurse (or get her into any sort of ethical trouble) who prescribed my girlfriend two medications for hormone replacement therapy after she signed informed consent?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:18 AM PST

    My girlfriend's parents want to sue a nurse at Planned Parenthood in Maine after my girlfriend signed informed consent papers to receive hormone treat therapy because she is a transgender woman. My girlfriend lives with them but is 24 years old. My girlfriend had cancer as a child and now suffers from a complex seizure disorder. Her parents found out she was taking estrodial and spironolactone for hormone replacement therapy and flushed her medication down the toilet. They believe it was unethical and beyond the nurse's scope of working within her license, in the state of Maine, to prescribe her these medications. They are concerned that something bad could have happened and want to get the nurse in trouble for being unethical/malpractice. My girlfriend has discontinued the medication after it was flushed down the toilet by them. She disagrees with them entirely and has had no negative affects from the medications while she was on them. They think they can still pursue this as a legal matter or get her fired. Could they?

    submitted by /u/666inthetrash
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    My Boss Is Abusing My Time and Stealing Vacation

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:41 PM PST

    I joined my company about a year and a half ago. They uprooted me from where I lived and moved me a few states away to Colorado which is where I am currently employed. At the start of 2019 they moved me to salary, at a number I never agreed to as there was no conversation about moving me to Salary. They just did it. But it was a good number so I wasnt worried. Well almost immediately after I saw my hours surge. All of the sudden I was working 50+ hour weeks and having one day to two days off. That is not my problem, just preface for how my year has gone. Some weeks are 60-80 hours, but I average 50 hours.

    A couple weeks ago we had a crazy order come through our business and my manager required that I put in over 100 hours across 7 days, with each day being 13-18 hours. Meanwhile she had a nice 40 hour week. Then today I was checking my vacation time I have accrued as the Holidays are upon us and I was curious how much I had as I am never approved days off. And it looks like my boss has subtracted roughly 24 vacation hours across days I have proof of working. I am afraid my company will sweep me under the rug and discard of me instead of doing anything about it. Is my only course of action internally?

    submitted by /u/hatemyjobyall
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    My brother falsely accused of Rape

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST


    My brother (25) was hanging out with his now ex girlfriend, and broke the news that they needed to break up as he found out she was married. She proceeded to freak out and punch him and chase him with a knife. My brother called the police on her and tried to keep the situation calm until they got their. They took her outside and about five minutes later asked for my brother to come out. He was then arrested without being told his rights and thrown into holding. I guess as a form of revenge she told them false information. They are charging him with Assault With Intent To Commit Rape and set bail at 200,000. My brother is also on probation. Help? How does my family go about this case? Can we sue her?

    submitted by /u/sayangsara
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    Hey Reddit, is there anything I can do about my neighbor filming my underage sister?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:20 PM PST

    So basically, today my 16 year old sister came inside saying that my adult neighbor was filming her from his porch while she was running. Is there anything we can do about this? our parents know but don't know what to do either. I know it isn't illegal to film anyone in public but this just feels like it's wrong. This isn't the first time he's done this by the way but it was at night the first time and we weren't totally sure if he was filming her. But this time it was in the day and it was clear what he was doing. Thank you for any suggestions this just has creeped me out so bad.

    submitted by /u/ollie0816
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    Painted the interior of a house with a friend for someone for cash. Wasn't happy and now threatening to sue if I don't give him $400 back after he told me to not come back before job was done.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:02 PM PST

    Happening in Massachusetts. There homeowner hired my friend and I who work for a painting company to paint the whole interior of their home. He gave us $18 an hour each, cash, while he bought the paint. He was aware we didn't have a license for painting. After two weeks of me working 100 hours he was unhappy we weren't done. Now most of those 100 hours it was just me there alone. He asked me to not come back, while my friend has stayed to finish free, which he says the homeowner isn't paying him what he's owed. This has been two weeks he's working this way. Now he wants me to give him $400 back because he wasn't happy that I didn't finish things and how long it was taking. I first told him that I was only paid for the work I did and the reason things weren't finished is because he told me not to come back. Can he take my friend and I to court over this?

    submitted by /u/Thowingaway1765
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    Owner taking back part of rental house

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:28 AM PST

    I'm renting a 3B/1B house in Texas that comes with an external storage closet attached to the side of the house. The owner of the house has decided he wants to store his things there so he's removed all of my property from it, left it on the lawn, and is in the process of replacing the door and lock. No discussion with me.

    This seems wrong on several fronts. But what are my options? What do I need to look for in the lease? Pretty sure he can't remove items from my house, even if it's from a storage closet. What about changing the lock and denying me use of the space?

    Fwiw I've never been late with rent and keep the property in excellent shape. I'm also starting my 3rd year at the property.

    submitted by /u/ap0110
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    Father passed away without a will last year, left land that his wife isn't doing anything with [OK]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:11 AM PST

    Last fall my father passed away, but before he did so he told me and my two siblings he wanted us to have a small lot he owns. After he passed we spoke to his wife about it since I assume everything he owned would go to her. She just avoided the topic and we gave up on getting the lot. Today my brother recieved a bill for the taxes on the lot as they haven't been paid. In the county records it still shows only my father as the owner. If she isn't going to do anything with the land or pay the taxes, is there any way me and my siblings could pay the taxes and keep the lot in our family?

    submitted by /u/landthrowaway19
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    Did I fall for a plumbing scam?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:20 PM PST

    Not sure if this is the right category or not.

    So I'm doing a bathroom remodel and got a quote from some plumbers. They schedule me to have my work done on 11/21. Don't show up until the end of the day saying "we didn't know we were supposed to be here, we'll get the supplies tomorrow and do the job first thing in the morning.

    Fast forward to the next day and they show up 5 hours late. They did a bit of work but said they didn't have time to finish the job and would be back Monday morning and finish up. They left their jackhammer in my house.. didn't show up on Monday, Tuesday or today (11/27). Every time we call their scheduler she says she'll call and find out where they're at and call us back. Never get a call back.

    We haven't paid them yet for the very little work they actually did do. But we're without a bathroom at the moment and should have had The work done a week ago.

    Any advice on what to do? Not sure what to do at this point

    submitted by /u/finesseflips
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    Need help, dispute with a farmer as to who owns the gates to my horse pasture.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:30 AM PST

    Need some help here. This could get lengthy so I apologize in advance. I own a large section of land and woods. Behind my woods is a field that a farmer leases from my neighbor.

    About 10 years ago, the property we now own, was purchased from from my current neighbor. There is a grass lane that used to be the easement to get back to the field behind my woods. The easement was not written back in when the property changed hands. So legally the farmer has no right to use the lane to get back to the field anymore. The "proper" way would be for them to find a way to get through my neighbors woods with their equipment, since its my neighbor that owns the field. Obviously a combine isn't going to fit through a thick woods so the previous owners of my property had a handshake agreement with the farmer.

    They would let the farmer drive through their horse pasture and use their lane, so they don't have to try and figure out how to get farm equipment through a woods. The farmer in return would buy some large cattle gates for each corner of the pasture, so they could be opened wide to fit farm equipment through. This was 10 years ago now.

    We purchased the property three years ago. When we purchased the property, the gates were never listed as exempt from the sale of the home. We just assumed they were part of our pasture. I still allowed them to use the lane and pasture to get to the field for the past three years, because at the end of the day, it's not a major inconvenience for us, and it's always good to have friends in the neighborhood.

    I got a call from the previous owners of our house a few days ago that the farmer had contacted them and said he's done renting the farm-land and will be picking up his gates.

    I imediatly reached out to him and said what's going on? I'm hearing you plan to take part of my pasture? He said yep they're mine I'm taking them. I said now let's try and figure this out, that leaves two 35 foot holes in each corner of my pasture, what am I supposed to do with my horse? (to be clear there's two 16 foot gates in each corner that swing open, leaving a total opening in each side of about 35 foot). His response was that isn't his problem. I said I'll make you a deal. Leave me ONE of the four gates so I can still get out of one corner, and just replace the fencing in the holes you're leaving and you can take three. He said no because he needs them in pairs. He then said he would SELL them to me for half price of new. I said I'm not paying you for something, that we both know i legally own. He said then I'll see you in court and hung up.

    During our conversation he kept saying to get on tractor supplies website, the gates are 290$ a piece. After the call I got on tractor supplies website and they were 160$ a piece.

    I know the farmer has no agreement in writing. And the gates were purchased 10 years ago, I'm certain he has no receipts. This phone call was the first I've spoken to him ever. I tried to be civil and offer to let him take almost everything he wanted asking a small favor in return. Now I want to make sure he gets nothing. Think I'll come out on top in small claims? What evidence or documents should I have prepared?

    submitted by /u/ms9pop00
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    How do I take charter spectrum to court?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:59 PM PST

    I've been trying to cancel my service from May. I've already paid $145 after I cancelled it originally. I've called over twenty times to cancel my service. Now they're trying to charge me $260 for unreturned equipment and $158 for back payments. They are fighting me because "nothing is in the notes, so there's nothing we can do. Feel free to take us to court. Anything else I can help you with? "

    submitted by /u/ahtchpipes
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