• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 30, 2019

    Legal Advice - HOA has made a choice which affects my property value—except they’re not MY HOA

    Legal Advice - HOA has made a choice which affects my property value—except they’re not MY HOA

    HOA has made a choice which affects my property value—except they’re not MY HOA

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:02 AM PST

    Polk, FL

    I own a home in a large subdivision which has smaller neighborhoods inside it. Each neighborhood is managed by their own HOA and property management company.

    My house abuts a retention pond on one side. It's part of the reason we bought—for the view and access to the pond. A week ago, I looked outside to see surveyors, then right before Thanksgiving, a fencing company put up a 6-foot chainlink fence all the way around the pond. The fence is now a few feet from my 4-foot picket fence edging my property. I asked the HOA president of my neighborhood what he knew about it. He said that it was the HOA of the neighborhood across the boulevard who made the decision, and he wasn't even consulted.

    Here are my issues: (1) According to my HOA president, this other HOA doesn't want people accessing the pond, hence the fence. However, this fence has not done that as people can still access it—only now instead of standing in the street, they'll be trespassing in my neighbor's yard.

    (2) They've fenced off the area in such a way that my property management company cannot mow the tiny strip they left between my property and the fence.

    (3) The most egregious is how they've significantly decreased my standard of living and decreased my property value by obstructing the view.

    I had considered sending a certified letter to their HOA, but I don't know if that would help at all. What legal action or recourse (if any) do I have?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    submitted by /u/ladyabercrombie
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    Dentist Calling My Employer

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST

    Had a routine visit to a new dentist. Dentist misrepresented treatment options. Got into an argument. Finally told her I was filing license complaint about it, she recanted and admitted the treatment I wanted was fine, I wasn't comfortable working with her and left.

    She pulls my employer information from insurance cards and calls and runs her mouth to my boss. Tells my boss all about disagreement with respect to treatment and how I was unprofessional, etc.

    Someone at her office apparently emails and calls our corporate HR and notifies them they are suing my employer over the disagreement.

    Someone (who sounds mysteriously like the dentist's office manager) calls and leaves an "anonymous tip" that I was stealing from the company. I don't handle cash, there's no way I could be stealing.

    Texas is jurisdiction.

    She's obviously in criminal breach of HIPAA, but there's got to be more here?

    submitted by /u/Revolutionary-Love
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    Insurance declining my baby’s stay in NICU - $125k bill

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 12:06 PM PST

    So we live in Texas, and my wife and I both have separate insurance policies. Her work insurance is through Allianz Care which is an international policy. They contract through Olympus billing and Aetna PPO in America. Her works HR policy is that children and spouses cannot be added to the policy. Knowing this I started an insurance group (eff. 11/1) through my small corporation and added my son. His due date was originally 11/17, so I thought 11/1 would be sufficiently early. This was a huge mistake as he was born prematurely on 10/28. Due to being premature he spent the next four and a half days in the NICU.

    I also had a previous insurance policy that I cancelled effective 10/31 as I was transitioning to the new policy with BCBS effective 11/1.

    The hospital says the claim is still pending, and that the total is, to be exact, $127,500. The insurance people from Allianz Care have told us they have declined that claim and will not cover it. Some people had told me that under the ACA and possibly the newborns and mothers protection act of 1996, newborns are automatically covered under the mothers policy for the first 30 days. Is this true? We are in wait-and-see mode right now but are terrified that we may never be able to buy a home or retire.

    Any other opinions or ideas regarding recourse for us at this time are greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/redMAN176
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    My employer has been modifying employee hours in order to avoid paying overtime. Would it be inadvisable for me to make a complete copy of all changes made in the past 3 years? [California]

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

    I work at a restaurant, where the past management team used to frequently add in breaks and modify employee punch times. Employees are broadly aware of this, and have been discussing a lawsuit, which I support. I often work as a supervisor, and as such I have my own account on the computer system. Through the system, I can view a report of all punch edits made to all employees, in addition to a report of all the original in and out times. Would I find myself in legal trouble if I were to export these reports to a flash drive, in order to provide them to a lawyer? Would it be useful?

    submitted by /u/HoyDecimosBasta
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    Arrested for burglary tools..

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:53 PM PST

    I was pulled over for my registration being a month expired, still had insurance. He asks if he can search my car, my dumb ass thinking well i have nothing on me so why not ... well he and 2 other cops tore my car apart, tore my side panels off my door, my dash out, my subwoofer out of the box.. once they didn't find anything he then asked me about my bolt cutters in my trunk, I explained to him that I use them for my job, which is in the oil field. He then puts me in and handcuffs and says I'm under arrest for possession of. Burglary tools ... i have no priors for anything like that. Am not on probation or parole. Well they impound my car and tell me its gonna be on a 30 day hold so I wait 30 days just to find out my car had been repossessed 2 days after it was impounded, and sold. And now am stuck with a 7k bill with no car and a bs charge .. do I have action against the pd for unlawful arrest? Or anything like it to where I can pursue damages? Or do I just have a hardLesson learned on never let the cops search even if u think u have nothing on you? I reside in california.

    submitted by /u/WTFthepolice
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    Neighbor Mangled My PawPaw Trees

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:44 AM PST

    I have two twenty year old pawpaw trees in my yard that I planted shortly after moving into my house. These trees are somewhat rare and fickle to grow. About a month ago I came home to see these trees had been cut back to the trunk on one side, about ten limbs per tree. My neighbor acted as if he was doing me a service by "cleaning the fence line. " however, these trees are about 15 feet away from the fence, and the fence line has definitely not been "cleaned out. " I emphasized that he had come on my property without my permission and that the trees are my property too, but he insisted he knew that but did it anyway.

    This neighbor is relatively new, moved in about six months ago and I informed them of the property line within the first week (in a nice way, the property line is a bit odd.)

    This neighbor has also been hanging bird feeders in my maple tree, much higher than I am able to reach, about 20 feet up.

    I am in Kentucky, and not sure what exactly to do. I've considered small claims court but would appreciate any advice!

    submitted by /u/LeenaSmeena
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    17- Father is relocating me out of state

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 12:34 PM PST

    Hey guys, first post on here and I have a problem I'm lost in. I'm 17 and a senior in high school in Texas. I just found out that my father and step mother here (currently live with) want to force me to move in with my mom who lives in California. I've had issues with my parents but I've never expected for them to go to this extreme. They seem immature in this action to me and seem to only want to not have to handle me anymore. They plan to move in in January and finish my High school in California. I'm fine with moving out at 18 but I don't turn 18 until July and I want to complete my school here. I find it not in my best interest to move away since it's more of best interest to my parents since I've applied to colleges here and have classes here exclusive to my school. I no matter what want to stay here to AT LEAST finish school in May. However they don't want to wait and it's very irrational on their part. My mother in California is on my side for this as she believes I should finish everything here. Is there any way I can not be forced to move back with my mother or at least find a way to live with someone else here in Texas so that I could finish my school in a few months. Any response will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Dirk_KnightV2
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    My therapist claims to have no records of me. He also has no diagnosis of my mental illnesses on record, despite me having them. How should I handle this?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:01 PM PST

    I was in treatment for around eight months. I need my records for my general practitioner and also for a medical marijuana appointment. I have generalized anxiety disorder with adjustment disorder. I also had a clinical depression and social anxiety disorder. I was in therapy when I was 16 turning 17. I'm now 18 and out of therapy. When I call him to ask for my records, he said he had none. And he said even if he did he would not send them to me. I said I needed them but he said once again that he did not have any. I asked him what my diagnosis was, since he never told me during therapy. He then told me that I had clinical depression, anxiety with adjustment disorder, and social anxiety disorder but that he never actually put it on my record or officially diagnosed me with these. Is this medical malpractice? I really am at a loss of what to do right now. I can go to my GP and get re-diagnosed, but this is very upsetting and I don't know what to do. Thank you

    submitted by /u/dirtybongwaterchica
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    [CT] could neighbor force 89/M to move out of his home? civil protection order

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:36 PM PST

    my husbands 89 yr old grandfather was served last night, his 81/F neighbor applied for civil protection order in which statement of conditions from which you seek relief was written exactly as follows:

    " Stalks me everyday, he has a key to my house, the locksmith gave him a set of my keys. He has a camera in my apartment and watches me. When I fall asleep he sends his female friend over and she steals my clothes and other items. He has stolen my tools and dishes, hose and shovel. He has taken my knives, seran wrap, wax paper cleaned out my drawers. He follows me outside. If I go to the store he has someone go into my car and steal things. He stole 38 plastic containers. "

    Along with no contact she is requesting respondent stay 100 years away.

    89/M lives in a 55 and over adult community (20-25 homes) on small cul de sac built in 2016. 81/F is next door neighbor, homes are less than 30 ft between them, no fences are allowed in the community. All homes are owner occupied approx. 1500-2000 sq ft / $300K-350K (I mention to provide context re: the neighborhood)

    The allegations are (obviously) completely false. 89/M and 81/F neighbor were friends but 89/M became less interested in continuing the friendship after he noticed neighbor had a pattern of delusional/ irrational behavior. When they first met she believed an unknown someone aka "THEY" were watching her, she believed "THEY" had recording devices in her car and home, came into her house, etc. 89/M didn't want anything to do with neighbor anymore and got a new Girlfriend (female friend mentioned in her statement) , and since this time 81/F neighbor has been accusing him of stealing, and stalking him. Grandpa tries to ignore her but she comes over to his door/windows and into his yard when he is gardening and tries to make conversation with him and get his attention, her home being just a few feet away - with zero fence, makes it very difficult to avoid her. He is an avid gardener and if he ignores her whilst gardening she has come over and destroyed his plants/shrubs by pouring on liquid weed killer. She has come to his door when we were visiting very emotional telling us what is basically the elderly version of "he ghosted her'. We believe there is a mental / dementia element + jealousy retaliation. it appears she is losing things or misplacing items and has convinced herself it was him who has "stolen it".

    Police have knocked on his door several times on her allegations of stealing. she believes the locksmith for some reason gave him copy of her house key and said he stole 50 thousand dollars in cash from her dresser drawer, garden tools, etc. 89/M invited police to search his home each time and no items were ever recovered and each time he was cleared of the allegations. But her harassment is continuing and now escalated to court order.

    I believe he should in fact file a no contact order against her, and possibly even a suit for harassment. We worry she may be trying to get him pushed out of his home, or use court order as a weapon and falsely claim he is violating the protective order.

    He thinks she is just crazy and judge will see that. He thinks he can handle the going to court alone, however we would like to get him an attorney and are working on that. Any advice? What happens in a restraining order situation when proximity of homes are an issue?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Little_Kazoo
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    [WISCONSIN] is it normal to receive a “failure to control vehicle” ticket after your car was hit by another car?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:58 PM PST

    I got into an accident tonight. I was on the freeway, doing the speed limit in the middle lane (3 lane freeway at that location). The driver next to me in the left lane switched lanes directly into my car. After I was hit, I tried to correct my vehicle but ended up over correcting and spun until I hit a concrete barrier and then I spun into the grass on the side of the freeway until I stopped. Both cars involved were totaled.

    I was given a $216 ticket for failing to control my car and hitting government property (the concrete barrier) and a court date for the day after Christmas. The thing is!! I wouldn't have ever hit the barrier if I wasn't hit to begin with. Is this a normal ticket to receive in this kind of situation?

    The other driver admitted fault immediately to me, the witness that stopped and the police officers.

    submitted by /u/number1plantfan
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    I privately sold a car yesterday in TX and forgot to take the plate off the back. Buyer won't tell me where car is and is not in any hurry to return it to me.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PST

    I did electronically submit the Vehicle Transfer Notice. But I don't know what to do if he doesn't give it back. My registration does cancel 12/1/19. Another thing, the address he put down on the bill of sale and what shows on his valid license, is old. I went there to try and retrieve my plate and he doesn't live there anymore. He also didn't fill out the back of the title, stating he didn't know what address to put down yet. All I have is his name and phone number. He's obviously up to no good, but will it affect me? Is this going to be a big problem or am I stressing over nothing?

    submitted by /u/XforkX
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    Employer unlawfully deducted $500?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:44 PM PST

    Worked job in PA. Accidentally lost a grease catch part for grill. At the time of accident employer never said anything about charging for it. 2 months later I quit job. 3 weeks later I received paycheck for 70 hours of work in mail. $500 deduction on paycheck for part. Employer included picture of item from random website with $500 price. Am I protected by law to receive the money?

    submitted by /u/MECHEpics
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    Paving company ripped up my driveway and didn’t repave it, now according to their phone their closed for the winter. What are my options, if any?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:21 AM PST

    [USA][CA] Rental property company charges a pretty high "convenience fee" and lumps Credit/Debit cards together. Is there actually supposed to be a difference between Credit and Debit cards when it comes to Convenience Fees?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:32 PM PST

    So the rental company only offers payment through their online portal. You can pay with "eCheck" or "Credit/Debit." If I choose Credit/Debit I get charged a $42 "convenience fee," which is slightly below the 4% max they can charge for a convenience fee, I know that. If I choose eCheck there's no fee but it takes longer for them to receive payment "technically."

    However I decided to look around and apparently Credit cards can be charged a convenience fee but Debit cards can't? Is that true? Also California had a law that made surcharges illegal back in 1985 but because of a lawsuit there's a few companies that are exempt from that law.........but a Convenience Fee isn't a Surcharge apparently?

    Someone please help explain all this too me.

    submitted by /u/TheRadHatter9
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    Spiked hubcaps [Oklahoma]

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:30 PM PST

    I was visiting family at Oklahoma state university during one of their football games and after coming back from the bathroom while walking through the parking lot at night, I cut my knee open on giant spikes coming out of the hubcaps of an F250 truck. We took pictures of the spikes and the license plate, which is when the owner of the truck came out and started threatening us, and calling us names. Is it legal to have spikes on the hubcaps that stick out further than the body of the car, or is this something we can legally pursue?

    submitted by /u/blakewagoner
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    Divorcing due to domestic violence. He has a lawyer, I can't afford one. I feel like he's continuing to abuse and manipulate me through the legal system, is this worth putting up a fight or should I take his (offensively low) settlement offer? (IL)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:33 PM PST

    Note- I have tried every resource available to find pro-bono representation but have had no luck. I asked several if they would represent me and ask him to pay court costs, so far all have said no. I'm open to other suggestions but I have no ability to hire counsel myself.


    Married just under 3 years, no children. He owned the marital home prior to meeting me and the majority of the property and assets were bought prior to the marriage. Almost all of it was bought with his credit and debit cards, but I contributed an equal portion of my income for all household expenses for the 7 years of our relationship. We never had a joint bank account, so I would just write checks or give him cash to cover my share. He is now claiming that pretty much everything is his alone, and I am entitled to nothing and as of right now that's exactly what I am left with. This is a somewhat complicated situation to explain so please bear with me.

    Please note- There is a well documented history of domestic violence-he was arrested for felony domestic battery 3 years ago (the charges were dropped for some reason but that's a whole other story) and I have medical documentation and several witnesses willing to testify if needed. I understand abuse accusations are sometimes thrown around as leverage in family court but that is 100% not the case here. I have a lawyer through legal aid helping me with the plenary protective order, so I'm good there. I'm needing assistance regarding the divorce itself. I've talked to a few lawyers but didn't feel any of them took the time to see the full picture- they hear 3 year marriage with no kids and assume there's nothing worth contesting. I believe otherwise and would appreciate some outside input. Here is the breakdown of what I'm planning on asking for and why I feel it is reasonable.

    Why I feel I'm entitled to alimony

    I lost 2 jobs during the marriage largely due to his misconduct

    • Job #1 -Terminated due to attendance issues under progressive discipline /points system. The majority of my points were due to his behavior either directly or indirectly. For example I had to leave work on numerous occasions after getting frantic phone calls from my daughter, who he was supposed to be caring for, saying he was acting psychotic and she was scared to be alone with him, or left her home alone, was refusing to feed her dinner, etc. Also numerous mental health crisises he had that I had to leave work to deal with. I also was given a 1 week suspension for no-call no-show after there was a miscommunication about my work schedule, and when they called me to see where I was they couldn't reach me because he had recently broken my phone to prevent me from calling for help. I ultimately got fired because of an absence that wasn't related to him, but I wouldn't have been terminated if I wasn't on a final warning status, which was largely the result of his conduct.
    • Job #2 – Had to resign without notice because after I served him with a protective order, he disabled our car so I had no way to get there, and because he had access codes to the building and had made threats to come to my workplace in the past. I had been on a last chance agreement at this job also because I had to take a week off unpaid to take care of him due to his deteriorating mental health and alcoholism. I ultimately had to leave the state as part of my safety plan, so I lost income due to that as well.
    • I still have not been able to find a job, which is in large part due to the gaps in my resume/being fired and/or resigning without notice from my last 2 jobs and the fact that I have no reliable transportation anymore

    Because I had to delay and forgo education and training due to the marriage

    • When we were first married I wasn't working because I was attending school full time. I was a LPN and doing my pre-requisite courses to get into the bridge program to earn my RN- something he was urging me to do and agreed to financially support me so that I could take a full course load and get it completed as soon as possible. But 10 months into our marriage he became physically abusive and after he was arrested for this, he retaliated by throwing me out of the house, leaving me without a car or any source of income. This meant I had to put school on hold so I could to go back to work full time. I ultimately got into the program in June of 2018 (we had reconciled by then and back to our original plan where he would support me financially when classes started) but then in August he once again threw me out of the house after I called the cops on him, and I had to give up my spot in the program. I re-applied for the following year in June of 2019, was again accepted, but once again had to give up my spot because of his abuse upending my life. I don't know if I can really argue that if he hadn't done the things he did, I would have completed this program, but I am a deans list student and I was on track to graduate in May of this year. I'm now going to have to repeat courses because your hard science credits start to expire after 5 years. Realistically it's unlikely I'll be able to do it unless alimony is awarded.


    The primary thing I am asking for in terms of property is the insurance settlement for my vehicle. This is a bit complicated to explain but here goes...

    Because I had to rent an apartment after the second time he threw me out, and because I then lost job #1, I started falling behind on rent and bills. I got the apartment in September 2018, got fired in the beginning of October, and he moved in with me a couple days later. He had done so with the agreement that he would fix up our condo and put it on the market, use the money he was saving on utilities by not living there to help me out, and then once the condo was sold he would split the rent with me until my lease was up, at which point we should have been able to save up enough money for a downpayment on a house. This never happened. He continued to live with me rent free while paying an almost $2,000 mortgage on a home that sat vacant, even as I was getting 5 day notices almost every month. I had to beg him to help me get caught up, but he suddenly started to deny he ever agreed to help me in the first place. He ultimately contributed around $1,500 total. Again, he was living with me this whole time even though on paper we had separate residences. He is now trying to say that we were separated this entire time. We were not. He lived with me from October 10-June 26'th and I can prove it.

    When we got married we only had one car that was in his name. He used this as another tool to control me financially. If I dared to stand up to him he would tell me I was no longer allowed to use "his" car, even to commute to my job, and if I did he would report it stolen. I eventually got tired of this so I bought my own vehicle in October of 2017. In February 2019 I totaled it (I'm actually like 99% sure he cut my brake lines but that's another story for a different day lol) Without even consulting me he decided to take the insurance settlement from that to pay himself back for the money he paid towards my rent, and to "pay down our debt" (which as I mentioned was all in his name, for purchases he now claims sole ownership over) So once again I had to use his car, which he again threatened to report as stolen constantly. This is the car he disabled after the protective order was served, and because it was in his name alone he was allowed to do so while under police escort. He has since totaled it and I've been told he upgraded to a more luxurious vehicle to drive around drunk in. I take the bus.

    Restitution for expenses I incurred due to his violations of the protective order

    After I was finally evicted in June, we all moved back to the condo. We were only there a few days when he committed his final act of violence and I decided I was done. He was actually in the hospital when I made this decision, and I told him over the phone. My daughter was out of state visiting family for the summer and he was back on disability and not working, so I offered him what I thought was a reasonable proposal to end things as amicably as possible: Stay with your family for a few weeks (he was the one who had that option, I relocated to be with him so I had no one locally to help support me), allow me to use the car so I can continue working in the meantime, just until I had enough saved up for first last and deposit on my own place. He refused, telling me I was "squatting" in his house and he would be showing up as soon as he was released to forcibly remove me if I didn't leave on my own. Oh and that he would report the car stolen as usual. So left with no other options, I filed for an emergency order of protection which I was granted. This was supposed to allow me to stay in the protected residence at least until the plenary hearing 2 weeks later.

    What happened instead was he called the power company and had them shut everything off. When I tried to pay the bill myself and have them turned back on, they refused because I was not the owner of the property-the only way they would do it is if he gave his approval. I communicated the message through law enforcement that I was happy to pay the bill if he did so, but he refused. It was the middle of a heat wave and I had 2 cats, including one with special needs who could become seriously ill if he gets too overheated- and 4 kittens we had been fostering. He didn't care. I had to get a hotel room and ultimately book an Air BnB just to keep them safe because he made the supposed protected residence uninhabitable for any of us. Eventually I was able to get the power turned back on after I got a copy of our marriage license (which required a 2 hour round trip and $25 I really didn't have to spare at this point), paid the reconnection fee and the past due balance. I was ultimately only able to stay in the so-called protected residence for a sum total of 3 days in the 2 week period before the plenary hearing and my bank account was drained by the end of it. The lawyer I had at the time told me I didn't really have legal standing to ask to stay in the condo or continue to use the car, so I agreed to give both back to him in exchange for a continuance. I hadn't had any time to even prepare for the hearing because of all the BS and didn't want to risk losing my chance at getting the 2 year order because of it.

    In addition I had to buy new cell phones for both my daughter and I because he had them rooted and installed programs on them which I discovered he was using to monitor our conversations and violate our privacy in every way imaginable.

    Restitution for medical expenses resulting from his abuse

    The settlement offer his lawyer gave me (more on that in a moment) stated that I would be responsible for all my medical debt. A significant portion of my medical debt is for things he caused! I had an ER visit for subluxation of my jaw from him punching me and needed a torodal injection into my joint just so I could open my mouth. I have suffered from TMJ pain ever since and was told I may need surgery eventually if physical therapy doesn't work. He also shattered a tooth filling which ultimately led to my nerve root becoming infected and I required a root canal which I'm now in collections for. I was also so psychologically traumatized by his abuse that I ended up in inpatient psych for a week, and had to do intensive outpatient for almost a month before I was able to function again. My daughter has also needed extensive therapy for the PTSD he caused her. I believe he should be held 100% financially responsible for all of these bills.

    My current needs

    I am currently renting a shared room for $100 a week after being homeless for a few months. As stated earlier I haven't been able to find a job, and my options are limited. When my daughter came back at the end of the summer, I didn't have anywhere for her to live or any way to support her, so I had to sign over temporary guardianship to a family friend. After I ran out of money for boarding I had to relinquish my poor kitties. I was at least able to take my special needs kitty back after I got this room, but not his brother. And without a job and with limited prospects to find one I am worried I'll again lose my housing and be left with no place to go.

    So that brings me to the settlement offer I got- he oh so graciously is offering me a one time payment of $500. In exchange for me dropping the protective order and agreeing to an uncontested divorce. On the one hand, I'm tempted to tell him to shove that $500 up his ass, that doesn't even cover a FRACTION of the financial losses I've suffered because of him. He makes $88,000 a year and is flaunting his luxury purchases and vacations on social media, $500 is nothing to him. I've seen him blow that on impulse purchases without a second thought.

    On the other hand, I just want to get the fuck away from this asshole and be done with this chapter in my life. And $500 would at least give me a little room to breathe so I don't have to be afraid of being homeless with my cat again. I know there is no amount of money in the world that will ever make up for the years I lost, or the trauma and devastation this caused me, my daughter, and my poor animals. So part of me just wants to say fuck it, I'll build myself back up from the ground without him. But this feels so damn unfair, and I miss my kiddo so much. All she wants for Christmas is to be back home with her mom and her kitties, and I want to give that to her if I can.

    If you have read through all of this, bless you. Seriously. I kept trying to make it shorter but it's really difficult to explain the machinations and circumstances involved. Appreciate any and all advice that reddit has to offer.

    submitted by /u/Meonspeed
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    My parents are on the verge of entering a custody battle over my 18 yo brother, and him and I are unsure whether it's pointless or not.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:28 PM PST

    I'll try to keep this short. First off, we live in Indiana in the US. My brother is 18, he graduates high school in 6 months. A couple months ago, my brother and mom got into a huge fight and he ended up going to live with my dad primarily. Eventually tensions cooled and he now spends three days a week or so at our mom's. Recently the question of which parent he lives with has come into question again, as my moments him back. Yada yada yada, basically my dad has filed for custody, and I guess he intends to try for child support. He also wants to erase the $43000 in child support that he owes my mother. I'm trying to help my brother navigate this situation, but I'm unsure whether what my dad is trying to do is even possible or if this whole legal hooha is pointless since my brother is 18 and graduates soon.

    submitted by /u/paradiso1997
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    My neighbors dogs are left outside and bark all day long. What can I do to make it stop?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:25 PM PST

    So first off this is in Idaho. My neighbors have two small dogs who they will let outside and they will bark for hours on end nonstop, and sometimes this can be between 4-7am when people are trying to sleep. We have asked them multiple times to let their dogs in and have had no success. It's driving me insane.

    Edit: Also this isn't just like a one time thing or occasional thing. This is every day all the time and sometimes in the late hours of the night or early mornings

    submitted by /u/JonesSodaRs
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    Served someone else’s summons?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:09 PM PST

    My mom received a summons for someone and didn't notice the name before she opened it. She tried to return it to USPS but they wouldn't take it back because it was opened (she didn't have her glasses on when she signed for it)

    What should she do? Contact the court saying the correct person didn't receive the papers? Just toss them? Obviously it's gonna show them as delivered even though the person who needs them hasn't gotten them. She lives in PA.

    submitted by /u/actualskywalker
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    Didn’t know I had court a month ago..

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:39 PM PST

    [Mississippi,USA] So I got pulled over going 100 in a 70.. state trooper told me he could arrest me on the spot but didn't. We talked a little bit then told me I was fine and to get going. He never told me I had a ticket . A month later which is today, I look in my glove compartment and see a speeding ticket with the court date etc (no price) .. so I guess he hid it in between the registration & insurance when handing everything back.. do I lawyer up or call the court to reschedule the date.. They never sent anything In the mail at my old address (which is my aunts house..) I don't know what to do . First time ever getting a ticket .. please help lol

    submitted by /u/otfboy7
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    Is it legal to lie about the contents of an object you're selling if it can be deadly to people handling it?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:45 PM PST

    So I know this will sound weird to some people but I'm very into military gas masks and respirators. So, for gas masks, Soviet-Russian are very common because there is hundreds of millions of them around the world, but Soviet filters all contain asbestos, which can cause lung cancer. But, the sellers selling these filters will lie and say they only have charcoal in them, which is pretty much completely harmless. Are they breaking the law? Id report them to eBay but there isn't an option in the report form for the thing they're doing. I live in South Dakota.

    submitted by /u/ProfesserKnox
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    Sexual Relations With First Cousin (Indiana, USA)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:45 AM PST

    An awkward and likely taboo question here from me. Not me, not anyone close to me; but rather a legal question posed by a former student based on a family circumstance.

    Q: In the state of Indiana, can a under-65 heterosexual couple found to be first-cousins and discovered to be having a sexual relationship, or had sexual relations within state lines within statute of limitations be tried as criminals? If yes, is it grounds for them to be registered as sex offenders? Also if yes, what are the legal punishments prescribed within state law if a couple who did not marry in a legal state are caught having sexual relations and/or are found to be co-habitating?

    Background is that a former student recently discovered that one of their parents is in a poly amorous relationship with a first cousin. While they live in North Carolina where sexual relations with and cousin marriages are perfectly legal, the relationship is believed to have originated in Indiana and is one where meetups have undoubtedly occurred in the state within the past year; where sexual relations, cohabitation, and marriage are completely illegal for individuals under the age of 65 with exception to citizens in

    Troll responses and dueling banjo jokes aside, this is a serious question. Links to relevant cases or anything sourcing answers would be deeply welcomed.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/PrettyKimmeh
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    Old Nudes Posted Of Me On A Revenge Porn Thread

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:19 AM PST

    USA, OH

    So, back when I was 18 I posted some nudes of myself on Tumblr because I was going through a stage of feeling bad about my body, so wanted to take control and do something confident. About a year or so after that, it wasn't my thing anymore, so I deleted the Tumblr account, not knowing that this doesn't delete the photos themselves. Dumb, I know. I was okay with this at the time though, because I had put them out there myself. It was my choice, and now they were in the past.

    Yesterday, I was notified of a thread on a site (not sure if I'm allowed to say which one here, but it isn't Reddit) where people were posting photos of girls from the UK. I have lived in America for the last 4 years, but I am originally from the UK. My old nudes were on there, and even some candid photos of myself from my Facebook, along with many disgusting comments about me, and even comments stating they went to school with me, and that they knew my siblings.

    Some people from back home already know about this now, and I really, really don't want it getting any bigger. I tried to report the photos on the site, but to have them taken down I must submit a front and back photo of my ID, a photo of me holding the ID up to my face, my email address, my actual house address and my phone number. I really don't want to give out my address or phone number, and I'm not even sure if they will take the photos down even with all this info. Is there anything I can do at all? I'm thinking there is nothing I can do, and I just have to deal with them staying up.

    Also just wanted to add, I know a few people will be confused with why I was okay posting them myself years ago, and not okay with them resurfacing now - Simply put, I have changed a lot since then, and I did NOT consent to having these photos posted.

    submitted by /u/NeedHelpTHA
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    I'm a dumbass

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:38 PM PST

    One night I got blackout drunk and disappeared for about 6 hours. I woke up with some gnarly bruises around my wrist, and we all deduced I had been handcuffed. Over the night I had lost all of my possessions as well. I'm a minor and a college student. That night I must have received a citation and I guess I lost it along with everything else I had. I woke up assuming nothing had happened, and went on with my life. About a month later I check the mail and there's a warrant for my arrest for missing court when I would have gone had I known I even had a court date. What are my next steps to correct this matter. Maricopa county if that helps

    submitted by /u/Memian1227
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