• Breaking News

    Friday, January 1, 2021

    Legal Advice - My landlord wants me out because I won't sleep with him, which makes me "unappreciative".

    Legal Advice - My landlord wants me out because I won't sleep with him, which makes me "unappreciative".

    My landlord wants me out because I won't sleep with him, which makes me "unappreciative".

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:21 AM PST

    We hooked up once or twice before I ever moved in (we are both young and originally met at a party). But, once I told him I didn't like him in that sense, he became bitter and unnecessarily mean to me. We have a rent to own agreement, and I have not violated any of the terms, and I've payed on time. He is smarter than I am, and has made it a point that he can remove me at any time for any reason, simply because he does not like me. Today I asked him if he got my payment, and wished him a happy new years, and then he went on a tangent about how all my relationships are failed and how I have no respect for him and how good a guy he is. My favorite one is where he goes on about how I should be doing anything for him and giving him blowjobs on the reg, because he gave me a place to live. Entirely unprompted, and antagonistic for no reason. Now he says he wants me out because he simply doesn't like me. He also went on about how he can do "whatever the fuck I want" because he's the landlord. I have no idea what to do and I'm all alone in this. I don't have the money to relocate. I know I'm probably not the smartest person to get involved in a property with someone I was once intimate with, but I never expected this to happen. This isn't fair treatment, is it? How do I keep myself from being on the streets?

    submitted by /u/TalbyDemarco
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    My Friend got jumped by an underage teen

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:47 PM PST

    (NY State)A friend of mine today was jumped by a 16 year old who's father is also a detective in the local police department. When talking to the responding officers they said that my friend could not press charges due to the 16 y/o being a minor. This doesn't make any sense to me, someone help me out with this

    submitted by /u/Deadrax502
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    My neighbors are destroying the backyard, their dog has bitten members of my family repeatedly, and they now have a pig in town.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:13 PM PST

    This is in WV. We live in town. The neighbors let their kids dig up their yards with shovels. I don't have footage of them doing it but they have about a 12 by 6 foot hole in the middle of the property they rent. The have now dug up most of the fence line and we can no long let our dogs outside. Even if we could they now have a huge pig outside. They also start giant fires 5 feet from the house and throw gasoline on it which has melted the siding of their garage. I have video of that event and a lot of video of their animals on my property harassing my dogs. They really are unbelievably horrible and are now damaging the property we worked 5 years to save and purchase. I own my home and they rent. I've made their landlord aware of what's happening to my property and theirs (their rental property has a ridiculous amount of damage caused by these people) and the only response I get is the pig will be gone ASAP but it's been two weeks. What can I do? We paid a lot of money for our home and got out of a very bad neighborhood only to be terrorized by these people. I'm on disability and have limited income and can't travel much. My SO isn't rich by any means and she's terrified as their dog has bitten her twice while she was walking to her car. It drew blood on both occasions but is a small dog so we didn't make a report. I regret that now. Please help.

    submitted by /u/NedtheNard
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    My Mom is Stealing Trust Fund Money From Me[19]. Can I do anything about this?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:18 AM PST

    So when my great grandmother passed away in 2005, her daughter, my grandmother set up a trust. The trust says that every grandchild of my grandmother will receive $5000 a year for college expenses.

    So I'm the first of my cousins to go to college. My college is out of state so there were the costs of plans tickets. I had to buy quite a few things for my dorm. I also had to travel at the end of the year to go home so more plane tickets. The plane tickets costs around $1,000 and all other costs were $1000.

    So my mom told me she was going to hang onto my trust money, and the leftover would come to me. So I should have gotten $3000 leftover from my mom. But she insisted that it took $5000 for the traveling to college.

    Now that was freshman year. This year, there are no associated costs that my mom needs to pay for. I am driving by myself to school in a week and I have been home since March. But my mom is still saying she is going to get that $5000 for this year too.

    I have no problem with the actual 2 grand in initial moving costs. I will let her keep that. But my mom is trying to cheat me out of 8 grand from my grandparents specifically for me.

    Every time I bring this up with my mom she says that she needed the money and calls me spoiled. I have $90k in loans already.

    I'm calling my grandmother tomorrow about it. But what about the money that was already given to her? What do I do about it?

    TL;DR My grandmother has a trust set up that gift each college student $5000 a year. Last year and this year it was initially given to my mom and has taken all of it for "expenses". Is there anything I can do about my mom taking eight grand from me that was addressed to me in a trust?

    This is in the USA. The executor of the trust is my grandmother who is in Indiana. My mom and I live in Texas

    Edit: thank you everyone for the advice. I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense, I was kinda drunk when I wrote it. I have gone through and edited it. Here is what I know for sure: 1. My grandmother is in charge of the trust. All requests have to go through her. 2. The $5000 a year in college expenses does not necessarily have to be for tuition, but can also be for books, travel, ect. 3. The money was sent to my mom for my freshman and sophomore year. Freshman year there were about 2 grand of expenses to pay for traveling and textbooks. Sophomore year I paid for everything myself. My mom has not said what she used the money for. So there is about 8 grand of trust money unaccounted for that was given to my mom instead of me. 4. I do not know who is supposed to get the money initially but I think it's either me or my mom. As long as it's used for paying for things related to my college.

    I hope this clears things up! I will be calling my grandma later today. I'll do another edit then.

    Update: After talking to my grandma, she talked to my mom. My grandma had my mom gave all the money back. This situation has (thankfully) resolved without the need for lawyers. Thank you to everyone who commented. From now on I'll be directly receiving the money.

    submitted by /u/rbranste
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    [RI] My heating bill is through the roof because of my landlord refuses to fix thermostat system. I don't want to get stuck with this massive heating bill that is out of my control.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:05 AM PST

    So I moved in last April and my heat was not working. I let my landlord know and he said it was "strange" and he'd have somebody look at it. A month went by and nothing was resolved, spring season was upon us and apparently there's a practice where they shut off heat to the building from April till around October..

    near the end of April I let my landlord know I still was not getting heat his only was response was you still have a space heater right?


    Fast forward to the last couple weeks of October there are guys working a few days in a row trying to get the heating system working. My heat was not working and I was stuck with 40° weather using my space heater and being cold in my own apartment.

    At first it seems like the heat was fixed but when I go down to the boiler room it seems like they've cut off my personal boiler and just hooked me up to the main line for the first floor (again I'm on third) and once again with no control over the heat. This was in November.

    I had a heat but it felt like it was out of my control, it was 75° for the first week straight and I could not change anything..

    I tell my landlord I don't think the heat is fixed it feels like I have no control over my thermostat, he said just to keep my thermostat at 70 and don't worry about it.

    He says it's fixed.

    here we are Christmas weekend I went away for four and a half days, I specifically left my thermostat at 60° because I was not going to be home. I came home to 80° apartment.

    Since last week I have had to keep fans going and Windows open because the heat in my apartment won't go under 75°.

    I contacted my landlord about it and he said somebody is" tampering" with the boilers. Even though he's out of the country and I'm not sure how he would even know that.

    Personally to me it sounds like he's got his wires crossed and he doesn't want to uncross them. The way he told me to leave it at 70 and don't worry about it unsettles me. it's my heat I should be able to do whatever I want with it.

    I'm honestly afraid to look at my gas bill and I do not want to pay $300 or $400 in overages that I don't deserve.

    Any advice on how to proceed not getting overbilled would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Subtotalpoet
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    IL - USA - MEXICO Friend’s husband is likely missing in Mexico. We’re not sure where to start with investigating or asking for assistance.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:44 PM PST

    The title says most of it but here are some relevant details: -The person who is likely missing is a dual citizen of the US and Poland. -Friend's husband went to Mexico from Illinois on Christmas Day. -Friend's Husband had been communicating with his wife and daughter via various messaging apps until Dec 30. -On Dec 31 he went dark. No calls or photos or any comms of any kind. -On Jan 1, wife began trying to get in touch with husband and his phone went straight to VM. Also on Jan 1, wife had a hotel employee check his room and he is not there. He's in an all inclusive and may not have rented a car. This detail could be incorrect and I'll update if I get an answer from wife on this.

    We don't know where to start with asking for assistance. We are sure the Mexican authorities will not be of much assistance, if any. Can anyone point us to the organization that is most likely to produce an investigation or search for him?

    We are thinking the US Embassy would be our best bet but we don't know if we should call a local embassy or consulate or what? Any advice or direction pointing is greatly appreciated. This is a scary one.

    submitted by /u/_Go_With_Gusto_
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    Do i have to pay for company's headset?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:06 AM PST

    I work at a call center and have been for the past 8 months; we're working from home and were recently given new systems and headset almost a month ago.

    I received an email where they will be deducting $60.00 from my pay stub to pay for the headset, is this legal and is there a way I can stop them from doing so? There was no document signed or notice shown during the hiring process or first initial months they would be doing this.

    I would be much happier to purchase my own if it's out of my pocket, of course up to standards, there are much cheaper ones available.

    submitted by /u/shaikhme
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    Kentucky: do I have any remaining options for handling a slightly obsessive, likely inebriated family member coming to my door?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:13 PM PST

    I'm going to make this brief as possible because I know that my personal feelings about this situation are not going to affect what legal avenues are available to me.
    I have a relative with a documented history of substance use issues. She's also capable of being just astronomically unpleasant, including once trying to sell one of my horses through a public auction, which in my opinion should be enough of a reason for her to not be welcome in my life. I have blocked her on all social medias and blocked her mobile from calling mine. She continues to send letters and packages to my address but I refuse to move house over this (my house is one of my greatest loves). She also keeps signing me up for things like insurance plans and stuff, which is super annoying because some of these things ding my credit.
    I lost my father in 2020 and inherited his estate in full. This relative isn't thrilled about this and has started attempting to insert herself back into my life; she was occasionally showing up at my house and occasionally had a PI tail me before but she has gone completely off of the rails in the last ten months. I don't know if this is because of the death or if she has just lost her entire mind.
    I sent to her last month, in writing, that she is not permitted to contact me or come to my property. However, I've heard that she is going to be arriving at my house tomorrow. One of the things that she does is order a wellness check on me to get herself or at least some officers into my house. I called the police tonight and asked if they could not perform a wellness check on me if one is called in tomorrow because it will be fraudulent; the officer told me that he legally had to perform the check and would be keeping her fully informed because she'd be both the caller and my next of kin. I told the officer that she isn't welcome at my house and he basically said that it's a family issue that we need to hash out. He said that I am not a candidate for an order of protection because no crime has been committed and I am not in danger, just thoroughly annoyed.
    I cannot have this be what rest of my life looks like. I can't constantly be concerned about a not sober lady coming to my home or to my work. I know that trespassing or something must not be legal but if the police are not going to step up here because 'she's family' (yay, Kentucky) then what is my next move? It's difficult for me to determine how much of this is stuff that the police cannot assist with and how much is stuff that they would rather not assist with....

    submitted by /u/forwardaboveallelse
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    My lawyer missed a deadline

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:02 AM PST

    I am involved in a lawsuit, and both sides have decided to settle.

    I have a lawyer who missed a deadline for a settlement (which the court had mandated) - he thought it was 28 days, and it was actually 7 days (he accepted a bit after 7 days). I want to be clear - this was at no point due to my delay, he told me I had 28 days to consider the settlement and accept or reject it, and I told him to accept it in like 5 days.

    Now, the other side is demanding a whole host of other things for the settlement to go through, including several thousand more dollars and some additional provisions which I really don't want.

    Is this legal malpractice? My lawyer is now telling me I should accept offering them several extra thousand, but not the extra provisions, and he sorta blamed me for not telling him of the "accelerated scheduling order" (which he says is normally 28 days). I represented myself pro se initially, as I didn't have money for an attorney, but I hired this attorney at least 3 or 4 months ago - so he should have had all the requisite information and knowledge of the case, including the scheduling order, shouldn't he?

    As far as I can tell, this is solidly my attorney's screw up - he told me 28 days, I accepted within like 5 or so (I'd have to check the exact time period), and he's been in charge of the case for like a quarter or third of the year.

    I am located in the United States. I don't really want to mention my state in case he is reading here (I doubt it, but who knows). I don't think the individual state would matter as I suspect this stuff is broadly similar by state.

    submitted by /u/HermanCainsGhost
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    I am being threatened by my BF’s mother (FL).

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:17 AM PST

    Title explains some of what's going on. I met my bf around 8 months ago and it's been a great relationship up to this point. No major arguments that hasn't been settled within a few hours of communicating, acts of affection, etc etc.

    Recently things have become rocky in relation to his mother. She has been cruel to him due to him becoming more independent and recently she's decide to connect her frustration of that vocally aimed at me. She's told called me and my family racial and ethnic slurs (she is black herself) like field N words, urban and ghetto, dirty (my mothers birth country) , you name it she's probably said it. These remarks have not been said to me but to my BF and he's relayed the message towards me.

    I am one for no confrontation, so I simply just ignore her as I know she has psychological illnesses. She found out her son told me the things she said and has become more and more hostile towards him to the point she tried to get violent.

    Yesterday, she texted him nasty messages about me saying she'll "smack the piss out of me" and have me call my mom to come get me. I'm 21, and she's in her 50's. At this point, I'm becoming slightly more worried about her as she's spiraling and I don't know what she could do next.

    I am wondering what kind of legal matters I can do in order to protect the safety of me and my loved ones. Please delete if this doesn't follow guidelines, I'm on mobile and I am currently distraught over the whole situation.

    submitted by /u/tamikuh
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    I 'm being regularly harassed and threatened in person and I'm not sure if or how to pursue this legally

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:30 PM PST

    my grandfather comes to my house every few days and while I have repeatedly asked him to stop the visits have only become more frequent recently. I live alone at a house owned by one of his sons which he uses to threaten my by saying that if I try to bring it up it's more likely that the owner of the property would trust him and just evict me. the visits generally consist of him yelling, breaking stuff, and moving stuff around but nothing worth more than a few dollars has been taken. I'm hesitant to get law enforcement involved because I"m under 18 and I have very little money and also my uncle who owns the farm that I work on would likely fire me if I tried to. locking the door won't work as my grandfather could just go get the key from my uncle who owns the building

    submitted by /u/snayern
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    Is a notarized signature nullified if both the signature and the notary’s signature are dated 3 months into the future?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:47 AM PST

    Both the date of mother's signature and the notary public are the same, but are dated in the future. My mother's signature was already there when I signed the document, but the date she signed it was written as 3 months into the future and the handwriting of the date wasn't hers (even the ink color is different than the signature's color). The notary public's date written after Witness My Hand and Notarized Seal was also 3 months later after I saw my mom's signature there and after I took the document for my records. There is no way that the notary witnessed my mother signing it 3 months AFTER she signed it. There is also no way that my mother signed the trust agreement 3 months AFTER I signed it. Her signature was already there when I signed it.

    It's a Trust Agreement, so it's very important.

    There are also other red flags in the Trust Agreement including the fact that I am mentioned as both the Grantor and the Beneficiary of the Trust even though my late father created the Trust and mentioned it in his Will. I did not create the Trust, so I don't see how that makes me the Grantor.

    The lawyer who sent me the Trust Agreement misled me to believe that he's handling my father's estate, and he's a longtime friend of my mother and later father.

    The Trust Agreement states that that I, as the Grantor, transfers the property described on Schedule A to the Trustee in Trust and the Trustee agrees to hold, manager and distribute the property under the terms of this Agreement. However, the page titled Schedule A in the Trust Agreement is totally blank.

    I'm in NY, but my late father's estate is in NJ.

    submitted by /u/fergi20020
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    I desperately need advice! My brother has got me involved in a mess with revenge porn and possibly more!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:20 PM PST

    Okay so here's the deal. I have been lending money to my brother occasionally who has been buying nudes from this one girl for a year. Now he comes to me yesterday and tells me that he got in a fight with this girl and the girl has told him she will prosecute him for revenge porn. My brother says he did not publish any of her nudes anywhere but he did threaten to kill her when she accused him of it. Now I'm mixed up in this mess because when I did him the favor of lending him money, I hooked up my bank account temporarily to buy nudes from this girl. Of which cashapp asked for my social security and i put it in. I'm very scared now of what will happen next. I'm sure authorities will trace this back to me and I will be in serious problems. What should I do???

    submitted by /u/SecretServiceWoman
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    Friend threatening to send me to jail over alleged messages

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:48 PM PST

    TLDR: A former friend of mine reached out to me tonight to tell me that if he hears from me one more time he will get a lawyer and get a restraining order on me because he claims I am cyber-stalking him.

    He got in a relationship last year around this time and the girl made him block me. I did not contact him at all but in early august he added me on social media and was actively talking to me and friends with me until this past November when he disappeared without a trace. When I reached out to him via another site to ask why, he lashed out at me, calling me names and claiming that I was continually harassing him and was a pathetic person.

    After talking to a friend about this, they decided to get involved without my consent and contacted him and his girlfriend, I was not apart of this beyond when he himself reached out to explain that it wasn't him harassing me but his girlfriend and to tell the friend to stop.

    Tonight, a month later, I messaged him saying I was sorry for the whole ordeal with my friend, and that I was just reaching out to apologize and nothing else. He majorly freaked out at me again, calling me a cyber stalker, and saying that I have been contacting him and spamming him with messages for the past year and that he will be going to a lawyer in the morning and getting a restraining order as well as pressing the hardest charges possible. After sending this message he deleted his account and unsent the messages, and I am left feeling confused and afraid of what will happen.

    I don't know if it's the girlfriend again tonight, but I don't want to go to jail when it's been him contacting me except for the handful of times I said something to him.

    Was this a hollow threat or should I be worried? Do I need to get a lawyer?

    Edit: should add that the last message he sent that was threatening this is gone as he deleted the account

    submitted by /u/CuriouslyPotato
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    [SC] Breeder sold me a puppy with permanent eye damage after leading me to believe that the puppy had an eye infection that was being treated and improving.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:21 PM PST

    For starters, we love our new puppy and we aren't considering giving him back or giving him away.

    When we picked out the puppy from the litter he had a cloudy eye and we were then told that they were aware of the cloudiness and it was being treated with boric acid. In my mind I'm thinking, dogs can get eye infections, they're treating it and they say it's improving. No big deal. 1 week later we double checked with them and they reconfirmed via text that they were treating with boric acid and the eye was improving. The day we took him home we had to sign a contract that says we were aware of all health aspects and the breeder was no longer responsible, pretty standard from what I understand. We take the puppy to the vet, vet prescribes eye drops. Eye drops aren't improving the eye so vet recommends that we see a specialist. Veterinary ophthalmologist says puppy has permanent eye damage and there is no way to repair the damage or guarantee it won't get worse or cost us more in the future. We've spent almost 300 extra dollars on vets and specialists getting this properly diagnosed. Also both vets were unsure why boric acid was used in the eye and said that is not a recommended treatment for that condition.

    Prior to seeing the ophthalmologist I made the breeder aware that we were unsettled about all of this and requested their help with paying for the treatments. They loosely agreed to help with paying for the specialist, and for clarity this is before we knew the damage was permanent.

    Once the specialist confirmed that the damage is untreatable, I reached out via email to the breeder and rehashed the situation. I made it clear that we felt that were misled into believing that the eye was improving and being treated, when that couldn't be possible since the damage is permanent. I said that I felt like every other one of their customers received what they paid for, and we were the exception for the reasons stated above. For these reasons I requested a 50% discount on the puppy, or about $550 which I think is totally reasonable and will help pay for the services that we had to seek out so far and to make up for the fact that our dog only has one good eye. They said no. They offered to pay 50% of just the specialist visit which is about $90.

    Trying to figure out where to go from here. In my mind we were deliberately mislead to believe the damage isn't permanent and "getting better" before signing the contract.

    Also an important detail, I don't think the breeder ever had the eye examined by a vet before treating on their own or selling us the dog. I need to verify this. But if true that would mean they didn't actually know what was wrong with the eye or if the treatment was working when they said it was.

    Thank you for your time if you made it this far, and I typed this out on my phone so I apologize for any formatting errors.

    submitted by /u/SSPPAACCEELLYY
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    Collage expelled me for “student contract violations” (Canada)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:45 PM PST

    Using a throwaway because my main account has my last name linked to it

    A bit of background. I attend a technical collage and am currently in my second year of studies. When I arrived last year one of the first things I had to do was sign a Student contract that would be binding for the entirety of the time I would be a student at this institution, and I wouldn't be required to sign it again unless I left the school and re-enrolled at a later date. This student contract has a lot of the standard stuff in it surrounding harassment and code of conduct but the part of the contract that is important for this is the final part (which they call section 6.0) which states that unlike most universities attendance is mandatory for all my classes, and upon missing 15% of all classes in a given term you will be automatically failed in the course and academic prejudice would be applied to your record, and for some certain courses, failure to attend could result in suspension or expulsion. In this same contract, in section 6.3, it also outlines that all the classes would be held between 8:00am and 6:00pm (1800) Monday to Friday.

    Due to the COVID19 pandemic all of our classes have been online this term and there have been a few changes to how day to day stuff is ran, however none of the students were ever told about changes to the student contract. This in mind I revived my schedule in September and found that I had a classes at 6:00am on Monday mornings, and 9:00pm on Saturday evenings. As these times are outside the stated times in the contract I assumed that they were optional classes, and as no one ever mentioned anything contradicting that I never attended them as I had work on Saturday's and was still asleep on Mondays. Apparently however these classes were mandatory and upon completing my exams I was informed that I was to be expelled from the institution because I had missed these classes and they said it counts as a violation of section 6.0 of the student contract. When I appealed this and brought up the student contract I was informed that because everything was online the student contract was no longer binding. This being stated despite the fact that references to the student contract had been mentioned and referenced by college administrators in online meetings throughout the year, and their official reasoning to expelling me was a breach of the student contract. I brought this up and was dismissed and in the time sense I've been in contact with the president of the school and the student union. The president says that the expulsion still stands while the union has taken my side.

    I feel that the school has no base for expelling me and despite having evidence that they have stated the contract is still binding they say otherwise. The student union has recommended that I take legal action against the school to try to right this. Do I have a case and what should I do if so?

    Edit: grammar and clarification

    submitted by /u/1273rockefeler
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    A website is copying my website's name. Is there anything I can do about this?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:42 PM PST

    I'm in the US and the website in question appears to be registered in Italy with a server in Ireland. I created my website 2 years ago but in the middle of the year last year a website was created that copied my website's name but used a different tld. Let's say my website is websitething.generictld, that website's domain is websitething.thing. That's the best way I can describe it. They are using that name on their site for a phone spying app and I really don't want my website to be associated with that. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/ShapesTech
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    My dog bit a kid, what can I expect?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:33 PM PST

    My dog got out of our fenced yard, unfortunately it was my fault that he got out (I was trying to leash him to go on our walk and didn't see that our gate was open a little, he bolted out of my grasp). A teenage girl was walking by with her dog and my dog attacked her dog on the sidewalk in front of our gate. Both she and I got bit trying to break up the fight because we both put our hands near their mouths. Just to be clear, my dog is not human aggressive, but he is obviously dog aggressive, something we have known and are trying to deal with. The girl went to urgent care and is ok- she just had a few cuts and is on antibiotics. She was obviously really shaken up though and I feel terrible. The family contacted me to let me know that they filed a police report and I provided the information they needed. My questions are: What can I expect to happen next? Would it be cheaper for me to offer to pay their bills directly and not involve insurance? Should I tell my insurance what happened? Will my homeowners insurance go up? Thanks for any information or advice you may have, I'm hoping that might help with some big anxiety I'm feeling around this. Edit: I'm in Oregon

    submitted by /u/larzy-poo
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    My Mechanic left drug paraphernalia in my car.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:47 PM PST

    Background: 26 Male outside of a couple of traffic infractions has a completely clean record. I don't smoke or drink.

    Situation: Today I found drug paraphernalia (crack pipe) under my driver's side seat. The only other person who had access to my vehicle was my mechanic just under a month ago. I have tried contacting him over 5 hours ago but he has not responded back.

    I immediately destroyed it and did a deep search/clean to find anything else.

    I am now extremely paranoid that I might have missed something.

    Can anyone give me steps on what I can do legally to protect myself? I thought about filing a police report but with the pipe destroyed and have no definitive proof that it was my mechanic's pipe I am not sure.

    I am sorry for any grammatical mistakes, I am extremely stressed out and livid about this situation.

    TL;DR: Mechanic left crack pipe in car worried he might have left more drugs/drug paraphernalia in my car. Need legal advice.

    submitted by /u/The_Big_Stinkk
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    Mentally incompetent?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:55 AM PST

    So I have suffered with mental illness and had psychosis 3 times in my life. In 2018 my mom gave me a car as I needed one pretty bad. About 3 months later I got psychosis. I drove to another state and wandered around a big city for about a week. In my delusions I thought I was someone famous or royalty. I contacted my family and my brother and nephew came to pick me up to take me to my home state for hospitalization. My nephew asked me to sign the title of my car over to him which I did because I honestly thought I was rich and famous and didn't need it anyways. I got to the hospital and after I got feeling better I realized what I had done. I called my nephew and asked for the car back he said no. Well now I am mentally doing well but I have lots of appointments I need to go to at the counseling center. This is hard without my car and being in a rural area there is no public transportation. Lots of times I can't get a ride and miss my appointments. I sure could use that car! I believe that I was mentally incompetent at the time I signed the title over due to my psychosis. Is there anything legally I can do to get the car back from my nephew? I reside in the United States

    submitted by /u/Think-Bunch-4078
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    Dog rescue issues

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:29 AM PST


    I rescued a dog from a charity earlier this year. They weren't totally honest with me about her and said she was good with other dogs (she isn't) and that she was 18 to 20kg (she's actually 37kg) and that she was two years old (she's four). I've got a second dog from the same charity with no behavioural issues at all. Unfortunately the first dog isn't responding well to the behaviourist training, I've been bitten as has my other dog and my friend and I can no longer trust her. I wasn't made aware of any sort of aggression or behavioural issues with her when I adopted her and have been trying since June to address them.

    I contacted the rescue centre as per the adoption agreement to discuss rehoming her with an experienced foster owner and they said that if I want to rehome her, I also have to rehome my other dog as it's "not fair" and "part of the policy". I've looked at the adoption agreement and there is no mention of it anywhere.

    I've just contacted a lawyer for advice but wanted to post here too as I'm overwhelmed and worried. I'm heartbroken about rehoming her and now things are even worse.

    submitted by /u/Dangerous_Pin4804
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    Wife hit by DUI driver, what to expect from settlement?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:28 PM PST

    My wife was involved in an auto accident. Other driver was DUI and drifted into her lane, hitting her head on at around 40mph. She was sent to the ER. She ended up with $40,000 medical bill, a neck brace, nightmares and back problems (but no official diagnosis on paper like spine injury, herniated discs, etc).

    Other driver has been legally charged with DUI.

    She worked in landscaping and can no longer lift like she used to. She has anxiety driving, nightmares and back muscle spasms on a regular basis. Missed a week of work.

    I just had two questions to settle our nerves a bit while we wait for the lawyer to get back to us (2 months in and he hasn't really gave us much info beyond inquires)

    1. What kind of settlement are we looking at? Ballpark, non legal advice. I've read as low as $5,000 and as high as $500,000.
    2. What should i expect to pay a lawyer, percentage wise, from the settlement?
    submitted by /u/Fendabenda38
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    [AL] My health insurance just auto-renewed and charged my credit card. I can't afford this, please help!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:26 PM PST

    Hi, I'm 21F and I'm from rural Alabama. In 2020, I had cheap health insurance from healthcare.gov, where I paid about $3 a month for my plan (I really don't make much $ at all, about $800/mo).

    I tried to enroll in healthcare.gov again for health insurance for 2021, where I was told that I made too little in 2020 to be considered for the advance premium tax credit and too much to be considered for Medicaid. I shrugged my shoulders and decided that I would just try my best to stay healthy this year, since I can't afford health insurance.

    This evening, I received a hefty charge of $420 on my credit card from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama to pay for the month of January's health insurance.

    I simply cannot afford this, I make too little and I guess I never saw where they said they would automatically renew my contract.

    I called their customer service line and left them a voicemail. I'm in a massive panic and I don't know what to do, please help! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/mayseek
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    Ice rink liability on lake in front of my house

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:08 PM PST

    I made big ice rink on Lake Butte des Morts in Wisconsin. I'm fairly proud of it and told the neighbors etc they can use it..

    What if someone breaks their neck or takes a puck to the face?

    It hasn't happened but what happens if it does?

    Who can use it

    The rink is prob about 30' off shore

    Thanks for any help


    submitted by /u/antiviraladam
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