• Breaking News

    Monday, January 11, 2021

    Legal Advice - My (27M) sister (29F) is threatening to sue me for legal access to my bank accounts. This can't have any legal merit right ?

    Legal Advice - My (27M) sister (29F) is threatening to sue me for legal access to my bank accounts. This can't have any legal merit right ?

    My (27M) sister (29F) is threatening to sue me for legal access to my bank accounts. This can't have any legal merit right ?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:22 AM PST

    I'm just really scared and paranoid right now, wouldn't this be instantly thrown out by the courts? Do I need to hire a lawyer ?

    she's claiming that because I "can afford" to take care of her and her boyfriend who isn't employed that I am obligated to because we're family.

    she's months away from facing eviction but refuses to find a more reasonably priced place to live, I offered to let her move into my place but she hates my partner and just wants money.

    edit: thanks for all the advice, ill be putting a freeze on my credit and changing banks.

    I won't let her move in, everyone seems to feel strongly about this, and I agree, but in the end she's still family and that kinda sucks.

    submitted by /u/Furan69
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    My brother passed away. His PlayStation was missing when he was found, afterwards his tv and construction tools were also stolen. Please help?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:40 PM PST

    Ontario, Canada

    My brother was found at 2pm (not offering a date for anonymity) and the police were called. He struggled with alcohol addiction. My cousin was playing PlayStation and saw my brothers account online at approx 1:30am the morning he passed away. What happened between those hours we do not know. What we do know is that his PlayStation was not there when he was found.

    After the police were done and they transported him to the hospital for an autopsy, the police were supposed to lock the apartment. When we returned the next day his tv and construction equipment was missing as well. As it turns out the police did not lock the apartment before leaving. My mom's tv, computer and other valuables were left alone. The autopsy did not show anything so the police are waiting for the toxicology. I believe they've already written his passing off as an OD. I don't believe my brother was doing drugs but I really can't be sure. The police have a report on the items that went missing after he was found but they won't add the PlayStation to the report because "he could have sold it or given it away" between when he was online and when he passed. My cousin has been watching to see if his account comes back online and it has. Someone has my brothers PlayStation and using his account. At best we want to talk to them to see what they can tell us about his last hours, at worst they may have killed my brother or if he did OD left him there to die. Sony will not track the IP address without a police report.

    What do I do? I am so broken and lost. If someone hurt him I want justice. Is there something I can say to get them to add the PlayStation to the police report so we can track it? Do we request a seperate police report? Sorry for this mess of a post, I just really want answers and I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/anonnona555555
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    OBGYN told mother I'm pregnant (25F)

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:55 PM PST

    My family friend is an OB in Illinois, I went to him for a pregnancy test. He was well aware I wanted an abortion, and I had no intention of telling anyone about my pregnancy. He made me wait a week while I 'thought over what I wanted to do', before getting an abortion. During this week he happened to see my mother, 'out and about' and mentioned to her, Congratulations Grandma! Again, full well knowing I had an appointment January 14. for an abortion. I feel incredibly violated and want legal action taking on this slimeball. My family are very churchy and I've been told by my mother that she'll disown me if I get an abortion, he knew full well what he was doing. What do i do??!?

    Edit: posting this for a friend who does not have a reddit account.

    submitted by /u/SlipperyLittleOtters
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    My employee lied about testing positive for COVID and cost me thousands. Can I charge them?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:37 PM PST

    My employee lied about testing positive for COVID-19, to get the day off, and cost me about 2 grand in work. To top it off, (I'm a sub contractor) the clients home that we were in when she supposedly got her "positive" results, paid her private cleaners to come in and clean the home because they were so paranoid of getting COVID. Anyways, I have psychical proof, and she also sent me fake medical screenshots of her fake positive tests. She later verbally expressed she lied when I showed her mistakes in her photoshopping. Is there any legal repercussions I can charge her with? Also, can she claim unemployment for this if I fire her? Thanks so much in advance. I'm in Utah.

    submitted by /u/ksou95
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    Could my autistic brother have his conservatorship removed or transferred, at his own request?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:17 PM PST

    My brother (30) is high functioning autistic and has been under the care of my grandparents for his entire life. He lives with them but wants to move away and get his own place bc my grandparents have gone off the deep end - he says he feels like the only sane person there and he has schizoaffective disorder so that's saying something. He absolutely hates living in the middle of nowhere and has no friends or life bc they rarely let him leave and are constantly forcing him to adhere to their political and religious beliefs, which conflict with his. I've offered to let him move in with me, since that would be cheaper, but my grandparents dont like me bc we have differing opinions.

    They have a conservatorship over him, which would cost money to remove (he has no extra money bc everything goes to his rent, food, etc). He told them he wants to move in with me, but they told him they will not allow it and plus it would immediately kick him off disability if he tries to move (not sure if that's true?). There is no way he could work - basically bc they have groomed him his whole life to be completely dependent on them and wont really let him hold a job. Not that hed be likely to get one anyway bc he has no work history and is highly sensitive to noise and hates crowds.

    Was just wondering if anyone knows of a way to get his conservatorship removed without losing his disability, or possibly get it transferred to me if we have to. Before we had a falling out my grandparents had actually planned to have me take over his care, but a couple years ago they decided that my uncle should instead, bc he shares their beliefs - then they shut me out. All that aside, I really think the way they are controlling him is wrong and dont want him to be stuck there anymore. He hates it there so much and has asked me to help him and stated he wants me to have conservatorship. Is there anything we can do? We live in TN if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/MellyBean2012
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    ATT accusing my husband of stealing his upgraded phone

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:44 AM PST

    We are located in CT. I am so dumbfounded I have no earthly idea how to move forward in this situation. We've been on the phone with ATT for hours and they are useless. And we've been to the original store, also, useless.

    My husband (27) bought a new phone at the ATT store in full. He paid them, and they gave him a phone. When he got home the phone was opened and had finger prints. I was worried they sold him a refurbished phone when we paid for a new one and sent him back. They claimed they only opened it to check if the charger was included. I don't know why they needed to take the screen protector off and touch it to do that but I digress. They eventually send him phone with a new phone but in a different color than he originally wanted. A few days go by and my husbands service is shut down because of a "stolen" phone. We call customer service and they're saying the phone was marked as stolen. We have the receipt for it. They took our money. We took it back to the store and they said they fixed it but sure enough that same night the service was shut off. Every time we call they say that they opened a fraud case and we'll have to call every 24 hours to get his service turned back on but his service gets shut down 20 minutes later. My husband needs his phone for work. It's been over a week now and no one has been able to help us. We don't know how to proceed? What can we do?

    submitted by /u/theacaciasteph
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    My mom was almost killed by our neighbors pitbull. We got a personal injury attorney. Our neighbor refuses to be served, and won’t open the door for anyone for weeks

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:41 PM PST

    Where do we go from here? This is the 5th time someone has tried to serve her. The neighbor has also gotten a third pitbull, but I digress. Almost my dog was killed in the attack and the vet bill was $3000. I want this b*tch to open the door and be served what do we do? Edit this was in California

    submitted by /u/nancy5559
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    Shady business took 50k of my parent's money and not responding to any communications, what avenues to take?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:09 PM PST

    My parents own an procurement business in a specific industry in Taiwan where they procure materials for their clients in Taiwan. This specific industry is a highly specialized industry.

    4 weeks ago, they made a payment of around 50k USD to a company based in California, US, for materials (in the same highly specialised industry). Standard process was undergone - letters of sale, invoices sent, emails, etc. Everything was above board. Company is also small - 4 employees (as shown via a basic google search)

    After payment, the shipment of materials were supposed to be shipped within 3 days. Unfortunately, right after payment, the company stopped responding to all communications from my parents - they completely ghosted.

    I have a brother, "Tim", who lives in Cali, who then made the drive to the physical office of the company to find out what was going on. He went 3 times, each time meeting with "Alex". The first two times, Alex apologised profusely for the delay in shipment, and on the second time, even gave Tim a Fedex shipping number as proof that the shipment was made. However, when my parents checked the shipping number, it was non-existent.

    The third time Tim visited (4~5 days ago), Alex reacted the same way, but eventually became violent and chased Tim out of his office. RIGHT AFTER this happened, Alex called my parents and apologised profusely for what happened with Tim, and promised that they would ship the materials. (no physical altercation actually occurred, Tim got the fuck out when Alex went ballistic).

    Since then, no shipment has been made, and they have again gone completely silent. For the last 2-3 nights, my dad has stayed up throughout his nighttime and made calls to the company, in an attempt to make contact again.

    Right before I made this post, I used my Google-fu and figured out that the CEO of the company was "Kevin". I then found an article from the LA Times dated 1996 about a person named exactly "Kevin" (the name is very unique) who was convicted of the same type of fraud in the same industry and sentenced to 4.5 years in prison and massive fines.

    My suspicions are that "Alex" and "Kevin" are the same person but with different identities.

    What avenues are there to take here?

    TL;DR parents paid 50k for materials to a company, company ghosted and never delivered the materials.

    submitted by /u/nikalodean
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    I Hate Thieves and Tow Yards

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:44 PM PST

    To make a long story short, I parked my car on the side of the freeway cause the transmission blew left the car, came back midday and wheels and radio are stolen. File police report take. Video and pics of car and wait for tow guy with cop,tow guy takes car, we all leave. You're all caught up now.

    Fast forward to today, car has been sitting at tow yard for a week and half now. I decide to go up there and see how much I owe and to take a look at the car. The people were hesitant to allow me to see my car, and kept saying car isn't registered to me (they looked up the tag through ncic or whatever it is dmv has). So I leave and print out my registration and go back to the tow yard. NOW they have to show me the car.

    These ass holes attended other customers while making me wait an hour and half. Finally they escort me to my car and there she is In all her beauty. She could've worked at the hottest strip club in Atlanta because boy was she strip naked. All that I had left in the car was the doors, hood, engine, tranny and car itself.

    These low life tow people swore up and down that "how you see it, is how we got it". And that was their answer literally for any and everything I asked. The balls on the manager had to be the size of basketballs for him to even make the same claim AS I SHOWED HIM VIDEO OF MY CAR ON THE TRUCK BED.

    So I filed a police report and filled out a lame complaint form them. My questions are 1. They are liable for this right? 2. They have insurance for this kind of stuff right? 3. Can I file criminal charges? 4. Would their insurance total my car out, or would I have to take them to court?

    Thanks for any advice.

    Edit: in case I forgot, the car was broken into and stripped while the tow yard had it in their possession.

    submitted by /u/Yeaillthinkaboutit
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    My US-based non-profit 501c(3) 'employer' is telling me I can't work for anyone else

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:07 PM PST

    I'm based abroad and I work remotely for an Illinois based religious non-profit that significantly benefits from my design, marketing, development and other technical skills, pays me way below market compensation, prevents me from doing other freelance work etc and claims I am a full-time employee despite them not withholding any taxes on my behalf. They say taxes are my responsibility and the whole contract seems like a farce to me. Is all this even legal? Can they stop me from doing other work? Am I an employee or an independent contractor? I've read all the IRS stuff but this is still so unclear for me especially as a non-US citizen and I feel exploited.

    Here's what the contract says if anyone's interested:

    "We are pleased to offer you a full time position of the Director Digital Development (Employee) with <Organization Name> (The Foundation) as starting Jan 5 2021.

    Here is brief non-exclusive description of the Director's responsibilities:

    • Develop and maintain <Project Name> website, apps and related technologies
    • Design, develop and maintain websites for <Organization Name> and its affiliates as needed.
    • Design other material needed for <Organization Name> and its affiliates.
    • Other responsibilities can be added in future.


    Total gross annual compensation is $XX,XXX.The Employee is responsible for all tax obligations.<Organization Name> will pay the Employee on the monthly basis at the end of the month.

    Time Commitment, Holidays and other considerations:

    This is a full time exempt position. The Director shall devote all of his labor and energies to fulfill his duties.

    The Director is entitled to 7 days of paid vacation per year(Jan.1to Dec.31).If these days are not utilized, they shall not be transferred/advanced to another fiscal year. The use of vacation days must be approved by the CEO at least two months in advance. The Director is entitled to 8 public and religious holidays of his choice. None of these shall be combined with paid vacation days.

    The Director is entitled up to five sick days per calendar year with pay. If absent for three or more days, The Foundation may request Director to provide verification for his absence from Director's medical provider.

    All other absences will be counted as no show days and the pay will be deducted for the days

    • You are required to submit a weekly report of work done that day with quantification, the work projected for the next day and an updated master to do list. This report will be submitted to the president of the Foundation or his designee.
    • Director shall not engage in any other full-time, part-time, or commissioned employment or business while employed by The Foundation without The Foundation's consent.
    • All work produced by the Director will be the intellectual property of The Foundation.Confidentiality:

    i. The Director is prohibited from directly or indirectly discussing or disclosing to any person or any organization other than the CEO any The Foundation and its affiliates' business matters, including, but not limited to donation figures, customer database, Director wages, cash flow etc. The Director must recognize and acknowledge that The Foundation and its affiliates possess certain confidential information that constitutes a valuable, special, and unique asset. As used herein, the term "confidential information" includes all information and materials belonging to, used by, or in the possession of The Foundation and its affiliates relating to its products, processes, services, technology, inventions, patents, ideas, contracts, financial information, developments, business strategies, pricing, current and prospective customers, marketing plans, and trade secrets of every kind and character, but shall not include (a) information that was already within the public domain at the time the information is acquired by the Director, or (b) information that subsequently becomes public through no act or omission by the Director. The Director agree that all of the confidential information is and shall continue to be the exclusive property of The Foundation and its affiliates, whether or not prepared in whole or in part by the Director and whether or not disclosed to or entrusted to the Director's custody. The Director agrees that s(he) shall not, at any time following the execution of this Agreement, use or disclose in any manner, any confidential information of The Foundation and its affiliates. This confidentiality agreement shall survive the end of Director's employment with The Foundation.

    ii. Exceptions to Non-Disclosure Requirements. Notwithstanding the preceding, Confidential Information may be disclosed to any governmental, judicial or regulatory authority requiring such Confidential Information, provided that: (i) such Confidential Information is submitted under applicable provisions, if any, for confidential treatment by such governmental, judicial or regulatory authority; and (ii) prior to such disclosure, Director gives The Foundation notice of the disclosure requirement so that it may take whatever action it deems appropriate, including intervention in any proceeding and the seeking of an injunction to prohibit such disclosure; and (iii) the party subject to the governmental, judicial or regulatory authority shall resist any such disclosure to the extent reasonable under the circumstances and use its good faith efforts to prevent the further disclosure of any Confidential Information provided to any governmental, judicial or regulatory authority.

    1. Additional Restrictions. The rights of the parties under this Agreement are in addition to and not in lieu of their rights under Illinois law, including but not limited to the Illinois Trade Secrets Act and legal rights arising from the employment and/or agency relationship between The Foundation and Director. Further, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver on the part of any person or entity of any privilege or objection of any kind to the disclosure or use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than in the implementation and furtherance of The Foundation's business.

    1. Costs**.** In the event of legal action by The Foundation to enforce this Agreement or collect damages, if The Foundation prevails in such action, then The Foundation shall be entitled to recover from Director its costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees.
    2. Waiver. No provision of this Agreement shall be deemed waived and no breach shall be deemed excused unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of The Foundation waiving such provision or excusing such breach. No such consent to, or waiver of a breach hereof, whether express or implied, shall constitute a consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any subsequent, additional, or different breach.
    3. Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any other prior agreement related to the subject matter of this Agreement.
    4. Severability. The parties agree that the restrictions and requirements set forth in this Agreement are reasonable. If any part or provision of this Agreement is found to be void or unenforceable by a court with proper jurisdiction, then the parties to this Agreement hereby agree that court will have the power and authority to rewrite the offending part or provision so that it becomes less restrictive and regains the reasonableness necessary for enforcement. If any portion of this Agreement is deemed void or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected.
    5. Successors & Assigns. The provisions of this Agreement related to confidential information shall be binding on the heirs, successors, assign, and agents of the parties to this Agreement. Director shall hold The Foundation harmless and shall indemnify The Foundation from any damages caused by any unauthorized disclosure by such persons.
    6. Amendments. The Foundation keep the right to amend this Agreement at will.
    7. Governing Law. Any claim or dispute arising under this Agreement shall be governed by Illinois law. Venue shall be in the Cook County, Illinois.
    8. TerminationEmployment can be terminated with or without cause by either party. Due to the special nature of this work, The Foundation requires that the Director give a two-month notice should the Director decide to resign from this employment.
    submitted by /u/sens_cellence
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    CA Landlord - Tenant sends photo of $150 receipt for replacing light bulbs and is asking for reimbursement. Is this my responsibility???

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:12 PM PST

    Hi, I am currently renting to a university student who Ive had problems with since day 1. Its a 20 year old luxury apartment on campus with floor to ceiling windows. When she moved in, she demanded upgrades to the unit AFTER moving in (such as installing a garburator for the sink, faster internet) even though she inspected the unit before moving in, threatened to report to the tenancy board otherwise, etc. She is VERY demanding.

    She also has financial issues; this month she asked to pay half the rent on the 1st when it was due then the other half a week later stating she had had problems finding a job because of covid.

    Today she just sends me a $130 receipt for light bulbs that she says she felt was necessary to replace because the older ones were too "dim" for her and asking me to reimburse her for them. She just went ahead and did this without talking to me about me first which is NOT the way this is done and I feel like shes just trying to squeeze more money out of me in anyway she can.

    I thought light bulbs were not the landlord's responsibility to replace..but Im not sure.


    What can I say to this girl to let her know any issues she has she should've talked to me first and she cant just demand me to pay for something whenever she wants.

    Im also afraid if I say no to reimbursing her, she will deduct the amount from the rent next time it is due. If she does this, does this mean I can evict? Im just so sick of dealing with her at this point.

    And also are light bulbs considered one of the things landlords are responsible for replacing???

    thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/0tingocn1
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    Tree fell on our rented house in Oct., repairs are still not done, landlord is still charging full rent. What are my options? (GA, USA)

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:08 PM PST

    I'm in the state of Georgia.

    At the end of October, a neighbor's large tree fell during a nasty storm onto the back deck of a house where myself and 2 roommates live. It destroyed the deck and damaged the roof and some siding. We notified our landlord the night it happened on a phone call. (in hindsight, writing would've probably been a better idea). The landlord's son is a contractor and told us he would do repairs. However, his construction team have been out here very sporadically, averaging maybe 1-2 days a week (some weeks not at all) as they are working other jobs for the son at the same time. His son is very bad at communication and will often tell us that he'll be out on a certain day and completely no-show or show up to do repairs without notice. This is frustrating for us as we have dogs and taking them out while construction is going on is a hassle and sometimes not feasible because of the dangerous equipment they use. Also, since this has happened, our back fence is still not repaired and it means we can no longer let our dogs out in the backyard, but must take them out on leash every time they need to use the restroom. The fenced in yard is one of the reasons we moved in here in the first place. Additionally, I work from home and my job requires outside noise to be relatively low (recording/audio engineering) and so trying to schedule my workload has become a headache given his inconsistent communication.

    Our landlord gave us half rent for December, but besides that has been charging us full rent and even said he couldn't reduce rent for January even though the repairs were still taking place. While our leaky roof and siding have been repaired, the 2nd story deck is still gone and our unfenced yard is covered in construction debris. Furthermore, since November, we've had a giant dumpster sitting in our driveway preventing us from parking our cars in the driveway. A few weeks back, my roommate's car (which would otherwise be in the driveway) was hit while it was parked and the person didn't leave a note.

    Most recently, the contractor/landlord's son stated he would need to cut into the ceiling of the room where I work in order to bolt the new deck into the house and is requiring me to move about half of my equipment and acoustic treatment from that part of the room, meaning I can't work. He's unwilling to give us a set schedule for the start and end date of when I can set back up and get back to work meaning I'm unable to schedule my own work and have been tentative about accepting new jobs or taking on new clients. He says he's not sure when he can get certain guys out to patch up the dry wall and all that. The best he can do is give us when I need to have the equipment moved. Our landlord is very elderly and has a hard time communicating and his son has been unreliable and is unwilling to accept responsibility for most of this. They have been pretty stonewalled when it comes to further rent reduction. What are our options here, if any? Georgia tenant law says the landlord has to make repairs in a reasonable amount of time but I'm not sure what constitutes "reasonable."

    submitted by /u/garenttreethrowaway
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    [TX] Got injured at work. Management fired me after an investigation. Will I have a chance at fighting this?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:29 AM PST

    Little backstory this is a retail store. I was a Backroom Supervisor responsible for the Truck Unload Crew. Our Electronic Pallet Jack has been broken for weeks and Management was forcing us to unload the Grocery and Frozen Dairy Trucks with Manual Jacks. I brought up my concerns to Management and was routinely ignored. These are not small pallets but, enormous several thousand lb pallets and difficult to pull out of a Truck without an Electric Jack.

    About 3 weeks ago we had a huge Frozen Dairy Truck arrive. We had multiple heavy pallets located in front of the pallets to be delivered to our store. I expressed concern to my Manager that these were heavy pallets and poorly stacked. My Manager tells me "Do it or we can talk in the office about your refusal to do what I told you to do. You're a man. So use your muscles".

    As I'm pulling out one of the heavy very poorly stacked pallets. I slip on the ice from the Truck and the pallet falls over on me giving me a concussion. 911 is called and i wake up in a hospital. I was given painkiller and stiches and sent on my way. Two days later my Manager calls me and says I am suspended pending an investigation. A day later HR calls me and says my employment at the Store has been terminated due to safety violations and poor judgement. I did attempt to retort that I had expressed concerns before over unloading these heavy pallets by manual jack. My concerns were ignored and I was threatened with my job.

    I'm out of a job and still in pain. I'm just curious can I fight this or is it over?

    submitted by /u/ThrowLAWorkerCamp
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    Spouse left a month after landing

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:34 PM PST

    This is going to be a lengthy one. I married my husband in 2019 thinking that he genuinely loves me. Immediately started sponsorship. He lived in West Africa, I sponsored to Canada.

    He left a month after and I have since not heard from him since May 2020, he sent a birthday cake to where I used to live with a note "may God make you a better woman " (Only communication since he left) He left me immediately he got his SIN, I have tried to reach him but he does not pick my calls. His family members have blocked me on WhatsApp.

    Prior to him leaving, we had issues newly weds would normally have but nothing serious to warrant him moving out of the house. i am the primary bread winner, I am working two jobs and have never hidden anything away from him.

    I have a letter that he used to submit an application for an America visa which was rejected, in which he has another woman's name as his wife. Can the court subpoena the US embassy because the documents was submitted for a visa application.This application was submitted to the embassy 4 months before our marriage. With letter of invitation from his brother who attended our marriage saying that the other lady is the wife. With the older brothers payslips.

    My parents have spoken to him but he thinks he can get away with this. I work two jobs and I would cook and do everything to the best of my ability. I found out we were separated on a dating site. After he left the house I found him on different dating sites, he said he his looking for a woman for marriage no sentiments.

    Where he chatted with me with a pseudonym and said he his looking for another woman to soar with. He has been away from the house since 8 months, I moved from the house because of the trauma. Forwarded all our mails to my new address. He would send brochures addressed to himself to the old address.

    The laws says I am responsible for him for 3 years. P.S I really love him but I know he does not love me. How do I get myself away from this? I am really broken.

    I would appreciate your candid advice/help.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/vaginismusgir
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    Would i be culpable if, when complaining to college authorities about a roommate's behavior, he(underage) brought up that i (legal age) bought him alcohol that he drank?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:28 PM PST

    Our covenant states that alcohol cannot be provided to under-drinking-age residents, which i did provide to my underage (but still an adult) roommate, under the mistaken assumption that if it wasnt found by residential staff that they had no mandate for disciplinary action. However, said underage roommate is threatening to destroy property because its dirty dishes in the sink. If he goes through with this, Im reporting him for this offense. I would like to know, if he brings up that i provided him alcohol (which he requested! and drank!) would that put me in equal trouble or would it be immaterial to whats at hand, from a legal standpoint. It may be relevant, in regards to non-legal disciplinary actions, that he was reported last semester (his first at the dorm) for similar intimidation over the same issue, while ive never had a scratch on my much longer record as a resident.

    submitted by /u/SacredGay
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    Police Office Facebooked my Friend?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:51 PM PST

    My friend (F18) got pulled over and written a ticket for speeding in Louisiana. She then proceeded to tell me this middle aged cop Facebooked her and called her to say she could be let off the hook if he painted a mural at their station. I just find this interaction creepy. Is there anything she can do legally so this cop won't keep facebooking young girls after pulling them over?

    submitted by /u/moodiebrat
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    I found my Chinese boyfriend (m) who has a green card has been trying to meet up with prostitutes. I (f and US citizen) have a baby with him but he (dad) is not on the birth certificate. What can I legally do? (Living in Hawaii, want to go to mainland with baby)

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:07 PM PST

    I accidentally found messages on my boyfriends computer about him trying to meet with prostitutes and sending them money for sex. He is from China, and has a green card. I am a US citizen by birth. Our baby was born in the US, and their dad is not on the birth certificate.
    What can I do in this situation? Baby and I are living with boyfriend and his family in Hawaii and they're also from China. I want to leave with baby and move to Texas or Kansas. I am worried about any legal issues I may face. I cannot lose my baby... the family is very rich and can afford a good lawyer.

    submitted by /u/Ebae_98
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    Roommate furnished whole apartment with his existing furniture, is now saying I can't use/touch any of it.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:40 AM PST

    My BF (30M) and I (26F) moved in together a few months ago, and we have since broken up. We are co-signed on the lease and still have about 9 months left, and are still living together at least for the time being. He had a fully furnished apartment before we moved here, so I got rid of anything I had and we kept his couches, coffee table, tv, dining room table, microwave, toaster, etc.

    Since we broke up, he has said I am not allowed to use any of his furniture and refuses to make any space for me to put some of my own in.

    Do I have any legal right to use the furniture (or appliances, etc.) in common areas, or to at least move them around some to make space? I have just as much right to the space as he does, so it doesn't seem fair that he can fill the rooms with furniture and monopolize the space, essentially leaving me unable to use at least 2 rooms.

    submitted by /u/O0O000O0OOO0O
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    Landlord Deducted $200 for "Excessive Nail Holes" - I Put 6 Nails in the Wall

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:06 AM PST

    I will try to keep this as short and pertinent as possible. I lived in LA from July '19 to October '20, the lease terms were from 7/22/19 - 10/31/20. When I moved in there were nail holes in the wall, they were poorly covered up with cheap putty that wasn't sanded or anything. I hung 5 items from the wall that required 6 nail holes, that is the only thing I put in or on the walls the entire time I lived there. I did not move them, created 6 small nail holes and nothing more. CA law requires the landlord to give the security deposit back within 21 days, I just received it today (73 days after lease termination). My security deposit was $900, the check is for $700 with "200 deducted for excessive nail holes" written on the memo line. I now live in Pittsburgh, I know this is absolute bullshit and this totally falls under normal wear and tear, but I'm sure he calculated the amount he could get away with without me putting up a fight since I live so far away. I'm so pissed. I dusted, mopped, and left that place exactly as I found it. Well not "exactly" since there was a large piece of furniture left there when I moved in as well as numerous things in the closet including clothes and a TV. It's clear that he didn't check it at all before I moved in and now is charging me this shit. Can someone please help give me some advice on how I could possibly get this back, file a complaint, or both? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SlurpYaLater
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    My gay boss sexually harassed my fiance hours after being invited to our wedding 6 weeks from today. How do I deal with this professionally and protect myself if he threatens to fire me?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:14 PM PST

    Hello Reddit. I couldn't think of a more objective place to help me with a situation I have found myself in. My job is in health care. My boss is a very rich man who owns the clinic I work at and is also a homosexual with partners (this fact may seem unnecessary now, but trust me it is important).

    During our Christmas parties he's known by all staff to get very drunk and do alot of drugs to help him enjoy his night as he is quite socially awkward otherwise. If he is able to hold a conversation, he's definitely not sober as it is impossible for him to do so when he is. Anyway, going back a few weeks ago just before Christmas time, we had our work Christmas party. Things are known to get very rowdy at these events as he tends to invite many of his friends and family and he has an open bar. He also is quite generous with his drugs usually offering them to whoever wants. I've only been here under 2 years and I brought my fiance to this event whom I will be marrying in just 6 weeks. She decided to come so we can both invite him to our wedding and to give him the invite. After we completed this task we continued to enjoy our night and have fun. Only about 2 hrs into the event, I find myself, my fiance, another staff member and my boss standing by the bar and my boss is telling me just how gorgeous my fiance looks tonight which I humbly thanked him for. A few minutes into small talk and he spills his drink on her dress which came down about two thirds down her thigh, some of the drink had hence spilled on her legs and he continued to rub her thigh as an attempt to try and clean the drink (although I thought at the time). When I saw this I grabbed his hand pulled it away from her and told him it's ok I'll help (I did this quote sternly to ensure he's aware that it's unacceptable what he tried to do) and I helped clean her up. He played it off as a joke and said he's a jokester and didn't mean anything by it. I played it off as nothing (I wish I didn't).

    Fast forward half an hour, I'm chatting with one of my colleagues standing not too far from my fiance who was chatting with another two of my female friends from work whom she is particularly fond of. Out of nowhere I see one of these friends dragging my fiance by the hand and pulling her towards me as if to hand her to me, and my fiance had her hand to her face like she was embarrassed and didn't even make eye contact with me. Now it is really important to note that both of us are quite young. Were both 24 years old, and have been together for 10 years since highschool. She has never been into the party scene or any clubs or alike, as such has never really experienced being 'hit on' by a male rubbing against her or whatever they do at clubs (I've never been the type either).

    Anyway following her out I finally caught up to her and she was crying worse than I have ever seen in my life, and Ive made this girl cry a few times being a stupid male. I found out that my homosexual male boss had put his hand up her dress and groped her. She was shaking and I had never been in a situation like this to console her but I eventually calmed her down and promised her that we will not walk back in there.
    The decision to not walk back in was based on many factors, such us my fiance being traumatized by the situation, as well as the fact that I was super drunk, and now seeing red and was scared I would absolutely pummel him to the ground. But I had to control myself out of respect to my colleagues, and I did not want to create a scene and embarras my fiance any further.

    We walked away and didn't go back. I don't know how to approach this situation. I'm in a great job making a great income. From where I stand I feel like I have an upper hand in the situation as I have witnesses that will stand by me if needed. I don't want to ruin him or the business as he is not a bad person without the drugs and alcohol, but that doesn't excuse what he did. What made it worse was that he told one of my friends that he was considering "switching sides" after seeing how beautiful some of the girls were that night. It's important to note he has not always been homosexual, it started a few years back after a divorce. He is also in the public eye as one of his two partners is an internationally known homosexual personality as well. I feel like is this were to go public it would ruin my fiance's life as well as my own and I really do not want to do that.

    Would love some opinions and help with how to deal with this. Please.

    submitted by /u/Fobilicious96
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    UT - New construction home bathroom vent fell onto my MIL's head. Who is at fault?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:38 PM PST

    We have a finished basement with a full bathroom.

    MIL was staying in the basement.

    Wife heard a bang from the first floor coming from the basement and went down. There was a vent installed above the toilet that literally just fell out. It was like a box that just plugs into a slot up above the toilet to suck steam out of the bathroom. One of those..

    MIL had to go to the hospital. Bled a lot, concussion, they did an MRI which was expensive, and in general this seems like it could have / should have been avoided.

    FWIW we closed on our house and moved in 1.5 weeks ago. This happened 1 week ago. MIL was staying with us to help us move in and get settled, and now she's injured and we feel horrible.

    Where do I even go from here? Does she sue the builder? The manufacturer of the vent?

    Looking for any guidance on where to start.

    submitted by /u/DarlingMaclamore
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    Catfished by underage.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:29 PM PST


    TX, USA. 'm a 23 year old man, met a girl on a dating app. She lied about her age was actually a teenager. When I found this out we had already exchanged explicit messages, pictures, and videos. Her father has contacted me and we have an understanding that I had no foul intentions and was misled. He said he's doing everything in his hands to keep the matter private.

    A little more context. The girl threatened to commit suicide when her parents found out and they've been in the hospital with her. They're meeting with counselors to arrange a 7-10 day evaluation for her and her father will call tomorrow with an updated plan of action.

    I've already removed any explicit messages from my devices. As far as I'm aware, I haven't done anything necessarily wrong. I would appreciate any and all advice on measures I can take to prepare myself for any potential downfall from the situation.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/hatzegoa
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    My (17) Aunt refuses to give me and my siblings our insurance money from our father

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:54 PM PST

    My father passed away back when i was 9, and his insurance apparently left me and my 2 siblings around 70,000 for when we turn 18. Our aunt was chosen by my father to put it in a bank and save it until then.

    Now jump forward to when my older brother turned 18, she then moved it to us needing to be 21 to access it. Few years go by and now he is 21, she still won't give it to him and now the money has gone down by 20,000. So he only has 50,000, we assume she spent it as he was later charged on taxes for this amount(the 20,000), which we took care of.

    My older brother refuses to take action but i want to. I'm a few months from turning 18, and while this isn't my priority and to be honest am completely clueless as to where this falls legally, i would like to know how i go about this. Do i wait until i am 21 and then take action? My location is Texas

    any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Not-AJ
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    Checklist for arranging affairs of dying spouse

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:04 AM PST

    My friend's husband may not be here much longer and I just found out they have no will. I can find all kinds of things to do when or after a spouse dies, but not before.

    I'm going to help her get moving on a will, but if you have suggestions or lessons learned, I will pass them on.

    State AZ; one spouse retired on disability; one on state retirement; Joint bank/credit accounts; home owner; several vehicles.

    Would a will cover all these joint assets? Do we need to review all accounts separately for their terms and conditions?

    Thank you!

    ETA: Thank you for the general link below which led to this link which is specific for end-of-life planning. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/end_of_life_planning

    submitted by /u/glorywesst
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