• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 7, 2021

    Legal Advice - Mom received gift card ($125) for being at job 20 years. The next pay stub had the gift card deducted from her check ($125). What's the deal? (Alabama)

    Legal Advice - Mom received gift card ($125) for being at job 20 years. The next pay stub had the gift card deducted from her check ($125). What's the deal? (Alabama)

    Mom received gift card ($125) for being at job 20 years. The next pay stub had the gift card deducted from her check ($125). What's the deal? (Alabama)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:12 PM PST

    My mom got a reward for being in her job for 20 years. It was in the form of a Visa gift card for $125. She ended up giving it to my sister for her bills. On her next pay stub there was a deduction for the $125 labeled gift card. To me it seems like they gave her payment in the form of a gift card and really didn't give her a reward at all. She's also had other co-workers who got gift cards for their birthday, and the same amount of the gift card was deducted from their checks. So it's not a one-time thing. One of her co-workers said she was told it was to do with taxes. I understand some bonuses get taxed, but this would have been a 100% tax. Is this some kind of error? Would there be any reason for the company to do this (this is one of the largest companies in the state)? Is there anything legal my mom can do about it can do about it? Were they possibly hoping people just wouldn't notice the deduction from their checks?

    Pay Stub

    submitted by /u/hvacbandguy
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    [Nebraska] Is there anything I can do to keep my stepson's mom and stepdad from coming to my house unannounced?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 06:01 AM PST

    Some background: My stepson lives with my husband and me half the time and his school is based on our address. My stepson's mother is extremely high conflict and to be honest, I'm a little scared of her and her husband. She openly admits to watching my every move and sincerely believes that I'm obsessed with her and want to be her. I have texts from her saying that I have been obsessed with her since before my husband and I got together, and that the guys I dated before were just an attempt to get close to her (she claims she knows both of my exes but they both confirmed, after she contacted them both on Facebook, that she does not). She truly, sincerely believes that we only adopted a dog because she has a dog. She's that level of crazy.

    Anyway, a little over a year ago, I got really shaken up when her husband decided to drop by our house before we were even out of bed. He contacted my stepson (who's now 10, btw) directly to come open the door for him. My husband contacted his ex, told her that's inappropriate and the adults need to be made aware of any unscheduled visits, and after arguing a bit, she agreed.

    Well, it happened again this morning. And this time, my husband had asked her in a text just last night if she or her husband were planning on stopping by after a comment made by my stepson. She said no, and then her husband came here anyway.

    I feel scared and violated. There were no direct threats, but when someone says they aren't coming to your home and then they do anyway, it feels threatening. I would love to move and not tell them our address but the current CO requires us to provide it. Is there anything I can do legally to ensure they don't come to my home or on my property without permission? I already have a camera up that I got after the first incident but that obviously didn't stop them. Please help. :(

    submitted by /u/justgiveit_away
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    Is it too late to press charges of identity theft on ex wife?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:38 AM PST

    My ex wife took out 7 different credit cards in my name and maxed them out during the end of my marriage. I wasn't aware of it until we had separated, they're for stores like ulta beauty, torrid, sephora etc.. She didn't pay them and they are now reported on my credit report and it has demolished my credit.
    I tried to be peaceful about it and not press charges.

    We went through divorce and she claimed them as her debt she owes but the judge gave her 10 years to pay them off.

    They're greatly affecting my life, more so than I thought they would. I currently reside in WV, and I did a Google search and wv has no statute of limitations concerning a felony identity theft charge. I'm considering pressing charges so I can have the debt removed, she refuses to pay any on them and I cant refinance the car, get a mortgage or an apartment because of them.

    Since they're listed in the divorce decree as her property and we've already went through divorce, can I still press charges for her doing this?

    Also to add, they are 3 years old.

    submitted by /u/emigoesrawr8
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    My dad committed suicide, I’m his eldest son but live 1000 miles away.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:45 AM PST

    My father lived in Kansas after he retired from the Army near the base he was stationed at. He was a government employee. My younger brother lives about 30 miles from him. He had a live-in girlfriend. My dad owned his home and had a fairly large estate: lots of possessions, life insurance, etc. We do not know if he had a legal will yet. All we have so far is his suicide note that designates my brother and I as his beneficiaries. I know that this will probably be a big shit show and require an attorney because of the live in girlfriend. Help, please.

    submitted by /u/HideoMiyamoto
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    Fired for going to the bathroom in Florida. OSHA won't answer the phone, local attorneys won't touch my case. What do I do?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST

    I had a manager repeatedly order me to falsify my time card, and in response to the last refusal they hand-held me for the rest of my shift including following me to another worksite while tailgating me, 'accidentally' bumping into me while I was opening a door (so that they could go through first), and lastly blowing their lid and telling me I couldn't go to the bathroom. I had been holding it for about four hours at that point, so I told them I couldn't hold it any more and closed the stall door to do my business.

    The manager plainly stated that I would pay for that, and pay I did - they immediately started the process to fire me for an incident that happened on a previous shift.

    It wasn't until this post that I found out this is a complaint I can make to OSHA. According to their website, they investigate violations of statutes that range between 30 and 180 days since the incident, to include retaliatory termination. Unfortunately the incident happened in November of 2018, the suspension started in April 2019, and I was terminated before mid-June.

    After weeks of trying to find an attorney who would represent me, I did meet with one in May who offered to edit a written statement to my employer detailing the above.

    What should I do? So far the local OSHA office won't answer the phone.

    submitted by /u/owmymostofme
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    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:01 PM PST

    I am not really sure where to post this. I live in colorado. Twice during this past year my home has been raided by local police. The first time, someone reported that we have a meth lab and one of the tenants boyfriend was a fugitive (which we didn't even know about). On both occasions, they found nothing, nothing at all.

    The second time, they brought in tanks and seized our electronics, without showing us the warrant first. Busted our windows and came in assault gear. And they still found nothing. Nothing, except marijuana but that' legal. We were charged with nothing. THey also took all our rent money and jewelry, anything of value. Which they have yet to return. I know a lot of people will say, oh you must have been doing something: but for them to come into our home twice and find nothing both times, speaks volumes. We are afraid it's going to happen again, though it shouldn't.

    is there anything we can do? or do we just live in fear?

    Are there laws against this?

    submitted by /u/kkiikkaacchhuu
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    What is the right way to return items being stored in my garage by someone not taking responsibility?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:35 PM PST

    California resident - A (now former) friend put a storage unit's worth of items in my garage. The verbal agreement was for me to also help organize the items and, in return, she'd give me several things to sell online and keep the money. However, after I starting housing everything, she started making excuses as to why she couldn't come over and work on the project. After several months, I organized it all myself to start gaining garage space back. The vast majority had to be tossed or donated.

    I tried settling with her hoping she would, at the very least, give me money for the actual storage.

    She started completely ignoring me and I ultimately took her to Small Claims Court

    The judge ruled in her favor because our agreement wasn't in writing. His assertion was that this was a "Storage Wars" situation and my own fault for not understanding the value of what I was taking in

    Looking back, of course there were things I should have done differently but now I want to understand proper next steps


    1. Do I "own" all remaining items now that I lost the case? Asking in hopes of not having to give her 30 days to pick everything up. Want to be done now.
    2. Can I take everything over to her house and put on her front sidewalk? There are several items too large for my garbage bin. Plus, I don't like the idea of tossing her sentimental items

    After the judge ruled against me, he didn't give me a chance to ask the questions

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/BrandonJames427
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    My police officer (now ex) secretly recorded my private conversations in my apartment bedroom... what can I do?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:19 PM PST


    I'm using a throwaway and am still unsure if I even want to pursue legal action.

    I have been seeing a police officer for 5 months and we got into an argument Sunday when he arrived uninvited at my apartment and accused me of wanting to date another person and using him as a sugar daddy. I asked him to leave and took my spare keys from him. He reached out several times that night and day via email and text but I politely asked him to give me some time because I was extremely upset and offended.

    After not giving into his desire to talk over two days he texted me from a burner number recordings he had taken of me in my bedroom speaking over Skype with a friend. He was not there that night and I am rightfully terrified. I tore apart my apartment and found Velcro under my dresser which was not there before. I believe he had attached some kind of recording device there.

    That night I was frightened and called my local PD who sent a kind officer over who I gave my ex's badge number and info. He called him while at my apartment and told him to cease contact and he has not since.

    I am so disturbed that he has been recording my private conversations and do not know how to feel. Should I seek legal action?

    Thank you.

    FYI I am in New Jersey he is in NYC

    submitted by /u/thisisclearlyfake666
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    (CA, Los Angeles) SD and sim card missing from late husband's belongings after hospital claims they couldn't find his things.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:35 PM PST

    So title is basically what is going on.

    My husband passed away on Friday 12/18. Nurses claimed I couldn't get belongings because of corona. I called all day Saturday and was told that the night nurse would have to call me to let me know when I could pick up belongings. I received a call late Saturday night. I was sleeping and didn't answer. The nurse that called me did not leave a name but said I could retrieve belongings the next day, Sunday. I went Sunday and I had to wait two hours for the receptionist to tell me that the hospital still couldn't find the belongings and that i should come back the next say Monday.

    I left annoyed but hopeful they would have my husband's things. I go back Monday and wait another hour for the receptionist to tell me that my husband's things had been released to the mortuary transport. I was able to get the belongings from the mortuary but just until the January 6th.

    Now the sd card and the sim card are missing and I called my provider but they can't do anything unless the sim card is being used. The line is still active. I called the mortuary and they claim that their employees didn't open the belongings, which I'm inclined to believe because the belongings were sealed with tear-away tape that leaves residue with hospital name on it.

    I'm less likely to believe the hospital since they kept giving me the runaround and couldn't find his things. Which I believe is odd because they are supposed to be isolating corona patients and their things.

    Is there anything I can do? Anyone I can call?

    submitted by /u/lissalove90
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    Employee hit me with truck while I was walking into work.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:14 AM PST

    Yesterday morning I got to work parked around 6:45 am. I got out and started walking across the parking lot towards work. I noticed a truck pull in the lot as I stated walking but didn't think anything of it. As I started walking I noticed the truck pull down my lane. Out of my peripheral vision I noticed the truck approaching my me very quickly. Last second I realized the truck was heading straight toward me and wasn't slowing down. At the very last second I tried to jump out of the way but I wasn't fast enough and the truck hit me in my shoulder area on the headlight/fender area. I didn't fall down but it pushed me and I struggled to stay on my feet but managed. The driver slammed his brakes and rolled down his window to apologize. I chewed him out.

    Little side note: we have to park at a remote lot and shuttle/walk 1/2-3/4 mile to work. The lot isn't owned by my company but is leased/rented from the church who owns it. So who's taking the blame is still up in the air. HR said they don't know if it will be workman's comp, the dealerships insurance, or the drivers insurance who will be at fault and that I should be expecting phone calls from each while it gets sorted out.

    I walked into work and told my supervisor what had a happened. By this point the pain started setting in and I wasn't able to use my left arm. I'm an auto technician so I really need both arms to perform my job. The driver did come up to me around 9 and apologize and say he looked out his window for a min and didn't see me and thought he just hit my backpack but that wasn't the case. By 10 am the pain was too much so I requested to go see a doctor. They sent me to an urgent care and they the doctor did a few basic movement tests and I showed him that I couldn't lift my arm without having severe shoulder pain. They sent me for an mri and sent the results to the same doctor. He called me 5 min later and said he didn't see any tears but saw swelling (edema) in my shoulder. He gave me some muscle relaxers and ib profren and a sling and sent me back to work. I went HR and gave them all the paper work they gave with my restriction of using the sling and no using my left arm for work. Then HR sent me back to work. I got back to the shop and said I was in a lot of pain and wanted to go home and ice my shoulder and rest. They reluctantly agreed and I went home. I took the muscle relaxer when I got home and fell asleep. I woke up continuously throughout the night every time I moved with a lot of pain.

    This morning I have a lot more pain then yesterday. Cant really move my arm at all. They want me to go in to work but I'm calling in so I can stay home and rest and ice my shoulder.

    I guess my question is- is there anything I need to be doing to make sure I'm covered? I assumed they're pressuring my to work so that they can say it wasn't bad and I never missed work to cover their asses. I've never had anything like this happen before and I feel like I'm being treated as the assailant vs. the victim.

    Any advice on any steps I should be taking would be greatly appreciated.

    Live in CO

    Edit: there were no witnesses. Only me and the driver who wasn't paying attention.

    submitted by /u/pbpro299
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    [Florida] My job overpaid me for four weeks, now they're asking for the money back...including taxes.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:42 PM PST

     The store I work at has been trying to contact payroll in regards to the mistake they made, overpayment. I am sent a form to sign, which has the breakdowns of every gross payment I received as well as what I should have received. It then subtracts the first amount from the other and that is the amount to be paid back to the company. The form is asking me to authorize my employer to withdraw the overpayment from future checks by signing on the line. All well and good, but the only problem I see is that they are breaking down the payments using the gross amounts, not the net amounts that were actually deposited into my bank account. So, from what I understand, I am being asked to pay the net amount that I received, PLUS taxes that I did not receive. I refuse to sign the form until I get a clarification. After 3 weeks of trying to contact someone, a few days ago we finally get in touch with somebody, but it isn't anyone from the payroll department, it's the area manager. He explains that the taxes are not going to be taken from me, because I didn't receive them. In response I ask him "Then why are they on this form?" He says "Don't worry about it, payroll will take care of it. You just have to trust us, we'll take care of you." I say no, I don't want to sign the form because my question is not being answered and my concerns are not being addressed. He then responds with: "If you don't sign that form, you cannot work here anymore". We go back and forth for about 30 minutes with me trying to clarify my question and him not really listening, just insisting I trust him and the company. Stressed and frustrated, I sign the form under duress. I then call a law firm who refers me to another firm specializing in employment law. My store manager(s) are taking my side in the issue and telling me that someone more qualified to help me is going to contact me in the next coming week. Is there some possible scenario where they can ask for the taxes back, and credit me in some way? Am I overlooking something, or is this illegal? 
    submitted by /u/ShadesofRain
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    [ID] Grandfather's Estate will is missing an amendment and now his house is to be divided instead of given to my father.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:56 PM PST

    My grandpa passed away recently. His old will dictated 15+ years ago that his house should be divided between his grandchildren; however, one of three amendments he made instead gave the house to my father. This amendment was lost during a transfer between lawyers some years ago. We currently have a signed letter dated two years ago that he wanted to ensure the house wouldn't be sold and that it went to my father. If it helps in anyway, my father and I have been living with my grandpa for the last three years and taking care of him and the house.

    Cousins who haven't been around in the last ten years have come forward, looking to sell the house and take a piece of the money. The estate's attorney has said this letter may not be enough and to talk it out with our cousins. Is there anything else we can do?

    submitted by /u/rex280
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    My mom's trying to put me on disability without my consent, is there anyway I can make it so she can't?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:16 PM PST

    I'm 17, live in Seattle, Wa and have been in and out of pysch units for a while. I finally got everything worked out and I'm living my best life and staying safe which means that I'm of sound mind. I don't want to get disability because I don't need it, I don't want to abuse the system. Is there anyway I can make it so that she won't do this. I tried talking to her and she ended up just ignoring me. Thank you so much for the help.

    submitted by /u/Lively_Theo
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    how to get an internet stalker to leave me alone? what measures can I take if he's in another state?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:39 PM PST

    A man in NC who befriended me (CA) online won't stop messaging me. I have blocked him on everything I can think of and feel held hostage into maintaining contact so he doesn't black mail me. I have trusted him with too much and he became really nasty and abusive because I didn't want to move across the country to be with him. I told him in the beginning that I didn't want to lead him on. He reeled me in under false pretenses to help me make money. All he did was make my life hell for 5 months. I beg him to stop contacting me and like I said I only keep replying because I am afraid he will contact my parents if I completely ignore him. And he has private info on me and I am afraid he will expose me. I blocked him on my cell, deleted my email, and blocked him on another site just for him to make other accounts to message me on. This has destroyed my mental health. I have chest pain and constant migraines from this. I don't know what I can actually do legally to make him stop because I don't think I have anything to get a restraining order for. Even though he has constantly sexually harassed and verbally and mentally abused me. I feel trapped.

    I ignore him but then sometimes he gets drunk and messages me repeatedly and it makes me super anxious to anger a drunk person because they aren't themselves. I don't know what he will do so I feel trapped into trying to make him calm down so he doesn't ruin my life by doxing me.

    submitted by /u/Athena1230
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    My mom attempted to stab my brother. She was arrested, and charged with assault with a deadly weapon, by the state.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:40 PM PST

    First, and foremost: My brother is fine. She tried to get through a door to him but ultimately didn't succeed.

    Second, her and I have had a rocky relationship since my little brother was born, but I was never brave enough to call the cops when she abused me.

    This is technically her "first offense", and neither my brother nor dad wanted to press charges(the hell they would have caught is enormous). The state did. I didn't even know that was possible. My brother is an adult.

    I live in another state, so I am removed from everything, but I want to know what the possibility she'll end up in jail because of this.

    She's flaunting that she'll get off Scott free, and I'm fearful for my brother and dad if she does. I feel helpless, and I don't know what, if anything, I can do.

    submitted by /u/kait_1291
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    Trying to serve someone small claims paperwork via constable but they will not answer their door...

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:39 AM PST

    Hi, here's the short story...I'm trying to sue my old landlord for theft of my security deposit and multiple other things. I've spent $200+ in court filings to sue her and there's only 2 ways to serve, constable or certified mail. So I paid for the constable to go serve. They tried 3 times and she won't open her door.

    She has a lawyer from other lawsuits I've become aware of so I'm sure she's been told to just not answer.

    Any creative ideas to serve someone under these circumstances? Thanks! I'm in Pennsylvania btw...

    submitted by /u/Mistertee9999
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    Doctor ran labs that I didn’t consent for (ARIZONA)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:12 PM PST

    At my Obgyn the NP that saw me asked if I wanted to get tested for stds and other things, I said no. When she was examining me for an annual appointment (not a Pap smear) she noticed something looked off and said I needed to be tested for a yeast infection. She took sample for that and sent it off to the labs. I felt very uncomfortable the entire appointment because she was pretty forceful.

    A month later, I get an explanation of benefits from my insurance. The NP ran seven (7) tests on me. And did test for STD. Out of the 7 tests that were done, 5 are considered "experimental" to my insurance since it was an annual/general appointment and not a pap. It'll cost me $300 just because she thought I possibly had a YI. And I didn't. What can I do about this? I spoke to the billing dept, that told me to speak to the labs. And the labs told me to speak to the NP and Billings dept. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/caitlesm
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    Little sister

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:01 PM PST

    If this isn't allowed here I'd love for someone to point me in the right direction and I apologize My little sister (15) is living with her aunt (grandmother passed and left custody) and she's absolutely miserable there, it's an incredibly toxic environment. she lives in Virginia and I'm in Delaware (and 22 years old) She wants to live over here where it's safe and where she can thrive and I'd love to be able to finally provide a solid place for her to live before I spent money on a lawyer to ask o figured I'd start online and I haven't turnt much up I'm not too sure what to do for her

    submitted by /u/ItsSirens
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    Can my ex husband retroactively sue me for back spousal support?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    Posting for my mom

    So my parents got divorced a few years ago and my mom was to pay my dad spousal support for 5 years. She paid for 2 years and then told my dad that she doesn't have any more money to pay him. He didn't have money to fight it so he just let it go. He remarried in October of 2020 and now he's trying to get the spousal support money for the year that my mom stopped paying when he wasn't married. Is this legal? Can he do this?

    Located in New York

    submitted by /u/StudentStunning
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    Money stolen from UTMA, now IRS is seeking ~5k in taxes. How to find an affordable attorney?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 12:21 PM PST

    My partner's(23) estranged grandfather closed her UTMA account and now the IRS issued a CP3219A seeking for us to either petition the US Tax court by March, or pay up in the amount of about $5,000.

    If her grandfather doesn't disburse funds soon we're going to seek a lawyer. Is her local bar association her best bet she makes about $40k a year and is a self supporting college student, we're concerned about costs prohibiting a fair resolution of this situation since the grandfather is a wealthy man with lawyers.

    submitted by /u/alpineflora
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    [Louisiana] My friend’s boss has a REPTILE ROOM at their office where he keeps snakes and big venomous lizards?!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 05:29 PM PST

    Oh my god. So my friend just informed me that her rather eccentric boss decided to turn one room in their office building into a place to store "tons and tons" of snakes that he breeds. Along with other reptiles, including freaking GILA MONSTERS!!

    I should reiterate that this business is not in any way shape or form relates to animals! Yes it is a 100% real legit business which she receives health insurance and stuff from.

    She said that whoever they are renting the office space from is not aware of this, and the boss doesn't want the landlord to know.

    Also, the boss's teenage daughter (who he randomly decided would now work for the company) apparently regularly goes and grabs snakes to bring into their main office space!! One time, a snake lunged at another coworker and another time, the daughter had to quickly answer a phone or something and threw the snake into my friend's lap to "hold it for her."

    Yall WHAT! I told my friend she needs to report this to someone but she said she didn't know who, and to be honest I have no clue either. This situation is just bizarre and honestly a disaster waiting to happen. Like, this can't be legal, right?

    I tagged this as employment law because I truly don't even know what else it could be

    submitted by /u/inwave
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    Slipped on Ice while cleaning outdoors ADVICE

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:29 PM PST


    I am a tenant located in the state of maryland. I live in a 3 unit multi family property in Baltimore City. In the lease this property is described as "single family unit" and it deems us responsible for ice pickup and snow removal. Here's an excerpt from the lease:

    "To keep lawns neatly mode all hedges flowerbeds and shrubbery in good order to properly remove snow ice and leaves small walkways and driveways to keep the property and a clean and sanitary condition and to comply with all laws cold ordinances rules and regulations"

    A few months ago we were charged a $70 fee to have trash removed that did not belong to us. Baltimore has a lot of homeless people and it was a cart filled with blankets and other belongings. When we asked why we were being charged they pointed that trash removal was the tenants responsibility. We also received an email the following week asking us to pick up trash that has blown in the common driveway and if we don't abide we will be evicted. We don't feel comfortable picking up trash A. Due to Covid B. Baltimore city is dirty and trash will be inevitable. We sweep the front of our home and that is it. Who is responsible for this in a multi unit dwelling?

    The next week it snowed and all of it turned to ice. Per the lease, I went out to remove the ice from the front of our home and ended up slipping and hurting my back pretty badly. I will remind you that this is common area and the landlord lives in 1 of the three units. Going over the lease again i found this clause:

    TENANT INDEMNIFIES LANDLORD: Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless against and from any and all liability arising from any injury or death, property damage, or other loss during the Term to person or property arising within those portions of the Property within the exclusive control of Tenant, or occasioned by any act or omission of Tenant, any resident of the Property, or of any agent, employee, invitee, or family member of Tenant.

    State law deems this as a multi family unit which would shift the obligation on the landlord to clean common areas. The lease says single family home. Also we agreed to remove snow and ice.

    Do I have any legal recourse?


    submitted by /u/snootybooze
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    Divorcing a foreign national while deployed

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:19 PM PST

    Hello, I'm currently married to a Filipina, who has never came to the USA. We've been married for 6 years, separated for 2. I'm trying to start the divorce process, but I don't know where to start when it comes to divorcing a foreign national. I'm currently deployed and trying to get it done while here. We both have agreed to the divorce and have settled expenses for my son. I'm a GA resident and they don't have much info on divorce guidelines for my situation

    submitted by /u/Hulkpool09
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    [Georgia] Can I sponsor my fiancé if I am a student? He currently has a job here in the US.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:15 PM PST

    I'm a US citizen. My fiancé is not (he's from Taiwan). He has been working in the US for a little over a year, through a work visa sponsored by his employer. He's in San Francisco and I'm in Atlanta. Recently he was told by his work that his visa was going to be revoked. I believe it's something related to COVID, as he's been working remotely for most of that time. I'm not quite sure on the specifics though. Anyway, from my understanding, his work visa will soon downgrade, for lack of a better term, to a tourist visa, and he will eventually have to leave to go back to Taiwan.

    We've been talking about pushing our wedding up so he can stay. The problem is, I am currently in grad school and have very few assets to my name. Certainly not enough to support him in the government's eyes. Although he currently has a job, and he has money, will this be a problem? He's going to talk to an immigration lawyer to see what can be done about keeping his work visa, if anything, but I also wanted to explore the option of a spousal visa. Thanks for your advice!

    submitted by /u/WishBetter
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