• Breaking News

    Monday, January 18, 2021

    Legal Advice - [Michigan] Family member stole a letter addressed to me containing a check, forged my signature, and cashed it. Are they in big trouble?

    Legal Advice - [Michigan] Family member stole a letter addressed to me containing a check, forged my signature, and cashed it. Are they in big trouble?

    [Michigan] Family member stole a letter addressed to me containing a check, forged my signature, and cashed it. Are they in big trouble?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:22 AM PST

    The letter was sitting on the table in shared family space. He took it, opened it, forged my signature, and somehow cashed it at a check for cash place without an ID. The police confirmed it was him and are asking me if I want to press charges, which I'm definitely leaning towards. The check was for $500.

    What types of charges would stick and is there possible jail time involved?

    submitted by /u/oheywhatsup
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    Job recruiter ghosted me as soon as I disclosed my disability (CA)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:37 PM PST

    I've been looking for a job for 4 months. I was finally offered an interview a couple weeks ago. The recruiter asked me to submit a few dates/times for an interview. He mentioned that the interview would take place remotely via a call. He seemed very excited to be moving forward in the interview process with me.

    I immediately replied to him letting him know that I'd selected a few dates/times, and I also asked him what kind of call it would be (phone call or video call). I explained that I'm hard-of-hearing and phone calls don't work for me, obviously, but video calls work just fine for me (because I can speak and read lips). I let him know that I was open to working out some sort of solution that accommodated everyone.

    I haven't heard from him since. I sent a follow-up email, but crickets. I'm pretty sure that I was ghosted because I disclosed my disability. Sadly, this isn't the first time this has happened. I know that I'm protected under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), but I'm not sure what I can do. Do I have the grounds to hire a lawyer and pursue legal action, or do I just have to suck it up every time a job recruiter ghosts me because of my disability?

    Just wanted to note that this position doesn't require me to be able to hear. It requires a specialized skill set, which I have, and I can do this job just as well as a hearing person can.

    submitted by /u/deafjobseeker
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    Carpool blocks my street for hours every school day .

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:01 PM PST

    Louisiana- Catholic elementary school owns the property across the street and half a block away from our house. Parents and grandparents start lining up for carpool between 12:45-1:00pm every school day afternoon.

    Around 1:30 the street in front of my house is blocked and I have to go the wrong way down the street to get to my driveway. By 2:30, you can't get to my driveway without going 3 blocks on the wrong side of the street, passing all the parents and grandparents who are parked waiting for school to let out at 2:45. The whole line is gone by 3:10 or so.

    Can I force the city / police to enforce ordinances that are already on the books?

    Can / should I send the city council, police chief, mayor, elementary school, etc a letter informing them that if there is an accident and an ambulance can't get to my house in a timely fashion I will attempt to hold them liable?

    Any other suggestions?

    submitted by /u/john_stamos6000
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    Brother is going through a divorce. Wife and BIL hacked his email, phone, and quickbooks account, copied his quickbooks business information and is now fraudulently billing my brothers clients through another quickbooks account using his email address.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:59 AM PST

    My brother has also had $4k in cash stolen from his business truck, $5k in business checks made out to his business stolen, and $2k in gift cards made out to him stolen.

    He has gone to the police multiple times with evidence showing six different devices logged into his gmail account, her logging into his security cameras and turning them off right before his truck was broken into and things stolen, and proof they've cloned his business page and are now sending invoices to his clients while pretending to be him.

    She was never involved in the business. She never had access to anything and wasn't interested in the business at all until this past September when she announced her sister and BIL would be coming on a visitors visa and just staying. She wanted my brother to "give" her BIL his business since BIL can't legally work in the US.

    My Brother refused. She said she would call the police and claim he beat her. She did eventually do that on Thanksgiving, but luckily, the police didn't believe her and my brother had made an earlier police report about her threats.

    She left, BIL got into the country right before Christmas, and his devices have been compromised ever since.

    They turn the location tracking on without him knowing on his phones and show up where ever he is at writing down the addresses of his clients.

    It terrifying.

    The police have been no help whatsoever. Gmail told him to just start a new email. Quickbooks claimed they're not responsible for the new fraudulent, cloned business account and told my brother he could pound sand.

    So far, no one has been able to advise us what we CAN do to stop this. HELP!

    We are in Florida.

    submitted by /u/Jedi_Belle01
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    (Florida) If a computer company mailed me a product that they weren't supposed to...

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Throwaway. So, computer company mailed me a laptop that the purchase order was canceled in November. I saw the email come thru a week ago that they were making it, and I contacted them immediately that they shouldn't be making it, and shouldn't be sending it, the purchase order had been canceled. They apparently ignored that one. Then they shipped it. I contacted them AGAIN, and the scholarship program that the laptop had been purchased thru, and told both of them that they needed to have it returned to sender, it was going to an address I don't even live at anymore, it wasn't being paid for, it had been canceled, DON'T SEND IT.

    I was ignored.

    Well, it was dropped off 55 min away from my house this morning, but fortunately I have alerts for FedEx, and I got there before someone was tempted by the large computer company box, but I don't think I'm responsible for return shipping something I told everyone not to send, but I'm also not sure I get to go "whee free laptop" here.

    How many days do I hold onto this thing waiting for a shipping label or some kind of resolution from anyone who should have and didn't actually fund it? Do I have legal liability here? Am I obligated to pay shipping to send it back? Or do I get to go free laptop after a reasonable amount of time waiting on them? (Computer company tells me it's scholarship problem. Scholarship tells me it's computer company problem. I just don't want people mad at me.)

    Any advice?

    ETA: I did contact both parties today to say laptop is in my possession and I'm not paying return shipping and gave an email address to send a shipping label to. That was 10:30am.

    submitted by /u/Designer_Drop_9952
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    [CA] Landlord told us we weren't responsible for water, a year later sprung 12 months of water bills on us. Looking for advice on what questions to ask our landlord and how to proceed

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:58 PM PST

    Hey! When my roommate and I toured this apartment, we were told we wouldn't have to pay water bills. Our first mistake was not getting this in writing and the lease does not specify this. Nevertheless, we haven't been billed this entire year for water. Other tenants have been instructed to record readings from their water meter, we haven't been shown this, explicitly told about it, or even know where the water meter is. The only pertinent part of our lease reads "The tenant is responsible for all utilities except: 'None'"

    A few days ago, a note was slipped through our door with the following charges: Fixed charges, water usage, and sewer usage * 12 months each, and the total is just under $2,000. This seems extreme, especially since I was living with my parents for six months during lockdowns. The sewer usage charges alone are over $1200. The total figure is approximately 2.5x the national average and we're just two people without excessive consumption habits.

    I plan to ask our landlord for documentation and am prepared to pay a lawyer to look over whatever documents he provides. I'd be very grateful to know what rights we have in regards to outstanding bills that haven't been charged before, what documentation we should ask for, and how to approach this conversation, as well as any other insight you have into this predicament.


    submitted by /u/maxshaferlandau
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    Mechanic ruined my car

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:30 PM PST

    I brought my car to the BMW dealer for an inspection because my warranty was about to expire, and they told me:

    1. Engine oil filter house was leaking oil
    2. The timing chain was loud

    When I dropped the car off, it drove fine. Note that in the dealers own inspection report, there were no burning smells, funny noises or check engine lights.

    The mechanic ended up doing the following engine work:

    1. Repaired rattling turbo charger
    2. Repaired oil filter housing gaskets
    3. Replaced serpentine belt
    4. Replaced spark plugs
    5. Replaced oil pump drive and engine timing chain

    They told me that after putting it all back together and doing a road test, they found that the engine is broken and needs to be replaced. They claim the new engine will not be covered fully by the warranty. They also claim the broken engine has nothing to do with their engine repairs.

    I picked up the car today and drove it home without getting the new engine. It stinks of burned gas, had multiple warnings go off and sounded very broken when I accelerated.

    The car is nothing like when I dropped it off.

    What do I do?

    Edit: location is Ontario, Canada

    submitted by /u/barrisfarris
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    [Michigan] Girlfriend's family stranded in Chicago and it has cost them $5,000.00 because of a clerical error by an urgent care (in Detroit).

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:44 PM PST


    My girlfriend and her family are going to a foreign country to visit their dying grandma. To travel in the US every family member needs to have a COVID test done within 48 hours of the flight. All of the family members went together to urgent care, and all tested negative within that 48-hour window. However, the document provided by the urgent care had both of her parent's test dates wrong, and because of this, the tests were not accepted by TSA.

    They then had to order tests again for all family members and order the extradited results (which costs 4x as much), so they didn't have to stay in Chicago for longer than two days. They also missed their flight and now have to pay an extra $3000.00 for plane tickets because last-minute tickets are 3x the price.

    In total, the costs are around $5,000.00 because of this one clerical error by the urgent care. The manager at the urgent care is denying all of this and refuses to provide a statement saying they made the error.

    Also, if this matters, this was paid for by Medicaid in the State of Michigan.

    We are not sure what to do from here. Do we take this urgent care to a small claims court?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/CuriousGeorge2323
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    Substitute teacher pay rescinded after my wife already started subbing

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 06:40 PM PST

    My wife is working as a teacher's aide making a dollar better than minimum wage. One of the teachers got covid so my wife was asked by the principal if she would sub while that teacher was gone for two weeks. My wife was assured she would receive substitute teacher pay for the 2 weeks she would teach (she would not have accepted the offer if not for the increased pay). A week into my wife subbing, she received an email from the payroll administrator stating that they wont be able to give her sub pay unless she has a substitute teaching permit (she does not have one) and will only be giving her the hourly wage she made as a teacher's aide. She's already worked a week as a substitute so can they actually rescind the pay she was promised? What options does she have? Location: Indiana

    submitted by /u/mikerdtkale
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    Nj. Had the cops called on me. Will this be put on my record somewhere?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:32 PM PST

    Had a short verbal dispute with a neighbor. He called the police on me. They took my name, dob, address, phone number. Will I be put into a system anywhere? I'm applying for a job that requires a quick police background check. Will they find this when they look me up? I had to submit ssn and Driver's license to apply for the job but the police didnt take that info. Should I be worried? This neighbor has a reputation of being bat shit crazy. He's either called the police or had the police called on him numerous times in the past. So I dont think the police take him very seriously. But I'm still worried i might be flagged or something. What do the police do with that info ?

    submitted by /u/Inent_Wing_470
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    former employer threatinging damages for not giving two weeks notice, breach of contract

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:32 PM PST

    Hello LA,

    I will try to make this clear and concise.

    My friend put in a 1 week notice at his previous employer verbally. The employer said it was fine and asked him if he can work the weekend as well to finish up the workload. He also said he would pay him on the following Monday. On Saturday and Sunday , friend was trying to work from home, the program that they provided him was not functioning with a license manager error. Thus preventing him from working on the weekend. He emailed him telling him that it was not working. He said it was ok and that they should meet up on Sunday to return a final hard drive. This email was on an employee email which he no longer has access to.

    Monday comes around and he hasn't heard from his former employer. He gives him the benefit of the doubt and waits until Friday, when his direct deposit usually comes. Nothing then and nothing the following week. He called the office over and over and was forwarded to voicemail. no texts were answered and emails as well.

    He then received a letter form his former boss with the subject line "notice of termination and breach of contract." He said that the contract clearly states that he can be subject to fines if he does not give two weeks notice. He has retained a lawyer and has estimated a $xx,xxx amount of damages and growing. He threatened to serve him by the end of the month after calculating the damages.

    friend is confused and worried as he has no experience or money to solve this.

    Things to know:

    1. The contract does not state anything about requiring to put in a two week notice or anything regarding quitting.
    2. In his own subject line, he wrote notice of termination. Does this mean that Billy was just formally fired in writing?
    3. he is is still waiting for his unpaid wages. It will almost be 2 weeks now.


    submitted by /u/AlbrechtfalsarioART
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    [WA] A Level III Sex Offender moved into my neighborhood within less then half a mile from a childrens daycare. Is this a violation, and can I contact someone about it?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:00 AM PST

    This week I received a letter stating that a child predator has moved in to the neighborhood. I looked up the predators name in our local database and he has a record of breaking into homes with intent to assult children. He is a level III offender which seems to be the most likely to repeat offenses. I o ly say that as to get a better idea of what I can do, and will not give away anything other then that.

    So the issue is, he has moved within a block of our local kindergarten/daycare place, and there are several young children in the neighborhood. Is this allowed? What can I do if it is not allowed, and who in law enforcement should I contact?

    Edit: I will see what can be done. Thank you all for the advice and resources.

    submitted by /u/Ridashippu
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    Mortgage Servicer Failed to pay Home Insurance Premium, Policy is now Cancelled

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:46 PM PST

    I received a letter last Monday from my home insurance provider that my mortgage insurance premium was past due and the policy was pending cancellation. I immediately called my Bank to inform them of this and they told me they would figure out what was going on and call me back. On Friday I called them again after not receiving an update and they said they would not be able to reach the insurance provider until later this week due to MLK day.

    Today my Mortgage Insurance shows as cancelled meaning I no longer have mortgage insurance on my home.

    I've written a notice of error per RESPA section 6 that I plan on mailing out tomorrow, and will call the bank again tomorrow when they are open.

    I'm wondering how much the Mortgage servicer is liable for in this situation as well as if there is anything else I need to do to protect myself at this time.

    If something unfortunate happened to my house during this time would I be financially responsible for it our would the mortgage servicer since they were the ones who failed to pay the premium?

    Also if my insurance premium goes up due to a lapse in coverage is the bank responsible liable for compensating me that loss?

    Location is Portland, OR. Mortgage Servicer is Onpoint Community Credit Union

    submitted by /u/tjjensenjr
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    My AK-47 is being held by a completely non-responsive FFL dealer for 4 months. His store is locked up and has a note saying to call or text but he hasn't responded in 4 months.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:35 AM PST

    I was just wondering at what point is he breaking some sort of law? I bought the gun online from a different company for like $1400 and already paid. He's just a middle man that does a quick background check and signs some stuff before he gives the gun. The whole process takes like 15 minutes. If he goes six months or a year without responding, he has to be breaking some sort of law right? Thanks for any help :)

    submitted by /u/tropyalp
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    [michigan] Furniture store filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. We paid cash for a mattress that was to be delivered this week. They won’t be delivering purchases until after the courts have given them direction. What do I do?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:29 AM PST

    What are my options? I mean chances are the courts won't give them direction for months. Can I even get a refund at this point? My post history does contain the email I received from the furniture company.

    submitted by /u/nikki_11580
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    [Illinois] My wife's former employer is trying to push her to sign what they are calling a "termination agreement", a week after they unexpectedly fired her.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 06:23 PM PST

    My wife was unexpectedly fired last week from a job she's held for 15 years. A family run business. She wasn't given a straightforward answer on why, just that she "had an attitude" and "didn't respect them enough". She tried to clarify the reasons, but it was just a bunch of passive aggressive emotional nonsense, honestly. She's never had a write up (they don't do them), never had a bad review (they don't do those either), and no clear direct complaints on how she was doing her job or direction on how to improve. The only thing we can think of is she was definitely mad about the lack of covid precautions, which were non-existent. She actually caught it from the owner or another co-worker right before the holidays, and we are still quarantining because I caught it and now our two 4 year olds have it. After she was fired they walked her out to her car with her belongings and said your insurance ends in two weeks.

    She filed for unemployment on Saturday, and when they asked for the reason she said she wasn't provided any documentation or given a direct clear reason. She then texted the owner and asked her if she was receiving severance. We knew she probably wasn't but thought it worth the ask, she gave a a lot of her time to them (a lot unpaid, too).

    Then Sunday she gets a response saying no. She gets another text later telling her they need her to sign a termination letter to finalize things, and also have another in-person meeting to clear some things up and discuss a few small things. She told them if they have paperwork they can email or mail it, and anything they need to communicate can be done so via email.

    They didn't like that answer, said if she refused to sign it then they'd have to take more steps. They sent a few more texts trying to engage, saying literally it was "in your best interest", then sent another one saying that cobra and retirement fund information and final pay was being held up by her not signing this yet. That they needed to talk because some new things have come to light that they need to discuss and go over why they fired her. We still don't know what is in the agreement because they keep pressuring her to talk as opposed to emailing it.

    This is throwing up huge red flags for me, this all feels at the very least ethically wrong, but is this legally okay? Can they really hold back cobra info or retirement information or pay if she doesn't sign this?

    She seems worried they "have something on her" but can't think of what, I personally think she only thinks that way because straight up this job was like being in an abusive relationship.

    TLDR: Can a company hold back cobra info or retirement information or pay if she doesn't sign their so called "termination agreement" a week after she was already fired?

    submitted by /u/DoatsMcGoats
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    How Do I Respond?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:12 AM PST

    I'm located in the US, Kentucky

    Sorry if this isn't the right place for this, I'm putting it here because after discussing the issue with my father, he said that he would probably talk to a lawyer about it.

    I'm currently looking for and applying to different job opportunities. My efforts have been less than fruitful and as such, I am no stranger to rejection and it generally does not bother me as I typically get a simple "we've decided to pursue other candidates" or "we've decided your not a good fit for the position" along with many simply just never responding.

    Earlier today however I received another email update through indeed on a position I had applied for, but what was attached to the typical rejection honestly has me shocked that any company would send this out. I was going to add a screenshot but I don't know how to so here it is with personal info redacted:

    "Hi throwaway960394,

    Thanks for your interest in the (position) at (company). We have reviewed your application. Unfortunately, you are not the right fit for the position at this time. We are really looking for someone that doesn't have to wear a hat or sunscreen when playing golf.

    I am sorry for the disappointing news. Best of luck in your job search and/or sunscreen

    Sincerely, (name)"

    I don't really care about getting into any politics surrounding it, I'm just wondering if there is anything that I realistically can/should do or am I just overreacting?

    submitted by /u/throwaway960394
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    [TN] Landlord died and lease agreement was over text message. Can we be evicted early?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:21 PM PST

    My roommates and I have been renting a house for 2.5 years. Our lease runs from August-July. For the first two years, we signed a lease that our landlord wrote. When we renewed this past July, we did not sign a lease. We agreed over text message with our landlord that we would renew the lease from July 31, 2020 to August 1, 2021. The amount of rent to be paid was recorded in his text message to us. Our landlord died of covid in December, and the house went to his brother. We paid the January rent to his brother and agreed to keep sending him the rent check monthly. Today, we found out he is planning on selling the house and he showed it to a potential buyer. I asked him if we would still be able to stay until July, and he said "Well I don't know because I don't have any record of a current lease. I only have an expired lease from 2020." I told him that we had not signed a paper lease and only agreed to continue renting over text message. I sent him screenshots of the message from our landlord which included the dates of the new lease and rent, and also said, "Due to Covid-19, I will not be able to write the new lease for you now". My roommates and I each texted back that we would renew and that was it. My question is, are these text messages legally binding? Does our landlord's brother have to honor them or could he evict us at any time since we didn't sign an official lease?

    submitted by /u/gayaf399
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    Is looking for a renter who can speak Chinese considered discrimination?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:41 PM PST

    Hello all

    One of my friend asks me to create a post on FB and Craigslist on renting out her house in WA, as she does not currently live in that house I think the Fair Housing Act is applicable. The problem is, she does not speak any English but only Chinese, so she asks me to add a line "The landlord only speaks Chinese" to the post.

    So my question is, will adding the line "The landlord only speaks/communicates in Chinese" to the post considered discrimination? The landlord is open to any renter as long as they can communicate in Chinese (or at least has someone present during showing and signing). I know that FB has an auto translation function so even if the post is created in Chinese potential renters can still read and send the request. So when the request is received, will replying with "The landlord can only speak Chinese. If you feel comfortable about it I will connect you with the landlord" considered discrimination? If yes, what will be the best way to handle this (other than having me being the middle man)?


    submitted by /u/Cozywolf
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    Misinformed Trustee

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:27 PM PST

    I'm a 23 yr old female in California, and my father passed away in 2016. I was 19 years old at the time, and I was not given permission to view the trust or any legal documents after his passing.

    My mother took over the estate, and was assisting me with rent with what I am assuming was some of the money guaranteed in my trust. Through the years, she has sold a lot of my dad's very expensive property and belongings, and has filed for taxes in my name and opened 2 lines of credit with my SS number.

    I accidentally found out about my living trust this year when I purchased a new car and I was able to sign as the granter for my own trust. I have a brother who is attending an expensive private college, and has all of his expenses covered by my mom and what I'm assuming is money from the trust.

    Due to recent events, I am no longer in contact with my mother or my brother. I have evidence of Social Security and tax fraud, and of her doing a lot of under the table tax filing with my likeness. For this reason and many others, I have given up going to her to ask what I am entitled in the trust.

    This year, I started an LLC and I am in the process of mediating my taxes and configuring my personal finances. I am still low income, and at this point I just need legal clarity on how to proceed and guarantee that the money that my father wanted to be given to me is not being squandered.

    Any legal advice on how to proceed is helpful. I am in communication with the CPA responsible for handling my mother's taxes, and hoping that he will be required to tell me some of what I am entitled to. I am at the same bank that my father started my account at 10 years ago, and the bankers have been helpful in assuring me that I am within my legal right to seek mediation.

    TLDR: trust fund adult who's been lied by her mother and hasn't seen the terms of my father's trust

    submitted by /u/sav1595
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    [FL] Should I take my aunt to court for clearing out my deceased mother's accounts?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:39 PM PST

    My mother passed away recently and as I'm closing accounts I found a bunch of atm withdrawal from her account after the fate she passed.

    I confronted my aunt about it who is the only person with my mother's card, and she initially lied to me about it saying she didn't know what I was talking about. Then called back saying she did do it because she "lent her 3000 and wanted it back"

    My mother's accounts are now either negative or almost empty.

    She then gave me a sob story saying she didn't think I would give her any when the bank accounts gave me her funds, so now I'm trying to see if I should take her to court or not, so is it not worth the lawyer fees for a few hundred dollars and ruining ties with my family

    Edit: My concern is the lawyer fees might add up to MORE than what would be given back, or almost equal to what was given back. So what would the point be besides saying "cool, don't do it again" and the my aunt hating me for the rest of our lives.

    submitted by /u/Advanced-Librarian
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    [WA][US] Promised salary increase, company acquired, salary increase not fulfilled

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 06:33 PM PST

    Greetings, long time redditor, forgive the throwaway. This is a crap situation, I need some advise on if the things happening are legal, and what recourse I have, if any. If nothing else, please someone tell me I ain't taking crazy pills, and that this is not right.

    I am a manager in a software company. In November, I was verbally promised a salary increase of $10k/year, which was to take effect Jan 1 2021. In December, it was announced our company was being acquired, we would be employee's of new company on Jan 1. Jan 1 passes, now working for new company, the system shows old salary. I inquire with manager, he advises it was lost in the shuffle of acquisition, will follow-up with the leadership team. No updates. Payday happens, old salary still indicated. I ask HR if they have knowledge of my salary increase, manager is asked by HR and he talks to me. They have gone up the chain, the salary increase which was promised is recognized and they agree they offered, but new company is not willing to fulfill it. Acquisition is already done and there is no budget for salary increases, I will need to wait 6 months for an evaluation.

    During this conversation, it becomes clear this is baggage they don't want to expose this to the new company. During this conversation, I'm offered $10k paid directly by my manager. I just need to let HR know that there was a miscommunication and I misunderstood the situation, after talking to manager, we are clear that I was not getting this increase and that I will qualify for a evaluation in 6 months. I let manager know I am not comfortable, I need to think.

    I decided that I don't care where the money comes from, they promised me a salary increase and that any money provided is simply making good on that promise. I then meet with manager to talk more, and he then tells me that because I will be evaluated in 6 months, he's willing to make due on $5k, as its half the year. But we need to split it up between this quarter and next, two $2500 payments. He'll get my account info and will wire information over.

    All I have to do is hit the Send button on that email to HR letting them know that we are good, and it was just a miscommunication. I don't feel like going back to HR, or the leadership team is going to win me any friends, or a positive working environment. I really want to take the ethical approach here and keep working with HR, but I don't think that will end up well.

    Am i crazy? Is this legal?

    Whats the legal right for me to get my salary increase? Do i have recourse?

    submitted by /u/losingfaithinbiz
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    [VA] My ebike's battery died while still under warranty, but the company pulled out of the US.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:42 AM PST

    I bought a BH Easymotion bike from a local dealer around 2018. A particular benefit I was sold on was that they had a 5 year extended warranty (compared to the more common 3 year). It was about $4000 and is/was my only transportation.

    I had an issue with the charger last year and while searching for a replacement, discovered that the company has quietly pulled out of the US completely in February 2020. This was further compounded by the dealer I'd bought it from closing their business some time ago. The last I'd heard, shops that used to sell their products were struggling to contact the parts department in Madrid, Spain.

    I found a solution for the charger, but now my battery has died, meaning it's just a very heavy bike now. There aren't any bike dealers in my area that previously sold BH bikes.

    1) Do I have any recourse? While I'd prefer to see it repaired or replaced but, that seems unlikely and I don't know if a warranty for a now foreign company still applies.

    2) I have renter's insurance with personal belongings coverage up to about $10,000 under USAA. Is it wiser to make a claim for my busted bike and get it replaced, rather than attempt to get my warranty acknowledged?

    submitted by /u/Severe_Substance_681
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