• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - They want me to pay $9100 for an apartment I’ve never stepped foot in (CA)

    Legal Advice - They want me to pay $9100 for an apartment I’ve never stepped foot in (CA)

    They want me to pay $9100 for an apartment I’ve never stepped foot in (CA)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:17 PM PST

    In 2018 I went to look at an Apartment for college students. Before even looking at the sample space, the tour guide asked me to sign a paper which she specified was not a Lease, and was just a precaution for the apartment in case anything happened to it while I was looking at it.

    Now, I've finally gotten around to checking my credit report and it says I have a collections out for my name for $9100! When I figure out who was responsible for the collections, I called the apartment complex and told the manager my situation. She told me what I had signed was in fact a lease, and though I had never even seen the actual apartment, I was responsible for payment. She also emailed me a copy of the "Lease" that I signed, and it doesn't even have my actual signature. It just has my name typed in cursive font at the bottom of all 9 pages.

    I know for sure that I did not sign all those papers because obviously I would've seen that it says "Rental Agreement" at the top. Plus, my "signature" isn't even a signature. It's literally my name typed out in cursive font at the bottom of each page. Anybody could've typed that out.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/ConstantlyQuest
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    Employer wants me to sign a termination agreement, but doing so changes my non-compete agreement. They are withholding my paycheck now.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 04:20 AM PST

    I live in New Jersey. At the start of December, I gave notice as I received an offer at a new job. My last day was Dec 24th. The employer sent me a termination letter and asked me to sign. The letter has a different non compete agreement compared to the agreement I did sign when I was hired. The HR person sent me a text stating they will be 'unable to pay me for December until the agreement is signed'. If I sign it, I will be in violation of the new non compete agreement (but not my original one). What should I do here?

    Here is the text of the new agreement they want me to sign:

    Employee is not taking up the job as an employee, officer, director, partner, consultant, agent, owner, or engage in any other capacity with a competing company, Customer, Prospects, and Vendor Partner of (Company Name).

    And here is the text of the old agreement, which I did sign:

    You acknowledge and recognize the highly competitive nature of the businesses of the Company and its affiliates and accordingly agree that while you are employed with the Company, you will not directly or indirectly, (i) engage in any business that competes with the business of the Company or its affiliates (including, without limitation, businesses which the Company or its affiliates have specific plans to conduct in the future and as to which you are aware of such planning), (ii) enter the employ of, render any services to, any person engaged in any business that competes with the business of the Company or its affiliates, (iii) acquire a financial interest in, or otherwise become actively involved with, any person engaged in any business that competes with the business of the Company or its affiliates, directly or indirectly, as an individual, partner, shareholder, officer, director, principal, agent, trustee or consultant, or (iv) interfere with business relationships (whether formed before or after the date of this Agreement) between the Company or any of its affiliates and customers, suppliers, partners, members or investors of the Company or its affiliates.

    submitted by /u/mike___account
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    I personally handed my landlord a check for rent that he says has gotten stolen and he says I am violating my lease contract by giving it and not mailing it, my question is do I have to write a new check and be out twice as much money?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:11 PM PST


    My rent is due monthly obviously and normally I send it in the mailbox to my landlord. At the end of November he came to the house to look at a problem. I hadn't mailed the check yet, so I just gave it to him (because he was already there) instead of mailing. He said nothing against it, accepted it and said Thanks.

    Then on 12/19 he texted me asking me to put a stop payment on the check with my bank, and to write him a new check. I contacted my bank who said the check had already cleared so it could no longer have a stop payment done. They showed me how to find the check in my account and it is signed with my landlord's name.

    I told him the check was already cashed and he says that someone cashed it and forged his signature. I was confused because I literally handed him the check, but he says someone stole it from him. I brought up the signature and he said he signed it after receiving it to save time at the bank but didn't have time to get to the bank to deposit it so it stayed in his car and someone must have stolen it from his car.

    My bank says that they opened an investigation to see if they can determine more information about who cashed the check. They told me I do not need to do aything for my own security at the present time.

    But now I have a problem that my landlord says I need to write him a new check. I said no, I gave him the check directly, he signed it, the money is gone from my account.

    He turned it around and says now I am violating my lease contract. My lease says "Rent must be paid by check or money order via postal mail to (HIS ADDRESS) and is due on the 1st of every calendar month. There is a grace period of four (4) days to account for mailing time but if rent is not received by the 4th of the calendar month a late fee..."

    So he is claiming that I cheated my lease by giving him the check in person where my lease says I legally have to mail it to him. But that seems stupid considering that when I offered it to him he accepted and said thanks, he didn't say "No you must mail this."

    He is insisting that I write another check to him saying that because the check I wrote was stolen, my rent was not actually paid and I still owe rent for the month so I need to pay him an additional check. That means I'm basically out money for what is more his failure to protect the check after signing it, right?

    Hope that you can advise. Thank you /r/legaladvice.

    submitted by /u/illinnoyedtenant
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    I inherited a human skull. Do I need to...do anything?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:48 PM PST

    Illinois, USA. A relative passed away, and while cleaning the house, we came across a skull. This is a human skull, from years ago. The relative's grandparents owned an oddities shop, which is where I suspect it came from. It's been in the family for a long time. I just am lost as to if I need to alert anybody about this. I don't plan to sell or get rid of it unless legally obligated.

    submitted by /u/SealonLand
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    Iowa, semi-urgent - could use a little advice within a couple hours if possible. Neighbor's relative (child) was injured on my property after falling off equipment being used by a utility to do work in an easement and neighbor wants my homeowner's insurance information.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Hi all I could use some advice. I have a time sensitive issue as my neighbor plans to stop by my house after work.

    Anyway, the situation - a utility company was doing work in an easement on my property. They had a large backhoe (I think). They did not complete their work prior to Christmas, so they left the equipment on site over Christmas.

    On Christmas Day my neighbor had relatives over and several were children who played outside. I am told that one of the kids tried to climb up to the top of the backhoe but fell off. My neighbor says his arm was broken and he needed stitches to both his arm and his head, which he hit.

    I was not told of this situation until this morning. In the mean time the company returned, finished their work and removed the equipment. But this morning I found my neighbor in my yard taking photos of the area where the work was done. That is when she told me what happened. She confirmed that the child was taken to the ER and has been treated. She then told me she had to leave so the conversation ended.

    A couple minutes after she left she texted me saying she is going to stop by my house after work and needs my homeowners insurance information to give to her relative for their medical bills. She told me what time she will be coming and asked me to write it down and put it in my mailbox and she will pick it up.

    My most pressing question is: is it okay to give her my homeowner's insurance information? If I do so I don't want it later to be called admitting fault or something, and I'm also worried about the possibility of my rates going up if this isn't legally my responsibility.

    Second question being - is this my responsibility? While they were injured on my property, I am told they were injured while falling off a piece of equipment left by a utility company. This was not my equipment and I was not consulted in their decision to leave it on my property over Christmas (I did not even know they were doing work until I came home and found my yard ripped up, and the workers were gone).

    If there is anything else I should be doing right now I would appreciate any advice. I have obviously not been in this type of situation before and I don't want to do anything stupid or give out anything I shouldn't. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/neighborsuet
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    Lawyer stole social media pic for ad, social media/dmca not helping

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:59 PM PST

    As it says in the title. A friend sent a pic to me of a local lawyer's social media ad that has me on it. It makes me really uncomfortable and he took a pic of mine from social media to make it (it's real obvious bc I'm wearing a unique outfit and it's my face. He cropped me straight from it and stuck me on the ad.)

    I complained using dmca takedown to the social media company and the company said it's fair use for commentary and criticism. They never bothered to ask for this guy's reply for nothing. I kinda know what fair use is but how is it commentary? I'm not a lawyer nor in legal business.

    The ad asks who you would rather have as a lawyer this guy or me and my face. I am not even a lawyer and this guy is making money using my pics that I own. I dont want money just this guy to stop. I also emailed and wrote him myself a few weeks back but I heard nothing after.

    submitted by /u/throwaway03594234
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    I was arrested in Maine yesterday for fishing without a license when I was 17 "10 years ago."

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:29 AM PST

    What is the statute of limitations for fishing without a license? Also the officer that provided the citation is retired. What should my plan of actions be?

    Ps. there is no flair for fish and game and or wildlife management.

    Also I am not a Maine resident.

    submitted by /u/Pfunk117
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    I found a credit card in my Christmas gift

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:50 AM PST

    My girlfriend gave me a new wallet with a personalized leather covering for Christmas. The interior wallet is a plastic mechanism that pushes out the cards when you press a button. When I took off the cover, I discovered a credit card shoved between the plastic and the leather. It is not signed but looks used, will expire a few years from now, and by all accounts appears to be real. It is a company card and I've verified that the person and company listed are both real, but hundreds of miles away from us (we're in IN) with no apparent tie to the business that sold my girlfriend the wallet. Should I notify the credit card company, contact the owner directly, contact the wallet vendor, or just destroy the card and move on? I'm really curious as to how it got into my possession and would want to let the owner know that I have it so I can mail it back. My girlfriend is afraid that we will be accused of stealing the card and responsible for any purchases that might have been made on it between it being lost and found by us. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/abrownguyappeared
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    Company posted everyones SSN on the notice board.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:12 PM PST

    Is this illegal? Can they be sued for violating our privacy?what are the repercussions for this?

    submitted by /u/nickflora0102
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    Question about a will

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:28 PM PST

    My mother passed away in October and left a will stating the following: (for obvious reasons I names left out)

    "Last will and testament of ———. I leave everything I have to my two children yyy and xxx. They can divide it however they wish but I would like for xxx to keep the house



    My sister and I have no issue with splitting her assets evenly. Yet when it comes to the house my sister feels that she is owed a share of it despite not living here in 15 years and all the bills and taxes paid and being in my name. How would this will fair in probate court?

    submitted by /u/IShimmie4NoMan
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    15 hours ago, the water main burst at my apartment

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:48 PM PST

    We have been without water since 8 am, and the apartment send out an email saying they are hoping we are going to have water "after work tomorrow".

    I have IBS, and am having a bad flair up right now, and I am unable to flush the toilet or wash my hands. If I got a hotel room, would the apartments be liable for paying that back?

    submitted by /u/ambtat
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    Lawyer hasn’t sent my new house legal papers. What should I do?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:11 PM PST

    Ontario, Canada. I closed on a property on Oct 15, 2020. My wife and I signed all sort of legal papers while our lawyer was on Zoom watching us sign it (new covid protocol). We sent those papers back to him, and he promised to send us a counter-signed copy of everything shortly after. Its been 11 weeks; we are living in the new house, and we have not received any documents from his office.

    I followed up 4 times over email including a phone call with him 2 weeks ago. He is blaming it on a "large volume of property transactions his office is dealing with" and promised that he would get them back to me asap ... but nothing has arrived.

    I am not sure if I am over-reacting or not, but my worry right now is that I have no legal document to prove that the house is indeed mine and 11 weeks does seem like a long time to wait for these docs.

    Questions: 1. Am I over-reacting? 2. What are my options to get the legal docs back from his office (besides trying to call him once again)?

    I live in Ontario, Canada.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Educational_Ad1123
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    My neighbor's tree fell and hit the power lines. The power company called a tree removal service. Their removal caused damage to our house. Now we're being given the runaround. Who is liable?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:42 AM PST

    EDIT 2: /u/sodakdave gave some good advice, which somehow inspired me to try the "let them figure it out between the two of them" method. I did some internet sleuthing, found email addresses for customer service higher-ups at both companies, mass-copied everyone in an email explaining the whole saga along with photos of the damage, and ended with, "Please feel free to work out amongst yourselves who the responsible party is and let me know. I am happy to either have an estimate written up and forward the bill, or to contact the responsible party's insurance to get this taken care of."

    I got a response from the customer service manager of the utility company exactly 30 minutes later with the VP of their customer service operations copied!

    Her response was: "Thank you for letting me know about this ongoing issue. I have contacted the appropriate department to see if we can provide a resolution to this issue." So I'm optimistic about this finally being taken care of! Thank you all for the advice, and for the inspiration to try this!

    Last year, a tree in my next-door neighbor's front yard fell. The neighbor called the power company because the tree had fallen on the power lines between our houses. At this point, no damage had been done to our home.

    The power company sent someone out to survey the damage, and then called a tree trimming/removal service to cut the tree down.

    When the tree removal company cut down a particularly large section, it fell on the side of our house, destroying our gutters and metal siding. We took tons of pictures as proof.

    We confronted our neighbor. She argued that because the damage to our home was technically caused by the tree removal service and not the neighbor's tree when it fell, she was not responsible. So we called the tree removal service to ask that they pay for the repairs. After several weeks of back-and-forth between departments, we were told that it would be the power company's responsibility, as they were the ones who called the tree removal service.

    So we called the power company, leaving message after message, being shifted and bounced around from person to person. After several more weeks, we *finally* got someone to agree to come out and take a look at the damage.

    They simply showed up, took one look at our gnarled and dangling gutters, and told us they weren't responsible and to contact the tree removal service.

    We just want the damage fixed. Who is liable in this situation?

    EDIT: We live in Alabama.

    submitted by /u/loonyloveg00d
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    (TX) My neighbor keeps bringing his dog to poop on my lawn. What can I do?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:21 PM PST

    The neighbor's dog is always leashed. The neighbor deliberately walks the dog to my front lawn to poop and urinate on it. I've caught him doing this several times over the past few months. At this point my front lawn is covered with dog turds.

    Whenever I confront the neighbor in the act and ask him to refrain from doing this again and clean up after his pet he just completely ignores me and walks off.

    This has been going on for several months ever since the new neighbor moved in.

    What are my options at this point?

    submitted by /u/throwawayjob19r838q9
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    My (26F) parents have helped me significantly financially since I turned 18. Now they want it back.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:18 PM PST

    Like the title says, my well off parents have freely offered to help me with various things over the past several years. These things include

    • paying college tuition

    • taking out student loans for remaining tuition and paying them on my behalf (on both of our credit reports)

    • helping with a down payment on a home (I'm the only one on the title and loan)

    • paying for part of the renovation of my kitchen

    In total, it is quite a large sum of money. All of these things were given on their own free will at the time. In "exchange", I allow my little brother to live with me completely free including paying for groceries and utilities, and my basement serves as storage for what they were paying $1300/month to store.

    I say "exchange" because it was all an unwritten part of the "agreement" of them helping me buy and fix up the house, so I would help out with my brothers college expenses in these ways. Additionally, I have added my name and good credit to several large ticket items so that they could qualify for lower interest rates. One of these items is a rental property that I have seen zero financial return on.

    Recently, we got into an argument over how my responsibilities to them, their house, and my brother continue to grow, all under the pretense of "well we've helped you out so now you owe us." I am not happy with this situation. If I had known that the figurative cost of their gift would be them increasing their presumed power and say over my life, I never would have accepted the help. Of course I am grateful, but I would prefer to cut ties financially with them for the sake of eventually having a decent relationship. At this moment I dont really care about whether or not my brother stays with me, I love him and would be happy to help him regardless.

    The bottom line of my question is - am I legally obligated to repay them any of the money that they have given me over the years if it was given as a gift at the time?

    Edited to add this is all happening in Colorado.

    submitted by /u/ceoofstrippingscrews
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    Is it legal to use a VPN to access location locked services?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:45 PM PST

    Hi! I live in South Africa. As far as streaming services are concerned, we pretty much only have Netflix and Amazon prime to choose from. And even so, MOST of the shows aren't available for viewing in SA. I've heard it's possible to use a VPN to access these shows and also use American services like HULU. My question is, is it legal? I know hardly any one ever gets in trouble for this type of thing, but I really want to keep it on the safe side! Thanks so much in advance.

    submitted by /u/chloeackermann
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    Impound lot in Dade County Florida holding my sister's car hostage and charging her for storage

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 10:41 AM PST

    So long story short my sister got her car impounded for late payment. She paid off the delinquent balance and the car is due to be released to her. The impound lot told her that pickup is by appointment only and the next available appointment is next week (the car is supposed to be cleared for release 24 hours post payment) . They also said they will continue to charge her for storage by the day until her appointment next week. Is this illegal? Can she sue?

    submitted by /u/heretoobserve2019
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    Scenarios when boyfriend (34M) owns a house before we (29F) get married

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:41 PM PST

    My boyfriend and I are starting to talk about getting engaged. With this comes a lot of difficult conversations, pre martial counseling, etc. The one part I'm concerned about currently is the house.

    He bought the house while we were dating early on. We chose it together. He stated he wouldn't let me pay rent because I wouldn't be getting equity, so I pay for the utilities, Internet, groceries, lawn service, house furnishings, etc.

    I am curious what will happen if we get married. Does it become common law and I get equity even if I don't contribute directly to the mortgage? What if he lets me contribute directly? Do I need my name on the mortgage/deed? Does whatever he put before marriage go to him and whatever goes in after get split in the event of a divorce or does it still all go to him?

    I'm only asking these questions because I'm pretty sure he wants a prenup and I want to make sure I'm protected too.

    I live in Maryland for reference.

    submitted by /u/alcalde214
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    Is my workplace doing something sketchy/illegal?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:58 PM PST

    Okay so, I live in Florida for reference, when I started my new job in September I was never asked to fill out a W-4. I didn't think much of it until recently because it's almost time for tax season. The owners of the store straight up told me I'm not getting a W-2 or 1099 and that "you need to do your own taxes." Which, yeah of course. They do not give paystubs or take any taxes/SS/Medicaid out of my checks. They are not from the U.S. so I'm not sure if it's just a miscommunication or if they are doing something sketchy.

    Another strange thing. They own a couple of businesses and they have a different name for their business that is different from their stores names. The weird part about this is that my coworker said that he was told not to mention their company name to people.

    This stuff kinda makes me feel like the store may be a front for something. I have no evidence of this though.

    Any ideas on what I need to do when it is time to do my taxes would be helpful. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/verydairyqueen
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    My guest (mother) invited her guest to my home and fell down our steps. Advice?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:32 AM PST

    (KY) About two months ago my mother was staying at my home and invited a friend over. The friend came inside and proceeded to accidentally fall down our basement stairs and break both wrists. She refused an ambulance, so I took her to the emergency room. While getting her purse from her car, I noticed she had an open beer in her car. She hasn't filed a claim (that I know of) but what could I expect if she does and how long does she have to file?

    submitted by /u/nice-schmice
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    Received demand letter from a previous business I don't own

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Hi All,

    Somebody just delivered me a demand letter stating that my business was renamed and I owe this landlord an outstanding 70k.

    This business is in city A, I opened in city B. We're both a convenience store, and business A closed down 6 months ago. I just opened yesterday and I get this letter from somebody saying I moved the business and renamed it. It addressed the previous business and my business.

    A little about me:
    I just moved here 3 months ago. Never been in this state/city prior to then and the first business I ever opened under my name.

    I did some research and it all looks legit to me the lawyer has a website and phone number matches.

    Do I need a lawyer at this point? Am I being trolled by somebody?

    submitted by /u/MarinatedBrain
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    Is it legal for an employer to spy on text messages on your personal phone (not company issued).

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Location: Texas, US

    Apologies for not including the location initially.

    I'm trying to convince my mother in law to go to the board and a lawyer about an incident that occurred recently. Her boss is a jerk, but so far had not crossed any lines where I felt there was a strong case to act on. Just general talking down to his employees, making them do trivial things to flex his authority, etc.... But recently my MIL got written up and during this conversation, it was revealed to her that her boss was upset about something she had texted about him. The problem here is that this is her personal cell phone, it's not issued to her by the company and it's not utilized in any way for work related things. The boss justified his spying by showing her the companies social media policy.

    I'm not a lawyer, but I can't find anything online suggesting that this is alright. Social media is facebook, twitter, etc... not texts in my eyes. I don't even know how he was able to read the texts, she has a password so I feel like his methods to obtain the texts had to be against the law since she's never signed anything giving consent to be monitored on her personal devices.

    He recorded the conversation for some reason when he wrote her up, so my wife and I got her to request a copy which her boss obliged. He mentions the texts in the conversation so he's admitted that he has access to her personal texts. What can I do to help her?

    submitted by /u/sheymyster
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    I (30m) share custody of my son (9m) with my ex wife (30f) and I’m just fed up with her lifestyle and habits and I am able to provide a much more suitable life for him growing up. What is my best course of action?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:50 PM PST

    She's always been a poor decision maker and bad with money and dependent on others but it's really come to a climax at this point and I feel the need to do something about it right now.

    So we've been divorced since our son was 3 years old. Ever since then we have shared physical and legal custody week-to-week. He stay with her and then me week on/week off.

    She was married again after me and then divorced and now she's with another guy. They live in a 1br apartment on a really rough side of town. Our son always comes back reeking of cigarette smoke.

    She's been acting especially weird lately and I'm suspecting hard drugs are involved even though I've never known her to have a history with them and I don't have any true evidence of it and here's why.

    She's been sleeping through everything. A couple months ago our son had a dentist appointment at 8am and I had told her about it and she agreed to let me pick him up and take him there but when I get to her house and call, she doesn't answer. And then she doesn't get back with me until noon and says they overslept.

    And then a few weeks after that she was supposed to pick him up at 5:30pm for her week and he's all set to go with his shoes and jacket on and she doesn't show and doesn't answer her phone. She doesn't get in touch with me until 9:00pm and says she overslept.

    Then last Monday we had agreed that I would pick him up at 5:30pm for my week and I get to her house and she doesn't answer and I wait 30 minutes, calling repeatedly. No answer. I went and followed through with my plans that night which were supposed to include him, and calling intermittently, and I start to get concerned. Finally, 9:00pm rolls around and I decided to call the police non-emergency line to do a wellness check. The police told me to meet them there and they would help me figure it out. So I arrive at her place again that night and the police are supposed to be coming soon, but I call her one more time, and she finally answers, sounding really fatigued. She said she will send him down and so I call the police back and tell them never mind and I've got it handled. She said that she overslept.

    So that night after all that, I bring him home and he shares that he was looking out the window and he says he could see me out front and he tried to wake her up but she wouldn't wake up. And that he told her I was out front and she told him, "no, it's probably somebody else." And that also her and her boyfriend are constantly fighting (but not physically) and screaming at each other day in and day out, and that they stay in their room quite a bit with the door always locked. And he told me that sometimes he hears his mom in the bedroom screaming "help me!" And then when he goes to check on her she tells him to go back to bed. He also shared that his mom's grandmother passed away a couple weeks ago and he wanted to go to the funeral and they were expected to be there but his mom overslept and his moms mom was furious about them missing the funeral. He also shared that he often has to make his own food when his mom is sleeping.

    Our son says that he would rather stay with me at my place. I've got a good relationship with my live-in fiancée and we also have 2 children (8f and 6m) who were our foster children and now we have guardianship over them. Everyone here get along, there is no fighting or screaming, other than sometimes between the kids but it's resolved rather quickly and growing up with siblings I feel that's pretty normal. There is plenty of space for everyone and we keep it clean and we've got plenty of resources to provide a happy stable life. We live in a nice neighborhood where the kids can go outside and ride their bikes around and they've got lots of neighbor friends who they are all close with.

    My fiancée thinks that we need to call CPS on my son's mom and let CPS do their investigation and take it from there. My mom thinks I need to file a motion or and exparte with the court.

    And so I was just trying to think of the right way to handle this all week and then I went to drop him off tonight. I never knew exactly which unit they lived in so I thought I would walk him up to their apartment door and maybe peek inside and see what it's like in there. So I go up and knock on the door and some older, rough looking guy who I haven't seen before answers the door and gathered who I was and invited me inside. First thing you see when you walk in is a sink overflowing with dirty dishes, the apartment reeks of cigarette smoke, and they've got 4 huge bags of trash just sitting in their kitchen. The mom's boyfriend sees me and immediately runs away and doesn't say hi or anything. My son shows me his "room" which is really supposed to be a dining room and there's just a loveseat, a blanket, and a tv. No dresser, no things of his. Just that. And that's where he's living every alternate week. This is not how I ever envisioned my child would be growing up. Just imagining him sorting through that mess of trash and dirty dishes trying to find himself something to eat while his mom is sleeping the day away doesn't sit right with me at all. I am ready to do something about it. She's not prioritizing being a parent. This is not the environment I want my son spending time in.

    I didn't see any drugs or anything truly incriminating when I went in there though.

    And the apartment is above a smoke shop and I've seen lots of shady people going in and out of there while sitting out there waiting for her to answer her phone. And he says that sometime the smoke shop workers watch him and he hangs out there without his mom.

    And then to make things even more complicated, at the beginning of this moth she asked me to have him an extra week because they needed to move because they were getting evicted for not paying rent. And so I had him an extra week and they didn't move and now they say they're going to try to stay there for a few more months without paying the rent, or so I've gathered. And their only option currently is moving in with the boyfriend's mom who lives 40is minutes away from the school he goes to. His school is currently online but it's going to be trouble for her to get him to school and back living that far away and with only one working vehicle.

    All in all, he's just a lot better off living with me where things are stable and secure.

    This is in Grand Rapids, MI, by the way. Any help or advise is sincerely appreciated! Thank you and thanks for reading!!! I'm happy to provide any more details you may need.

    submitted by /u/dl0lol0lb
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    Am I supposed to know the settlement amount?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:57 PM PST

    This happened to my mother and sister in Texas in the beginning of January.

    She was driving my sister to work when they came to a complete stop at a stop light.

    A Border Patrol truck rear ended them, and my sister and mother needed to go to the hospital and physical therapy for a few months.

    They had plenty of witnesses and video evidence supporting their claim.

    They immediately got a lawyer to sue for damages, but the case has been stalled for almost a year due to Covid.

    My mother called me to ask if it was normal for lawyers to send a settlement amount without consulting her or my sister, whom they are representing.

    The lawyer hasn't called back my mother in the past few weeks, and her aide keeps telling my mom that she (the lawyer) will call her back when available.

    Should my mother get another lawyer? Should she be worried about any hanky-panky going on?

    submitted by /u/Corner_beat
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