• Breaking News

    Monday, November 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - I threw away my coworker's rotten food that was stored in the shared fridge, but now I'm being accused of theft and destruction of property.

    Legal Advice - I threw away my coworker's rotten food that was stored in the shared fridge, but now I'm being accused of theft and destruction of property.

    I threw away my coworker's rotten food that was stored in the shared fridge, but now I'm being accused of theft and destruction of property.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:16 AM PST

    This the weirdest timeline. We have a shared fridge at work. Some people can't seem to leave it clean, so the other day I decided to clean it and throw away what was rotting in it. There were containers with moldy and disgusting food that have been there for weeks, yogurt that expired months ago and other disgusting old stuff all belonging to the same person. I asked them several times to throw it away but they didn't. In the end I threw it all away because of the risk of food poisoning for everyone. Now my coworker is upset I did this because they say some of it might still have been good (it wasn't). They're accusing me of theft and want to report me to the police and HR for stealing and destroying their property. Could destroying this inedible food really be considered theft and/or destruction of property? I know this sounds really dumb but I'd like to be sure.

    submitted by /u/JeremyC19throwaway
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    Got let go the moment I was found out to be disabled.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:20 AM PST

    Ok, I'm in Washington state, I'm a veteran who got pretty banged up back in the navy. But for the most part I'm still able to function. But as of the last year my whole back and my knees have been absolutely killing me and even at some points straight up giving out on me.

    It was enough to give me 70% service connected disability, and they prescribed several medications which specifically say "Causes drowsiness" Or "Do not take with Alcohol" That kind of stuff which they very specifically told me not to drive or work while taking.

    The problem being that it's to deal with the pain and I can't take them if I work.

    So I've been just sucking it up and going to work without it and taking it when I get home or on my off days.

    I am a security guard, and most of my shifts are pretty chill. Just sit in one spot for 12 hours and write down everything that happens. If someone comes up, just get out of my car. Super easy on my back and knees.

    Now, I got this job before I was hit with 70% service connected disability. And within days of it hitting, I was transferred to a new site which apparently required excessive running around and being on my feet, moving quickly, and other such things for about 10 hours.

    I quickly told my boss and even offered to cover the shift at least for the day. But I couldn't do this or anything like it for very long at all due to my medical problems.

    They INSTANTLY called off my entire schedule and called me in. I kinda saw it coming and showed up with all of my medical paperwork to prove everything in my system was legally there and such.

    I showed up and my bosses were there with a drug test on the table, I answered by offering my paperwork and INSTANTLY their tones changed claiming that the drug test was for me so that I might "take it to see how long drugs stay in my system."

    They refused to put me back on my work until the next week. The very next week I had to ask them three times to give me my schedule, and the second day back to work I got a notice, they called me in over things that were stolen from my site while I was not working in an area the customer told me I should not worry about patrolling.

    I figured I'd just get asked who told me not to patrol there and get sent back to work. Nope...

    Even after 5 years in the industry with a flawless record, they treated me like I fell asleep guarding the pope and he got assassinated.

    I was immediately relieved and ordered to turn in my uniforms.

    Every single person I give the details to tells me the same thing.

    They got rid of me exclusively because I was disabled, but they had to have a "my word against theirs" case to hide behind so they couldn't get blasted for firing me because of my medical condition.

    They even went as far as to lie to me and tell me the patrol guard came and checked on me three times in order to confirm that the stolen objects were stolen while I was there. He was only on site once.

    I personally doubt I have a case, a heavy blow to the head back in the navy makes me a little slow and my record keeping sloppy. Doctored logs will outshine anything I throw up in front of them. But at least everyone I talked to who worked for my company told me that they really were sleazy like that, but they cover their tracks well enough.

    submitted by /u/Laffett
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    [Atlanta, GA] fully paid car towed and sold by chase

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:19 PM PST

    Hey folks! I bought my new 2018 Corolla three years ago and paid total in cash. Four months ago, my car disappeared from my apartment parking lot. I reported to the police and filed a insurance claim. I'm still waiting for my replacement title cause I put the title in the car. Very stupid. Today the police called that they found the car in a auto option in Atlanta. But the staff said the car is not under my name. Instead it belongs to J.P. Morgan chase. The police detective and I called the chase both. They claimed that I'm not the owner and I'm not the person binding to the loan so they cannot release more information. But the police told me that chase kept that car from four months ago so it was towed not stolen. The manager of chase redemption department said the car owner in their system is another person living in a very different address from mine and the loan started couple of years ago. He said he would keep investigating this. The thing is I paid in total and I didn't even have a chase account at that time. And it's a new car. I've been diving the car for these three years. So my idea is that chase totally messed up with the database and has the wrong owner with loan under same vin number and same plate number.

    I moved to California one month ago due to work. I don't have any legal experience. Any suggestion on how I can deal with this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/potatoEater001
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    UPDATE: Live in Mental Health Clinic forcing patients to be Christian?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Link to original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/jjgtbu/live_in_mental_health_clinic_for_minors_forcing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    Okay, well a lot of stuff has gone down since this post, so I'll try to update here.

    After a few days, I started asking a lot of questions about our policies on religion and what was/wasn't allowed. I guess I must've asked too many questions because I was called in for a meeting with my supervisor, her supervisor, and the head of HR for the facility. They basically asked me what my issue was, to which I told them I was uncomfortable working for a religious facility, especially when that had not been advertised. They claimed they were not a religious facility, but that most of the kids and staff were Christian and so they could do what they wanted. After a bit, they basically pressured me into quitting the job. I recorded the entire conversation and have a copy of the recording. (My state is a one way recording state)

    As well as all the religious stuff, I saw some pretty serious abuse of the kids that I was in charge of. I'll spare the details, but it's definitely not ethical for a faculty that deals with abuse/trauma victims. I was only there for 2 weeks and saw this much, I imagine there's a lot more going on. I have a meeting with the head of HR for the entire hospital next week. I am planning on recording that as well.

    Things I learned while there that for me are just more red flags:

    1. They don't let the kids celebrate any pagan holidays (including Halloween, but not including the pagan rituals of Christmas)
    2. Some of the houses are banned from listening to anything other than Christian music (although in my meeting they acted as if they knew nothing about that)
    3. The kids do not have to attend sermons on Sunday, but must stay in the room while being watched and can do nothing else while they're going on
    4. My supervisor was dating one of the on site therapists and everyone, including the kids, is aware.
    5. They are a private hospital, but have received federal funding several times over the years in forms of grants
    6. About 20% of the kids are there by court order and the rest were checked in by their families.
    7. Nearly all of the staff have ministry backgrounds and none (except for the very top supervisors) have degrees in psychology.

    I'm pretty upset about the whole situation, but have not contacted any of the organizations suggested to me yet, since I still haven't spoken with everyone from the company yet. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice!

    submitted by /u/Throwaway987472
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    North Atlanta Suburbs. Purchased land, neighbors have built tree house fort on land that we now own. What happens now? Is it now our tree house? Could they legally come tear it down since they built it?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:04 AM PST

    Huge tree fort was built by neighbors long ago in the middle of the forest behind their house, not on property they own. We now own the property the tree house was built on. It's pretty awesome and we have two sons who were really excited when they saw it. Could the neighbors come tear it down or do we now own it?

    submitted by /u/_peach_tea_
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    Management broke into my apartment, possibly stole something (PA)

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:56 PM PST

    I live in Philadelphia and recently moved out of my apartment a few weeks ago, but my lease doesn't end until 11/5. The management company has been showing my apartment for a month or two. They emailed me about a month ago saying that our lock wasn't working and asked for us to just leave the doorknob locked and not the deadbolt next time they showed it. I responded saying that it was working fine for us and that they probably had the wrong key. They never responded to that and we just left the doorknob locked like they requested. The last time they asked to show it was in mid October. They are aware that we have already moved most of our stuff out.

    My wife and I went over last night to get the remaining few items we left after we moved out. When we got there, the doorknob keyhole was broken and unlocked with a key stuck inside. When we got inside the apartment there was one item missing. It was a table-top glass greenhouse that my wife's grandfather hand made for her as a wedding gift. It is a very sentimental item and my wife is pretty upset about it.

    I'm 99% sure that someone at the management company entered into our apartment without our permission and broke the lock in the process. They are the only other people with a key and I'm pretty sure it is the wrong key, which would explain why they could have broken the lock while trying to open the door. Also, the building requires a door code to get in, so I would be surprised if anyone else knew that code and tried using a key to get into our apartment. This must have happened in the past week because we had cleaners come over on 10/23 and they confirmed that the doorknob was locked and that the greenhouse was still there when they left. I don't know if someone at the management company stole the greenhouse (though I think a likely scenario is that they broke it and threw it away) or if someone else walked in and took it.

    We emailed the management company and confronted them about it yesterday. They won't respond to us. We called the police to make a report and waited 2 hours for them, but they never showed up. My wife went into the police department and they wouldn't let us make a report unless we called the cops over to the apartment again. I'm somewhat concerned that the management company is trying to ignore us until the lease is up. What are my legal options here?

    submitted by /u/dev_nill
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    Myself and some of my friends have found that our public high school has installed software on our personal computers without our or our parents consent, is there something we can do legally?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 09:13 PM PST

    We're from Austin, Texas. I'm posting this on behalf of my friends aswell.

    A friend of time told us they had discovered a program called LanSchool on their personal computer. This software as advertised as anti-cheat, and allows remote screen capture, webcam access, hard drive and google drive access. This can be done by any IT staff member, or in the right circumstances, any teacher. This has been discovered on several student's personal computers, including mine. and both them and their parents were clueless. Mine were too, and I'm also 18.

    The best we can figure form the data and talking to other redditors, the school used their SSO website to secretly download the software onto students computers using chrome's automatic download feature, without alerting the user". The software doesn't appear on desktop, and is cleverly hidden in appdata folders. We have pictures to prove it's existence on student computers, and it's install date. No one or their parents have ever signed a contract consenting to this.

    Is there anything we should do legally? Many parents and students are concerned about student privacy, and due to the recent nature of the discovery, the school hasn't addressed it yet.

    submitted by /u/IronDominion
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    Neighbors tree fell on my property during Zeta and someone just wrecked their car on a piece hanging on the road, NC

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:35 PM PST

    Afternoon everyone,

    So here is the story, I live in NC and we got some pretty nasty storm winds from Hurricane Zeta. During the storm, a GIANT oak tree on my neighbor's property fell across the road onto my property. That day people were trying to get out of the neighborhood and a different neighbor was able to use their chainsaw to cut the tree off the road to let people in and out but when they cut it they left about 3 feet of the tree on the road.

    Since then I have been getting quotes to remove the tree but since a lot of trees had gone down around the area the companies are a bit backed up. Fast forward to today and I noticed a tow truck in front of the house removing a car that had run headlong into the tree. I did not see any cops nor did I see the owner of the car even though I walked out to see what was going on. My question is since the tree fell on my property could I be responsible for the damage to the car and/or person?

    I can upload a picture if that would help.

    submitted by /u/TwoSyxd
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    Grandfather passes away one day after his son (who was to inherit 50%) passes away. Does his son's heir inherit his father's portion? (AL)

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:11 PM PST

    A buddy of mine in his mid-20s is going through a unique legal situation that I'm hoping our resident legal experts could chime in on.

    His father and his grandfather passed away from COVID. His father died one day before his grandfather. Both were residents of Alabama, and that is where my buddy lives.

    Here is where it gets tricky. His grandfather had a reasonable estate as far as he knew. He owned a home that was worth several hundred thousand dollars that had less than $50k left on the mortgage. He believes the total worth of the estate to be about $400k, although he doesn't know if his grandfather had any other life insurance or other accounts beyond what he was aware of. The will stated that half of the grandfather's estate was to go to my buddy's father, and half to his aunt (father's sister). My buddy lived with his grandfather at the time of his grandfather's death, and he helped do some things to take care of him (and had helped care for his grandmother who passed not long ago as well). His father's will stated that 100% of his father's estate was to go to him.

    His aunt is saying that because my buddy's father passed one day before the grandfather, that she gets 100% of everything and my buddy gets nothing. My buddy has had many people tell him that the half that would've went to his father should transfer to him as his father's heir. The first lawyer he met with says there is precedent for that, but my buddy is still uncertain of how to proceed. He basically wants to fight for it if it should clearly be ruled in his favor. But if the law is not clearly on his side (and this lawyer perhaps is just willing to fight it for the legal fee), he doesn't want to deal with the fight, or the family drama. In the meantime his aunt has pressured him to sign a release saying that he gives up all legal right to anything of his grandfather's.

    Does anyone have a clear answer as to what should happen here?

    submitted by /u/borla78
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    My Identity Was Stolen & My Checks Are Being Garnished

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:29 PM PST

    I'm in the state of VA and when I got my paycheck today I noticed my wages were garnished by $94.93.

    I have worked at my job full time for a full year and a half now, and the entire time I've been homeless and living out of a motel. I haven't had utilities or a lease in my name in about 4 years already.

    My question is: are there any legal resources in my state that can help me dispute this garnishment? I barely even have the details of the creditor that ordered it, I'm still waiting for someone to call me back. But I know for a fact I never once received a summons to court let alone a piece of mail that warned me garnishment would occur. Any and all advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ZoraiyaNeedsHelp
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    Hotel switched my room, refusing me access to the safe (PA)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:30 PM PST

    I am currently traveling for business and staying in a hotel in Pennsylvania. When I checked in, I placed my suitcase in the room, put some toiletries in the bathroom, put some cash and my return ticket in the room safe, and went out to grab dinner.

    Upon my return, my key didn't work. When I went to the front desk, I was informed that due to a group travelling together and needing adjoining rooms, I had been moved to a different room. This was on a different floor. The clerk informed me that so my belongings had been moved to the other room. I told them that I had belongings in the room safe that I needed to retrieve. She replied that as the room was occupied, she couldn't allow me in. I told her that I wanted the manager to walk me to to the room, we would enter with the guest's permission, and retrieve my belongings. She said he was busy, but she would have him call me.

    About two hours later, I got a call from the front desk. The clerk said the manager called the room and the guests informed her that the safe was empty and I must be mistaken. I told her that it wasn't empty and I would meet the manager at the room to open the safe. She responded that the manager wasn't coming up and that the hotel is not responsible for misplaced articles.

    I went and knocked on the room myself, and nobody is answering. It doesn't sound like anyone is inside.

    Do I call the police now or make a report tomorrow morning? Can they even help me at this point? I don't know if they did anything illegal by switching my room while I was out, but I don't think a posted waiver of liability gives them the right to deny me access to my money or my plane ticket.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/GoatReynolds
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    (US)(WA) Roommate stole rent money and left me in debt

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:43 PM PST

    TL;DR My roommate kept the rent money for the past 5 months and spent it all on other things, when I found out they immediately packed their stuff and ran.

    Whole story: My family and I lived with this roommate since the beginning of May, and since July they started keeping the rent money that I would transfer to them (obviously without me knowing) and started using it on their car and GF. I only found out about this at the end of October when I checked my online apartment status and it said their was an unpaid balance of $5,000 (which with November now, it's over $8,000) and is causing me and my family to possibly face eviction at the beginning of the new year. When I confronted them about this, they said they were handling it, but then packed up all of their stuff and left the next day. Their name and information is still on the apartment lease. What would be the recommended course of action here? I know the rent debt needs paid either way, but I want to make sure they won't get off free without any consequences from this (whether it's them paying for part of it/all of it/being fined).

    submitted by /u/Asongofsnakes
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    Need answers about my marriage in AZ I have voting and divorce issues

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:58 AM PST

    A friend told me that this would be a good place to ask some questions. I am 24 and have been married to my husband for 5 years, we have a 3 year old daughter. The past year has been pretty rocky, but today I reached by breaking point and I want to leave, but I am afraid I can't get out. Our families are very religious (mormons) although my husband and I are not (or at least I didn't think he was when we got married). Over the past year he has had a religious revival and has become a different person from the loving man I married.

    He is teleworking now so this morning I asked him if he would be able to watch our daughter tomorrow so I could go vote (I really don't want to take her into a polling place with all the coronavirus issues). He told me that I didn't need to because he had already done it for me by mail. At first I thought he might be joking, but when I pressed him he said that he had voted for both of us two weeks ago (and of course he made my vote for Donald Trump and Martha McSally). I am furious, a growing point of contention between us has been about the issue of illegal immigration (we live relatively close to the boarder, so this is a hot topic for us). I had made it clear I did not plan to vote for any Republican because I think the way they are treating those in need who are trying to come seek safety in this country is reprehensible. I told him that what he did was illegal and he told me that I just needed to calm down, that it wasn't illegal because we were in a special "covenant marriage" and that because of that we are subject to the laws of Jesus and I have to be obedient to him, which means he can control my vote. Is this really true?

    I know we do have a covenant marriage because our families wanted us to do that, but I didn't think it would ever be a big deal because I thought we were not very religious so it wouldn't be an issue. I went to our room and cried for 15 minuets before I could calm down. When I finally went back downstairs I told him that I was very upset with what he did. He just laughed at me and said that he was sorry he hadn't talked to me more about my vote, but that he loved me and he knew this is what God wanted for our family so he did what he knew was right. He said I needed to calm down and that when I thought about it I would realize he was right. This is the final straw, I do not want to be married to this many anymore, I do not want my daughter to be brought up in this kind of house (my childhood was TERRIBLE because of crazy religious parents). I know he won't agree to a divorce, what can I do?

    submitted by /u/scaredandunhappyinAZ
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    Moving in to apartment and previous tenants are now refusing to move out and turn in keys. What can I do?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Location: Oregon

    I signed a lease for an apartment one month ago. I was due to get the keys on November 9th, but last week the apartment complex called me and said the current tenants of the apartment I was due to move in to changed their minds and don't want to move and will not be turning in their keys. They had already signed a 30 day notice to vacate and naturally the apartment complex leased the unit to me. They were supposed to turn in the keys yesterday and the apartment complex called me today to say they did not receive the keys. The unit I signed up to rent is in the middle of the complex in a nice quiet area. They want to move me to a different unit that backs up to a busy street with lots of road noise. I had also signed up to get a garage and the new unit doesn't have any nearby and I would have to walk a minimum of two buildings over. I am refusing to move units because of the garage situation, road noise and the fact that I would have to push out my move in date and change all my current plans, which would cost me more money. How long does it take for the apartment complex to get these people out and is there anything I can do to for the hassle this is causing me?

    submitted by /u/jcr5431
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    What Rights Does a Tenant Have When Their Landlord Passes Away and The Family Wants to Sell?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:17 PM PST

    My Parents rented the same house for 30 yrs. My Dad passed a yr ago so it's just my mom now. In July the Landlord passed away his Son and Daughter took over all his properties. In August the Son and Daughter separately had the house appraised telling her the purpose was to valuate the estate. She heard nothing from them since. In mid September she came home to find a realtor's business card at the door. She thought it was because they had read/heard the owner had died and wanted to see if they could get a business deal out of it. The following week the realtor called and wanted a meeting. My mom refussed to meet him (covid) and spoke to him on the phone. This is when he informed her the house was being put up for sale. He told her the Son and Daughter wanted to offer her $2000 "AFTER" the house sells for her inconvenience. The realtor keeps calling her to ask if she has found a new place to live yet.

    She hasn't, Her rent was cheap there. My mom is on Disability without my Dad's income she can't afford to much. All low income housing is full and The waiting lists are closed. Also Due to the pandemic, the hault on evictions as well as the recent Oregon fires distroying entire towns. There is No availability for affordable housing.

    Last Week the Realtor came and put a for sale sign up in my Mom's yard. Let me remind you she hasn't heard from the Son and Daughter. They haven't even called personally to tell her over the phone they are selling the house nor has she signed or recieved any writen notice from them.

    My questions are.... In Oregon what are the laws that protect tenants in these situations?

    What are the Laws during a Pandemic?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and any information you may provide. It is so needed and appreciated!

    submitted by /u/WarningImBroken
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    Pregnant Wife’s employer refuses follow her doctor’s restrictions / note (OH)

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:24 PM PST

    Throwaway Account

    My wife is currently 8 months pregnant and works in a fast casual restaurant as a manager. She is currently working 55-60 hours a week (salary) with no chances to sit down or take breaks (including lunch). She often goes 10 plus hours without eating anything . About 3 weeks ago she had a doctors appointment and made her doctor be aware of her working conditions . Her doctor wrote her a note stating she is to be reduced to a 40 hour a week schedule and to allow 15 minute breaks every 3-4 hours . She has turned this into her direct supervisor and HR department . They are refusing to allow her to have breaks or work 40 hours a week. Is there anything that can be done legally about this? TIA

    submitted by /u/PreggowifeTA
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    Post Office Employee Claims that My New Address Doesn't Exist

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    I recently moved apartments in NM. I was going to get keys to the mailbox, but was told that my new address as listed on my lease agreement doesn't exist. They stated that the correct address might be one of several different addresses, but when I used google maps, those addresses are on either side of where I'm living.They advised me to contact the management company, which has thus far not returned any calls. I'm really confused that the management company would just allow me to sign a lease and move in to an apartment that "doesn't exist". Furthermore, the gas and electric companies had no issues transferring my service. And how are the other tenants able to get their mail and deliveries? The postal employee absolutely refused to give me the keys until the lease is corrected. Is there some misunderstanding here? What can I do?

    submitted by /u/la-blanc-nouveau
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    [MD] What do I do if an urgent appointment falls on my coparents weekend?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:50 PM PST

    My daughter was just in the hospital last weekend before she went with her father. She looked like she had a seizure but when we got to the hospital, she was fine. The doctor decided to put in a referral for her to be seen by a neurologist and advised I book the appointment ASAP. When I called, the soonest available appointment just so happened to fall on the Friday that her dad would have her. That would be fine if he lived close but he's in another state. The appointment is already for two weeks out... I spoke with my daughters father who got mad and refused to allow our daughter to be seen during his weekend. He has her every other weekend... so I offered for him to take her this weekend (which would allow him to have her two weekends in a row) so that she could be here next weekend for her appointment. He outright refused to move weekends or change days and now won't even text me back.

    Legal advice, all feelings aside... what do I do? Legally, what are my options?

    Note: I'm military and my daughter can only be seen on base with Tricare so the neurologist on base is our only option unless we pay out of pocket, but even then, the doctor won't write a referral if the military can provide the services we need.

    submitted by /u/HoneyIShrunkTheTwins
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    California- lawyer will not sub out

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:28 PM PST

    My ex and I have had a request for modification of spousal and child support filed with family court since Feb, and we both had legal counsel. We have resolved our issues out of court and come to an agreement, which was prepared by my lawyer, and which both my ex and I have signed. However, my ex's lawyer will not sign off or sub out of the case. She is advising my ex to continue the actions and not to agree out of court. My ex has informed the lawyer, in writing, 4 times now that she is no longer needed, is fired, her services are not needed and won't be paid for, etc. The lawyer is holding everything up by not subbing out. What can my ex do other than threaten to file an ethics complaint? A lawyer can't continue to represent a client against their will, right?

    submitted by /u/hereforthenow
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    My wife packed up & left while I was at work. Took our daughter, stopped paying any bills at our family home.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:33 AM PST

    Together for about five years, married for about three. We each have a child of our own from a previous relationship, and a daughter together who just turned four years old.

    I was already in the process of purchasing a home when we first got together in 2015. She didnt have great credit and a low paying job, so the house is only in my name. She did not contribute in any way to the purchase of the home.

    For the first two years that we were together she did not work, and I was the sole breadwinner in the family. After two years she got a job making decent money and shortly after we decided that the mortgage would be paid each month from her paycheck, as my job is freelance and sometimes pay is not consistent. Each pay period, half of her paycheck was direct deposited into an account which was used exclusively to pay the mortgage. This is the arrangement we had until she changed her direct deposit to no longer go to mortgage account, and moved out without warning. The mortgage was paid solely from her paycheck for over two years, while I handled all other living expenses from my pay.

    She has since contribuyted zero dollars to the mortgage or any other household bills. She has told me that since she moved out we have "our own separate bills now," and she will not be paying for anything related to our home. Every household bill is in my name, in addition to Cell phones, Car Insurance, Car registration. This has left me in a very very bad financial situation, as I am now paying for everything, including car insurance and cell, which she continues to use."Her" car is also in my name.

    Her Move:
    Arrived home from work on September 16th 2020 at 7:40p to find all of WIFE and DAUGHTERS stuff gone. No note was left, no immediate reasoning for her leaving came to mind, beyond our not so great relationship I mean.
    I called WIFE repeatedly but she would not answer. She turned off her iPhone location sharing earlier in the day while I was working. She answered to a few text messages but would not tell me where she is, only that they are safe.
    WIFE continued to keep her location a secret from me for about a week, when I was able to figure out that she had gotten an apartment with my ex wife, whom I share a child with. I knew they were friends because I had pushed them being civil for the benefit of our children. I have since learned that WIFE signed a one year lease at the new apartment.
    During this time her and my ex both asked my son (10) to keep it a secret from me that they are living together. Which I see as extremely wrong. Once I found out for sure that they were living together and told her so, she did tell me that her and my ex wife had asked my son to lie, and also gaslighted me when I first brought up the living situation. Calling me crazy, psychotic etc.

    It has been six weeks since she left. She goes back and forth whether or not she will make any attempt at working on things, but for the most part she shows no interest. She refuses to talk about anything even remotely serious or having to do with our relationship. She is also under the impression that since she is the one who physically left, that only my issues need to be addressed/fixed. I had pushed to go to therapy for several years before she left, and the time since she left. We have gone to one session (last week) and it went decent, with her saying she is willing to give reconciling a shot. However, even the conversation we had in the parking lot afterwards it was pretty clear that she was going to put little effort into it.

    She tells me that she needs "space" but has put no effort into working things out. She says that she doesnt owe me anything, and she doesnt have to do anything she doesnt want to. Everything tells me that I need to immedietly file for divorce and stop hanging onto the chance we will reconcile. The problem is that despite all of this, and the lying/cheating that I haven't mentioned here, I still love her unconditionally.

    I have never been in this position before, and to me it seems like giving up if I don't try absolutely everything to win her back. I cannot help but feel that she is dragging things out because she knows that she won't be able to survive 'on her own' if she doesn't have all of those bills paid, and me being there to drop anything to be there for her when she needs something.
    I believe if I do file for divorce I should file for an at-fault divorce based on her abandonment of marital responsibilities. I know that this will take an already bad situation and blow it up a horrible situation, however I cant sustain this household on my own for much longer. I don't want any money or property from her, and I dont think she wants anything from me (certainly not a relationship, zing!) but dragging this out for another year seems like a one way ticket to miserable town.

    In the state we live in (Virginia) an uncontested divorce when a child is shared requires being separated for one year before it can be filed. I want to work things out with her, but with her unwilling to be reasonable in any way, waiting one year will literally bankrupt me, which will obviously put my kids in a bad situation. An at-fault divorce can be granted immediately.

    I am pretty lost here.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRAtheseRelation
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    DUI - Hit-Run - Other Insurance not paying because Insured isn't answering for a recorded statement.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Long story short - my car was parked on a downtown street on a Friday night. I was at a restaurant waiting for my take out for no more than 20-30ish minutes. I leave that location, go to a store and when I come out from that store I see a giant dent and other damages to the quarter panel and the back door passenger side. As soon as I see the damages I call the police to give them a statement as I don't know who hit my car. As I am waiting at the store for an office to appear to get my statement, I get a call from the same police department that they received a call about a hit n run that occurred where I was parked in downtown getting food. I come in to the police department to give my statement. Police officer asked me questions and it coincided with call they got about the hit and run. I recall exactly what vehicle was parked next to me at the downtown parking area, and sure enough it was the same car. At the police station - the same night - the truck that hit me showed up. The damages to their car were exactly on the dot of how the accident played out.

    I get the license plate number; however, zero contact info about the driver. I was able to get the name of the person via the phone call to the police department the night of the accident. I file a claim with my insurance having their plate and damage pictures. A week or so later my insurance finds the insurance info of the other driver. I call their insurance give them a full statement and now we wait. Present day - its been about 2 months and their insurance still hasn't paid me for the damages to my vehicle. I received a quote of repair via my insurance of about $1800. I do not wait to pay $1000 deductible for something I am not a fault for.

    I keep calling the other insurance and they claim they needed a recorded statement from their insured. The other party has been ignoring their own insurance calls and avoiding to give a statement. The insurance told me if they don't answer within 3 months they close the claim and I get nothing in return.

    How do I proceed at this point? Press charges? Can the police give me the contact information of the registered owner of the vehicle if I have their license plate? Any advise is appreciated.

    Location: San Bernardino County - CA

    submitted by /u/gs99on
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    my boss owner started including themselves in the employee tip pool and retroactively applied it to hours already worked

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:38 PM PST

    I work at a small coffee shop with 5 hourly employees and 2 owners.

    It's in CO, USA. The original tip sharing policy had been that the 2 owners do not take part in the tip sharing pool, based on my layperson understanding of federal statutes. Also based on the multiple times S***b*cks made the news for managers participating in tip sharing pools, and the laundry list of related legal action.

    The owners recently "discovered" that they can participate in tip sharing pools, which, if true, is fair and just. I suppose. The owners are currently doing the same job as the hourly employees.

    But when implementing this change, the owners retroactively applied it to the entire 14 day pay period, notifying me 1 day before pay day. Also no other employees have been notified of the change, and it's now 3 days after getting paid.

    On a scale of 1-10, how bad is this, both the perceived optics of such practices and actionable?

    submitted by /u/FlowerSufficient56
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    [Seattle, WA] My landlord said she can ban me from working remotely at home, and that my room doesn't need to be a legal "room" because she lives on the premises with me

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:49 AM PST

    My contract says "No retail, commercial or professional use of the Premises is allowed unless the Tenant receives prior written consent of the Landlord". My landlord said she never gave me written consent to WFH (remote work due to covid), and since we can't really hang out in coffee shops or libraries I don't know where else I can go. I am a part-time intern and make almost no money, so I'm having a very hard time finding a place I can move to, but my lease isn't up for another 2 months and I wouldn't be able to afford rent (not to mention, I'd lose my job) if she decides I'm not allowed to WFH.

    Additionally, when I first moved in I only accepted the lease because she promised I could have a work space in the common room (my room is too small for anything besides a bed). I recently discovered a Seattle law saying a room must be at least 70 sq ft, but my space is only about 65 sq ft (I measured multiple times). When I brought this up she said that doesn't apply since she also lives in the house, and if I didn't like it then she also doesn't need to let me work in the common space because it's not a part of my lease.

    I'm very lost and scared right now; I have no money and no power over this situation since it is stuff in the contract. Are there any options for me?

    submitted by /u/MrBackup
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    Texas- Need advice on how to get restraining order- Ex boyfriend won’t leave me alone

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:19 PM PST

    I apologize if the format of this post is incorrect. My ex boyfriend keeps emailing me. He sends me multiple emails a day to two of my email addresses. I have changed my number and deleted and created new social media accounts because he would create a new account after I blocked him. He eventually ran out of ways to contact me so he has been emailing me. I am in the process of switching my email over, but that is a long process since my email is attached to many accounts. I have told him to leave me alone and to not contact me. I have saved all the emails he has sent me. He has threatened me and said that I messed up by blocking him and that he will come to my house. He also said he has nothing left to lose and that I will regret doing this. I am not sure what the proper procedure to get a restraining order is and need advice as to where I can get help for this. Please advice I live in south Texas.

    submitted by /u/tx0217
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