Legal Advice - The Death of Justice Ginsburg and How Supreme Court Nominations Work Megathread |
- The Death of Justice Ginsburg and How Supreme Court Nominations Work Megathread
- My friends have been buying fast food to throw it at people
- (Florida)County has issued a fine for wild chickens sleeping in my property, have 15 days to rid them or pay 500$ fine. They’re wild birds, we do not own chickens.
- I am a certified doctor in Mexico that is currently living in the USA with plans to attend residency here. Is it illegal (in the USA) for me to offer (free) telemedicine appointments for people back in Mexico?
- [Upstate NY] My dad sold MY house to the neighbor.
- Ex has decided that custody agreement ends at 12
- Landlord missed the deadline to refund my security deposit. Citing COVID as reason for late processing.
- Los Angeles, CA - HOA is wrongly accusing my elderly grandmother of smoking marijuana
- Are there laws against parents never letting their child leave the house until they're 18?
- Is it a form of sexual harassment for your supervisor to try and hook you up with another coworker?
- My employer wants me to agree to a 20% pay cut. OH
- My father is homeless and I'll and I don't know what to do
- Same sex adoption of birth child
- Mom is being bullied by co-worker and her boss is taking sides.
- UT. What do I need to do to be prepared to get as close to full custody as I can of my unborn son?
- Uncle is persuading my dad to sign this document. What is it?
- I'm a 20 year old female about to be homeless
- Ambit energy in humble tx claims we used 33,525 kwh in 10 days.
- Landlord Harassment
- Can your boss take from your paycheck???
- Landlord charging me $300 to unclog toilet but I've never flushed anything other than toilet paper.
- [Pennsylvania] - Buyer of previous house threatening small claims court over lack of Radon system
- Improper roof installation resulted in $30k in repair costs(so far).
- Found the body of a decapitated cat [AZ]
- At what point is an ex calling DCFS repeatedly harassment?
The Death of Justice Ginsburg and How Supreme Court Nominations Work Megathread Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:18 PM PDT Introduction As most, if not all, of you have heard by now, Justice Ginsburg died today at the age of 87. Obviously, this is a major change to the Presidential and Congressional elections a mere 46 days away. I will leave the tributes, retrospectives, and acclamation for the life and work of Justice Ginsburg for elsewhere and attempt to focus on how Supreme Court nominations and confirmations work. I ask you to read everything and follow up with questions below. Please keep this respectful both to Justice Ginsburg and to the people involved in the process. I strived to keep my personal feels out of this and keep this purely legal/constitutional and request you do the same. Political smears will be met with removal and ban. Nominations Art. II, § 2, cl. 2 of the United States Constitution gives the President of the United States the authority to appoint justices to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). There is a limitation to this, as it requires the advice and consent of the Senate. President Trump recently released a list of individuals he would nominate to the Supreme Court should he have another pick. Should President Trump attempt to nominate someone prior to the election, which he has stated in the past he would, it would likely be someone from this list. Confirmations Confirmations take place in the United States Senate. Only the Senate, and not the House, have a say in this. The Senate's partisan make up is currently 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats. The first step in a confirmation of a Presidential nomination for SCOTUS is meeting with members of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary. This committee of 12 Republicans and 10 Democrats is chaired by Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina and the ranking member is Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. Typically, members of the committee will meet one on one or in small groups with the nominee and a written questionnaire will be submitted for the nominee to complete and return to the full committee. It was at this step that President Obama's nomination of Chief Judge Garland was stopped and Republicans refused to meet with him. Next, a committee hearing will be held. This is where the nominee will submit him or herself to questioning and examination by members of the committee. This occurs over a number of days, after which the committee will vote on whether or not they recommend the nominee be confirmed or not by the full Senate. Should there be an attempt to confirm a justice prior to the election or prior to the swearing in of a new Congress on January 3rd, expect this to be a 12-10 party line vote. Should the nominee by recommended to the full Senate, then the Majority Leader, Sen. McConnell of Kentucky, would call for consideration of the full Senate to give consent on the appointment of the nominee. This will be seconded by another member of the Republican caucus. As part of the change in the rules of the Senate in January 2017, Supreme Court nominees cannot be filibustered. This means Democrats cannot stop a Trump nominee if Republicans maintain party discipline. In a vote in the full Senate, Republicans can lose up to 3 votes, as in a 50-50 tie, Vice President Pence will cast the tie-breaking vote. That is how you get a new Justice on the Supreme Court. It may happen in two weeks, it may happen in two months, it may not happen until after a new Presidential term starts on January 20th, 2021. Other considerations
That was the argument made by Senators McConnell and Graham in 2016 when Justice Scalia died. It was echoed by many of their Republican colleagues. However, both Senator McConnell and Senator Graham have since walked back those statements and said they would confirm a President Trump nominee in 2020.
No. Senate rules were changed in January 2017. The filibuster cannot be used.
Nothing but campaign on it right now. If he wins the Presidency and Democrats take a Senate majority, they could pass a law that adds seats to SCOTUS. This is known as "court packing".
Almost certainly yes. He has stated numerous times in the past he would do so if given the opportunity.
Vote. Call/write your Senators and make your opinion clear. Keep in mind that only 35 Senate seats are up for election this year (33 regular, AZ-special, and Georgia-special).
Nominations are good until the end of the Senate term. The Senate term ends at noon eastern time on January 3, 2021. Any nomination prior to this must be resubmitted for the advice and consent of the Senate.
Majority Leader McConnell released a statement a couples hours after Justice Ginsburg's death stating that he would hold a vote.
So this is a fun one actually. Both Arizona and Georgia have special elections this year for Senate seats. Both are held by incumbent Republicans. If the Democrat wins on November 3rd there is no waiting until January 3rd to be sworn in. Practically, this won't happen in Georgia because there are 5 candidates (3 Democrats and 2 Republicans) and you need 50%+1 to avoid a January runoff. In Arizona, however, Mark Kelly is likely to beat Senator McSally. He would be sworn in on November 30th. This would give the Democrats 48 Senators and three defections enough to stop a confirmation.
Ask it below. Keep in mind, this is only for legal/constitutional questions. This is not the place for political smears. I have tried to remain respectful throughout despite my personal feelings on the matter and ask you to do the same. Oh, and for the bot, I'm in Illinois. EDIT 1: Grammar EDIT 2: Added two more questions/answers to the "Other considerations" portion. EDIT 3: Added the special election scenario and edited Chief Judge Garland's title to be proper. EDIT 4: It is 10:17 PM Central Time and I'm heading to bed soon. I'll continue to answer questions and update in the morning. [link] [comments] |
My friends have been buying fast food to throw it at people Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:09 AM PDT I live in New Jersey. I was in theyre apartment last night and saw a scoreboard with their names and some dollars and asked what it was about. They have been going to McDonalds, Burger King and KFC buying $50 of food then driving out and throwing them at people walking past. You get points for each dollar of items that hits, so if you hit someone with a $2 burger you get 2 points etc. Headshots are worth double points. I want them to stop so I told them that this is completely unexceptable but they didn't seem to care. Is doing this illegal? What could happen if they are caught by the police? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:39 PM PDT A neighbor kept harassing us and eventual called the county. The county came, took pictures, no evidence of raising chickens, saw the chickens just wonder all yards, Left. It's been over a year the chickens were being attacked by predators. There's about 8/9 chickens yelling at falcons and it's a racket. Neighbor complained again, a county official sneaked around my property, saw cat dishes for my outdoor cats. Took that as evidence and issued a fine. I do not want to pay for chicken removal. I don't care enough to do so, they don't bother me and my money is not for chickens, or my neighbors who just yell in my face. They want the chickens gone, they can pay for it. I'm not paying for a fine for something I'm not guilty for, no evidence for, and I honestly feel upset that some creep sneaks around property looking at fish/cat printed pet bowls while the other guy actually knocked and asked about the chicken and to see the yard proper. So far all I have is remove chickens that are everywhere in the neighborhood and a few sleep in my tree in a fenced yard so they're lazy logic is that it's mine(more will come from else where). The cat dishes are not allowed outside because screw my actual pets. The entire neighborhood is apathetic towards these chickens (even feeds them) accept for one lady(who I witness kick a dog) I refused to even entertain that crazy woman and her attempt of petty revenge. Any advice is appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:17 PM PDT I want to help my town back home while COVID is hitting them hard, but I don't want to break any laws while I'm here on my visa. I would be seeing and prescribing for people in Mexico only, nothing on U.S. soil. I am in Texas. [link] [comments] |
[Upstate NY] My dad sold MY house to the neighbor. Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:14 PM PDT So this is gonna be a bit of back story so it can be understood how this all came together. So in 2001 my parents bought a house, in upstate NY, for 200k The business was owned by my mom, check was paid by my mom for the deposit, but they wouldn't give her the mortgage, so everything was in my Dad name. So thats how it was accuried, now to make things interesting, my dad had used a fraudulent Social, and name to buy the house, and was arrested for Fraud, Driving without a license etc etc.. But before he got arrested he signed a POA to my Mom for the sole purpose of putting the house into her name to sell it, this was done through a lawyer (the lawyer never filed the POA) but the quit claim deed was done by the lawyer with notary as well as the POA but the POA wasn't filed nor was the poa filed with the QC deed. So my mom tried keeping up with the payments, well it was listed trying to sell it, but all the offers came below the mortgage amount, so it went into foreclosure. My mom then filed for Bankruptcy to reformat payments through Bank of America then again, tried to keep up with it and failed till another bankruptcy was done. little while after that the bank was harnessing about telling her to leave with an auction scheduled so she left. But the bank never did anything with the house, it sat for 8 years with the bank paying the taxes. Until about 3 years ago, the bank decided to walk away from the property they relinquished the loan( So after the QC, the mortgage was in my dads name the deed was in my moms name as well as the taxes.) I couldn't tell you why they walked away but they did and released the property to my Mom. in which shortly after she QC'ed the property to me. I have had it for 2 years now, she had it for 11. Now out of the blue my Dad decides he wants to try and sell it when he has no ownership (he knew I owned it since I got it). So he talked the neighbor into buying it off him for 50,000. The county originally filed and transferred the deed over to him till I called and explained it to them, there reasoning was cause it was a warranty deed over a QC deed. but They changed it back but they still have the Fraudulent deed filed with a note stating "No Title Change". I filed a police report for the fraudulent deed they told me its a civil matter. So now. I just got served (improperly, Video evidence of him just knocking on the door for the first time, telling whoever answered (not me) there is legal papers there and left) the Neighbor is stating for a Quiet Title in a complaint as well as saying I'm trespassing and slandering them for filing the police report, and they want to sue for a Judgment and Immediate Eviction (this is all in Supreme Court) The petition is The neighbors vs my mom and me. So we gathered all the information we could, POA, bankruptcy records, original check for buying the house, spoke to the lawyer which did the orginal QC deed from him to her, he wouldn't help, Spoke to a couple lawyers about the scenario, no one really wants to take it. So my question is, what do I do now? [link] [comments] |
Ex has decided that custody agreement ends at 12 Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:32 AM PDT My ex and I divorced 11 years ago. We were amicable and shared custody without an order until he got remarried and decided to simply not put her on her flight home to me after a visit when she was 5. He called and said she wouldn't be coming home, had filed for full custody, sorry but you won't see her again. I had to hire lawyers in 2 states, spending over 20k that he knew I didn't have, in order to get her back. Our custody agreement is fair, she spends school months with me, summers with him and alternates holidays. He travels for work and is rarely home, sometimes even out of the country. His wife homeschools their 3 kids and they spend most of their time following him around the country or back at home without him. He can't afford the home they built without him traveling so I know he isn't planning on stopping. Here's the issue. She came home after last summer saying her dad told her she needs to move there after this school year to do high school in his now home state. She doesn't want to disappoint him so this is what she's planning. He has never discussed it with me. She turns 13 next week and he told her that now she gets to pick where she lives and it's his turn but this is not something that's in our custody agreement. Can he do that? I honestly can't afford another lawyer, we just spent all of our savings on a house and a wedding but I honestly don't think he can afford one either considering he's like 6 months late on child support and can't be home with his family due to not being able to afford their home. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:06 AM PDT I live in Atlanta, GA, and leased an apartment through a large property management company. I moved out and returned the keys and provided a forwarding address on 7/27/2020. I was notified on 8/3/2020 that my security deposit would be returned. GA law and my lease says they have 30 days from the surrender of the property to get me my deposit back. I sent an email to the property manager on 9/11/2020 asking about the status of my deposit and to confirm they had my new address. They replied on 9/14/2020 saying everything is in order and my deposit was processed on 9/4/2020 and should be in the mail. 9/4/2020 is after the 30-day limit and now it's 9/18 and still haven't received anything. The company cited COVID and the slow mail system for the late processing and delay in receiving. They also said I should expect to receive my deposit within 45 to 60 days instead of 30. It seems like they admitted to not being able to comply with GA law. Is it worth it to send a demand letter and possibly file with the small claims court? I'm unsure if that will do anything as they have already said it's been processed and is supposedly on its way. I don't quite understand what filing with the smalls claims court will do for me in the short term. [link] [comments] |
Los Angeles, CA - HOA is wrongly accusing my elderly grandmother of smoking marijuana Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:22 PM PDT If this wasn't so stupid it would be hilarious, but the HOA of my grandma's apartment building has sent her a letter accusing her of smoking marijuana on the premises. The HOA claims that the marijuana smoke is going into my grandma's neighbors' windows and bothering them, and that the HOA has sent multiple warnings (they have sent exactly 0) with no response. They are now wanting to charge my grandma a $200 fee. How can I proceed with this case? My grandmother would be more than willing to take a test showing that she has never in her life smoked marijuana. [link] [comments] |
Are there laws against parents never letting their child leave the house until they're 18? Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:42 PM PDT My friend lives with his single mother and his sister. They aren't allowed to leave the house. That includes going into their backyard, stepping on their front porch, and going to their friend's houses. They can only leave to go to school. He's currently 16. Not only that, but his sister turned 18 a few months ago and she still isn't allowed to leave the house. Edit: forget to mention, but this is in syracuse, new york [link] [comments] |
Is it a form of sexual harassment for your supervisor to try and hook you up with another coworker? Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:48 AM PDT My boss is good friends with one of co-workers. He keeps trying to set us up. I'm not at all interested in this guy, and I've tried to make that clear. I got ambushed today with a "surprise blind lunch date" with this co-worker thinking I was going to a meeting, so I'm pretty much over being nice about this. Is this a form of sexual harassment? Edit: Marion co IN [link] [comments] |
My employer wants me to agree to a 20% pay cut. OH Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:50 PM PDT I am the general manager of a restaurant. Sales are down but they are steady. My employer claims he can not afford my salary because it is based on higher regular sales and wants me to agree to a 20% pay cut from 62k to 50k at the end of the month. I have no benefits even though I am an exempt employee. I have worked here for 2 straight years for 60+ hours a week. If I want to quit instead can I get full unemployment benefits from the state of Ohio? [link] [comments] |
My father is homeless and I'll and I don't know what to do Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:32 AM PDT Hey all, I'm not sure where exactly this belongs so if this is the wrong flair I apologize. I'm also unsure what I can do in this situation, so I turn to Reddit for advice. I am posting this on behalf of my boyfriend, and we are located in California. My biological father had been homeless for many years, and this has caused both his physical and mental health to deteriorate rapidly. When I was younger it got so bad that he did attempt to take my life and I got a restraining order pretty my mother's request. I have recently seen him again and he is in the worst shape you could possibly imagine. He is beyond skinny and doesn't seem to realize where he is or who he is talking to at any given time. I'm not mad at him for what he did, because I know that he was sick, and I just want to try and help him. He has been in and out of jail for various things and I just really want to help him get somewhat better, but I don't know how. It's crushing to see your dad, the person you loved for a good chunk of your life, in such a horrible state that he barely even recognizes your anymore. I've tried calling the police in our area to take him in to a hospital but they refuse because they see him as just another homeless junkie. I know I wouldn't be able to even get him in a car long enough to take him myself and I am just at my wit's end and have no idea what I can even do legally to get him some help. If anyone can give me some suggestions, or at least a starting point, I would appreciate it so much. Thank you [link] [comments] |
Same sex adoption of birth child Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:13 PM PDT Arizona, USA My spouse and I have been together for 13 years. When my partner gave birth to our daughter 9 years ago (whom we planned together, used a friend as a donor), marriage equality wasn't passed yet, and therefore I wasn't allowed on the birth certificate. We legally wed when the law changed and after that, I carried our son. My spouse is on his birth certificate. Over the years, we kept meaning to have me 'adopt' our daughter, but it just didn't happen, and since we never had a problem with doctors and schools, we just kept (stupidly) putting it off. With everything happening in the States right now, it feels like we need to do this ASAP. Who do we contact? Do I have to 'adopt' her or just add myself to the birth certificate? How long will this take? How much will it cost? Thank you in advance! [link] [comments] |
Mom is being bullied by co-worker and her boss is taking sides. Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:25 PM PDT Happening in Wyoming. My Mom has been getting bullied and harrased non-stop from a co-worker of hers, her co-worker and boss are both really close friends outside of work and my Mom's boss is taking the co-workers side. My Mom is afraid to be let go if she tells her Regional manager, she doesn't really have proof outside of other co-workers that can vouch for her. It all culminated a week ago when said co-worker asked my Mom to count cash in her register, my mom did so and found the co-worker to be short $10. Co-worker #2 also counted the money and found the same thing. Co-worker accused my mom of taking the money and demanded her to pay the $10 to even it out (at her work if a persons drawer is short they are required to cover the amount). The boss took the co-workers side and demanded my mom pay the money back even though it wasn't her register. Any tips or advice would be appreciated as my Mom isn't sure what to do. [link] [comments] |
UT. What do I need to do to be prepared to get as close to full custody as I can of my unborn son? Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:10 PM PDT I'm (24F) 7 months pregnant with my son and leaving his abusive father officially, I'm going home after work, packing my stuff, and heading to a hotel till I can get into a place soon by myself. I've done everything for my baby so far, everything he has has been purchased by me, doctor bills by me, very small amount of medical bill debt I'm paying off as we speak, I have a fulltime job that's 40 hours a week and make decent money. Ex boyfriend has no job and hasn't lifted a finger in any way. What do I need to do to be prepared to get as close to full custody as possible? I don't care about child support (he doesn't have a job, not sure how they'd even go after him for it without one), I don't care about getting a single dime from him. I just want the best for my son. Who do I call? What paperwork should I gather up? Proof of anything? Any advice will be extremely helpful. [link] [comments] |
Uncle is persuading my dad to sign this document. What is it? Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:50 PM PDT My grandmother passed away four months ago. My uncle recently showed up to our house and is trying to persuade my dad to sign this document. My dad doesn't know English well and I'm not familiar with legal terms or what this could mean for our family. What exactly is this document and what would it mean if he signs it? [GA] [FL] [link] [comments] |
I'm a 20 year old female about to be homeless Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:12 PM PDT Hi guys, it's unfortunate that I have to write this. Do you guys know if there's any emergency housing in CA? I live in San Jose. I moved back in with my abusive mother. She had said she changed but I guess that was all a lie. I pay her 750 in rent for the living room and now she's kicking me out. Why? Because my dad gave me a mini fridge to store my food. What a big problem huh? I don't know what to do. I can't afford living on my own and don't have any friends who can move out with me at the moment. [link] [comments] |
Ambit energy in humble tx claims we used 33,525 kwh in 10 days. Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:11 PM PDT I hope someone on here has some advice. So my wife recently started a small business in a strip center in Humble TX. We got the first electric bill and it was $2,514.38 for ten days of service. The ac system was broken for the first 5 days and was disconnected and we have no machines that suck down electricity, justa small residential refrigerator, a desktop computer, printer, and a laptop. The building is only 20 feet by 40 feet deep and has a handful of fluorescent lights in the drop ceiling. The ac has been set to 78° for the 5 days that it worked during that billing cycle. And everything gets turned off including the ac at 7 pm when the store closes and back on at 9 am when we open. When we called ambit they said they'd send someone out to check the meter and did. They were there for all of 5 minutes then left. We got a call saying that the meter is working correctly and we have to pay the bill or they are cutting off our power. We explained to them that we don't have that kind of money and that there is no possible way we used that much in 10 days. ( we keep our 2,000 square foot house at 73° all the time and the highest our bill has been is $600.00 in the middle of summer) So as of this time they are threatening to cut power if we don't pay up. What can we do here if anything. The rate we have per kwh is .075 cents Thanks in advance for any advice. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:40 PM PDT Hello, today I got a 3 day notice for eviction in Colorado. This was the first written notice we received. (Backstory) my landlord had been avoiding my roommate and I after he yelled at us in person while very drunk in front of our guests (he was definitely embarrassed). This was the only noise complaint incident before the 3 day notice we received . Today, my roommate and I were able to find him outside (same apartment building) and got him to have a conversation. During the conversation, I recorded him saying "I'm gonna make an example out of you", referring to, and saying "I'm gonna take more than your security deposit", also "It'll be 7 years until you'll be able to get a good apartment" and "I guess you'll be going back home to NJ (recent college grad)" Is there any potential case for Harassment? We also paid double security deposit (3.1K) because I didn't have a job on the move in date. We've also only been here for 45 days. Any help will be much appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Can your boss take from your paycheck??? Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:01 PM PDT So I work at restaurant currently and recently traffic in the restaurant has been slowing down. The boss doesn't like when we are using our phones even when it's dead empty in the restaurant. Today he told our coworkers that if he catches us using our phones then he will deduct 20$ from our paycheck. I know it's not a lot of money but all of us are students so $20 enough to survive. Is that legal ? Is there any laws to use against him? [link] [comments] |
Landlord charging me $300 to unclog toilet but I've never flushed anything other than toilet paper. Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:47 AM PDT My wife and I rent a small duplex unit and we reported that our toilet was having trouble flushing. We notified our landlord and they had one of their maintenance people come out. They ended up having to snake the toilet to unclog it. Now upon moving in, this landlord was VERY adamant about not flushing anything other than TP. It is listed in the lease agreement that tenants are responsible for repairs if caused by negligence or improper usage. I was thinking about this as I was submitting the work order and had a feeling this would become an issue. Next day I receive an email from the landlord saying they found a tampon was clogging the drain and we have to pay the $300 it cost to unclog it. Problem with this is that my wife has been on birth control since we moved in a year ago and she doesn't even use tampons. After responding with this, she deferred to just saying that it definitely wasn't toilet paper. I asked if they had a picture of what they found but they said they didn't so it's the maintenance people's word against mine. Is there anything I could do to fight this or am I stuck with having to pay? Edit: I live in South Carolina [link] [comments] |
[Pennsylvania] - Buyer of previous house threatening small claims court over lack of Radon system Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:46 AM PDT In November of last year I sold a small townhome that I had renovated, the sale went very smoothly, no issue. This week the new owner contacted me asking if there was a Radon system installed on the property. I informed them that I had done a Radon test 4 - 5 years ago that I bought online and the results didn't justify a Radon system so it was never installed. Yesterday I received an email from my realtor saying that the new owner was going to pursue money to cover a new Radon system in small claims court. When selling the house, I clearly indicated that there was no Radon system installed on the disclosure form, and the buyer had a copy of that disclosure. Does the new owner have a legitimate claim? I REALLY don't want to go to small claims court over this. The Radon system would cost around $1,000 to install from previous experience. If the new owner does have a legitimate claim, I feel I am better off paying for the new system or offering to pay for part of it vs. spending money on a lawyer, or my time going to small claims court. [link] [comments] |
Improper roof installation resulted in $30k in repair costs(so far). Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:12 AM PDT We live in MN and bought a remodeled home 3 years ago. Ostensibly they had stripped it to the boards and replaced everything from siding to roofing. There is an expansion with a flat rubber roof which was also replaced. This year we noticed water intrusion from the windows and started down the path of replacing the windows and repairing the roof. The crew discovered that the roof had been flashed in such a way that it was draining into the wall. They discovered the entire wall was rotten and had to be replaced. When they finally got to the roof they discovered that the previous roofers had just built over the top of two existing layers of roofing which needed to be removed, then discovered that the crew had patched water damage in the ceiling but not repaired half rotted and structurally unsound ceiling joists which required a partial reframing of the roof. That brings us to present and we still have the cost of drywall and painting. With all that said, do I have any legal option to recover some of these costs from the company that originally did the remodel since the damage was caused by improper installation? [link] [comments] |
Found the body of a decapitated cat [AZ] Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:26 PM PDT I have a crazy cat lady for a mom, and we've been feeding stray cats for a couple of years. Every once in a while some would die because of how dangerous it is outside, but recently more and more of them have been going missing. In the past month three of them have gone missing. Today my neighbor found the body of one of the kittens in her backyard. My dad went over to dispose of the body. When he saw it he found that is was missing it's head in a way that it was clear that a person did it. We called a non emergency line but so far all they've told us is that animal control would be coming to pick it's body up. I don't know anything about animal abuse laws, or if anything can even be done, but it feels like there should be. These may be stray cats going missing, but if anybodies pets go missing this guy could end up killing them. And it's terrifying to think that a psycopathic murderer could be living a few doors down from me. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
At what point is an ex calling DCFS repeatedly harassment? Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:48 PM PDT I have full custody of my three kids and my ex hasn't seen them in months because she refuses to follow the visitation order. For the past couple years she has repeatedly called DCFS, the police or the doctor and accused me of physically and/or sexually abusing my kids. There have been multiple DCFS and police investigations of me and the kids and I have been questioned upwards of 10 - 12 times and every single time the cases are closed as unfounded with no suspicions that the allegations are true whatsoever. This is not good for this kids, and I'm pretty sure they think it's normal for police and other people to check in and make sure everything is okay. It makes my life incredibly stressful because I'm constantly having to document every move I make and every conversation I have with my ex to make sure I have enough documentation to refute whatever claim she comes up with next. The kids deserve to have a normal family life and not go through this every few months. They need a Dad that can focus on them instead of being distracted by legal issues. Needless to say, homeschooling 3 kids because of COVID and working full time is stressful enough. Is there anything I can do to make this stop? Do I have any legal recourse? TL/DR: Ex keeps making false allegations that I'm abusing the kids when I have full custody. We've all been questioned at least 12 times and everything is always closed as unfounded. How can I make it stop? Do I have any legal recourse? Edit: We're in California. [link] [comments] |
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