• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    Legal Advice - A drunk driver hit and killed my older brother 2 weeks ago. 7 minutes prior, she was stopped by police in a neighboring city for being asleep behind the wheel and they let her go. There were witnesses to the stop. Do we have legal recourse?

    Legal Advice - A drunk driver hit and killed my older brother 2 weeks ago. 7 minutes prior, she was stopped by police in a neighboring city for being asleep behind the wheel and they let her go. There were witnesses to the stop. Do we have legal recourse?

    A drunk driver hit and killed my older brother 2 weeks ago. 7 minutes prior, she was stopped by police in a neighboring city for being asleep behind the wheel and they let her go. There were witnesses to the stop. Do we have legal recourse?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Just found out this shitty news during this nightmare of my life. Like the title says. There were witnesses to her being stopped in the neighboring city. I don't know the details - whether her car was sitting there and she was approached by police, or if she was swerving and then stopped by police.

    Either way, they did not test her, they let her go, and 7 minutes later, she killed my brother and had no injuries.

    With COVID I am sure she is going to get a plea deal for convenience and it makes my blood run cold to think that she might only get something like probation for committing manslaughter!

    This woman altered the course of our lives in the worst way. Is a civil suit against the PD possible? Is there anything we can do? We can surely sue her but if she is from around the area where he was killed it's safe to say she doesn't have any real money.

    We are just really lost and wondering if I can get some legal advice on this.

    submitted by /u/cocoaboots
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    I work at a car dealership as a salesman. I signed a pay plan. I was 5 minutes late the other day, as were a couple people so it was annoying to management, so there punishment is that anyone who sells a car gets paid a "flat", regardless of gross made.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    *anyone who was late

    The pay plan lists out explicitly how you are paid, and deducted. They need to make it competitive with other dealerships so that they can keep good sales people around. The only reason anyone suffers the misery that is car sales is to make a paycheck.

    A flat is a minimum amount that you can make on a deal, which in our case is $100. We get paid on 30% gross front end profit. So if the gross on the car is $1,000, you get $300. If the gross is $5,000, that's $1,500. If the gross is below -$2000, like common on new cars because there is not much mark up, the minimum you can make is $100.

    Well I made a $5000 deal on this truck, and because I was late, they are trying to only pay me $100. They are literally robbing me of over $1400. They have a deal log where they put all the deals and the gross. It was actually $5,336 front end gross.

    This is not only unfair, it seems down right illegal.

    There are already other ways they steal money from us on the pay plan. If I don't get 10 appointments in for the month, it's a $500 hit. If I get a bad survey, it's -$250, and you can get several a month, but they are also avoidable if you do your job right. These are also absolutely bullshit, but it's at least on the pay plan.

    This is not on the pay plan. Is this legal? Would this be worth getting a lawyer for?

    Edit: there is 2 lines on my pay plan that does say "this is not a contract of employment" and "(Store name) reserves the right to review and change this pay plan at any time, with out notice"

    I can not imagine that this literally means they can decide not to pay you when ever they feel like it.

    I'm not opposed to getting another job, but would prefer not to. I'm not going to take this laying down though. It would be the stores loss, as I'm consistently top 5 in both sales and over all gross.

    If it was something fair, like you can't take a fresh customer unless you have an appointment that day, which would be more than enough to motivate me especially, as fresh ups are my bread and butter, or taking 5%, maybe even 10%, hell, even splitting your first deal of the day. Taking ALL of my commission? I could --- bad things I won't list here---, but it should be down right illegal. And a good, fair manager wouldn't even consider this kind of punishment for one of their top people.

    submitted by /u/2BunsExtraMayo
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    I live in North Dakota and am 91. My son wants to move me either in with him or into a home. I believe my municipality are siding with him as they think I'm unfit to live alone.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:20 AM PDT


    I am 91 and live in North Dakota. My son, who I adopted when he was 13, and his wife, believe that I cannot take care of myself anymore. I've had a fall this year, because I was going to the bathroom at night and tripped over my cat, who I didn't see in the middle of the hall. We are both OK. After this happened my son began to insist that I get a live-in nurse to take care of me. I don't have any health issues, can walk fine. So, I refused and I thought that was the end of that discussion.

    Last week he came to visit me and informed me that he's putting my house up for sale and that I need to choose whether to live with him or in a home. I didn't even know that he could do this, but I rang my municipality and talked to the housing/deed people there and they confirmed that the house is on the market through the realtor. They had no answers for why my son was able to do this for me.

    So I now come to you Reddit. I love this home, I have owned it for 50 and change years. I have memories here with my wife, who died years back, and I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE. He should not have access to my finances in this way. What can I do to keep my house.?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/oldcoot29
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    Landlord is selling house and expects us to just move out with a year long lease.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    I woke up the other morning with a text saying "I need to sell the house due to financial issues with coronavirus" and they wants us to just move out as they says they need to renovate the house.

    We have a signed lease until December 31st 2020 and have had no issues until this text.

    None of the tenants have replied to her except asking to see our signed lease which she has not sent to us.

    I fear she might try to file an eviction to get her house back, the lease says nothing about her being able to kick us out if she wants to sell the house.

    We live in northern Colorado (Loveland).

    EDIT UPDATE We found an email she sent us the lease but it clearly doesn't show all pages but it does show the terms of the lease. This is the ONLY copy she emailed us and it's for just one of the roommates. I'm not sure if by not sending us all pages if anything in between is valid? https://imgur.com/a/KfalV3I

    submitted by /u/Dannilyon
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    (Update) My future SIL is asking for my phone records for her restraining order against my fiance's stalker, am I legally allowed to give it to them? (California)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/hslrhh/my_future_sil_is_asking_for_my_phone_records_for/

    Hey everyone, I'm just updating for those who were slightly interested.

    So, I ended up getting my own attorney, and the advice he gave me. Was that I'm not obligated to give my phone records over, but if I do that I need to blackout any other numbers I don't want my harasser to get ahold on. I ended up skyping with her lawyer and my attorney and we all agreed to not include my phone records. They both concluded that if our stalker wanted to use those texts, they would submit their own phone records to prove it. And if they don't, it means it wasn't that important anyway. Even though we all agreed on this. My FSIL was NOT happy about this. She still wanted to phone records, because she was afraid they already subpoenaed my phone records. Which they haven't. No amount of talking or reasoning with her made it through her. Not even her lawyer. So, my relationship with my FSIL is very strained right now.

    The court day was about a week ago, and it came and went. The week leading up to the court date was emotional and it sucked. Both harassers (fiances Ex and her brother) tried their best to hide their identity and make our lives a living hell. The day before trial a giant email was sent out to all my coworkers and Dad. It contained my nudes and a threatening message,

    " I told her over and over again. To LEAVE him. Well, what does she get? What she DESERVES. I know 100% of all of you work or have worked with (Fiance) as a writer. If ANY of you decide to work with(angelAngeline), do a project with (AngelAngeline) or even stay friends with her. I will come after YOU, your wives, girlfriends, and company. I will photoshop and torment your loved ones with the possibility of infidelity, crime, or worse. I know all of you have high stakes (AngelAngeline). Her last client (client's name). I ruined his marriage by sending nudes to his email and personal work phone. His wife of course found out. And now he is suffering because (AngelAngleine) didn't listen. I hope no one trusts her. Now it's your turn. If I catch any of you giving (AngelAngeline) a job. You're gone. And you better keep (Fiance) around. Once he and I are back together he needs to make a lot of money in order to keep up with my high status. And don't even think about using this in court (Fiance). No one is going to really think it's me. I hope all of you have a wonderful day! Stay. Away from (angelAngeline). If you know what's best for you all. She's just a dirty whore, and a loser. :) "

    Messages and threats like these are frequent. And I've had these so many times the last 2 years, that now I have to warn any future clients. And I now have no hard feelings for people who decide to cut me out of their lives. And honestly, I'm used to this at this point. Also, unfortunately I lost a client because of this. And I had my Upwork profile suspended because my Ex client reported me. She managed to find my public Upwork profile and started harassing the clients I was working for. I'm still working with UpWork to remedy the solution.

    We already went to court, and unfortunately, my FSIL decided to dismiss her case without prejudice. The judge we were assigned to had a criminal background and needed solid evidence that our male stalker was harassing her. The harassers were using VPNs and fake numbers to harass her, and even though we have proof that he was harassing us. It couldn't be carried over.

    After she dismissed the case, our harasser tried pinning all of the harassment on my fiance and I. To try and make my FSIL pay for all their court fees. They provided a giant itemized bill of over 40k. these jerks tried arguing that my FSIL was liable for all of it, and the bill included the last 2 court cases they lost against my fiance and me.

    so, Out of this entire thing I managed to lose some clients, my dignity and my FSIL refuses to talk to me now. It sucks. But hey, life isn't fair. The only thing I can do is keep my online life extremely confidential. And any clients I work with online, I will have to warn them about my stalker. Lol. On the bright side, my harassers are 40K in debt. And that Ex still doesn't have my fiance. Plus, even though all of this happened, I work in an industry that doesn't care about leaked nudes. Mose of my colleagues and clients still want to work with me. And I had a good day today, surfing. So, not everything is bad.

    Thank you for everyone who gave me advice and those cute badge things. You guys were super helpful.

    submitted by /u/angelangeline
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    UPDATE: My 68 year old grandmother was born under strange circumstances and does not have a birth certificate

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    11 months ago I posted here asking for help for my grandmother who hasn't had a birth certificate all her life and was trying to get a passport. She called me today and her passport was in the mail! I just wanted to thank everyone for their help and all of the wonderful advice. She has been waiting for this for years and it was such a special moment. Thank you all, we truly appreciate it. Linking the original post below in case anyone else could use this advice! Thanks again!


    submitted by /u/snowbblack
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    Package delivered to wrong house and recipients refused to give it back when FedEx tried to retrieve it. What legal options do we have? AZ

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    On mobile so sorry if there's format issues.

    FedEx delivered a package of nest equipment worth almost $3000 to the wrong house (they had to sign for it) and we're pretty sure it was the people across the street from us (house numbers being 1259 vs 1269). FedEx attempted to retrieve it from them and they refuse to give it back. They now mysteriously have a new nest doorbell and a few cameras outside. We have the serial numbers of all the equipment, but can't see then well enough to check.

    We're going through FedEx and Google to get new equipment sent, but it's been about two weeks and we are honestly pretty pissed it hasn't been resolved and also at people being shitty and keeping such expensive equipment.

    Any advice? Just take the higher road? Log the serial numbers and make their house hot af? Lol

    submitted by /u/Mollynooooo
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    Redneck neighbors got into a fight in my front lawn. I sprayed them with water hose. They are filing charges.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    What should I do here to protect my self? My neighbor and her mother came over into our yard and started hitting one another. I grabbed the water hose and sprayed them down like fighting cats. The mother has been in contact with the police claiming assault. Apparently she went to a doctor today claiming a scratched cornea from the water hose. The mother has reached out via text letting me know she was going to the doctor and I should be responsible for expenses. I have not responded and have city off all communication with them. Thoughts? Location is outside of Houston, Tx

    submitted by /u/atat4804888
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    Neighbors tree fell on my house. They cut the tree down and left it all over my lawn. There is almost an entire weeping willow on my lawn. They are telling me it’s my problem now. Is this legal?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    Created an Instagram account to expose the unlivable conditions of my apartment complex, after going viral they plan to possibly sue me?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    I've been living in this apartment complex for the last year, there have been numerous problems but with the main issues being mold on the air conditioner, rats running around, cockroaches everywhere, trash all over the apartment complex, and no working air conditioner since I've first moved in a year ago. I've posted on yelp and google but it didn't improve the property's condition and the leasing office just kept making excuses (now being COVID) to fix things. This isn't just an issue I've faced on my own, but many residents suffered with.

    I posted on Instagram with the name of the property as my username and it went viral since I acted as a parody account of the property and created captions in the apartment's perspective. Ex: Come park here in our clean and safe garage! *Shows a picture of someone's wheels getting stolen and dirty parking garage*. I went on the news about this but they didn't do a good job of keeping me anonymous. The profile grew so much that numerous residents sent me their experiences and photos that I shared on the profile.

    An employee warned me that they are currently working with lawyers and to be careful, they might sue me for slander (however everything is true and not false, it's just photo evidence of my negative experience here) and copyright because I'm acting like I'm the apartment complex even though my profile is obviously satire and sarcasm. My bio even had the word parody on it.

    Would they be able to take me to court over this? What are my odds if I counter sue for unlivable conditions if they were to come after me? I live in VA.

    submitted by /u/sufferinginapartment
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    Used car dealer here. Sent in car to mechanic for work, asked for a quote. Mechanic did work anyway and expects full price [NC]

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Located in North Carolina-

    Title says it all. I dropped off a newly acquired car with a power steering issue to a new shop I haven't worked with before. I very clearly said "please give me a call with a quote before doing work". I got a call at 9am, missed the call, returned it at noon, no answer. Mechanic didn't leave a message, I didn't recognize his number because I haven't worked with him before.

    Issue ended up being a power steering pump. Parts came to $230 for a pump and a belt, labor for 8 hours came out to around $750. I didn't give him permission to do work on it. I was very clear that I needed a quote before work was done, and he acknowledged it.

    I spoke with him in person and explained I didn't want that work done because if it was more than $500 I would've done the work myself or wholesaled the car. I'm mechanically inclined and I'm not sure in which world it takes 8 hours to do a power steering pump.

    He offered to do payments, I told him no. I recommended he take the parts off and give me the car back. He told me he'd have to charge me double labor for the time to take it off. I offered to pay for parts and half labor, he declined. I offered to sell the car to him at a wholesale price. He declined.

    I've never experienced this with a mechanic before. I always maintain professional relationships with all my business associates. My conversations with this mechanic have been calm and professional so far. I haven't threatened anything, such as legal action or what not.

    What are my options here? I'm not interested in paying for this work that I didn't ask for. If he had called and told me it was nearly $1,000, I would've taken it back and done the work myself. He currently holds the only key and recommended I settle my debt soon before he charges storage fees.

    submitted by /u/kempsam4
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    Picked up a used kindle from a thrift store. Tried to register it (so I could upload books) through amazon. Amazon says it was "blacklisted" because it was reported stolen. Could I be in trouble? What do I do with the device?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    I work at a thrift store and we get all kinds of donations in. Every once and a while we will get some really high end electronics. The problem is that electronics don't sell super well because most of the time they come in completely dead. They typically just need a charge most of the time. However, most customers don't want to take the risk of buying them so we end up just tossing them if they don't sell. So instead of tossing this Kindle, I decide to pocket it and take it home. Like I said, it just need a charge and was overall in super good condition. But after trying to register it through Amazon, customer service tells me it was "blacklisted". I asked for the previous sellers contact information but they wouldn't give it to me due to privacy reason (totally reasonable). So what can I do? Could I be in legal trouble? Should I hold onto it or toss it?

    submitted by /u/Smoopypoo
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    I think my new employer is trying to scam me. They want me to purchase a device from them. [California, USA]

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Hi guys, not sure if this is the right place, but basically:

    I live in California, and I'm a film and television editor who has been down on his luck with employment recently. I was contacted last week via e-mail that I was recommended for a position at a company I didn't apply to who needs content created for them. I was curious about it so I agreed to interview with them, and the job sounded interesting (and remote, which I need right now), so a few days later, when they offered me the position, I was delighted and accepted.

    I am having some red flags fly, namely:

    1. The pay for this position is about 20 dollars more an hour than what I'd expect out of something entry level.
    2. Everytime I ask how they found my information, they deflect, and simply say "We have a scouting team that finds us talent that we think will fit our company mission".
    3. They're sending me a Macbook Pro, a camera, and a printer for free, but...
    4. They want me to buy a brand new Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra and a brand new iPad Pro that they'll reimburse me for, and for which they claim they'll include a monthly bonus to cover the cellular cost of these devices.

    Here's where it gets a little tricky with #4. They claim that those devices are presently difficult to find in store, but luckily, their in-house software people are currently running a deal where I can buy the devices from them for much cheaper, which would also save time because I'd have to send my devices to these software people anyways so that they can install time tracking softwares to track my hours.

    I've looked into their website, and it looks legitimate, and they have many offices in California and one in Minneapolis that I'd be reporting to directly (despite living in California).

    Am I being paranoid, or is this them trying to get me to pay for something I won't receive? If so, are there any legal protections that can save me if I were to buy tech from them?

    tl;dr I was offered a position that seems too good to be true, and I'm not sure how to proceed.

    UPDATE: I called the number on their website and was able to reach one of their offices who confirmed that the e-mail I had been contacted by (ending in @company.us instead of @company.com) was involved in a scam and to ignore any e-mail from that address.

    Thanks everyone for all your help! It's unfortunate news, but I'm glad I was able to find answers.

    submitted by /u/buick_makane
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    My grandmother wants to get cremated when she dies, but my family wants to bury her because cremation is "not Christian". Is there a way to ensure she will get cremated?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    My grandma has been expressing her desire to be cremated and not buried when she dies for a while now. My grandpa, father, and uncle all get mad when she mentions that and straight up tell her that there is no way they will ever let that happen. My family is a very conservative one and my grandma has been getting told what to do her whole life. She was the best student in her high school back in the 50s and received scholarships but her mother and my grandpa (who was then her bf) did not let her go because "men would grab her". They basically destroyed all of her dreams and made sure that her only occupation was being a mother. She always follows instructions given to her by men, and FOR ONCE I want her OWN wish to be fulfilled! Is there a way to ensure she will receive the treatment she desires after she dies? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/sooodamnfancy
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    Tenant's guest brought their support dog can I ask them to stop?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    State: Virginia. My basement tenant had a guest over who brought a dog with them. The lease specifically says that pets, other than service dogs, aren't allowed without my prior consent. When I reached out to them because I could hear it barking, they said that they had a surprise visitor who brought, what is according to them, a support dog because their guest has anxiety.

    I think I should've just left the whole consent thing out of the lease but for next time, if they ask me if their guest can bring their support dog over would it be legal if I said no?

    submitted by /u/Hairyfishthe2nd
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    My HOA won a civil suit that I did not attended for missed payments that were paid

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Last month my wife and I were served with a civil suit from our home owners association. Last year my wife did not pay any of our HOA fees for our home. This is one of the bills she is responsible for. It was the first I heard about it. We had a tough year financially with a new baby and medical bills for our other child. We talked about it and it is not an issue, things happen. She started to pay again in January of this year and has made every payment on time. The civil suit was for the amount of all of 2019's payments and late fees, all of 2020's payments and late fees ( she already paid these on time and have digital copies of the cashed checks), and 800 in legal fees. Around 3200 in total (we do not have high HOA fees).

    This was a shock to me, but my wife and I put the money together to pay what we owed. I sent a certified letter to the home owners association with the entirety of the 2019 payments and late fees. Once I saw that it was received, I called the HOA. The head of the HOA stated that she did receive the check and that they already deposited it. She stated that it was their procedure to add the next years payments onto their civil suits, but she sees that my wife paid them. She stated that all I needed was to pay 200 dollars in legal fees. I was told that she would email their lawyer and tell them to cancel the case. I asked for her to copy me on the email. She did. The email to her lawyer states " XXX has paid his past due balance in full. I believe there is a hearing scheduled for this week. We do not need to collect a judgement, so please cancel the hearing, and close this file.". The lawyers office responded in their email back with "Will do." I immediately send the check for the legal fees and see that it was cashed two days later.

    The court date passes last Wednesday and I didn't think anything of it. Last night in the mail my wife and I receive letters from the court that the HOA won the case and I owe them the full 3200. I feel like I was swindled. Their lawyer must have showed up even though he was told to close the case. I have check stubs and that email but I am not sure how to move forward. I don't want to pay them twice, but I also don't want to deal with them anymore directly. It says I have 30 days to appeal. Do I just do that and bring all of my evidence to the court, or should I contact the lawyers office or the HOA to deal with it that way?


    I live in Pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/Off_the_yelzebub
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    2 doctors ignored me and missed a broken bone, which is now causing chronic pain.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    This spring I fell down some stairs and hurt my ankle and foot pretty badly. I went to an urgent care and they x rayed me and told me I had a broken and sprained ankle and gave me a boot. No mention of my foot.

    That doctor said to go to an orthopedic doctor, which I did. He looked at my x ray and said to wear the boot and come back in a few weeks. At my next appointment I told him my foot was still really hurting. He brushed it off saying it was just joint stiffness. After three weeks of physical therapy, the pain had only worsened and the therapist recommended I go to a podiatrist.

    The podiatrist immediately noticed a broken bone. He gave me different insoles and said the only thing I can do is try to rest it. It's been about 6 weeks and it still hasn't healed. The doctor has said several times if the initial doctors had addressed it, it would've healed along with my ankle but now there's a good chance I'll always have pain. The pain in my foot causes me to overcompensate which gives me pain in my ankle and knee.

    I'm 22 years old and want to continue being very active. At this point I can't be on my feet much which is detrimental. Before I got hurt I had two jobs and took full time classes. I was on my feet all day everyday. I enjoy working out and being outside. I live in the third floor of an apartment complex and walk my dog several times a day. The fact that the doctor missed a simple broken bone is causing a lot of problems in my life. Do I have any options here legally? I'm sure none of the doctors marked my complaints in their charts or anything but they should have my x rays on file.

    Edit: My doctors were all located in West Virginia.

    submitted by /u/squidshae
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    My parents have been paying my college tuition through a bank loan that they took out for my brother and I to go to college. After an unrelated argument that we my parents and I had, they decided to kick me out. Speaking later, my dad threatened to switch the loan out to my social security number

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    so that I would be the one responsible for paying it back. Having signed nothing legally, my question is whether or not they would actually be capable of pinning that debt to me either through my father's alleged methods or through some form of legal action.

    Location: New Jersey, United States

    submitted by /u/Street-Jimbles
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    My father took my legally owned firearm and won’t give it back.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    This is in Indiana. A little while back I had to move back in with my parents for about 3 months. After moving in my father took my gun out of my things and hid it away from me. At that point I didn't think much of it because I was living in their home so no big deal. Fast forward to today, I have been moved out of their house for over a year and he still will not give me my gun back.

    He told me that he firmly believes I should not have it and is not going to give it back. Im not exactly sure what to do at this point. Do I get the authorities involved? Is this something that he can legally do? The firearm is registered in my name.

    submitted by /u/HudsonBrownies
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    Bank claims that I never closed my account for a safe deposit box or turned in the keys

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    I opened a safe deposit box back in 2012. In 2015 I physically went to the bank and asked to close the box... I emptied it, signed some paperwork, and then gave the keys to a bank employee who was helping me.

    Today I get a call from the bank saying they are missing the keys and I owe $500 for the rent since 2015. I have never received any correspondence, bills, emails, phone calls regarding this safe deposit box until today... 5 years later. I told the person who called, I closed the account and turned in the keys. She said, well there are no keys here and we are going to drill the box and keep the contents and you owe us $500. I don't care if they drill the box, I know it is empty.

    What can I do? I don't remember exactly what day I turned in the keys 5 years ago. Nor do I have any papers... I threw them out about 2 years ago because I closed it and never heard anything further and I was purging documents.

    It's basically my word against theirs. I am concerned about the money because I can't afford to pay that right now and I can't afford to have that go in collections.

    submitted by /u/rosco996
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    Accidentally Accepted an Invoice - am I screwed?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    I'll make the post short and just respond to comments, since I don't know what's relevant and what isn't.

    I have a very small business, I'm located in Canada. I got a call from 411 SmartSearch alleging I had used their business before, and if was time to renew it. I did not, but I didn't know that at the time, as I had used 411 before, but NOT 411 SmartSearch. The amount is about 800.

    I'm a polite person, and thinking this was indeed the one I had used before, I let them continue. At the end, he asked how to send the invoice. I responded I didn't know what sending it "to my attention" meant, and he gave me a runaround answer, saying that I could then pay it if I wanted to, at my convenience. I accepted and gave them my info.

    Come getting it in the mail, my eyes bugged at the price. I just ignored, as I was still under the impression this was not binding. I then got a late fee notice. I responded that I made it clear I didn't know what he meant by sending it to my attention, and in addition I had never recieved any services, so I wouldn't be paying. She responded that since I accepted the invoice, I accepted the payment and legally had to. I requested she send me the voice recording of me accepting, and she said she would. That was a month ago.

    This morning, she called saying she had sent it, and pressured me to pay again. I said I'll be listening to the recording first, and hung up. In the recording, I do accept, but it was doctored, as a considerable chunk of conversations is missing. in addition, she sent the second conversation I had "confirming" my purchase, which lasted about two minutes. Not the first one that lasted at least 7 minutes, in which he blatantly lied about me using their services and simply renewing my yearly account.

    So now to my question - do they have a legal leg to stand on? And regardless of if they do or don't - what's my best approach? Completely and totally ignore any calls? Hang up? Should I verbally tell them I won't be paying, or will that put me in hot water

    TIA any responders!!! I'm panicking right now

    submitted by /u/NonyNony55
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    Paid a Deposit for a catering company for my best friend's wedding.The wedding is going ahead but due to covid, the catering company may not be legally allowed to cater the wedding. They are also refusing to return deposit.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    the catering company is facing government restrictions at the moment. they are refusing to return the deposit paid. we are trying to rearrange the services so they would prep and drop off the food at a set time. the catering company now wants to cancel the first contract without returning the deposit and start a new contract while demanding a new deposit. this is mind blowing to me. please provide any clarify or actions. many thanks.

    Edit: Ontario, Canada

    submitted by /u/LNCJet10
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    Amazon Support Employee Won't Stop Contacting My Younger Sister

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    About a week ago, my younger sister, P, reached out to Amazon's "Chat with Us" service to ask for assistance regarding refunds for 2 items she purchased since they had defects. The Amazon assistant she was connected with will be referred to as V for this post. She wanted to know if she would be able to get a full or partial refund on the products. He said since she was being polite to him, he would give her a full refund on both products. P thanked him for his services and left him a positive review.

    The next morning, V emailed her attempting to have a casual conversation. He asked if P would give him her social media handles so he could keep in touch. My sister was worried about being scammed or solicited through her social media, so she asked him for his social media handles so she could initiate contact. He sent her his WhatsApp and other social media information, but she never added him nor initiated any sort of contact because she was uncomfortable with the fact that he has access to her personal information.

    Three days later, P received 2 calls from unknown callers. Since the caller ID couldn't recognize the numbers, she didn't pick either call up. An hour later, she realized she also received a text from a number she didn't recognize. Turns out the calls and text were all from V. We know that because he identified himself as such in the text. His text reads as the following:

    "Hey, P, sorry to disturb you. I am V. I called you to talk to you whenever you are free. Please WhatsApp me at *his personal phone number*."

    She didn't reply to his text. Two days later, which is today, she received 4 more calls from his number. She was asleep at the time, so she didn't pick any of the calls up.

    Any advice on how to go about handling this issue? My sister, P, is planning on calling Amazon later today to report V's behavior. Is there anything else we can do besides that to protect ourselves? We're located in California if that helps.

    submitted by /u/watawasu
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    My mother claimed me as a dependant when I'm not in her care. Is there anything I can do about this?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Let's just jump right into this. So, I'm legally an adult, 19 next month. I was removed from my mother's care and put into the foster care system when I was 16 because she did some illegal shit that I won't go into. I aged out of the system and then moved in with my dad when I turned 18. Time rolled around for the COVID-19 Stimulus Checks and my dad told me to fill out the form for one. I fill everything out and oops! Apparently I've been claimed as a dependant. I mention it to my dad and he said he didn't claim me considering I'm not dependant on him, I cover my own costs, y'know. Someone's claimed me, though. We talked to DCS about it and they say they haven't claimed me considering I was no longer ward of the state. Our eyes direct immediately to my mother. The woman has done this before with my other siblings and honestly I'm not sure why she wasn't our first assumption, especially considering she tried to register a credit card under my name before as well. Is there any legal action I can take to get the Stimulus Check and get this worked out? I'm sure that this isn't legal, at all, so there has to be something I can do, right? Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/rabbiteggz
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    Just found out about a lien from overdue child support... In 2013!?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Florida, USA. Been paying child support since 2009, set up through the county to take it automatically out of paychecks. In 2013 I lost my job and wasn't able to find a new one right away, so fell behind on payments. They threatened to suspend my driver's license, I finally got a new job set up, paid back everything that was overdue, thought this fiasco was over. None of the paperwork they gave me from the time said anything about a lien.

    Now it's 2020 and I'm refinancing a house with my wife, so I called the court to get a form saying I'm up-to-date on child support. They tell me I'm not and that I owe $700 due to a lien they've been charging interest on since 2013.

    Is this insane? She couldn't tell me what the lien is on. My wife originally financed this house herself so I know they don't have a lien on my house. I sold the car I had in 2013 so they don't have a lien on the car... I've switched bank accounts since then, I've always gotten my tax refunds... What the hell do they have a lien on? And why have they never contacted me to collect on it? I even look up this crap on the court records for the child support case and there's nothing about a lien until yesterday when they noted my request for lien payoff.

    I'm confused, frustrated, furious, that I'm being told I owe $700 for interest on something they didn't tell me about. I would have paid it off back in 2013. They've mailed me plenty of other paperwork. They just sent me a $22 check because somehow child support was overpaid the last few months during my pandemic unemployment.

    Any advice? Is there any chance I could get this dropped or am I going to be stuck paying all that interest? I feel like they take advantage of people not knowing about the system and it sucks.

    submitted by /u/PuzzleheadedEvent369
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