• Breaking News

    Monday, July 6, 2020

    Legal Advice - Fiance lost new employment opportunity due to a cease and desist letter sent to her potential future employer from her current employer

    Legal Advice - Fiance lost new employment opportunity due to a cease and desist letter sent to her potential future employer from her current employer

    Fiance lost new employment opportunity due to a cease and desist letter sent to her potential future employer from her current employer

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    My Fiance interviewed and was offered a position with a home health office with more flexible hours so that she may attend university this fall. 4 days before she was to start with the future employer they contacted her and told her that they were issued a cease and desist letter from her current employer and rescinded the offer. She requested a copy of the letter but neither party would provide her a copy, just a base verbal description with no real detail. She would like to know if there is any legal action she can take against her current employer for directly blocking her employment prospects and not offering her old position back to her in the interim. This is in California if that means anything and the cease and desist is supposedly due to her potential new employer poaching patients and staff from her current employer. She was not poached and she approached this position on her own volition. Is she shit out of luck, or is there something she can do?


    submitted by /u/KAIZERKER
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    Threatened to have the cops called for breastfeeding on my own property.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    (Richmond, VA) I was outside in our backyard this morning with my 2.5 year old and my 5 month old. 5 month old is hungry so I feed him outside because it would just be a pain in the ass for me to drag both kids inside only for 10 minutes of breastfeeding. Also, 2.5 year old was in the swimming pool which is even a bigger pain in the ass to get her out of because...well...toddlers.

    My neighbor, who's an older woman, then tells me I need to put a cover over my child's face. I politely tell her that it's almost 90° and way to hot for a cover. She then tells me that if I do it again, she's going to call the cops for indecent exposure and I remind her that I'm on my own property and that breastfeeding is also 100% legal. She tells me she doesn't want to see it and she's calling them the next time I breastfeed outside.

    I just want to make sure I'm 100% right in this case. To my understanding, breastfeeding is exempt from being classified as indecent exposure. I'm not walking around my backyard topless or anything, and I usually do the 2 shirt method to prevent as much skin showing at possible, but with the hot temperatures, I was wearing a tank and it was easy to just plop the one teet out for a quick feed. We do have plans to build a privacy fence around the whole backyard but that won't be until this fall when the temperature starts to lower again.

    Thanks for any help/input!

    submitted by /u/SheWhoRemainsNameles
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    State patrol fucked up my rental car during search

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I 23f rented a car for a vacation, driving home I was in Missouri and was stopped by state patrol who searched my vehicle. This was in the middle of the night and I didn't realize until the next day that they really messed the car up. There is storage space in the trunk of the car that they broke and they got mustard from a half of a sandwich all over the floor and upholstery. They also dumped out medication which I cleaned up but I'm worried there might be loose pills in the car still. Since I am under 25 I did purchase full coverage for the car, but I I am unclear on if that covers damage on the inside caused by other people. I have to return it pretty soon I would really like some input and or advice. It's also relevant, I'm sure, That there was state patrol a sheriff and the police officer present, I did not get a ticket or even a warning there is no paper trail.

    submitted by /u/somewherestrange97
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    Mentally unstable uncle pretended to be my dad (the power of attorney) to release my covid-positive grandfather from the hospital.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Missouri - Grandparents both caught covid. Grandpa also has cancer and caught covid after getting a life-saving surgery. He already could not take care of himself before catching covid.

    Side note to this story - my grandpa is a piece of shit. He's a lying, cheating, abusive racist who has abused my grandma in every way possible for the past 65 years. My uncle has followed in his footsteps.

    Grandma was released a couple of weeks ago and my dad went up and took care of her. She knew she wouldn't be able to take care of my grandpa by herself at home. He in unable to get up himself, is a fall risk, cannot go to the restroom himself, etc.

    The cost for an at-home nurse is $16k/month and they can't afford that so the only option is a nursing home. My grandpa is still testing positive for covid so he can't go to any nursing home yet and was in extended nursing care at one of the local hospital systems.

    My dad, two of his other siblings, and my grandma have power of attorney for my grandpa and are the only ones who can make decisions for him.

    According to the social worker, this morning, my alcoholic, unstable, abusive uncle (not power of attorney) called the hospital, LIED and told them he was MY dad. They didn't check any ID or anything so my uncle took my grandpa from the hospital and brought him to my grandmas house.

    So now my grandma has to stay at one of my other uncles houses because my uncle and my grandpa have taken over her own house and she can't take care of my grandpa.

    She is ready to go the legal route against the hospital, my uncle, and my grandpa.

    What options does she have to get her house back? What options does my dad have for someone pretending to be him?

    submitted by /u/redditandstuff23
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    Mom wants to move me (13M) and my sister (16F) to China with her. What can we do to stay?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    My sister and I currently live with our mom in Texas. My sister and I are American citizens, but my mom and dad are Chinese citizens. My dad also lives in Texas. They are divorced, and my mom has full custody of us, but my dad has visitation rights. My mom is also currently unemployed, and has no job offer in China. However, since we have relatives in China and she thinks that the American education system is a failure and instilling us with "anti-chinese views", she wants to move us to China with her. She also thinks America is horrible and loathes living here. My sister and I don't want to move, as China is completely different culturally from the US and we also have friends and are comfortably established here in the US. We also have limited knowledge of Chinese, and we barely know anyone in China asides from a few older relatives. I have already shed many tears trying to convince her to stay, but today she booked tickets for us leaving in December. I would like to do something to prevent that from happening by then.

    I would like to know if it is even legal for her to move us out of the country like that (literally just booking tickets to China and nothing else), and what our options are to stay here (potentially with our dad) and what the process would be like. Thanks for any advice, as I am getting desperate.

    submitted by /u/bobbymcbobbest
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    My landlord is requiring that I provide them with medical records proving that my wife and I tested negative for COVID-19, or we will be evicted in 30 days. Is this legal? [USA-MO]

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    eBay buyer received a full refund for an item (around $900) but refuses to return it.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    This has been going on for about 2 months now. The buyer opened a case against me saying that their was a problem with the item. I know I should of got him a return label sooner, but eBay sent me a message saying the case was being put on hold for them to get more information from the buyer, so I thought that meant that I should just wait for further instructions. eBay gave him a full refund before he sent the item back to me. I have since paid for and provided him with shipping labels (which have costed me around an additional $100 dollars since it was a large item). The buyer refuses to send it back. eBay agrees that he should send it back, but will not do anything to make him.

    I would like to either get my item or payment back from the buyer. I figured hiring an attorney would most likely be more expensive than it is worth. Would it be legal for me to send him and invoice and report him to collections if he does not pay for it? My eBay business is a registered corporation in the United States, the buyer is located in Canada.

    Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/rumble_red
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    my mom kicked my brother (21M) and me out and left us stranded in mexico (16F)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    My mom kicked my brother and i our almost 10 days ago. We went to go see our dad in mexico for about 2 weeks and 8 days into the trip she began to ask for questions about my stepbrothers and stepsisters and how many kids my dad had and asking for pictures of them and my brother and i ignored her and she freaked out. She began texting me and my brother telling us we're "ungrateful bastards" and telling us to stay in mexico if we love our dad so much. She cut off our phones and our plane tickets and my dad had to scrap up some money to buy us plane tickets back.

    We saw her at the airport (because we had the same flight back to the city) and she completely ignored us. I went up to her and asked her if she had one of my papers i needed to get back to the U.S and she said "no. you guys aren't even supposed to be here. get the fuck out of my face." (I was able to get back to the U.S but i had to pay a fine of 575 pesos for not having the paper )

    Once we got to the city where my mom left her car our cousin picked us up at the airport and drove us to our aunts house and my aunt went to pick up my mom and we waited at my aunts house for my mom. My aunt came home and told us that my mom didn't want to talk to us and she left us there and drove home. My brother had called his friend in advance to pick us up at the border and is now letting us stay at his house for the time being.

    I am in a predicament due to the fact that i have about a month left to sign up for college but i am unable to sign up due to being 16 and not having an actual address. Since my stepdad was in the navy i get free schooling and i also get paid $1,200 a month. If i'm able to sign up my brother and i could rent an apartment together because my brother is also under the same program i am. can anyone give me any help on what should i do?

    TLDR: Mom kicked my brother and me out and i cant sign up for college because of it

    submitted by /u/ummmm111
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    (MA) My dad is trying to file an injunction against my mom selling the house because she got a restraining order against him.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    My dad (m61) and mom (f57) have never been married but have been in a relationship for the last thirty years or so. She's been trying to get out for the last decade, and the turning point happened back in February. In April we had to call the police on my father after he tried to hit my mom with a hammer, and she got a restraining order, which is good until July 13th. My dad has already broken the order at least three times so it getting extended is not a concern.

    About a week ago my dad took off from Massachusetts down to Florida, as he found out that she was moving down there. He's admitted he's going to try and find her new address once she moves. We found out about thirty minutes ago he's trying to get an injunction on my mom selling the Massachusetts house unless she drops the restraining order extension and gets back with him. The house was bought with her money and is entirely in her name. He had things set up so that all her money went into his accounts and she wasn't allowed access until she took the financial papers and closed accounts he had opened in her name without her knowing, which I know is clear financial control. We know we need a lawyer, but want an idea of how long this case could drag out. Thanks for any advice given

    submitted by /u/ShinigamiLeaf
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    Intolerable Smell From Neighbors Apartment

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    I am renting an apartment in Upstate NY. It is on 3rd floor (top) with a single neighbor across the stairway. I was living here just fine for 3 years. About 3 months ago a new neighbor moved in on my floor. Within a month the stairwell began to reek. I am not talking about someone cooking fish, I am talking gagging, raw sewage, decomposing corpse level of stench. It has gotten so bad that it seeps into my apartment through 2 locked doors with a dumpster at 100F heat level of stench.

    I am not someone who ever complains about neighbors or talks to the landlord so I waited maybe too long to contact the landlady. She tried talking to the guy but he would just lock door and not come out, when she finally got in there she found mountains of rotting trash cluttering the apartment. Since then a month has passed but nothing improved. She told him to clean the apartment but he is unwilling or unable to do. There is adult protective services and some kind of social worker involved (I am sure there is mental illness in the picture).

    The landlady is pleasant and communicates, she even gave me July off rent. But seems unable to resolve situation. I was about to renew the rental and have not signed the agreement.

    Do I have any options besides moving?

    submitted by /u/Sijima
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    [CA] My sister was shot by her ex-husband 2 years ago and is in jail. He is now having a PI follow her.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title. My sister was shot by her ex-husband 2 years ago. He is currently sitting in jail with a $2 million bail. Luckily he didn't hit anything critical and my sister is doing just fine. In their short time together they had 1 child and she was granted full and sole custody (she has 2 others from another baby daddy).

    He is now having a PI follow her. The PI called her, she asked who sent him, and the PI confirmed that he was hired by her ex-husband. She contacted her attorney already but is there anything she can do in the meantime? I'd imagine the PI giving her ex my sisters current address could put her at risk if/when he gets out of jail.

    Edit to add: the PI gave my sister a business card. We looked up the business and it looks to be suspended.

    submitted by /u/BelleBravo
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    My mom and another person are organizing a charity event to raise funds for my nephew's medical expenses. They are not allowing my sister (nephew's mother) to co-sign on the funds to be received.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    My nephew has various medical conditions which are not all covered by health insurance and are very expensive to treat. This is in Ontario, Canada. I would like to be more specific but it could possibly be identifying information, since one of his conditions is very rare.

    My mother and a person from our town (we'll call him Sam) are organizing a charity golf tournament to raise funds for my nephew's medical and therapy expenses. However, they are not allowing my sister (nephew's mother) to co-sign on the funds, which apparently means she cannot access the funds. This concerns me because my sister is the only person in our family with adequate knowledge about my nephew's conditions; even my mother doesn't know all that much.

    I don't know much about charities, but this doesn't sit right with me. My mother does not have a lawyer involved and frankly I'm not sure she knows what she's getting into. Sam has been calling the shots as of lately is insisting that my sister does NOT be a co-signer, but just himself, my mother, and one of my mom's friends. Why is that?

    I guess my real question here is: does anyone know of a legal reason why my sister should NOT be a cosigner to these funds? I want to note that my mom does not know Sam well and Sam knows NOTHING about my nephew's conditions, based on our interactions with him.

    submitted by /u/cc96_
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    Employer threw away personal items including my Razer mouse over Covid-19 shutdown whilst they revamped the office. Need advice on what I can do!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Some context/background: I worked at a small privately owned travel agency in a small office for 2 years. In the office we do not have our own desks, we have to sit somewhere new all the time. Because of this we all had "cubbies" with our names on them to store our things at the end of each day.

    On March 16th, the start of the Covid-19 wave, I was sick. I informed my boss I wasn't feeling well that day and they permit me to go home. I packed all of my things on my desk into my black mesh wire magazine rack. The items within were of course office paperwork, some personal photo's (myself and my gf depicted in them) and my Razer Naga mouse/mousepad. I then placed the whole magazine rack right into my 'cubbie', with my name on it, as I do at the end of every day.

    That same day I went to the doctor's to be seen for my illness. I was tested for a few things but they made me aware that they can't treat me for Covid, which was fine. Because of this however, they told me I should assume I have it and quarantine for 14 days. They gave me a Dr. note and I called my boss and let her know. They thought it was a good idea for me to quarantine and had no issues.

    Fast forward 4 days to March 20th and I get a call from my boss informing me that the office was going to be making motions to work from from and the office would be closed. Had I seen this coming, I would have taken my personal belongings home. However, I had no idea the office was going to close, and I couldn't come in after my Dr. visit because of potential Covid infection.

    Over the past 3/4 months I was not working from home as I didn't have the equipment needed. I kept in touch with my boss via e-mail getting reassurance I'd be made aware when the office will re-open. On June 25th I got a phone call from my boss telling me I will not be coming back to the office, along with a few others because they're downsizing. This posed it's own issues but not what this post is about. I was very cordial, professional, and accepted my fate. My personal belongings were not on my mind and I ended the call.

    A few days later I realized my items in the office, I texted a co-worker to see if she saw the items (the office re-opened on July 1st). She couldn't find my things. I e-mailed my boss on that day explaining the items that were missing were important to me, expensive & were left in my 'cubbie' with my name on it. I simply stated that I'll be needing the items back.

    I received a reply this morning, July 6th, from her stating that the office has gone under an extensive remodel whilst everyone was working from home. Her exact words in her e-mail are: "Many items throughout the office were discarded if they did not seem to have any clear ownership. I did look for them and was unable to locate your mouse or photo's. It was likely discarded throughout the overhaul".

    This baffles me because the items were in a wire basket with my name on it. There were hundreds of documents with my name on it, photo's with me in them, the 'cubbie' itself had my name-tag on it. It doesn't get any clearer ownership than that. I have her e-mail with admittance that they likely were just thrown away. I have not replied to her and am hoping I can get some advice here on how I can proceed/what I can do.

    I know this mouse is only about $80 to re-buy now but this company over the years I've seen that they just treat employee's like garbage and basically the mentality is "You're replaceable". I don't want them to get away with this, nor do I think I should be responsible for replacing my items when I left them where they were clearly marked as mine.

    tl;dr The last time I was in my office (March 16th) I left my personal items and was not allowed back in due to Covid-19 and office shutting down - three months later I'm fired and told my Razer Naga mouse & personal photo's were "likely discarded" - What do now?

    submitted by /u/Renegade_Python
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    Can my employer really require these tests?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Hello r/legaladvice!

    I apologize if this question isn't entirely appropriate for this page. If you know of a better place for me to ask this, please let me know!

    I recently started a new job (I work in healthcare in PA) and have been going through the typical new-hire process. My employer requires a physical, which I have booked. However, they also want records of my recent Pap smear, mammogram, and some other tests that no employer of mine has ever asked for before. I'm 24, so I definitely am not at the age to get a mammogram. I am also extremely uncomfortable providing my employer with any gynecological exams and their results. I feel like this is very invasive. I don't see how my gyno exams pertain to my employment. If I were to refuse to provide these results, do I have the grounds to do so?

    submitted by /u/10anon95
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    Cousin (WHO IS A MINOR) has been stalked by a 20-year-old and is on the verge of mental instability.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    Making the post on their behalf. Virginia

    My cousin (We'll call him H) has recently gotten out of a manipulative relationship, with a 20-year-old woman. Since leaving, she has made it her mission to take every route possible to make appearances near H. Where he worked at his parent fireworks stand, and even 3 hours away at an art museum with his new GF. I watched him shake at the sight of her and fall apart as she walked past. H has even been admitted to the hospital on suicide watch thanks to this.

    There has already been a temporary restraining order against the preditor in question, and a court date set for this month on the 21st. What are the next steps to take to make sure this sticks?

    submitted by /u/CaptnNuttSack
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    Plastic surgeon refuses to refund my down payment Says it's non refundable

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    I made a down payment of over 1,000 to schedule a date for surgery a month later the doctor canceled and moved it to another date. I decided that I didn't want the surgery because I wouldn't be able to travel on that day so I requested a refund. Now they're saying that it was a nonrefundable payment even thought they never mentioned anything about the policy before I paid or even have it listed in my payment quote. What can I do? Help me :( they're ignoring my calls and texts

    submitted by /u/Username76s
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    Owner of another pizza store threatens to sue the owner of a pizza store that I want to buy

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Before one business owner owned two shops of the same name which were not franchise in Ontario. He decided to sell his business to two different people. One of them ran their business successfully, store A, and the business never changed hands again. He opened one more location with the same name. The other owner, store B, struggled and couldn't keep the store. It changed hands two times and each time the name remained the same. Now the last owner of store B wants to sell his pizza store to me but owner of store A threatens to sue store B if they fail to change the business name. He says he has filed something through his lawyer that prevents us from acquiring the business name. The selling price of store B depends on the intangible assets like its business name and location. What rights do we have against store A owner and can he do such a thing?

    submitted by /u/hpayandah
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    Can a prospective landlord ask you to prove you have reserve funds in an application?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    I'm apartment hunting right now. A property management company ask for a credit score and proof income of 3x the rent. Normal. Then they asked me to provide evidence of a cash reserve that has 3x the amount of rent as well. I've never been asked that before. Personally, I do have an emergency fund but it feels like a funky question. Is this allowed?

    submitted by /u/lilyliana
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    Some kid posted animal abuse on his snapchat, what can I do?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    He is 14 and posted a video of him tossing a guinea pig around his room, what can I do to this sad little fuck? Everyone at my school has a saved copy by now and people are calling 311, what else can I do?

    submitted by /u/DittochuGaming
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    HELP! Peeing on the side of the highway in an emergency

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    So I understand that public urination is illegal and punishable in the state of Oklahoma by a fine and possible jail time. I got a flat while on the I -40 and couldn't make it to the next exit. I've been waiting over 40 minutes for the tow truck and I'm about to pee myself in the car. If I do my best to hide behind a tree, given the obvious emergency with my car would I be fined/ticketed for the offence?

    Any advice would be great!!

    EDIT: there's a barbwire fence about 30' from the shoulder and only a thin line of small scattered trees in front of it. So there's nowhere to walk that's out of sight from the highway.

    submitted by /u/no-cilantro
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    Eviction during pandemic

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Huntington Beach CA. Due to COVID and liability reasons from my work because I am 8 months pregnant, I was unable to return to work and I had gotten a letter/proof from my boss to show my leasing manager. I've been out of work since May and still continued to make small payments towards rent just not the full thing. Yesterday I made a payment to my apartment manager a day after she called and asked for payment, in which she replied she could not take the payment because my file is under Eviction. But she just asked for a payment a day prior or me making one? I told her if I'm being evicted I would still owe them the money anyway so why not just take it? I thought because of COVID evictions weren't taking place? I'm so afraid. She never gave me a heads up. Just an email saying she wouldn't take my payment because I'm being evicted. My baby is due next month and I cannot stop crying. Then she tells me Oh it's because you never sent us proof you weren't working because of COVID. So I sent her the proof again, still waiting on a response. I'd already sent her proof the day I stopped working. This doesn't seem right. None of it. Especially denying my payments, that I'd have to pay anyways if I'm evicted. I'm looking into eviction lawyers now. Can anyone give me some input about this please.

    submitted by /u/leemarie7
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    I've found myself a part of someone's bankruptcy

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    TL;DR: I closed my home-based business 4 years ago, but someone is using the business name and address (both in Virginia) as the contact information for a Lady in California who is filing for bankruptcy in a California court for a New York-based business.

    Necessary background detail:

    I have lived in Virginia for the last 26 years, with the last 10 years being at my current address. I ran a business out of my home at this address from 2008-2016 before shutting it down after my spouse died, not because of a bankruptcy. I've never filed, nor did my spouse ever file.

    This past March, I received a letter in the mail that appeared to be junk mail. Even though my business is closed, I still get spam mail addressed to the business and I assumed that this was one of those pieces of mail. So, I tossed it aside, not thinking much about it. The one thing that stood out to me as being junk mail is that this letter is addressed to my closed business with my current residential address, but also includes the name of another business at the top, almost like my current address is registered to 2 businesses (which it is not). I Googled this other business and found that it's located in New York City. Again, I am in Virginia.

    But, It happens frequently that I get junk mail, phone calls, emails, text messages, and most often, the name they are asking for is not mine. i assume someone along the way has sold my phone number/address/email to marketing companies and that company attaches a random name to it. So, I thought these letters were junk. I received another letter about a month later that looked similar, but again, I tossed it aside.

    But today, another letter has arrived and this time I opened it. It appears that someone in California filed for bankruptcy in a California court. This person has a name that is not mine, but is using my closed business name and address to have their bankruptcy documents sent to. The letter in March and April were notices of hearing postponements because of COVID, with this last letter received today, July 6, an "Order of Discharge." I assume they finally went to court and bankruptcy has been granted to this unknown person? To add, I've never lived or even visited California, much less registered a business there.

    My question is: does this affect me at all? Do I need to be worried? Someone who is not me, with a very different name from me, with a business name that is not mine, has somehow gotten their lawyer, trustee, and the California courts to use my address and business name. Obviously, this could have been a complete mistake, but I've had instances of identity theft and am not sure if this is it.

    I have contacted the phone numbers on the documents and left messages, but in the meantime, I am curious to know if anyone has encountered this and if I should be concerned.

    I genuinely appreciate any response and thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/psychobabbleX
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    Restraining order question. How is this possible?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    I'm in Louisiana. We been having a lot of trouble will our neighbors. They need calling the cops on us for the past 4 years for everything. From my kids being to Loud, birthday party's, music playing, riding 4 wheelers and even trying to get us for theft. Well everyone kept telling us our neighbors said he was gonna shoot my husband. My husband asked him and he said yeah he said it. (This was a couple weeks ago) I filed a complaint about it yesterday because the guys building their new fence came told us how he was gonna shoot us and poison our dogs. Well the cops came I told him what was going on. So since I did witness sim say it before he wanted me to write a statement so I did. Tonight I get a knock on the door from the cops with a restraining order from the neighbor!!!!! They filed a restraining order against my husband saying he filed a false complaint. Is that even possible to get a restraining order for that? He didn't even file the complaint I did. He's not even in the state right now.

    submitted by /u/grandmasapples
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    My sister is in a psychotic state and has had my 73 year old mother arrested on child abuse charges. KANSAS

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    My little sister, who my family believes, is showing signs of schizophrenia and is possibly in a delusional episode, has had my mother arrested and called family services on my brother-in-law, accusing him of molesting my sisters daughter. They were looked at by child family services both on accusations of child sexual assault. My sister is in a total delusional State and now my mother is in jail and my family is in complete shock. I know that my mother is innocent as well as the rest of my family and that my sister is responsible for this incident and I'm not really sure why she would do this, but she is not of sound mind.

    My 73 year old mother who has never been in trouble with the law and lives in a retirement home is sitting in a county jail on charges that state she sexually assaulted my 4 year old niece. She has been her babysitter from time to time since she was 3 months old and I've never seen anything but love between the two of them. Never in my wildest dreams would I be here writing this, im desperately seeking help in order to navigate the legal system for my mother.

    I tried to find out when she has court and the jail refuses that information. How do I find out how to bond her out and are there any attorneys who specialise in cases where people are wrongly accused of such a heinous act.

    I'm really worried about my mom and I need help.

    submitted by /u/momsister5throwaway
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