Legal Advice - Update to Being sued by my parents |
- Update to Being sued by my parents
- [WV] Hospital refusing wife to see newborn
- Landlord died and now I'm in limbo
- Adverse Possession in New York, My neighbor doesn't want me to move my fence.
- I’m buying acreage in MO. The seller hayed it after the contract was signed.
- Received Official Warning at Work For Not Wearing a Black T-Shirt for Black Lives Matter - California
- Roommate buying home from landlord and kicking me out (NC)
- [TX] Tenant lost my cat due to negligence, can I take it out of the security deposit as damage to personal property?
- AT&T gave me an offer for “free internet for life”, and then randomly took it away without saying anything (AL)
- [OH USA] Liability for autistic adult child living at home
- Kansas Employer sold our store to new franchise owners, who slashed our wages while bringing in their family to work for minimum. $13/hr to $9.50. Is this a breach of contract? Could I file for unemployment since I refused to work for the new rate?
- Water runoff to newly developed land, my responsibility?
- Roommate has decided he is moving back to his parents house, does he still owe his portion of rent?
- I'm 17 and getting blackmailed, help.
- If the police doesn’t help a possible pedophile/revenge porn case- where else can someone go to file a complaint?
- My housemate BROKE into my room to have a party and snort COCAINE on MY bed
- So I got a concussion at my job on Day 6, I had to get a CAT Scan on Day 8 after symptoms got worse and on Day 9 I had to quit because I was not being allowed time off to recover and I wasn’t being listened to by Urgent Care. Do I need to sue?
- Can't find Mom's will. Does a photo version hold up?
- Louisiana, going through a divorce and my future ex(who signed the divorce agreement) put a tracking device in my vehicle.
- Parents got screwed by shady realtors
- HOA introduces anti-disabled bylaw
- My sister got touched Inappropriately by Physiotherapist
- Are other states required to accept my Florida medical exemptions for window tints in a car.
- Got a cease and desist order in the mail today from a law firm because of a Google review.
Update to Being sued by my parents Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:31 PM PDT Here is a quick link to my last post: So I wanted to wait to make sure all the matters were solved before I posted this update and they have, in many ways. I followed several people's advice to contact the firm first. I looked up the law firm that sent me the letter and found out they exist and the contact number is the same as on the letter so I called, and found out they sent no such letter. (Talked to the guy whose name was on the letter who claimed he didn't write the letter.) Fast forward to last week, my dad did something really stupid and I now have a restraining order against him. Thank you to everyone who commented, you were a big help, thank you. [link] [comments] |
[WV] Hospital refusing wife to see newborn Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:49 PM PDT Update: We have possession of the baby now. Baby is latching and feeding. However, I don't want to just let this go. I am 100% not okay with the way we were treated and I'm not going to just let it go because we have her now. My wife went into labor at 2000, 6 June 2020. It was a very difficult labor and ended with us almost losing the baby and having an emergency c-section which was terrible enough on its own. After she came out of recovery from the c-section they are refusing us access to the baby. 12 hours later, we still haven't seen her. They aren't letting us see her because my wife is an employee of the hospital in the ED and they want her to have a covid test before either of us are allowed to see the baby. I'm not allowed to leave the recovery room at all to go anywhere. No one is able to provide us any policy or any documentation that states that a non-symptomatic mom has to be isolated from the infant until results are back. No other mothers on the floor have been tested for covid or isolated from their infant. Also, our infant has been isolated and not in the standard nursery. My wife is extremely distraught, she is already having nightmares because the c section was so traumatic and now she is feeling inadequate and afraid the baby won't bond with her(we are already in contact with her PCM to get therapy lined up) Do we have any legal recourse to ensure that this doesn't happen to anyone else. Sorry if this seems like incoherent rambling. I'm still speaking from emotion so my logic may be shaky. [link] [comments] |
Landlord died and now I'm in limbo Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:13 AM PDT I live in Texas (USA) and I found out today that my landlord died unexpectedly about a month and a half ago and I was relatively close with him I am 99.99% positive he has no living family, outstanding debts or next of kin. I still paid this month's rent to his bank account on the 1st like I always do but I am not sure what the next move is. Nobody has come knocking on the door yet. Any advise? [link] [comments] |
Adverse Possession in New York, My neighbor doesn't want me to move my fence. Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:01 AM PDT Quick background, I purchased my home about 8 months ago, when the survey was done it found the rear fence of the property (my fence) is between 2.4 and 2.8 feet (depending on which side of the property) into my backyard. There are two properties that back up to mine, one has a fence (about 2.6 feet into my property, the other has no fence. So, I spoke to the neighbor that doesn't have a fence, thinking this was going to be easier. I let him know that I was going to be putting up a fence in the near future, and that I'm planning on doing it on the property line, a little over 2' closer to his house than the current fence. I provided him a copy of the survey and told him I would be happy to discuss any concerns. Yesterday I woke up to a team of landscapers planting 15' tall arborvitaes up against my fence, they trimmed the side facing the fence so the trunks are pressed up and literally tied to my fence. So I'm looking for a lawyer now, but I want to throw two questions out to the community. First does this neighbor have any right to do what he's doing, I read what I could find about adverse possession in NY and he seems to be going about it wrong if it is his goal. Second, any advice on how to approach the other neighbor who has 6' privacy fence and his own row of arborvitaes on my property? [link] [comments] |
I’m buying acreage in MO. The seller hayed it after the contract was signed. Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:58 AM PDT I'm under contract for 22 acres m/l of pasture in Missouri, USA. When the contract was signed, it had plenty of grass that looked like it'd be able to be hayed for a pretty penny. In fact, when giving us a tour of the property the listing agent told us he thought it'd be about $6,000 of hay (EDIT: Apparently this was an annual number). That affected the price we offered for the land. Here we are a couple weeks into the contract, and the owner had the property hayed without notifying us. Luckily we noticed before the bales were removed from the property — but after it was all cut and round baled. If that hay is removed from the property, Are we correct in thinking this is a material loss to the property and that we'd be entitled to the hay, the proceeds from selling the hay, or a lower sales price? EDIT/UPDATE: Thanks for your help, everybody! It sounds like this is on me for not specifying in the contract language. I got more info and it turns out the person cutting/baling the hay was doing it for half (or $1,100) so any disagreements would only be for about a grand. It sounds to me like for the sake of good will (and maybe getting access to Seller's contacts for cutting, baling, and selling hay) I should just let this one go. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:58 PM PDT Title says everything. A member of my family received a warning at work because she did not wear a black t shirt in support for black lives matter. She wore her regular approved work uniform and they did not provide a black t-shirt for them to wear. They were expected to have one or buy it. My question is about whether or not your employer can compel you to make statements on political movements while at work? California. The employer is food service. Side note: I support the protests but I'm concerned about compelling support or speech. I'd have no problem with wearing the t-shirt personally but I likely would refuse to wear a thin blue line shirt if my employer asked me to. [link] [comments] |
Roommate buying home from landlord and kicking me out (NC) Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:48 PM PDT My roommate and I signed a lease for a three bedroom house for 12 months in January 2020. We live in North Carolina. We have one other roommate (Sam) who is not on the lease. I will refer to the roommate on the lease as Tom. Yesterday, Tom sent a message to both Sam and me that he is in the process of buying the house from our landlord. He stated we have 30 days to vacate since the purchase nullifies the lease. We have not received any other notice from Tom or the current homeowners about vacating. I contacted the landlord via phone today asking if the house is being purchase. He confirmed he had begun the early stages of selling the home. I then let him know I received notice to vacate from Tom. He confirmed Tom is the person planning to purchase the home. I asked him if we should expect any kind of documentation for the cancellation of the lease. He confirmed and referred me to his wife. I sent her my contact information and have not heard back. What should I expect moving forward? Sam and I have about $1400 tied up in the deposit and split furniture in the home. We are also burdened with finding a new place to live and unexpected moving costs. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:16 PM PDT I own, and reside in, a home in the DFW area. I rent out the top floor as a suite (it has a bedroom, bathroom, and living area of its own, though it shares the main exterior entries and common areas) to help with the mortgage. A new tenant and her 8 y/o moved in at the beginning of March, and in early April my 11 y/o cat went missing. I prodded a few times asking if they had seen her, with very little response beyond a sort of non-answer that the attic access (which has a known issue of failing to latch) had come open at some point. Now, this tenant and her child had both demonstrated an inability to close doors behind them by this point, and I had addressed it a few times. Reminding them of my cat, my dog, the A/C, etc., each time. I still regularly witnessed them leaving exterior doors hanging open, with the response "it was only for a moment", "I was just grabbing [x]", "I/we were coming right back". At least twice, I got up in the morning to my back door hanging wide open, where she asked why I closed it as her dog was still outside going potty because "she'd come right in when she was done". Ultimately, my cat was lost. 11 years of companionship from 6 weeks old, vet care, fees to ensure her microchip was active, time posting to Ring, Nextdoor, looking around the neighborhood ... she's gone, and I was and am heartbroken. I told her so and she claimed I was being hostile (no) and that she couldn't recall my cat getting out and can't be expected to watch her child all the time, so it wasn't her fault. To note: she never actually apologized for losing my cat, just said she was sorry it happened on her watch. For a multitude of other reasons, I later gave her a non-renewal notice (month-to-month) and she has since moved out. That whole thing is something else, but she sent me a nasty email claiming I broke her lease multiple times (I did not), blah, and she expects her whole security deposit back. The state has set precedent for punitive damages before, but that was the result of a malicious shooting, not just loss resulting from negligence. Though ... negligence also falls under local animal cruelty code. As a direct result of her actions, she allowed the release of a senior cat, who had lived a solely indoor life, into a neighborhood with known coyote activity. I have other legitimate damages I will be deducting (with documentation), but can I assign a value to my cat as well? Or the cost of "replacement" (adoption, vet fees, vaccines)? I would rather justify a deduction instead of taking this to court, and I know Texas still considers companion animals as property, so should (or can?) that fall under damage to personal property? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:19 AM PDT Back in October 2019, I started internet service with AT&T. They repeatedly overcharged me for my internet plan. Eventually they offered me "Free Internet for Life". Which is 100mbps for $0/month. I asked them if it was a 12 month offer or what. They said it was for life as long as I made no changes to the account. Yesterday, I check my bill and they're charging me again, and support is saying they discontinued the offer in early may. This doesn't feel legal of them to do. I held up my end of the offer, and they took theirs away without warning. Is there anything I can do here? I feel like if they actually did this to a bunch of people in my position, we might have a case against them. [link] [comments] |
[OH USA] Liability for autistic adult child living at home Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:49 PM PDT Thanks for reading this. My wife and I have an 18 year old male child with mild autism living at home. We have legal guardianship for him. He works at a nursing home 4 days a week. He would like to get a drivers license so he can drive to and from work 3 miles away. We are confident he is capable of this. What is the extent of our legal liability if he gets into an accident and hurts someone being that he lives in our house (pays rent) and we have guardianship? Can we be considered negligent for letting him drive given his mental condition? Would having him get and insure a car in his own name lessen our liability or would it be pointless since he lives in our house? Is it best to just let him use our car/insurance and protect our (significant) assets with an umbrella policy? Thank you for your suggestions. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:54 AM PDT Primary questions are in the title. For some background: My old sandwhich shop called me up in January saying that the old owner was selling the store to corporate, and needed some experienced workers fast. Got offered $12.50 and knew the job was super easy and I'd be getting a lot of hours, so I took it. 6 months later I had gotten a little raise and was looking to take over GMing the store around the end of the year. Without any warning they called us to a meeting, where they introduced us to the new owners they were selling the location to. A lady I hadn't met before (and I know most of corporate by now) was there stressing that we're not being fired, but need to fill out new hire paperwork because we're technically working for someone else. Problem is, that someone else is not maintaining our wages. The new owners are from India, don't speak English very well, and said they'll offer $9.50 to everyone who was a part of the corporate crew. Most of the crew was fine with this since they were making around that much anyway, but myself and another employee were at $13/hr for good reason. Our general manager got the worst end of it, going down from 40k a year salary to the same amount as the rest of us, $9.50/hr and crew status. I'm sure they had the lady there stressing this isnt a firing so that we couldn't turn around and claim unemployment, since the new job was 'guaranteed', but is that bologna or legitimate? Is this possibly a breach of contract, and if so, what could I do about it? Is there a way I could speak to an employment lawyer about this, if so, how would I contact them? [link] [comments] |
Water runoff to newly developed land, my responsibility? Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:10 AM PDT I purchased a house in a completed neighborhood a few years ago. Recently a developer purchased the land that sits downhill from my house and about 15 others on my street. They have now cleared the land and put in streets for what will probably be an additional 20-30 home lots. As part of their clearing of the land they graded it however they wanted in order to make flat lots below. I recently received a letter from the new developer stating that they think water is "illegally" running off the back of my property and into the new vacant lots below. They are saying I need to correct this issue. Is this my problem? They bought land below an existing neighborhood and could see exactly how the existing neighborhood is setup, then graded the land, and are now saying since water runs downhill onto their newly graded land it's my issue. I don't have anything unusual setup in my backyard... just a regular backyard with grass. This is in Utah. [link] [comments] |
Roommate has decided he is moving back to his parents house, does he still owe his portion of rent? Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:29 PM PDT My roommate is leaving soon to move back to his parents house in another state (Wisconsin). He's a huge jerk who keeps missing his rent and pays it back over the course of the month, and I have already been looking for another roommate, but I don't know how quickly I will get a new roommate. I have messages from him saying he will continue to pay the rent after he leaves, 500 dollars a month, for the duration of the lease. I have already saved screenshots/recorded a video showing the date and proof that he said it so he can't delete the messages later to claim he never said he would pay. I also showed that his account on the messaging app is linked to other accounts owned by him as proof. I've also gathered contact information for his parents and family members. However, i'm afraid that he'll try to ghost me after he leaves and refuse to pay. Can I sue him in my state of Florida for the rent? Is it possible to garnish wages for the money owed? Even if he returns to his state? Should I get the apartment complex in on it to try to force him to pay? [link] [comments] |
I'm 17 and getting blackmailed, help. Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:11 AM PDT AZ, USA Back story: I was depressed a bit ago and that caused loneliness, I wanted attention so I sent explicit photos of myself to a man. I regret and I hate myself for it, I'm scared because hes blackmailing me for more. Hes making me be his gf and send him more pictures. I only have a few hours till I'm forced to send him more explicit stuff. I need help, I tried to get help from and online number but they shunned me away because if my age. Idk what to do, I tried to text my counselor to see if she could help but I don't think they will reach her. I want minimal parent involvement because it's my fault not theirs, I dont have much money so I cant but fancy lawyers. I'm scared and anxious. Help [link] [comments] |
Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:21 AM PDT Long story short about 3-4 years ago I was the victim of revenge porn,grooming,manipulation, etc at the age of 14/15. I was threatened with murder, illegal prostitution, and rape if I ever came forward. Despite my efforts to stay quiet, my mom went to the police and told them what happened only for them to tell her that if she would like to pursue the case- I would possibly end up in jail for cp distribution. So we ended up calling it off and rn my abuser is back at it again possibly with a girl who's about 16/17 yrs old and him being 20/21/22 (he was about 17-19yrs old when I was 14/15) Apperently I can't make a file on the police website just to warn the police about him and when I looked elsewhere I was referred to complain to the fbi however I'm not sure if I can do that? [LAS VEGAS, NV USA] [link] [comments] |
My housemate BROKE into my room to have a party and snort COCAINE on MY bed Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:53 AM PDT My housemate has been pretty problematic for the past few months. Me and my other housemates haven't been living at the house we rent because of the pandemic amongst various other reasons. "Gene" is the only one living there. Last week when I went back for a day to grab some stuff, Gene threw a party and had a dozen strangers in our home until 1:40am. They were doing various drugs and being incredibly loud and obnoxious. Today my friends sent me a video that Gene took of her with her ass out on my bed with a bunch of her friends hanging out in my room. She literally broke into my room and had a party in which she let her friends snort cocaine off of her ass while she laid down in MY BED. Me and my other housemates texted her to get out of my room and all she said was to call the cops. I have picture and video evidence of her possessing and using cocaine as well as her being in my room without consent (breaking in). What can/should I do????? Also her father is a lawyer :/ (in California) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:01 PM PDT So I had a job at this warehouse that loaded containers for airplanes. These containers have a curtain that has a metal bar with locking mechanisms on it. These can only be moved manually and one person moved it to where, without warning, it hit the back of my head. I was taken by my manager to the local urgent care place, where upon saying I was dizzy, was asked if I wanted to lay down in the room. I did and passed out. I woke up to be told that I didn't need stitches and that I can go back to work immediately. I was given ice pack, ibuprofen, tylonol, and a Tdap Shot. The next day I was working and felt more lightheaded and dizzy. I worked again the day after after again being cleared by Urgent Care, all under Workers Comp, and two hours later nausea that was never a problem started and I told a manager who told me to go back to Urgent Care who sent me with a prescription to go to the ER to get a CAT Scan after being told the doctor is unable to see me again. I get the CAT Scan and I'm told that I have a Concussion. I tell my bosses and they clock me out and say see you tomorrow. I worked the next day (today) and felt like I was going to throw up in less that two hours of working and giving them the paperwork needed. I told them I need days off. I was pretty much told I need to either work after a small break (already took one and felt just as bad after), or I need to not work there anymore. I had no option but to quit. I am in a Right to Work State and I don't know if I have any rights. I need advice. In US-Georgia [link] [comments] |
Can't find Mom's will. Does a photo version hold up? Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:57 PM PDT Mom passed away in May, and I have found an empty file folder marked Will. After a two person search, I'm convinced she may have accidentally thrown it away. The attorney who prepared it in Louisiana says he has only an unsigned copy of the text and seems quite annoyed that we can't locate mom's signed original. A couple years ago, I asked permission to have a copy (I'm to be Executor) and I snapped a photo of the signed document with my phone. My copy and the attorney's copy will match. Is this a major problem? Will a photo of the will be acceptable to the probate court? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:43 AM PDT the vehicle is in my name alone. Is this legal? agreement states all assets are 50/50 but the loan is under my name alone. [link] [comments] |
Parents got screwed by shady realtors Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:16 PM PDT My parents had a foreclosure back in 2008 and realtors that they knew offered them an uninhabitable house at 9% interest rate for 30 years. Im looking for a way to get them out of this house, apparently the owners will not provide their Tax ID number so my parents have not been able to claim the house on their taxes. Is this normal or does it smell like the owners are not reporting the income on their taxes (I.e. tax fraud). Would it be worth it to have a lawyer look into it? This is in Maine. [link] [comments] |
HOA introduces anti-disabled bylaw Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:30 PM PDT I live in an apartment complex managed by an organization that I was told is an HOA when I signed the lease, and they introduced a new rule that anyone with any known disability is to be supervised 24 hours a day. This is probably due to one of my neighbors who lets their severely autistic child run roughshod all over the complex unsupervised. I myself am disabled and I know for a fact such an onerous rule runs heavily afoul is both the ADA and HUD regulations. My question is what options do I have? [link] [comments] |
MY FALSE SEXUAL ABUSE ALLEGATION--PLEASE HELP Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:26 PM PDT hey everyone in r/legaladvice. (I am a 21 year old M living in Georgia seeking legal advice. apologies in advance for the long post)Today has been quite an unfortunate day for me and those around me. As some of you may be aware, on twitter, there have recently been many accounts being made linked to X university and is a safe space for victims of sexual abuse and harassment. I fully support these pages and the work they do and I believe it is vital for the public to know who around them is truly a threat. Unfortunately today, one of these pages targeted me and posted my name, picture, and a short description of my alleged sexual abuse on their account page. The exact message they posted(removing names to remain anonymous) was "FirstName, LastName. School I attend/area I live in" and in the description stated "FirstName took advantage of me multiple times when I was a minor. He was rude to me, talked about me behind my back, started rumors, yet used me for his sexual pleasure. He forced me to give him head many times(when I was 14.) and even though I would explicitly say 'no' or 'I don't want to', he continued disrespecting me and manipulating me to do him sexual favors. I confided in his girlfriend who was my very good friend (years later) and she resulted in blocking me. These experiences were traumatizing in the future to say the least." Upon seeing this post made about me, I made a run through my past and thought to myself there was never a single person that I have been that was 14 at the time, the only thing even similar in age was with this girl (we'll call her AV-alleged victim) who was 15 and i was 16 and a half or 17 (not too sure on the date that this had happened) I was a junior in high school and she was a freshman at a different high school, and what had happened in this situation was it was AV's birthday and she was throwing a party and had made a post on snapchat with the caption "kiss the chef" to which i responded to her story saying along the lines of "maybe I will at the party"(hard to remember verbatim since this was nearly 4 years ago) to which she responded saying that she was looking forward to it. fastforward to her party, all goes as planned and the party was a success, everyone had fun there and were able to have many conversations going. Once the party was coming to an end, AV pulled me into her bedroom and 2 remaining guests followed us into her bedroom as well. She tells me to sit next to her in bed while her 2 friends are sitting on their phones on the floor at the foot of the bed. AV then pulls the covers over and we begin kissing for a few minutes and nothing beyond that. We almost forgot that there were other people in the room with us, and we began talking to them about the party and their own lives. Another half hour goes by, her friends say they should leave to go home and AV had told me to stay longer (without a reason) so we walk her 2 friends out and just as they left, we begin kissing again in the living room this time and she has saddled herself on top of me and is getting passionate with me by trying to leave hickeys on me and i was doing the same to her. I made sure at this point to ask her if this is something she is okay with and I can recall word by word, she said "I'm fine with doing anything that doesn't involve me taking my pants off, I just don't want to take my pants or underwear off" and I fully respected that without a further explanation and made sure to not even attempt to undress her after she had told me this, with the exception of her allowing me to run my hand up her shirt. After this, I asked her if she was willing to "go down on me" to which she agreed and began doing so. This went on for approximately 10 minutes and within that time no where was she uncomfortable or being forced or manipulated into doing anything. When the night was over, I just grabbed my jacket and left to go home and afterwards we just didn't maintain contact and I assumed we both saw it as a one night stand and I moved on with my life afterwards. and please keep in mind, she is not only a minor, but I am as well at this time and we both consented as much as possible. This fact isn't regarding AV's birthday night but around 2 and a half years of having absolutely no contact with her, I began hearing through many of my close friends that AV is claiming I've been sending her unsolicited dick pics, which surprised me very much and caught me off guard as this is someone I haven't spoken to much less taken the time to snap and send a photo of my genitals to. Upon hearing these things I tried to reach out to her and ask her what situation she was even telling to other people but to my failure, she had me blocked on every social media platform along with my phone number. When I read my name on this safespace twitter account, my heart stopped and all I could think about is the repercussions of this one person's entirely false claims. I did not attempt reaching out to anyone other than one person, my current ex (the girlfriend mentioned in the post about me. We'll call her Ex) to which her instantaneous response was backing me and my defense in the situation and she did this because initially, I was unsure on who the person claiming these things could even be, and Ex began telling me that she thinks it is AV because she had actually reached out to her about this, to which ex was very supportive of her and even believed her story until ex began to notice holes in her story and when ex asked AV about these holes, AV began crying and having a breakdown and in ex's words "started profusely apologizing for lying" (this conversation between the two was prior to me hearing about rumors of me sending dick pics to AV.) After narrowing AV's true identity based on the timeline and the fact that I had not been with anyone other than Ex and AV during this time period, we realized who it really was behind these allegations, but I am still blocked everywhere and am still not able to get into contact with her to atleast find out what situation she is exposing me for and what I did wrong. With the support of multiple people spanning from close friends to old friends to acquaintances, all tweeting on my behalf supporting my honor and my character as well as reporting the page and the tweet posted about me(all happened without me telling anyone to do these things). I was very shocked with the response from my social circles and it was a very heartfelt feeling seeing all of these people vouching for me, when just last week someone else in our social circles had just been outed for multiple cases of sexual assault. With all the support I received backing me and my reputation against this allegation, the page took down the post. but as you know, anything posted onto the internet, stays on the internet in one way or another. Once the post was taken down, that was a small victory in clearing my name, although I messaged the page myself after the post was taken down telling them how I support the various movements happening in this country(USA) and that I fully understand the purpose of safespace pages like this and that I am not one to tolerate any sort of sexual abuse or assault. And that a page with this much power, being able to ruins someone's name and reputation for life, all just with a taps on a phone screen, they should be investigating more into these situations and should not just post names just upon receiving a message but rather, should spend the time to look into this and see for themselves. I do not say this to be hypocritical or to bash the movement to come out and speak about your sexual abuse, again, I fully support it 1000% and believe that it is absolutely horrific the things that people so close to me have had to deal with and I am here to listen to and respect anyone's story if they are willing to share it with me. But even after taking the post about me down from their page, they refused to issue out any sort of apology or clarification to clear my name and they finished their message stating "We only post 'apologies' or 'statements' when the allegations are proven to be false. AV is sticking to her original story" When i received this message i was very taken aback. The page that had absolutely no proof in any of this about sexual assault and did not think twice about posting my name for their 2,000+ followers to see but when the post itself was taken down for what the page claims to be "other reasons than being false" they refuse to do that until I can prove myself to be not guilty. I am not sure if this is relevant to this case but I believe that this detail sheds some light on AV. Prior to meeting AV in person, I first saw her name on twitter and followed her from there and while I was following her twitter, I clearly remember she posted for everyone to see(prior to ever meeting her in person), a screenshot of apparently a text conversation with AV's supposed ex boyfriends' mom who lived in Brazil who was texting her saying that her son just killed himself and that his last words were "AV, I love you". After I saw this screenshot I began to wonder the legitimacy of this and how strangely worded the texts were. It has become even more apparent to me now, as last year, my absolute closest and best friend took his own life, I am fully aware of the effects it can have on a person and AV was not exhibiting or even mentioning said ex BF's name even and just avoided any and all questions our social circles had for her. AV never admitted that it was a fake conversation, but also never spoke on it again. I do not mean to give you this detail to discredit AV in any way or fashion, rather just an anecdote that I have from first meeting her and how strange this seemed to not only me but the rest of AV's twitter following. I am now seeking legal advice on this to any extent on what I can possibly do in this situation and to clear my name against this blatantly false accusation. My biggest fear in this whole situation is this false claim potentially harming me in the future as I have just turned 21 and getting a real job is right around the corner and I don't want to have to clear this story with every potential employer and hope that they will believe my story. I would appreciate it more than you can ever know. Please if you can help even in the slightest, I would be most grateful. My ideal outcome to this would be the safespace page making another post fixing these claims and to restore my name, or possibly against AV for defamation or to any other extent as I am not too familiar with lawyer terms, but I am not asking to hurt anyone or to get back at anyone but to simply clear my name. --if any other details are needed, please reply and I'll be sure to fill you in and answer any questions promptly [link] [comments] |
My sister got touched Inappropriately by Physiotherapist Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:23 PM PDT So my sister just opened up to me about a recent chiropractor / physio visit and she asked for my opinion on this... She told me: "so as I was lying face down, the doctor felt against my backside / ass and grabbed the string of my underwear...almost as if to see what kind of underwear I was wearing" "I was only there for my neck pain" "I noticed a creepy perv vibe from him, he didn't look at my face only my lower body and private areas" The doctor then called her multiple times from different numbers and his cell number rather than the business line for the next appointment. When she didn't want to come in for the next appointment, he threatened her with a late fee of $85 and then when she said I felt very uncomfortable the way you touched me...He then told her to... behave like an adult and apologize to me then I will cancel the late fee... So my sister, being only 21 and going through a depression, apologized because she doesn't know any better! So now he cancelled the late fee after all that and said not to talk about this with anyone... What should we do here, I want to help her, this isn't right at all to make her feel uncomfortable, touch her underwear then make her feel like the stupid one by telling her to behave like an adult and apologize to him?!!! she says she can't sleep now and has nightmares about it for the last few nights... is this a possible case? She has some emails regarding the conversation Any help would be very appreciated This is in Ontario, Canada [link] [comments] |
Are other states required to accept my Florida medical exemptions for window tints in a car. Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:48 PM PDT I am going to be driving to Montreal in a couple of months. I live in Florida, my car is registered in Florida, I'm only going to Montreal for a couple of months. I am planning on driving my car since I'm trying to avoid airports due to COVID, I have a medical condition that requires me to have window tints installed in the car, I have the document that shows that the shop that installed the tints did so in accordance to Florida law which is different than other states, I also have a letter from my doctor that states my medical condition and the need for window tints in the car. I know a lot of people who make the drive to Montreal, and it seems to be a common thing for people from Florida to be ticketed out of state for window tints, some states have even forced the driver to remove the window tint. Window tint medical exceptions seem to be handled different by each state, there is no federal standard, some states seem that you are not even allowed to have any tints and don't even have a way to file an exception. I have tried to ask my state for information, but everything I already have is what is required by the state of Florida, my issue is outside of Florida. It's such a long drive, and if I'm ticketed or forced to remove the tint, its going to make the drive a lot tougher. I also have to ask legaladvice Canada for once I cross the border to Canada, the information is not clear about this either. [link] [comments] |
Got a cease and desist order in the mail today from a law firm because of a Google review. Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:33 AM PDT This is the same lady that sent me an email after I posted the review threating to call CPS on me if i didn't remove the post in 12 hours. I really don't want to remove the review because I feel it is 100% truth. Can I crumple this letter up or should I hire a lawyer to respond? [link] [comments] |
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