• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 21, 2020

    Legal Advice - Brother's friend wanted a place to store 'a couple of wardrobes and a bed' while he moved back with his parents until the covid crisis is over. My house is now packed full with urine-stinky furniture. What can I legally do with it? Country NSW Australia.

    Legal Advice - Brother's friend wanted a place to store 'a couple of wardrobes and a bed' while he moved back with his parents until the covid crisis is over. My house is now packed full with urine-stinky furniture. What can I legally do with it? Country NSW Australia.

    Brother's friend wanted a place to store 'a couple of wardrobes and a bed' while he moved back with his parents until the covid crisis is over. My house is now packed full with urine-stinky furniture. What can I legally do with it? Country NSW Australia.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    I get on OK with my brother, and his friend hadn't shown any hint of being an idiot over the last 15 years so I went along with this. I'll call my brother's friend Doug.

    My brother phoned me a while back and asked if I could do a favour for Doug and he put doug on, and doug told me he's gotta move back in with his parents because he lacks work like all of us, and needs a place to store 'a couple of wardrobes full of clothes, and a bed' for about six months until things open up again. My brother told doug I had a spare room with not much in it (which is true), and I was happy to help so I said sure, bring it over. The spare room is more than big enough for a couple of wardrobes and a bed.

    Through miscommunications and a shift change at work I couldn't be there when doug moved out of his old place and put his stuff in the spare room, so I dropped my spare key to my brother and he supervised doug. on Friday afternoon I came back home to a house packed full of what looks like every possession doug has ever owned packed into every room of my house, and almost all of it is urine stained and covered in mouse droppings.

    "A couple of wardrobes full of clothes and a bed" has turned into two wardrobes full of mouse droppings clothes and boxes, a dozen garbage bags of more clothes, six chairs and a kitchen table, a bedside table, a dozen boxes of books, two bookcases, boxes of kitchen implements, half a dozen wall hangings and paintings, a house door covered in stickers, a credenza, a single bed and a double bed (both of them REEK of urine and bloke), four small chests of drawers, three kitchen cupboards, a pair of card tables, and two refrigerators with food in the freezers and plugged into my power, and more bags of bedclothes, electronics, just about everything to fill a regular small house.

    Everything in the house stinks and I can't do this. I don't mean it just has a scent to it, it stinks badly. I can taste the stink in my mouth even when I'm out of the house. With the heater on now it's winter it's nauseating.

    I phoned doug and told him he has to come and get this all out, and he can't. He's already 600km away on his parents property and has no money left. I told him I'm going to dump the lot of it if he doesn't come get it, and he told me I'd made a binding verbal agreement with him and if I damaged anything of his he'd come down on me like a tonne of bricks with legal action. ten minutes after getting off the phone with him, his dad phoned and made more threats the same.

    I can't reach any of the shelving in my spare room, I can't use half my couch or my art desk, I can only JUST reach my own clothing in my bedroom drawers and I can only use one chair in my kitchen.

    I've contacted my brother and a stupid shrugging noise and said he thought that's what I agreed on.

    What am I legally allowed to do with all this? I agreed to a couple of wardrobes and a bed. I did NOT agree to a house full of stuff. I want to at least get the worst of it out of the house immediately but it's been raining and we have a week more rain forecast. I can't afford to put it in storage, I'm slowly draining my savings the last few months as work has been cut back due to covid. I don't have a garage or shed, I have no undercover place to put any of this. Best I could do was borrow a tarp and wrap up the worst wardrobes and clingwrapped the beds but that's only a minor help as it all smells bad.

    I did a house plan drawing, sorry it's rubbish. on the left is my normal house, TV is the lounge, S spare room D desk room B bedroom and K kitchen. on the right is the same with all of doug's stuff added in red. https://imgur.com/a/I0eXuDz

    Edit: ok this has gone beyond legal advice and beyond a joke I think, I just went around taking photos and doug has a dried up used cat litter tray in the bottom of his wardrobe underneath clothing, the bags of clothing have mouse nests in them, and there are cockroaches. I've phoned friends, we're dumping it on the front lawn tonight (it's 1130pm here) and I'm texting doug's parents with the photos and if they want any of it they'll come get it. I'll deal with the consequences of that later, my sanity and sanitation is worth more.

    submitted by /u/stinkyfurniture
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    Ex-wife has stopped communicating with me and her parents for several days, we have joint legal custody of our children, she has threatened to leave with the country with the children in the past. It's Fathers day and still nothing. What are my options?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    My ex has physical custody but we're still working on getting permanent custody orders; we both want physical custody of the children as we live in different states. The temporary orders give her physical custody but we share legal custody. I get 3 calls a week (which I rarely get), and the children are to made available to me when I am in the state (California).

    She had a fight with her parents (with whom she lives) and said she was going to move out. This was on Thursday, we talked briefly on Friday morning because I was supposed to visit with our children, but she canceled last minute. Since then she has not answered any of my texts or calls, she is also not answering her parents calls.

    It's now Fathers day, I've texted her to see if I can see them today with no response.

    In the past she threatened to take the kids to Mexico, she has family there and I don't speak Spanish; also both of our children have their passports. I'm afraid she's going to take them and I might never see them again.

    What are my options?

    submitted by /u/thrwawy0839750856
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    A $100 Garth Brooks ticket is turning into a $5000 nightmare

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Hello, any advice on what I should do? This is regarding tickets to the upcoming Garth Brooks Drive-in concert.

    This is the email I sent Encore Live (promoter).

    On Friday at 10am, CST I got "in line" for tickets for the McHenry IL location through Ticketmaster.

    At 11am, I went into the cue and around 11:30am, I was let in. After selecting ONE ticket, I entered my credit card information and submitted it. After a few seconds, it said they couldn't process the payment. I tried again.

    After several attempts, with two different cards my wife called and said our credit card company called her regarding a fraud warning. She approved and said to resubmit. We did this a few more times, knowing there were "over 300,000 in line to get tickets..from Garths Tweet". and if I restarted I would never get the ticket. We eventually gave up.

    *Note: on the Universe website (where Ticketmaster took us) under "Why did my payment fail" it said "Note: if your payment has failed, we recommend trying again and if you still cannot book, try with a different card". (That part was removed Saturday morning around 7am but I do have a screen cap of the original)

    About 20 minutes later, I received an email confirmation with an attached pdf ticket. They kept coming in and by 1pm CST I had 16 tickets and was charged $1600!!!! Never once did it say the transaction went though. Now, to put this in perspective, I'm a dad of twin 3 year olds, who is just getting back to normal life. We CANNOT afford $1600, period.

    I tried reaching out to Ticketmaster and Universe, but there were no numbers listed and my only way to do this was via twitter. I had no luck reaching anyone. Tried DM's and tweets with them.

    I was panicking and knew I needed to get rid of these tickets ASAP. I did not want to come home and explain to my wife why we owed $1600.

    So I listed 14 tickets on StubHub at $200/each. (I didn't know what the fees associated with StubHub were and wanted to do the best I could to recoup the costs.). by 5:15pm, I had sold all 14, after fees it was just about $2000, which has not been collected).

    I started seeing things on twitter that there was an error and that there would be a new sale on Saturday. (Still no emails about the excess charges by anyone!).

    At 9:15pm, I started receiving emails about my tickets being cancelled and void!?!? AGAIN, NO OTHER EMAIL, CALL or ANYTHING PRIOR

    At 8am on Saturday, I got an "apology" email from Universe and at 9am, I received my one ticket.

    I've been on the phone with StubHub all day and what they are saying is, I sold GA tickets and am responsible to provide those tickets to the buyers.

    Here's the big issue (besides the lack of communication), I HAD 16 TICKETS, and was charged $1600 (refund within the next two weeks!). I could see the issue if I bought 1 and was awarded 16....but I was sent 16 tickets and was charged $1600!

    Now, with the show being sold out, I have to look on StubHub to provide the 14 other buyers with tickets.. Currently, that will be right around $4,500-5000. (I plan to use that one ticket I was sent back).

    In short, a $100 Garth Brooks ticket turned into a $5,000 nightmare.

    This stinks...I was a big Garth fan.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/J0hnsen
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    Found my car on a listing website soon after the insurance company told me it was being repaired. What can i do?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    So i found my ford fusion which was wrecked breaking the from drive train on a listing website soon after the insurance company told me the repair costs would be $5600 just under totaling it via repair costs and i would be able to get it repaired which would take 5 days. Well i looked on the lots website that they sent it to and they have it for sell.

    They have cleared out my personal belongings and cleaned the car, the vin matches and the key fob still has the key ring on it with my first name in bright blue.

    What can i do if the lot has thrown away my personal belongings?

    Location: Tennessee
    TL;DR: Yard where my car is being has my car on an auction after my insurance told me i could get it back after they repaired

    submitted by /u/TobyBacoon
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    Ex boyfriend keeps threatening suicide because I broke up with him. Trying to reason with him, calling the police has gotten nowhere. Now he is threatening to take me to court for harassment for doing these things?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    MINI UPDATE: Thank you so much to everyone that replied and made me snap out of my panic. I have blocked my ex on everything. His sister and I contacted the police and sent them evidence of his suicide threats. Unfortunately, they can't do anything for him unless he has a specific plan. Since he doesn't want help, I feel like that's the most we can do. The officer, however, did reassure me I did nothing wrong legally and that I should just cut contact completely. I feel relieved. Thank you again to everyone who gave such rational advice.

    I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. It was a toxic relationship. Ever since then, he has called and texted me saying he will kill himself if I don't work things out with him. I can't get the courage to block him because he says he will kill himself if I do.

    I have called the police several times about this. So far, they really have not been able to do anything. When the police show up, ex says he is fine so they just leave. There was one instance he was put on a 72 hour hold, but once that was over, he just went right back to threatening suicide.

    I have tried to see about getting back with him because I am scared he will actually go through with killing himself. But he demands that I move in with him immediately despite showing no changes to his toxic behavior, so I break things off again. Then come the suicide threats, and he says he will not rush me to move in with him again. But nothing ever changes.

    I realize I could have posted this in a relationship subreddit, but now he has specifically threatened to take me to court for harassment. His reasoning is that I won't stop texting him and mentally abusing him (asking him not to kill himself, saying things won't work out between us). He has been initiating contact with me the whole time though.

    The other reason is because I wanted to return some of his things he forced me to take to my home. One of these is a piece of jewelry he gave to me from a family member. I mostly wanted to return this because I know he would accuse me of stealing it if I didn't give it back. But now he is saying he will take me to court for my insistence to give this back to him by showing up at his house just to drop it off.

    Would the courts even see this as me harassing him? I am scared because nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I almost feel obligated to get back together with him and do what he says so that he doesn't kill himself or try to take me to court.

    Sorry this was so long, I wanted to include all of the relevant details. Any advice on this would help, thank you

    submitted by /u/Total_Wash
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    Issues with mail delivery/mailman targeting

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Wasnt sure how to phrase the topic. Sorry. Please read, really need to know what to do here.

    I'll try to be as direct as I can.

    I own a 3-family property. Units of course are separate. I live in said property, along with 2 other families. I have owned the property for going on ten years.

    That said, I have been having an issue with mail delivery for the entire ten years I have owned the building.

    There are 3 mailboxes located at the delivery location. 1 for each floor. They are all marked with names properly.

    Only my mail in my name is not being delivered.

    It started out small, something was supposed to arrive, but didnt.

    Thought nothing of it.

    A few years back, I had tenants who were on rent subsidy. They paid 20%, and their subsidizing agency paid 80%. The checks didnt show. I went back and forth with the agency, who swore to have sent them. Voided check, I picked the new check up in person. Next month, same thing. Eventually I got with the post office. It was escalated to the postmaster, who was nice, helpful, and generally great. He actually found that month's subsidy check, and other mail in my name, in what he called a "scam/destroy" bin. Told me if mail comes in, and appears to be scam mail, it goes into a bin for destruction. He gave me my mail, said he'd speak to the carrier. It was fine for a couple of months. Then started again.

    Another conversation with postmaster, another couple of months of delivery, and then issues again. Rinse, wash, repeat. For years.

    The thing is, I'd get SOME mail. Bills, junk mail, flyers, etc. What would NOT be delivered was important stuff. W2. 1099. Subsidy checks. Bank documents. Lawyer communications. (Have had legal cases over the years, all as plaintiff, things such as evictions, resultant small claims etc) I'd only get the junk.

    I've had to request w2's or 1099's multiple times, finally just started having things sent to my gf's house.

    And just dealt with it.

    A couple of months back, I was laid off due to covid. I will return to work eventually, when the company reopens.

    Naturally, I filed for unemployment.

    I dont know if it's the same in all states, but in my state unemployment docs can not be forwarded or delivered to any address other than where you live. So in this case, I can not have this mail sent to my gf's house.

    I have 10 weeks now of unemployment filings, claims tentatively approved, but have yet to receive any money. Unemployment tells me it's because there are docs sent, but not yet responded to, to finalize my claim. We're talking over 10 grand here, folks. (1k+ a week with PUA)

    Of course, I never received the docs.

    I asked the mail carrier (same guy the entire ten years) and he says he never saw anything.

    A few days later, I overhear a conversation between him and another tenant, where he states he "doesnt like me, so he wont deliver my mail".

    I immediately called the post master.

    Explained the situation to him, he put me on hold, and came back. Said he called the mail carrier, who said my name was not on the box so if I wanted my mail I needed to put my name on the box.

    Sure enough, the adhesive business-card holder thing that holds the names on my box was now missing.

    I advised the postmaster of this, and said I would remedy it. He told me basically no name = no mail. HOWEVER - mail HAS arrived, and has been arriving, for people who moved YEARS ago, and have not had their names on the box for years.

    I asked the postmaster about that, and he had no explanation. Just said he spoke to the carrier, and it is now resolved. I would have no further problems.

    I then used a paint marker, and put my name on the box permanently.

    I have not received any mail, at all, in the last 3 weeks since the latest postmaster conversation.

    None. No junk mail, no flyers, nothing.

    I have tried to contact the postmaster again, and keep being told he's busy and will call me back. He never does. I've gone in person, and am told he's busy. Leave my number.

    A few days ago, I overheard a conversation between him and my other tenant. (I'm on 2nd floor, and can hear clearly street level conversation) telling my tenant that he refuses to deliver my mail, that I tried to get him in trouble with his boss, and that I'm "playing a game that I'll make sure he never wins".

    To which my tenant responds with "why would you do this, he's a good guy?"

    And the carrier responds "good guy? No he's not, he'll get what he deserves".

    I still cant get ahold of the postmaster.

    Friday, I get an email from my state's department of labor, telling me my claim is on hold, because all official unemployment docs have been returned to them as "NOT AT THIS ADDRESS". I am being investigated for fraud. And have a hearing coming up, the date and time of which has been communicated via mail. Which I wont get. Because he wont deliver it.

    I'm pissed. I've been waiting and waiting, and need money. My savings is now gone.

    I dont know what to do.

    I have kids.

    This is now a SERIOUS issue with major complications.

    I just want my mother effin mail.

    What are my options here, guys? What do I do?

    submitted by /u/fullyaware4422
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    I'm 15. Do I legally have any say in my orthodontic treatment?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Edit: Missouri, USA

    I have braces, and an overbite which my orthodontist tried fixing with rubber bands. I did wear the bands as directed, but I'm positive that he doesn't believe me since my bite hasn't improved.

    Last week during an appointment he left to talk to my parents for a few minutes. When he came back, he informed me that I will need headgear. Without explaining anything or giving me a chance to ask questions, he just put it on then and there. I had to wait until he was done to ask how long I have to wear it, how to take it off, etc... to which he responded that it's cemented to my molars and I can't take it off until he removes it in 14 months. I can only remove the strap behind my neck for showers.

    So now I'm stuck with this absurd contraption on my face for over a year that I didn't ask for, don't want, and can't take off for school, dates, anything. I know that it's a medical device and fixing a problem, but do I really have no say about it? Even after researching headgear it seems like everybody can remove theirs and just wears it at night. I only recall seeing two people in my life actually wearing headgear in public.

    submitted by /u/retromountain
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    My Mother Is Claiming She Has A Legal Right To Talk Too Me.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I'm an adult (23). I'm not living with her. Last Sunday I decided to cut contact with my mother. I have blocked her number. This is due to the unhealthy relationship we have. She has access to my husband's number (Whom I know she trusts, and doesn't believe there's abuse, because there isn't), my in-laws, and my grandfather (Who, I informed that I was going to be cutting contact with her).

    Today, she came banging on my door, and ringing the doorbell unannounced. I refused to answer, because I'm dealing with enough problems/trauma as it is from this. My husband doesn't have her number blocked. He sent her a text telling her, we're not talking right now. She left a note on my car, claiming that she has a legal right to see me/hear my voice, and if not, in 24 hours she will call the police. Is that true?

    Update: So, as stated in the comments, she showed up to my in-laws house, and sent them/my husband texts. My father in-law forwarded the texts to me, and is saving them for documentation. In it, she acknowledged that I have blocked her number/simply am not talking to her. So, I don't think the police will be showing up for any "welfare checks". Thank You all for your help.

    Update 2/2nd Question: How would I go about getting record of previous restraining orders, when they were filed while I was a minor? It was filed by my mother in my behalf. I would like to obtain it for records sake.

    Edit: They were filed against her abusive husband, while I was a minor. I want record of this, because she filed several, and broke them repeatedly, before divorcing him. It put myself, and another minor in her care, in danger. I want this for record sake, because she's threatening "Grandparents Rights" over my daughter.

    Edit 2: If I need to make a separate post for this, I can.

    submitted by /u/RightNowThrowaway
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    My brother bought a house from a dead guy

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    We live in Quebec Canada. Today some random guy(Rando) showed up at the house demanding a car engine that he left to the dead guy. My brother bought the house as is with all the dead guys stuff 4 years ago. The Rando has no proof of ownership of the engine. What are my brothers obligations in this case?

    submitted by /u/Mrpooney83
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    Is there a way I can prevent someone from selling my sick mother '5G blocker' scams?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    My mother has a long running history of health problems and is fifty years old. She suffers from chronic joint pain and has a digestive problem which means being on a strict low histamine diet. All of this classifies her as legally disabled however she still works sometimes.

    Recently she started seeing a licensed nutritionalist who prescribed her some vitamins and some sort of gut bacteria supplement. My mother said that I should take it but I was sceptical about the supplements. Obviously vitamins are vitamins so I took those. A few days ago my mother comes back from and expensive appointment with this 'doctor' and comes back with a rubber bracelet with a metal clasp that contains some sort of device. I asked about it, thinking it was some jewellery, and she says that the nutritionalist gave it to her and it was a '5G blocker'. Innitially I thought she was joking but It quickly became apparent that she wasnt. I told her that it was a scam and asked how much she played for it. She replied £600 (roughly 700 USD). I immediately became angered at the woman who had 'prescribed' this to her. We are in a good financial situation so it wasnt too worried about that but I can imagine this scam has been peddled to many people less fortunate than us.

    Is there any way that I can report this scammer to the authorities, she is taking advantage of sick and disabled people both financially and emotionally for her own gain. I understand that selling 'alternative therapies' is not illegal in the UK but this is downright disgusting. Any help would be appreciated and if this is the wrong sub please let me know :)

    submitted by /u/Gabep66
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    Eminent Domain? Rezoned our street without telling us?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I live in Loveland Ohio and my entire street was rezoned from housing to commercial without the knowledge of anyone who lives on the street. The street is one lane wide. The city took 6 or 8 ft. (I cant remember) of every yard going in from the sidewalk without tell us also. My family found this out when our neighbor went to sell his property and had the land surveyed. A company has already bought a few houses and plots on the street and have called us everyday about buying our house for days. Talk of eminent domain has spread throughout our street and we're all pretty worried. Is this something we need to be worried about? Any advice or information is welcome.

    submitted by /u/throwaway123oof
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    Auto shop won't realise car and an employee is useing it for personal use.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    So at the beginning of June I took my 1972 VW bettle to a specialty auto shop because of a fuel leak problem I couldn't fix myself. When I first took it in I was told it would take no more than a week, well now it's been almost a month. Last week I called and was feed some story about my gears needed to be replaced and other problems (all untrue because I work on it myself and knew exactly what's wrong with it) well yesterday I went to the store before opening and waited because I wanted to see if anyone was useing it because at this point im getting suspicious. Well I was right, I watched some dude drive out of the shop with it and then down the road. I tailed him to see where he went and first he was at a restaurant, then he went to Wal-Mart bought grosherys, and drove to what I am assuming is his house which it was their today as well. I am beyond furious that car belonged to my grandmother and she trusted me to take care of it when she couldn't afford to anymore. I want to know what my opinions are and what evidence I need to collect because I'll be damned if this isn't going straight to court. I live in Cascade County, Montana if that helps.

    Edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/Taytory
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    Preschool Tuition Payment

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am a parent in Michigan who was sending my child to a private Montessori preschool for the 2019-2020 school year. In March, due to COVID, they closed the school and did not offer any online educational services. Our tuition for the year was paid in full in January.

    On Friday one of the teachers reached out to us parents to finally allow us to get our personal belongings from the school. While picking them up, she informed us that the school had laid her and the other teachers off when they closed in March. So this weekend, I decided to get out the contract we signed and the payment terms do not seem to cover anything like this (see below). Is there anything I can do to recoup a portion of the already paid tuition?

    The school administrator and owners have not responded to any messages from parents.

    Payment Agreement I/We understand that the above-named child is enrolled for the full school year (or portion remaining) and that my agreement to pay tuition for the full period of enrollment is not subject to adjustment because of illness, absence or withdrawal from school. I agree to pay, when applicable, other fees including, without limiting registration or re-enrollment fees, late fees, hourly childcare, NSF fees, late pickup charges or an occasional charge for a field trip. I understand that the above-named child may be denied admission to school, and that records may be withheld if tuition or fees are not paid in a timely manner. I/We understand that the tuition payment is due on the first of the month. Tuition paid after the 7th of the month will incur a $25 late fee. Initials _____

    submitted by /u/dkietzman
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    My mother is being accused of medical malpractice and we're at our wits' end.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    A woman with neurological problems (possibly epilepsy) is accusing my mother, a psychiatrist, of medical malpractice because she a) couldn't do anything about her condition and b) couldn't answer her call one time.

    My mother is a private practitioner who volunteers at a free clinic. The woman in question visited my mother at the free clinic (unaware of the fact that she is also a private practicioner) . She had an appointment with my mum but didn't get to her office on time (for unknown reasons) ,and my mum assumed that she wouldn't be able to make it there, so she kept examining her previous patient. At some point, the woman called her on her cellphone and cursed at her because she didn't examine her. I forgot to mention that my mum is not in charge of making the appointments, instead she stays in her office for several hours one day a week and various patients are sent to her. Anyway, my mum replied to her that she was seeing another patient that moment, and that's where the trouble began.

    Since that event, the woman has been sending my mum offensive texts on a regular basis, calling her a pig and telling her that she needs a psychiatrist herself, that she doesn't care about her patients and other stuff like that. Two days ago, she made a post on Facebook writing that my mum dismissed her call and, based on that, accused her of malpractice /not minding her patients' needs, and on top that she called her insane and, as I mentioned before, wrote that "she needs a psychiatrist herself ASAP". The post got quite a bit of attention/comments/reactions, and most of the commenters agreed that my mother is a useless doctor, even though she generally has a good reputation. She also called her a "freeloader" in a way, based on the assumption the my mum is a public worker (which she isn't) and has a steady income but doesn't actually do her job properly. What should be done in this situation?

    (we live in the European Union, apologies for any typos)

    submitted by /u/legaladvice753951
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    How do I know if my landlord is in the military?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    I am trying to file a law suit in small claims court against my old landlord. She is refusing to return my security deposit and has been ignoring my calls and texts. I had a final walk through and everything was fine. She is a slumlord and has been a nightmare to deal with.

    I live in Maryland and need a MD Military Affidavit that says she has never been in the military to actually file the paperwork. On the SCRA website, it says that I need her date of birth and SS to look it up but I don't have that info

    How do I proceed ? There must be a way. I cannot imagine that it's this hard to file a small claims court case against someone...

    Please help.

    submitted by /u/Neverender1
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    Parents might have filed and signed my tax forms

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Quick note: I am currently no contact with my parents because they are abusive and horrible and when I say no contact I mean absolutely no contact, I refuse to contact them for any reason it is simply too painful and contacting them because they might have my taxes would be a problem and they have no idea where I am currently living and I would love to keep it that way. I know it sounds absurd but they are abusive and manipulative and if I open up the line of communication things will only get worse for me.

    My parents were sent my W-2 for my summer job, and they might have just signed it and sent it in claiming me as dependent which I am not. I really would like to be able to claim myself as independent to get a stimulus check and more money in tax returns. I have no idea how any of this works and I could really use some help is there a way for me to see if my taxes have already been done? If I contact the IRS about this does this mean I have to deal with the police and potentially have to go through an actual legal thing to prove that I did not sign my taxes? Is all of this even worth the stress and should I just give up? Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/Worried_Performance
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    Lied about age

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    I'm 21 and this guy messaged me on Grindr a few months ago. According to his Grindr profle, he was 18. We didn't actually meet in person, but we did have an explicit conversation on the app.

    We ended up only talking for a day or two before the conversation died. We did end up following each other on instagram though. I then found out with a recent post that he was actually 17. I'm in California where the legal age of consent is 18. I immediately blocked him on both apps.

    I took screenshots of his Grindr profile where it clearly states his age being 18 before I blocked him on there. I also deleted any trace of explicit messages I have sent to him. I've known of cases like this where a minor lies about their age and the oblivious adult faces the consequences, and I've been paranoid the whole day. I do have the evidence that he claimed to be 18 (the screenshots), but would that be any good? I doubt that he's noticed I even blocked him, so the chances are slim, but I just want the peace of mind.

    submitted by /u/anonymous8203
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    Ex-girlfriend is unilaterally deciding when I get to see our newborn son. Washington State.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    You'll have to excuse me for the length of this post but it is a very complicated situation which is why I haven't taken any legal action yet.

    My ex girlfriend and I met last September and copulated a baby. She had been recently divorced and already has 4 children of her own so it was already not an ideal situation but I felt ready to become a father at the time no matter how we turned out. I actually ended up living with her and her 4 other kids practically full time up until just recently when she decided out of the blue that me not being around while her other kids were there was what was best for everyone involved. I conceded because as a child of divorce it is hard seeing a parent move on to a new relationship especially so soon and that was exactly the point that was brought up.

    To get to the point our son was born last week but before then our relationship had come to halt. When the topic came up of how we are going to split our son she said she wanted to keep the same parenting plan that she has with her ex husband which is that I would get to see my son Friday, Saturday Sunday. The problem is that my days off from work are Sunday and Monday. I asked if I could visit on Mondays since I have those days off and she has denied the request because her other kids would be around and she still wants me to only be around when her other 4 children are not around.

    I feel like this parenting plan that she wants put in place is ridiculously unfair to me because not only is she unilaterally deciding when I get to see my son but hypothetically, if her ex husband wanted to have a weekend off from the children they share that would also mean that I wouldn't get to see my son on my weekends at all. I've started writing down every interaction in a notepad of when she denies me visitation and have kept a log of all finances that I have been providing to her since I started paying child support. I also have a personal journal that I've been writing in to document how each day has gone.

    I feel like I shouldn't have to say this but, I have absolutely no criminal record whatsoever, I've only ever had one traffic violation and it was for bad tires. She has absolutely no reason to deny me visitation based on violent activity or any other illegal activity for that matter.

    Sorry for the story but I'm really lost on what to do from here. I understand that for at least a couple of years there's not a whole lot I can do as far as primary custody goes because a baby needs their mom and I have to be at the mercy of that. On the flip side I feel like I'm getting extremely screwed over so yea. Also, I'm on mobile so yea...grammar yadda yadda yadda.

    submitted by /u/Big-dickthrowaway
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    Friend owes a ton of money for medical debts, got a letter from a law office saying they were trying to collect, she can't pay

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    So as the title says. I'm writing for a friend cause she's (understandably imo) in hysterics. She went to the hospital some years ago, but within the Florida statute of limitations, and didn't have insurance at the time. Today, she got a letter from a law office stating she owed a lot (over 15k) and that they are attempting to collect the debt. They say she can contact them to dispute the debts validity, and if she didn't, they will assume the debt to be valid. They don't say anything else about what happens if she doesn't. She can't pay anywhere near this amount, has no income, and can't afford a lawyer or financial consultant herself. She also recently changed her name, and has changed addresses since the hospitalization, but the law office only got the address right, not her new name. The letter she got seems legitimate, though it seems strange to me that this only came years after. What can she do? Or, more to the point, should she dispute the claim and could she get state financial assistance before they go after her?

    submitted by /u/burner85135
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    Neighbor removed trees from my property

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Backstory: I live in the woods, with thick trees on all sides of my home. Someone bought the 3 acre lot next to mine (the mother of a current neighbor). The mother lives out of state, and is building a home on the lot without ever visiting the area or having seen the lot. She's relying on her builder and her daughter to get the home build started before she arrives - she had it planned and designed from another state.

    Before the land had any clearing done, the daughter told me that they were planning to clear an entire acre of land, but leave about 30' of totally untouched forest between us. However, they were worried about some very tall cottonwoods that I had growing (again within a thick forested area) on our side of the shared property line. It sounds like her mom is afraid of most any tree, but especially cottonwoods because of their tendency to fall. She asked if I would consent to letting their builder remove those trees. I made the mistake of being neighborly, and said OK. I spoke with the builder and said he could take the cottonwoods. I did not specifically mark each tree I was approving, assuming the daughter had talked to him about the request since she was the one who spoke to me about it.

    Cut to a week later, and, you guessed it, they cleared nearly every tree from between the two houses, including upwards of 30-40 on my property - all varieties and sizes. There is now next to no privacy in the front of my home.

    Then I saw the stakes for the house placement and realized it was very close to our house (~60'). So I was pissed. Who moves to acreage in the woods and builds a house right in front of their neighbor? Especially now that I will have an unimpeded view of their home. The daughter now claims that she never asked me to agree to remove the trees, and that was a request I had made to the builder on my own (?!). She says it's between me and the builder, because she is not in charge. She spoke with her mom who offered to plant 4 trees to make up for the loss because he "wasn't supposed to clear that much" - and has since said she would plant "more", but has not given a clear number.

    We've had some pretty contentious words over email because we were angry and asked them if they would move their house further from us. Then didn't want to/couldn't because of certain things they wanted in the build (and they didn't, they've poured the foundation). They are pissed because they feel we're trying to tell them what to do, and we are pissed because they cleared all our trees on one side of our house and are building a house unnecessarily close to us. Obviously we can't stop them from building where they want, but our local permit office advised me to get an attorney regarding the loss of trees. I'm not sure it's worth it. The damage is done, and no amount of money will bring 30 year old trees back. I have to live next to this woman for who knows how long, so I'm trying to decide my best plan of action.

    What would you do?

    submitted by /u/genab
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    When is it okay to break the glass of a vehicle to rescue an animal?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I was shopping with my mother recently and we noticed a dog in a sealed car in 90 F weather. Luckily, we were able to find the owner and call the police, but if it was more than 30 seconds later than when I saw the owner, I would have broken the glass to get the dog out. I carry a glass breaker in my car for emergencies, so it would definitely be doable. Are you legally protected if you do break open a car to get an animal out? I understand it's a matter best left to police, but it's easy for an animal to die or become disabled in the time it takes for police to arrive.

    I am in Wisconsin and was wondering if anyone else had information about this.

    submitted by /u/toast_chicken
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    Oregon Cannabis Business Hired me as an IC but I am clearly an employee. How do I report this income next month?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I started working at a cannabis lab a couple of months ago. I worked for almost 3 weeks before signing paperwork and was surprised to see an IC agreement when I was also assigned a number to punch in and out every day on a timeclock. From the looks of it, I am in no way an IC but an employee.

    I happen to own a small business that is unrelated and file quarterly with the IRS and State. How do I report this income with the least amount of problems for ME?

    I am overworked and tired at the moment so any insight/advice on where to go for how to file my quarterlies will be appreciated. TIA!

    EDIT: deleted some criticism/details

    submitted by /u/louderharderfaster
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    Identity theft by parents, how much has to happen before the IRS cares?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Tl;Dr at the bottom

    Hello, I will try to make this short and sweet.

    I am a victim of familial identity theft. My biological parents used my social security number and W-2s to cheat the government and commit tax/identity fraud. I have been In nearly constant contact with the IRS about this issue to get it resolved. I have frozen my credit, filed a police report, reported the identity theft with the IRS and FTC, filed fraud reports with the IRS fraud department, payed to have the fraudulent tax returns amended, and contacted the state attorney in the state I currently reside. (I'm also getting my name legally changed in 2 weeks to further separate myself from this.)

    Long story short, the IRS said I have done my part in reporting my side, and the local police can not get involved with my case, because there can not be a separate investigation working against the IRS's investigation. The IRS Identity Theft Department has confirmed identity theft on my account, closed my case, and sent the case over to the Fraud Department of the IRS. The agent said the Fraud Department will investigate the case, and determine whether or not it is worth pursuing legal action. She also said it is no longer a crime against me, but a crime against the IRS, so my part is done.

    When I talked to a friend from work, he said most likely my parents will not face legal action, because they are not big fish and it would be a waste of time for the IRS. Most likely my parents will be fined, but essentially a slap on the wrist.

    The IRS agent stated that if the amount stolen from the IRS reaches a certain threshold, then they will pursue legal action, if not, nothing will happen.

    What has occurred:

    •Parents filed my tax returns fraudulently claiming to be me from 2011-2016 •They have claimed me illegally since 2012 on their own returns •They fabricated jobs I never worked at to use as falsified information to obtain more money on the tax refund •They stole almost $3000 in tax refunds that were supposed to be mine. I never received any refund and it was directly deposited into their bank account. •I was under investigation for not filing a 2017 tax return. My account was flagged for identity theft in 2015 and a notice was sent to the address on file. My parents received the mail, called the IRS, and pretending to be me, "resolved" the issue of identity theft on my account so they could continue using my information. (My parents have all of my personal information which makes this incredibly frustrating.)

    The state attorney said my case is fascinating but to recover any stolen funds I would have to sue my parents/wait for the IRS to pursue legal action.

    My question is, how much has to happen for the IRS to care/pursue this? Is my co-worker correct?

    Tl;Dr: Parents stole my identity, want justice for my case, will IRS pursue/care?

    Location: Nebraska

    submitted by /u/Sora33o
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    Husband and wife separating in NC, USA Wife gets a WiFi webcam

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    My wife is the breadwinner and makes 3x the amount of money I do. But we bought a house when we were married. Even though I'm not on the mortgage, I'm on the deed. She wants me out, but I've received no separation agreement. It's in the works from her lawyer. She keeps screaming at me to get out and I'm working towards that between classes and work. Now, she keeps complaining about me taking items out that I feel are mine even though I'm trying to get out as fast as I can. She said she feels unsafe in her home because I keep taking items. We aren't really agreeing on everything to split, but again I'm taking the items I've used and not messing with her hobby items or the rest of the stuff. She just got webcams to track what I'm doing in the house that I noticed immediately and unplugged then blocked from the WiFi. North Carolina requires just one party to consent to the recording but I think if the other objects it's null? But can she be the one party consenting even if she's not in the house? Either way I did not consent and turned off the cameras. Will I get in trouble?

    submitted by /u/newchenz
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