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    Thursday, March 5, 2020

    Legal Advice - School bullying issue.

    Legal Advice - School bullying issue.

    School bullying issue.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:13 AM PST

    My son has been bulled every day for the past 2 years by the same boy who literally goes on a manhunt to find him and just make his life hell.

    Monday the bully kicked my son in the balls so hard he was down for at least 20 mins since he wasn't in class for afternoon count and took them 20 mins to find him (there's a running track this blind spot where the teacher can't find kids)

    I went to the school and raised all kinds of hell with the principle and his teacher because I've been to they school countless times to discuss the bullying problem and they just give me the bs run around saying there's nothing we can do, blah blah blah

    Well i kept him out of school to recover and sent him back today and told next time they corner you over there, do the same exact thing.

    And he did, and obviously I was called to school and now he might face assault charges, but when it was my son absolutely nothing happened.

    Anything I can do to fight this?

    Edit: holy hell this blew up fast and why is everyone assuming I'm a girl

    submitted by /u/throwaway2939299q
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    Daughter being taught intelligent design in H.S. biology class in Ohio

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:14 AM PST

    I don't know if I am in the correct place, but my daughter is being taught intelligent design in her public H.S. biology class. The teacher is presenting it as a viable alternative to evolution. He has it in their, homework, notes, and on quizzes. He even clicker-polled the class to ask them what they believe is the most convincing theory of the origin of life. There's more he does to undermine evolution including teaching terms that are the pet theories of Intelligent Design. He introduces terms that are not in the textbook and outside the state standards.

    I have not yet approached the teacher, the principal, or the school board. I HAVE written the Ohio chapter of the ACLU because I wanted to understand the law before objecting and working to get these practices changed. I have not yet heard back.

    My question is where I might turn to find out the legality of his classroom practices, and what my next steps should be.


    Edited: I clarified that the school is a public high school.

    submitted by /u/Titlenineraccount2
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    Can religious parents revoke insurance payment for already inserted IUD?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:29 AM PST

    So i got a copper IUD at Planned Parenthood in Florida. I'm in college and on my parents health insurance. They found out today that I used planned parenthood for a surgical procedure (IUD insertion) and they called me freaking out saying that I had a $2200 abortion. They then said that they're going to call the insurance company and revoke the payment and make me pay out of pocket for supporting such a "horrible organization." Is this possible or are they trying to scare me?

    submitted by /u/ek42069
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    Hostel Management Wants To Withhold Student Passports

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Hello, I'm a foreign student currently studying in Singapore and happen to live in the student dormitory. Due to the recent COVID19 virus, the dorm management implemented a rule where all foreign students MUST turn in their passports. They are not the legal guardian of the students living there, and I'm here to ask whether it is legal for the school to confiscate our passports? Bear in mind that the school in question is a private school and the school also manages the dorms. I heard from the embassy that passports should be kept safe, and no one (without proper legal procedures) can take your passport. Any help is much obliged.

    Please tell me if you need more details, sorry if the English is bad.

    sorry for formatting problems

    submitted by /u/el_di4bl0
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    Can my workplace require me to supply my own PPE and expect me to work without PPE because I can’t afford it yet?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:21 PM PST

    In South Carolina in case laws are different by state.

    submitted by /u/Bereans
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    Mailman signed for my package and delivered it to the wrong place

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Hi all, On March 3, 2020 I was supposed to receive an expensive product I ordered from an independent seller online. I waited all day for the package, but never arrived. I checked the tracking number and it said it had been handed to an individual (package required signature) at the address. I decided to give it another 24 hours before I called my local post office's postmaster. Here comes the next day, and still nothing. I call my postmaster and he proceeds to track the package via GPS to see where it was signed. He gives me the address of where it was last signed and it was a couple houses down the street. I thanked him and tell him I will go check with the house to see if they have it. I go over and ask but they say they haven't received a package. While I'm there, I decide to check with the houses next door - they, too, say they have not received a package in the past couple of days. I call back the postmaster and he says that there's not much he can do but he'll leave a note for the mailman responsible of my street to go check it out himself and ask the house at that address.

    Today comes, and I wait for my mailman to come and hopefully bring my misdelivered package, maybe he remembered where he left it. He says to me that he simply does not remember where he dropped it off. He proceeded to tell me that what he does when he has packages to deliver for a street, he'll drop the packages off with his car before hand-delivering mail. After I mentioned the signature that was required for the package, he goes on to tell me that he usually signs off the packages on the way to delivering packages - that is why the previous address showed up on the GPS tracking. He begged me to not tell the post office he does this. He then tells me "he cannot remember where he left it" and that he will "keep looking for it".

    Guys, what can I do? Is it not a crime for him to just sign off on packages like that? Who can I report this to? Am I entitled for my cash back or something? If this was something else i would not be freaking out as much but what i purchased was well over $1,000 and not purchased off some major retailer. Anyways thanks so much in advance.

    Some extra info: This item was shipped from the UK using Royal Mail, then with USPS here in the US. My address is correct in the shipping label used by the seller. I am in Texas.

    TL;DR Package requiring signature is signed beforehand by the carrier and has been delivered somewhere else.

    submitted by /u/jamesg8025
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    Recently discovered my [42 m] family's doc is my biological father. He died in 2005 and was very well off. Do I try to get a copy of the will?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:56 PM PST

    So, it was a running joke within my family that my dad wasn't my biological father. I would ask my mom but she always denied it. Big family, 20 year age difference oldest and myself.

    Back story. Last of 7 kids. Have 6 half siblings. Took an ancestry test in 2018 and a member of our family docs family contacted me. Confirmed that he is my biological father. Both my parents are dead. Apparrently our family doc, who delivered all 7 of my mother's children, had an affair with my mother and yay, out came myself. This was all kept a secret. I was raised by my parents and told dad was my dad. We moved away from him (family doc) when I was 7 and he died in 2005. It's taken me a couple years to process and I don't have anyone left to ask questions to. He had to have known he was my father, especially as he was my physician till i was 7.

    So, hanging out with my uncle, he mentions I may be entitled to some of my biological father's estate, apparently it was sizeable. His house sold for almost a million dollars after he died. I feel like shit even asking, but, screw it.

    State he lived and died in was New Jersey. Died in 2005. Has two other surviving children. Have not contacted them and to my knowledge they do not know about me.

    Do I have a legal right to request a copy of his will and if so, am I entitled to anything?

    submitted by /u/PunkRockMed
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    [New York State] Old owner is trying to get cheaper car insurance by using my address

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:01 AM PST

    I got a heads up from a neighbor that the old owner of my house was trying to get cheaper insurance by using my address. He spotted them checking out my mailbox and talked with them and they asked if I got any mail for them.

    I hadn't. But then I got a notice that they're forwarding their mail to a new address. I've lived here about two years so this isn't the normal I just moved stuff.

    And now today I got a car registration under their name.

    I don't know the risks and liabilities for me by letting this slide or who to report it to if I should report it. It's obviously fraud of some sort or maybe obviously a "mistake".

    I have no love or malice for this person I just don't want to be involved with whatever mess this brings. And frankly this is probably the beginning of more fraud if it works.

    submitted by /u/legal-throwaway5
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    My boss wants to make an exemption for time off based on religion.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:08 AM PST

    Here in good old god damned Oklahoma, we just passed (against my wishes) allowing liquor stores to be open on Sundays in my county. I don't have any moral or religious reasons for preferring stores to be closed on Sundays except that I work at one and enjoy the guaranteed day off every week so I can plan things more evenly.

    Our two newest employees (who happen to be related to our boss by going to the same church with, hence how they got their jobs) have stated they will not work on Sundays as it is "against their religion". Our boss has said they have reason to always be off on Sundays and the rest of us will need to work that day.

    I attended church on Sundays through my early twenties but I also took off to work when I had to. Am I being religiously discriminated against or should I stop being a bitch and suck it up?

    submitted by /u/splicerslicer
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    [IL] Just found out our 4 month old daughter never received a vaccine because the Doctors office "were out at the time". Now she's passed the window to receive vaccine.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:03 AM PST

    ** Edit Title Clarification: they were out of stock, not out of office

    I'm pretty sure there's nothing we can really do but make a complaint with the Doctor/medical company, but figured I'd post here to see if this is something we should take more action on. Illinois

    My wife and I found out our 4 month old daughter didn't receive her Rotovirus (RV) vaccine at her 2 month appointment. She received the rest of the standard vaccines at this time, but not the RV one. The first RV dose MUST be given before 15 weeks with the final dose by 8 months. We are passed the 15 week mark, so she can no longer receive this vaccine.

    We emailed the Doctor to see why she never received it. Their response:

    I'm sorry we were out of rotovirus at the time. And after 15 weeks starting rotovirus may increase intussusception. Please call our office if you have further questions.

    -We were not aware our daughter missed a vaccine
    -We were not told they were out of stock of RV
    -We were not told to go somewhere else or comeback another time when it was in stock
    -Our child's daycare may require this vaccine, or even if they don't she's still more at risk by going to daycare without vaccine coverage
    -Yes we should take responsibility for knowing what vaccines our daughter is and isn't receiving

    I complained with the office's patient experience line, and then got a call back from the actual Doctor. She said she was really sorry for the lack of communication and was apologetic to our situation.

    What if her daycare wants vaccination proof and kicks her out?
    What if she gets Rotovirus down the line?

    I'm not really sure what we can do, or what we should do, other than leave a bunch of negative reviews about this Doctor?
    This isn't like any other business where I can demand a $100 gift card for shitty customer service.

    Original Post in r/NewParents

    submitted by /u/shitshaw
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    Faculty member at my university attempted to solicit sexual acts from me in my workplace

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:16 AM PST

    Hi all. Earlier this week a faculty member at my university came into my workplace (bar, property the bar is on is owned by the university). When I dropped his check, he said "I will tip you $200 if you give me 20 minutes of boyfriend girlfriend time, no penetration". I said no, walked away. When I came back to pick up his check, he said "I will give you $300 for 20 minutes of boyfriend girlfriend time, no penetration". I said something along the lines of "sir, I'm at work. No". He said "what, you don't get a break? My car is outside". I nervously backed away and went into the kitchen to find a manager. While I did this, he stood up, looked for me in the kitchen, and left.

    Before he attempted to solicit, we were having a normal conversation regarding a graduate school program I applied to recently. He told me his son worked closely with admissions. I told him that I would like to get in on my own merit. He also tried to convince me to work for him "sorting a rare coin collection for $75 an hour".

    The next afternoon I reported the incident to campus safety- they requested I come in to make a statement.

    I had a meeting this morning with Title IX and campus safety. They also called our city police for me, whom I also made a statement with. The police officer mentioned that he could be charged with harassment and solicitation.

    My question is, where do you think this will go? Is there any work I could be doing now to assure both departments can do their jobs properly? Should I contact the university that he said he had connections at? How can I assure that he will never do this to another student again? What do I do when he is charged?

    Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide.

    submitted by /u/hannahbalL3cter
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    please help, interlock problems, mechanic confirmed vehicle is fine. interlock will not replace device.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:40 PM PST

    hey first time poster lets get the "im a bad person for getting a dui" stuff out of the way. i have a 2013 ford f150. ive had the inrerlock for over a year. the last 3 months the truck will start 2 times a day and sometimes not at all. every time has always been a "pass" on the breathilizer. i have never failed for alcohol. ill walk you through what happens. i blow, it says pass, truck starts once. turn the truck off and it will not start again. i have to wait 4 to 6 hours at least and it will start. battery, alternator and starter have been confirmed by the dealership to be operating normally. the interlock company will not replace the device because they say it is doing its job. if there was an error they say they will replace the device but there is not. i have it in writing from dealer the truck is fine. i am locked into a contract so my legal question is "can i legally get out of my contract" or what kind of options do i have. ive been stranded multiple times anywhere from the grocery store, work and in the middle of nowhere. at this point i only go to and from work but even that isnt working. ill get stuck at work or not be able to get home. i have exhausted my towing miles with aaa and can not afford to keep towing or taking lyft every day. i can barely afford my bills as it is. any advice would be greatly appreciated, thankyou!!! i forgot to mention i am in denver colorado

    submitted by /u/zerovizz77
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    My husband and I just bought a house. During inspection water intrusion came up in report. Sellers agreed to remedy the issue. Issue was taken care of- or so we thought. Closed on the house and lo and behold water in the basement 3 days after moving in.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PST

    I believe my title outlines the basic premise of my post but here are the details:

    My husband and I recently bought a rehabbed home. The sellers accepted our offer contingent on the house passing an inspection. My husband and I had the inspection done by a licensed inspector. Our inspection report did not come back clean. One of the biggest issues our inspector found was water intrusion in the basement. There was also a lot of mortar loss on the stone in the basement and standing water outside of our home which we thought was causing the water intrusion.

    In our request to remedy (because we were going to walk away from the house if the water intrusion was not properly fixed) our real estate agent referenced each section of our inspection report that needed to be fixed by the sellers. The sellers signed and agreed to fix the water intrusion.

    Here is what our request to remedy said:

    "1. Sellers to have licensed contractor repair the foundation deterioration to correct the water intrusion as noted in the inspection report item 5.1.1 & 5.1.2"

    Here is what item 5.1.1 said in our inspection report:

    "Water intrusion- Water intrusion observed at the foundation walls. Moisture can create high humidity, mold & can damage stored items & finishing materials. Recommend a wet basement specialist review the foundation for correcting the water intrusion.

    Note: A dehumidifier is recommended to reduce the humidity levels in the basement.

    Waterproofing contractor"

    Here is what the sellers did on their end to remedy the issue-

    1. Applied more mortar along the wall with deteriorating mortar inside the basement.

    2. Added a gutter downspout drainage system which connects all the gutters out to the street to correct the standing water issue next to the house.

    This was not enough to remedy the issue. As there is still water in the basement. We have already closed on the house.

    The listing agent has notified my husband and I that this is no longer the sellers issue and that they will not be fixing anything else.

    Our real estate agent thinks that they did not fulfill their end of the contract because they did not actually fix the water intrusion. My husband and I agree with her. However, how likely are we to win if we take the sellers to court to have them correct this issue?

    My husband and I got quotes from several waterproofing specialists and they all told us that the sellers simply did the bare minimum to stop the water intrusion.

    submitted by /u/monkey_monkey2019
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    [Vancouver, BC] Mazda contacted me for a IMPORTANT safety recall - relating to my ABS which has gotten me into 9 close calls in 5 months

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:10 PM PST

    Hi guys and girls,

    I want to get some of your guys advice. I recently purchased a Mazda 3 2019 GT in November of 2019. Since then, my ABS would randomly go off (sometimes in the middle of driving on an open road) or when a car is 2 cars in front of me where I have MORE than enough time to stop manually.

    This has resulted in SO many close calls, I've had people get out of their car at red lights seriously threatening me and banging on my windows for "brake checking" when in reality, my ABS triggered on its own.

    Fast forward to today, I got mail from Mazda that my year/make of the car has a recall where the ABS was programmed "incorrectly" and they need to repair the ABS by re-coding it or something.

    My question: Is there any compensation I can get from this? I was sold this car with a HUGE defect. What if I was rear ended? I don't want to make it sound like a big deal, but literally my life was at risk the entire time driving. In my opinion, getting the car repaired is their responsibility but I feel like there should be some type of compensation - do I have a valid point? Let me hear you guys out because I'm taking my car to the dealership tomorrow. Love to hear everybody's input.

    submitted by /u/taway9955
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    Does my MIL have the ability to intercept money left to my husband by his late uncle?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 01:47 PM PST

    So, my husband's uncle just passed away a few months ago. He left a sum of money for my husband in his will. My MIL is now saying she is entitled to almost all of it because she "allowed my husband to live with her for over 20 years" and paid his phone bill when he was younger.

    She is not the executor of the will-but her sister is and they are close and my MIL has my husband's aunt agreeing to give her the money left to my husband now.

    Is this legal?

    Location: Richmond, VA

    submitted by /u/bitchsnack
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    Neighbor thinks I stole her cat and now I’m kind of afraid of her...

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:04 PM PST

    My neighbor thinks I stole her cat and sold it on Craigslist. We live in an area with many coyotes and she allowed her cat to go outside regularly and one day her cat did not come home. I spent hours helping her look. I offered to help her post signs around the neighborhood. She didn't post any signs. I don't think she actually did much at all to find her cat.

    Then a few days later she accused me of stealing her cat. I didn't get angry. I felt really bad for her. I explained that stealing someone's pet would never occur to me, that I was so sorry her cat was still missing, and that I would be happy to help her look more.

    After that she called the police, who I was more than happy to let search my house for the lost cat. When they didn't find the cat, she decided I must have sold the cat on Craigslist.

    Now she watches for me to come home and low key harasses me from her window or front door. Usually she either mimics me apologizing about the cat or calls me names. This doesn't really bother me that much, but I am kind of concerned about how irrational her behavior is and worried about how she may decide to escalate things. It's been going on for weeks now and I just keep ignoring her.

    I don't think she's talking loudly enough for me to record any of it well. I'm not sure if there's anything I could/should do to try to keep this from turning into something dangerous. She did push an elderly neighbor to the ground and then spat on her about a year ago. Apparently the elderly woman provoked my neighbor by asking her to move her car. Two other neighbors saw, but neither the victim nor the witnesses went to the police.

    She did also spend about 7 months prior to the cat event blasting one song on repeat for 8-12 hours a day through our shared wall. We think it's because someone in the neighborhood complained to the HOA about a fence she built, though we're not entirely sure. I thought helping her look for the cat would improve the situation, but obviously not.

    So do I have any legal recourse here? Or is there anything I can do to reduce the chances of this turning into some weird local headline about a cat-napping revenge murder scenario?

    ETA: I'm in California

    submitted by /u/powderedmilkmaid
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    Can I call the CPS on someone for forcing her kid on a diet?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:23 PM PST

    This colleague of mine is dangerously dieting her kid. Her daughter is a sixteen year old on a healthy BMI who doesn't really "mind" her body, but her mother really does.

    I went to her house a few weeks ago and her kid went to grab an apple by the fridge... and she said "you can't have apples when you're intermittent fasting". Her daughter then complained a lot. What I got from it is that she was making her kid not eat breakfast. She says her daughter's thighs are too large and she could be "slimmer".

    But then today I found out she is injecting her daughter with some weight-loss-woo-medicine. Apparently it's to "control her apetite".

    I'm really concerned for the kid and really am considering calling the Child Protective Services. Can I? Can they help?

    submitted by /u/lafetenoire
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    Buyer backed out of a sale of a bus after finalized, is this legal?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PST

    My partner and I bought a bus on eBay from Southern California. He bought a plane ticket to fly down and pick it up this weekend, we purchased a temp registration and insurance so he could drive it up. Well the guy is backing out now, he's panicking about the coronavirus and doesn't want to fly to Florida (as was his original plan) and so he wants to keep the bus to drive him and his family out there. But now we're out a lot of money in prep to get it. The entire affair happened through eBay, but it unlikely they will do anything about it. It's he liable for anything?

    submitted by /u/Microphilia
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    Friend sold my car without my permission. Title is in my name.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:53 PM PST

    I had a car given to me by a family member and a friend let me keep it on his property until I had the funds to get it fixed. I have communicated with him multiple times about not being able to tow it to my place since there's no room and the whole time he's been totally cool about it. He's never once told me I needed to get the car off his property. He also never told me he would get rid of it or notice of anything. Yesterday I texted him because I found someone to buy the car for parts who was willing to tow it. His response was he "already junked it for $250 to save me the headache." I have the title in my possession, in my name. Is there anything I can do?

    Edited for location - this is in Connecticut

    submitted by /u/emc421
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    Virginia....dog bites other dog throw fence

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:09 PM PST

    My dog is protective of our back yard, but is friendly and non aggressive when outside of the back yard. Our neighbor across the street has an aggressive dog that regularly chases children and other dogs when it gets out of the house. Even when walking their dog it continues to bark and act aggressive toward other animals. While the neighbor was walking their dog they allowed the dog to come up to our fence and stick its face through the picket fence. My dog bit the other dogs snout. Are we responsible for the bite? Should we offer to pay the vet bill, or in doing so does it admit fault?

    Edit: through

    submitted by /u/throwforhelp9988
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    Encroachment of fence on neighbors property

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:39 AM PST

    So, to make a long story short, our neighbors (we live in south carolina) had a gps property survey done for their property. They've sent us an encroachment letter saying our fence is 2-8 feet on their property. Before we had our fence put in, we found all of the original rhebarb property survey pins. So, what I'm trying to figure out, is what can we do? We're sure we are in the right, since we spent the time finding the original survey pins. Also, they sent a (google maps :/) plot picture, which is off, and that is what they are going off of. Like, they took their survey results, and just compared to google maps, and are trying to say we are wrong. Is a judge (if this goes to civil court) going to side with the gps survey, or the original property survey pins?

    submitted by /u/BiggTiff
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    Connected with sexual predator via dating site (in IL)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:43 PM PST

    Some backstory: I met a guy through POF and we went on a date. He turned out to be a violent sexual predator and he assaulted me. I went to ER the next day, and basically went through the entire process of criminal charges. It was looking like the case was going to go to trial. However, the rapist ended up dying from an O.D. before that could happen. So my question is twofold:

    Might I still be able to sue his estate for personal injury/suffering? Or am I SOL? Alternatively, can I get reimbursement for medical treatment, lost wages, etc., given the state violent crime victims legislation? It's an unfortunate situation all around, but I appreciate any feedback.

    submitted by /u/notcheframsay
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    "You're lucky I don't kill you."

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 01:17 PM PST

    ON Canada.

    I'll try to include all relevant details.

    Sunday I walked in on my now ex having sex with another guy in our bedroom, so to jump ahead of the issue I texted her mother on Facebook messenger explaining that we are breaking up and the reason why.

    Fast forward about an hour my ex had at some point called her dad who showed up with her uncle to intimidate me. While I'm on the phone with a friend explaining the situation. Once I end the call because my friend is on the way her father gets in my face telling me "You're lucky I don't kill you" as well as "You're lucky I didn't kill you for texting my wife"

    So I called the police. Under criminal code 264.1 a) uttering a death threat is a crime, which dispatch informed me of, I also have this entire exchange of her father yelling at me and threatening me video and audio recorded on my phone. The police refused to listen to the recording once they arrived and told me I shouldn't press charges because it's just going to make him mad, which confused me as the police are the ones who press charges. I've since spoken to one of the responding officers and he claims to have no memory of me saying I have the recording. He also admitted to threatening me to the police which is now being denied by the responding officers.

    Now after moving my thing out and breaking lease the police have contacted me to say that there was not sufficient evidence he ever threatened me, when in fact he admitted to it in front of the police as well as myself. I'm being told that I can try and press charges if I want to at a court house but the police are done with the issue.

    The report also does not include any notation of the threats being made, from when dispatch sent the officers out, as well as there are no comments about the threats from the attending officers themselves.

    Her father has experience with hunting, handguns and has in the past explained how he has illegal fireworks he smuggled across the border. The responding officer also claims that because they believed he wouldn't kill me, that everything is fine and dealt with. Whereas opinion of whether the threat is capable of being fulfilled is irrelevant to the court, it is the threat itself which is charged, not the ability to commit said threat.

    I'm not looking for revenge or anything like that, I understand death threats can be up to 5 years in prison. The police won't let me make an actual threat report and keep sending me to dead phone lines with hold that eventually just shut off. What are my options here or should I just let it be? This isn't the first time her family has threatened to kill me either, her grandfather once threatened to put out a hit (which I told the responding officers about), but that's my fault for staying in an abusive relationship (entirely separate issue) and not running much earlier than this happening now.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ordaia
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    Can I make it so my mom is not able to make bank accounts in my name?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Long story short, when I was 19 and in college, I got sued by the IRS for $10,000 dollars in back taxes. This was because when I was a teenager my mom used a college fund I didn't know about to buy a condo and didn't file any taxes or report it. It's important to note she did this on purpose out of spite, because she was angry that I changed custody to live with my dad (she admitted this).

    Fast forward to now (I'm 26), she's once again pulling a scheme. She's trying to set up a Roth IRA "for me" that she will manage for me "until she dies or [I] retire" which is insane and I've obviously refused. I've called the company and told them whatever account was made for me, my mom made it without my permission and I do not want it and they've told me they will close it.

    My question is, how do I prevent her from making these accounts for me in the future? It's harder for her since I'm an adult now, but she still knows all my information and can do a fair bit of damage to me financially and I'm tired of having to put out fires.

    She and I both live in Alaska.

    submitted by /u/breakroom907
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