• Breaking News

    Friday, December 13, 2019

    Legal Advice - [ON CA] Mother was living in a condo I purchased. Upon her death her new husband (and his family) expect me to transfer ownership to him because "he owns it".

    Legal Advice - [ON CA] Mother was living in a condo I purchased. Upon her death her new husband (and his family) expect me to transfer ownership to him because "he owns it".

    [ON CA] Mother was living in a condo I purchased. Upon her death her new husband (and his family) expect me to transfer ownership to him because "he owns it".

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:54 AM PST

    While I am not wealthy, by any means, I have been investing my extra income for many years now. As my mother was on the verge of becoming homeless some years ago, I decided to use income generated from other properties to finance a condo for her in a retirement community. She was single at the time and the verbal agreement was that she could stay there as long as she needed but she had to pay for the utilities and condo fees.

    A few years ago, she married a man who promptly moved in with her. I've had a strained relationship with my mother for many years and while this man seemed nice enough, we never became close. Before they got married, they sent a note to me and my siblings stating that the marriage wouldn't change how their assets were split up upon their deaths (e.g. his kids would get his stuff and her kids would get her stuff). My siblings and I didn't care either way and just wanted her to be happy (even though she was basically estranged from all of us at that point).

    Early this fall, my mother passed away. My siblings and I all did what was expected during this difficult time but it was made clear to us that the new husband was running the show. After that took place, I decided that I would wait a month or so before telling the new husband that he needed to find a new place to live as I was going to be selling the condo. Before any of this could happen though, I got a very angry call from the husband about why I was listed as the owner of my mother's residence. I tried explaining what the reality of the matter was but he was having none of it. Things have now escalated to the point that his kids are calling and sending me quasi-threatening emails.

    In the last communication, they stated that my ownership of the condo is fraudulent because my mother had been making the payments on it for all these years and I tricked her into signing it over to me when it was first purchased.

    Do I have anything to worry about? I'm not very confrontational but I will stand up for myself and what's right when push comes to shove. I won't be able to sell the place until it is empty which means evicting this guy but that will likely get him even more riled up which I would like to avoid if at all possible.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/throwitaway8765432
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    The city literally came and took our street away.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

    So, there was a table sized pothole blocking one side of our street. It's been there since May. It was really inconvenient because you couldn't enter the street from that side. The city let it sit there for 6 months, all summer and fall.

    We all got letters mid November that the city would be shutting the road down to repave it, and it would be closed for a week. We'd all have to park our cars on a neighboring street and walk to our houses. Fine.

    So the time comes, they rip the street up. They spend 4-5 days moving dirt around and then we don't see them again. Three 55 degree days pass with no workers in sight.

    Then there's a snowstorm. This should have been foreseen. It's extremely snowy where we live during this time of year. And again, they let the entire summer and fall go by without making any attempts to fix the pothole.

    That snow was almost 3 weeks ago, and it's been nice weather since. We are on almost 4 weeks of having a 2 foot drop in front of our house onto a bumpy dirt mess. We can't get into our driveways at all. We have to carry groceries from our cars down the street. There's elderly people that live on this block that can't really get out of their houses at all because the walk to their car is too much. Not to mention, what if one of these houses caught fire? Or if someone had a heart attack? There's literally no way an ambulance or firetruck could get in here.

    What can we do? The city is ghosting us. We have no idea what's going on or why they've stopped working. This is a really nice neighborhood and we pay a lot to live here. We should be able to access the driveways we are paying for, and we should certainly have a street in front of our house that we pay taxes on.

    submitted by /u/kjori22
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    I am about to fly home to deal with a trespasser in my house, New York

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:54 AM PST

    I'm going to keep this as brief as possible, but will be happy to go over any necessary details that I miss. Not sure if this should have been tagged with landlord/tenant, but I am hoping that he has not established tenancy, and he is definitely a douche.

    My wife and I had to fly out west earlier this week due to an emergency in her family. We gave keys to two of the three locks on our front door to a coworker of hers so he could stop by to bring mail in and water plants etc. Two days in (this Wednesday) he tells my wife that something came up and he has to go out of town, but a friend of his will take over the house sitting duties. We don't know this other guy so we asked him to just lock up and told him where to leave the keys so we can find somebody else to take over. He tells us he already gave his friend the keys, we ask him to get them back, he says he'll see what he can do.

    After this I called my brother, who has all of the keys to our place, to ask if he can go by and lock up so this guy can't get in. He went by yesterday evening after work, sent me a few pics of our living room looking like a tornado hit it, then went radio silent for a while. Turns out this guy was already there, and he attacked my brother when he heard him in the house, which was a bad decision for many reasons. Long story short, cops are called, they hear each person's side of the story and basically wash their hands of it. Apparently this guy is saying that he's a tenant and he thought he was attacking a home invader, while my brother told the truth.

    I am currently in the process of finding a flight home. My questions are basically what the hell do I do upon landing? I need this guy out of my house ASAP, as after talking to the coworker who gave him keys, he is looking shadier and shadier.

    • Is there a chance that this guy has actually established some form of tenancy? Apparently he was just evicted, and we sort of believe that the coworker gave him our keys as something of a favor so he'd have a place to stay.
    • Does going to the police station and asking to speak to a higher up have a chance of getting his ass booted, or are they likely to see this as a he said/she said deal and make it a court issue?
    • Can we sue the guy who gave him keys in the first place if anything in the house is damaged or stolen? What about for my having to buy a ticket for a last minute flight back?
    • My brother wasn't arrested, but the police more or less told him to be prepared to make himself available. The scumbag did not suffer any serious injuries; from my understanding he is basically in black eye and fat lip territory, as my brother is pretty well trained in that area and was able to subdue him reasonably quickly. Sounds like he's not really out of the woods legally though, is this an accurate assessment?
    • If I can't get this guy out right away, am I more or less going to be barred from my own home?

    Any general advice on what to do/avoid would be appreciated. I don't want to open myself up to any liability but I need to get this guy out badly.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/NeedThisGuyOut
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    My boyfriend keeps getting written up for “stealing time” from Amazon. He has severe IBS and can’t control when he’s gotta go. He just got a final write up.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:17 PM PST

    Hi, I'm posting this on behalf of my boyfriend who barely uses Reddit. This may not be the right place to ask, I don't post on this sub ever so please feel free to correct me.

    Like the title says, my boyfriend has severe IBS. He's spent about 2 hours in total in the bathroom, over the period of 3 months. His final write up is the last before termination, and will last a year. What can he do? His IBS is only helped a little with medicine.

    Is it possible for him to get an official doctors note and submit it to Amazon HR? It may be pointless because his IBS does stop him from doing his job sometimes, but I figured I would post here and see what his options are. Thanks in advance!

    Edit: I forgot to add I'm in the US. Indiana.

    submitted by /u/samxstone
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    Non custodial parent finding where child will be and "surprising" them against court order- cease and desist appropriate?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:31 AM PST

    My ex has 4 hours of supervised visits with our child twice a month. He has only exercised this visitation twice in 12 years. We have been in a nasty child support/custody battle for 2 years. I recently allowed our child to go with his grandma for a weekend (paternal grandma). His grandma was 4 hours away from where her son (my child's father) lives. I asked her ahead of time where they would be for the weekend and who the child would be around, because i needed to know if she planned to have her son around. She said he wouldn't be around.

    Well of course when my child was dropped off with my mother, she was told by the grandma that it was such a surprise that his dad randomly was at the same mall as them. Again, 4 hours from where he lives so it was clearly all organized behind my back. I am not the bitter ex that just wants to keep her child away from the father, we split over 12 years ago when I was pregnant and he has never been in the picture really because he was always hiding from warrants.

    My ex is on community supervision and is only allowed supervised visits per our court order for the last decade so my question is, would it be appropriate to send a cease and desist letter from me to his lawyer stating he must obey the court order and to immediately stop unauthorized visits?

    edit: my ex has an attorney so I would be sending it to the attorney. i do not have an attorney anymore because of how it has been dragged out so long and I could not afford to keep refilling my retainer. Edit 2: I'm in Texas

    submitted by /u/Austinite-intraining
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    Native American Tribal Casino is making dubious claims about mismanagement that sounds borderline illegal. I have no idea where to go for advice.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:33 PM PST

    Thanks for your time. I would rather not give away too much information, but this is in California.

    We normally get checks in the form of per capita from the casino amongst other profit-generating projects. Over the past couple years it appears the mismanagement is coming to a head, and it was stated in a letter today that the CFO was mismanging/misapproriating casino funds. Here is the exact quote they put out:

    The previous CFO was advancing expenses to the next month and it appeared there was more cash on hand, then there actually was. Casino operations is currently behind in expenses and cannot send a distribution to the Tribe.

    They said the Tribal Board and the Executive committee are looking into this, but I want to know if this is legal and just dumb, or illegal and they trying to cover up things because of extra mismanagement disguised as criminality.

    Who can help a tribe like this? Is there a governing body that can even help outside of the tribal council? Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/Shrek-Hulud
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    [Washington State] My highschool removed stall doors for the only bathrooms in a building for "vaping concerns". My medical condition is impacted by this. Does WA code or law prohibit such actions? Who do I contact (DOE or School Board?)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:26 PM PST

    (repost due to previous title being messed up)

    I am a student at a Washington state Highschool. Recently the stall doors were removed from the only available bathrooms in one of the buildings.

    I am aware that this question may have been asked before, however I am asking in the context of legality for Washington State.

    Additionally, I have a medical condition and it is not possible for me to make it to another building with stall doors. (Not that this should be the only reason for concern)

    I am unaware of whether the stall doors were removed for the girls bathroom as well. This is very concerning to me and other students.

    Is there any building code, law or rule that applies to Washington state that prevents this? If not, does this violate a "reasonable expectation of privacy"?

    I am trying to determine whether this is civil rights complaint territory or whether I should go through with my original plan to contact the administrators or school board.


    WA Highschool removed only bathroom stall doors in a building due to vaping, additionally I have a serious medical condition and cannot quickly access another building. Not sure if girls BR was affected too.

    submitted by /u/uphold-my-rights
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    About 30K in but think I need a new lawyer. Daughter was not returned home. It’s been two weeks.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:16 PM PST

    I'm really trying to keep this brief. I have been fighting for my daughters (two - 13 & 15) for almost 3 years. It started when he was planning a trip to Disney right after the end of school. He ended up taking his preferred daughter and dumping the other with his mother. He was at the time only allowed 24 hours every other weekend at the time. I hired a lawyer. I'm in Texas.

    He ended up counter filing for custody of the one daughter but not the other.

    Fast forward he ended up leaving me as the conservatory parent of both girls this past August.

    At the end of summer when he was bringing just the one daughter home - he didn't take her sister - my 15 year old said she refused to get out of the car. It took law enforcement to get her to finally come home.

    Since then everything has been great. She started high school and really likes it. She has been participating in family activities. I thought we were done.

    Thanksgiving comes and she refuses to come home again.

    I had already filed an enforcement that they were trying to get served. Sporadic child support, no medical bills, plus 4 other issues in the order.

    We couldn't serve him because he had given the wrong address to the court. He lives 5 hours away. I haven't seen or talked to my daughter since before Thanksgiving. I seriously think she has Stockholm Syndrome. Her therapist said he is surprised because she had been talking about how happy she was.

    I had to withdraw her from school so the unexcused absences wouldn't count against her. (I also learned I would be the one fined for truancy.)

    My ex enrolled her in school down there and got her records transferred because the order says -

    I have the exclusive right to determine their PRIMARY residence. They said it is too ambiguous.

    I filed a police report but was told it is a civil matter. Our court date isn't until February.

    While this is going on our younger daughter has PTSD from the verbal and mental abuse he subjected her to in trying to get the girls to turn on each other.

    She is terrified of him. He is saying she still has to obey and go with him for visitation. With the long Christmas holiday she is a wreck and is so depressed I can barely get her to school much less bathe, eat or even brush her hair.

    I have tried for weeks now to get my lawyer to tell me what my options are so I can make an informed decision. Today his assistant said, he told her to tell me he can't tell me what to do. I don't want that. I just want - you know - legal advice from my lawyer. Oh, and it looks like the service for the enforcement is wrong but I couldn't get an answer about that either.

    I'm not rich and make just enough to get by with some small comforts.

    Three years and $30K but I don't think I'm getting good representation.

    I don't know what to do. When is enough enough and how do you start over without spending all that money AGAIN?

    submitted by /u/mostpeculiar13
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    might get sued for blocking neighbors view

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:55 PM PST

    Location is Arizona, USA.

    My parents are planning a large addition to their house and already have HOA approval as well as well as building permits from the town but have not started construction yet. They currently have ~$15,000 already spent towards an architect and land surveys.

    Recently a neighbor, who my parents were relatively close friends with, expressed that my parents addition would "cost them a $50,000 view". Now, my mom is relaying this conversation to me second hand but she felt that the tone of the conversation was more that of "stop or we'll sue you". The neighbors view will be impacted, however only ~1/5 of the view will be blocked by the new addition. My parents asked them twice 3 months ago for their input on the addition and their view and never got a reply. My mom has records of this communication. It's also worth noting that 6 months ago, my parents cut down a very large and old Palo Verde tree (at my parents expense) so that the neighbors would have a better view with the unwritten agreement that it's in exchange for having a different part of their view blocked by the addition in the future. The view that my parents addition would block is significantly less than what the tree blocked.

    My question is, should the neighbors sue my parents for blocking their view, would they have a case? Does the neighbor have the ability to block my parents from building? What should my parents next step be?

    submitted by /u/Peter_Sloth
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    Ex-husband/baby daddy/retired vet died—what do I need to do?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:10 PM PST

    We were married 6 years and had a child together (she's 14). He never remarried and never fathered any other children. I notified the VA and DFAS. He did not have a will, VA life insurance or VGLI. I was told our daughter is entitled to social security benefits and SBP. I have the forms to file for his pension and an appointment with the social security office. What else should I do? Is she entitled to anything else?

    submitted by /u/dropadimeongrime
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    BIL restaurant filled up with concrete due to nearby construction ( San Antonio, TX)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:41 PM PST

    My brother in law is the owner and operator of a small Mexican restaurant in San Antonio. The area nearby his restaurant has had a lot of development (road expansions, sidewalks, etc) nearby, which ultimately will be great. He has had issues with the city contractors parking their equipment blocking his parking lot, but has mostly been able to address those issues on his own and life has gone on.

    However today he got a call that there was a serious issue at the restaurant. The toilets, and sinks began back flowing with concrete. Like a huge amount. It completely flooded the bathrooms, and spilled out into the dining area.

    They eventually got the flow to stop, and the contractors came in and started to clean up. They said they would fix everything and this is where my issue is. I believe he's better off, keeping them out, shutting the restaurant down, and getting in touch with a lawyer.

    He's a little hesitant because he wants it fixed as quickly as possible and thinks this will drag out too long.

    Is it worth pushing this with him?

    submitted by /u/Danbal1
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    My employer is telling my guests of my restaurant that gratuity is included but not actually paying me the gratuity.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:08 PM PST

    So I work at a 5 course tasting menu restaurant that is seasonal, outside of Salt Lake City , Utah . It's $145 a person and we only do 28 people a night. I work with one other person , the chef, and currently we split our tips straight down the middle, we average around $280 each a night. Recently our food and beverage director was replaced , and the new guy has changed our policy to " gratuity included" on the website and reservation emails. Since this change we have not had any tips come through on our paychecks, or cash. We have asked him why he did this, and he told us it just seems too expensive. Is this legal? We have made a serious pay cut and I depended on those tips. I'm not sure what the laws are regarding this.

    submitted by /u/andstayoutt
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    Can I get sued for owning a competitor's .net domain, and redirecting it to my site?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:55 PM PST

    EDIT: This is the U.S.

    Title says it all. Last year, I noticed our competitor (let's say website X) did not own their .net or .org domain names. I snatched them up and redirected them to my website (for $13 a piece, why not right?). We received a letter from their lawyer claiming we were infringing on their copyright (i.e. - they say that we're claiming to be affiliated with website X by using that domain name)

    We are not claiming to be XYZ company in any way. When people get redirected to our website, they clearly see a different name, products, etc. Nothing on our site mentions competitor at all.

    They are demanding the domain names be transferred to them. Am I doing something illegal here? If so, I will gladly send them over. But from what I can tell, domain names are not protected under copyright law, especially if I am not using the website to claim I am website X.


    submitted by /u/MSchroedy
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    My grandmother went to the hospital with chest/left arm pain and was sent home. Passed that night.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:14 AM PST

    My grandmother went to the hospital with chest and left arm pain. The only thing the hospital did was give her a urine test and sent her home with muscle relaxers (?). They did not do an EKG or bloodwork. Also, I do not think she saw an actual doctor (I live overseas so can't confirm some details).

    That night she passed away from what to me seems like a second heart attack. An autopsy performed two days later confirmed this.

    Is medical malpractice an option here?

    submitted by /u/J-ROCK88
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    Just got keys to rental house today, brought boxes over to start moving in and found mushrooms, slugs, roaches, and possible animals infestation (Virginia).

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:46 PM PST

    My husband and I toured the rental property in late November and dropped off the security deposit ($1,200) to hold the property. That was about 4 weeks ago. Today was the beginning of our lease and we dropped off our payment of rent ($1200) and pet deposit ($200).

    When my husband took some boxes over to the rental property, he was supposed to look at the dryer hookup in the laundry room to see if it was a gas or electric hookup (Spoiler: despite the listing advertising washer and dryer hookup, there was only washer hookup). Around and coming out of the washer hookup is a giant mushroom (see my post history on r/mushrooms) for pictures) about the size of a bathroom sink. There is water damage and holes in the baseboard that was not visible when we toured the property 4 weeks ago. There are also large slugs (3-5 inches long) around the mushroom.

    He said there were several large, living roaches all around the house (he took pictures).

    He said that it sounded like there were small animals shuffling around in the crawl space below and the attic space above (which the lease agreement says that we are not allowed to open).

    The leasing office closed an hour before he went to take boxes to the property so I have not been able to get in contact with anyone via phone. I sent emails with no response and submitted maintenance requests.

    My have to move out of our apartment by the 27th and that was all the money we have until the 30th. What are my options?

    submitted by /u/psyk0delic
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    [USA, South Carolina] Neglectful Grandparents and a Sticky Situation

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:02 PM PST

    Let me start this off by saying that my situation is very strange, I live with my paternal grandparents who have custody of me, they're very neglectful and very iffy about a lot of things (i.e., I'm vegetarian and have a few food allergies, they don't consider this when buying food, they also refuse to let me get mental help due to their belief that mental illness is a choice). Many of their indiscretions are due to their conservative view of life and their religious affiliations. I don't have any other family I could stay with, so this fact just adds to the fragility of my situation.

    My mother passed away a few years ago and that ensued the situation that I'm currently in; My grandparents obtained custody of me and my brother through a court battle with my maternal grandmother (she's an alcoholic and was deemed unfit to care for me and my brother), my brother is now over 18 and has moved out. When he became independent my grandparents became more belligerent in their neglect of me. Recently it has gotten to the point of them telling me that I cannot refill some of my medications (ie. Trazodone, "If you just stayed off your phone, you could sleep"). Currently, I live in South Carolina, but I was born in the Northwest Territory of Canada and I am a Canadian citizen. My grandparents are proud Americans, meaning they use that as another reason to be intolerant to my presence.

    I am currently 17 years old and wish to go to an out-of-state college to gain distance and pursue a nursing career, it's seeming almost impossible to obtain the money to go to college at this point. I am wondering if there's any way I can help my situation, or at least improve it?

    submitted by /u/D1ddlyDoDah
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    Company matches 401k contributions at different rates based on age.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:59 AM PST


    My company has a sliding scale for 401k matching, where at certain ages they will match more of your 401k. I am wondering if this would be considered age discrimination, since an older employee will get a better benefit based only on age.

    For reference, this is in Connecticut. Thank you!

    **Edit... I mispoke, it is actually age plus years of service. So if you are 45 and newly hired, you would get a better benefit than a 30 year old with 8 years of experience in the company.

    submitted by /u/potentialnrg
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    Wife being denied standard teaching certificate after administration failed to do her last observation before maternity leave

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:28 AM PST

    I'm pretty mad about this, so this may be a bit rambling. This is taking place in New Jersey, USA. Also, not sure if this is the right flair, so sorry :/

    My wife is in her third year of teaching high school, but the events that led to this headache occurred last school year (2018-2019) during her second year of teaching. She went out on maternity leave in April 2019 for the birth of our son (yay!) but her administration team did not reach out to her to schedule the third observation (non-tenured teachers require 3 observations in a school year) because they "were behind schedule" and missed the window to hold the observation before she went out. Subsequently, this past summer, when her school was attempting to apply for her standard teaching certification (you have to teach under a provisional license for two years before applying for a standard cert), they realized that they could not apply due to a missing third observation. Her HR department is giving her the runaround and telling her that yes, it isn't her fault that she wasn't observed, but that she still can't get her standard cert, as they have applied the label of "Not Evaluated" for the entire 2018-2019 school year. They are telling her now that she has to wait an additional year to apply for the standard cert and therefore wait an additional year to get tenure, despite the fact that she taught for most of the year and had two very good observations before she went out, again, to birth a live human being, a tough task I'm told.

    There's a little bit of background on this that sits in my highly suspicious craw a bit, too. For her first observation in 2018-2019, her VP came into her classroom and gave her a low score that my wife didn't feel was an accurate representation of her teaching ability. To this end, my wife wrote and presented a number of points to the VP during their post-observation meeting that showed that she felt that she deserved a higher score. The VP's response to this was "well, I could have given you a lower score. How does that sound?" Obviously, my wife was upset by this, spoke to her union rep, and they suggested filing a grievance against the VP. The principal of this school is notorious for getting very upset about any kind of grievances in her school and quickly stepped in, made a deal with my wife that the observation would be redone and that the VP in question would never be able to do an observation on her again, and made the grievance go away. So now, my conspiracy minded self is thinking that administration may be going after my wife and giving her a hard time because she rocked the boat a bit last year. I can't prove that obviously, but it is making me really mad...

    Thoughts? Is there anything we can do?

    submitted by /u/kingdude181
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    DMV suspended my license over failure to maintain insurance on a vehicle I've never owned

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:27 PM PST

    I received a letter from the NY DMV telling me that my license was suspended over "Failure to Maintain Continuous Liability Insurance Coverage. I thought this was a bit strange as I've never had a lapse in insurance. I went online to provide proof and then noticed that it was for a vehicle that I don't own, have never owned, and have never registered. I don't know anyone that drives this vehicle. The letter has it has my license number, name, and DOB, so I know it was meant to be sent to me.

    I'm planning on calling, but I'm worried things might get difficult. I'm curious to know literally anything else I can do about this situation.

    submitted by /u/tothemxxn
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    [MD] School Suspended my son for getting beat up (Throwaway account to remain anonymous)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:21 PM PST

    My son is in 9th grade

    Yesterday one of my Son's friends told him she wanted to kill herself because another girl had been calling her a terrorist, and other insults because she wore a Hijab. He stayed with her and took her to a Counselor to address the issue.

    Today when the girl wad punished for their actions she found my son and attacked him.

    He was hit in the back of the head with a textbook, punched, kicked in his area, and stomped on in his face and torso. He was entirely unprepared for this attack and he never had a chance to defend himself. My son has a broken ankle, three ribs broken, broken nose, three teeth are gone, busted lip a concussion, and a fracture in the lower back part of his skull

    School never called us even though the admin dealt with it, his counselor was not at school that day. At pick up (3:10 PM) his friends had to carry him to my wife's car. The incident occurred at 9:30 AM. ALMOST SIX HOURS PRIOR AND NO PHONE CALL HOME She took him to the hospitalx

    The girl actually got around an expulsion as she had ADHD according to the Vice Principal and my son received a long term suspension from the VP as he "instigated the fight" because apparently his reporting the girl to the counselor triggered the attack.

    Since when does ADHD make it so that you get around a punishment? ADHD or not she put my son in the hospital, the school is refusing to help us contact her parents and I am planning on finding a lawyer. If I do pursue charges than who do I sue? School or Student?

    Edit: Forgot to mention that this was recorded by a friend of the girl and is on both the attacker's and the friend's social media. I have screen recorded the video which clearly shows this attack unfolding and my son attempting to block the attacks unsuccessfully.

    submitted by /u/throwaway3535785677
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    Getting caught in a lie about dead brother

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:42 PM PST

    My friend made up an excuse to one of her professors about her brother dying when all her brothers are in fact alive and well. Her academic counselor is now on her case about this so called brother, asking her for his name because she wants to send her condolences.

    However, this is weird since my other friend who shares the same academic counselor recently missed a week of classes because of the death of her grandfather; her counselor didn't say anything about sending her family any sort of condolence.

    The friend who made up this lie is worried if she gets caught she will be suspended from school, and is now questioning if it's illegal to say someone is dead when they're actually alive.

    What is the worst that can happen if she gets caught?

    submitted by /u/AvailableParsnip4
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    My daughter Lied to cps and they took all three of my children, 3 weeks later she admitted to her foster mom she lied so she can go to her aunts.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:46 PM PST

    We have jurisdiction/disposition court in less then a week. What do we do? We are in CA. Also the cps worker committed perjury several times on the detention form and the file she submitted on first court date. I just want my babies home Please help us!

    submitted by /u/Concernedparent777
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    Insuring a shared private road without an HOA?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:47 PM PST

    Hello all,

    Our community of about 12 lot owners maintains a private gravel road through a road maintenance agreement, but there is no HOA (and we plan to keep it that way). Keep in mind, this is a mountain town and portions of the road are at a 45% grade with winding turns.

    As such, we are not incorporated, and everyone agrees to pay X amount of dollars per year (400) to hire a professional grading business to re-gravel and maintain the road. Owners themselves conduct plowing when needed, but it is only meant as a nice gesture.

    Recently, some owners have said that we should create a corporation and use that entity to insure the road in case of accidents that individual home owners could be sued for. Looking in to costs of such an endeavor, it would likely deplete our maintenance funds and skyrocket our yearly contribution.

    With that in mind, we're inclined to keep doing business as usual, and hope that nothing happens on our road in the future for which we could be sued for.

    From a legal perspective, is this an acceptable course of action, or should we in fact seek out to create a corporation and insure the road to protect ourselves from potential liabilities?

    Thanks in advance.

    Location: Near Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    submitted by /u/springcrime
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    (California) Can your company cut a company purchase from your paycheck?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:34 PM PST

    Hello there!

    I'm seeking advice on behalf of my bf. He works for a company located in Los Angeles County in California (not sure how relevant that info is but might as well add). He has worked for nearly two years at this small family run wholesale company that sells clothing to other retail companies. His job title was supposed to be a "clerk" that completes online orders so that they are processed and shipped to the client. He is not on a contract. He is paid hourly and his wage is 12.35 for an 8-hour shift Monday-Friday. The employees have time cards but are paid with handwritten checks and do not receive paystubs.

    The son of the owners is in charge of overseeing and handling the trade show events (it's basically a designer con for wholesale vendors). These occur a few times a year, and they are one week long events. My bf's company attends 2-3 trade shows back to back throughout the year. Since the company team is so small (5 people in the main office not including the family) they have my bf help by attending these trade shows to set up their booth, represent the brand, sell to clients, and pack everything back up to ship to their headquarters. Therefore, the family has to buy him a plane ticket and a hotel room using their company card, and they have always put it under his name.

    My bf was so overworked and was just diagnosed with Bell's palsy due to the stress from work. So he handed his two week notice this Monday.

    The father informed him that they already purchased his plane ticket for shows in February, and they had to cancel the flight under my bf's name. The father said he'll be able to keep the credits for that flight but did not mention any conditions.

    Today my bf received his weekly paycheck and noticed that 400 dollars were removed from his paycheck. That is when he was informed that the cost of his plane tickets were being removed from this weeks paycheck and the following paycheck. The same tickets that were paid for WITH THE COMPANY CARD.

    So he quit today.

    Legally, are they allowed to remove this expense from his paychecks? I would think that the company can file this in their tax return in order to be refunded for that plane ticket along with the others since it is a company purchase?

    They have pulled very shady stuff with their employees before (minus their own children... can you sense the nepotism?). They never even paid my bf for overtime when he works 8+ hours including weekends during these trade shows. He had asked a few times to be compensated for his time, but they refused each time stating they just don't have the money. In the last two years, his pay had only increased by 2 dollars which they pay him under the table. Yet they constantly come into work bragging about the newest things they bought which includes the newest iPhones and other luxury items.

    Sorry for the long post, but we are very stressed about this. He has been taken advantage of by his bosses so many times that I can't stand to witness this. Any advice would mean the world to us!

    submitted by /u/howl1117
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