- (OK) I sold a lady a car the other day and she never titled the car on her name and she ruins the car, now she wants a refund, notarized bill of sale was signed before any damage and now she is threatening to sue. Please help!
- [CA] We don't smoke.
- Neighbor has a security camera pointed directly at our back deck
- Lyft Damage charge for a canceled ride
- I am my brothers keeper
- CALIFORNIA- Being evicted from apartment after new owners bought building and found our apartment to be “illegal”
- MI - Renter Violated Contract by Bringing Dogs into the Residence. Claims they are Guests.
- Emotionally abusive ex steals my dogs and destroys my belongings. Now will not stop texting me horrible things to try and push me over the edge (Ohio)
- [OH] I am being charged for work done to my apartment after an "all clear" walkthrough with the leasing agent.
- [UT] I won a contest earlier this year but have not received all of my winnings
- (AK) New work policy is making it a requirement to buy stock in the private company. Is it legal to require this?
- My female housemate makes me and the other housemates scared to live with her.
- A soon-to-be-not-my-friend spent $600 over 2 months under my nose
- Trying to get my belongings back from ex. Have reached out to ex numerous times. Was recently contacted by authorities to stop "harassing" and contacting ex.
- My boyfriend is being sexually and physically assaulted at work and nobody will do anything about it.
- Pay cut without warning
- Mechanic Burned Down With My Car In It
- My neighbor received my package by mistake, stole what he wanted and threw the box open outside with what he didn’t want.
- Child Support Agency gave me the incorrect court date and my absence impacted the outcome?
- NDA With Previous Employer (30 Billion+ Revenue Euro Multinational Firm)
- Divorce by default
- How can I help my mother recover money being managed by my father?
- 93 y/o neighbor runs hot water for 3 weeks straight, overflows tub, & has caused 5 leaks into my apartment
- (MI) Insurance agent recommended to my elderly mother to cancel existing Variable life policy with significant cash value to open a Whole life policy with them. Which avenue of recourse to take.
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:46 AM PST Posted my car up for sale in Oklahoma. Keep in mind I have a full inspection done at a dealership last month showing the vehicle passing with flying colors all around. I proceeded to sell the vehicle to a lady and she wired the money through PayPal via ex boyfriend that owed her money. She test drove it before we did anything and she loved it and drove it again to drop me off at work since I don't have a car. We signed papers and we went out separate ways. We signed a notarized bill of sale and she signed a copy of the bill of sale and I kept the copy. Proceeds to txt me the next day and call me saying the car is acting funny and that she is stranded at a parking lot. I said I never had any issues with it before I'm sorry. She said I need to take a look at the car and that this isn't going to work if it's not running. Out of curiosity I checked out the car and it's ruined! The serpentine belt is chewed up, sucked up in the radiator can, tore up the internals and it's all messed up. I took pictures and a video. I wish I took pictures of the inside of the vehicle that had an empty box of liquor and on open can by the driver seat of something I didn't know what it was. I told her this car is ruined and I told her it's under her ownership. Know she has requested a refund through PayPal after the money is already on my bank account. She is also threatening me saying if I want to keep my job etc, and she knows people, she knows attorneys, and that I need to give her a refund or I will drown in lawyer fees and lawsuits. Can anyone please help! I cannot afford a lawyer or anything like that. What I do have is picture of the notarized bill of sale. Screenshots of our message thread, copy of the bill of sale, and a stressed out mind.... This is in the state of Oklahoma. I did read that all used vehicles sold private party are sold as-is. Is this enough to cover me? Also she never titled it to her name does this hurt me? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:11 AM PST Our landlord is trying to fine us for violating the smoke-free environment clause of our lease. There are several issues with this so far:
[link] [comments] |
Neighbor has a security camera pointed directly at our back deck Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST I live in a townhouse in Virginia and all of the units are right up against one another so it's pretty tight space wise. Obviously it's not uncommon to have a security camera nowadays, even our house has one by the front door in case of people stealing packages, breaking in, what have you. Our nextdoor neighbor has two security cameras, one by her front door and another by the back door that is pointed directly at our back deck. We've had some disagreements with this neighbor in the past and there is some bad blood there, but not enough to justify her (in my opinion) recording us on our own property. I looked into this and the law seems fairly vague because it says that we're entitled to a reasonable expectation of privacy. Is there a legal definition for reasonable expectation of privacy, or a case that sets a precedent? I really don't know if there is anything I can do but I'd like to be able to use my back deck without feeling like someone's watching my every move. [link] [comments] |
Lyft Damage charge for a canceled ride Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:52 PM PST I recently tried to get a ride via Lyft but seeing as the cab was over 12 min away, I promptly canceled my ride and a friend drove me instead. Later I received an email saying I had to pay $50 for spilling tea in the cab and that the driver had specifically identified me. They event went as far as posting pictures of liquid spilled on the seat (which still proves nothing). The ride doesn't even show up in my ride history, since I canceled it. Three emails in, Lyft refuse to budge. What are my options? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 05:03 AM PST I have been caring for my 76 year old brother with Alzheimer's for five years since his wife passed away. I have his power of attorney. I need to sell his house Since he lives in an assisted living facility and We can't afford to continue to make the $1,015 month mortgage. In order to sell it, it needs a roof, electrical and plumbing work done. My brothers health continues to worsen, he's lost weight and takes psychiatric meds for combativeness and is in and out of the hospital, Florida [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:44 AM PST I signed a year long lease in August and have never been late on rent. A few months ago our building was bought by new owners who discovered that our building is only supposed to have 11 units, and were the twelfth. I had no idea of this when I signed the lease, and they now are saying the lease is void and they could give me a three day notice, but because they want to be nice they'll give me 60 days. The problem with this is I'm planning on moving cities in August so I wouldn't be able to sign a new year long lease, and I have cats which make it incredibly difficult to find a new apartment. My question is- legally do I have to leave? I'm pretty sure I do but following that who is liable and do I have grounds to sue or contact the property company I originally signed the lease with and have them find me an apartment (as they were liable for me signing a fraudulent lease via the landlord). I have no idea how to navigate this so any advice would be much appreciated. [link] [comments] |
MI - Renter Violated Contract by Bringing Dogs into the Residence. Claims they are Guests. Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:11 PM PST (Question is on behalf of my Dad. "I" will refer to him.) Some random info first that is relevant. I have a house on 10 acres of land that is currently up for rent. I am working through an agency just to find a renter, not to maintain it. This is understood between me and the agency. I hold the keys, the agency does not have a copy of them. They have the electric garage door opener. In the contract there is a clause that clearly states: "No animals allowed in the residence for any length of time, except with written permission from the landlord for each animal." The contract also states that "No one can change the locks without the landlord's written permission." I told the agency that I wanted to be present at the signing. The contract also states that "No permanent modifications are to be made to the house without written permission." The agency said that they had found a renter. I went over there the other day to clean the place up a bit as it has been sitting vacant for a few months. I was also going to take a video of a walk through for security deposit purposes. I arrived and found a car in the driveway. I had been told by the agency that it had been finalized, but had not given anyone a key, and had not even met the renter. I knocked on the door, but no one was there. However, 2 dogs came to the door. I did not enter, but heard more than just those dogs barking. I looked through the basement window and saw 5 dogs in cages in the basement. The basement is semi-finished. I also checked the shed, and looking into the shed through a window I saw 4 more dogs. I did not enter into the house or the shed. I talked to a neighbor who knows a lot about dogs and he said that most of the dogs look like Pit bulls and some of them are younger puppys. I talked to the rental agency and they said that the renter told them that he had 2 dogs, and that they were outdoor only. The renter had entered the house using the garage door opener given to them by the agency. The next day the renter called me. He said that he had been trying to get my phone number from the agency for weeks. (My number was clearly printed on the rental agreement, which he signed. I got a copy of the signed agreement from the agency. On the agreement is clearly the "No Animals" policy, and the page was initialed by the renter.) I only mentioned the dogs that came to the front door when I knocked. He said that they were a relative's dogs, and that they were guests. He said that if the dogs destroy anything, then he is liable just like if a human guest breaks something. He also said that the house was full of cobwebs and dead mice, and that the bathroom was unfinished. (The house has 2 finished bathrooms, and was listed as a two bath house.) He said that he wanted to finish the bathroom if he had my permission. He also said the the shed is unfinished. The shed was never listed on the contract as part of property. He said he wants to "Improve" it. He said that the rental agency should have cleaned the house before he moved in. My response to all of these is: I didn't know that you were moving in, so I didn't have time to clean it. The contract states "No animals" and he is housing several dogs in the house. The contract also states "No permanent modifications", and he is hoping to finish the bathroom and make other "Improvements." The rental agency was just there to find someone, so they were not expected to clean it. At this point, considering that he does not appear to want to abide by the contract, I would like him to leave, but peaceably if possible. I asked the rental agency if they could handle the eviction if he does not cooperate. However, he said that he wants a few months to move out, even though he has only been there for a week. What can I do to resolve the situation, preferably without a court mess? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:41 AM PST My ex and I broke up recently after living together for a few years. I was stupid and trying to give him time to get out of our apartment and was staying elsewhere. He finally texted me that he had just left and had left my dogs there. So I immediately come back to our apartment and not only did he take my dogs (both microchipped under my name), he also stole many of my items and destroyed all my clothes. The police were called and they told me it was a small claims case, which I was planning to file a claim. Since, he has been blowing up my phone every day, telling me horrible things to try to hurt my already non-existent self-esteem and claiming he did not take my dogs, all while sending me pictures of them at his new apartment. He's doing everything in his power to break me and has told me multiple times to kill myself and he wants me to suffer as much as possible. At this point, I'm wondering if I should also try and sue him for emotional distress and taking advantage of my poor mental health to try and push me to suicide. Do I have an actual case here or is it likely the courts will not do anything for me? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:28 AM PST Bottom line up front: I am being charged to split sanding and repriming work done to my apartment after move out. This was after I had primed and received the all clear from leasing staff that everything was in order and there would be no additional charges. A little back story here: My apartment complex is currently renovating its units. As current tenant's leases expire they are not being renewed so that the apartment can be top to bottom renovated this includes painting of walls, adding in hardwood floors, new countertops and so on. There are about 400 units in the complex and about 40 move out every month because of this. (Estimate from leasing agent) I have an eye disability, Retinitis Pigmentosa. This impacts night vision and color contrast to varying degrees. In this case, contrast; it is difficult for me to distinguish subtle differences in color such as paint texture. I had asked my leasing agents how much primer to put on and was instructed by two agents that two coats of primer would be adequate as the underlying color was a deep blue. To my eye, the primer covered the blue. However, I wanted and received a second opinion from the leasing staff to confirm this. I informed the apartment's management of this disability in a meeting with my close friend and leasing agent before moving out. I then asked for a walk through, which I understand is not standard for my apartment complex, so that they could point out anything I missed cleaning or if I got primer on the ceiling. For example, dark colored mold on the black bathroom tiles or the light primer on the white ceiling would be difficult for me to detect. This was so that I could fix these issues before move out. A leasing agent, my father and I walked the apartment to check for anything I missed in my cleanup/preparations to move out. The agent let me know that it looked like I put a lot of work into cleaning and said that everything looked great. Thinking there was nothing of concern, I surrendered my apartment key, assuming that everything was was in proper order. I based my decision solely on her account not only because she was the leasing agent acting on behalf of apartment complex but also because of her visual inspection capabilities. I have reached out to the apartment's management and written to them with wording very similar to this post. The manager has responded and agreed that there was a walkthrough and that the leasing agent said everything was fine at the time but is still insisting I split the painting costs. They have provided me the invoice from the painter and my move out cost breakdown (final water bill and this sanding/repriming cost). My confusion is simply that it was indicated to me that my apartment needed no further work before my move out and then, contrary to previous indications, I am being charged for work done after my departure with no warning contact from the apartment complex or opportunity to respond prior to the apartment complex having the work done. Are they justified? Are they just mitigating the cost of their renovation? Discussing my problems, let alone my eyes, is difficult for me so I appreciate you taking the time to read this post. Any help is appreciated, friends. Ps. My apologies there is a run on sentence or three in there. [link] [comments] |
[UT] I won a contest earlier this year but have not received all of my winnings Posted: 15 Dec 2019 06:12 PM PST In January I entered a contest via a magazine/media company (CO based). The prize was two days of activity entry for two people, lodging, gift card for dining, and an item (MSRP of $1,800) required for said activity that has seasonal use. In mid-February I was was contacted stating that I had won if I could attend the event in March, as travel was not included. I received the dining card prior to the trip and attended the event without a hitch. However, I had no contact about the item. I emailed the media company that put the contest on and received contact info for the manufacturer (WA based) of the item. The item is a widely available from other manufacturers in different forms. This manufacturer is a niche setup using very high end components. A similar item from a higher volume manufacturer retail for ~$1,500. First contact with the manufacturer was made in March, following the dates of the event. They stated that they were changing up some of the tooling to make the item and it would be later in the year before the item could be made. There was no contact until I reached out again in May, with no further info on ETA for the item. Once again reached out in early October. This time the manufacturer stated the tooling had arrived and should be building the item "in the next couple of weeks." No further contact until I reached out again in late November. I thought it would be a good idea to BCC the director of strategic partnerships of the media company on this one for info that I still had not received the item. This time the manufacturer stated "we should be able to have yours out in the next 3 weeks." Three weeks have since past with no contact from either company. In the Ts&Cs, there was only information pertaining to the contest itself, not prizes. There was no mention of receiving cash value instead of the item, or similar statements. It has been 10 months since I was contacted stating that I had won, and the seasonal use window for the item has been open for the past three weeks. I need the item or similar, but have not purchased since I should have received this one. With that backstory, I wanted to get some advice on how to handle this. I am planning to contact the manufacturer this week since the latest timeline has come and gone. Is this worth getting a lawyer involved? Cheers. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:25 PM PST I work for a small "employee-owned" company in Alaska. They have always encouraged us to buy stock in the company in order to encourage us to work harder. Recently the boss made an offical announcement that everyone will be required to buy stock every year. The mandatory buy in amount for this first year is set at one third of our Christmas bonus, after taxes. I really like the idea of the employees owning stock in the company, but this isn't real stock. As far as I can tell, it's just a weird version of a company retirement plan. First off, only employees are allowed to buy the stock. Once bought, employees are expected to not sell any of their shares until they retire, and cannot keep their shares after leaving the company but must sell at that time. There is no yearly dividend (the Christmas bonus is not based on number of shares owned) and the share price is arbitrarily set by the owners with no true trend based on company performance. Is it legal for my company to require me to buy shares? Can they take it right from my Christmas bonus each year after I've played taxes on it? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
My female housemate makes me and the other housemates scared to live with her. Posted: 15 Dec 2019 12:06 PM PST Disclaimer: im pretty new in this community so if i make a mistake in this post feel free to point this out. I live in a shared household. It doesnt have a living room but it does have a shared kitchen. I dont see my other housemates often if at all. In the first 3 months i didnt get too meet them. But i was curious as to who i lived with. So i put up my phone number on the wall so the others could contact me. The female that lived under me quickly began to text me. She is a 25 year old female that came frum Bulgaria and now lives here (Netherlands) for her study. Her english was is pretty bad and she seemed to make jokes that were a bit odd. The first day that i found out something wasnt right is when she was breaking down in tears because i told her she wasn't ugly after she said she was. She told me she was afraid i was going to manipulate her by being nice and then taking it back. I just thought she had been bullied alot (wich she was) and tried to not worry about it. A day later i get a message: lets kill the other housemate 😈😈😈 Well here she goes with her unfitting jokes again i thought. But after that she sent a picture of me on my pc. She snuck into my room too take this picture and sent it to me directly after. I normally didn't lock my room before bed. I told her that i understood that she didn't mean it like this but that it was a breach into my privacy. She said okay and laughed it off basically. Two days later i was taking a shower and she went in my room again. This time she filmed it and sent it too me. I told her that she should stop coming in unless she is invited. At this point i started locking my door everytime i left too the shower and bathroom aswell. But most times when i lock it ahe would message me saying: unlock it! Dont you trust me. I made up a semi true excuse that my door tends to not close correctly so to not make her upset by it. This is where the story gets a bit more intens. I met my other housemate. He is a very pleasant bloke that looks pretty buff and plays fifa, your typical lad. He aked me if i also got letters under my door with disturbing stuff written on it. I told him what happened to me and we exchanged numbers. I try to not be mean to her in any way as too avoid her doing anything to me. But he didn't stay nice. He also had her going into her room and he really didn't take it well and told her that he would call the police otherwise. This is when she snapped. She sent him messages saying that she will kill him and that she didn't care about police and jail. She was also crying and slamming her door as this was happening. A day later she sent me this: why lock door Im not going to rape you Im not going to kill you Im not going to steal from you I told her the weak door excuse again Her: but i can do the things mentioned above. I told her that i rather have her not do any of those things. The day after i tried telling her that these "jokes" and going in my room really didn't make me feel right and that it made me feel uneasy. I tried telling this as calmly as possible. But she flipped out at me telling me that i should go fuck myself and that im racist. Getting mad at others for telling her to stop doing something seemed to be a theme. The other housemate send screenshots of a chat with her where she was furious that she cant study because he told her that he didn't appreciate her calling him 55 times in one hour (forgot to mention she calls, all the time and hangs up if you pick up. When i say all the time i mean about 200 calls a day.) Anyways ive made it up with her because i dont want her to get angry so she wont hurt me. But i think she has become alot more obsessed with me for being nice. There were also moments where she tried attacking the other housemate or at least running at him and him quickly going in his room and locking the door. She then cries in the hall and bonks on his door. Irl she seemed very normal. She doesnt look bad or unhealthy and she greets me normally when i see her in the hall or whatever. Anyways was planning on going to the police with the other housemate about the murder thread. And lay the other stuff over with the the company that rents us the house. I hope you guys can give me some insight. TLDR: My female housemate has been sending the other housemate death threads and both of us a lot of didsturbing stuff. She also screams and cries at random times and she sneaks into our rooms and made a picture of me. Plus alot of other stuff that made us feel unsave [link] [comments] |
A soon-to-be-not-my-friend spent $600 over 2 months under my nose Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:01 PM PST More context, this person I'll call "m" from now on spent MY money from MY bank account on übers and übereats, door dash and was especially fond of Smokin' Joes Pizza How this vile person got my card details? Well i have no idea but my most gleaming guess was when we where about to MOVE IN together because we thought it would be a WAY cheaper than just living alone So we looked for houses to inspect so we can take the application and once we got 2 we left to go back to her place in a über and when we got back we started taking photos of our identification so we can score 100 points for a valad amount of identity (i think thats what its for) and she MUST have taken a picture of both sides of my bank card without me noticing probably when I needed to use the bathroom, when I was really into my phone or she grabbed it and whent to the other side of the room to take pictures of her identification Okay my options? I have already disputed all of her transactions to my bank and they told me over the phone the door dash order was ordered by (her name) to (her adress) I live in Melbourne, victoria in australia What are my options here? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:47 AM PST Is there a legal way or a notorized, legal itimized list of my belongings I can make and send via mail to my ex? I feel as if this is the only way as she apparently is playing games. (State of Delaware) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:44 AM PST My boyfriend has been working at his new job for a handful of months now, and the guy he works next to has been stepping over more than a handful of boundaries. Such as grabbing my boyfriend's dick and ass, choking him and threatening to kill my boyfriend, following him around the place and leaving my boyfriend love notes at his work station. He's gone to his boss about it and was laughed at and told the guy was too valuable to let go. Next time it happened he had another coworker witness it and they went above his boss to HR. HR essentially said the same thing as his boss, laughed at him and then said boys will be boys. My boyfriend is 21 and this man could be his father's age and yet just because theyre men nobody is taking him seriously. He likes his job but this is making him want to quit because nobody is helping him there. What can be done about this situation? This is in Arkansas if that changes anything [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:01 AM PST Recently my work has cut my hourly pay from $14 to $10.50 without any forewarning. I only noticed this from my recent paycheck (12/15). My last paycheck (11/29) had 1 week with my original pay and 1 week with the new pay. I have not been sent any new contract regarding this new pay rate. Is there anything I can do for the lost wages? Location: New Jersey [link] [comments] |
Mechanic Burned Down With My Car In It Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:47 PM PST So in a chain of unlikely events, I brought my car to a mechanic I didnt know. A few days go by and the mechanic burns his building down by vacuuming gasoline with a shopvac. The building is completely demolished. The guy had no insurance, and I dont have comprehensive on my car. If I were to buy an equivalent truck on craigslist, they go for about $3500. Only connection i have to this guy is his name and cellphone number. I told him I want the value of the vehicle, but he is crying that he's broke and cant pay me back. I'm afraid he will block my calls and avoid me if I threaten legal action. What type of lawyer would handle this case. Is the car even worth enough for me to sue over and have it be worth my time? Thanks This is located in NY [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:05 AM PST Kissimmee, FL - Not sure what to do but it gets my blood boiling. Every now and then he receives my package by mistake, I've always been quick and was able to snatch it back from his front door before he saw it. But yesterday I missed the delivered notification and it said it was handed to a resident. I went there and saw nothing. Today my wife found my package outside his apartment torn open and with items he didn't want. He stole what he wanted. I don't have any proof it was him but it gets me angry. Anything I can do? [link] [comments] |
Child Support Agency gave me the incorrect court date and my absence impacted the outcome? Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:42 AM PST California, Family Law: I have an ex who makes enough to buy a car with cash monthly. The children and I are on welfare. Our kids have life long medical issues, which require equipment and meds. State now pays the medical cost, not the father. My income is zero. My income is zero because I was a sahm for 12 years and I have to run all over the state for these specialists and diagnostics. Father agreed it was in the best interest of the kids to homeschool them. We have a child with apnea and narcolepsy who couldn't stay awake and transgender child who was bullied off campus. I told Father that I want to be very clear this means I will not be able to work and will need additional support. He said yes. This conversation happened over text. Father stated he was laid off and pretended to be looking for work, while he already had a job (and health insurance). He evaded support for 8 months, causing us to be evicted. Father's argument in court is that he should pay less support because his income is not that of a basketball player and he makes less than a California judge. AND THE JUDGE AGREED!! There is an order already in place ordering 50% of medical to the Father. He will die a cold death in hell before he gives me a $5 co-pay. My case has been transferred and delayed and the hearing for medical was rescheduled 3 times. The Local CSA notifies me of my court date via email and in my child support account. They even sent me a 10 day and a 2 day email reminders. I had an attorney. I was ready for this case. I was going to get the medical and family support and everything will be fine. Attorney failed to inform me I had a court date. Judge proceeded without me and I'm sure he was irritated as hell. He only awarded about $1,100 out of $11,000 dollars in expenses. Even better, the judge LOWERED my support. This was Thursday. I have never missed a court date. My ex never has to go and deal with the pain of the courthouse. I was duly informed the date was on Friday, in writing. My attorney stated so, but CSA testified they confirmed the correct date was sent. It's terrible timing, but that was the last straw with that attorney. Because she is angry, she won't hand over my case until next Thursday. I don't have any money for an attorney; that is the only reason I stayed with this one for so long. I just can get over how the system really works. It felt so impossible for all this to be happening, I had a psychotic break. This can't be reality. This guy makes $16000 per month. He owes over $11k in backpack. We asked for an increase in the current back payment of $100/mo and the judge said it was unnecessary. Oh god someone help. [link] [comments] |
NDA With Previous Employer (30 Billion+ Revenue Euro Multinational Firm) Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:05 AM PST Five years ago I used to work for a megacorporation. Let's call it MEGA. During that time, I worked on a very novel technology known as PROJECT. I was under an IP/non-compete for three years after I left but that has expired. PROJECT had a lot of problems and cost a ton of money. It was way over budget and never ended up working out as intended. I did gain, however, a lot of trust with people very high in the company as my portion of the project worked beautifully. In my time after leaving, I came up with an idea that can really help improve the PROJECT. I believe it can push it into commercial profitability. I reached out to a high level executive of MEGA and he's very interested in my modifications. He already wants to schedule a Skype meeting with his team. The main office is in Germany and I'm in the US. Clearly I would like to be paid for my efforts and analysis.
I know this is a little odd as it is probably a mix of US and European law, but any help would be very appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST Hello thank you for reading my post. I filed for divorce one year ago in November of 2018. Location is USA Indiana. Since then my ex husband has refused to comply with any divorce proceedings. I tried to settle it out of court but he refused to talk about it saying he was "hiring counsel". He never hired counsel. In Feb 2019 he moved out of the country for work. Meantime we kept in contact. I repeatedly asked him to discuss an agreement and asked for his mailing address over ten times. When i told him that i hired an attorney one year ago he assaulted me in front of my nanny cam which i have video evidence of. He repeatedly refused to give me an address. He told me via text to send it to his fiancés house even after he left for overseas. He also threatened me when receiving the discovery papers. In November 2019 a divorce by default was granted after a contempt hearing which he did not show up for. Now he is upset because he didn't get a chance to tell his side and he filed an appeal because i "Knowingly did not notify the courts of his address". I can prove that i asked over and over and was denied. My question is, does he really stand a chance at getting an appeal? He is also asking me to pay for his attorney fees as well - even though i have been raising our two kids as well completely alone with no support. Thank you for any insight as this has really thrown me for a loop. [link] [comments] |
How can I help my mother recover money being managed by my father? Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:10 PM PST Hi all. My parents are having a lot of marital issues right now, but a remark by my mother made me feel sad about her future. I'm scared to think money that is rightfully hers has been stolen by my own dad. Here's a little backstory. My mother received an inheritance from my grandfather last year after he had died. She was given some land in Guatemala worth 100k. It was sold and deposited into a bank account under a local man's name since he was helping facilitate the sale of land. The money was wired to the US using either my dad's name or one of his company's names. I don't have the wire transfer record on hand, but I am confident it can be found. Important info about my dad. Him and my mom are self-employed business owners who own a convenience store, a restaurant, and a few rental properties in North Carolina. All properties have their own LLC and both my dad and mom are employees for the umbrella company, which is all financially being managed by my dad. What is scary to me is that it seems my dad has been managing both my mom's and his money since they started their business and a lot of the properties and things they both "own" are under his name or the company name. Worst yet, my mom was barely able to manage to open her own bank account to have her personal savings on, but it is still subject to being used or withdrawn by my dad (who had already withdrawn some of that money to pay for my mom's medical expenses, but unbeknownst to her). Here is what scares me the most: when asked by my mom where her money is, my dad said he had already invested it into properties and their restaurant (which is operating on a loss right now). He said he would give her back her money eventually. This all sounds so sketch and irresponsible. My mom simply wants to use her own money in a few ways that she wants to.. it's hers after all. She doesn't trust him anymore and they have contemplated divorce. My dad doesn't seem to love my mom anymore and it hurts my mom. She doesn't even know how to talk to him about it. It's a mess. So Reddit, what should I do? Seems like my father is using my mother's inheritance to pump cash into the family business (but without my mom's authority). As much as I hate to admit it, my dad needs to be stopped. My 50 year-old mom isn't the most tech-savvy or financially apt person, but she has a big heart and worked hard all her life to put her kids through school and college. I'm independent now and living in another state nearby, but the thought of this happening to her really saddens me. What should I do? Should I talk to my dad or try to do some investigative work to find where the money went? At what point do I contact the police if needed? Should I reach out to our family accountant in private? Any help would be appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information that I can provide. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:08 PM PST NYC. Upstairs neighbor is 93 years old and runs his hot water in his kitchen for weeks at a time (I can hear it from my bedroom, it's actually running right now as I type this). I go up to talk to him and he admits to running it continuously, but says it's his business and he can do as he pleases. (Building pays for heat and water so no cost to him.) Sometimes he turns it off on the spot, but it usually comes back on in a few hours. He also overflows his bathtub and has caused 5 leaks into our bathroom via the ceiling exhaust fan over the past 4 months. Fire Department has responded 3 times and drained his tub and asked him to stop doing it, but he continues. Now I've noticed paint peeling and water damage in our walls in and around the bathroom, which makes me wonder if there's mold. Things I've tried: I've considered withholding a small portion of rent in order to get their attention and force it to court. (In accordance with NYC tenant law.) Would deposit the withheld amount into an escrow/separate account and send everything certified. My concerns: We pay $4,500+/month in rent so I feel I shouldn't have to deal with an issue like this. Any other ideas or suggestions? What else can I try that I haven't already? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:21 PM PST My mother (65+) asked to speak with me today regarding her life insurance. Apparently some representatives from a company stopped by the house and told her that he existing variable life policy was bad and she needed to replace it with a whole life policy from them. She asked me to review the documents and let her know if it was a good idea. Upon initial review it looks severe enough to qualify as fraud but I am not sure. She has an existing variable life policy that she has had for over 20 years, long enough to have a significant cash value. (10k +) that she pays sub $40 monthly premiums for with a death benefit of $75k. She was told that this was a bad policy and she would never get close to the death benefit and instead she should surrender the policy and instead purchase a whole life policy with a $15k death benefit from them, with a monthly premium of $150+. They even told her that when she receives the cash value they can even set the payments up to come directly out of that cash value. Needless to say I am livid over this scenario, fortunately she asked me before doing anything and I told her to not cancel her existing policy although we are going to have a conference call with the writing company to review the policy overall since the death benefit is likely far too high now as compared to when she took it out, but it doesn't change the fact that there were material misrepresentations made to her during the sales pitch of this new policy. I know I can place a complaint with FINRA and State board of Insurance and that is on my todo list however given the scope of this scenario is this something that I should look at a civil suit, report to police or anything else. To be perfectly honest I am looking to go scorched earth on this after reviewing all the documentation. [link] [comments] |
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