• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    Legal Advice - [FL] Recently moved and ex has twice informally accused me of stalking her

    Legal Advice - [FL] Recently moved and ex has twice informally accused me of stalking her

    [FL] Recently moved and ex has twice informally accused me of stalking her

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:26 AM PST

    I recently bought a house in a fairly popular neighborhood; most of my friends and an ex-girlfriend from two years ago live in it. I ran into the ex and she asked if I was stalking her. At first, I thought she was joking, but it became clear she wasn't.

    Her basis was that I attended a show for a national music act a few months ago (her band opened, I was able to dodge half their set), and that she saw me bike down her street. I e-mailed her after that run-in to offer to avoid her street, but noted that we have similar interests and this isn't a huge town, so we'll occasionally run into each other. That received no response.

    Last week, my friends invited me to a themed rock show at a small venue near me. I bought tickets, later saw that her band was in the line-up, and decided to not go. Night of the show, she texts me that she's instructed the doorman to not let me in and that she's going to take action if "this behavior persists" and that it's bad enough that I moved into "[her] neighborhood." I requested that she not contact me again and that I have no intention of attending her shows.

    Do I need to get a lawyer to log these interactions? Do I just wait it out to see if nothing/something occurs and ignore her when we inevitably see each other? It doesn't seem like a single text is something actionable on the harassment scale, I'm just worried that she's going try to escalate this and don't know how to get in front of it.

    submitted by /u/throw_a_w_a_y8675309
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    I'm a stripper. Last night I was assaulted by a customer and then fired by my boss immediately for it. What are my rights?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:44 PM PST

    I'm in Oregon. Last night a customer got handsy during a lap dance. He held me and began sucking my neck. I tried to pull away but he held me close so that I could not even move my head. I tried to move away SEVERAL times and he held me against my will. I then tried to remain calm and finished my dance.
    Afterwards, I left the room, shaken up and crying. My neck was bruised. My manager saw me, asked what happened. I told her and she called over the supervisor. My supervisor checked the footage of what happened. She came back and said "I saw the whole thing. You did not call for security. You smiled and continued your dance. You were not held against your will. You're fired because you are adding too much drama." I explained to her that due to the fact that he held me so tight as he sucked my neck, that when I tried to move my head was held in place so that I couldn't move my head. So on camera it may not look like I was being held against my will or that I was struggling. I explained that I didn't feel safe calling for security and that I "smiled," just to get through the dance. I was still fired on the spot. My neck is covered in bruises.

    Was I wrongfully terminated? What are my rights?

    submitted by /u/BlueDimity
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    Employer inquiring on Illness

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:31 AM PST

    My uncle recently attempted suicide and is now in a mental health facility. I have been communicating with his boss so that he doesn't lose his job, yet his boss continually asks why he is in the hospital. I gave him a certified doctor's note showing that he needed 2 weeks off, and my uncle had the sick and vacation time to cover this time off. Despite this his boss still asks what my Uncle's prognosis is, and is threatening termination if we don't give him the information. Are his threats of termination valid ? Does he have the right to demand this information ? If it helps we live in New Jersey.

    submitted by /u/Dave856
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    (Louisiana) My neighbor is watching us in our yard with a drone. Can I legally spray it with a hose? What can police do?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:57 PM PST

    So my neighbors are crazy. They harrass us every chance they get. My mom and I especially. If we leave the house and they see us in our front yard, someone will come stand on the property line and yell at us. This happens a lot and according to the police, as long as they aren't in our yard and they aren't threatening us, they're legally protected. Fine. Well now they have a drone. And for the last 4 hours while we were doing yard work, the drone hovered above my mom. It followed her all over the yard until she went inside out of frustration. I have footage of the drown following her in the air, but no footage of whoever is operating it.

    Question is, can I call the police over this? We own 500 feet of air space over our house and this thing was barely higher than the house, so it was trespassing, but I have no proof it was them, besides seeing it take off from their backyard and hearing them talking about it. Would I be within my legal rights if I took a pressure washer nozzle, attached it to the hose, and sprayed the drone? What can the police do about it without proof that it was one of them operating it?

    submitted by /u/UniqueUserName_93
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    Brother has been taken by CPS and is not being properly cared for concerning his major medical condition

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:27 AM PST

    Info: Location: NC, USA.

    This is a very long one, I will try to provide a TLDR, but I suggest you read the whole post to really see the situation I'm in.

    TLDR which is also long itself:

    Brother has seizures. He has always had them and has them every day. CPS took him due to my mom being sleep deprived on assumptions that she was abusing substances. She has since passed multiple intensive drug tests and complied with everything CPS wants. They told her she just needed a plan for 24/7 additional childcare since she's a single mother. She provided the plan and now they're sending us through hoops. The CPS caretakers are not noticing my brothers very subtle forms of seizures, he's going under treated for them. Every seizure he has could kill or disable or permanently regress his development. He has already regressed major from the point of running and screaming to not being able to stand on his own. My mom already has a court-appointed attorney but she is really terrible and won't even make rebuttals, even tells my mom to remain silent in the courtroom. I believe CPS has violsted her parental rights by telling her she is not allowed to come to a medical appointment. We have next to no money, every resource must be free or very very cheap. I need to understand my rights as a brother, hers as a parent, and what we can do.

    Actual post:

    My brother has a major medical condition, of which seizures are a huge symptom. He is a toddler.

    This child, his care, and specifically ensuring proper care for his medical condition has been the focal point of my mother's life since his birth. She has taken measures for him to the point that I would confidently say she has given up everything for him.

    Of course, this medical care comes with multiple hardships. Dealing with the seizures is the worst part. A single seizure could be deadly. A single seizure could disable him. A single seizure being improperly handled could be the end for this child.

    There's an entire history regarding his seizures, the types he has, which medication fixes it. The pattern is usually that she has seizures, the specialists work to and do analysis, figure out the part of his brain that's causing them, the type of seizures they are, and they prescribe appropriate medication sometimes a "course" of medication that spans weeks with changing doses. The doctors have been great at finding the right medicine for him and his seizures will lessen. Then either the medicine stops working or a new type of seizure starts or different part of the brain starts seizing and the pattern repeats.

    This is very stressful for a single mother, obviously.

    She has so much anxiety over making sure that ever seizure is recorded and that he's cared for that she barely sleeps. Sometimes my brother won't fall asleep, sometimes seizures wake him up throughout the night and so my mother gets such broken sleep that it might as well be considered no sleep.

    With that in mind, what happened recently was that a child development specialist (he has many which work with him weekly, monthly, etc. to make sure that he progresses and develops properly, another thing that my mom has been great at,) was working with my brother on a day that my mom had gone 3 consecutive days without sleep. My mom understandably was sleep deprived and falling in and out of a conscious state. The specialist took this as a terrible sign and immediately called CPS to report that my mother was incapable of caring for my brother. I'll assume that they assumed substance abuse.

    Thus the downward spiral begun. An intensive drug test was ordered. Mother tested negative. There was a court hearing. CPS and the Judge decided that in order to get my brother back there needed to be an additional caretaker present 24/7 to make sure he got the right care. My mother quickly found friends/family willing to sign up and submitted the plan. Then CPS decided they needed other things from my mom, evaluations, more tests, etc. Essentially CPS has decided they do not want to give my brother back and is sending my mom through hoops to delay/prevent the process.

    That alone sucks, but what makes this a major issue is what happened on the first of my mother's allowed weekly visits.

    In the face of everything that's against my brother, he has developed great. He started walking, running, picking things up, communicating through body languages, and much more. Things that seem small but are huge leaps in child development for someone who it is very possible to never even begin walking.

    However on the first visit my mom noticed he has tremendously regressed. He's not walking, if he tries he falls down. No attempts are speaking, no body language, just clutching to my mom and not wanting to go.

    The CPS workers also said, "he's doing great, he hasn't had any seizures." Immediate major red flag. There is absolutely no way that he went from multiple seizures a day to none. What this means is that the caretakers are not familiar with seizures at all. In their mind, a seizure means being unconscious, shaking, etc. But that's not the case. My brother has partial (sometimes called focal) seizures, where nothing really happens to catch anyone's eye that he's having a seizure, but if you pay attention you'll notice he will not respond to anything, even shining a light in his eyes will not make him blink.

    Then on the second visit he actually had a partial seizure in front of my mom (after they again reported he had been seizure free.) She counted the minutes. 5 minutes went by so she administered his medicine which is specifically to stop seizures that last 5 minutes or longer. Then followed up with his daily medicine.

    CPS took him to the hospital where an ER doctor said, "Yeah, doesn't seem like a seizure to me." Unfortunately he isn't a trained epidemiologist, so he as well is not familiar with these types of seizures.

    So now on top of everything else CPS claims that my mom is overmedicating my brother.

    He really really needs to come back home. Each seizure he has which is obviously going untreated could do permanent damage, permanently regress his development or kill him. CPS is not taking adequate care of my brother and it's harming him. What course do I have?

    Not to mention that this is killing my mother emotionally. She is so scared that he will die or be permanently damaged in their care because they have proven to not know what they're doing.

    My mother has an attorney. Court-appointed. And she is terrible. When the judge asks for rebuttals the attorney always says no and tells my mom that she is not to speak at all. This is ridiculous. CPS told the judge that my brother was not having seizures and that he was being overmedicated by my mom when in reality he's having a very subtle type of seizure and my mom is following proper medication procedures. That's what the attorney should have brought up, but instead elected to remain silent.

    The most recent advancement is that CPS has told my mother she is not allowed to come to his next medical appointment (which was set before this started). Which I believe is an entire violation of her parental rights which have not been revoked. Unfortunately this was not said in a written record. The appointment is tomorrow, it is in a city that is 5 hours away. There's no way she could make it now. So CPS could just say "oh yeah she was allowed, we never said she couldn't" Which would protect them legally but still my mom couldn't go.

    We don't have much money, like at all.

    I want to call CPS myself and figure out why they're not handling things properly but I'm not even sure of my rights as a brother. I also don't know her rights as a parent.

    I need advice.

    submitted by /u/Yttriel
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    A tow company legally towed my vehicle for street cleaning, but did NOT report it to the police department, and did not notify me until 2 weeks later by mail, accruing a $1000 impound fine. Is there any recourse? I had filed a stolen vehicle report from the police.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:05 AM PST

    Legal issues of donations

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:46 PM PST

    So I live on Maui where a huge portion of the population lives below the poverty line. I want to start collecting surfboards to give to underprivileged kids in the area. If I start handing out a bunch of surfboards could I potentially be sued by one of the kids' family? Like if a kid gets injured surfing could it somehow come back on me? If you have time for your response I would also like to know if I could protect myself by starting a non profit to do this or if I should just do it as a non-entity handout?

    submitted by /u/brosephmcduder
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    Dad died and his crazy GF falsely accused me of threatening to murder her.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:04 PM PST

    This happened in PA. My dad died unexpectedly and his girlfriend began making moves to sell off possessions so I went over with a U-haul and my sister to ensure that didn't happen. My sister was present with me the whole time I was there because we were moving objects non-stop as she threatened to call the cops to have me removed from a property that I owned for moving possession out of it that I also owned. Dumb as she is, she instead called my brother and remained on the phone with him the whole time we were there. When we left, my brother called my sister's phone right away.

    I got home and received a call from the staties asking me to come into to give a statement because she called them to and reported that I threaten to murder her several times over. I went in the next day and gave my statement. The trooper then called my brother, a young attorney with a good reputation with the judges in our county, who drove on his only day off 2 hours to sign a sworn affidavit that I never made such a claim and he knows for a fact because he was on speakerphone the whole time I was there. The trooper then interviewed my sister after and he concluded at the end that I in fact never threatened her. He was empathetic that she did this to me less than three weeks after standing next to me in my dad's funeral procession line so he was going to charge her for a false police report, but his superiors denied him. His superiors told him our county has precedent not to discourage women from coming forward when genuine threats occur so this means that they won't bring up charges against a woman for making up such a complaint against a male. Makes zero logical sense, but that's how Chester county is.

    This all resulted in me having to pay a defense attorney to get the temporary PFA thrown out, my name is in the local papers for "terroristic threats" now because of the false police report she filed against me, and I had to deal with all of this while trying to keep our small family business alive because my pops passed only 9 days into our three year succession plan. What she put me through caused me to lose so much sleep, cost me money as a result of the defense attorney and now again because I had to hire another attorney to get my name out of the papers because the local editor refused to comply with my personal request, and it put so much undue stress on me overall that my health and social life also suffered. I need justice and I don't know how to get it, but I feel I merit it so any and all advice would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this!

    submitted by /u/fullmetalbonerchamp
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    Someone tresspassing in private woods and stealing trees. Local police hasn't really done much despite video evidence (Ontario)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:32 PM PST

    My parents have a cottage on a lake by a small town in north ontario. They've had it about 15 years and never really had a problem with trespassers. They saw the occasional hunter, but after putting up "no trespassing" signs and a gate by their property they stopped.

    Their property is quite large and is 99% forest. A small dirt road runs through it and is used by a few other people. Some of the other people around the lake need to use the road to get to their cottages.

    About two months ago my parents noticed trees missing. They set up a hunting camera and it captured an unknown pickup truck with a cut up tree on its bed. The license plate was too blurry. Nevertheless they contacted the local police (OPP) and were put in touch with an officer who was going to "take over their case"

    He told them to put up signs, ask their neighbors, put up hunting cameras, and put up a gate.

    So they did. They put up a gate, unlocked, but will plan to put on a lock on it eventually after they hand out keys to all those who use the road. The gate is right at the edge of the property, blocking the dirt road that only goes through their peoperty. They put up more signs and more cameras.

    They captured the same truck. It just happened to stop in front of the new camera so the two people were clearly seen, plus the license plate of the truck and trailer, plus the fact that they were there for two hours, drove an ATV with small trailer into the woods, and came put with a cut up trees which they put on the pickup truck and drove away.

    I contacted the same officer and sent him the video and photos, but it's been a week and no response.

    None of their neighbors know who these people are.

    My question: what can they do next ? Should they go to the police station or keep trying to email the original officer? Are there any other steps to "get some justice" as my parents put it?

    Edit: to clarify, they have one gate right by their cottage, and a newer gate by the main road.

    submitted by /u/PETEJOZ
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    I am turning 18 Friday and my parents plan to kick me out. I live in Norfolk Virginia.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:50 AM PST

    I'm in highschool and my parents are kicking me out. We have always had a bad relationship and they want me gone. I have a job and money saved up but I'm lost and worried about what to do. I don't have any family members to go to or friends. I don't own or car and I can't drive either. I have a bike though. I need advice on where I can stay or do so I can stay alive and safe. ( And if it's a good idea to stay in school.) Please please help Edit: I have 4k in savings if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/-SalmonellaFella-
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    My mother stole my dog, has been refusing to give it back for 2~ months. Going to the courthouse Monday.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:23 PM PST

    I am 16 years old and live in Oregon. I was removed from my home by dhs on September 26th. Although dhs removed me, they dropped my case due to a lack of evidence on physical abuse, but enough evidence that she had been verbally abusing me and harassing me to have a family friend take me in voluntarily, and she can not force me home or call me in as a runaway. When I left the home, she told me to grab my dog the day after or she would be taking him to the pound. I picked my dog up with the help of said family friend, along with his crate, food, etc. I kept him for 5 days before she said he needed to go to a vet appointment and she needed to take him there. I stupidly trusted her because he was sick and I wanted to make sure he was taken care of. Of course there was no appointment, she stole the dog, and I haven't been able to see him since. I had been working with a family therapist as a mediator, and she had turned down every single attempt to get him back. This went on for a month. After that, she decided to trash me to my extended family, and called the police on me telling them I assaulted her and threatened to kill her. I did not, and I record every interaction with her for this reason. The police told me that I can't go back there anymore, even though I am still legally a resident, according to them. I still have belongings there as well that I can't get back. The dog is mine, fully. I paid for him, I have the receipts; for his food, first vet appointments, papers from the seller, and the receipts and checks from buying him. I also have recordings of her refusing to give him back. I need to know what she could even have to stand on. She claims it has bonded to her, and also claims that she already had it registered. I also need to know how long this could take with the holidays coming up as well. If this is relevant, I live in Multnomah and she lives in Beaverton.

    submitted by /u/Throwaywaymissmydog
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    Terminated while on maternity leave

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:30 PM PST

    I have been working for 11 years with the same company specializing in IT project management in Calgary, Canada. I'm currently on maternal leave due to resume work in January 2020.

    My company got in touch with me saying that there have been significant changes while I was away and they don't see a future for me in my original role.

    While there are posts in this forum about negotiating on severance, I want to understand what my options are considering I am currently on EI.

    Also, I'd appreciate if anyone could suggest me a lawyer for seeking advice. I wish to part amicably with the company.

    P.S: I had posted this originally on /r/Calgary and was advised to post here too. I was unable to cross post.

    submitted by /u/ranganayake
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    Wife signed off on property she inherited in California lawyer is now contacting her

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:43 PM PST

    10 years ago my wife was offered a payout to give up her share of a will by her dads brother. She agreed to take the payment and thought it was all said and done. Today in the mail she received a notice for a court summon saying that she might be entitled to more than she got. She thought she was just signing off on the property in California it turns out her uncle never mention the existence of a 12 acre property in Colorado as well as 3 Shwab accounts. Everything together came to about 2.4 million dollars. She got paid 84k. In the documents we received her uncle claims he paid her 100k. What is the best course of action? Should we even spend money on a lawyer? Sorry for bad grammar English is my second language.

    submitted by /u/Stripperdipper
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    Can I get my father to pay me back my money I inherited from a relative that he took??

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:06 PM PST

    When one of my relatives died she left me and my family money, my parents got more then the siblings and I, but we all got about 12000usd. In around 2008 when I was 7-8 my father decided he didn't want to work during the winter, and dipped into my money, by dipped, I mean he took all of it and THEN went back to work. He promised my mother, now ex wife, that he would pay me back when he got his next job. Well, 11 years later and many jobs later and that money is not returned to me. I am confronting him on it because I'm now 18 and I need it for a car, but he avoids the question, puts blame on my mother and will not even give me 50 dollars to START paying me back. He avoids all questions on where his 70000 a year is going that he can't pay me back by making 'jokes' that it all goes to cigarettes and alcohol and then quite literally flees the scene (Backs out of the room, drives away at record speed considering you can never get him to leave usually) The one thing he does claim is that I can sell his comic book collection and 'keep the money' but that would definitely NOT meet the money he took, which if was still in the bank would probably be up at least 1000 more. Not acounting for the fact I don't have time to work to get my own money back. I live in the US, Massachusetts. I have the actual withdrawl record from my account, does anyone have any idea if there is a legal issue with this? Or am I basically just out 13000usd. I'd rather not go to court over this, but if I could get any more information that I COULD, then I hope I could scare him into paying me

    submitted by /u/LocustBred
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    Landlord countersuing for Security Deposit and claiming Power of Attorney, though nobody knew she was acting as one (Ohio)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:53 PM PST

    Hello all, sorry in advance for the wall of text. This is my first post, so please take it easy on me. Just looking for some advice.

    I(22f) rented my first house in Ohio from landlord. Paid every month of rent on time (in cash- she never gave us receipts) until it came to where she wanted my room mate and I to leave a month early because the owner of the house was getting out of prison early.

    We negotiated verbally that if we left in October rather than November (lease says November - she needed us out by October 1st) then we would not have to pay September's rent to compensate for us leaving a month early due to inconvenience on our part. I have this conversation on recording.

    We move out smoothly, she shows up while we are moving out and everything is fine. Left the keys and my new address. Wait 30 days for $500 security deposit. She doesn't send it after 38 days, so I send her a demand letter. Four days later, she sends me a $325 check with a note (no receipt included for the repair) saying we purposely damaged the garage door wiring and she's deducting it from our deposit. I had previously told her in the Spring the garage door did not work and tried to replace the remote batteries as well, and she did not attempt to look at or fix it.

    Tried to negotiate with her over the amount owed to no avail, so I filed against her in Small Claims. She then sends me a letter saying that we're no longer dealing with her - we are now dealing with the owner of the house since she was acting as Power or Attorney. This is, however, the first time anybody in my party knew anything about Power of Attorney. The lease is signed with only her name, not his anywhere on the document.

    She is accusing me of violently cutting the wires that work the garage door sensor, which I definitely did not do and even tried to fix the issue myself after it stopped working, she still did nothing to fix it. She also claims that since the lease went through November, she never received October's payment and is now countersuing me for $675 (garage door + October rent).

    Can she prove that I am somehow responsible for the damage? Can the homeowners' counterclaim be dismissed because we were not informed verbally nor in writing that she was working as his PoA? If she did not send me the deposit or a list of damages within the allotted time period (30 days in Ohio), so does she have any chance of winning in court?

    Just looking for advice on how to deal with this/where to go from here - please feel free to ask questions and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Again, sorry for the wall of text and thank you in advance to anyone who can offer some advice!

    submitted by /u/FlyHighAndTakeTheSky
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    Husband has cut me off financially (NYC)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    My husband and I have been married for nine years. In the past year and a half, I had an emotional affair with a man over the internet. I never met him and have never been physical with anyone. I make no excuse for my actions. I am the worst kind of person and I will never forgive myself for destroying my family.

    I have been a stay-at-home mom to our now six-year-old since he was born. My grandfather and I together bought us a co-op (all of the money came from an account with my name) and there is no mortgage, but my husband pays all the maintenance fees and other bills.

    Over the past year, my husband has cut me off from everything. I cannot buy clothes, cannot get my nails done, he canceled all television and anything else I might enjoy. I was understanding of this as I hurt him deeply.

    Recently he has begun to cut me off from essentials. He closed our joint bank account and opened two in his name, only one of which I have access to. When I go grocery shopping, he transfers the exact amount I need and no more. I cannot buy soap, shampoo, tampons, any food I might like in particular (I still do all the cooking, cleaning, and errands for the family). If I am out and need a bottle of water, he tells me too bad. My biggest issue however is that he will no longer give me money to cover doctor copays. I see a medical doctor once a month for an injection, and more importantly I go to therapy multiple times a week since I have attempted to take my life a few times over the last several months.

    Some possibly important info:

    • He is extremely emotionally abusive. I get called a whore, told I must be selling myself on the street, I'm a bad mother, etc.
    • He tells me that if I'm going to choose to kill myself, just do it already but do it somewhere out of the house so he doesn't have to deal with it.
    • When I explain to him that I need to go to these therapy appointments to stay alive, he tells me that is not his problem.
    • He throws away my things sometimes.
    • He says that he is going to move out and not have to give me much money because he doesn't make that much.
    • He will not help me put our son in after school so that I can work.

    I know I need to get a job. I know I need to take care of myself. I know I did a terrible thing and I hurt him badly. But I also know that I need to go to therapy to stay alive and he won't give me the $15.

    Divorce will happen but right now it is difficult for either of us to live apart financially and due to our son. I was a teacher but my certification lapsed when we chose for me to be a stay at home mom.

    Sorry, I know this was so long. Is he legally allowed to do this? Is he legally allowed to restrict me from any access to money, especially for things like doctors and therapy?

    Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/husbandhelpplease
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    I tried to enjoy a hot tub at a hotel and now the bottom half of my body looks like I dipped it in pure bleach.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:33 PM PST

    I just spent about 30 minutes in a hot tub at the hotel I'm currently staying at. Everything seemed normal for the most part as I was in it by myself until I eventually noticed some irritation in my genitals (male). I decided to get out and investigate to find that my lower torso and legs were WAY less hairy than before I'd gotten in. My legs took the brunt of it. They look like I rubbed nair all over and took it off a little too soon. The hair color is now almost blond as well. As soon as I made sense of what might be happening, I rinsed off under the pool shower then rushed back to my room to thoroughly clean up.

    As far as skin irritation, my genitals are still mildly irritated but the rest of my body seems fine. Just a little itchy.

    I called the front desk to notify them and make sure they don't let anyone in the pool or hot tub until it's been checked. This is the late night shift so the person working the front desk had to call someone and ask what to do. They offered to comp the room which is nice but I'm wondering if I'm going to need medical attention from this.

    One more thing, my wedding ring is partly made from silver and appears to have been dyed to the color of pencil led. It's not a super expensive ring but of course has immeasurable sentimental value.

    Any suggestions as to how to move forward here would be great. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/phomiliar
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    Is it illegal to advertise health care while not offering such care?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST

    There is a sign in my employers business that clearly states they offer health care and a livable wage to their employees. Neither of these things are true. Are they breaking any laws?

    I am located in florida

    submitted by /u/CjPatars
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    Hospital Holding My Father Against His Will

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:01 PM PST

    New York State. My father is a 71 year old disabled veteran who suffers from PTSD and has a variety of medical issues. Recently he had a heart attack and has been hospitalized for about a month. His doctors have cleared him for discharge but they are delaying it pending a psych evaluation. I am his health care proxy. I would like to get him discharged but the doctors are telling me if I sign his discharge papers and something happens I would be responsible. I'm not sure what that means. What would I be responsible for?


    submitted by /u/wetnap00
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    My nephew got chased by 2 dogs on his bike. My dog ended up saving him but is now torn up really bad. Oklahoma.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:34 AM PST

    My dog stays with my grandparents out in the country (because I live somewhere i can't have pets atm). My grandfather shot at the dogs who chased my nephew and hurt my dog. I need to take my dog to the vet but they are all closed as it is a Sunday and they will charge extra for emergency service. How should I go about this. We can't afford the vet bills as is much less an extra fee for it being a Sunday. is there anyway to get the owner of the dogs to pay for the vet bills /should we call the Sheriffs department before we take him up to the vet. I'm sorry I have a lot of questions but me and my family have no idea how to even go about this type of situation. I'm very glad my dog was their and that he protected my nephew, but I'm really upset my dog is hurt because he's old.

    submitted by /u/BleachForU
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    I'm fighting with my school district.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:36 AM PST

    In Texas - The school district wants to suspend me WITHOUT pay over a couple Facebook posts (no mention of school name or people names - very harmless, small town butt hurt, I'm the outsider).

    I am representing myself and we exchanged discovery questions.
    1) we weren't scheduled to exchange witness lists or exhibits until later but they asked for all of my supporting documentation...is this normal? How do I not give them all of this until the later date or does it even matter? 2) they want me to print all of my Facebook posts with comments for the past 4 months. How is that even possible?! 3) what if I no longer have the information on a question they asked?

    The school's attorney knows I'm representing myself, are they just trying to railroad me?

    Can I object at this stage? Not answer or not produce documents?

    submitted by /u/Katemydog
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    Got fired for discussing my wage with my Co-Worker (California)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:59 PM PST

    Hi there, I'm seeking some advice to see whether or not I should retain an attorney for my case. I recently got fired for discussing my wage with a fellow co-worker. My supervisor spoke to me one on one stating that it's against company policy and in the employee handbook that we are not allowed to discuss our wages with other co-workers as it could cause unhappy feelings. A couple days later, I was fired with no real reason.

    Luckily, I still do have my employee handbook and it states "Causes for Immediate Termination - Revealing and/or discussing rates of compensation with other employees, unless provided by the scope of your responsibility with the company."

    From what I understand, under federal law it is illegal for employers to keep employees from discussing wages. However, I know California is an At-Will employment system so I'm wondering if that doesn't apply. Additionally, if I should hire an attorney or go to the California Labor Board.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/innocentlullaby
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    Wal-Mart says I owe them money

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:23 PM PST

    In the summer of last year I worked at walmart. I quit early this year because me and my husband are now married and I was going to live with him in his new duty station in North Carolina. I ended up working for walmart again in October. Everything was fine but then my first check came in and it was $190 compared to the $330 it said i would be getting. When checking my paystub everything is accountee for like $41 for taxes and such. Then there is a section that says deductions and gives no information just says $140. I call walmart and they claim everything is correct (doubt they actually looked into it). So I let it go thinking maybe its a one time thing. Next check comes along and sure enough $170 deducted. I talk to the higher ups regarding pay and they claim that I was overpaid when i worked at walmart in 2018. I ask how much and they say they arent able to tell me. I ended up quitting. I talked to a lawyer and they said they couldnt help me but to contact the Labor law office. I contacted them and she said they are supposed to tell me or at least sign something informing me of the amount I was overpaid. She said somebody is taking the case and will launch an investigation. I will hear from them in about 6 months.

    Anyway...any other advice you can give me?

    submitted by /u/Marinelife2019
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    My wife and I separated over a year ago. She is now saying that I cannot allow anyone else access to our jointly owned home. Does this mean that I can't have guests? Home is located in northwest Arkansas.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:41 PM PST

    In June of 2018 my wife and I separated. I left the home and lived in a van for about 8 months. A few months ago, I was notified by her sister that my wife had moved to another state and abandoned the property. When I got here, it was a wreck. I got everything cleaned up and moved back in.

    Now, I contacted her about the back taxes. She had not paid the property taxes for last year or this year. During that conversation, she told me that I could not allow anyone else access to the property.

    How binding is that? If I have people in my home as guests, will I have legal trouble because of it? Can she charge others with trespassing?

    submitted by /u/Uruz2012gotdeleted
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