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    Sunday, December 22, 2019

    Legal Advice - 2019 Best of BoLA voting

    Legal Advice - 2019 Best of BoLA voting

    2019 Best of BoLA voting

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:02 PM PST

    My dog was given way too much medication and overdosed causing (so far) $2000 in emergency vet cost

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:17 AM PST

    So, as the title says. Our vet we took our dog to for a c-section gave our dog way too much medication on Tuesday .

    After our dog had her C-section and got the pups out she was acting very lethargic that next night so, we took her back to the vet the next morning (Thursday).

    Then they did some bloodwork and found out her calcium was pretty low and she was dehydrated. The vet then decided to give her two large boluses of calcium. After that she was extremely lethargic wouldn't hold her head up or move.

    Well, we decide we have to take her to the emergency vet and when they do bloodwork her calcium is so high it is undetectable and that her kidneys are shutting down.

    As of now we are no where close to out of the woods and will likely have to take her back to the vet today. We have already paid over $2000 in vet cost just due to this. Do I have any legal basis for going back on them for just the cost of the vet visit. I'm not out to make money here.

    Location: Columbus, OH

    Edit 1: at the vet now and they are currently saying she may be out of their capabilities and that things do not look good at all....

    Edit 2: After speaking with the experts and her needing further care today the specialist and the vet agreed that there was nothing that could be done for Lexi..... I feel so bad for her. She was such a lively and happy pup. She did not deserve this...

    Edit 3: I just want to make this clear, this was not a breeder dog. I am in no way a breeder. This was never supposed to happen and I even asked the vet about terminating the pregnancy and they advised against it. I just wanted to clear this up based off of a couple DM's I received about explaining to me this is what I get for using my dog for money??

    She was a beloved family member and I am very sad I have to explain this right now after all my family has been through today...

    submitted by /u/dross9615
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    Help! Homeowner threatening to take me to small claims and sue me for all the wages she paid me for the handyman work I’ve done for her over the months.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    I'll start from the beginning. I'm a handyman in the Bay Area of California, in that I basically do all sorts of remodeling odd jobs off craigslist—flooring, decks, windows, doors, you name it. I'm not at the independent contractor level of skill, and don't claim to be, but I can do a lot of stuff, and I'm constantly learning. I figure in a couple of years I will be ready to take the test and get licensed. As for now, I make a living serving clients off Craigslist, who are happy to get great work done at a fraction of the cost without the hassle of permits when it's unnecessary or just a small job.

    Having said all that, I got a call in early October from a woman saying that her independent contractor who was installing her bathroom tile (complete tile job) was having a problem with keeping helpers on the job, and asked if I could work through the weekend and help him finish the job. Ok. Sure. I can assist. I show up to help and he's not there. Okay, so the first day I work on a separate project finishing building a pavilion he was installing. That goes great.

    Second day I show up and finish the pavilion. He's still not there. Ok. Weird. But whatever. Anyway, she's thrilled with the pavilion.

    Turns out her contractor has bailed. Not just bailed, but bailed and left all his tools on the job. Like completely peaced out of there. Over time I come to find out that he had actually been living in her AirBnB, and she had worked out some deal with him to get labor out of him, and I guess he got overwhelmed and just left.

    Anyway, the tile job is a complete wreck. I would say at this point it is 20% complete. He has installed the shower floor, the shower seat, and about 1/4th of the shower wall. There is thinset all over the tile, buckets of dried thinset, broken tile everywhere. Holes in the drywall. electrical wires left dangling and exposed.

    I try to explain to this woman that this is above my pay grade. I don't do electrical, etc.

    But this woman is sincere. She wants me to do the tile. She says she will get someone else to fix the electrical.

    So I make slow work of it. And slow it is. For weeks. Each day, she comes in to look at the work, and is super excited to see it going up. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

    Then one day we come to a particular part of the tile, which is an inlet we had discussed, but apparently not enough. There was a 3" band of blue tile she wanted to stretch around the bathroom. I had set the first 12" of it against the wall, and apparently she wanted it floating level with the rest of the tile. Anyway, I had left for lunch. Imagine my shock when I come back to find her with hands full of thinset cramming it up against the wall and relaying the tile. I was gobsmacked.

    I did my best to finish up the blue line, and the rest of the wall tile, but struggled at points because the wall was not ultimately prepared perfectly, and I don't do level 4 drywall. By the end there were a couple of parts I thought would need touched up or replaced. In the end, I brought the project to 100% completion, with about 10-12% needing to be redone. Frustrating, but it happens.

    I had to leave town at that point for several days, but told her I would get with her to finish everything when I returned.

    About five days later, I got this super toxic text message that read like a novel. It was completely unlike the person I had been working with for the past few weeks.

    After some back and forth, we agreed to talk in person, and later after some face to face discussion, we came to an agreement, I would pay her $600 (the cost of the tile to be replaced) and continue to work on other stuff of hers), and she would hire someone else to finish the bathroom.

    Problem solved, crisis averted.

    Time goes on, I continue to work for this woman.

    Next up she has her pavers removed and a trench dug across her yard to have a gas line installed for some makeshift stove she bought on amazon for $10. I kid you not. Ruined her pavers.

    She calls me panicked. Gas guy cancelled on her, because AirBnB people are coming and she's got to rebury the trench.

    Her: "Can you lay a gas line?"

    Me: "No. Absolutely not."

    Ok. I go on to do other work.

    Later that day. "Well, can you at least pick up the parts for the gas line at Home Depot?"

    Me: "Ok. I can do that."

    I get back to her house with all this metal tubing, I don't know a thing about. "Is this what you want?"


    "And you just want a tube that goes from there to there"


    "And you need it buried by 5pm?"


    I went and bought what you told me to get and you just looked at it and told me to assemble it and bury it.

    I assemble the tube, and buried it, but I told her she would have to get a gas guy out to connect the ends of it. I was having no part in connecting the gas line.

    About three days later I finished my last job for her, got paid, and left.


    Now, three weeks later, I receive another super long winded toxic text message. This time it's about the pipe, saying it's the wrong kind of metal, and not only that, but bringing up the tile again. She's asking if I'm licensed and insured. Not sure if she understands the difference between a handyman on CL and an independent contractor you pay $100/hour. She says she wants to file a claim if I have insurance. Or to work out a payment plan with me if I don't, for "oh about $3,000", or maybe take me to small claims. (Note: total cost of all the metal tubing + labor was $300)

    I simply haven't responded.

    I'm over this woman. I tried to do the right thing. Tired of being taken advantage of.

    Am I in the wrong somewhere here? Where to go from here legally? What should I do with her?

    Edit: I'm getting grilled here guys, and I think I knew this was going to happen, and I think I knew I needed to hear it. Thanks for being honest with me. I'm going to try to work things out with her.

    submitted by /u/lemineftali
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    Why won’t my apartment complex evict a roommate who has violated the lease multiple times despite me and my other roommate reporting it repeatedly? Can I terminate my lease without penalty?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:43 PM PST

    State: North Carolina

    TL;DR- apartment complex will not evict roommate given multiple lease violations on her part and having been reported multiple times. But also will not let me terminate my lease

    Sorry I'm on mobile.

    I (23) am in a "student housing" off campus facility. The reason I say "student housing" is because they lease primarily to students but because of the poor reputation and distance to the university they rent to non-students as well (my roommates and I are all non-students). All of these rooms have individual leases.

    In early October M (35+?) as I'm going to call her, moved in with her 5 year old and her boyfriend. Which, even the boyfriend living there is not legal as his name is not on the lease. She has also started smoking in the apartment which is strictly prohibited in the lease. Also Because our apartment complex is still considered student housing children over the age of 2 are strictly prohibited from living there.

    Immediately after moving in we started having issues with her. Everytime a lease violation has happened it has been reported by me and my roommate, B (23), via email for documentation purposes:

    -Back in early November M had CPS called on her because she left her child alone in the apartment for 48 hours locked in the bedroom. They showed up everyday for half a month before calling the police who showed up to do a welfare check mid November because she was purposely dodging CPS's attempts to contact her about the child's wellbeing.

    -The smoking only recently started but it was reported by B and myself that M was smoking cigarettes in the apartment. -The leasing office left a letter referencing the no smoking policy on the door, threatening fees if it happens again as it is a direct lease violation. Even though the warning was given, she still smoked in the apartment after the fact. We reported it again. -B moved the letter to the stairs so M would see it. M wrote "fuck you" on the letter and left it posted on the stairs. We took pictures and sent it to the leasing office as well.

    Everything M has done is a direct lease violation. I mean, it's literally spelled out in the lease that these things are prohibited.

    The leasing office is saying they are willing to move me and the other roommates out at no charge. However, I feel that is a huge inconvenience as were already settled in, on top of the additional moving fees such as renting a moving truck, that's time off work that needs to be taken to move everything, and setting everything back up. So I told the manager in an email that I will not move unless they accommodate us by moving everything for us, setting it back up, pay for the moving trucks, and can guarantee we get parking spots in front of our apartment as we do now. Not to mention I am in the only side of the apartment complex that doesn't have parties often or drug dealers next door.

    The leasing office refuses to move M or evict her even though 3 people have been reporting these things multiple times and the police have shown up at our door more than once. They say that they are reaching out to attorneys but they've been saying that for 3 months now. So today included in the email I sent stating that I would not move unless those accommodations were met, I stated that I do not believe they are actually doing anything about the issues or reaching out to legal like they have been saying. Their excuse is that "it will take months to work through the ______ county court system". And they keep saying they would be evicting without cause or proof.

    Fed up, I asked if I could have my lease terminated which I was denied but offered to be moved again without the accommodations I requested. I want my lease terminated or that roommate out. I don't know what to do now. Should I start trying to get pictures of the violations? Call the police anytime something small happens? I mean, I just want to get out of here but i feel stuck and I feel duped because this is not what I signed up for.

    submitted by /u/imeghann
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    My sister left her cat with my mom, my mom rehomed the cat, sister is now threatening to sue and sending people after current owner

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:16 PM PST

    I'm in Vermont. About a year and a half ago my sister (we will call her H) dropped her cat off with my mom. The cat was malnourished, her nails on her extra toes were curling around and digging into her skin, and my sister informed us that the cathad feline leukemia. My mom didn't know much about feline leukemia at the time, but H said that it was not contagious, which was important because my mom owns three cats that shared a litter box with H's cat for five months after H dropped the cat off.

    On many occasions my mom asked H to take the cat back because she found out feline leukemia is, in fact, contagious, and none of her cats had vaccinations for it because they are indoor cats. H refused to take the cat back, and tells my mom "you said you wanted to keep her, fcking keep her and leave me the fck alone." I have screen shots of the conversation.

    We quickly found the cat a new home because H had left it for five months and it was clear she was not going to take the cat back. Three months after we gave away cat, H realizes and becomes furious, says the cat was stolen from her and cuts ties with the family.

    Here's the current problem: Now, a year later, H has found the person (we will call this person C) who we gave the cat away to. H took screenshots of C's social media posts, and shared pictures of C's face and pictures of her bedroom as well as her name on Facebook. She says C stole the cat and she is going to get the police involved if the cat is not returned to her by the end of the week. Now people are messaging C and trying to find out where she lives. Many people have reported H's posts, but Facebook will not take them down. H says that she will sue for petty larseny. H said the cat was fixed, but it had not been and had to be fixed by C, which means H could not have adopted the cat from a shelter. What can I do?

    Edits: I can't spell

    submitted by /u/greatwhale77
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    A Tele-communications company tresspassed on my property and cut my internet.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:28 PM PST

    Hello reddit, hope you can give me some insight...

    On friday, we lost all internet service, with our provider that means we lost phone, tv, and internet. We were told that a tech can come out tuesday, what can you do. But today, our neighbor came over to tell us what happened on friday (we were out all day) He told us that a tech had come in to his house on friday, as they were having internet problems. They were told them their main line had problems, but their neighbors (us) had an open line. The tech assured them that we no longer recieved their services, and asked their permission to take over our cable. The tech assured him we no longer recieved services from them, and that it was ok to splice the cables. Our current provider uses the cables put in place by the company in question, and when the cut it we lost all of our services. Thing is they never had permission to enter our property, nor did they have permission to access the cabling at the side of our house and cut anything. Was what they did illegal? What legal position am I in? Can I take action?

    Edit: I live in Haldimand County, Ontario Canada

    submitted by /u/CanadianLanBoy
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    [PA] Added as an Authorized User to a CC I don't have control of and it's ruining my credit.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:45 PM PST


    When I was ~18 (possibly 17) I was living with my grandmother and she added me as an authorized user on her Target credit card. I believe she wanted to help me build credit. However, a lot of shit went down and we no longer speak, but for some reason she never took me off that card. I haven't spoken to or seen her in at least 5 years.

    Fast forward to today. I got a notice that "I" had missed a payment on that card and it dropped my score almost 100 points. I called Target CC and they told me only the card owner can remove authorized users. I plan to dispute the card with the CRAs, but I have no way of proving that it's a mistake or that it shouldn't be on my report.

    She is extremely vindictive, and if I were to try to contact her to get this done, she would refuse and say that I should have to pay this because I owe her and I'm shitty because I only contact her when I need something, and it would go nowhere.

    I guess I want to know if the disputing fails, do I have any grounds to legally get her to remove me from the card? I don't think I ever signed anything giving permission. She was my guardian and had all my info (SSN, etc) and probably just did it from her account online.

    Edit: Just saw that she made me a JOINT user NOT and Authorized user. In this case, would it be fraud?? I definitely didn't give her permission to do that!!

    submitted by /u/magnum_dorkus
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    Bar in Colorado won't let my 28y/o boyfriend in, because of his vertical Tennessee ID?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:34 AM PST

    So my boyfriend and I just moved to Colorado, from Tennessee. We tried to go to this neat looking video game/arcade bar next to us. They were checking IDs at the door, and the guy stops my boyfriend and won't let him in because his ID is vertical.. My boyfriend does not have a license, so his ID is for identification only. Tennessee does non-license "identification only" IDs vertical. So his ID is vertical, but it is a valid, non-expired, government issued photo ID that clearly states he is over 21. But this bar has a sign that says "no vertical IDs" because in Colorado, a vertical ID means under 21. So.. yeah, the sign says no vertical IDs, and his ID is vertical.. but it just seems really ridiculous to me that they wouldn't let him in, when he has a valid photo ID that clearly shows he's over 21. Are they allowed to do this?

    submitted by /u/125491
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    My Husband (NYC) took all of my (TX) money from our joint account

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Last year, almost to the day, my husband asked for a divorce and told me to be out of the house by Christmas. He has always been the bread winner of our family, but I left to go live with my parents temporarily. Since then he has been helping pay whatever bills I couldn't meet even though I was working two jobs. I recently got a new job. A good stable job. Still less than half he makes in a year but one I can support myself on. I haven't asked him for any help with any money since I got my first paycheck. In the year I've been out of the house I have started seeing someone new. Someone I didn't tell him about because I knew despite telling me he didn't love me and asking me to leave our house he would be hurt and upset by this fact. Yesterday he found out that I am seeing someone new and he has since drained the bank account which is still our shared account since until very recently I've been unable to support myself. It included my paycheck. It's only my second one from this new job and a gift from my family for the holidays. I am scared. I have no way to pay my upcoming bills. I don't know what to do.

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    [AZ] Neighbors throwing dirty diapers into my yard

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:08 PM PST

    The kids that live in the home seem to have no parental figures. There are 3 ranging from around 6-8 years old. They enjoy passing the time by throwing small rocks at my Ring doorbell for hours on end (all caught on camera...since it's a camera, lol). It hasn't caused any damage, it's just annoying because they constantly set off the Ring motion detect noise, which my dogs then bark at. I went over the first few times this happened. Each time a younger guy (maybe 20) who probably isn't the parent comes out and just tells the kids to go play out back. They giggle and scamper off.

    Then they decided their new fun activity would be to kick all of the rocks out of my front yard onto sidewalks and the street. It's an area where everyone just has small granite rocks instead of grass. So there's LOTS of rocks. All of this is caught on security cams each time. I then have to go out there and sweep it all up or the HOA will fine me. Each time, the rocks are getting more and more sparse in my yard. So I called in a few estimates for adding more rocks (so I can comply with HOA rules). What can rocks cost? $50? Apparently these rocks are insanely expensive special rocks and will cost $1500-$2000 to fill in. I thought I just got a bad estimate the first time, but after more and then talking to others in the area, I realized that it's pretty much in line with the norm.

    Again, as nicely as I possibly can, I ask the neighbor to have the children to stop playing in my yard. The guys now says that it wasn't them. I tell him I can send email over the footage. He says there's no need and closes the door on me. I didn't want payment or anything...and it seems a pretty reasonable request, so his reaction seems odd. The kids never stopped. I just got a better broom.

    Then the kids started kicking their ball over the wall into my yard. They'd come ring the doorbell, I'd give it to them. Then they'd do it again. Okay. It happens. But one Friday they did it 10+ times in a row within maybe an hour. On the 5th time, I told them I really needed to work and couldn't be constantly getting their ball. It seemed like it must be on purpose after that. I eventually had to just stop answering the door because I was running a remote meeting. So they rang it for
    30 mins straight. I unplugged my Ring's chime, so then they just started screaming in front of my house, banging on the walls, garage, one climbed up a structural pillar that's in front of the Ring (I have no clue why). I ended up finishing my meeting in a closet because my dogs were barking at all of this.

    I bought them an extra ball for an early Christmas gift in an attempt to make peace and also selfishly, so they'd have a backup and not visit me so often. They still ring my doorbell many times a day, but slightly less so I feel like I had a minor win there!

    Cut to this week. Each day, I'm finding bags that have a dirty diaper in them in my backyard. I have yet to actually open the diapers up and verify they contain what I imagine they do. But they are definitely diapers that have something inside of them that smells like one would expect a dirty diaper to smell. Since I have dogs I am a bit worried they will get into them if I don't find the bags first.

    I mentioned it to the guy, and he said it wasn't from their house. Must be another neighbor. So I set up a camera back there, and it turns out it is coming from them. I'd show the guy the video, but I think it might actually be the guy doing it because it was in the middle of the night. Also the kids are normally pretty loud, but my camera didn't pick up kid giggling/yelling like it normally does when they are up to their normal shenanigans.

    I guess I'm wondering what the best way to deal with this is. HOA? Attorney? Police? More trying to talk with the guy? Throw the bags back over? Kidding on that last one.

    TL;DR: Naughty kids next door are naughty. The newest thing is throwing feces in my back yard, but I'm unsure if it's them or the adults.

    submitted by /u/caydewasahero
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    A neighbor of mine had me swatted for no reason last night

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:44 PM PST

    Last night around 6pm I was home alone in my apartment watching tv at a reasonable volume. The complex was dead silent for the entire afternoon/evening and I heard the police knocking on the door. As soon as I opened it they had me up against the wall as a fully armed swat team searched the place. Apparently, my neighbor called 911 on my unit because they heard a woman in my apartment screaming "help/rape." Once they were done conducting the search they told me it was a false alarm - a neighbor of mine was having an "episode" but wouldn't tell me who placed the call. What is the next step I can take to find out who made the call and to make sure this neighbor faces legal consequences for this?

    submitted by /u/Iceemac
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    [CO] I’m an adult. Can my family or anyone else request my medical records after my death?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:29 AM PST

    I have cancer and want to leave it untreated. And I'm hoping that, eventually, I can get physician assisted suicide. But I wouldn't tell family members or anyone else until I'm terminally ill. But I'm wondering if my family or someone else could request my medical records and see that I left stage 2 cancer untreated until it became terminal. Or if HIPAA laws still apply after my death.

    Edit: I just wanted to thank everyone who gave legal advice.

    submitted by /u/Key_Pumpkin
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    Our roommate is committing fraud and money laundering in our house, but we don’t know how to evict/report her without retaliation. (Ontario, Canada)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:30 PM PST

    I live in a house with four roommates, and we've just discovered (through her own stupid bragging) that one of them and her new boyfriend (who is living with us but not paying rent) are committing credit card fraud, identity theft, and money laundering in various amounts. I don't know the specifics of these situations, but I know that she's been stealing cards and falsifying documents to take out other cards in these people's names. We are worried that this activity could affect the group of us as well, since we live in the house, even though we aren't involved at all.

    She does not have a signed lease with us; our contract was until September, and from that point on, the landlord let us rent month to month on good faith, mostly because they want to be as hands-off as possible.

    We recently asked her to get her boyfriend out of the house, since nobody agreed to his being there, and she surprisingly agreed for at least the time being- but she has been threatening us with violence, like literally putting thumb tacks in the carpets on our stairs, so we're trying to get proper proof of that for our records as well.

    We have called the non-emergency police line and they've said that they wouldn't recommend filing a proper investigation report on her activities until she's out of the house due to her likelihood of retaliation. They also say that even though she doesn't have a contract, we need to go through proper eviction channels, which includes the landlord filing against her. Problem is, the landlord basically just said "do what you want with her" and refuses to do anything more.

    I can't afford to move out until April of this year, but obviously we can't live like this until then. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We are already trying to get a lawyer, but as broke college kids, we're hoping there's something else we can do to supplement it.

    I'm in Ontario, Canada.

    EDIT: I asked my roommate in which I am subletting from- this might be important. One roommate is renting the house from the landlord, and the rest are subletting from her. Not sure if that changes anything or not but I figured I should mention.

    submitted by /u/enigmagnify
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    I was told I would need to pump in a work van if I would like to pump at work. [NE]

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:53 PM PST

    I have recently returned from maternity leave at a small family owned company of 15 people (including the owners). My first day back I had told my supervisor that I would need to pump every 2-4 hours and that would require me to have electricity and a sink/soap to wash my supplies. They complied, but by the end of the day I was called into the owner's office and told that I should have told them before I came back that I was going to need to pump. My job requires me to be out in the field (normally people's houses) and I was forbidden to pump in homes, understandably. I, according to them, will need to pump in our work van and will need battery packs to be able to use my pump. This would mean that I would possibly have coworkers in the van with me. They told me that my pumping would be considered like a smoke break, and because smokers don't get additional breaks I would only get my 15 mins in the morning, half hour lunch break, and 15 mins in the afternoon. If I am at the warehouse for the day I will be expected to pump in the bathroom on the floor. I have spent the weekend looking at the Nebraskan and labor laws but am confused at some of the legal terminology, and am unsure if my company is covered by the FLSA.

    I appreciate any and all help.

    submitted by /u/nachotypicalrest
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    One of the Credit Bureaux Lists Me as Legally Dead - Is There an Easy Way to Change This?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:43 PM PST

    I have the same name as my father.

    When he was alive, I would consistently experience mix ups at banks (yes, banks), and other organizations with people not checking their records properly, and mistaking my accounts for his.

    After he died, I eventually found out (based on events too boring to talk about) that either Equifax or the other credit bureau (cannot remember the name now) has me listed as "deceased".

    Of course, when I checked, I found out that is the credit bureau which requires much more extensive proof of my father's death than the other one; this includes getting a death certificate (wish I had kept some of those - that is a lesson for everyone).

    Does anyone here have any idea how I can simplify the process of my resurrection with that other credit bureau (might be TransUnion, although that is not ringing a bell with me right now)?

    I live in Ontario, Canada.

    submitted by /u/drutgat
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    Package was delivered but has not been paid for...

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:50 PM PST

    tl;dr - An order I placed was refunded and "returned" to Walmart, but Fedex delivered it anyway. Can they charge me for it?

    Long post ahead, sorry.

    I ordered a lat pulldown/low row attachment for a power rack/cage on December 8th. It was shipped and guaranteed to be delivered by the 15th. I know things can take a little longer to deliver, this time of year, but on the 19th, I decided to check the delivery status and discovered it had been sitting on a Fedex truck, one town over since the 15th. (It was shipped from California.)

    This was supposed to be a gift and I needed a few extra days to move it to the home of the gift recipient, so I could assemble it before they got back from a business trip they are on. If the package wasn't delivered by the end of the 19th, I wouldn't have the time to move it to their house, let alone assemble it, so, when 10 PM rolled around, I got onto Walmart's site and spoke with customer service/support.

    After we spoke for about 10 minutes or so, we agreed that this situation was unfortunate, and that a refund/return would be in the interest of both parties. (Me and Walmart.)

    Walmart refunded me and, since the package hadn't moved in days, they considered it "returned" by me, since I never actually received it. (I assume they contacted Fedex to have them send it back to Walmart, but who knows?)

    Fast forward to this afternoon - I leave my house to run errands and see the Fedex truck pulling away. (I didn't have time to stop the driver.) Now the package is sitting on my front porch.

    I contacted Walmart customer service/support and informed them of the situation - they assured me that I'm all set and the return/refund was issued immediately, so I shouldn't worry about it. Meanwhile, I got an email from Fedex telling me to print out a return label (I don't own a printer) and to contact them when the package is ready to be picked up. WTF? Now I'm supposed to babysit this heavy ass package until Fedex decides to pay me a visit? Can I be charged for this package if it gets stolen, even though the original order has been returned/refunded?

    submitted by /u/JaoriPrilj
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    [FL] Fire alarm in my apartment complex goes off every day for 8+ hours

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:42 AM PST

    Like the title says, there's usually a constant high-pitched screeching in the entire building due to the alarm. This complex used to be an assisted living facility, so they had an ultra-sensitive fire system installed which was never replaced. But now with people cooking (and probably smoking weed) in their apartments, the system is constantly going off since the moment any alarm in any unit detects any smoke, it instantly triggers a building-wide alarm that never shuts off until physically reset by an employee who's rarely on site, or more often the fire department.

    I've called 911/the fire department dozens of times, and my messages for the county fire marshall have not been returned which is not surprising, I'd imagine in my county that whoever has enough money to build an apartment complex has bought off the municipal institutions. This is a serious safety issue. The fire department is sick of my calls and ignores the ones coming from the alarm company. If there were a real fire, we'd all burn in our beds.

    The management is already getting fined by the fire department for the false alarms, but I suppose they see the ~$200 they have to pay as worth it to avoid the cost of replacing the entire fire system. They even sent out an e-mail threatening to pass on the fine to the person whose apartment triggered the alarm.

    Furthermore, this is a basic habitability issue in my layman's estimation. I'm certainly not receiving 'quiet enjoyment' of my apartment, as I wake up at 4 AM regularly because someone opened the hallway door and let the deafening blare get through. That's why I'm up this early on a weekend.

    I'm printing out fliers to try to organize the residents. I'd hope that if we can get enough people together, we can get a lawyer or threaten mass rent withholding and force them to replace the alarms, but I'm not very confident in my community organizing skills or anyone else's lack of apathy. I've also considered contacting the local newspaper.

    Would it be legally justified to withhold rent in this situation, or is there any viability to some kind of lawsuit on behalf of a group of residents? Or should I just move out? There is a 2-month penalty for breaking the lease, would I be able to avoid that as the constant alarms constitute a violation of quiet enjoyment on part of the landlord?

    Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/slumlordhundredaire
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    Bought some land in an HOA. Board members caused a lot of damage. Am I borked?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Any advice would be great. I want to try and get ahead of this issue. Last summer I bought some land near a small lake community. There is an HOA in this community that I did not mind paying because I love the area. The Board in this community performed an action concerning the lake without having the proper permits from the State. This allegedly caused massive damage downstream. There is no proof of this damage currently that we know of. Now there is a lawsuit against us and the estimates of damage are in the tens of millions. It sounds like the lawsuit is with the State. Our community has a lawyer. The entire community is very worried right now as am I. People are concerned about losing their homes if we, as a collective, need to pay for this damage which most members probably cannot afford. I am not sure if you can abandon land to avoid any fallout. I got a good deal on the land and worst case, I would not mind walking away. People are talking about doing away with the HOA although I am guessing this would be very difficult. I am not sure how the community should handle this Board going forward. At the very least I would guess our HOA dues are going to increase exponentially. I guess my question is this: Is there any recourse when the actions of a few people could bankrupt or negatively impact a community and can this be mitigated in any way? What should I do? Oregon

    submitted by /u/Electronic-Builder
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    My Ex is fabricating evidence in attempts to send me to prison - What can I do to stop her?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:33 AM PST

    I live in Eugene Oregon and My ex has a restraining order against me filed last July. She did this to keep me away from our son, to "get back at me." I contested the restraining order and just before the hearing I was arrested by the Sheriff. I was released after I told them the real story, but my ex falsely accused me of violating the order 1 day before the hearing. On Dec 5th, as I was finishing my visit with our son at a local church, I was met outside the building by 3 Deputies! They claimed I had been speaking with my ex and I simply asked for my lawyer. Well, that cost me a week in jail. For something I didnt even do! I now have a contempt hearing on Monday and I have an investigator that has more than enough proof showing I never contacted her and she simply lied. How do I get this crazy woman to stop?? Im tired of looking over my shoulder wondering when she's going to claim I violated the order again. Any advice would be more than appreciated!

    submitted by /u/mrpoodin
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    Kids went back to dad after reporting sexual abuse

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:33 AM PST

    My four year old told me dad put a finger in her butt hole and rubbed her pee pee but the court sent the kids back to him. Now i only see them on weekends.

    She is mentally disturbed and everytime she comes from her dad she is sick. Please help.

    Detectives told me they can't do anything as they don't have evidence and maybe when kids gets older and goes to therapy they can reopen the case.

    submitted by /u/Anonmizer
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    [USA-ID]My parents are having issues with new neighbors including blocking irrigation access, scaring off contractors, and threatening/reporting anything they can think of.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:14 PM PST

    My parents have lived in their house for ~24-25 years and recently their old neighbor had to move out due to health issues and the property was sold.

    During the summer the new neighbors dissembled their pump and told them they couldn't go onto their property line to use irrigation. The access point is on their side of the fence, however from what I understand this is considered communal property and everyone is supposed to be able to access it. I'm sure they could cut a hole in the fence to access, but this has never been an issue. When confronted about it, they fenced in the part of their yard to block any access from the outside.

    Going even further, my parents had a contractor looking at what would work for making a driveway so that their parking of a vehicle would be "legal" (the neighbors sent in multiple reports to the city for things like a car parked in the yard on garbage day, a trailer that was less than 3 feet from the property line (which hasn't been surveyed since the 50s so nobody actually knows what the property line is) essentially harassing them) and the neighbors were being so pesky and annoying that the contractor flat said he's not going to put himself or his coworkers in a situation where they have to deal with these neighbors.

    There is quite a few other scenarios and I don't know all of it since I have my own property across town, but I would appreciate any help or ideas. It's gotten to the point now that my parents are strongly considering selling their property and moving.

    submitted by /u/zetswei
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    Parents took my inheritance money and neither claims to have it now

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:12 AM PST

    I live in the UK and my grandfather passed away when I was 12 and left me £10,000 which was being kept by my aunt. A few years later she had to release the funds early due to it interfering with her benefits but as I was still young it went to my parents.

    At this point my parents did not put it in a savings account with my brothers (who got the same amount), in fact they transferred it to their account and promised us at the time they would release it when I reached 21. During this time they were spending the money justifying that would then pay back the money before I turned 21.

    Now in the last year my parents ended up getting divorced and since there was no separate account for my inheritance I now have no idea who has it, when I talk to one they tell me to go the other parents. They released £4,000 but both refuse they owe the £6,000 left so not sure what to do as they are both looking to buy houses around the time I turn 21 so fear there will be no money left for me. Also neither parent will talk to each one another.

    Thank you for reading and apologies for it being long but I am now stuck with these questions which I hope you can help me with:

    1. If they fail to pay should I pursue legal action?
    2. If I do can I name both parents or can I only go for one?
    3. If I can pursue legal action what actions should I take now?
    4. If a persons benefits are effected by handling inheritance money? (Bit off topic but never believed my parents on this point)

    EDIT: I just saw there a specific board for UK legal advice so have also posted there but will leave this post active as well

    submitted by /u/theForeverYoungGuy
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    Screwed out of 529 money as a beneficiary any advice?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:11 PM PST

    So my father has a 529 created for me, my mother and him divorced when I was seven and my mom had been paying into that account since then. I'm 18 now and attending college and my father is refusing to give me the money, is there any rights I have to it as the beneficiary attending college? Also this has caused a lot of issues for me personally because now I have to deal with late fees (because I thought I was going to use my 529 to lay for college) and loans. Location: Cleveland Ohio

    submitted by /u/foamtest
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    Ex-Partner won’t leave my house

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:47 PM PST

    So I was dating this guy who seemed quite nice but I've since found out is a alcoholic with many mental illnesses. I tried helping him through rehab and what not but he only wants to drink.

    I broke up with him before through lawyers and police involvement due to family violence. I made the mistake of going back to him.

    I told him the other day that I'm done and he needs to get off my property in a few days but he keeps refusing. How do I get rid of him?

    Edit: I live in Australia, sorry everyone. I also don't have a lease agreement with him. I own the property, the title is in my name.

    submitted by /u/Gman362
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    Neighbors Rooster waking me up everyday (SWFL)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:31 AM PST

    I live in North Ft. Myers, Florida and my neighborhood seems to not care about laws at all

    3 of my neighbors have Roosters that make noise all morning long from 5am on.

    These little guys even hop up on MY fence making noise all morning until I eventually scare them away, but still they don't ever shut up from my neighbors yard.

    We checked the laws here, and we even KNOW we're not allowed to have chickens here because we wanted a hen ourself for eggs and were told by the county were not allowed.

    What can I do it get my neighbors Roosters gone? It's maddening waking up every morning at 5am, unable to sleep again until 9am, if I was off work, because these annoyances.

    Animals control won't pick up animals unless WE have them caged already.. kind of hard and messed up to steal somebody's rooster, cage it then call.

    submitted by /u/jerseyetr
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    Lifetime criminal sibling contesting remaining sibling agreement on late mothers assets.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:28 PM PST


    This is more of a twofer, hope that's allowed.

    My grandmother passed away this Friday, December 20th. It was extremely abrupt and though we told grandma to make a will, unfortunately she never did. First asset is the home she resided in. She has told myself and the rest of the immediate family that I (her granddaughter) would get this house when she passed. It has always been this way and it just was. Same with her second home but with her oldest son, who has resided in the home for the last 28 years after she moved to the current home. The last asset is her bank account. She told me, my mom and her sister that she put me on the account as pay on death or beneficiary.

    First question is to the homes. All but one child agreed that her home she lived in would go to me as intended and the same for her son living in her other house. None of them had issues and wanted to honor her wishes. However, her son who is currently in county jail is not in agreeance and says he wants the portion he is "deserved" and will not let us live in the houses. This sibling has inflicted emotional and financial abuse to my grandma for the whole duration of his life. He was in drug counseling since he was 14 years old and just a few years ago stole my grandma's entire family jewelry/coin collection and pawned it for drug money. I'm sure none of that matters in court because it's not documented, all the things he stole but just know he's a piece of shit. So my first question is, what does this mean for me? I'm not a sibling but from what I'm understanding is that I can still buy him out for his portion of the houses value. What steps do I need to take? If this is not the case how would this work?

    Second question is about the bank account. I went to the bank with intents to get the balance so we could pay for the services and burial. The teller told me she did have a account, but my name was nowhere on it. My grandma was originally banking at a separate bank but they were bought out by the current bank. Is it possible that the notice was lost in the transfer? Will a probate lawyer be able to find that type of "lost" documentation?

    Thank you for reading, my family is currently going ape shit because of this whole thing. We knew he would do this but we were hoping he wouldn't.

    submitted by /u/hardpasspal
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