Legal Advice - [Update] Man broke into my house and is now claiming squatters’ rights |
- [Update] Man broke into my house and is now claiming squatters’ rights
- [Update #3] on contacting the child I gave up for adoption 12 years ago: good things happened!
- Towing company had to have their tow truck towed. They’re billing me for the expense.
- Is it illegal to post factual statements on social media? (Georgia, USA)
- My employer has decided to allow people to bring their pet dogs (not service animals!) to work. I'm severely allergic and it's affecting my ability to do my job. PA
- [TX]My NISD high school is refusing to allow me to withdrawal, they keep stating my father must be present I am 18 and intend to move to Arkansas to finish high school living with my mother
- [TX] Ex BIL is a registered sex offender at my address and I had no clue until just recently cops are looking for him at my address. I have a child. How do I get this removed?
- My employer is threatening to fire me for not showing up for an unpaid work day
- 18 month Grand Jury
- [GA] Husband called 911 over WiFi password. Also is abandoning all financial responsibility. What rights do I have in a divorce as a SAHM?
- [KY] roommate got an emotional support dog that has now nipped/bitten four people
- My mother has indicated she will try and take my son from my wife should anything happen to me. How can I prevent this? (Texas)
- A company is refusing to honor warranty on a GPU as I removed the "warranty void if removed sticker", which is illegal.
- GF’s friend took pictures of my license plate to try to find my home address
- Are we legally obligated to pay utilities if that wasn't part of our buyout agreement? Landlord "forgot to mention it."
- Landlord starting construction tomorrow, making house unlivable. She's telling us this tonight.
- House going to sheriff’s sale due to lien from previous owner
- What are my rights as a student when my university has gone on a strike?
- Update: Inherited Pistol Illinois/Wisconsin
- (CA) Wife's old employer altered her accrued PTO after firing her. Today, legal representative from that company contacted her about settling before the hearing 2 weeks from now.
- Employer lied and now it is costing my husband his career. Is there anything that can be done?
- Inappropriate job interview
- My Dad died and I don't know if I need a lawyer.
[Update] Man broke into my house and is now claiming squatters’ rights Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:08 PM PST Update to this post. Thanks again for all of the advice. I can finally say that I'm spending the night in my own home again! After the police told me that they couldn't "evict" I contacted a local attorney. Most of his experience is as a trial lawyer but he took interest in my case and decided to work pro bono. He contacted law enforcement who, once they heard everything from him, were much more sympathetic. The police officers then went to my house, talked to the squatter, and he decided to vacate on peaceful terms. Upon entering my house the interior was absolutely trashed. Windows were broken. There was garbage everywhere. Luckily there's no major structural damage and I should be able to clean everything up. He didn't take anything of real value, it looks like he only took some old movies I had sitting around. My attorney has, unfortunately, said that cases like these aren't uncommon in the area and the county's DA office often fails to prosecute them. My attorney doesn't have many good things to say about the DA so he might just have an ax to grind. I'm going to go start cleaning up now. Thanks again for all of the advice. It's great to be back home. [link] [comments] |
[Update #3] on contacting the child I gave up for adoption 12 years ago: good things happened! Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:58 AM PST Update to this post and updates #1 and #2. I feel that I owe you people this for the help and support I've received from you and you have all my gratitude. Great things happened over the last few months! My ex-wife wrote me a second letter a fex weeks after she first answered mine and said she'd be willing to meet with me so we could talk. I hadn't thought she'd want to do this because the last time I saw her was when I scared her so much. So we met for the first time in almost 12 years. We met in a coffee shop, needless to say we both were very emotional, but things went well and we ended up remaining there all afternoon talking about a lot of things we needed to get off our chests. I was finally able to apologize in person for the things I put her through. I told her about my years of darkness and suffering and what caused them, the struggle to get better and the progress I've made towards healing and turning my life around. She said again that she forgives me and she understands that I was in a lot of pain and it wasn't easy, and that it makes her happy to see where I am now because in spite of it all, part of her was still worrying about me. She told me about her life with our son and the two kids she has with her second husband. They're a great family and I'm really grateful that my son is growing up between loving parents and siblings and that he's happy . We were able to talk with an open heart and we both cried a lot, but that did us a lot of good I think. Then over the following weeks I met two more times with my ex and her husband to discuss potentially contacting my son, and they seem to agree that I'm much better than I was and I have my act together now and that I've been able to get somewhere in life. They are willing to trust me, and I am extremely grateful to them for giving me a chance, I wouldn't even have dreamed of that until a few months ago. I told them how thankful I am that they shared news of my son with me and told me about his life. Not knowing how he was for all that time, while there were good reasons for that, has been very tough. From what my ex-wife and her husbands told me, in the last two years or so my son has been asking questions about why he was adopted. His parents have explained why his mom had to leave and take him with her, and how I wasn't able to be a father for him due to my issues and that I gave up my parental rights so his stepdad could raise him like his own son. They have told him the truth and haven't sugarcoated anything. He has asked once if they knew what had become of me (at the time they didn't), so after we met they decided to tell him that we've been in contact, and have asked him how he feels about it. He has had a rather positive reaction (he said it was cool). They told him also that I've asked if I could write him a letter but it would only happen if he's fine with it and there's no pressure for him to say yes or to answer in any way. From what they told me he talked about it with friends and decided that he'd be OK with receiving a letter from me. I am currently writing one (to be exact I've written and torn up about thirty versions of it in the last few days) to first thank him for letting me contact him and tell him that I love him and I'm there for him if he has any question about me, why I couldn't raise him or anything. I write that he's under no obligation of any kind to answer or do or say anything, because I completely understand that from his point of view I'm a stranger and I'm not asking for anything from him, and I won't contact him in the future if he doesn't want me to, but I'll be there if he needs anything. I'm incredibly thankful that things went so well and I finally have a chance to contact my son. Just a six months ago I wouldn't have dared hoping for such an outcome. I feel better now than I ever have, talking to my ex-wife has been incredibly comforting. I've been crying tears of relief every day for a few weeks, I wasn't aware that I needed it so bad. I feel whole for the first time in a very long time and typing this feels wonderful. [link] [comments] |
Towing company had to have their tow truck towed. They’re billing me for the expense. Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:50 PM PST [Iowa] I was driving on an unmaintained road in the country, forgetting that it had recently rained, and my vehicle became stuck. I called a towing company to get me unstuck. The tow truck arrived and the driver tried turning around by just driving off the road in a circle. The moment she turned off the road she got stuck. She called their office and had another bigger tow truck (from a different company) sent to get her unstuck. I paid for the tow but now they want me to pay for the tow tow. Please advise. [link] [comments] |
Is it illegal to post factual statements on social media? (Georgia, USA) Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:01 PM PST My aunt is actively trying to find young children to bring into her home as an after school childcare provider. She lives with her husband and her 45 year old son. Her son is a registered sex offender in another state. He moved here 6 months ago and has either not registered with the county, or the system has not been updated to show he is currently living here. His previous county and state of residence has been informed of his move, as has the county he currently resides in. Her husband has solicited sex from multiple women and minor children (like her 16 year old granddaughter that he also offered alcohol and illegal drugs to in exchange for sex). There is proof of this through multiple Facebook messages. I saw a FB post made by my aunt offering childcare and linked her son's sex offender registry page as well as a screen shot where her husband offered money to a mutual friend in exchange for sex. She deleted the post and a few minutes later a "detective with the city police" contacted me and said I was being investigated for criminal harassment, saying it's illegal to post "stuff like that" online. I knew this was not a cop because neither my aunt nor I live in the city limits, so the county would be handling any kind of investigation. Secondly, the number I was called from was blocked. Thirdly, he refused to give me his name and badge number. Forth, When I told him I was heading up to the local PD to speak with him immediately, he hung up. However, I have now been told by a reliable source that I am being served court papers for harassment. I'm not sure when that will happen, but I would like to know if I have broken any laws. My exact posts were, "Her son that lives with her is a registered sex offender. Here is the link to his information" and the screen shot of her husband's solicitation message with the victim's name crossed out saying, "And her husband solicits sex from other women." So, it's this harassment? Or any kind of illegal action? My goal was to protect mothers and their children from these people. It's not the first time my aunt has attempted to get children into her home and previously some of those children were victimized in her care (but no official action was taken). Thanks [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:09 PM PST I work in a small office of 10 to 12 people in a local government office. We're a closed office not open to the public. Recently, we had Maria, a new employee start at the office. She's been here about 3 months. She just got an emotional support animal (not a service dog, I'm sure of that) to help her with her anxiety. She's told me all this. She talked to my supervisor and she said she's allowing her to bring in the dog during the work day. It's a small office and I'm fairly allergic, to the extent that even if I take an allergy pill prolonged exposure to the dog (especially in a place the dog in is normally) will cause me breathing difficulty. I'll break out in hives if the dog comes in contact with me (and this dog jumps on people) and will usually start wheezing after a few hours on bad days. We have such a small office with cubicles there's no space for me to be away from the dog unless I work outside (and hey I need a computer to do my work and it's winter) or I take my boss's office (which isn't going to happen). My only other choice is to work in the break room separate from everyone and having to move during lunch breaks (so people can actually eat in our tiny room). My other coworkers have complained about the dog, who is a big furry lab who jumps on everyone. But they haven't complained for my sake or because the dog is badly behaved, they've complained because they also want to bring in their dogs. My supervisor just announced today that she thinks it's a great idea and she'll start allowing in 2020. I told her my concerns and she just said I'm going to have to deal with it and that everyone can use an emotional support dog and they have a right to be in all offices and buildings. What can I do? I love working here but I don't want to have a huge sneezing fit at best or an asthma attack at worst. I'm scared of the ramifications if I go over my boss's head. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:52 PM PST The reason my dad cannot be involved as he is a abuser and will do anything in his power to prevent me from leaving, I have had enough of it and I'm 18 and have a legal right for move away just the school is basiclly trying to forces to drop out and get a GED, I feel that I should be be allowed to get my records [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:08 AM PST So back story, I've been at my house for 4 years, I am renting. When I moved into the house, me and my daughters father moved in as a family. We are no longer together as me and him broke up 3 years ago but we still co-parent very well. I stayed with the house and he moved out. Well about 3 weeks ago, my ex BIL, lets call him Joe, well Joe's gf send me a message on facebook if i could call her immediately. Now, I've never spoken to her, back when me and my ex were together i seen her occasionally and I thought it might have to do something with my daughter or ex. I called her and she tells me that the police are looking for Joe. That he touched her daughter (younger than 15) and that he was registered at my house that he lives there so they might come to my house looking for him. I told her how is he registered here if he never lived there. She doesn't know. She just asks me if i knew any information of where he might be if i can call the detective on the case and tell him. She send me an article of the first offense he did back like 8 years ago when he lived in Indiana, got arrested did like 3-4 years, and sent me his sex offender info and his address is MY address. 2 weeks ago, the detective calls me, I tell him he has never lived there, I don't know anything, I haven't been with my daughters dad in 3 years, and Joe is his brother. I answer everything. I asked him how do i go about taking off my address off the sex offender list, he said he would contact the local detective in my city to let them know. Today, this morning, cops swarm my house and come looking for Joe. My friend had stayed the night and was there (I was at work) and I had let her know of the situation prior. They ask her is he here, she tells them he has never lived here. they asked to search the house, she let them. They asked were their any kids and she said no. They were nice enough and told her that this would most likely happen again since he's registered there and just to co-operate with them. I'm freaking out. I'm scared. Me and baby's father share my daughter so she lives with me some days and him. I don't know what to do. Neither me or my ex know anything about Joe. They were never close to begin with. I don't want CPS to take my daughter away, I don't want my address listed that a sex offender lives there when he has never ever lived there, and I don't want to get evicted. What steps do I need to take to get myself removed from all this? [link] [comments] |
My employer is threatening to fire me for not showing up for an unpaid work day Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:11 PM PST I work for a large non-profit who will not be named. On December 11th, we will be having a mandatory unpaid work day. All employees are required to show up regardless of position or schedule. The day will consist of mostly meetings and performance reviews. I work only weekends. December 11th is a Wednesday. I am also a full time college student. That week is finals week and I have an exam that day. Over the weekend I informed my managers I will not be able to attend. The responses ranged from "its mandatory, you have to" to "you might be fired." The highest superior I talked to said I would be fired for not showing up. "We are a non-profit, we don't have to pay you for a day of purely meetings and no work related to your position" Is this legal? I thought in the states workers must be compensated for work meetings, regardless of for-profit, non-profit designation. Additionally, even if the day was paid, how can they force me to show up for a day I'm not usually scheduled for. Even if, how could I not use vacation time for this day? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:49 AM PST I was just empaneled for a grand jury for 18 months with a possible extension of 6 months. I can be asked to report 2 days per week, every week based upon need, for the next year and a half. I live in New York State and work in New York City. I am a salaried employee with my company and the handbook states they will pay for up to 3 weeks of jury service. Does the fact that I am a salaried and not hourly help me in any way? I cannot afford to get paid for 3 days a week for 2 years. What is my best course of action? Second question. If I search for another job do I need to disclose that I am currently serving jury duty and if so can they use that information against me? I can't imagine anyone wanting to hire someone that can only work 40% of the time. Edit: Thanks for the advice so far. Any ideas for the second question on how this can affect job hunting? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:44 PM PST My husband and I are in the middle of a marital battle and have decided to separate in pursuit of a divorce. Our (latest) argument has stemmed from him wanting to quit his full time job to pursue music full time. This is shortly after he was hospitalized for consuming drugs at work. His job does not know the reason for his medical emergency but I do and also have paperwork stating so. His music whenever he decides to dabble in it, brings in no income. Currently his free time is spent on the couch after work and on his days off playing video games. Aside from finances, he provides very little help around the house and as a SAHM I now have to work alone while caring for our autistic son and possibly terminate our lease early because I cannot afford to finance our household (along with one child) alone. And I refuse to support an able bodied man while he sits around and plays video games. My first plan of action was to change the pw & shut off the wifi. It is in my name and on my credit but I no longer have a desire to continue to pay for our current plan since a majority of it goes to his PlayStation. He decided to throw a tantrum and has called the police. Can I be arrested for this or not? And what rights do I have in a divorce regarding custody of our son being that I have only recently started working again and have no substantial income yet? Is his drug use useful information in court fighting for my son. ?If he decides not to quit his job, what advantage does he have over me financially? We do not have a joint account so he controls most of the money. [link] [comments] |
[KY] roommate got an emotional support dog that has now nipped/bitten four people Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:43 PM PST This is in Kentucky. Our apartment is strictly no pets so my roommate, wanting a dog, applied for an ESA letter from his psychiatrist and immediately got a dog. He got a large, untrained dog that clearly was a bad fit from the start but he is refusing to rehome the dog. The situation has since escalated. The dog nipped me once when I nudged him away from some food on the ground with my leg. He nipped my friends arm when he came over for the first time, snapped at two other friends, and today bit a homeless man while on a walk with my roommate. The homeless man demanded that my roommate take him to a hospital to assess the bite, but the bite was apparently small and my roommate left the scene without exchanging any information. I feel horrible for the homeless man who probably doesn't have much access to first aid or proper sanitation. Is there anything I can do to demand this dog be given away or removed from the apartment we share? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:16 AM PST My wife and I are a same sex couple and recently I gave birth to our son who was conceived via sperm donor. My mother is on a Bible thumping kick and has indicated that if something happened to me she might seek custody of our son. My wife is listed on his birth certificate as his other parent but I wanted to know if there are additional steps I should take (other than haunting the shit out of my mom if I die) to ensure my wife doesn't have to fight a legal battle with my mother should something happen. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:25 PM PST I purchased a graphics card about a year and a half ago, and the warranty is for two years so I should still be well within the coverage range. However, I must have removed the "warranty void if removed" sticker sometime early in my ownership of it, as I do not recall doing that. Either that or it never had a sticker to begin with. One of the fans in the card has failed, and as such I have tried to RMA the card, but I was met with a claim that they could not replace my card as I had removed the sticker, which I believe is illegal under this: What should I do here? Some people have suggested I take them to small claims court but I'm not really sure how that works or if it would even be worth it to me. I purchased the card for $1,100 initially, and it has price on Amazon of $966 on Amazon right now. Edit: The company is Zotac if that makes a difference. Edit: I am located in Seattle, Washington [link] [comments] |
GF’s friend took pictures of my license plate to try to find my home address Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:18 PM PST I live in California. My gf has a friend that's weirdly in love with her and yesterday it was her birthday. I was at her place and he came over later that day to give her some presents. While he was parked outside he took pictures of my license plate. He works at a PD as a jailer, not an actual police officer. He is NOT sworn or anything all I know is he's just a jailer but my gf says he's capable of running my license plate. I understand the DMV and PD are allowed to run plates legally but obviously for professional/work purposes. Is it illegal for him to somehow run my plate to get a hold of my home address and other personal information? This guy hates me and has threatened to shoot me once before because he was mad that I was inside his apartment. The apartment also belongs to my gf because she is on the lease and she lived there at some point. So I went with her to help her move her stuff out and he got extremely pissed off at me for being there and at her for allowing me inside even though she also has ownership. Is there anything I can do if he does get a hold of my home address from running my license plate? Or even if he follows me home one day? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:19 PM PST [Chicago, IL] Last month, my husband and I negotiated a buyout agreement with our old property management company, who turned out to be total slumlords. We agreed in writing to pay two months' rent, in return for which they waived the usual 60-day move-out notice requirement. (There was a major leak in our unit that went unrepaired, led to black mold, and was affecting my health -- I'm pregnant and have asthma.) We paid two months' rent (the precise amount we'd agreed to), and now -- a month after we've moved out and paid the buyout fee -- they're trying to get us to pay two months' utilities bills, as well (calculated by dividing the entire building's bill by the number of units in the building)... I reminded them that we had paid the agreed-upon amount, and the lady's response was, "Sorry; I'm new here and forgot to mention it." I just got off the phone with a local tenants' rights org, who confirmed my instinct that this is not correct -- we paid what we agreed to, we have that agreement in writing, end of story. I emailed the property management company to tell them this (nicely), but I'm nervous that they'll write back and still push us to pay. I've scoured Chicago renters' rights but haven't found guidelines specific to buyout agreements. Question: Are we legally obligated to pay the two months' utilities bill, even though that was not part of the agreement? Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Landlord starting construction tomorrow, making house unlivable. She's telling us this tonight. Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:59 PM PST I rent a house in CT with two friends. Three weeks ago our basement flooded in several spots, including my roommate's room, damaging some of her property; bed, tv, but all three of us have renter's insurance. Our landlord started removing floorboards, and airing the downstairs out, as she had found mold upon looking behind drywall. She has 10+ large fans downstairs running constantly to keep air circulating, also creating a maddening amount of noise, not to mention people occasionally come to check on the system downstairs. While everything has mainly only been an inconvenience, she is now telling us TONIGHT, that our house will be unlivable starting tomorrow, as they are now replacing drywall in bathrooms and kitchen, and need to shut off water. We're all a bit of a loss as to what to do. AT NO POINT were we told there was even a remote possibility we'd have to move out, let alone move out with less than 12 hours notice. Is telling a tenant the night before considered "proper notice"? Could someone shed some light on what our best routes to take are? Our landlord asked if we talked to "Construction Guy" about it earlier today. No, we did not. He mentioned nothing about it. All three of us are currently working tonight, not sure what to be doing in the next few hours in regards to this ordel. UPDATE: We were initially told the house would be unlivable starting tomorrow, but were just told we can live there and work around it. However, the first floor bathroom is unusable, and the kitchen/appliances will also be unusable. There is a bathroom in the basement we can use. [link] [comments] |
House going to sheriff’s sale due to lien from previous owner Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:27 PM PST Back in July my mom purchased a house in Iowa. As it got closer to her closing date she was told that there were 4 liens against the title totaling roughly $30k. The liens were placed because one of the previous owners, we'll call her J, owed money on student loans as well as restitution for robbing a bank. Her and her husband, we'll call him N, had gotten divorced years ago and N thought at the time of the divorce that the liens has been taken off the house since J signed a quit claim deed and he assumed sole ownership of the property. None of these liens were in N's name, they were all from debt J owed. In order to close on the house my mom's mortgage company and the title company came to an agreement with N and his attorney that the title company would hold proceeds from the sale in an escrow account and N's attorney would contact the lien holders telling them they could claim their money within 30 days. My mom was told that by going through this process the liens would be removed from the house so that she would have a clear title when she closed/moved in. She was also told that if the lien holders didn't claim their money within 30 days the escrow balance would be released to N and the lien holders would just have to take a loss. They held about $60k in the escrow account because they said they always hold double the lien amount to account for any interest that could accrue. A couple important details—the mortgage company took out a title insurance policy of $60k (the mortgage amount) and my mom took out her own title insurance policy of $189k (the homes value). My mom put down a $150k downpayment from the sale of her other house on this property. My mom's mortgage lender, realtor, and the title company new about these liens in May and didn't tell my mom until July when she felt it was too late to back out of the sale. She was moving across the country and was already in Iowa with all of her stuff when she was told about the liens. Fast forward to today, 4 months after closing, the sheriff came to my mom's house and told her it would be going up for auction on 1/24/20 due to the unpaid student loan debt of J. What started as a $23k lien is now up to $52k because of interest. For whatever reason they never released the proceeds to N so there is still $60k in the escrow account, but that won't be enough to pay off all four liens if one of them is $52k. What are the chances of my mom's title insurance covering the expenses to pay off these liens since they obviously didn't get cleared up the way she was promised they would? If the title insurance doesn't cover the liens, the house goes up for auction and she loses it does she realistically have any recourse to sue her mortgage company, the title company, realtor or the seller N for her $150k downpayment and any costs incurred with losing the house? I'll also add the J has been in and out of prison since 2014 so no one is getting any money out of her to pay off this debt. Thanks!! [link] [comments] |
What are my rights as a student when my university has gone on a strike? Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:38 PM PST My university (BC, Canada) has officially been on strike for 2 weeks, and a total of 9 school days have been missed. The semester was scheduled to end at the end of this month, with final exams being written in the first week of December. The semester would have been a total of 10 weeks of which we have completed 7. Although we have had no contact with professors during this strike, they are posting on their social media that we are "at risk of losing this semester." I am wondering what our rights are as students in terms of tuition paid, the cost of living in a city where you have moved to for school, etc. If they invalidate this semester, we will not be able to progress into next semesters courses and will have to wait until September to start over. This will mean that we have paid a full year of rent for no reason, as well as tuition. Do we have any rights or is this just a crappy situation for students?? [link] [comments] |
Update: Inherited Pistol Illinois/Wisconsin Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:33 AM PST Update to my small post here. Td:lr my aunt passed away in Wisconsin with no will and not enough assets to go though probate. She owned a pistol and the remaining family decided to give it to me as I was the only other family member allowed to own a firearm but I live in Illinois. Even though I did not get too much advice, I am posting and update in case someone faces a similar situation. I emailed my local Chicago ATF office to start at a federal level and work my way down. I let them know the situation. They told me that unless the firearm was a NFA, they do not have any legal concerns with the gun. The Firearms specialist gave me the contact information for a Wisconsin and Illinois state troopers to call and check on the state and local level. I called the state police and they also had no issue with it. Because I am 21, and have a foid card I am legal to own a pistol in Illinois. And by traveling to Wisconsin their state trooper told me that I am technically picking up my property and transportation rules remain the same as if I had driven the gun up there myself: being unload it, lock it up, ammo and gun separate, etc. Finally I took a concealed carry course and learned of a 10 year receipts rule for buying firearms. I was then told by some idiot on the thread that I live in a communist state and I am repressed and other bs, but mentioned an FFL being needed. So to be thorough I called two FFLs one in Wisconsin and then other in Illinois. The Wisconsin FFL basically told they can't touch it because I am a foid card holder and not a Wisconsin resident. The Illinois FFL told me they cannot do anything because in order for them to provide a service the pistol has to change hands from one owner to another. And because my aunt is dead, the pistol is technically mine and I cannot use the FFL to re-register. I was told it is legally considered a gift and therefore I should just keep a note of when it was gifted to me with the original paperwork and my aunts CCL. Td:lr the pistol is considered a gift and in both states I can take possession of the firearm, drive it home across state lines, and maintain possession of the firearm in Illinois with no paperwork, registration, or need to use an ffl. To those that gave advice, thank you. And to anyone who sees this thread and is going through a similar situation: call an FFL and call the state police of all the states you will cross through. Everyone is really nice and they understand you are trying to comply with the law. They will help you out to the best of their abilities. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:01 PM PST Several months back, my wife put in notice to leave her job. It wasn't a set schedule, and the old job immediately upped her hours and shifted her schedule to require her to work all the hours she'd requested to be off so she could start at a new job. Within the week, old job had removed her from the schedule completely. Ok, fine, not the end of the world. She found out she had been terminated because she was tallying up hours on the company's smartphone app. She took screenshots, because that's how she is. The next day, when she contacted the old company about her final paycheck, they informed her they were going to process it at the normal time, even though she'd been processed as terminated by the company. In speaking to the HR specialist, they quoted her something far less than the accrued time she had screenshots of from the night previous. So she contact the Ca employment board to file a complaint, it took several months but she finally has a hearing around the beginning of December. A representative of the old company contacted her today about settling before the hearing. We're not sure what we should do here. [link] [comments] |
Employer lied and now it is costing my husband his career. Is there anything that can be done? Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:37 AM PST I'm posting this on behalf of my husband and I'm hoping someone here can give me some advice. So we recently moved across the country. We live in the US. My husband had a great job in our old state and was trying to transfer directly to our new state but there was no job available. He was told by the director in our new state to come in at a lower position at a much lower pay and only part time and as soon as the position that he was in before was available he would be first in line. So we sold our house moved. Fast forward a few weeks and several thousand dollars in moving expenses later, a job came available. Yay right! So he applied after being assured it would go to him. Suddenly, there are 2 other people who should not have been qualified are ahead of him for the job. He spoke with HR and they agreed with the director that they would get the job first because of seniority. Upset he started looking for a new job. He was told that IF both of them turned it down it would go to him next because he would have seniority over anyone else at that point, especially outside transfers. So this morning he found out that miraculously the 2 people who were above him were either not qualified or declined their offer. So he went to speak with the director who said that someone from another state is going to get it because my husband would have to be in his position for 6 months to qualify! What?! He could have just transferred from Colorado to this position if he had waited a mere few weeks. But he took the advice of the guy in charge to move and then transfer into the position. So now he's getting national HR involved and is worried that he's still going to have to leave or deal with retaliation from the director. He is obviously upset but wants to stay with the company because the job is great and he's put in a lot of time towards his retirement. However we cannot live off of his part time wage. What leg does he have to stand on or is there anything that he can do? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:14 PM PST Washington State. I went to a job interview and the first two questions were if I was married and if I have kids. Then at the end he took my picture because "the boss wants to see who is being interviewed". I did not get the job. I was also very qualified. Do I have recourse if my not getting the job was based on my appearance, and how would one prove that? [link] [comments] |
My Dad died and I don't know if I need a lawyer. Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:57 PM PST My Dad died at 60 today with no close family or friends. We spoke every few weeks, and he lived in a different state. He lived in an apartment, so thankfully no mortgage to worry about, but he does have an auto loan and I have no idea about his other debts, or what counts as assets. He had a lot of guns that I would like to keep, but I am worried that I may need them to pay off credit card debt, the auto loan, or something else. I really don't have a clue about his financials, but I would like to know if his guns must be sold to pay off debts. Because he lives in another state, I do not have easy access to this whole process. I am a college student, and I don't have a clue where to start. I think an attorney would be a good idea, but I don't know if he his estate has the money to pay for one, or if it is worth taking what little money I think he had to give to the attorney. What is my first move legally? Do I need an attorney to handle this? I plan on calling the car dealership tomorrow, and very soon I will be driving up to collect personal items that I would like to keep. Also, I know he has a storage space, but nobody knows where it is. If anyone could give me some pointers, I'd appreciate it. Location: GA & VA [link] [comments] |
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