• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 26, 2020

    Legal Advice - Upcoming AMA: Israel's Head of Anti-trafficking in the Ministry of Justice

    Legal Advice - Upcoming AMA: Israel's Head of Anti-trafficking in the Ministry of Justice

    Upcoming AMA: Israel's Head of Anti-trafficking in the Ministry of Justice

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 12:15 PM PST

    From our guests:

    Hi! We are Israel's Advocate Dina Dominitz, Head of Anti-trafficking in the Ministry of Justice, and Matan Zamir, San Francisco's Deputy Consul General for Israel. We're here to answer questions about policies combating human trafficking.

    January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month – Ask us anything!

    Proclamation on National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2020

    Atty Dina Dominitz

    Consul Matan Zamir

    This AMA will start tentatively around 12 Pacific, on Wednesday, January 29th.
    Note: Any questions from this post will get ported over to the AMA post.

    submitted by /u/Eeech
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    Watched a Commercial tonight with audio from my monetized and personal YouTube video

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:08 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I just watched a commercial on T.V. for a large and well know company and the audio in the background is from a personal and monetized video on my YouTube page. I was never approached about them using it. Is this legal? Should I have been approached by this company or can they use and cut video as they please? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/andeusmc03
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    What can I do about a product that makes false claims about protecting kids eyes from UV protection ?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:06 PM PST

    My 6 year old son and I like to look for fluorescent rocks on the beach with a long wave UV A flashlight. As we are aware of the dangers UV light poses to eyes, especially those of young kids, I bought and we diligently wear polycarbonate eye protection which is advertised as offering 100% UV A protection.

    Tonight after some rock hunting with my son, on a whim I decided to check to see if my own prescription glasses offered any UV protection. I shined the UV light that we used to locate the fluorescent rocks through my glasses at the rocks we had found. There was no fluorescence - meaning that my glasses blocked the UV light so the rocks didn't shine.

    Then I tried with the goggles my son has been using on our last few outings. I'm sure you can imagine my extreme alarm to see the rocks fluorescing as if there were nothing between the UV light and the rocks. THESE GLASSES DID NOT BLOCK THE UV LIGHT AT ALL! And my 6 year old son has been using them because I bought them based on the info associated with this products amazon page.

    It may also be assumed that these are NOT MADE OF POLYCARBONATE, since polycarbonate blocks 100% of UV rays. Based on these two falsehoods, I would seriously question their assertion that these glasses "Exceeds ANSI Z87.1 standards"

    I don't know if we have any way to get the vendor or manufacturer to cover an eye exam, but is there any way the perpetrators of these dangerous falsehoods can be held accountable?

    submitted by /u/gorwell1
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    (TX) University charged my card a tuition payment because it had previously been used to pay a $75 fee on my girlfriend's account.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:34 PM PST

    My girlfriend had a $75 fee that had to be paid to set up the installment plan for her tuition payments (as opposed to a lump sum) and it was the last day to do so. For whatever reason, her university will not allow any fees or payments to be made online specifically with Visa cards so she used my card for the fee and was just going to make the payments in person. Friday afternoon I see on mint that a $1,300 charge is pending on my account from the University. The charge was applied right before 5:00 so there hasn't been any way to contact their business services and I have verified that my girlfriend did indeed make the first payment, (not that I think I'm on the hook regardless, I didn't sign anything and just entered my card information for that single charge).

    My question is, is this a situation where the use of a chargeback is in order as me exercising my rights as a consumer? I still plan to call them tomorrow and hopefully sort this out amicably, but is there any way they could argue they're in the right?

    submitted by /u/BIGDADDYBANDIT
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    police officials are forcing me to cremate my daughter

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:57 PM PST

    my (45f) daughter (21f) passed away about a week ago, i have no motivation to do anything. i've been talking to many police officials and doctors. i won't say how she died, but she went on a vacation trip and didn't come back. her friends called me and she passed away soon after.

    police officers are urging me to cremate her body. i want to bury her, but they keep saying that it's not worth it and that they won't allow me to bury her because her body "belongs" to that country. they said the only way i can take her with me is if she's in ashes. i'm heartbroken, she vacationed in mexico. i've tried looking this up, but i don't find anything credible. can they legally make me cremate her?

    edit: thank you to everyone who took the time to reply and anyone who sent their condolences. my husband and i never thought about contacting the embassy. we're relieved knowing that we do have options. my daughter was a US citizen and she was healthy prior to all this. there's no reason why she can't be transported in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/lamddim
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    University promised Apple Watches to student workers who got residents to return to campus

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 12:47 PM PST

    Location: Oklahoma

    My University's Housing department did an event where RA's and other student workers who got the most residents to sign housing contracts for the following year (2019-2020) would win Apple watches. In total, 6 students won and were promised their Apple watches.

    The event started around January of 2019. In March 2019, the event ended and winners were announced. They told winners they would receive their watches soon. In May, my friend (a winner) was told one of the housing administrators was going to buy the watches that day. August of 2019, they were told the watches would be given to them by fall. It's now been a year since the event and not a single person has received their watch.

    I was wondering what can be done legally, if anything can be done. Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/imnotlyndsey
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    (FL) I found out a neighbor house is in foreclosure and the owner is dead. Can I buy it before the foreclosure continues?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:25 AM PST

    There's a nearby house that looks like crap because it has been neglected. My husband and I have joked about wishing we could buy it. We recently received an inheritance and that's less of a joke and maybe a possibility now.

    I did some digging online to find out what's going on with the house- it's been empty for ages. Turns out the owner died, left the house in equal part to his 3 children, and the house is in foreclosure for an amount of about 50k. No trial date has been set yet.

    I'm a lawyer but I have zero experience with this arena. Could I approach the beneficiaries and offer to pay off the foreclosure (plus some money extra) and just take the house off their hands?

    submitted by /u/phalseprofits
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    My mail was misdelivered to my neighbor. The post office knows exactly which house it went to. They wont give the parcel up

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    I took the tracking number to my local post office after not receiving my package for about 8 days. They searched it up and said it was accidentally delivered to my neighbor. Out mail lady is constantly misdelivering mail, but we just put it back in the mail box so she can sort it out the next day. Well, it's been this long and my neighbor hasnt giving up the package. The post master said they would leave a note for my mail lady to ask my neighbor about it. That was two days ago, and still nothing. I've been thinking about confronting them myself, but I'm not sure.

    What can I do if I know someone has my mail, and wont give it back?

    Edit: I live in illinois

    submitted by /u/hardbitch978
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    TLDR: I broke my leg. I'm a single dad with 2 kids, worked for Uber, and am effectively homeless. What the heck do I do?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:52 AM PST

    First off, if anyone knows a better sub to post this in please let me know of it.

    I was at the Housing Authority where my grandma lives and I slipped in the mud and landed on my leg/foot. my foot just went sideways, and apparently I snapped my fibula and damaged a ligament.

    I work for Uber so I am not getting any sick days. I'm homeless by my kid's school's standard, as we are doubled up sharing a room in the basement at my sister's house.

    My kids are from Canada so I am working on getting their social security numbers so I can get assistance with them, and day care so i can get a real job. So I am operating off of exactly zero government support, despite being homeless and barely working since no one is ever available to watch my kids.

    I don't know what i do now. Can i apply for disability or unemployment? My bank account will certainly go into overdraft in a week of me not working. I'll lose my car at least, which is all I really have.. My family can only help so much.. Unfortunately my support network needs a support network. We were all born into poverty and haven't escaped it yet.

    Is there something other than disability that can help? I have no idea what my options are or how to find out what my options are..

    Please let tell me if you know anything that could help my situation or if you know a subreddit that could assist me better.

    Edit: thanks for all the help. I'll try to update this when I've been able to follow up some of this advice. Wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/Wamblingshark
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    Hit and run on dash cam, found owner, refusing to share insurance info. CA

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:05 PM PST

    Got hit by some company truck and got it all on dash cam. Pulled over, but driver never stopped. Got all the information needed on dash cam to report it to my old shitty insurance. Called non-emergency police line to report it, but get a voicemail instead. No one ever called back or answered any other calls made. As for the insurance, some weeks go back and haven't heard back from them about it. Called and they claimed to not have been able to contact them so I went looking on my own. Found the company and got in touch that same day. Guy tried pulling that "I don't speak English" card, but luckily my husband does and gets on the phone. They go back and forth and he asks us to send a video to his email as proof. We did and he call back trying to flip it on me and etc... he refuses to share his insurance information. I CC his email to my shitty claims adjuster so they could figure it out. She ends up telling me I would have to wait about 6 months for an update...That whole insurance could have its own post tbh, but I ended up switching over after I got my car fixed. Now, I want to sue that man and company. Been trying to get help on how to go about it and so far, no luck. I'm thinking he didn't have insurance, Any advice? Anyone deal with something similar?

    submitted by /u/iffywiththespiffy
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    (North Carolina) my husband purchased a home when he was a single man, then later married me. Can he hold me responsible for unpaid loans with the house?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:32 AM PST

    So as the title says, my husband purchased a home when he was a single man, then later married me. I was never on the house, his name was the only one on the house. But in the state of NC I had to sign off on the home when he sold it. We moved to Arizona, he ended up getting a fat bill in the mail for $19K from HUD for selling the home and never paying them back. Our marriage has since gone south and on the divorce papers he put for us to share the debt of $29K to HUD!!! Can he stick me with half of his problem??? Not to mention he changed the number by 10 grand!!!

    Thank you for any input about this..

    submitted by /u/danakarrous
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    I've unwillingly become the center piece of a local culture war. Is there any way I could stop this?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Hello guys, I don't really know anything about my legal options and don't have any money for a lawyer and a friend suggested this place. Please assume I don't know anything about the law because I probably don't

    Anyways, here's my situation. I go to a very small liberal arts college in California. You probably have not heard of it. Anyways, I'm single and I found a cute girl on Tinder. We talked for a bit and decided to meet up.

    When we did it was not what I was expecting. All her photos were skinny but when she came in she was very obese and followed by her friend who for whatever reason was recording her. I asked if she was the girl I met on Tinder and she said yes. I told her she wasnt as skinny as her photos and she said they were from 2-3 years ago when she was skinny. I told her that I wasn't really interested anymore and she started making a scene asking why I really didn't want to date her. I told her that it was because she catfished me but she insisted it was really because she was fat and kept pressing it. So then I turned to her and basically said yes, I do not want to date you because you're fat and if your Tinder was accurate I never would have swiped right. I then turned towards the door and left as she continued to call me "fatphobic" and a bigot. She didn't follow me out the door if that's relevant

    Anyways when I woke up the next day I had a bunch of notifications on social media and a bunch of texts. As it turns out her friend was making a video of me and they posted the video to Facebook as an example of the "Rampant Fatphobia on Campus". The comment section was a shitshow of people both defending and attacking me for various reasons and everyone tagging me. People were flooding my social media with support for my actions or hate.

    I was even stopped on campus multiple times as I was recognized and people gave me an earful about what they thought about the situation. Either how I was a "fatphobic pig", how i did a "good job triggering the Libs" or how "you can have dating preferences but leaving a date like that is rude". This wasn't a huge issue mind you as I only got stopped 5-6 times that day, but meh

    I was hopeful that it would die down and people would forget about it, but it got worse. Apparently someone in some English class gave some speech about "PC culture ruining campus" which conveniently used me as an example and revived the whole debate about it me. It's gotten even worse instead of better, as a local newspaper as well as some smaller right and left wing news sites/blogs have picked up on it. Thankfully I'm not on Breitbart or Jezebel yet, but I'm terrified, the situation isn't blowing over, it's intensifying. People in fairly small town *outside* the college have started to recognize me, the video she posted has a ton of views and someone reposted it to YouTube where it has less views but still a lot. I'm terrified that aforementioned Breitbart or Jezebel *will* pick up on it

    The thing is I don't want to be a center of some sort of culture war. I don't want to be remembered as the guy who rejected some fat girl. I don't want to have my social media flooded with mentions on if what I did was justified. I don't want news articles about me. I just want the nice private life I had before all this

    And it's about here that I should mention that I have a fairly specific name. My parents are from two very different nonwhite cultures, and I have a first name from one culture and a last name from the other. If you Google my name the blogspam commenting on the situation already comes up, I'm absolutely *terrified* on how this will reflect on me for future employers who do a google search.

    Basically I want to scrub everything about this incident, or at least as much as I can. How much could I do? Do I have any recourse against the videos and blogs or am I screwed?

    submitted by /u/CultureWarThrowaway
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    Dad is racking up as much debt as he can before his divorce to my mum goes through - will they have to split it?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    My dad has been seeing another woman in Bahrain for a number of years, and my mum and us have recently found out about it. Now mum wants a divorce, hes trying to screw her over as much as he can.

    Hes spending all of his money so that we cant afford the mortgage on the house and racking up loads of debt. Will my mum be liable for this debt when they split, and is there anyway around this if so?

    submitted by /u/Meadyspeedy
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    [PA] Girlfriend's employer is withholding $100 out of her paycheck because she accidentally accepted a counterfeit bill, is this legal?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:34 PM PST

    So a while ago, my girlfriend got a counterfeit bill from some scumbag. Since she was in charge of the register they are taking it out of her paycheck.

    They didn't file a police report for the bill, they are just informing her that $100 will be deducted. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/DismalSalamander7
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    Small-town stock broker said that he was going to "balance" my parents' inherited portfolio, ended up selling all shares of stock at a gain to max out his commission. What are my options?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:32 PM PST

    My parents recently inherited a decently large sum of money from my grandfather. Our local North Carolina stock broker for a large national chain apparently convinced my unwitting father to let him do some "portfolio balancing" which was pitched to my dad as having a broader allocation of stock in mutual funds and other stock classes, which, while probably unnecessary isn't bad in and of itself.

    Fast forward to last night, my parents look at their portfolio, and EVERYTHING has been sold and is now sitting in their brokerage account as cash. I'm assuming he is waiting for all the trades to clear, before buying the "rebalanced" portfolio that would likely include a lot of high-fee funds.

    I get the feeling that the broker really wanted to get the 2% commission on all of those shares, which is why he sold everything instead of actually selling bad shares for good ones.

    Given the tax implications of the sale and the personal gain for making those trades, I don't believe that he was fulfilling his fiduciary responsibility to my parents.

    Is there any way to prevent this from being a taxable event for my parents, and do we have any legal recourse to regain the commission and/or taxes that this dishonest broker has earned on the transaction?

    Edit: added state to description

    submitted by /u/Xeppo
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    Buying a house for the first time - just found out there is a trust in my name. How will this effect my mortgage and buying a house, if at all?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:14 AM PST

    My partner and I are first time home buyers. We qualify in Colorado for a first time home buyer grant program that gives us 3% down payment as a grant, and we have to bring 1% plus closing costs. We updated my parents about this, and my mom told me there is a trust in my name she controls and could use to allow us a higher down payment for lower mortgage payments later on. I am hesitant to take this offer as my mom is very controlling and likely would use this as leverage to try and control what house we buy, where it is located, and other aspects of our life's down the line. We are trying to buy on our own with no strings attached.

    I know nothing about how trusts work, and don't even know the amount in my trust, how to access it, what company it is through, ect. My mom refuses to tell me this info because she said if I know the amount in the trust I would become lazy and try to just live off of that. In the initial lender/mortgage application I reported my savings and my checking account balances. How would the trust effect this? I am worried that the trust may be large enough that we no longer qualify for the grant program, and would not be able to buy a home on our own.

    Additionally, just for knowledges sake, if we accepted money from this trust as part of a down payment, how would that effect things? I know we can accept gifts from family and friends and still qualify for the grant as long as the money goes doesn't go into my account and goes to the lender during closing. The trust apparently has my name on it, so how would that work if we did change our minds and want to use it?

    note: also posted this in financial advice since I am not sure which is more appropriate.

    submitted by /u/throwawayhousing234
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    Teacher hurt my 2 yo at daycare

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:37 PM PST

    My 2 yo old daughter has been going to daycare for the past year and I've never had a problem bigger than a lost blanket until last Thursday. I picked my daughter up from daycare playing in the outside play area. When I opened up the door she came running up to me crying holding her arm saying her teacher hurt her and her teacher immediately came up to me and let me know my daughter had been saying she did this tiny pink scratch on her arm (it was an old scratch). Her teacher also told me my kid was crying because she wanted to take her backpack outside but the teacher wouldnt let her. So I took my daughter and left. On the car ride home she told me her teacher "squished" her arm because she didnt want to go outside. I asked how she squished it, with a door or a hand or what? And my daughter said with her hand. Fast forward to the evening my daughter acted like her arm was okay so I thought maybe it wasnt as big a deal as I initially thought. The next morning she woke up happy and was moving her arms around but we started playing around and grabbed onto her hands to help pull her up from laying down and she instantly let go and screamed her arm hurt while holding her elbow. The rest of the morning she refused to kove her arm because it hurt so much. When I took her back to daycare friday she was in a different teachers classroom so i told that teacher how my kid has still been crying about her arm hurting saying her teacher did it and the teacher mention questioning the first teacher about why my kid was saying she did it. The second teacher let me know when the office ladies came into work they could checkout the video for me to see what happened to her arm. When my husband picked her up from daycare friday afternoon the second teacher let him know they did find on video that the first teacher "yanked her arm." The office lady had just left when he got there so he left with our Daughter and I called back a little while after. In the phone call I was told they did see the teacher yank on my daughter and she was let go immediately that day. I was told they self reported it to the state (Texas) and someone will be out monday to inspect the situation. As of friday afternoon my daughter doesnt act as if her arm is in any pain at all. As of sunday I see no bruising and I never saw any real red marks on her the day of besides the old scratch. There are no signs of injury and she is not acting hurt anymore so I didnt take her to see the doctor. My question is what do I do in a situation like this? Legally what can be done about my daughter having her arm yanked in daycare? I'm not looking to sue the daycare or whatever I just am confused and hurt and still in shock my kid would be hurt by a teacher.

    submitted by /u/KindaWeirdButN0tASin
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    Lawyer is ignoring me completely

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:53 AM PST

    I'm sorry if I chose the wrong flair, I didn't know what else to pick.

    My case is nearly taken care of, but I was charged in a different state (Ohio- I live in Pennsylvania) so things are a little odd and tricky. I have been ordered to get therapy, which I have been attending for about a month now.

    The problem is that I have absolutely no idea what guidelines my therapist needs to follow. If she needs to send anything to the courts, talk to anyone - I have no clue. I've signed papers that allow her to release any information the court desires (this was my therapists idea).. but my lawyer will not respond to my emails about it, hasn't emailed my therapist, won't return my calls. It's been nearly two months since my last court appointment, and I haven't heard anything at all. I tried to call the judge's office directly and ask, but they told me I have to speak to my lawyer about it.

    I'm terrified that the offer of therapy will be rescinded due to my lawyers negligence and that I will receive a harsher punishment; I actually really need therapy, and the courts were really kind to me in giving me that "punishment". I have absolutely no idea what to do. He has already been paid a retainer, so it's not like I can withhold payment..

    Any advice??

    submitted by /u/SweetDangus
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    Two clerks for upcoming jury duty giving me conflicting answers about a failed summons from 2007

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Update location: Los Angeles, CA

    Apparently, I missed a 2007 jury summons while I was in college upstate. Fastforward 13 years and 3 completed jury duty since, I am unable to go to my upcoming one and have a 2 month old, single parent (spouse abandoned us) and I am unemployed for 2 years. I have "used up my 1 year of postponement time."

    I called the jury duty number on two occasions, one 2 months ago, and 1 one month ago. The call made two months ago clerk said, I'll send you a letter excusing you of your 2007 failed summons if you show up to your 2020 summons. This clerk was really nice and friendly. The call made month ago clerk said I'll be sanctioned $1,500 for 2007 regardless of what the other clerk said. This clerk was a real piece of shit and really really hates her job.

    Who am I to believe and why would I voluntarily turn myself in to be fined $1,500 even though I showed up for 3 other services since 2007?

    submitted by /u/11TightVs
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    Mace used in self defense

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    A friend of mine is in abusive marriage. His wife drinks heavily and has on many occasions acted crazy towards friends and family, all of which has been documented.

    The issue is he came home one night and she is there with her three kids drunk off her ass. She starts attacking him-scratching, punching, kicking. She follows him in to another room and tries stomping on his groin, at which point he says if you attack me again I'm going to mace you. So he ends up macing her when she attacks. He leaves the room and she grabs a mop.

    At this point he has the presence of mind to pull out his phone and start recording a video. In the video he says "I'm leaving" and she's standing across the room with the mop. He turns around and she beats him on the head with the handle and cracks his head open which is caught on video. He leaves and goes to his mom's house. A few hours later they arrest him for assault 2 and he's currently in jail. She is not. I think this is mainly because my friend doesn't trust police and did not make a statement of any kind or share the video.

    My question is will he be charged if he was defending himself from abuse? This is in MN and his first and only offense. She has been carted off by cops before for being drunk and there is ample evidence of her deranged behavior.

    Also: she has been documented many times as saying "if you do/don't do X, I'll just call the cops and tell them you beat me. They will believe me"

    submitted by /u/Ours_isthe_Fury
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    Deceased grandpa set up a college fund for me, his wife closed the account. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:41 PM PST

    Hello all, throw away account for obvious reasons, also apologies if this post is a little long, I'll try to summarize in a tl;dr at the bottom. I am located in Utah, USA.

    My grandpa passed in 2007, he had set up a my529 account to start up a college savings for me. When he passed I was still in elementary school so the account was supposed to be placed into my mom's name until I was 18, but my grandpa's wife apparently never put the count into my mom's name.

    When I was getting ready to go to college, I was awarded a full ride scholarship and finished that degree about 2 years ago. I have decided that I am wanting to pursue an MD and the school I originally graduated my undergrad from is only a national accreditation, so I am essentially having to start my education path over in order to qualify for acceptance to medical schools.

    So, this week I called the my529 savings account number to start looking into how that can be applied toward my tuition. The account was not in my name, I had my mom try calling and she said the account was not in her name and there was no account under my grandpa's name either. We had them check under each of our social security numbers as well- nothing.

    My mom reached out to my grandpa's wife to see if she had the account information and here's where we get to the reason I am posting here.

    It turns out she (grandma for the purposes of this story) had never put the account into my mom's name when my grandpa passed in 2007. She did give my mom the certificate so my mom assumed it was in her name. Then when my grandma heard in 2014 (I was 18 at this point, turned 19 before I started courses for the degree) that I had gotten the full ride scholarship, she closed the account and took the money and just never told us.

    Is there anything I can do to make her responsible for any of the amount? The thing is, I don't know how much was even in the account when it was opened since I was so little (my mom says the initial amount to open it was either 5k or 10k because those were the two options) when it was apparently closed, I do know it was supposed to be acquiring interest the whole time also.

    I appreciate any help or advice anyone can give.

    submitted by /u/TAforLegalAdvice20
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    Care aid stole money, wants to collect unemployment

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:25 AM PST

    We hired a health care aid for my mother, who lives at home and has Alzheimer's. My mother became a "household employer" and paid an hourly wage plus unemployment taxes etc. Over the course of a year, we noticed costs rising, lack of records/receipts, and often when we visited mom the aid would be out "shopping for Mom". We let her go right after Christmas when we found she had written herself a check for paid vacation (which we had never discussed) and had my mom sign it. She also used my mother's credit card for personal purchases

    We think we have a pretty good case to protest the unemployment benefits due to wilful misconduct and/or absenteeism. One concern I had is that we didn't submit a formal letter outlining the reason that we let her go. I called her and kept it short and didn't really get into the details.

    1) Will this hurt our case? Did we have an obligation to give her the reasons for letting her go?

    2) Do we have to submit evidence with our initial response to the dept of labor? The form just had a box to check and short space for "employer comments".

    State of Connecticut

    Form received: UC-280 (Rev 3/11/02)

    submitted by /u/brewski
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    My mother liquidated a savings account my deceased grandparents set up a month before I turned 18, and never told me. (MI)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:56 AM PST

    My grand parents set up an investment/savings account for me many many many years ago. I just found out today that my mother liquidated it without my knowledge a month before I turned 18. It was a few grand and she claims it was spent on me, but I have literally no way of knowing. I planned on using it for a few major college related expenses, but it's gone.

    Do I have any recourse?

    Edit: title is fuzzy, I meant she liquidated it a month before I turned 18, not that the account was created a month before I turned 18.

    submitted by /u/Efficient-Emergency
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    Caught someone in my place with a duplicate key.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 12:57 AM PST

    St. Louis, Missouri. Tonight at around 11:30 PM I was at my home in my living room relaxing when I heard someone fiddling at my front door. I look over and see the lock twist from locked to unlocked and open. It was someone who was staying in this house for a short time over the summer and had a key, but the key was given back. There are only 2 keys, mine and my mothers. The intruder has a third key that must have been made while she was squatting. She left as quickly as she came and left the door ajar without closing it properly as if she were in a hurry. What should my first course of action be?

    submitted by /u/viselyx
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    (TX) My dad plans on leaving me the house, not his wife. What else do I need to prepare?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:44 PM PST

    I (27/F) live in Houston (unincorporated Harris County.) My dad and his wife have a difficult relationship. In the event that he passes, he wants the house to go to me and not her. We've already filed a Quitclaim Deed, he thinks that's all he needs to cover our bases.

    I'm not too convinced, especially since he refused to answer my question about whether he consulted anyone. Anyway, I recently heard a story of a similar situation where the husband died and the kids were trying to claim the property but couldn't because the wife (widow) still lived there and couldn't be forced out of the house until the widow remarried or passed away.

    If that's the case, I'm wondering if I could possibly be held liable for payments, mortgage, etc., all the while not even having an option to sell the house? I guess I'm really wondering what I've gotten myself into with this deed and if I should consider consulting an attorney just to know what to expect if that day comes sooner than later.

    submitted by /u/pm_me_your_boggart
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