• Breaking News

    Monday, November 9, 2020

    Legal Advice - 19M gave my 14 year old niece LSD. What can I do about this

    Legal Advice - 19M gave my 14 year old niece LSD. What can I do about this

    19M gave my 14 year old niece LSD. What can I do about this

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:19 AM PST

    Two nieces live with me (18 & 14) They've lived with me full time under my guardianship since June.

    18F's dating an unemployed high school drop out. He gave them LSD last night.

    They probably wouldn't have told me, but we were sitting down to watch a scary movie (I told them I wanted to see the scariest movie I've ever seen...) and the 14 year old spoke up thank GOD. I put on Disney movies instead and made sure the 14 year old stayed hydrated before I went to bed at 3 am.

    I'm working on getting a form of legal guardianship for the 14 year old. She would like to get emancipated from her mom but I feel that guardianship with me is more realistic.

    I do not want this grifter in my home. I'm in mama bear mode right now and I need direction. What can I do to get him out of my life? (AZ, USA)

    EDIT, Big update. Posting in relationship advice...

    submitted by /u/atlantis911
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    My 15 year old sister is homeless and my fiance and I want to take her in. How do we go about this?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:05 PM PST

    Long story short, our dad killed himself when I was 15 and my mom just got caught with drugs and is waiting to be expedited to Idaho for some other charge involving a U-haul.

    My 15 year old sister is now alone in a hotel in WA for a few days until we're able to come up there from OR.

    Do I contact CPS to let them know what's happening? How do we/I become a legal guardian? How do we/I do this? I just want my sister happy and safe.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Washy406
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    Gym Cancellation Letter via Certifed Mail Undeliverable says USPS, gym won't accept

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:34 PM PST

    Joining a health spa/gym in AZ, and changed my mind due to cost. Arizona has a 3 day buyers remorse law for subscription situations like this, which listed these instructions in the contract:

    You are entitled to a copy of this contract at the time you sign it. You may cancel this contract at any time before midnight of the third operating day after receiving a copy of this contract. If you choose to cancel this contract, you must either: (1) Send a signed and dated written notice of cancellation by certified mail, return receipt requested; or (2) Personally deliver a signed and dated written notice of cancellation to GYM, ADDRESS. If you cancel this contract within the three-day period,you are entitled to a full refund of your money. If the third operating day falls on a Sunday or holiday, notice is timely given if it is mailed or delivered as specified in this notice on the next operating day. Refunds must be made within thirty operating days of receipt of the cancellation notice by the health spa.

    So I mailed a certified cancellation letter to the address listed on the following day. However, USPS said the letter could not be delivered because the forwarding address has expired. I waited for the letter to return to sender in the hopes this could still be resolved due to the certified mail date proving I sent it the following date. The club says they will not refund my money and I'll have to pay for another month as well as a $100 cancellation fee, despite the fact I never went to a class. (I was under the impression the letter had been delivered and my refund would be coming shortly). When I realized it wasn't delivered, I called the club. About a month had gone by. Any grounds to fight this here or should I cut my losses?

    submitted by /u/thedesignaaa
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    Got a text today from our landlord saying they want us out next month.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:21 PM PST

    Location: Florida (Orange County)

    We have had a private rental from one of our neighbors going on 10 years. All of the previous years we have had the same lease from August to July, this year there was no real discussion of a new lease when July ended.

    We've never met the landlord that is on the lease, but her brother has been the point of contact for all these years and we write the check in her name and he picks it up. Any house issues are directed to him and we've had 4 total text messages previous to today in contact with her. Both of them are foreign and English communication is sometimes challenging.

    Received a text from her today "After reviewing the financials, I realize I am losing a lot of money on this rental. I will have to sell the house, so you need to move out next month." This was sent to 1 person that still lives here and was on the previous lease ending July 2020. (4 of us unrelated live here).

    In the previous lease in addition to the security deposit we have advance rent (1st and last months' rent) paid up front and an agreement of "No modification or change to this contract will be valid or binding unless in writing and signed by both parties."

    I have a couple questions because this caught us off guard. We were expecting to stay in the house until at least Summer 2021.

    1. Does this text message qualify as written notice? No specified date that we need to be out. Ideally, we don't want to press this issue and wait for them to produce written notice with the hope that it will be within the 15 day limit of the next rental period giving us more than 30 days to find a new place to live.
    2. I'm assuming we are technically month to month as defined in a lapse of lease? Although we have been yearly in the past does that change once our previous lease ended in July? We pay rent by check on the first of the month.
    3. In regards to having already paid the first and last months rent (albeit this was 8+ years ago) would our landlord accepting dec 1st rent cover our rent through Jan 31st? We have paid monthly consecutively since the original lease began.
    4. I was laid off on Sept 30th 2020. Are we covered under the CDC temporary halt in residential evictions to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 until Dec 31st? If the order is extended would this still be applicable?
    5. Last one. As far as I can tell through florida law, if we receive written notice on the 2nd of the month do we need to move out on the 17th or are we able to stay in the house until the 30th?

    Thank You for any information, wanted to ask here before contacting a lawyer. Moving out will be fine but any extra time that we can get will help.

    submitted by /u/jkaiz45
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    Anything wrong/illegal with letting fellow tenants know their rights?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:17 AM PST

    So dealing my landlord who knowingly violated several tenant protections laws, and refuses to mail security deposits back, instead insisting that people meet him in NYC to pick it up. Since he refused to provide a time and place for someone to meet him I've filed against him in small claims court. He says "good, then I can hand it off to you in person". So I'm thinking of mailing a letter to each apartment building telling them about their rights (landlord must hold security deposit in interest bearing account, landlord has 14 days to return deposit or forfeit any claim over it, landlord must inform people about right to inspections, ect). I wouldn't mention the landlord or my interactions specifically just informing them of their rights. Anyone see any issues doing so?

    submitted by /u/I_Am_A_Mudcrab
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    My wife was in a car with a drunk driver who purposely drove into building

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:51 PM PST

    Location: Wisconsin

    hi all,

    My wife was out grabbing dinner and drinks with a friend. Everything is going well until they start arguing over something stupid.

    To keep a long story short. they end up arguing all the way to the car on the drive home. It gets heated and the driver (my wife's friend) is so raged that she ends up PURPOSELY swerving the car into a building. my wife did NOTHING physical (jerk the steering wheel, push her friend while driving) to instigate the malicious action of the car wreck. the car was completely totaled but luckily, my wife only sustained some bruises and a large gash on her hand that required stitches. unfortunately, on top of the injuries, she now is dealing with the deep trauma and anxiety attacks from the situation.

    to no ones surprise, my wife hasn't talked to this person since and i really want to pursue some sort of legal action but i have no idea where to begin.

    is this considered attempted murder? reckless endangerment? what kind of lawyer do we need? would this case hold up to sue for liability insurance? can we lock the driver away?

    any insight will help tremendously, i appreciate you all!

    submitted by /u/benzlo33
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    Out-of-State landlord’s wife is blocking sale of house and claiming homestead to evict us by December 1st [AL]

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Background - skip to next subheading if this doesn't matter for the issue

    So we've been in this house for three years and the landlord - who lives in Arkansas - has been really hands off with the house. In fact, he's asked me each year to write the lease which runs July to July.

    Back in February 2020, I asked him if he was still wanting to keep the house as I had heard from his father that he was going to sell it. He said he was thinking about selling it but wanted to wait a bit. I wrote the new lease for July 2020 - July 2021, sent it to him to review and sign, and waited for it to come back for me to sign. I didn't sign it first because I didn't want him to change anything with my signature on it.

    Anyways, he never sent it back and by June, I was telling him I was concerned about not having a lease and was looking into moving. That's when he brought up me buying the house. I decided it would be a good purchase for us and we started the process.

    Like everything else with him, I took care of setting up everything. By August 2020, without a lease, we were preapproved for a loan and had an attorney set up. He just had to sign the sales contract to make everything official and get the process rolling. He never signed it and went silent for almost two months.

    In the mean time, we went looking at houses and felt uneasy about not having a lease signed. The lease we did sign has wording that says it automatically renews unless writing is given 60 days in advance. But we weren't sure if the lease would work or if he could tell us to leave at any moment.

    In October, he called and said he was ready to sign. He sent the sales contract and everything was set up for a November 9th closing. We have until the 13th to keep our interest rate, so the closing is possible.

    The Issue Now

    The guy hasn't signed his paperwork for the deed. I'm not sure what all is involved but he's supposed to have it notarized and overnighted.

    I spoke to the attorney's office and they said the Landlord and his wife are getting divorced and still have homestead on the house. They haven't lived there in a decade but somehow still claimed it for tax purposes.

    The attorney's secretary said the wife has to sign paperwork to release the home from homestead.

    I called her this morning to see if she was aware, and she launched into a rant about how she didn't approve of the house selling, that they were getting a divorce, and she would be moving back into the house.

    She said we have until December 1st to be out.

    1) I'm assuming she can't kick me out in two weeks. But can she? If not, how can I protect myself or my family from being forcibly evicted without a current lease?

    2) I don't believe her name is on the property. Just the homestead. Is it possible to get the paperwork in and fight her in court seeing that they haven't lived there in a decade? She can't really claim homestead, right?

    3) Since the lease expired but had wording that said it automatically renews, am I legally able to use 60 days to find a place to live? Since that's in the wording of the lease?

    submitted by /u/NoPatNoDontSitonThat
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    (MI) MIL's employer took nearly all of her PTO and isn't willing to a return any

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:38 PM PST

    My mother-in-law (MIL) has worked for a company for over 10 years. She receives 120 hours of paid time off (PTO) per year that does not roll into the next year.
    In March, the pandemic closed her office, requiring all employees to work from home. In late March, her HR rep called her on the phone (not emailed) to ask if she would be willing to donate some hours to prevent other employees from being laid off. My MIL agreed.
    The problem is that they took 115 of her 120 hours, unbeknownst to her. She was told it would be only 2 or 3 days, which would be 16-24 hours.

    Fast forward to a month ago, she goes to take some PTO and learns she has very little, and is understandably upset. She asks the HR person if it would be possible to return some of her hours because the company received a $7million bailout from the government. The HR representative refused, and also cc'd the president of the company on an email where she tells my MIL that she's lucky she isn't fired because of all the rules she's broken working from home.

    I've told my MIL that she should speak to a lawyer that specializes in labor laws. Is there any additional advice I can offer?

    submitted by /u/fleece_pants
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    Do I actually owe these people money?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:49 PM PST

    First post on this sub, sorry if I'm accidentally violating something I missed when reading the rules.

    I'm in Illinois in the US.

    Okay, so I (16f) sold my dirtbike to this guy (19m) for $650 (it was a shitty bike), because I needed parts for something else. No legal contracts or anything of that sort were involved, I just gave him a date to pay me by. He asked if he could keep it in my shed for the winter, I said sure. In the mean time, he's been working on it, improving it, he's basically made it his fun little project thing.

    I'm talking a whole repaint, new seat, new handlebars, turn signals, rewiring, new tires, etc. If I were him I would've just bought a new bike, but he's having fun, so whatever.

    But now there's a problem. The deadline for him paying me for the bike has passed, and apparently he doesn't have the financial stability to pay me for it anymore. So, he wants me to 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘮𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘪𝘬𝘦???

    Obviously, I said no. Because why the hell would I do that. But here's where the third party comes in.

    He apparently went into debt with 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 guy to get the money for the replacements for the bike I "sold" him. Now that guy needs his money, which I dont have, because this dickhead never paid me in the first place (plus the total price of his add ons exceeded $650).

    And if I'm broke, the guy I sold the bike is broke, and the guy that is owed money needs it, I just don't know what to do... both are kind of turning on me and I think I fell into some sort of scam but I don't know how to combat it anymore.

    I'm 16. I sold this 19 year old guy my dirtbike and he's expecting me to have 1-2k spare cash now that I've been roped into his financial incompetence.

    Is there, like, a legal path out of this? Or did this guy successfully pawn his debt off to me and now I'm in deep shit. I feel stupid, trapped, and scared.

    My parents are aware of the basis of this but I dont want to bother them too much because stuff in our family has been really hard, so if they found out their stupid kid went off and fell for a scheme like this I'd feel so awful. I just want to know if there's something I can threaten the guys with, or facts I can bring up.

    submitted by /u/ding-dong-ding-dong-
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    Minor's Father Wants Minor's Paychecks Given Directly to Him (Utah)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Hi Reddit,

    I have a worker and his son who both work for the business I help manage. The son is 17 years old.

    According to the father, working minor owes the father a sum of money. Father requests that when I deliver paychecks, paychecks for he and his son get delivered directly to him. Father tells me as his guardian, he has the authority or legal power to do so.

    Working minor comes into my office and asks to be paid via direct deposit instead of check, which would circumvent father's possession of his paycheck.

    This is awkward enough on my end as I do not want to have to choose sides between the two employees, so I would like to at least know what the laws say about a scenario like this. Am I obliged to honor the minor's request for payment via direct deposit? Am I to deliver or not deliver paychecks directly to the father? At least knowing what the law says, I can point to that to justify what decision I make as opposed to simply choosing sides between the two.

    submitted by /u/Aeron_311
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    My HOA is intentionally making life more difficult by enforcing rules only on a select few in the neighborhood while letting others slide on the very same issues.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:02 PM PST


    This is likely unoriginal and I would like to say I appreciate any advice up front. This is in Colorado, Denver/metro area.

    My HOA and I have butted heads for the past couple of years. We had a house fire almost 2 years ago and were out of our home for roughly a year. Not only did they constantly harass us about the rebuilding of our home but actually sued us for unpaid dues. The fire happened just after the start of the new year, the same time dues are assessed, obviously we had more important things on our mind but the HOA insisted they sent multiple letters to our address (yes, the one in ashes) and by April I was served at the rental home I was staying in. I called to state my case and the manager of the HOA apologized but said once it is in the lawyer's hands there is nothing we can do. I call him, leave a message and get no response, try again a week later and am told he is on vacation and won't return until May. Finally his assistant sets up a meeting with me for July where our bill has gone from ~$400 to over $750. When I asked why, it was because of his legal fees. I said I wanted to work something out but think that my circumstances dictate a little bit of grace and would appreciate any fees being removed, especially since the HOA never bothered to call, text, email or anything other than to send mail to my house.

    Fast forward a few months and not only is nobody willing to reduce any fees, but they have now gone up to $1,300 total so we go to court, request more time to come to a deal, meet again, fees are now over $2,000. Eventually we went to mediation where I fought against the HOA president, manager and their attorney over what was now more than $3,000 and was told by the mediator that if I go to court the fees will keep piling up and I am rolling the dice on if the judge is in a mood to take my circumstances into consideration or not since the articles of incorporation for my neighborhood don't state that the HOA has any obligation to contact me outside of mailing a letter.

    With tears in my eyes I tapped out and agreed to a payment plan to be paid out over the next year. However, I have since attended every HOA meeting and made sure to talk to my neighbors about the events and we are working to get some old board members out and new blood in there that doesn't just sit around and titter about telling other people what they can and can't do with their yard.

    During the year that I have been paying my family and I have moved back into our homes and have been fighting to get our lives back, all while a pandemic is now taking place. During the spring I decided to put up a little garden dividing fence 3' tall by 12' long which isn't too different from the garden fences other neighbors have in their yards. Our rules and regulations mention not constructing a new fence, but also mention that structures that are under your fence line in your backyard are allowed. Again, many other neighbors in the area have something very similar to mine.

    In July, the manager rolls around and must have decided to take a stroll up to the fence surrounding my yard because my fence can't be seen from anywhere except if you approach the fence surrounding my yard and look through the cracks or if you are taller than 6' look over to see that I had put up this fence and told me to take it down.

    We have gone back and forth for a few months now with me arguing that is isn't visible from another neighbors yard or from the street and according to our rules shouldn't be a problem. They quote the line about not building new fences and deny me, and then my appeal.

    All that is to say, I think they are targeting me because of the issues we have had in the past and I can absolutely show that other neighbors have similar garden fences. Whether they actually got them approved or the HOA just doesn't bother looking into people yards is unknown. I'm not a protected class that I am aware of so I don't know if I have any chance of showing their behavior is harassing or discriminatory but I (as well as most of my neighbors) don't think the rules justify forcing me to remove the fence since it has no impact on the neighborhood as a whole.

    If you read this far, I appreciate you.

    TL;DR My HOA sucks and if there is anything I can do about it that would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/ryulee
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    I'm 17 and my parents are refusing to give me my social security card because I'm not acting like a Jehovah Witness

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:20 PM PST

    I'm 17 years old and my parents are refusing to give me my social security card because I don't want to cut my hair and behave like a proper Jehovah witness, what do I do? I live in Pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/governingLody
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    Someone rear ended my car. And the repair estimate from my mechanic is expensive. The person that hit me insists that they know someone that can fix the damages for far cheaper. Legally, am I obligated to choose the cheaper option?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:30 AM PST

    I have a reputable mechanic at the dealer I got my car from, and they gave me an estimate for how much everything should cost.

    When I tried telling the person who hit me how much I would need. They kept insisting that they know another mechanic that can do it cheaper. If I need to take this to court. Will I be in the wrong for intentionally wanting to stick to the more expensive option, even though it's a dealer I trust more?

    submitted by /u/CallMeZeta
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    Someone tried to get me to straw purchase cigarettes

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:26 PM PST

    I was walking into a gas station and some guy called me over to his car. He gave me $9 and asked if I could buy him cigarettes. It felt sketchy but I still took it and walked in. I asked them how much for the cigarettes and they said $13 something. I figured the jig was to get me to pay the difference so I said no thanks. One guy rang me up the other guy went back and mumbled something to someone else. Other guy comes back and says he'll give them to me for $9 exactly. At this point I'm spooked so I said no thanks and gave the dude his money back. Was this some sort of setup? Why wouldn't he just go to another gas station? Could I have gotten in trouble for this? Needless to say I was and still am confused, it didn't help that I was high at the time.

    submitted by /u/DoesNotCheckOut
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    (FL) Employer Asked For Personal Budget

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:23 PM PST

    My roommate has been asking for a raise for almost 2 years, and she keeps getting shot down. She works at the president of the company's house doing landscaping as well as her job at the plant. Every time she asks for her side job check, her boss asks why she needs the money each week as if he is giving it to her as charity or something. On top of that, she has been refused raises for nearly 2 years even though she is a great employee. Anyways, this week she asked for her side job check and her boss asked if she was on drugs.... Then he said that if she wants a raise she must provide her personal budget and finances to him to look at so he can see why she needs so much money. He's discussed this with other employees about her, too.

    She's looking for another job, but I don't think she is being treated fairly. I think her boss is pushing boundaries that he shouldn't be pushing. Is what he is doing legal?

    submitted by /u/Life_of_Wicki
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    Performance shop installed my cam wrong now my cars engine is locked up.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:45 PM PST

    Dallas Texas

    I had my car cammed at a performance shop. As soon as I got the car shipped back to me I could tell something was wrong. Took it to another shop and contacted the previous shops insurance and they had an inspector come out and look at my car. Inspector says my engine is toast. Now the insurance is wanting an invoice for all the work the first guy did to my car but all I have is Facebook messages where communicated and my PayPal invoices showing I sent money to the guy on the specified date. I asked him for an invoice but he's blocked me on Facebook. The insurance hasn't gotten back to me on wether the photos I've sent would suffice. Does anyone have any experience with something like this? I've already paid to have my engine built and forged at a new shop so the fucked up engine isn't an issue. I. Just wondering if the guy is going to get away with doing this or not?

    submitted by /u/Thicnutt
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    I am an artist who has found some random website selling tee shirts of my art that is indisputably mine, what can I do???

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:23 PM PST

    I am in the US and and so is the company, I am super small time here so can't really afford an attorney or anything, the company selling my art just has an address at one of those mailbox storefronts and I assume they are more clever than I am so I don't want to just ask them to stop and risk making it worse for myself. They either took it from Instagram or from my online shop because that's the only place I've put it up and it could not be a coincidence because there are several very distinct features and it's all exactly the same.

    Is there anything I can do?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    P.S. Apologies for the weird username it's just what Reddit gave me when I signed up to browse.

    submitted by /u/Suspicious-Tip
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    Sister quit job. Old boss canceled $1000 in already paid checks to her

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:04 PM PST

    so my sister checked her account and 2 previously deposited checks had been returned for about $1000 plus fees from her job she quit last week. We live in Massachusetts and were wondering who, if anyone, westbound contact.

    submitted by /u/aaron5121
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    Neighbor threatening to sue

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:02 AM PST

    I'm having a frustrating dispute with my neighbor.

    We naively allowed them to tear up our yard to install a pool.They signed an agreement promising to return it to the original state and provided a $3000 deposit. This agreement gave them until September 15th to complete the work and restoration.

    Fast forward to September 16th, yard is still destroyed and they're nowhere near being done with needed access or the repairs.

    At this time, we made a deal with their contractor to cash purchase their extra rocks and place them at the rear of our property (since he had extras anyways he said he gave us a deal).

    The neighbor also decided to build a large wood fence, they decided to put it on what they believe is their property. We told them we didn't want a large wooden fence and preferred a chain link on the property line.

    After October 15th we planted trees along the border of our property, and denied further access for machinery (we checked with them and their contractor, they said it was ok).

    The neighbors then destroyed the walkway between our houses bringing machinery in. They never discussed this with us or requested permission.

    We allowed them to continue trying to restore things, under the pretense they would make it look good. The contractors now have completed their restoration. The contractors did a terrible job laying sod and used grass seed and dirt for about half the restoration. It is not restored at all and a lot of our lawn is just dirt now.

    We said we are unhappy with the work and had a professional quote to fix it properly. We told this to both the neighbor and contractor. We were trying to be very nice. The neighbor now said they will sue us for the cost to move the fence to the property line and encroachment on their property if we do not accept the work they've done. The neighbor is claiming we encroached by putting mulch up to the fence they've installed.

    Neighbor is claiming that because we purchased the rocks and placed rocks, they can no longer return it to the original state. We don't want them to do anything with the rocks, we just want them to lay the sod down evenly and fix the walkway between our houses.

    Any advice appreciated. I really want to de-escalate the situation and don't want to end up losing thousands of dollars to litigious neighbors. I really wish we had never given them access.

    This is in Ontario Canada.

    TLDR: Neighbor damaged property when installing pool, didn't repair, installed fence on their property and claims encroachment over 2 inches of mulch going up to the side fence they installed on their property. Wants us to pay to move fence they put in.

    submitted by /u/athome92
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    Employer retaliation for exposing lack of enforcement of COVID protective measures

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:42 PM PST

    So my family and I live in Texas, and since we have children that are considered high risk, we take our county's mask mandate very seriously. Last week my husband was extremely concerned for his own health due to his company's lax enforcement of COVID protocol, so he took a picture of his coworkers at a job site without masks and standing within 2 feet of each other. Since his immediate supervisors believe Bill Gates invented COVID, he did not feel comfortable sharing this information with them and instead sent it to the corporate HR. Within 5 minutes of the HR rep assuring him that there would be no retaliation or harassment after he reported, 2 different coworkers called to harass him and accuse him of trying to ruin their careers.

    An hour ago, my husband received a letter from the same HR rep stating that they would be taking disciplinary action against him because during the event in question, he supposedly pulled down his mask to speak to someone that was having a hard time hearing him. Despite having photographic evidence of the company's failure to enforce our county's mask orders, they are attempting to reprimand the only person on the jobsite that was wearing a mask at the time without any evidence at all.

    What do we do? Please help.

    submitted by /u/DMTCupcake
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    Fired in at-will state (CA) right before accrued sick pay was going to be paid out

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:30 PM PST

    So I got a text message from the owner of the cannabis dispensary that I work at in San Francisco, California saying that due to my performance I have been fired. Now, we have never had performance reviews in the four a half years I have been working there and I am one of the highest paid employees as I have worked my way up (due to my GOOD performance at my job). I understand that California is an at will state and he technically doesn't even need a reason to fire me. I was fired along with my boss.

    The timing of this is peculiar to me as all of my coworkers have been pressing the owners for their accrued sick pay which none of them have been paid out. This week the owner was supposed to pay everyone out, and now I'm being fired. I'm under the impression that if you're fired your employer no longer has to pay you the accrued sick pay. Do I have any legal right to claim this in a labor board hearing?

    I was planning on going to the labor board because I worked under the table for this dispensary for about two years before they ever put us on payroll, and during this two year period we also did not get any official breaks. They made us sign a notarized piece of paper saying that we were getting breaks as the law requires even though we weren't. We were threatened with being fired if we didn't sign. This was at the beginning of payroll.

    Do I have a single leg to stand on here? What's my best course of action?

    submitted by /u/babygirlmochi
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    3 People living in a 1 bedroom Strata building (Canada)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:10 PM PST

    Have a friend that are buying a 1 bedroom apartment in Canada. It will be for 3 people in total. The bylaws state only 2 people can live in a 1 bedroom unit. They reached out to the strata manager and he said that used to be the rule but human rights tribunal overturned it. I couldn't find any info about this online. Could they get kicked out after buying it for not following bylaws?

    submitted by /u/tobleroney69
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    (NYC) Immigrant parents won a $250K+ settlement, lawyer is only offering to give $70K ?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:07 PM PST

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and offering advice.

    I live out of state and my parents told me this. We won a case against the state, who had care of my minor disabled brother. The case was for a year or less.

    At the end of last year, I believe they won the case for over $275K+. The lawyer offered(?) to give my parents $70K of it, even though in verbal conversations they agreed upon $75K-$100K. In discussion, apparently the lawyer and said some money was spent hiring a mental health expert. Finally the lawyer relented and said ok "$75K".

    My parents are uneducated immigrants and do not speak English well so I think the lawyer may be taking advantage of them. My parents don't have any documents of whats been signed or what the settlement amount was. It's all on the lawyers side. They did not think to get copies, which I am appalled. I asked them to get copies of the retainer ASAP. I think it was 33%, which would be $80-$100K.

    However, because my parents do not know English well, they wanted to record the conversation to have a better understanding. This made the lawyer extremely mad and he told them to go to the court to get their money instead??

    It's been almost a year now and they still haven't received any money. I was able to reach the lawyer to follow up. What should I be prepared for? What did the lawyer mean that the court could pay the money out instead???

    Besides the mental health expert testimonial, what costs should I be cognizant of? How do I find out how much the settlement was and how much the lawyer should be paid?

    submitted by /u/bunkerboy1945
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    Starting an electrical business

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:50 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I'm in the process of starting an electrical business. I have the additional appropriate licensing and insurance to operate this business. I will also be taking the proper steps to form the business with a certified public accountant. My question is in terms of contracts, what kind of attorney should I seek out for this? I know attorneys or lawyers (not sure of the proper term or if there is a difference) that specialize in various fields such as criminal, real estate etc. would I seek out a general business attorney or? I know I do a very thorough job and have attention to detail however where there is a will there is a way for someone to sue. Mainly speaking in terms of I get a call, do the job, verbally make the customer aware of a potential hazard in of the system I'm working on but they only want it fixed "enough" to work and they will fix the other issue at a later date but a week goes by, the part I mentioned but they declined to fix fails and they blame me. When I bill them would I put "advised costumer today fix "x" -customer declined services" I would have to change this every time and could be missed in a clerical error. Could this be done in a contract as a blanket statement to cover these scenarios on top of it being done on the invoice for redundancy?

    Contracts would change in some scenarios typically speaking so would I be able to alter what I include with certain jobs and then alter it to fit the next? Im thinking have the word doc that I can use and alter. A good example is lighting, typically I would hold customers responsible to pick out their own lights other than recessed as they vary in price wildly etc. but if I'm working with a general contractor and they have the job spec'd our for certain lights I would not want that in the contract at that time. Sorry for the long read, I just wanted to be thorough. Thanks for any and all advice!

    submitted by /u/m4i2k2e2
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