• Breaking News

    Monday, September 14, 2020

    Legal Advice - My parents have hired an attorney because I’m gay

    Legal Advice - My parents have hired an attorney because I’m gay

    My parents have hired an attorney because I’m gay

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Sorry of this is all over the place I'm kinda panicking right now. So I'm 16, and I'm gay and have found my self a beautiful girlfriend that in light of this information I have broken up with. My parents are extremely Christian and don't agree with me at all on me being gay. So they're trying to find the source of "influence" somewhere along the way that's "made" me gay. They said last night that they've hired an attorney that is looking into some stuff at the school where apparently a bunch of parents who also don't agree with their kids being gay are trying to find a teacher or student that has told them that being gay is okay (I know how crazy this sounds but please bare with me. Also, I don't know if this is true or not all I have is their word on this). This ties into my girlfriend and other friends as well because they've said that these people have had an influence on me in a negative way (i.e. being gay) and that I wouldn't be if I had hung out with the right people. They're threatening to sue or put whoever in jail if they think they've found an appropriate person. Is that legal? Is that even how the law works? I've broken up with my girlfriend on the fact that I don't want her to be sued or put in jail and now I regret it because thinking back on this I think their reasoning for court is ridiculous and if that's so and they really can't do that I want to get back with her. Please help.

    Edit: spelling and grammar

    Edit 2: I'm located in North Carolina if that helps with the way laws work differently in each state.

    Edit 3: To be clear my girlfriend is also a minor

    submitted by /u/WinnieThePooh04
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    With no prior warning, my wedding caterer is trying to charge me nearly double my original estimate post-event.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    My wife and I got married last weekend and had a wonderful time. However, our catering service has now sent me a bill for $14500+, when the original estimate was ~$8000. This estimated total was stated in the written contract I signed when we first picked out our venue + caterer. I received zero communication from them that this price had changed until 2 days before the event (which actually wasn't even sent to me, it was sent to my then-fiancee; who isn't even on the contract).

    I emailed them last week asking for an explanation on why the end price is so far off the estimate. They are trying to tell me that the original estimate was purely for food & beverage plus a 25% service charge, while the extra ~$7000 is for things such as tables, linens, silverware, bartenders, etc. The contract I signed does not state that these things are included, but it also does not state that they are not included. It only mentions that my caterer shall be the exclusive provider for such items at the event. I assumed that the service charge was to cover things of this manner, since I never signed any other contract with them besides this one.

    When I signed the contract, I paid a deposit of $2500. The contract also stated that I needed to pay 50% of the remaining total 120 days before the event, which I did at a cost of $2750. I have a receipt for this payment from them stating it is 50% of the remaining total.

    I had a phone call today with them that was basically just a shouting match of them saying I owe X and me saying my contract says Y. I am willing to pay the rest of what I thought I owed (or at least within a reasonable ballpark range; the contract only states an estimate after all), but nothing has been resolved thus far.

    Assuming we don't work anything out, what are my options if I choose to not pay this outrageous catering bill? What are their options against me? We are in the US, Indiana specifically.

    Bonus question: they're also trying to charge me sales tax 2% higher than my state's sales tax rate with no explanation. I've looked into it and cannot find anything that would result in a higher than normal sales tax in my state. What gives with that?


    Edit: Thanks for all the answers, glad I'm not insane for interpreting a contract that says "Estimated Total: $8000" would mean the *total* catering cost is about $8000. I think I'll be contacting a lawyer soon.

    The weird thing is that this caterer is the exclusive provider for the venue we picked, which holds several events. They told me today on the phone "we've held 100 weddings this year, and you're the only one to complain". Do people just not read their contracts? I can't imagine I'm the first to notice their estimate/contract wording being a complete lie when there's this much of a markup going on.

    Also amusingly, the original estimate and contract was for a 150 person wedding. We ended up with 125 and it somehow costs twice as much... sure.

    submitted by /u/soosafoos
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    Can a bank take your car even if your up to date in payments? Louisiana

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    My fiancé pays her bill on time every month and has proof but the bank company decided to take her car. They said it was a "fight risk" because we were badly affected by hurricane Laura and they don't want people to run off without paying their bill. They were taking everyone's cars in the area they were under. They told her if she wants her car back she will have to pay 5,000$ to get it back. She only has a year left of payments. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/bettyspaghetto
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    [NJ]Lawyer put a gift of money to his daughter in my dads will without my knowledge and probably without my now deceased fathers. what do I do?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    My dad went to the hospital and passed recently due to complications. I just read the will and everything that my dad has is being split to me and my sister. However, the lawyer snuck a $10,000 donation to his daughter whom my dad has no contact with and has never met. I know for a fact that my dad did not approve of this. Is the will 100% binding or can I fight it? What are my options?

    submitted by /u/keyvoard
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    (TX) My mom has dementia, credit card company is coming for money I didn't know she owed.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    At some point my mom had a civil court date in (in Texas) and obviously failed to show considering she isn't driving anymore. I checked her mail today and she has a letter from the county courthouse saying she owes capital one about 10k. What can I do? She doesn't have 10 grand in her savings but her car and house are paid off. She gets social security and I just moved in with her right before covid to help but my savings aren't exactly beefy either. Can we have another chance at settling with capital one or is it too late?

    I know I should have pulled her credit and dug into her mail more but it's still very strange for me to baby my mother like this. She has trouble remembering that I'm living with her let alone that she had credit card debt.

    Thanks so much for any help

    submitted by /u/creditcarddementia
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    Ex is pretending to be my husband?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    For a little context, my ex and I ended over 10 years ago. My husband and I met and started dating 8 months after the break up and have been together ever since. Through all this time my ex has been finding ways to harass me by giving out my phone number to people and labeling me as a sex worker, telling employers I am a drug addict, driving by my property or even sitting in his vehicle outside my property, showing up in stores where I am shopping and approaching me, hiding a tracking device on mine and my husbands vehicles, etc. I have changed my number, deleted all my social media, bought new cars and put cameras and security around my home and property.

    Today I started getting phone calls from strangers asking how much we wanted for our boat. When I told them the boat wasn't for sale, they would tell me that a person at the marina where we store it at is telling people that my husband put it up for sale and then giving out the number. I called the marina to clear up the issue and the woman giving out the information tells me that my husband had called her earlier and told her the boat was for sale and asked if she could get the word out for him. I asked her if she sure it was him and she said yes and then identified our boat and where it was located. I told her that wasn't possible because my husband is offshore on a ship in the middle of the ocean and doesn't have cell signal. She apologized and swore she thought it was him. I spoke with my husband and he was furious that they would not only give out my number so quickly but they didn't do anything to verify identity. I am not entirely mad at the marina but she did give the number that called and it is my ex's number. Is there anything I can do legally to get this nut job to stop? Or am I just screwed with him skirting the lines of harassment, as the police keep telling me?

    We are in Texas, as I forgot to include that information.

    submitted by /u/faries05
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    Can my boss suspend my health insurance once I go on “maternity leave?” [NC, US]

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I say "Maternity Leave" because last week they recently updated the company policy and removed maternity leave now that I'm several months into my pregnancy. All leaves now fall under voluntary and as a result they will change the health insurance once the leave starts which may remove my Short Term Disability (which I desperately need as all leaves are unpaid) and put me on COBRA insurance.

    I'm no longer guaranteed 8 weeks with my newborn. I won't have access to my OB that I've been seeing for the whole pregnancy and have postnatal care. My insurance won't return to what it was until a month after I return to work. It kind of sounds like I'm being let go for being pregnant but I'm not too sure. Does anyone else think this is odd?

    submitted by /u/IndigoExMo
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    Girlfriend trapped me

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    My girlfriend had an IUD put it to prevent pregnancy. She then, with intention to get pregnant without my knowledge, took out the IUD and did not tell me. She is now pregnant. I have evidence saying that she did that purposely to "trap" me in the relationship with a child. Is there anything I can do legally about this especially when concerning the child?

    submitted by /u/ATO_Flash
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    Paid $399 for divorce and now ex won't willingly sign papers unless I pay him. (Pennsylvania)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Question: Is there any law where the judge would sign the divorce because we haven't been together for 2.5 years or because he's in federal prison? Or would I have to fight him in court?

    I haven't lived with my ex since March 2018 (2.5 years). He said that if I file for a divorce he would willingly sign the papers. So I got a lawyer that only does divorces if both parties are willing to sign. He does everything by mail and has different rates depending on how quick you want it done. I wanted it done in a timely manner so I got the one that was $399. I paid it in full and when I got the papers for my ex to sign I sent them to him certified mail (he's in federal prison). He writes his mom telling her that he won't sign unless I pay him $5000. I don't know why he changed his mind and now all of a sudden wants $5000. I'm lucky if I have $5 to my name. I barely could afford the divorce let alone pay him. He can't even write me to tell me either. Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Cunningham_A
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    Installing Surveillance in Employee Homes (FL)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Both myself and my boyfriend have been working from home since March due to the pandemic. My boyfriend's employer wants to install cameras throughout my small townhouse to ensure that he (and his colleagues) are working properly without interruptions. I'm highly against allowing it - it's super invasive and we don't get any control over them - but we can't afford for him to lose his job right now. My condo isn't big enough to have a room that could only be used for work and ignored the rest of the day/weekends (it's a pretty open floor plan), so we'd be on camera for meals, cooking, laundry, every time either of us leave or enter the house, or are in the living room. Is this legal? I don't want to consent to being recorded 24/7 in my own home or stay in a single room just to avoid it. If it is legal, is there any way we can fight back to at least give us the ability to turn them off? I don't know how secure the 3rd party company they want to use is, but I don't want strangers to know when I'm home alone or in the shower or something.

    submitted by /u/Phoexes
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    I’m pregnant and want to give the baby up for adoption

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    So I am 18, and made a very dumb mistake. Now I am pregnant. I know better, I am not dumb, I can't feasibly support a baby. It would be selfish of me to keep the baby. However, I also know emotionally that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I get an abortion. (I am pro choice, women should be able to make their decision, but personally, I just can't do it.) So, I have decided to give the baby up for adoption. I have a set of prospective parents but none of us have any idea where to go, legally. What should be our next steps? How do we go about this, paperwork wise?

    Edit: im in Michigan

    Edit 2: I had a very interesting DM that says to "consider the baby's father before casting it off to the unknown you evil woman"

    I came here looking for legal advice. Thats it.

    Also, for all of you who are asking about the father, he took off the condom during sex. He wants nothing to do with the child, even wants me to abort it. I will ask again but I doubt there will be any custody issues in that aspect.

    submitted by /u/Tooearlythrowaway2
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    Someone is trying to steal my dog

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    A few days ago my dog got out. She's a sixteen year old Pomeranian. I have been doing everything I can to try and find the dog. After hundreds of calls and hours of looking for her we received a tip that she was being kept at a neighbors house three doors down. When we confronted them we were told they didn't bother to see if it belonged to anyone, no posters no nothing. They just gave the dog to someone else in Queens (I live in Long Island). After speaking to the woman in Queens she was very clearly keen on keeping the dog. But regardless, the family who originally brought my dog to her tried to contact her in our place and went to go see if they could get her back for us. We got the ladies phone number, talked to her. Everything seemed ok. Then all of a sudden she said "oh the dog got out again I don't have her" and while I know since she got out from my place it's possible she could get out again, I just really am not buying it. She was planning on keeping the dog in the first place. She is flat out denying she has the dog anymore. I do have proof, vet records that she is mine and that I care for her. But she is not chipped. Is there anything I can do? Again, Long Island, New York State....I'm losing my mind here, I just want her back and so does my entire family.

    submitted by /u/Urtbenda
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    Disabled Son - Need to move into home - Current Tentants dragging feet

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Hi there! I am pretty distraught at this point. My husband and I live on Long Island, New York and we bought at home in December. There were tenants in the property and we were living in a different apartment. We agreed to let the tenants stay through June because their son wanted to finish out the school year.

    Covid hit and they couldn't move. We then gave them through August to leave. They do continue to pay rent but they decided to buy a home and they are now in contract but no closing date (the other party is trying to find a place to live). We moved out of our apartment to my parents because we thought our tenants were leaving as promised.

    We have a disabled son (trach and ventilator). We had to stop his nursing because they could not come with us to my parents home (parking/elderly concerns with covid). I need the nursing back desperately. He is suffering. Our tenants still have no closing date in sight. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Mighty-joes-mom
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    Are public schools required to serve lunch/give students a time to have lunch?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Some background information: Our high school (public school in the US) has three 25 minute blocks assigned for lunch. If you are failing a class you have to spend two of those blocks in a study hall. We also have a few campuses around town, and some students have classes at different campuses so that requires traveling from one to the other. The two relevant campuses are over 15 minutes apart with normal traffic.

    This post isn't for me, but it is for a friend. He is failing a class (as far as I can tell mostly due to an incompetent teacher who doesn't check emails, but I don't think this is relevant) and has been assigned the study hall. He has to do this study hall at one of the campuses, and then after class he has a class at the main campus, requiring him to travel over lunch break. As mentioned earlier this is a 15 minute drive on a normal day. By the time my friend is able to get there, they have stopped serving lunch, so he has no chance to eat lunch short of skipping his class. He's tried talking to a few teachers and people in the office and they all basically told him that if he wants to eat he shouldn't fail his classes. Is there a way we can force the school to let him eat?

    submitted by /u/Capable_Cherry
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    Underage college kids renting from me in South Carolina. Someone potentially overdosed/drank too much alcohol prior to arriving at the house and is currently on life support. What do I need to do?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    I rent a condo in South Carolina.

    Basically, I rent to college kids, and I just found out from one of the tenants (Oscar) that they were drinking alcohol (underage) and smoking weed. During this event, One of the tenants (terry) invited a friend over who brought another friend (JJ)

    Anyways, JJ after drinking alcohol and smoking (per the tenant) they noticed he passed out and was not responding. The friend who brought JJ admitted while paramedics were there that last night he was taking drugs (molly?) and then xanax this AM.

    Paramedics came, gave him Narcan and he didn't respond. According to one of the tenants, he is now on life support.

    This is a horrible situation and I feel terrible for the kid who is on life support and his family and I'm hoping he recovers. I don't want this to sound cold, because I do care, but What do I need to do to protect myself and my assets?

    I have spoken to the tenants and sent them a text stating that illegal substances (including alcohol since they are underage) are not permitted on the property (which is listed on the lease) and to confirm that nothing illegal is on the premises and if they are, they need to be removed immediately.

    Where do I go next?

    I hope I have provided enough info. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/nutterbutter1994
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    Oregon Wildfires/Smoke are causing an AQI of 503 and my employer is resuming work as normal. Is there anything I can do to protect my coworkers and I?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    As the title mentions, we work about 20 miles from one of the huge ass fires and the smoke has been pressing us since last Monday night. OSHA put a notice out three days ago (Link) saying:

    "Employers are responsible for providing safe and healthy workplaces, and recognizing and addressing hazards to workers—including unsafe air quality that is expected to continue through the weekend, say officials at Oregon Occupational Safety and Health (Oregon OSHA) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA).

    That responsibility includes:

    Closing outdoor work activity when air quality in an area becomes "unhealthy," or reaches an Air Quality Index of at least 151. Allowing workers with underlying health conditions to stay home. Re-arranging work schedules, hours and tasks in a way that enables workers to get relief from smoky outdoor air. Providing N95 masks, where and when appropriate, and informing workers of their proper use and care. This Oregon OSHA video walks employers and workers through those procedures."

    My job, a big box retailer, has yet to shut down my department and one other that have outside duties but have closed down some of the indoor departments. They also have yet to provide N95 masks. My department requires about 3+ hours of outside work.

    (Also, almost every store in the area has shortened hours or closed down whether that be inside or outside establishments.)

    A few of my coworkers have asthma and they keep those inside but for some of us who work constantly outside all week it's painful. I showed the article linked above to my employer and he kinda shrugged.

    What can we do? We aren't expecting rain for 3 more days and all workers agree that this is a hazardous workplace.

    Edit: the AQI is 452 now, it was 503 when my shift started early this morning.

    submitted by /u/seadragonslayer
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    Am I putting myself at risk for requesting a police report for a crime i was accused of?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    This is probably a stupid, paranoid question. Let me sum it up in some bullet points:

    1) I was being investigated for a crime that i do not know the specifics of.

    2) I was never arrested. A detective wanted me to discuss it with him. He only requested an interview. I declined on my lawyer's advice. This all happened two years ago. I don't believe the investigation is still ongoing.

    3) I want to get a copy of the police report to figure out what happened because I am in the dark about the details of my accusation.


    submitted by /u/Boba3964
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    US-PA/NJ-My ex bought a house when we were still married, now it’s in foreclosure-my name is listed on the suit

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I'll try to keep this short. Ex and I separated (not legally) amicably in 2015, I moved out of state. We didn't finalize divorce until 2018 for various reasons. He was engaged to another woman by 2016. Again, still amicable.

    I just found out that the house that he was supposedly "renting" he BOUGHT in 2017. I never signed anything regarding this house. I heard some rumors and decided to do a property records search. He has had a lis pendens filed against him, and on the court document it states "mortgage company" vs. "ex husband and MRS. EXHUSBAND" (doesn't list my name, just Mrs. my ex husband's name).

    We weren't divorced at the time he purchased this house. I am very concerned that he may have forged my name somewhere on something even though I wasn't on the mortgage obviously. How can I find this out?! I'm in the process of buying a house myself and now am super worried.

    submitted by /u/Jennmcc7
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    Friend Moved Into Apartment That Already Had Cockroaches (Ohio, Toledo area)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    My friend moved into an apartment that already had roaches because the people in the next apartment over brought them. The landlords did not inform her she of any insect problem, she only learned the day of her move in from another neighbor and she has been seeing them which confirms the problem. She informed the complex when she moved in and they sent pest control one time and it was for bed bugs, not roaches. In her lease it says that the tenant is responsible for keeping the apartment "habitable as to not attract pests" and is also responsible for pest control costs. Is it legal for the apartment complex to say she's responsible for paying for pest control, even when it wasn't even her that caused them?

    submitted by /u/pmichala
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    I worked at a small company that was shut down with 1 day notice (~250 employees). My last day was Friday.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    They sent us a strongly-worded letter citing that this was due to "unforeseen business circumstances" (this phrase was repeated multiple times), however, in an all-company meeting earlier that week, it was revealed that the CEO resigned the week prior, there's an ongoing fraud investigation, and that if the company's financials were as they seem, almost everyone in the company would be let go later in the week (a handful would remain through the end of the month).

    Does the federal WARN act apply here? Does fraud constitute "unforeseen business circumstances"?

    Company is based in Nevada

    submitted by /u/EmbarrassedPrice
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    Audit an HOA

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I live in a bad homeowner's association. The amenities are not being kept up. My friends tried to run for board last election and the current board erased their names from the proxy. they have budgeted 260,000 per year for board member salaries. The board didn't take unemployment during covid, instead kept collecting our dues.

    Is there a way to get the IRS to audit them since they are a non-profit? We want to change this, but have little hope that we can get new people elected.

    submitted by /u/Teach_is_a_Peach
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    New grad gets conned out of $50,000- What can I do now?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Hi, I've made a throwaway for this, and will try to keep details vague if they don't matter to my issue. If anybody has questions I can clarify in an edit or in a dm. Also lol no this isn't a comment on high tuition costs.

    This all started at the end of August. I had just completed my last undergrad class at Baruch (which is one of the city colleges of NY) during the summer session. I had applied for graduation, which you have to do via your student email, and in my inbox I saw an email with the subject "Employment Opportunity." I read it, and the email said that I was recommended by Baruch's Human Resource Department to assist a professor who is currently overseas doing research. The position would include running errands, sending mail/ packages and paying participants of his studies. The pay would be $320 per week. I applied for the job and was told over email that I had gotten the position.

    Over the next week (Aug21-29) I would receive and cash checks that I was told were grants for different studies (these checks were in my name and sent to me via email from "Financial Management"), and used those funds to pay the "participants" via Zelle, Venmo, PayPal and CashApp. The checks looked super legitimate, and always cleared (turns out this was because I was in good standing at Citi since I had been banking with them for over ten years.) I also was told to purchase Amazon cards, because participants could be paid that way. In retrospect I know I sound stupid, but this was a real professor who was doing research in Australia at the time (I looked him up online) and I know universities get grants for thousands of dollars to do studies like this- and people get can get paid a lot for taking part in them.

    Back on the 24th, I had told the professor that I was concerned that having tons of money coming in and out of my account, but he told me that it was okay since it was part of my job and that I would get paperwork confirming this. On the 29th, the checks started getting rejected. By the time I realized what was happening (this was a scam) the number had been disconnected and I had no way to contact the professor. The total for all of the checks was $53,423.12. I had spent $48,356.45 of this paying employees/ participants via the apps I listed above, and from Amazon cards. Over $38,000 of the checks have bounced at this point. I contacted my bank and also reported this to the police, since I could obviously get into serious trouble for cashing bad checks.

    At this point I have contacted the fraud department at Citibank, but they said that because I signed for the checks, I am responsible for them. I have tried to contact my school, but nobody has helped me (apparently because they are all working from home- I don't even know.) I have made a police report with a state trooper (NY) and given them my deposition and all of the paperwork I had (emails, texts, transactions, bank statements.) But they said that don't usually find these people. I am at such a loss. I had about $12,000 in my account and it's all gone. I have a negative balance of over $25,000 now. My rent check bounced, my paychecks are going towards this negative balance I have, so I have absolutely no access to my money. Is there anything that I can do? Maybe because the email was received from the Baruch/ CUNY server they could be held responsible and I can get some of this back? I am also really concerned because there were other students on that email, and maybe somebody else got scammed too. I am so depressed over this. I am out looking for jobs, but it's pretty heartbreaking knowing that I won't even see the first $25K I make.

    submitted by /u/NowOutThousands
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    Neighbor using their company to intimidate me by sending me invoices

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Neighbor has been trespassing on my property and keeps leaving stuff on my property or on the property line. The homeowners association we live in has told them to stop, but the neighbor refuses. I've sent them multiple cease and desists and have advised them that if I have to remove their stuff, it's going in my garbage. The first time I removed their stuff, I nicely placed it back in their yard, but they immediately put it right back in mine. I've now been throwing their stuff in my garbage every time they leave it in my yard.

    Last week I received an invoice from a "political strategy" company that is co-owned by one of my two neighbors. The invoice is for the items that they keep leaving in my yard or on the property line, and I keep throwing away, but the invoice says I "stole" the items from the company.

    This seems like corporate fraud. Any tips towards pursuing a fraud claim against them?


    submitted by /u/not_my_username87
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