• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 25, 2019

    Legal Advice - Confidentiality Breach Made My Family Think I'm a Pedophile[GA]

    Legal Advice - Confidentiality Breach Made My Family Think I'm a Pedophile[GA]

    Confidentiality Breach Made My Family Think I'm a Pedophile[GA]

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:30 PM PST

    I checked into a mental health clinic after being at a lowpoint in my life and having some suicidal ideation. I was underage at the time so it was a legal requirement I go.

    As I was being discharged, i was told I would not be going home with my grandfather or aunt and instead a DFCS (Georgia's Child protective services) would come to speak to me about group home placement. I was baffled because there's no reason that should happen. Eventually the worker decided I would go home with my grandfather, anyways.

    I learned this was because the therapist at the hospital told my family I was a Pedophile and often "daydream of sexually assaulting children." It was determined that I was a risk to young kids and they refused to discharge me into my family's care due to the young toddlers in the home. This is absolutely not true! During my stay, I told the therapist I often had flashbacks or nightmares about how I was raped as a toddler. I disclosed that I often thought about the violence that occurred to me during the day because I was mentally scarred. This does NOT make me a pedo.

    Is it legal for her to say that? Since this, my family has isolated me, uninvited me from family gatherings and tried to put me in foster care. I am not a pedo, I struggle with PTSD from my own child sexual abuse. Once I turn 18, can I sue? What's the limitations on that? Please help.

    submitted by /u/csathrowaway09
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    Can my parents force me to stay in Puerto Rico? I'm 18 and in second year university in the US(Iowa).

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:29 PM PST

    To make this story short, I was outed as lgbt to my parents a couple months ago. Things went nuclear. I arrived home for the holidays and things took a turn for the worse. They took away my passport, credit cards, ID, electronic devices. They're trying to force me to stay here for next semester. I can't convince them otherwise. I want to go back to my university. Can they force me to stay? I think the legal adult age in Iowa is 18 but here in PR I think it's 21. If I manage to get on a plane and leave, can they force me to come back? I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/throwawayrunningla
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    “Altruistic” neighbor looking for more

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:45 PM PST

    We recently had a new neighbor move in. They assert that a tree, within our fence line, is actually on their property. This is not based on the findings of a surveyor, but rather their interpretation of county tax map line drawings. Aerial pictures of the property show the tree is within our property line. Anyway - they, believing the tree is on their property, would like to pay to have the tree removed. I would also like the tree removed but don't want this to be interpreted as accepting their interpretation of the property line. Or to pay a surveyor. How do I accept their offer without ceding property rights?

    submitted by /u/Zoe__Washburne
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    Amazon Delivered My Expensive Product Without Honoring Signature Delivery And It Got Stolen

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:44 PM PST

    [ TEXAS ]

    So this is the first time I have ever had to deal with something like this and I am at a real loss and almost in tears right now.

    I have been saving up for months to be able to get my SO a great gift to help her in her career ( a brand new camera ) and I ordered one a couple of days ago on Amazon. As I ordered I made sure it had signature at delivery because I have had other less expensive items stolen from my doorstep before and learned better.

    Fast forward day of delivery and I receive a notification on my phone that delivery was made with the picture and everything and flabbergasted by this I rush home ( was an hour away at a dinner with friends ). When I get home the item isn't there.

    I proceed to contact Amazon who tells me to wait 24 hours. After that, I contact them again and after 3 hours and 15 transfers later the gist is we will open an investigation into the matter come back in 3 days. But during one of the conversation one of the agents told me they checked the tracking number and nowhere in the tracking was there any specification for signature required at delivery.

    I feel like I am being duped or lied to because I have the screenshot that says signature required at delivery before I ordered. I don't know where this is going to go or what legal alternatives I might have in this situation but any help would be really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PSinbad
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    California online retailer is trying to rip off 20000+ USD from my company (Japan) by filling false 'undelivered' chargeback claims and it might not be his first time applying this scheme

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:13 PM PST

    First please excuse the poor grammar as I am not a Native English-speaker.

    A tl;dr is available at the post bottom.

    CONTEXT : my Japan-based company works as an online purchase proxy service. The service lets worldwide users to purchase from Japanese stores which doesn't deliver worldwide and get their orders stored&shipped to their personal address. A bit similar to MyUS to provide an American equivalent.

    WHO : we shall conveniently refer to him as "Mr. Scamalot" (substitute name to avoid personal identification as per the sub rule).

    "Mr. Scamalot" registered on our online service and purchased through our intermediary about 20000$ worth off of luxury goods (second-hand Gucci, endi, Vutton bags, jewelry and necklaces..) between the start of November and mid-December this year.

    Due to the item nature and cost, we reviewed Mr. Scamalot payment methods through Stripe but did not find any discrepancy or points that would have let us think the purchases were fraudulent or unauthorised. Mr. Scamalot purchased about 50 products over the span of a month and request us to ship them about every other day, totalling a handful of shipments towards Glendale, California.

    Shipments & payments data matches, nothing shady here.

    Please note that in the meantime, Mr. Scamalot and our customer service interacts a lot, as he often asks information about the service itself or the purchases status, which is totally fine and actually added up to the fact we were trusting him.

    And then here comes the "product non-received"chargebacks few days ago (Stripe dispute screncap without personal information), which total worth is about 6000 USD as for now (we still receiving chargebacks on a daily basis):


    At first we of course tried to verify if Mr. Scamalot reached back to us by verifying our customer care platform and emails but nothing. After further investigation we found out ALL nine of Mr. Scamalot shipments were successfully delivered and picked up at his post office with his apposed signature. Thanks to USPS convenient online tool, we retrieved all said proofs of delivery.

    Of course, Mr. Scamalot never reached back to us by email. We then try to phone him (with the number provided for his hsipments) in order to ask him what is going on and how we can help on the matter (at this point we still assume that something went wrong even if suspicions are very high.). After leaving a voice message, we successfully reach out to him! ... but he hung off directly after understanding that we were the Japan purchase service.

    In the meantime more chargebacks with same claims come. We start investigating further on Mr. Scamalot identity and still making sure we do not cross any red lines.

    At this point I should also let you know that Mr. Scamalot did not shipped to his real name, but his company + local post office. But we still have his name from customer care exchange, payment fingerprint and USPS documents.

    Well, it turns out Mr. Scamalot actually received its good as he is selling it at four times the original price on his Instagram and Tradesy (no link for obvious privacy reasons). We also find Instagram posts where he's promoting the "never received" goods with timestamp proving he posted AFTER receiving the packages as according to the tracking and proof of delivery.

    Not only that, but Mr. Scamalot found out it would be quite clever to use the original pictures from the Japanese stores, adding up to the evidences against him. These pictures are not stock pictures, and are clearly shots of the shipped products. We even saw the serials on some of them.

    So questions! the chargebacks are now pending our submission for statement denial. We are sure that the credit cards (2) he used are actually at his name. The dispute final call will be up to his credit card issuer (Visa).

    Additionally we found out that :

    - his (1-man?) company is officially registered in California- his billing address matches used for the purchase & shipments matches said company address.

    - Mr. Scamalot social media pages that added up to our suspicions due to his geographical information as well as public post nature.

    Questions!- As a Japanese company, how can we fill an official complaint against Mr. Scamalot using the hard evidences we gathered?

    - can we fill a FTC complaint as an oversea business ?


    - There seems to be a Japan - US trade agreement over this kind of thing :


    - Is there any chance we can directly contact Visa to report him?

    - Should we report him to Tradesy and Instagram ? We already saved all evidences already available from them.

    - Any other legal mean to retaliate against Mr. Scamalot we might have missed ?

    Thanks you so much in advance for the help.

    My company is a small-scale one and a USD6000 (maybe 20000 ?) scam put us at very risk. If we were to lose the chargebacks cases, as Visa usually sides with the credit card holders even if hard evidence is provided, I'm afraid this might have dire consequences on our business. Any help is welcomed.

    tl;dr : California dude purchases 20000$ worth of merchandise through our intermediary as a Japanese company, fills unjustified "product non-received "chargebacks, ghosts us, fails to hide his identity and leave obvious evidence that he's actually reselling the "lost" products at a local scale. What can we do about it?

    edit : "it might not be his first time applying this scheme"

    I forgot to add that his Tradesy profile shows up that about a third of his merch comes from our shipments.

    Therefore we are believing that the other products might come other proxy services he scammed using the same poor scheme. We are currently working on backtracing the original pictures as it seems he did not mind providing his own one...

    submitted by /u/SouthernSpell
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    Tesla sold my already paid for model S

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:13 PM PST

    I've been trying to resolve this issue with Tesla for several weeks, and haven't come to any conclusion because of lack of communication and support received from Tesla's team.

    After several months of searching for the Tesla I wanted, 2019 Model S P100d I finally found a showroom model at the Florida Tesla location and placed my deposit thinking I've secured it. I completed the registration required by Tesla, got my MVPA with Tesla with the VIN, got it financed, and the payment was sent to Tesla within 5 days of securing my dream car. However, the following week I received an email from the compliance department stating my car, that I had already paid for was cancelled. I tried contacting the compliance department, but I got no response. I was shocked and confused as I got an email confirmation from Tesla stating that they have receive and accepted my payment and set a delivery date, I got this email after the compliance department contacted me.

    So I called my OA (owner advisors) and he informed me that my car was in queue for registration in Texas. Then I called the Tesla showroom in Florida to clear up the confusion and I was assured that the car was still under my name and was still mine and hadn't been cancelled. And that my car was at a offsite location being ready for pickup. Although, I had gotten a lot of reassurance from the Tesla Florida team members, the email still did not make sense nor did I receive any furthers communication from the compliance department ie till Monday.

    On Monday compliance department called me and confirmed that the issue would be taken care off and I would soon be contacted by the delivery specialist within 24 hours of our conversation. I was then contacted by the delivery specialist via email confirming that I was getting the same car, same VIN, 2019 model S p100d, that I paid for but that I just needed a new RN (reservation number) for which a link was included in the email. It instructed me to pay the deposit again and so I did. At this time, I was completely reassured that the email from the compliance department was a miscommunication from Tesla's side and that it have been rectified and my car was back on track for delivery with no issues in sight. I could finally relax after days of trying to get an answer and be excited about my long awaited car.

    Couple of days later, I received a phone call from the same delivery specialist that I had been in touch with. He called and told me that there was bad news and good news. He started off with the bad news, telling me that the car that I had already paid for was sold to someone else during the time my car was cancelled by the compliance department. He went on to tell me the "good news" that they had a similar model S but 2018 version. By this point I had no words, to understand such unprofessional behaviour from "reputable" company like Tesla.

    I was still trying my best to be as understanding one could be in this situation, and so I asked if they could accommodate me with the car similar to the car I paid for. He said he couldn't do anything else and that this was the only deal as close to my 2019 model S. So I said fine, and he sent me a link to the new RN and that I had pay a deposit again. By this point I had paid three deposits, ONE full payment for my 2019 model S and still had NO CAR.

    After I had paid the third deposit, I spoke to the delivery specialist expressing my disappointment and asked for them to at least pay for the delivery to compensate for all the distress and downgrade of car. And to my Surprise the Tesla delivery specialist said "this is a take it or leave it deal" and that he could not anything to compensate for all the problems caused by Tesla.

    A few days go by of me trying to contact anyone at Tesla, I reached out to all the point of contact I had within Tesla, the compliance department, and legal department to further discuss this issue as they had assured me multiple times that I would get my already paid for 2019 model S. But I have yet to receive any means of contact from Tesla. Then I get contacted by Houston Tesla delivery department informing me that the 2018 model S is at the body shop getting repairs, which I was not aware of that car needed any repairs, and that I would not be able to get the delivery before the end of the year.

    This is what's been currently happening, I understand that it's holiday season but it is very frustrating not receiving any communication from Tesla. Is there any advice on how I should handle the situation or who I should contact at Tesla to get this resolved. As I am currently making payments for a car I do not even have. And I would personally like to get the car that I paid for, a 2019 Model S verses a damaged 2018.

    TLDR: Ordered and paid for a 2019 model S P100d and Tesla ended up selling that VIN number and is trying to get me a 2018 Model S.


    submitted by /u/moh77068
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    [OH] Cousin bought property and found out she doesn’t own part of it.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:41 PM PST

    Not me but cousin whom doesn't use reddit and would like advice. She bought roughly 1400 sqft house for 68k. The listing shows the house plus yard, garage, etc. The house, garage, and roughly 5 feet of distance from the back of the house is now owned by cousin. She found out she doesn't own the backyard from the neighbor who does own the yard. The realtor nor listing explained the property lines and yard owners. She would like to know how to move forward from here. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ListofReddit
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    Bits of glass in airline provided food

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:58 AM PST

    I landed in DC and headed to the airline lounge to grab a bite. I felt something hard in the food and realized I swallowed some bits of glass, and found a couple more in my mouth, that I promptly handed to the club staff.

    I was sent to a hospital in an ambulance and just had my x rays done, waiting for the results

    They did take my insurance card but I'm not sure how much I/my insurance owes and how much the airline is responsible for.

    Also, what sort of compensation should I expect?

    Resident of MA, this happened at DCA airport, the hospital I'm at is in VA.

    submitted by /u/NecessaryIndication
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    Exposed to hexavalent chromium via direct osha violations at temp job for Billion dollar company. How do I properly document things? This situation is aggravating

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:49 PM PST

    I'm working some extra hours for a scumbag temp agency over Christmas break. Pretty good hourly pay and long shifts for about 12 days straight. We're cleaning up aerospace hangers, including giant duct filter systems, with mass amounts of paint dust, paint chips... all containing hexavalent chromium. The contractors hired by the gigantic aerospace firm performed their own "air level tests" with an air pump to see if it was above the exposure level limit prior to our start, as required by regulation (by why on earth should I trust their own tests? they weren't done in real time on us doing the actual work). They're providing us with all the proper PPE (ventilators, tyvek suits, etc). I'm in the united states, state of Ohio

    However, according to the regulations that I read, we are required to have a changing room to keep our street clothing and to change in and out of contaminated wear as to not track it to our vehicles and homes, sinks to wash our hands and face prior to food breaks, exposure limit tests in accordance with the task we are preforming --should the task environment change we get new air level tests. We are doing a lot of dry sweeping with brooms and air blasting of the dust and chips. According to the regulations, dry sweeping and air blasting are a last resort if vacuums and wet clean up are not possible. So this gigantic, likely million + dollar contract for a billion dollar firm, can't get some vacuums or use wet cleaning methods? yeah right. This is a load of BS.

    None of this is happening. no changing rooms. no proper washing sinks (all we have is portable toilets with a foot pump sink outdoors with freezing cold water). We are changing into our PPE in the same exact indoor area where we are being exposed to the dust and paint chips. Some of the cleaning tasks involve being inside a giant hepa filter container full with a years worth of chromium dust and hexavalent chromium paint chips and there is no exposure level tests being done in that environment because I'm sure it would be levels way through the roof. these giant filters are insanely filthy with this chromium dust and paint.

    The thing that's so aggravating is that the company we are cleaning for has all the proper facilities in spades, right there... onsite. But we aren't allowed to use them. We were told we'd be escorted off site and fired if we did. They have large locker rooms for changing with many showers, specialty washing sinks etc etc. Their own employees won't go near this stuff without going through the proper process of using the changing facilities and much more. It's Christmas break so none of their employees are even here anyway. Thus, we are being exposed to this toxic stuff by tracking it into our cars through our clothing and shoes. Most of my coworkers don't even wear the tyvex suit, some not even face masks.

    How should I proceed?

    what should I do to properly document this situation if I end up with health problems down the line?

    I don't want my sperm count level to fall even 1% on account of some billion dollar company, why should I. It's outrageous that we aren't allowed to even use their washing sinks and are expected to use a porta potty sink in the middle of winter with freezing cold water.

    submitted by /u/sethurlven
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    Had multiple paparazzi pictures taken of me as a young girl. People will still find these pics today and send them to me. Terribly embarrassing.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:20 AM PST

    I'm 18 now. Maybe it's not that serious, or not serious enough. but it's embarrassing. Whenever someone looks up my dad (he's an actor) these pictures pop up. I was 10 years old so is that even legal? I've contacted the magazine that published the pictures of me and I get no reply. I don't know what to do. I don't want these pictures on the internet anymore. What can I do? I live in Los Angeles but these pictures were taken in Australia when I was there

    submitted by /u/twinklypen
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    What kind of attorney do I need if I was raped by a police officer?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:22 AM PST

    This may be a bit graphic. I apologize if I'm violating any rules. I just want to know the best way to proceed.

    I was in a sexual relationship with a police officer in September of 2018. During a sexual encounter at a party (at the home of another officer, attended by many other officers), this officer anally raped me despite my objections prior to penetration, attempts to physically stop him during, and verbally telling him to stop over and over and over. I have text messages from afterward (I refused to see him again after the incident) that confirm that he knew what he had done, but I've been afraid to come forward until now. I did go to the doctor afterward and had a series of tests run. They noted that it was all in response to a rape. I ended up with a series of infections because he "cross-contaminated" me. I also ended up going to a psychiatrist because it took more of a toll on me mentally than I was prepared to admit.

    So, I would like to know what my next steps are. What kind of attorney should I look for? Do I need to file a police report? I'm not comfortable doing that for fear of retaliation since all of the officers are very "brotherly" with each other. It scares me. This all took place in Georgia, USA

    submitted by /u/spacebagel25
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    Italians sent me to collections

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:58 PM PST

    I am an American citizen who was on vacation in Italy in 2016. During the trip I rented a car and drove to Florence. At the time Florence had major road construction because of a devastating pipe burst. The rental car agency and my hotel concierge instructed that I must park in one of a few dedicated parking garages to avoid a fee stemming from road closures during construction. I parked in one of the dedicated garages, paid a surcharge for construction, and made sure my license plate was entered into the computer system to make sure I wouldn't be fined.

    A few months later I saw a charge on my credit card I'd used with the car rental agency. I inquired with AmEx and discovered I was being fined for driving in an unauthorized area. That fine should have been waived per my actions above. AmEx reversed the charge.

    A few months later I received a letter in Italian from Florence. From what I could make out it was an explanation for why of been fined but I had no idea how to challenge it or even provide proof that I followed the rules. I ignored it.

    Today (more than three years after the fact) I got a collections letter from an American collections agency on behalf of the Florentine government.

    What are my options?

    submitted by /u/edurlester
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    MIL stole my husbands inheritance - can I pursue? (RI, USA)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:19 PM PST

    My husband was listed as the beneficiary on his paternal grandfather's life insurance policy. His mother was listed as the caretaker. For years, she has been telling him the money is hers and maybe she would let him have a little. It's been sitting, acruing interest. I looked at the policy and showed him he is the beneficiary, not her, and what that means. He then cashed out the policy and deposited it into his savings account. The plan for this money was to pay down some debt and invest the rest for our children.

    Little did I know, his sister was a joint account holder on this account. After he deposited the check, she used some of the money to pay the deposit on a house. Also, the sister provided the online log in information to their mother, who then used the account to pay personal Bills. After about 6 months, my husband logged into the account and noticed that close to 40k was gone.

    My husband is not speaking to his mother and sister, but also does not want to press charges or pursue the matter further in any way. Because we are married, do I have any right to take action?

    submitted by /u/eternashine
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    Delivery driver for a global corporation is using my number to solicit sex.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:19 PM PST

    A guy who delivered a pizza to me several months ago texted shortly after the delivery to see if i wanted a massage. Months later I get a similar text with a shirtless picture of him. He said he wanted to massage and give me head.

    Do I have any legal recourse with the corporation? Could I sue them? Should I make a police report?

    My location is Dallas, Texas.

    submitted by /u/corporateDestroyer
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    Forced to resign. Involves facial recognition software

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:40 PM PST

    I worked for an EMS system in Florida as an EMT. I recently came in for a shift like normal, and was taken to a director's office. He explained I had a complaint. I was glad to learn that it was nothing involving my work. He proceeded to ask me about my past legal history, and was writing things down periodically while I was speaking. I didn't realize that I was going to be fired no matter what I said. I spoke honestly all the while believing that I would end up working my shift that morning. I thought this up until he proceeded to explain that a local detective had seen a Facebook comment of mine, that was in a closed group. The detective disliked my comment, and ran my profile through their facial recognition software, which matched with my work ID. He called my boss, who forced me to resign. I thought this wouldn't happen because my profile has nothing at all about where I work. Of course, didn't account for the facial recognition software.

    Florida is a right to work state, and you can be fired for basically any reason. This still doesn't seem right to me. My question is regarding whether or not there is any recourse for this in general? Can a cop really just pull a string and get my job taken?

    submitted by /u/KratomScape
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    Need legal/practical advice on what to do in a messed up renting situation

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:16 AM PST


    I'll try to keep this as short as possible and include all relevant information. My wife and I are planning to move, and we found a place we really liked. It is an apartment community, and they said the apartment would be available January 10th. We signed all papers for it, contacted our landlord and gave a 30 day notice, and scheduled movers. The lease we signed is from January 10th 2020-March 10th 2021.

    The problem: we were just informed yesterday by the front desk (it's a community of apartments) that the current tenants don't want to move after all. They originally expressed desire to move and gave a 30 day notice (according to the front desk), but backed out as of yesterday. The issue as you can imagine is that we already signed a lease, and gave a 30 day notice to our current landlord. This is a big deal because we live in San Francisco and are currently rent controlled (not saving a whole bunch compared to the market, but still relevant). On top of that we already contacted our utilities, internet/cable, and scheduled movers to help us. Is there anything we can do?

    Possibly important info:

    - tenants gave 30 day notice and backed out

    - apartment complex posted opening and had us sign a lease electronically

    - apartment complex has not electronically signed our lease, but they may have internally?

    Thanks Reddit, Merry Christmas

    EDIT: I will add that we paid a $400 security deposit, and also that the front desk said there is another 1 bedroom available that we originally didn't want (still don't). She said they could wave the deposit to $99, but that is the best they could do (woo).

    Also, would really appreciate it if the bots stopped deleting every post someone makes. The comments won't be 100% correct legal advice, but they serve as a good starting point and are helpful.

    Lease Update:

    After looking through the lease, it does look like the landlord/company is trying to cover this situation. Here is a relevant clause that I found:


    (a) The term of this Lease shall be for the number of months set forth in Paragraph E, commencing on the Commencement Date set forth in Paragraph E and ending on the Initial Lease Termination Date set forth in Paragraph E subject to earlier cancellation or termination as provided in this Lease or applicable law and subject to the renewal provisions of the "HOLDING OVER" paragraph below.

    (b) Resident understands that, for reasons beyond the control of the Landlord, Landlord may not be able to provide occupancy to Resident on said Commencement Date (if, for example, a former tenant of the Premises who has given notice to leave cancels the notice or fails to leave by the scheduled date). If, for any reason, Landlord is unable to provide occupancy to Resident by the scheduled Commencement Date, Resident's remedy in this event shall be limited to termination of this agreement, and Resident shall in this event be entitled to a prompt refund of any moneys paid. Landlord shall have no liability to Resident in this event other than the responsibility to promptly refund any moneys paid.

    I understand they are trying to cover their asses here, but does this mean we're screwed? We gave our 30 day notice for our current place, and our landlord has started posting our apartment. This has had to of come up before to someone else maybe? I also found some relevant info regarding giving notice and leaving:

    Let Us Know

    As stated in your lease, you need to let us know, in writing, at least 30 days in advance of your anticipated departure date.

    Although you have told us you are moving, it is not official until you return all keys to us. You can return your keys to the Community Office during business hours or after business hours at properties offering after-hours drop box. Please place them in an envelope labeled with your name and unit number.

    I'm not a lawyer, but now my argument becomes if the tenant never gave back their keys (which is what I'm assuming happened), then why would they put this apartment on the market? It doesn't feel right that we were put into this situation because of their negligence. Is there any law in California that makes a 30-day notice binding? I'll contact the SFTU tomorrow, but just wanted to share additional details. Thank you again for the responses.

    submitted by /u/dragoniteVS
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    We got the kids a trampoline for Christmas.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:28 AM PST

    So if we have a waiver or permission slip typed up and signed by the kids that come over to jump and their parents will it cover us from getting our homeowners insurance sued in the event of an injury? Is it better to not have anything typed up at all? I've read about attractive nuisances as well and only halfway understand what that means. Merry Christmas everyone.

    submitted by /u/Fecal_Tornado
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    Tenants Rights NYC

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:57 PM PST

    I have been living in a rent stabilized apartment in the city for nearly 30 years.

    The lease is up next year, and the landlord is claiming that my security deposit is not equal to my current rent.

    I have been diligently paying the increases over the years, but he claims that there isn't enough money in the security account. The documents he provided backing up his claim are dubious. The paperwork says it was opened in 1980. I moved in in 1991. I have Lease agreements that list the Security deposit as more than what he claims is in the account.

    Do I have authority to see the Security Deposit account details?

    I would like to see the details on deposits into it. I have receipts/cancelled checks that show I paid- but I want to see proof that they were deposited in the account.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Joraamn
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    Help I got braces and they are ruining my teeth

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:38 PM PST

    My mom took me to a dentist office for a regular checkup and they said I needed braces. Every other dentists always told me I didn't. I was confused so was my mom but they insisted I needed them. They told my mom they would give her a big discount only that day. Mom said alright maybe. They were talking to her about the whole procedure while I was getting xrays then took me in to get them super fast without telling her. Later they told us that it would cost $5,000. My mom said they never told her that and asked for those to be removed . They said to remove them, It would be $200 WTF. So I kept them. 1 month later my teeth are moving to the right, all of them. My 2 front teeth aren't centered anymore and they didn't finish putting on the bottom braces, so they are moving in closer but the rest (with the braces) are being left out. My smile was great before this. My mom spoke the dentist about but they said she needs to pay up each month $166. She explained that she's a single mother so money is tight but she will DEFINITELY pay. They said "no until you pay up to date or else we can't do anything about it". We found out that for medical to cover, you need to score 20 or 40 but I scored 4 , which means I didn't really need them. Im so mad. Now they said they could remove them but now they are ruined. When we asked before, when my teeth were normal they said no. Can we do something with law? Or?

    submitted by /u/VenusAsh
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    [NY] Father's neighbor is making veiled threats if he sees me on their block

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:46 AM PST

    I (in my 30s) have a difficult relationship with my father's family and only see them on Christmas and birthdays.

    My grandmother called me to tell me that the next door neighbor was over, he said that he's pissed at me because he thinks I haven't been a good enough son, and that he "wants to have a talk to set me straight." The guy drinks a lot, has anger issues, and I've seen him blow up and start swearing at service workers.

    I'm not worried about a physical threat from him. He's in his 60s and very overweight. I just want to avoid him causing a scene or doing something like throwing himself down on the ground and claiming I punched him (but that's probably an anxious/paranoid thought). He also likes to name drop cops he's friendly with but that's everyone in Staten Island.

    What should I do if I run into him? My first thought was to take out my phone, start recording video and say something like "I don't have any problems with you and I don't want any trouble, please get out of my way." I have iCloud backup so the video won't just be on my own phone, but I don't know of any dangers there.

    submitted by /u/The-Dancing-Jesus
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    Can I move out of my abusive home with no legal consequence as a 19 year old in New York?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:40 PM PST

    I know this should be obvious but I just want to double check here. I've tried searching up answers but people say that I can't until I'm 21?? I need to leave this house now. I genuinely fear for my safety and well-being because of my destructive parents. I'm able to move out; I have a plan. I just want to make sure that I'm not legally obligated to stay in this unhealthy home, and that I won't be bound by any laws for finally deciding to be on my own.

    submitted by /u/throwbin420
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    Someone hacked an online account and ordered 3 iPhones in my name with a stolen credit card

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:10 AM PST

    In CA. They hacked an existing online account I have, created a subscription for another service under that account and ordered 3 iPhones with a stolen credit card (not my card). Then they were shipped to my address.

    I noticed the order confirmation in my email and thought it was spam or some kind of spoof. Then I realized someone had indeed ordered phones under my name. I contacted the service provider and reported it and told them to cancel the shipment and the service account. They said they would stop shipment and I changed my online password. The service provider claims they likely have my SSN and DOB as well.

    2 hours after I get off the phone with the service provider the phones shipped anyway. They arrive to my door a couple days later and I refuse them (signature required). FedEx takes the phones away.

    The next day they go out for shipment again for some reason. The phones are then "delivered" and signed for by someone other than me. They were never delivered to my door because I saw no ring notifications at the time of delivery and I was home when the "delivery" occurred.

    I call the service provider and report this. I contact FedEx and report the same thing. They assure me I'm not liable.

    I reported this to the FTC and put an alert on my credit.

    What's their steps should I take? Am I liable in any way for these phones?

    submitted by /u/nashdiesel
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    How to dispute fraudulent charges on move out report sent by former landlord

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:17 PM PST

    I am sure this subject pops up all the time on this sub, but I would like some guidance since there are a few unusual things about my case. To start off, I requested a move out inspection from my landlord in writing. This occurred 1 day prior to me moving out. The result was that we agreed that I would pay a cleaning charge on move out (The cost for me to professionally clean the unit myself would have been about the same as what they would charge me). However we had a bit of dispute over some scuffs on the wall. I argued that this should be considered normal wear and tear (under California Law) and that I shouldn't be obligated to repay for painting since the useful life of paint is 3 years (https://homeguides.sfgate.com/can-landlord-charge-new-carpet-new-paint-lived-there-10-years-44474.html), and I had occupied the unit for longer than 3 years. The person doing the inspection did not know this, so they said that paint would be charged by the hour, and such charges should be prorated based on my length of tenancy (https://www.hud.gov/sites/documents/HSG-06-01GHBGUID.PDF, page 26). In any case, the only charges I was notified upon completion of the move out inspection would be cleaning and paint, if applicable.

    Fast forward to today and I find my move out charges in the mail. Not only did they charge me for the paint (and an astonishing $225 at that, considering I lived in a tiny studio apartment), they also charged me for another $250 for replacing a freezer door even though this was never mentioned to me by the move out inspector. They also provided no explanation as to why they replaced it either which is boggling my mind because there was literally nothing wrong with my freezer door before moving out. I have these questions:

    • Given that I lived in the unit for more than 3 years, am I in a position to dispute the paint charges? The link I posted earlier seems to imply I can, but I want to confirm if this is actually stipulated by California tenant law.
    • How do I go about disputing the freezer door charge? I read somewhere else that by California law, landlords are require to disclose what I would be charged for in writing after the inspection. I was only informed what these would be verbally.
    • As I no longer live in California, would this impact my ability to challenge these charges in court?

    I have never needed to consider taking legal action for anything so this is a bit intimidating for be given that the landlord in this case is backed by a giant corporation. With this much money on the line though, I really want to fight it as I have heard that it's common for some landlords to give fraudulent charges knowing that many tenants would not think they would be able to fight them. I would really like to know if I have a shot. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BassDX
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